`(12) United States Patent
`Degler et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,161,739 B2
`Apr. 24, 2012
`Inventors: Mario Degler, Baden-Baden (DE);
`Thorsten Krause, Buhl (DE); Kai
`Schenck, Offenburg (DE); Markus
`Werner, Biihl (DE); Dominique
`Engelmann, Offendorf (FR)
`(73) Assignee: Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG,
`Herzogenauraeh (DE)
`( *) Notiee:
`Subjeet to any diselaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.c. 154(b) by 0 days.
`(21) App!. No.: 12/800,937
`(22) Filed:
`May 26,2010
`Prior Publication Data
`US 201 010236228 Al
`Sep. 23, 2010
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(63) Continuation
`PCTIDE2008/001900, filed on Nov. 17,2008.
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Int. Cl.
`F16D 3/14
`F/6F 15/10
`(52) U.S. Cl. ........................................ 60/338; 192/30 V
`(58) Field of Classification Search .................... 60/338;
`See applieation file for eomplete seareh history.
`References Cited
`6,026,940 A * 212000 Sudau . .
`19804227 Al
`102006028556 Al
`1744074 A2 *
`2186054 A
`63251644 A
`* eited by examiner
`.. .. 192/3.28
`Primary Examiner Thomas E Lazo
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm - Von Rohrseheidt Patent
`A foree transmission deviee, in partieular or power transmis(cid:173)
`sion between a drive engine and an output, eomprising a
`damper assembly with at least two dampers, whieh ean be
`eonneeted in series, and a rotational speed adaptive absorber,
`wherein the rotational speed adaptive tuned mass damper is
`disposed between the danlpers at least in one foree flow
`direetion through the foree transmission deviee.
`Nov. 29, 2007
`(DE) ......................... 10 2007057448
`29 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets
`2 3 16 9.2
`l '\I.b'::l7'tf--l-.I-t"'""" 22,34
`Valeo Exhibit 1114, pg. 1

`u.s. Patent
`Apr. 24, 2012
`Sheet 1 of7
`US 8,161,739 B2
`Fig. 1a
`r-------l-------- )-----,
`31 4
`E i
`i A
`1 13 7 14
`I_l- -t- --i------~----,
`I A
`E I
`I P L 6 T AR
`Valeo Exhibit 1114, pg. 2

`u.s. Patent
`Apr. 24, 2012
`Sheet 2 of7
`US 8,161,739 B2
`Fig. 1c
`1 13 7 14
`II 3
`[_l_ -{- --~ -----i----l
`E I
`5 4
`I A
`L~ __
`_ ____________ ...J
`I P L 6 T AR
`Fig. 1d
`1 13 7 14
`[_l_ -{- --~------i----l
`E I
`5 4
`I A
`__________ ...J
`I P L 6 T AR 3
`Valeo Exhibit 1114, pg. 3

`u.s. Patent
`Apr. 24, 2012
`Sheet 3 of 7
`US 8,161,739 B2
`Fig. 2
`2 3 16 9.2
`Valeo Exhibit 1114, pg. 4

`u.s. Patent
`Apr. 24, 2012
`Sheet 4 of7
`US 8,161,739 B2
`Fig~ 3
`Valeo Exhibit 1114, pg. 5

`u.s. Patent
`Apr. 24, 2012
`Sheet 5 of7
`US 8,161,739 B2
`Fig. 5
`Valeo Exhibit 1114, pg. 6

`u.s. Patent
`Apr. 24, 2012
`Sheet 6 of7
`US 8,161,739 B2
`It, /
`5 2
`; ~~33'15
`.... rA-,,5
`3" . ~
`5 .... ,~~ \
`, ..... ~-32J16
`Valeo Exhibit 1114, pg. 7

`u.s. Patent
`Apr. 24, 2012
`Sheet 7 of7
`US 8,161,739 B2
`Fig. 7
`- 45
`('I') -
`= 30
`- 25
`~ 15
`c w
`..... -
`............ ---
`_ /
`I \
`, I
`I I
`, ,
`I I
`, \
`, I
`' \
`, ,
`..... _-
`.... -----
`1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4
`Engine Speed [10 3 rpm]
`Valeo Exhibit 1114, pg. 8

`US 8,161,739 B2
`This patent application is a continuation of International
`patent application PCT/DE 2008/001900 filed on Nov. 17,
`2008 claiming priority from and incorporating by reference
`German patent application DE 10 2007 057 448.9, filed on
`Nov. 29, 2007.
`The invention relates to a force transmission device, in
`particular for power transmission between a drive engine and
`an output, the device including an input and an output and a
`damper assembly disposed between the input and the output,
`the damper assembly including at least two dampers which
`can be connected in series and a rotational speed adaptive
`Force transmission devices in drive trains between a drive
`engine and an output are known in the art in various configu(cid:173)
`rations. When an internal combustion engine is used as a drive
`engine, a rotation occurs at the crankshaft, which superim(cid:173)
`poses the rotating motion, wherein the frequency of the rota(cid:173)
`tion changes with the speed of rotation of the shaft. Absorber
`assemblies are being used in order to reduce the superim(cid:173)
`posed rotation. These include an additional mass that is
`coupled to the oscillating system through a spring system.
`The operation of the tuned mass vibration damper is based on
`the primary mass remaining stationary at a particular excita(cid:173)
`tion frequency, while the additional mass performs a forced
`oscillation. Since the excitation frequency varies with the 35
`speed of rotation of the drive engine, while the resonance
`frequency of the absorber remains constant, the tuned mass
`damping effect, however, only occurs at a particular rota(cid:173)
`tional speed. An assembly of this type is, for example, known
`from the printed document DE 10236752 AI. In this printed
`document, the drive engine is connected with one or plural
`transmission components through at least one startup ele(cid:173)
`ment, in particular a clutch or a hydrodynamic speed-/torque
`converter. Thus, a vibration capable spring-mass system is
`not cOlmected in series with the drive train, but is connected in
`parallel therewith, which does not degrade the elasticity of the
`drive train. This vibration capable spring-mass system func(cid:173)
`tions as an absorber. The absorber is associated with the
`converter lockup clutch in a particularly advantageous
`embodiment in order to prevent possible force spikes when
`the converter lockup clutch closes. According to another
`embodiment, it is fhrthermore provided to connect a torsion
`damper with two torsion damper stages after the startup ele(cid:173)
`ment, wherein the torsion damper is disposed in the force flow
`of the drive train. Thus, the spring-mass system is disposed 55
`between the first torsion damper stage and the second torsion
`damper stage, which is intended to yield particularly favor(cid:173)
`able transmission properties. The spring-mass system can
`have a variable resonance frequency for use in a broader
`frequency band, wherein the resonance frequency can be 60
`influenced through a control- or regulation system.
`Furthermore a force transmission device is kuown irom the
`printed document DE 197 81 582 T1, which includes a hydro(cid:173)
`dynamic clutch and a device for locking up the hydrodynamic
`clutch, wherein a mechanical assembly is provided, which is 65
`used for controlling the relative rotation between the input(cid:173)
`and output device for the power transmission device.
`In order to dampen the effect of an excitation over a broad,
`advantageously the entire, rotation speed range of a drive
`engine, tuned mass vibration dampers that can be adapted to
`a speed of rotation are provided in the drive trains according
`to DE 198 31 160 AI, wherein the tuned mass vibration
`dampers can dampen torsional vibrations over a larger speed
`of rotation range, ideally over the entire speed of rotation
`range of the drive engine, in that the resonance frequency is
`proportional to the speed of rotation. The tuned mass vibra-
`lOtion dampers operate according to the principle of a circular(cid:173)
`or centrifugal force pendulum in a centrifugal force field,
`which is already used in a kuown matmer for damping crank(cid:173)
`shaft vibrations for internal combustion engines. For this type
`of pendulum, inertial masses are supported about a rotation
`15 axis so they can perform a pendulum motion, which inertial
`masses tend to rotate about the axis of rotation at the largest
`distance possible, when a rotating movement is initiated. The
`torsional vibrations cause a pendulum type relative move(cid:173)
`ment of the inertial masses. Thus, different systems are
`20 known, in which the inertial masses move relative to the
`torque input axis in a purely translatoric manner on a circular
`movement path, or according to DE 198 31 160 Al on a
`movement path that has a curvature radius that varies at least
`in sections for an increasing displacement of the inertial mass
`25 from the center position.
`A startup unit including a hydrodynamic speed-/torque
`converter atld an device for bridging the power transmission
`through the hydrodynamic speed-/torque converter is kuown
`from the printed document DE 199 26 696 AI. It includes at
`30 least one additional mass, whose center of gravity can be
`moved under the influence of a centrifugal force in a radial
`direction as a function of a relative position of the transmis(cid:173)
`sion elements with reference to a rotation axis of the torque
`transmission path.
`A torque transmission device in a drive train of a motor
`vehicle for torque transmission between a drive engine atld an
`output is known from the printed document DE 10200608
`556 AI, wherein the torque transmission device includes at
`least one torsion vibration datllper device in addition to an
`40 actuatable clutch device. A centrifugal pendulum device is
`associated with the torsion vibration damper device, wherein
`the centrifhgal pendulum device includes plural pendulum
`masses which are linked to the pendulnnlmass support device
`by means of running rollers, so they are movable relative to
`45 the pendulum mass support device.
`Multiple datllpers are often being used in force tratlsmis(cid:173)
`sion devices which operate in particular rotational speed
`ranges and which can be tuned to those speed ranges in an
`optimum mamler. However, also with these mUltiple dampers
`50 it is not possible without substantial additional complexity
`and partially also due to the limited installation space to cover
`the entire rotational speed range of a drive engine sufficiently
`with respect to vibration damping.
`Thus it is the object of the invention to provide a force
`transmission device as recited supra, in particular a force
`tratlsmission device with a multiple damper assembly, com(cid:173)
`prising at least two dampers connected in series viewed in at
`least one force flow direction in order to reduce variations in
`speed of rotation in the force transmission device over the
`entire operating range of the drive engine, or to eliminate the
`variations completely.
`The solution according to the invention is characterized
`through the following features: a damper assembly with at
`least two datllpers, which Catl be cOlmected in series, and a
`Valeo Exhibit 1114, pg. 9

`US 8,161,739 B2
`rotational speed adaptive absorber. The rotational speed
`adaptive absorber is disposed between the at least two damp(cid:173)
`ers at least in one force flow direction through a force trans(cid:173)
`mission device. Further advantageous embodiments of the
`invention are described by the following, taken individually
`or in combination:
`A hydrodynamic component with at least one primary shell
`functioning as a pump shell (P) and a secondary shell
`functioning as a turbine shell (T), fonning an operating
`cavity CAR) with one another, wherein the turbine shell (T) 10
`is connected at least indirectly torque proof with an output
`(A) of the force transmission device, and a coupling is
`performed through at least one of the at least two dampers
`of the damper assembly, and wherein the rotational speed
`adaptive absorber is connected at least indirectly torque 15
`proof with the secondary shell.
`The rotational speed adaptive absorber is connected directly
`torque proof with the secondary shell (SR).
`The rotational speed adaptive absorber is connected with an
`element of the damper assembly, and the element is con- 20
`nected torque proof with the secondary shell of the hydro(cid:173)
`dynamic component.
`The rotational speed adaptive absorber is connected with an
`element of a danlper of the damper assembly, and the
`element is connected directly torque proof with the sec- 25
`ondary shell of the hydrodynamic component.
`The rotational speed adaptive absorber is coupled with an
`element of a damper, the element of the damper is con(cid:173)
`nected with an element of another damper of the damper
`assembly, and the element of the another damper is directly 30
`connected with the secondary shell of the hydrodynamic
`A device for at least partially bridging the powertransmission
`through the hydrodynamic component, wherein the device
`is cOlmected with an output (A) of the force transmission 35
`device through at least one damper of the damper assembly.
`The damper assembly is disposed in a force flow between an
`input (E) and the output (A) in series with a hydrodynamic
`component and a device for bridging the hydrodynamic
`The damper assembly is configured to be disposed in the force
`flow at least in series with a hydrodynamic component.
`The damper assembly is configured to be disposed in the force
`flow at least in series with a device for bridging a hydro(cid:173)
`dynamic component.
`The respective other component, the device or the hydrody(cid:173)
`namic component is coupled to the damper assembly
`through the connection ofthe at least two dampers.
`The at least two dampers of the damper assembly are config(cid:173)
`ured as series or parallel dampers, comprising damper
`component assemblies.
`The damper component assemblies of a damper are disposed
`on a common diameter.
`The damper component assemblies of a damper are disposed
`on different diameters.
`At least one of the dampers is configured as a single damper.
`The at least two dampers are disposed offset to one another in
`radial direction.
`The at least two dampers are disposed offset relative to one
`another in axial direction.
`The rotational speed adaptive absorber is configured as cen(cid:173)
`trifhgal force pendulum device, comprising at least one
`inertial mass support device and at least one, preferably a
`plurality, of inertial masses, which are supported at the
`inertial mass support device, movable relative thereto in 65
`radial direction, so that they can perform a pendulum type
`The rotational speed adaptive absorber is disposed and
`viewed in axial direction, spatially between an input (E)
`and the output (A) of the force transmission device,
`between the damper assembly and a hydrodynamic com(cid:173)
`The rotational speed adaptive absorber is disposed in axial
`direction spatially between the at least two dampers.
`The rotational speed adaptive absorber is disposed in axial
`direction spatially between an input (E) and the output (A)
`of the force transmission device in front of the at least two
`dampers of the damper assembly.
`Inertial masses are disposed in radial direction in a portion of
`an extension of the damper assembly.
`Each of the at least two dampers comprise at least one primary
`component and one secondary component, and wherein
`the primary component or the secondary component are
`fonned either by a flange element, or by drive disks dis(cid:173)
`posed on both sides of the flange elements, are disposed
`coaxially relative to one another, are rotatable relative to
`one another in circumferential direction, and are coupled
`with one another through torque transmission devices and
`damping coupling devices.
`Components of the absorber form an integral nnit with com(cid:173)
`ponents of a connection element, in particular of a damper
`of the damper assembly or with a secondary shell, or are
`integrally confignred therewith.
`A damper of the damper assembly is configured as a mechani(cid:173)
`cal damper or as a combined mechanical hydraulic damper.
`The hydrodynamic component is configured as a hydrody(cid:173)
`namic speed-/torque converter comprising at least one sta(cid:173)
`tor shell (L).
`The hydrodynamic component is configured as a hydrody(cid:173)
`namic clutch without a stator shell (L).
`The rotational speed adaptive absorber is configured for an
`order of an excitation of a drive unit, in particular the drive
`engine, and wherein a centrifugal force influence upon a
`particular inertial mass, which is reduced by a centrifugal
`oil pressure, is considered by configuring it for an order
`that is higher by >0.05 to 0.5 than for embodiments without
`the centrifugal oil pressure.
`A force transmission device configured according to the
`invention, in particular for power transmission between a
`drive engine and an output, including a damper assembly with
`at least two dampers which can be connected in series and a
`45 rotational speed adaptive absorber is characterized in that the
`rotational speed adaptive absorber is disposed between the
`dampers at least in one force flow direction through the
`damper assembly.
`Thus, a rotational speed adaptive absorber according to the
`50 invention is a device which does not transfer torque, but
`which is configured to absorb excitations over a very broad
`range, advantageously the entire rotational speed range of a
`drive engine. The resonance frequency of rotational speed
`adaptive absorber is proportional to the rotational speed, in
`55 particular to the rotational speed of the exciting engine.
`The solution according to the invention provides a reduc(cid:173)
`tion or prevention of an introduction of rotational speed varia(cid:173)
`tions into the drive train in particular in a force flow direction
`which is preferably always used in the main operating range.
`60 Furthennore, the entire damping system can be better adapted
`to the rotational vibrations to be absorbed without substantial
`additional modifications of the particular dampers.
`The force transmission device can be embodied in various
`configurations. According to a particularly preferred embodi(cid:173)
`ment it is a combined start up unit, which can also be used as
`a multifnnctional nnit. It includes a hydrodynamic compo(cid:173)
`nent with at least one primary shell functioning as a pump
`Valeo Exhibit 1114, pg. 10

`US 8,161,739 B2
`shell and a secondary shell functioning as a tnrbine shell,
`forming an operating cavity with one another, wherein the
`tnrbine shell is connected to the output ofthe force transmis(cid:173)
`sion device at least indirectly torque proof and the coupling is
`performed through at least one damper of the damper assem(cid:173)
`bly, wherein the rotational speed adaptive absorber is con(cid:173)
`nected to the secondary shell at least indirectly torque proof.
`The term "at least indirectly" means that the coupling can
`either be performed directly without an intennediary comlec(cid:173)
`tion of additional transmission elements or indirectly through
`coupling with additional transmission elements or through
`the additional transmission elements.
`Through the association of the rotational speed adaptive
`absorber with the turbine shell it can advantageously be effec(cid:173)
`tive in all operating states due to the connection of the turbine
`shell with the drive train, in particular with the damper assem(cid:173)
`According to a particularly preferred embodiment the rota(cid:173)
`tional speed adaptive absorber is comlected directly torque
`proof with the secondary shell. Thus, assemblies are feasible
`which can be implemented independently from the damper
`assembly based on the coupling of the secondary shell with
`the damper assembly, however, the effectiveness is not
`According to another embodiment the rotational speed
`adaptive absorber is connected to a damper of the damper
`assembly. Through this embodiment a direct association with
`the damper system is feasible. Thus, the coupling can be
`performed directly with an element of a damper which is 30
`connected torque proof with the secondary shell or with an
`element of the other damper, which is connected with the
`damper element of the first damper, wherein the damper
`element is cOlmected torque proof with the secondary shell.
`This yields various options to arrange the rotational speed
`absorber, wherein the optimum arrangement can be selected
`based on the available installation space without impairing
`the functionality.
`The rotational speed adaptive absorber can be configured
`as a component preas sembled separately. The rotational
`speed adaptive absorber, thus can be combined with standard(cid:173)
`ized components without requiring them to be modified. Fur(cid:173)
`thenuore, a simple replacement is provided. Furthermore, the
`rotational speed adaptive absorber can be preassembled and
`stored in quantities.
`According to a second embodiment the rotational speed
`adaptive absorber or its components, in particular of the iner(cid:173)
`tialmass support device, are configured as components of one
`of the connection elements, wherein the connection element
`is fonued either by an element of a damper of the damper
`assembly or for a direct coupling with the secondary shell or
`the turbine shell, the connection element is formed by the
`tnrbine shell. This embodiment is characterized by substan(cid:173)
`tial modifications of the connection element however, thus in
`particular in axial direction in installed position viewed from
`the input to the output installation space is saved, since the
`rotational speed adaptive absorber does not have to be dis(cid:173)
`posed as a separate element between the other elements any-
`For a separate embodiment of the rotational speed adaptive 60
`absorber it can be connected with the comlection elements for
`an integration through the mounting elements, the connection
`elements being provided anyhow, in that the connection por(cid:173)
`tion of the rotational speed adaptive absorber is placed into
`the mounting portion between the connection elements and
`advantageously the mounting elements which are provided
`anyhow are used for coupling the absorber.
`With respect to the configuration of the particular dampers
`themselves, there is a multitnde of options. The damper
`assembly is, as stated supra, configured as a series damper in
`at least one force flow direction. The particular dampers of the
`damper assembly can be configured as singular dampers or as
`series or parallel danlper components assemblies. Thus, the
`particular implementable damping stages can be influenced
`additionally with respect to the characteristic damping curves
`obtainable therewith and can thus be adjusted to certain
`10 requirements in an optimummalmer where necessary.
`With respect to the arrangement of the dampers there are
`many options. These options, however. in turn depend on the
`actual configuration of the particular dampers. Thus a differ(cid:173)
`entiation is made between the arrangement from a functional
`15 point ofview and from a spatial point of view. From a spatial
`point of view, in particular viewed in axial direction between
`the input and the output of the force transmission device, the
`spatial arrangement of the dampers relative to one another
`within the damper arrangement can be perfonued offset rela-
`20 tive to one another in axial- or radial direction. Advanta(cid:173)
`geously assemblies offset relative to one another in radial
`direction are always selected, since hereby a better utilization
`of the installation space is possible through the overlapping
`arrangement. Furthermore, intermediary spaces are created
`25 through the offset arrangement in radial direction in the por(cid:173)
`tion of the outer circumference of the first damper viewed in
`the extension in radial direction of the second damper,
`wherein the intennediary spaces can be ideally used for
`arranging the rotational speed adaptive absorber
`From a purely functional point of view at least one of the
`dampers can be actually arranged in one of the power paths
`without acting as an elastic clutch in the other power path. In
`this case, the damper then functions as a pure absorber in the
`other power path. In this respect a differentiation is made
`35 between two embodiments, wherein the first is characterized
`by disposing the first damper in force flow direction in the
`force flow viewed from the input to the output in the mechani(cid:173)
`cal power path. while the arrangement is performed in the
`hydrodynamic power path in the second case. The second
`40 damper in the damper assembly is then functionally con(cid:173)
`nected is series in both paths, but operates as an absorber.
`Thus, a damper is always effective in force flow direction
`viewed from the input to the output. According to a particular
`preferred embodiment also the rotational speed adaptive
`45 absorber is associated with this damper.
`The configuration of the rotational speed adaptive absorber
`Call be perfonned in many ways. It is in conllllon for all
`embodiments that they are characterized by all inertial mass
`support device which extends in radial direction, wherein the
`50 extension can be performed as a flat disc element or as a
`respectively configured component. The component is dis(cid:173)
`posed coaxial with the rotation axis of the forced transmission
`device. Inertial masses are supported at the inertial mass
`support device so they pivot in a pendulum type motion about
`55 the rotation axis of the force trallsmission device, wherein
`respective inertial masses are preferably disposed on both
`sides of the inertial mass support device without all offset
`from one allother. These inertial masses supported for a pen-
`duluUl type motion are displaced in radial direction under the
`influence of a centrifugal force. The basic principle of the
`rotational speed adaptive absorber which functions like a
`centrifugal force pendulum is thus characterized by the
`masses which are supported at the inertial mass support
`device for a pendulum type motion. These can be modified
`65 additionally through additional measures, for example, for
`improving the sound development or for extending their pos(cid:173)
`sible effective operating range. Such embodiments are suffi-
`Valeo Exhibit 1114, pg. 11

`US 8,161,739 B2
`ciently known in the prior art. Therefore the configuration of
`centrifugal force pendulums is not addressed filrther in detail.
`Rotational speed adaptive absorbers can thus be disposed
`from a spatial point of view in front of the damper assembly,
`behind the damper assembly, and between the particular
`dampers of the danlper assembly. Each of these arrangements
`can have particular relevance with respect to the actual con(cid:173)
`ditions. Arrangements between the two dampers, however,
`are desirable in order to use installation space which is avail-
`able anyhow and which may not have been utilized.
`According to a particularly preferred embodiment the rota(cid:173)
`tional speed adaptive absorber is always configured for the
`order of excitation of the drive unit, in particular the drive
`engine. Thus, the centrifugal force influence upon theparticu- 15
`lar inertial masses which is reduced through the centrifugal
`oil pressure is also considered in force transmission devices
`with a hydrodynamic component. The consideration is per(cid:173)
`formed through a configuration and a design for an order
`which is higher by 0.05 to 0.5 than for configurations without 20
`this centrifilgal oil pressure, this means for dry operating
`mallller in force flow direction from a drive engine to an
`output and they are not limited to particular configurative
`details of embodiment.
`The force transmission device 1 includes a damper assem(cid:173)
`bly 2 which is disposed between the input E and the output A.
`The danlper assembly 2 includes at least two dampers 3 and 4
`which can be cOllllected in series which form damper stages
`and a rotational speed adaptive absorber 5. A rotational speed
`adaptive absorber 5 is thus interpreted as a device for absorb(cid:173)
`ing variations in rotational speed, the device not transmitting
`power, but configured to absorb rotational vibrations over a
`larger range of rotational speeds, advantageously over the
`entire range of rotational speeds, in that inertial masses tend
`to move in a circular path with a maximum distance about the
`torque induction axis due to a centrifugal force. The rotational
`speed adaptive absorber 5 is thus formed by a centrifugal
`force penduhml device. The resonance frequency of the
`absorber 5 is thus proportional to the speed of the exciting
`unit, in particular ofthe drive engine 100. The superposition
`of the rotation through rotational vibrations leads to a pendu(cid:173)
`lum type relative movement of the inertial masses. According
`to the invention the rotational speed adaptive absorber 5 is
`cOllllected in the force flow in at least one of the theoretically
`possible force flow directions viewed over the damper assem-
`25 bly 2 between the two dampers 3 and 4 ofthe damper assem-
`bly 2. Besides damping vibrations through the particular
`The solution according to the invention is subsequently
`dampers 3 and 4, the rotational speed adaptive absorber 5 thus
`described with reference to drawing figures:
`operates at different frequencies.
`FIGS. 1a-1d illustrate possible basic configurations of
`There is a plurality of options for the embodiment of the
`force transmission devices with a functional disposition of
`rotational speed adaptive absorbers in a simplified schematic 30 dampers 3 and 4 of the danlper assembly 2 and their comlec-
`tion in force transmission devices 1 with additional compo-
`FIG. 2 illustrates a first embodiment of a force transmission
`nents. Thus, in particular for embodiments with a hydrody-
`device configured according to the invention with reference to
`namic component 6 and a device 7 for at least partially
`an axial sectional view;
`locking up the hydrodynamic component, a differentiation is
`35 made between embodiments with a series connection of the
`FIG. 3 illustrates a second embodiment of a force trans-
`dampers 3 and 4 with respect to their function as an elastic
`mission device configured according to the invention with
`clutch, this means torque transmission and damping in both
`reference to an axial sectional view;
`power paths or at least for a power transmission through one
`FIG. 4 illustrates an exemplary embodiment of a rotational
`of the components with a series cOlmection ofthe dampers 3,
`speed adaptive absorber in a view from the right;
`40 4 as elastic clutches and a power transmission through the
`FIG. 5 illustrates an option for directly coupling the rota(cid:173)
`other component with one of the dampers 3 or 4 acting as an
`tional speed adaptive absorber with the turbine shell;
`elastic clutch and the other damper 3 or 4 acting as an
`FIGS. 6a-6d illustrate possible configurations of damper
`assemblies providing connection options for a rotational
`FIG. 1b illustrates a particularly advantageous embodi-
`speed adaptive absorber; and
`45 ment of the force transmission device 1 with a damper assem(cid:173)
`FIG. 7 illustrates the advantages of the solution according
`bly 2 with an integrated rotational speed adaptive absorber 5,
`including at least a hydrodynamic component 6 and a device
`to the invention over an embodiment without a rotational
`7 for at least partially circumventing the force transmission
`speed adaptive absorber with reference to a diagram.
`through the hydrodynamic component 6. The hydrodynamic
`50 component 6 includes at least one primary shell fimctioning
`as a pump shell P when coupling wi

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