`US 20050039998A1
`(19i United StateS
`(12) Patent Application Publication
`Zuehl et al.
`(10) Pub. No. : US 2005/0039998 A1
`Feb. 24, 2005
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Aug. 20, 2003
`(DE). . . . . . .
`. . . . 103 38 157. 0
`Publication Classification
`Inventors: Carsten Zuehl, Troy, MI (US); Jason
`Kehrer, Troy, MI (US); Claus Umnus,
`Troy, MI (US)
`(51) Int. Cl.
`(52) U. S. Cl.
`F16H 45/02
`192/3. 29; 192/70. 16
`Correspondence Address:
`SUITE 1210
`NEW YORK, NY 10176 (US)
`(73) Assignee: ZF Friedrichshafen AG
`(21) Appl. No. :
`10/919, 073
`(22) Filed:
`Aug. 16, 2004
`clutch for a clutch apparatus which has a hydro-
`dynamic circuit in a clutch housing. The bridging clutch may
`is arranged on a hub and which
`have a piston which
`connected to a piston mount, which is mounted on the clutch
`housing, such that it can be moved axially via axial force
`stores. The piston mount has cutouts between radial exten-
`sions in the circumferential direction for projections which
`are provided on the piston and which pass through
`the piston
`mount. Axial force stores engage behind the piston mount on
`its side facing away from the piston and are attached to the
`piston at one connecting end and have lever ends which act
`on contact surfaces of the piston mount with predetermined
`in the direction of the piston.
`7 1
`41 39 43 37
`Valeo Exhibit 1027, pg. 1

`Patent Application Publication Feb. 24, 2005 Sheet 1 of 9
`US 2005/0039998 A1
`Fig. 1
`19 23
`7 1
`43 37
`Valeo Exhibit 1027, pg. 2

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`99 103
`97k 10'I ~ 93
`Fig. 2
`Valeo Exhibit 1027, pg. 3

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`US 2005/0039998 A1
`Valeo Exhibit 1027, pg. 4

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`Fig. 5
`Valeo Exhibit 1027, pg. 5

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`Valeo Exhibit 1027, pg. 6

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`CD rn
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`7 61
`19 )~
`7 1
`. 9
`Valeo Exhibit 1027, pg. 10

`US 2005/0039998 A1
`Feb. 24, 2005
`[0001] This application claims priority under 35 U. S. C.
`)119 to German application, DE 103 38 157 filed Aug. 20,
`[0002] This invention
`relates to a bridging clutch.
`[0003] A bridging
`is known,
`such as this
`example, from US 2002/0134632 A1. The bridging clutch is
`held in a clutch housing of a hydrodynamic
`clutch apparatus,
`is in the form of a torque converter and in conse-
`quence is provided with a pump wheel, a turbine wheel and
`circuit. The bridging
`a guide wheel to form a hydrodynamic
`clutch has a piston, which is mounted on a hub and is held
`via axial force stores on a piston mount such that they rotate
`together but can be moved axially. The piston mount
`is on
`to a housing cover of the clutch
`the one hand attached
`housing by means of spot welds, and on the other hand
`the piston is fitted, likewise
`firmly holds the hub, to which
`via spot welds. A clutch disk which is provided with two or
`more friction surfaces is provided axially between the piston
`and the housing cover and is connected by means of a holder
`to a turbine shell of the turbine wheel such that they rotate
`[0004] Since the connection of the piston
`to the piston
`mount and hence to the housing cover such that they rotate
`together is provided by means of the axial force stores, it is
`possible for their respective deformation
`states to influence
`the readjustment of the rotation of the piston with respect to
`the clutch housing. On the other hand, when a torque
`being transmitted via the bridging clutch, it is impossible
`influence on any prestressing of
`preclude any undesirable
`the axial force stores which may occur. The axial movement
`of the piston is also limited with this design configuration by
`the axial force stores.
`[0005] The invention may provide a bridging clutch
`which a piston is driven exactly both in the circumferential
`direction and in the axial direction with respect to a clutch
`in which any axial deflection movement
`limited by simple design means.
`[0006] The design of the piston mount with cutouts for
`projections which are provided on the piston (since these
`in each case engage between
`radial extensions
`in the circumferential direction) results
`on the piston mount
`in a connection, which acts in the circumferential direction,
`in which case,
`the piston and
`the piston mount,
`that there is no play in the circumferential direction
`the projections
`the respectively
`cutout, said connection
`is essentially made
`in such a way
`that they rotate together. The axial force stores, in contrast
`a connection which acts in
`the axial direction
`in which case this
`the piston and piston mount,
`connection can be produced with a predetermined prestress.
`is, of course, dependent on the axial force
`This prestress
`stores being deflected beyond
`in which
`their null position
`there is no stress when
`they are in their operating position
`to the claim, and being held in contact with the
`that is produced
`in this way, by
`piston by the prestressing
`means of an axial force, which
`is associated with
`prestressing, on the piston mount. A design such as this is
`particularly advantageous when the piston mount is mounted
`on a component of the clutch apparatus
`in such a way that
`the prestressing of the axial force stores loads the piston in
`the direction of the friction surfaces of the bridging clutch.
`[0007] If the axial force stores, which are attached by a
`connecting end to the piston, act with their lever ends, which
`are in each case at the opposite end of the connecting end,
`it is advantageous
`on the piston mount,
`to provide
`contact surfaces which are required
`for the lever ends on a
`component of the piston mount which is present in any case,
`for example on radial extensions which
`run essentially
`radially outwards, starting from a hub of the piston mount.
`the amount of material and hence
`In order to reduce
`mass, it is sulficient for only those radial extensions which
`are in each case associated with one of the axial force stores
`to be designed with contact surfaces. In contrast,
`the other
`radial extensions on the piston mount can be designed
`to be
`radially shorter and thus provide a space which can be used,
`for example, by the axial force stores. It is sulficient
`in this
`case for the second radial extensions, which are shorter than
`the first radial extensions, actually
`to be continued
`their entire surface area is avail-
`outwards until preferably
`able to the respectively adjacent projection on the piston.
`[000II] The
`radial extensions,
`in particular, may
`carry out an additional
`in that, on
`they are designed with a guide such that the
`the one hand,
`axial force stores are held such that they cannot be moved
`and, on the other hand, have a securing stud which, together
`the axial force
`with the respective guide, elfectively prevents
`store from sliding out of the guide.
`[0009] The axial force stores may advantageously
`associated stud elements which, by means of studs formed
`any axial play of the piston with
`on them, can predetermine
`in this case,
`respect to the piston mount and, in particular
`with respect to the radially shorter second radial extensions.
`the associated
`The studs preferably
`engage over
`radial extensions so that, presupposing
`an axial movement
`by means of which the piston mount is moved away from the
`they limit any axial movement on these studs, once
`any axial play with respect to the studs has been taken up.
`These studs can be provided on separate stud elements, and
`in this way are connected to the axial force stores, although
`these can likewise also be produced
`integrally with the axial
`force stores.
`[0010] Turning back to the radial extensions,
`these need
`not necessarily have dilferential axial lengths. Embodiments
`the radial extensions
`are likewise possible
`in which all
`essentially have the same radial extent. Since, with a design
`axial force
`such as this, no free space for accommodating
`the radial extent area of the radial
`stores remains within
`the axial force stores must be provided else-
`this can be done by means of an
`where and, as claimed,
`the hub of the piston mount
`annular area radially between
`and the radial extensions, which preferably has recesses for
`axial force stores
`through. While,
`to pass
`radial extensions
`Valeo Exhibit 1027, pg. 11

`US 2005/0039998 A1
`Feb. 24, 2005
`form the radially outer edge of the piston mount,
`the radial
`extensions can be provided with a dilferent extent
`in the
`radial direction, even in the radially central area of the piston
`[0011] The piston projections which engage in the cutouts
`in each case two radial extensions may be forced
`out of the remaining piston areas by material deformation
`and, seen
`form a tooth
`the circumferential
`system on the piston which, with respect to the dimensions
`of and the distance between
`is matched
`the projections,
`the cutouts in the piston mount, so that this tooth system on
`amount of play in
`the piston engages with a predetermined
`the circumferential
`tooth system
`in the mating
`which is formed by the radial extensions.
`[0012] As already
`the axial force stores which
`act between
`the piston mount and the piston are attached by
`in which case
`to the piston,
`their connecting
`can be provided by using attachment means.
`Attachment means such as these may be in the form of
`rivets, or else locking ring bolts. In contrast to a rivet, which
`in both directions by virtue of the
`is compression-loaded
`locking ring bolts can be installed
`way it is manufactured,
`the axial force
`from one side so that the connection between
`store and the piston within a clutch housing can be produced
`from one side, with the side which is more accessible in each
`case being preferred, of course. The piston mount can thus
`first of all be mounted on a housing cover of the clutch
`to insert a profiled pin of the
`in order subsequently
`locking ring bolt through a cutout at least in the connecting
`end of the axial force store, and
`it to pass
`then to allow
`through a recess in the piston. The connection between
`axial force store and the piston can then be produced by
`pressure molding on a sleeve of the locking ring bolt with its
`profiled pin, to be precise from the turbine wheel side of the
`piston. The use of the locking ring bolts means that there is
`no need for any tools to enter the area between
`the axial
`force store and
`the housing cover during
`this production
`[0013] Consistent use of the capabilities
`that result from
`the use of locking ring bolts leads to considerable design
`advantages. Thus, for example, when using
`bolts, the piston can be guided considerably
`further radially
`the connection
`as already mentioned,
`between the piston mount and the housing cover is produced
`is attached
`to the piston mount, so that
`the piston
`there is no longer any need for access to the connecting point
`the piston mount and the housing cover from the
`turbine wheel side once the piston has been inserted. The
`is drawn
`piston, which
`requires a
`centering hub with a considerably
`radial diameter
`is the case with a piston which uses rivets as the
`the axial force store and
`connecting means between
`piston. The clutch apparatus can thus be designed such that
`less material and has considerably
`it uses considerably
`refinements of the bridging
`[0014] Further advantageous
`in the claims.
`clutch according
`to the invention are claimed
`[0015] The various features of novelty which characterize
`in the claims
`the invention are pointed out with particularity
`annexed to and forming a part of the disclosure. For a better
`understanding of the invention,
`its operating advantages, and
`specific objects attained by its use, reference should be had
`and descriptive matter
`in which
`to the drawing
`and described preferred
`there are
`of the
`in detail in
`and with
`[0016] The present invention will be described
`text using preferred embodiments
`the following
`in which:
`to the drawings,
`[0017] FIG. 1 shows a bisected longitudinal
`section view
`of the bridging clutch in a housing of a hydrodynamic
`[001II] FIG. 2 shows a drawing of a part of the bridging
`in FIG. 1, illustrated
`clutch shown
`in perspective;
`[0019] FIG. 3 shows an exploded drawing
`illustration of
`in FIG. 2;
`the bridging clutch shown
`[0020] FIG. 4 is similar
`to FIG. 2, but with a dilferent
`design configuration;
`[0021] FIG. 5 shows an axial force store of the bridging
`clutch with an integrally
`formed securing stud;
`[0022] FIG. 6 shows an enlarged drawing of part of the
`line in FIG. 1,
`is encircled by a dashed-dotted
`area which
`but with a dilferent attachment element;
`[0023] FIG. 7 shows
`a drawing of a part of a first
`component of the attachment element;
`[0024] FIG. II shows a drawing of a part of a second
`component of the attachment element;
`[0025] FIGS. 9, 10 show steps for connecting
`from FIGS. 7 and II to one another; and
`[0026] FIG. 11 is like FIG. 1, but with a piston configu-
`inner area that has been modified by the
`ration in the radially
`use of a dilferent attachment element.
`in FIG. 1 has a
`[0027] The clutch apparatus 3 as shown
`clutch housing 5 to which a connecting plate 6 is attached by
`means of a weld bead 4, and which connecting plate 6 can
`elements 7 and a
`be coupled via two or more retaining
`coupling element 9, such as a flexible plate, to a drive 11, for
`to the crankshaft 13 of an
`internal combustion
`engine, such that they rotate together.
`the area of its rotation axis 15, the clutch
`apparatus 3 also has a bearing pin 17, which is provided on
`a housing cover 19 of the clutch housing and is held in a
`centering guide 21 that is provided on the drive 11.
`cover 19 is firmly connected via
`[0029] The housing
`another weld bead 23 to a pump wheel shell 25 of a pump
`interacts with a turbine wheel 29 and,
`wheel 27 which
`that is not shown, forming a
`possibly, with a guide wheel
`circuit 30. The turbine whee129 has a turbine
`wheel shell 31 which is attached by means of a riveted joint
`33 to a turbine hub 35 which, via an axial bearing 36, makes
`contact with a freewheeling mechanism, which is not shown,
`for the already mentioned guide wheel. The turbine hub 35
`is connected via a tooth system 37 to a transmission
`shaft 39, which is arranged
`the turbine hub,
`radially within
`together, and has a seal 41 for this
`such that they rotate
`Valeo Exhibit 1027, pg. 12

`US 2005/0039998 A1
`Feb. 24, 2005
`input shaft 39. This transmission
`input shaft 39
`has a center hole 43 which opens into an intermediate
`to a pressure chamber 75 by means
`45 which is connected
`of through-openings
`49 in a housing hub 47 axially between
`cover 19 and
`turbine hub 35, and
`the housing
`pressure chamber 75 is provided axially between
`the hous-
`ing cover 19 and a piston 55 of a bridging clutch 57. In a
`manner which will be described
`in more detail
`text, the piston 55 has an associated piston mount
`to the housing cover 19 by means of
`53 which
`is attached
`riveting 51 in order to produce a connection 50
`to the housing cover 19.
`[0030] The piston 55 is held by means of a piston foot 56
`is integrally
`radially on the
`inside) on a
`holder 5II on the turbine hub 35, sealed by means of a seal
`59, with its radially outer area making contact with a friction
`lining 63 on a clutch disk 61, in which case this clutch disk
`61 can be supported by means of a further friction lining 63
`on a friction surface of the housing cover 19. The clutch disk
`61 is connected
`to an input part 65 of a torsional oscillation
`damper 67 such that they rotate together, with this input part
`set of springs 69 on
`65 being supported via a circumferential
`an output part 71 of the torsional oscillation damper 67. This
`to the turbine hub 35 via
`output part 71 is in turn attached
`the riveting 33.
`[0031] In order
`to describe
`the bridging
`is made to FIGS. 2 and 3, which show drawings
`of the major components of the bridging clutch 57. The
`piston mount 53 thus has radial extensions 77, 79 which are
`in the cir-
`formed, alternately with one another
`cumferential direction, on a piston mount hub IIO. The radial
`in this case have dilferent extents
`in the radial
`direction, with first radial extensions 77 being distinguished
`by a radial overhang II2 over the second radial extensions 79.
`A contact surface 99 is provided on each radial overhang II2,
`on its axial side facing away from the piston 55. Further-
`more, a guide 103 is in each case provided on one of the
`sides of the respective
`radial overhang
`and is radially limited on the outside by a securing stud 101,
`in the circumferential direction. The
`which points essentially
`operation of the contact surface 99, of the guide 103, and of
`the securing studs 101 will be described in more detail in the
`[0032] A cutout
`II1, in which projections
`II3 that are
`provided on the piston 55 engage,
`in each case remains
`between each two radial extensions 77, 79 in the circum-
`ferential direction. These projections
`II3 are preferably
`in advance by means of plastic deformation on the
`piston 55 in the direction of the piston mount 53 and, seen
`over the entire circumference,
`form a tooth system II5, which
`tooth system II6 that is formed by the
`in a mating
`cutouts II1. By ensuring
`that there is no play in the circum-
`ferential direction between
`tooth system
`II5 and
`tooth system II6 as soon as the projections II3 on the
`piston II5 have been inserted into the cutouts II1 in the piston
`the piston 55 and
`mount 53, this ensures
`the piston
`mount 53 are connected such that they rotate together.
`[0033] Two or more retaining holes II7 are provided on the
`piston 55, and are intended for attachment elements IIII in the
`form of rivets II9. The rivets II9 pass through stud elements
`91 as well as connecting ends 95 of axial force stores 93,
`before being located in the retaining holes II7 in the piston
`55, in order to produce a connection 90. At their lever ends
`97 which face away from the connecting ends 95, the axial
`force stores 93 are provided with pressure
`surfaces 9II,
`which make contact with
`the already mentioned
`surfaces 99 on the radial overhangs
`II2 on the first radial
`extensions 77. When in the installed position with respect to
`the piston mount 53 and the piston 55, the axial force stores
`93 preferably
`they act in a
`in which
`a position
`prestressed manner on the contact surfaces 99 of the first
`radial extensions 77, and thus hold the piston 55 in contact
`the piston mount 53, in a prestressed manner.
`In the
`the axial force stores 93 are preferably
`installed position,
`and can enter a free space, which
`remains radially outside the shorter second radial extensions
`in FIG. 2,
`79, thus saving space. In this position as shown
`the lever ends 97 of the axial force stores 93 make contact
`with the guides 103 of the first radial extensions 77 and at
`the same time are secured by the securing stud 101 against
`escaping radially outwards as a result of centrifugal
`[0034] As FIG. 2 likewise shows,
`the stud elements 91
`which are held by the rivets II9 are aligned such that they
`radially on the inside with studs 105,
`engage essentially
`where they engage over the second radial extensions 79 with
`amount of axial play 107. The studs 105
`a predetermined
`limits in the event of any move-
`thus form axial movement
`ment of the piston 55 away from the piston mount 53 against
`the influence of the axial force stores 93.
`[0035] The described design results
`in the piston 55 not
`only being held on the piston mount 53 such that they rotate
`together but also being able to carry out only a limited radial
`movement with respect to the piston mount 53 in the axial
`direction. This limited axial relative movement occurs if the
`in the pressure area 75 is higher
`than the pressure
`circuit 30. When
`the pressure
`in the hydrodynamic
`in the
`the center hole 43 in the trans-
`pressure area 75 is higher,
`mission input shaft 39 has increased pressure applied to it by
`means of an external pressure
`in which case this
`increased pressure can expand through
`the intermediate area
`49 in the housing hub 47
`45, through
`the through-openings
`and via apertures 73 and the cutouts II1. Any pressure on the
`side of the piston 55 facing the pressure chamber 75 will be
`the influence of the axial force stores 93
`produced against
`in the axial force on the
`and will at least result in a reduction
`friction linings 63 of the clutch disk 61, thus reducing
`amount of torque
`that can be transmitted. Conversely,
`reduction of the pressure
`in the pressure chamber 75 while
`circuit 30 remains constant
`the pressure
`in the hydrodynamic
`load on the piston 55, on its side
`will result
`in a greater
`facing the torsional oscillation damper 67, so that the axial
`force which is exerted by the piston 55 on the friction linings
`the amount of torque which can be
`63 will increase and
`transmitted by the bridging clutch 57 will rise.
`[0036] FIG. 4 shows another embodiment of the bridging
`clutch 57 in the area of the piston mount 53 and piston 55.
`radial extensions 109 with essentially
`In this embodiment,
`the same radial extent are provided on the radially outer edge
`117 of the piston mount and each have a cutout II1 between
`for a projection
`in the circumferential
`in the same radial area, on the piston 55.
`which is provided
`the tooth system II5 on
`To this extent, in this embodiment,
`the piston 55 and the mating
`tooth system II6 on the piston
`mount 53 are arranged
`radially on the outside and surround
`an annular area 111 of the piston mount 53 in which
`Valeo Exhibit 1027, pg. 13

`US 2005/0039998 A1
`Feb. 24, 2005
`piston mount 53 is provided with recesses 115, which are
`used to hold axial force stores 93. The axial force stores 93
`act with the pressure surfaces 98 at their lever ends 97 on the
`annular area 111, which
`the contact surfaces
`thus includes
`112 which are required by the axial force stores. The studs
`105 which are provided on the stud elements 91 also interact
`with the annular area 111 in that they limit the movement of
`the piston 55 away from the piston mount 53 in the axial
`to the predefined axial play 107.
`direction, corresponding
`[0037] FIG. 5 shows a specific refinement of an axial
`force store 93, in which the stud 105 is integrally
`formed at
`the connecting end 95 of the axial force store 93. This design
`that there is no need for a stud element
`refinement means
`that is separate from the axial force store 93. The axial force
`store 93 also has a tongue 118, which makes contact with in
`each case one edge 119 (which can be seen in FIG. 4) of the
`recess 115 and at least damps
`deflections of the piston 55 with respect to the piston mount
`53, resulting from play in the circumferential direction in the
`tooth system 86.
`area of the tooth system 85/mating
`[0038] As FIG. 6 shows,
`elements 88
`the attachment
`which are illustrated by way of example
`in the area sur-
`line in FIG. 1 may not only be in the
`rounded by a dashed
`form of rivets 89 but also in the form of locking ring bolts
`120. Each locking ring bolt 120 comprises a profiled pin
`in FIG. 7 and has a pin head 126 and
`122, which is shown
`a pin shank 128. The last-mentioned
`is split
`in the axial
`into a head area 129, a profiled area 130, a weak
`point 132 and a free pin end 134. The profiled pin 122 forms
`a first component of the locking ring bolt 120.
`in FIG. 8 is used as a
`[0039] The sleeve 124 illustrated
`second component of the locking ring bolt 120 and, in front
`of a contact with
`the profiled pin 122, has an
`diameter 136 with an essentially smooth surface. At one of
`the sleeve 124 is formed with a collar 142
`its free ends,
`which, as shown in FIG. 6, is intended
`to make contact with
`in this case the piston 55. The sleeve
`an adjacent component,
`124 is rotationally
`about a longitudinal
`140, in the same way as the profiled pin 122.
`[0040] FIGS. 6 and 10 show the locking ring bolt 120 in
`the finally installed position. For this purpose, as is shown in
`FIG. 9, the pin shank 128 of the profiled pin 122 is pushed
`in the stud element 91 and
`recesses both
`in the
`connecting end 95 of the axial force store 93, and through
`each case one retaining hole 87 in the piston 55, with the pin
`head 126 resting axially on the adjacent component,
`that is
`to say in this case on the stud element 91. The sleeve 124 is
`pushed over the pin shank 128 of the profiled pin 122 from
`the opposite side, that is to say from the side of the turbine
`wheel 29 in FIG. 1, with the internal diameter 136 of the
`sleeve 124 being arranged
`at a radial distance
`profiled area 130 of the pin shank 128. The sleeve 124 is in
`in the direction of the pin head 126 until its
`this case pushed
`collar 142 makes axial contact with the piston 55.
`[0041] Positioned relative
`to one another
`in this way, first
`clamping jaws 144 of a machine tool which is not shown are
`clamped on the external diameter 135 of the free pin end 134
`in the direction d„cause the pin shank 128
`and, by moving
`jaws 146, which are
`to be lengthened. Second clamping
`tool that is not shown,
`likewise associated with a machine
`through a radial distance d~, as a result of
`are then moved
`the sleeve 124 is compressed
`radially until, as is
`shown in FIG. 10, it firmly encloses the pin shank 128. The
`this process causes
`takes place during
`deformation which
`material from the internal diameter 136 of the sleeve 124 to
`enter depressions 137 in the profiled area 130 of the profiled
`pin 122, so that the sleeve 124 is now also profiled 138 on
`engagement of the
`its internal diameter. The interlocking
`profiled area 130 on the profiled pin 122 with the profiling
`138 on the sleeve 124 means that the sleeve 124 prevents
`pin shank 128 from springing back completely when
`it is
`jaws 144, so that the indi-
`released by the first clamping
`is to say
`this case the stud
`vidual components,
`element 91, the axial force store 93 and the piston 55, are
`each connected
`to one another with a predetermined
`above) of the
`[0042] The release (as already mentioned
`first clamping jaws 144 from the pin shank 128 does not take
`place by radial release of the free pin end 134 but, in fact,
`by applying an even greater tensile force in the direction d„
`until the free pin end 134 breaks oK from the rest of the pin
`shank 128 at the weak point 132. The pin shank 128, which
`in FIG. 10.
`has been shortened axially in this way, is shown
`The second clamping jaws 146 also release the sleeve 124 by
`means of a radial reverse movement,
`at the latest after the
`free pin end 134 has been detached, so that the locking ring
`bolt 120 completes
`the connection of the components 91, 93
`and 55 to one another.
`[0043] The use of the locking ring bolts 120 as attachment
`elements 88 instead of the rivets 89 shown in FIG. 1 results
`in the following design advantage:
`in FIG. 1, the rivet 89
`In the embodiment
`must be compressed
`into the illustrated position by applying
`force at both ends in order to produce the connection 90. The
`connection 90 must accordingly have been produced first of
`all, before the piston mount 53 is attached by means of the
`connection 50 to the housing cover 19 of the clutch housing
`5. In order
`riveting 51 for the
`to form
`the push-through
`connection 50, a tool must be held on the push-through
`riveting 51 from the side of the turbine wheel 29. The piston
`55 may
`thus be pulled only so far radially
`that a
`its piston foot 56 for
`remains radially within
`is not shown but acts on the push-through
`the tool which
`riveting 51. In consequence, not only the turbine hub 35 but
`also the seal 59 must have a corresponding
`radial size.
`[0045] When using a locking ring bolt 120 as the attach-
`ment element 88, the assembly process is carried out solely
`from the side of the turbine wheel 29. This means
`that the
`connection 50 between
`the piston mount 53 and the housing
`cover 19 can be produced first of all, before the locking ring
`bolts 120 are also used to connect the stud element 91, the
`axial force store 93 and the piston 55. With this procedure,
`in FIG. 11, the piston 55 can be guided radially
`as is shown
`inwards without any problems as far as the connection 50,
`or else projecting beyond it, since this now need no longer
`the piston foot 56
`be accessible for a tool. In consequence,
`is mounted
`and sealed on a considerably
`diameter while making consistent use of the capabilities
`provided by the use of locking ring bolts 120, than could be
`done when using rivets 89 as the attachment elements 88.
`The locking ring bolts 120 thus assist the production of a
`low-cost and low-mass embodiment of the clutch apparatus
`in the area of the turbine hub 35.
`3, in particular
`[0046] To summarize
`which show possible embodiments of the present invention,
`Valeo Exhibit 1027, pg. 14

`US 2005/0039998 A1
`Feb. 24, 2005
`it is noted that: 3 is a Clutch apparatus. 4 is a Weld bead. 5
`is a Clutch housing. 6 is a Connecting plate. 7 are Retaining
`elements. 9 is a Coupling element. 11 is a Drive. 13 is a
`Crankshaft. 15 is a Rotation axis. 17 is a Bearing pin. 19 is
`a Housing cover. 21 is a Centering 23 is a Weld bead. 25 is
`a Pump wheel shell. 27 is a Pump wheel. 29 is

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