`US 20070284206AI
`lI9) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication
`(Io) Pub. No. : US 2007/0284206 A1
`Dec. 13, 2007
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Inventor: Michael Davis, Wooster, OH (US)
`Correspondence Address:
`WILLIAMSVILLE, NY 14221-5406 (US)
`(73) Assignee: Luk Lamellen
`und Kupplungsbau
`Beteiligungs KG, Buehl (DE)
`(21) Appl. No. :
`11/S04, 2S5
`(22) Filed:
`May 17, 2007
`Related U. S. Application Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 60/811, 598, filed on Jun.
`7, 2006.
`Publication ClassiTication
`(51) Int. Cl.
`F16H 45/02
`(52) U. S. Cl.
`(2006. 01)
`192/3. 29; 192/70. 18
`A pilot plate
`for a torque
`including: a pilot plate arranged to be rotationally
`for the torque converter; a piston
`to a housing
`plate for a clutch; and at least one spring assembly rotation-
`the pilot plate and the piston plate. The at
`ally connecting
`to be axially disposed
`least one spring assembly
`is arranged
`for the torque
`the piston plate and the housing
`In some aspects, the piston plate is arranged
`form at least a portion of a pressure release chamber for the
`clutch with the housing, and the assembly
`includes a channel
`between the piston plate and the pilot plate and arranged
`be in fluid communication with the release chamber. In some
`aspects, the pilot plate or the piston plate is stamped.
`Valeo Exhibit 1029, pg. 1

`Patent Application Publication Dec. 13, 2007 Sheet 1 of 12
`US 2007/0284206 A1
`Valeo Exhibit 1029, pg. 2

`Patent Application Publication Dec. 13, 2007 Sheet 2 of 12
`US 2007/0284206 A1
`Fig. 2
`Valeo Exhibit 1029, pg. 3

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`Fig. 3
`Valeo Exhibit 1029, pg. 4

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`23 24
`Valeo Exhibit 1029, pg. 5

`Patent Application Publication Dec. 13, 2007 Sheet 5 of 12
`PS 2007/0284206 A1
`)4 0 ~g
`/ 3)L
`j 34
`r r
`'i ski~
`! 29
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`26 L(„
`a/, P
`/ j25
`/ L
`Fig. 5
`Valeo Exhibit 1029, pg. 6

`n Dec. 13, 2007 Sheet 6 of 12
`Patent Application Publication Dec.
`US 2007]0284206 A1
`34 L
`r /)]I
`/ 33
`j 25~
`Fig. 6
`Valeo Exhibit 1029, pg. 7

`Patent Application Publication Dec. 13, 2007 Sheet 7 of 12
`US 2007/0284206 A1
`z //
`( I
`Fig. 7A
`r r
`Fig. 7B
`Valeo Exhibit 1029, pg. 8

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`Valeo Exhibit 1029, pg. 9

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`«4 «8
`Fig. 9
`Valeo Exhibit 1029, pg. 10

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`120 116
`150 146
`Valeo Exhibit 1029, pg. 11

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`150 146
`1 0116
`116 120
`Fig. 11
`Valeo Exhibit 1029, pg. 12

`Patent Application Publication Dec. 13, 2007 Sheet 12 of 12
`US 2007/0284206 A1
`Valeo Exhibit 1029, pg. 13

`US 2007/0284206 A1
`Dec. 13, 2007
`[0001] This application claims the benefit under 35 U. S. C.
`) 119(e) of U. S. Provisional Application No. 60/811, 598
`filed Jun. 7, 2006
`[0002] The
`to piston plate
`relates generally
`connection for a torque converter, and, more particularly,
`torque to a clutch piston plate and
`a pilot plate that transmits
`provides a fluid circuit channel
`in conjunction with
`piston plate. The assembly enables an increase in the radial
`extent of the piston plate.
`[0003] It is well known that a torque converter
`is used to
`torque from an engine to a transmission of a motor
`vehicle. FIG. 1 illustrates a general block diagram showing
`the relationship of the engine 7, torque converter 10, trans-
`assembly 9 in a typical
`mission S, and diflerential/axle
`[0004] The three main components of the torque converter
`are the pump 37, turbine 3S, and stator 39. The torque
`converter becomes a sealed chamber when
`the pump
`welded to cover 11. The cover is connected to flexplate 41
`which is, in turn, bolted to crankshaft 42 of engine 7. The
`lugs or studs
`cover can be connected to the flexplate using
`to the cover. The welded connection between
`to the pump.
`and cover
`rotates at engine speed. The
`the pump always
`function of the pump
`is to use this rotational motion
`the fluid radially outward and axially
`turbine. Therefore,
`is a centrifugal pump propel-
`the pump
`inlet to a large radial outlet,
`ling fluid from a small radial
`the energy in the fluid. Pressure to engage trans-
`mission clutches and the torque converter clutch is supplied
`in the transmission
`by an additional pump
`that is driven by
`the pump hub.
`In torque converter 10, a fluid circuit is created by
`(sometimes called an impeller),
`the pump
`the turbine, and
`the stator (sometimes called a reactor). The fluid circuit
`allows the engine to continue rotating when the vehicle is
`stopped, and accelerate the vehicle when desired by a driver.
`The torque converter
`torque ratio, similar to a gear reduction. Torque ratio is the
`ratio of output torque to input torque. Torque ratio is highest
`at low or no turbine rotational speed (also called stall). Stall
`torque ratios are typically within a range of 1. 8-2. 2. This
`torque of the torque converter
`the output
`1. 8-2. 2 times greater
`than the input
`torque. Output speed,
`speed, because
`is much
`is connected to the output and it is not rotating, but
`is rotating at engine speed.
`the input
`[0006] Turbine 3S uses the fluid energy
`it receives from
`pump 37 to propel the vehicle. Turbine shell 22 is connected
`to turbine hub 19. Turbine hub 19 uses a spline connection
`input shaft 43. The
`to transmit
`turbine torque to transmission
`input shaft is connected to the wheels of the vehicle through
`gears and shafts in transmission S and axle diflerential 9. The
`force of the fluid impacting
`the turbine blades is output from
`the turbine as torque. Axial thrust bearings 31 support
`from axial forces imparted by the fluid. When
`the inertia of the
`to overcome
`is sufficient
`vehicle at rest, the vehicle begins to move.
`[0007] After the fluid energy is converted to torque by the
`there is still some energy left in the fluid. The fluid
`exiting from small radial outlet 44 would ordinarily enter the
`the rotation of the
`in such a manner as to oppose
`pump. Stator 39 is used to redirect the fluid to help accelerate
`ratio. Stator 39 is
`the pump,
`connected to stator shaft 45 through one-way clutch 46. The
`stator shaft is connected to transmission housing 47 and does
`stator 39 from
`clutch 46 prevents
`not rotate. One-way
`rotating at low speed ratios (where
`the pump
`is spinning
`faster than the turbine). Fluid entering stator 39 from turbine
`outlet 44 is turned by stator blades 4S to enter pump 37 in
`the direction of rotation.
`[0008] The blade
`inlet and exit angles,
`the pump and
`turbine shell shapes, and the overall diameter of the torque
`its performance. Design parameters
`include the torque ratio, efficiency, and ability of the torque
`to absorb engine
`torque without
`engine to "run away. " This occurs if the torque converter is
`too small and the pump can't slow the engine.
`[0009] At low speed ratios, the torque converter works
`to allow
`the vehicle
`to rotate while
`the engine
`torque for increased
`and to supplement
`performance. At high speed ratios, the torque converter
`ratio of the
`less efficient. The torque
`torque converter
`reduces from a high of about 1. 8 to 2. 2, to a torque
`ratio of about I as the turbine rotational
`speed approaches
`speed. Torque ratio of I is called the
`the pump
`coupling point. At this point, the fluid entering
`the stator no
`longer needs redirected, and the one way clutch in the stator
`it to rotate
`in the same direction as the pump and
`turbine. Because the stator is not redirecting
`the fluid, torque
`output from the torque converter is the same as torque input.
`The entire fluid circuit will rotate as a unit.
`[0010] Maximum
`torque converter efficiency is limited to
`92-93% based on losses
`fluid. Therefore
`in the
`converter clutch 49 is employed to mechanically connect the
`torque converter input to the output,
`improving efliciency to
`near 100%. Clutch piston plate 17 is hydraulically
`controller. Piston
`by the transmission
`when commanded
`plate 17 is sealed to turbine hub 19 at its inner diameter by
`o-ring 1S and to cover 11 at its outer diameter by friction
`material ring 51. These seals create a pressure chamber and
`force piston plate 17 into engagement with cover 11. This
`mechanical connection bypasses
`the torque converter
`connection of torque converter
`[0011] The mechanical
`clutch 49 transmits many more engine torsional fluctuations
`is basically a spring-mass
`to the drivetrain. As the drivetrain
`from the engine can excite
`natural frequencies of the system. A damper is employed
`frequencies out of the driving
`shift the drivetrain natural
`range. The damper includes springs 15 in series to lower the
`rate of the system,
`eflective spring
`[0012] Torque converter clutch 49 generally
`four components: piston plate 17, cover plates 12 and 16,
`Valeo Exhibit 1029, pg. 14

`US 2007/0284206 A1
`Dec. 13, 2007
`springs 15, and flange 13. Cover plates 12 and 16 transmit
`springs 15.
`from piston plate 17 to compression
`Cover plate wings 52 are formed around springs 15 for axial
`retention. Torque from piston plate 17 is transmitted
`to cover
`plates 12 and 16 through a riveted connection. Cover plates
`12 and 16 impart
`springs 15 by
`to compression
`contact with an edge of a spring window. Both cover plates
`the spring on both sides of
`work in combination
`to support
`the spring center axis. Spring force is transmitted
`to flange
`13 by contact with a flange spring window edge. Sometimes
`tab or slot which engages a
`the flange also has a rotational
`portion of the cover plate to prevent over-compression of the
`springs during high torque events. Torque from flange 13 is
`to turbine hub 19 and into transmission
`shaft 43.
`[0013] Energy absorption can be accomplished
`if desired. Hysteresis
`friction, sometimes called hysteresis,
`includes friction from windup and unwinding of the damper
`plates, so it is twice the actual friction torque. The hysteresis
`consists of diaphragm
`(or Belleville)
`package generally
`flange 13 and one of
`spring 14 which
`is placed between
`cover plates 16 to urge flange 13 into contact with the other
`the amount of force exerted
`cover plate 12. By controlling
`spring 14, the amount of friction torque can
`by diaphragm
`also be controlled. Typical hysteresis values are in the range
`of 10-30 Nm.
`[0014] Torque capacity of a clutch can be increased by
`the surface area of the friction material
`for the
`apply pressure, or by positioning
`friction surfaces of a clutch as far radially from the axis of
`the torque converter as possible. Current design of multi-
`plate torque converter clutches feature a driven plate mem-
`ber located radially outside of the clutch plates, for example,
`U. S. Pat. No. 6, 264, 018 (Matsuoka et al. ). The attachment
`leaf springs which are flexible
`can be carried out with
`to allow axial displacement of the piston plate.
`the clutch
`the driven plate outside
`plates reduces the radial space available for the clutch plates,
`the torque capacity of the clutch
`in turn,
`plates. Also, increasing apply pressure can increase the cost
`and complexity of fluid circuit elements
`for other
`clutch surface area may reduce space needed
`in the torque converter.
`[0015] In torque converter design,
`it is known to engage
`side of a hub with a pilot element
`for the
`the engine
`is placed between
`converter. Typically, a thrust washer
`the interface of the
`hub and the pilot element. Unfortunately,
`hub and pilot element restricts or eliminates
`fluid circuits in
`the torque converter, which can afl'ect operation of the torque
`operation of piston plates
`for example,
`clutches. It is known to modify components
`to create fluid
`paths. For example, U. S. Pat. No. 5, 667, 043 (Dehrman et
`al. ), teaches a forged piloting element
`that has drilled holes
`for venting
`to act as channels
`a fluid
`and discharging
`themselves are
`forged components
`chamber. Unfortunately,
`the extra drilling
`increase the cost and complexity of the parts, for example,
`the forged piloting element.
`clutch. There also is a need to improve
`the fluid circuitry
`in a cost-
`associated with a pilot plate and hub
`eflective manner.
`[0017] The
`a pilot plate
`assembly for a torque converter,
`torque transmitting
`to be rotationally connected to a
`ing: a pilot plate arranged
`housing for the torque converter; a piston plate for a clutch;
`and at least one spring assembly rotationally connecting
`pilot plate and the piston plate. The at least one spring
`to be axially disposed between
`is arranged
`piston plate and the housing for the torque converter. The at
`includes a first end connected to
`least one spring assembly
`the pilot plate and a second end connected to the piston plate.
`In some aspects,
`includes at least one tab
`the pilot plate
`disposed proximate an outer circumference of the pilot plate
`and the first end is connected to the tab. In some aspects, at
`least one of the pilot plate and piston plate is connected to
`the at least one spring with at least one rivet or the at least
`one rivet is extruded from the at least one of the pilot plate
`and piston plate. The piston plate is arranged
`to form at least
`a portion of a pressure release chamber for the clutch with
`includes a channel between
`the housing, and the assembly
`the piston plate and the pilot plate and arranged to be in fluid
`communication with the release chamber. In some aspects,
`the at
`the pilot plate is stamped,
`the piston plate is stamped,
`least one spring assembly further comprises at least one leaf
`spring, or the clutch further comprises a twin plate clutch.
`[0018] The invention also broadly comprises a pilot plate
`assembly for a torque converter,
`torque transmitting
`to be rotationally connected to a
`ing: a pilot plate arranged
`cover for the torque converter; a piston plate for a clutch; at
`rotationally connecting
`least one spring assembly
`the pilot
`plate and the piston plate; and at least one channel disposed
`between the pilot plate and the piston plate. The piston plate
`to form at least a portion of a chamber disposed
`is arranged
`the cover and the piston plate and the at least one
`to be in fluid communication with the
`is arranged
`chamber. In some aspects, the at least one spring assembly
`is arranged to be axially disposed between the cover and the
`piston plate, or at least one of the pilot plate or the piston
`plate is stamped.
`[0019] The invention
`further broadly comprises a pilot
`for a torque converter,
`plate torque
`to be rotationally connected
`including: a pilot plate arranged
`to a housing for the torque converter and arranged to engage
`a crankshaft; a piston plate for a clutch; and at least one
`spring assembly directly connected to the pilot plate and the
`piston plate. The at least one spring assembly
`connects the pilot plate and the piston plate. In some aspects,
`to be axially
`the at least one spring assembly
`is arranged
`disposed between the housing and the piston plate. In some
`aspects, the piston plate is arranged to form at least a portion
`of a pressure release chamber for the clutch with the housing
`and the assembly
`the piston
`includes a channel between
`to be in fluid com-
`plate and the pilot plate and arranged
`munication with the release chamber. In some aspects, at
`least one of the pilot plate or the piston plate is stamped.
`[0016] Thus, there is a long-felt need to provide a torque
`converter clutch with increased toque capacity. Specifically,
`what is need is a means to increase the radial extent of the
`[0020] The
`a pilot plate
`assembly for a torque converter,
`torque transmitting
`to be rotationally
`ing: a stamped pilot plate arranged
`Valeo Exhibit 1029, pg. 15

`US 2007/0284206 A1
`Dec. 13, 2007
`nected to a cover for the torque converter; a stamped piston
`plate for a clutch; at least one spring assembly
`the pilot plate and the piston plate; and a channel
`disposed between the pilot plate and the piston plate. The at
`to be axially disposed
`is arranged
`least one spring assembly
`the piston plate and the cover, the piston plate is
`to form at least a portion of a pressure
`chamber for the clutch with the cover, and the channel
`to be in fluid communication with
`the release
`[0021] It is a general object of the present
`for a
`provide a pilot plate
`the use of forged components.
`torque converter without
`It is another general object of the present invention
`for a
`to provide a pilot plate torque
`torque converter using stamped components
`to the extent
`[0023] These and other objects and advantages of the
`from the fol-
`invention will be readily appreciable
`lowing description of preferred embodiments of the inven-
`tion and from the accompanying drawings and claims.
`illustration of
`[0024] FIG. 1 is a general block diagram
`power flow in a motor vehicle, intended
`to help explain the
`and function of a torque converter
`in the drive
`train thereof;
`[0025] FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional view of a prior art torque
`converter, shown secured to an engine of a motor vehicle;
`[0026] FIG. 3 is a left view of the torque converter shown
`in FIG. 2, taken generally along line 3-3 in FIG. 2;
`view of the
`[0027] FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional
`converter shown in FIGS. 2 and 3, taken generally along line
`4-4 in FIG. 3;
`[002S] FIG. 5 is a first exploded view of the
`converter shown in FIG. 2, as shown from the perspective of
`one viewing
`torque converter from the left;
`the exploded
`[0029] FIG. 6 is a second exploded view of the torque
`converter shown in FIG. 2, as shown from the perspective of
`one viewing
`torque converter from the right;
`the exploded
`[0030] FIG. 7A is a perspective view of a cylindrical
`terminology used
`system demonstrating
`in the present application;
`[0031] FIG. 7B is a perspective view of an object in the
`system of FIG. 7A demonstrating
`spatial terminology used in the present application;
`[0032] FIG. S is a front perspective view of a present
`for a
`invention pilot plate
`torque converter;
`[0033] FIG. 9 is a front view of the assembly
`FIG. S;
`[0034] FIG. 10 is a front exploded view of the assembly
`in FIG. S;
`[0035] FIG. 11 is a rear exploded view of the assembly
`in FIG. S; and,
`view of a
`[0036] FIG. 12 is a partial cross-sectional
`in a torque con-
`clutch drive assembly
`[0037] At the outset,
`it should be appreciated
`drawing numbers on difl'erent drawing views identify
`elements of the
`tical, or functionally
`is described with
`invention. While
`the present
`respect to what is presently considered
`to be the preferred
`aspects, it is to be understood
`that the invention as claimed
`is not limited to the disclosed aspects.
`[003S] Furthermore,
`it is understood
`that this invention
`to the particular methodology, materials
`not limited
`modifications described and as such may, of course, vary. It
`that the terminology used herein is for the
`is also understood
`purpose of describing particular aspects only, and
`is not
`to limit the scope of the present
`invention, which
`is limited only by the appended claims.
`[0039] Unless defined otherwise, all technical and scien-
`tific terms used herein have the same meaning as commonly
`to one of ordinary
`skill in the art to which this
`invention belongs. Although any methods, devices or mate-
`rials similar or equivalent
`to those described herein can be
`used in the practice or testing of the invention,
`the preferred
`methods, devices, and materials are now described.
`[0040] By rotationally
`connected, or secured, we mean
`that the gear and the shell are connected such that the two
`that is, the two components are
`rotate together,
`fixed with respect to rotation. Rotationally connecting
`components does not necessarily
`limit relative movement
`it is possible for two com-
`other directions. For example,
`that are rotationally connected to have axial move-
`to each other via a spline connection.
`ment with respect
`it should be understood
`that rotational connection
`is neces-
`does not imply that movement
`in other directions
`that are rota-
`sarily present. For example,
`two components
`tionally connected can be axially fixed one to the other. The
`preceding explanation of rotational connection
`is applicable
`infra, a connec-
`infra. In the discussions
`to the discussions
`to be a rotational connection unless other-
`tion is assumed
`wise specified.
`[0041] FIG. 7A is a perspective view of cylindrical coor-
`spatial terminology used in
`dinate system SO demonstrating
`the present application. The present
`is at least
`partially described within the context of a cylindrical coor-
`axis S1, used as
`dinate system. System SO has a longitudinal
`the reference for the directional and spatial terms that follow.
`The adjectives "axial, '"'radial, " and "circumferential"
`to axis S1, radius S2
`with respect to an orientation parallel
`to axis S1), or circumference S3,
`is orthogonal
`respectively. The adjectives "axial, '"'radial" and "circum-
`ferential" also are regarding orientation parallel to respective
`the disposition of the various planes,
`planes. To clarify
`objects S4, S5, and S6 are used. Surface S7 of object S4
`forms an axial plane. That is, axis S1 forms a line along the
`surface. Surface SS of object S5 forms a radial plane. That
`is, radius S2 forms a line along the surface. Surface S9 of
`object S6 forms a circumferential plane. That is, circumfer-
`ence S3 forms a line along the surface. As a further example,
`to axis S1, radial
`axial movement or disposition
`is parallel
`Valeo Exhibit 1029, pg. 16

`US 2007/0284206 A1
`Dec. 13, 2007
`to radius S2, and cir-
`movement or disposition
`is parallel
`cumferential movement or disposition
`is parallel to circum-
`ference S3. Rotation is with respect to axis S1.
`[0042] The adverbs "axially, '"'radially, " and "circumfer-
`entially" are with respect to an orientation parallel to axis S1,
`radius S2, or circumference S3, respectively. The adverbs
`"axially, '"'radially, " and "circumferentially"
`also are with
`to respective planes.
`respect to orientation parallel
`[0043] FIG. 7B is a perspective view of object 90 in
`cylindrical coordinate system SO of FIG. 7A demonstrating
`terminology used in the present application. Cylin-
`drical object 90 is representative of a cylindrical object in a
`cylindrical coordinate system and is not intended to limit the
`is any manner. Object 90 includes axial
`surface 93.
`surface 91, radial surface 92, and circumferential
`Surface 91 is part of an axial plane, surface 92 is part of a
`radial plane, and surface 93 is part of a circumferential
`[0044] FIG. S is perspective view of present
`assembly 100 for a torque
`pilot plate torque
`[0045] FIG. 9 is a front view of assembly 100 shown
`FIG. S.
`[0046] FIG. 10 is a front exploded view of assembly 100
`in FIG. S.
`[0047] FIG. 11 is a rear exploded view of assembly 100
`shown in FIG. S. The following should be viewed in light of
`FIGS. S through 11. Assembly 100 includes piston plate 112,
`pilot plate 114, and spring assemblies 116. Each end of the
`is connected to plate 112 and pilot plate
`spring assemblies
`114, respectively. The spring assemblies rotationally connect
`the two plates. For example, end 115 is connected to plate
`114, and end 117 is connected
`to plate 112. The spring
`assemblies can be attached by any means known
`in the art,
`for example,
`including but not limited to, welding or bolts.
`In some aspects, rivets 11S and 120 are used to attach the
`springs. Holes 150 and 152 in plate 114 and 112, respec-
`tively, receive rivets 11S and 120, respectively. Rivets 11S
`and 120 are shown preened or upset, and removed
`holes 150 and 152, respectively.
`In some aspects, rivets 11S
`and 120 are stand alone rivets. In some aspects (not shown),
`the rivets are extruded from piston plate 112 or pilot plate
`114. In some aspects, spring assemblies 116 are springs. Any
`in the art can be used for springs
`spring known
`116. In some aspects, the springs are leaf springs.
`tabs 146 for
`In some aspects, plate 114 includes
`holes 150. In some aspects, the tabs are evenly spaced about
`outer circumference 154 of pilot plate 114. However,
`should be understood
`that other spatial configurations
`possible. The placement of tabs 146 on outer circumference
`154 allows the ofl'set attachment of piston plate 112 to pilot
`plate 114, which provides access to the rear side of rivet 11S
`to allow for proper upsetting of the rivet. In some aspects,
`(not shown) plate 114 has a uniform circumference
`that is
`to plate 112. For example, rivet holes
`used for attachment
`can be placed on a uniform circumference.
`[0049] FIG. 12 is a partial cross-sectional view of present
`invention clutch drive assembly 100 in torque converter 110.
`In some aspects, a present assembly 100 is connected
`to a
`clutch in a torque converter, for example,
`torque converter
`110. Pilot plate 114 is rotationally connected to cover 12S by
`in the art. In some aspects, the plate is
`any means known
`fixedly connected to the cover by weld 140. Pilot plate 114
`to piston plate 112 as described
`is rotationally
`from the cover to
`supra. Thus, engine torque is transmitted
`plate 112 via the pilot plate.
`[0050] Advantageously,
`a present
`invention arrangement
`creates torque paths that enable damper 130 to be disposed
`further out than in the arrangement
`shown supra,
`lock-up clutch 121 to include a relatively
`while still enabling
`the pilot plate is connected
`large diameter. Specifically,
`cover 12S, which receives torque from crankshaft 156, and
`to plate 112 proximate neck 113 near the inner circumfer-
`ence of piston plate 112. Thus, torque is transmitted
`the cover to plate 114 and spring assemblies 116 to a point
`near an inner radial circumference of plate 112. Drive plate
`in clutch 121 to provide a connection from
`122 is disposed
`the clutch to damper springs 130, enabling
`spring retainer
`132 to be fixed to turbine shell 134 near the outer circum-
`ference of housing 12S. That is, the drive plate is not radially
`in by the connection of piston 112 to the housing.
`to the
`lock-up mode
`is transmitted
`clutch through contact with the cover, for example,
`the connection of plate
`friction material 126, and through
`is the product of
`112 with plate 114. Since damper
`and radial dis-
`spring rate (strength),
`spring compression,
`the radial distance of the damper by
`the damper near outer circumference 131 enables
`the use of springs 130 having a lesser rate. Advantageously,
`the spring rate for springs 130 increases the ability
`of the damper
`isolation. Also, positioning
`to provide
`damper near the outer circumference of the housing,
`of radially closer to axis 123 takes advantage of space 133
`not normally used in a torque converter,
`freeing valuable
`axial space radially closer to axis 123, for example, space in
`chamber 127.
`[0051] Seal 13S on turbine hub 15S contacts neck 113 of
`piston plate 112 to seal the inner circumference of pressure
`chamber 141. Friction materials 124 and 126 operate to seal
`high pressure chamber 141 at the outer circumference of
`pressure chamber 141. Pressure chamber 141 exerts pressure
`against apply side 142 to cause axial displacement of piston
`plate 112.
`[0052] The proper operation of clutch 121 requires a rapid
`displacement of fluid in and out of chambers 127 and 141.
`The design of pilot plate 114 results
`in fluid channel 125 to
`the pilot plate and hub 15S. Springs
`chamber 127 between
`116 are intermittently
`located about circumference 154 and
`hold the pilot plate and plate 112 axially apart while leaving
`the assemblies. Therefore,
`spaces between
`channel 125 provides a means of displacing
`fluid in and out
`of chamber 127.
`[0053] Pilot plate 114 centers, or pilots, torque converter
`to crankshaft 156. Pilot plate 114 is a
`110 with respect
`separate piece, attached to cover 12S, which oflers a number
`of advantages. Pilot plates stamped from the same piece as
`the cover increase the number of stamping steps, or stations
`to form the cover. In some
`in the stamping press, required
`the cover through
`cases, the extra steps may require running
`a press a second time due to the limited number of stations
`in the press, complicating stamping operations and
`the cost of producing
`the cover. Advantageously,
`Valeo Exhibit 1029, pg. 17

`US 2007/0284206 A1
`Dec. 13, 2007
`the extra stamp-
`forming the pilot plate separately eliminates
`ing steps for the cover. Further, pilot plate 114 is a smaller
`diameter piece, which means more stations can be incorpo-
`rated in a

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