United States Patent [19]
`Fürster et al.
`[11] Patent Number:
`Jan. 14, 1992
`[45]. Date of Patent:
`[75] Inventors:
`Andreas Förster, Schweinfurt:
`Bernhard Schierling, Kürnach, both
`of Fed. Rep. of Germany
`[73] Assignee: Fichtel & Sachs AG, Schweinfurt,
`Fed. Rep. of Germany
`[21] Appl. No.: 599,669
`[22] Filed:
`Oct. 18, 1990
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Oct. 19, 1989 [DE] Fed. Rep. of Germany ....... 3934798
`[51] Int. Cl.’.............................................. F16D 47/06
`[52] U.S. Cl. .................................. 192/106.2; 267/167
`[58] Field of Search ................. 192/106.2; 464/64, 68:
`267/166, 167, 286
`References Cited
`2,587,810 3/1952 Beyer .................................. 267/167
`2,797,937 7/1957 Frishof ...
`... 267/167
`3,468,527 9/1969 Mather ................................ 267/167
`4,347.7 | 7 9/1982 Lamarché ..
`... 19.2/106.2
`4,422,535 12/1983 Ling ................................. 192/106.2
`4,451,244 5/1984 Lamarche ........................ 192/106.2
`4,637,500 1/1987 Göbel ....................
`... 19.2/106.2
`4,716.998 1/ 1988 Tsukamoto et al.
`... 19.2/106.2
`4,857,032 8/1989 Aiki et al. ........................ 192/106.2
`4,987,980 1/1991 Fujimoto .......................... 192/106.2
`0.136825 4/1985 European Pat. Off. .
`3723015 1/1989 Fed. Rep. of Germany .
`383.1009 3/1989 Fed. Rep. of Germany ... 192/106.2
`26.20503 3/1989 France .............................. 192/106.2
`2193290 2/1988 United Kingdom .
`2193789 2/1988 United Kingdom .
`2194020 2/1988 United Kingdom .
`2194021 2/1988 United Kingdom .
`2206950 1/1989 United Kingdom .
`Primary Examiner—Leslie A. Braun
`Assistant Examiner—Nicholas Whitelaw
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Toren, McGeady &
`The invention relates to torsion vibration dampers in
`the power transmission path of a motor vehicle with an
`internal combustion engine, the coil thrust springs used
`being particularly in the case of a considerable length in
`proportion to their diameter, already precurved prior to
`fitment into their final position. This facilitates fitment
`and makes it possible to influence the development of
`friction force as the rotary speed increases.
`20 Claims, 9 Drawing Sheets
`Valeo Exhibit 1014, pg. 1

`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14, 1992
`Sheet 1 of 9

`Valeo Exhibit 1014, pg. 2

`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14, 1992 -
`Sheet 2 of 9
`Fig. 2d
`Valeo Exhibit 1014, pg. 3

`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14, 1992
`Sheet 3 of 9
`Valeo Exhibit 1014, pg. 4

`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14, 1992
`Sheet 4 of 9
`8 f 6 2 N h
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`Valeo Exhibit 1014, pg. 5

`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14, 1992
`Sheet 5 of 9
`Valeo Exhibit 1014, pg. 6

`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14, 1992
`Sheet 6 of 9
`Valeo Exhibit 1014, pg. 7

`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14, 1992
`Sheet 7 of 9
`Valeo Exhibit 1014, pg. 8

`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14, 1992 -
`Sheet 8 of 9
`Valeo Exhibit 1014, pg. 9

`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14, 1992
`Jan. 14, 1992
`Sheet 9 of 9
`Valeo Exhibit 1014, pg. ‘IO
`Valeo Exhibit 1014, pg. 10

`The invention relates to a torsion vibration damper in
`the power transmission path of a motor vehicle.
`From DE-A-3 723015 a damper is known comprising
`input parts adapted to be driven by an internal combus
`tion engine, output parts which are connected to a gear
`mechanism and a first torsion spring arrangement be
`tween both parts comprising coil springs having a high
`length: diameter ratio and being axially and radially
`guided in guide passages disposed concentrically of the
`axis of rotation and which are compressed upon the
`transmission of torque between the input and output
`parts. The coil springs having a high length:diameter
`ratio are incorporated into guide passages which are
`provided in a radially outward direction with a wear
`resistant lining. Between this lining and the coils of the
`coil springs a centrifugal force-dependent friction is
`generated. This centrifugal force-dependent friction is
`superposed on other friction force components which
`result, for example, from the initial tension with which
`the springs are inserted into their curved guide pas
`sages. Furthermore, with increasing compression of the
`coil springs, radially directed friction force components
`are created which are dependent upon transmitted
`torque and angle of the applied surfaces between the
`two ends of the springs.
`It is an object of the present invention to provide a
`torsion vibration damper having a spring arrangement
`which permits of easier handling upon assembly of the
`individual parts of the torsion vibration damper and
`which furthermore admits of influencing of the friction
`created by centrifugal force in order to arrive at better
`applied at higher speed and, with increasing force com
`ponent, upon the transmission of torque.
`It is furthermore envisaged that the spring ends of the
`precurved coil thrust springs be so held in a radial direc
`tion by holders that in the end zones there is no contact
`with the radially outer guide parts. This arrangement of
`the springs ensures on the one hand that the end faces of
`the springs which are relatively sharply edged due to
`the production process are not incorporated into the
`sliding friction process so that, despite inexpensive
`spring manufacture, there is no excessive wear and tear.
`In addition, this measure in conjunction with the previ
`ously described measures of providing the curvature
`results in a very wide range of variations in the adaption
`of a torsion vibration damper to whatever type of motor
`vehicle is involved.
`For example, torsion vibration dampers of the above
`mentioned type are used in bridging coupling of hydro
`dynamic power transmission systems. However, it is
`also readily possible to use such torsion vibration damp
`ers in clutch discs of friction clutches or to incorporate
`them between the two rotating masses of a two-mass
`flywheel. When used in a bridging coupling, the piston
`is expediently of pot-shaped construction so that in this
`region the curved coil springs are positively guided at
`least in a radial direction and additionally also in an
`axial direction. Thus, the piston fulfils a dual function.
`Various features of novelty which characterize the
`invention are pointed out with particularity in the
`claims annexed to and forming part of this disclosure.
`For a better understanding of the invention, its operat
`ing advantages and specific objects attained by its use,
`reference should be had to the accompanying drawing
`and descriptive matter in which there is illustrated and
`described a preferred embodiment of the invention,
`FIG. 1 is a sectional view of a part of a bridging
`coupling of a torque converter with, superposed in two
`rows, an arrangement of torsion springs viewed on the
`line I—I in FIG. 28,
`FIGS. 2a and 2b are sectional views of a coupling
`viewed on the lines IIA—IIA or IIB —IIB in FIG. 1
`FIG. 3 shows an alternative embodiment to that in
`FIG. 1;
`FIG. 4 shows a further alternative embodiment in
`relation to FIGS. 1 to 3;
`FIG. 5 shows a single row torsion spring arrange
`ment in a bridging coupling:
`FIG. 6 shows an alternative to FIG. 5,
`FIG. 7 shows a further alternative embodiment in
`which the torsion vibration damper is bonded directly
`on the turbine wheel of a torque converter:
`FIG. 8 is a sectional view taken on a line VIII–VIII
`in FIG. 7; and
`FIG. 9 shows a thrust of FIGS. 2a and 2b in a not
`installed condition.
`FIGS. 1 and 2 show a bridging coupling 1 within a
`hydrodynamic torque converter disposed between an
`internal combustion engine (not shown) and a gear
`mechanism (likewise not shown) of a motor vehicle. Of
`the torque converter, though, only the turbine wheel 9
`is shown which is required to explain the present in
`stance. The drive to the bridging coupling 1 passes
`through a housing 12 which is rotationally rigidly con
`nected to the crankshaft of an internal combustion en
`According to the invention, the coil thrust springs are
`precurved over this longitudinal extension prior to their
`installation. By producing the coil thrust springs in a
`precurved form, there is on the one hand easier assem
`bly when assembling the torsion vibration damper since
`these springs can be inserted into their guides with-out
`the application of force. Furthermore, by such a mea
`sure, the external friction is reduced considerably, at
`least in the low speed range, by the absence of any
`radial clamping.
`The use of precurved coil thrust springs is advanta
`geously envisaged in the parts of a torsion vibration
`damper which work with the lowest spring rating.
`The degree of precurvature can thereby vary accord
`ing to the desired effect. In the case of a curvature
`which corresponds exactly to what will subsequently be
`the incorporated state, there is in addition to the ease of 55
`assembly a slight external friction at least in the low and
`medium speed range, since the radial clamping effect
`which cannot be avoided in the state of the art is absent,
`If there is a more pronounced curvature in respect of
`what will subsequently be the installed state, the periph
`eral end portions of the springs work in a friction-free
`manner in the lower and medium speed ranges and only
`the middle part of the springs is always held in a fric
`tionally applied state. If the curvature is designed to be
`less than what will subsequently be the incorporated
`state, then in addition to the easier fitment, the end
`zones of the springs will be applied in the lower speed
`range and in addition all the turns of the spring will be
`Valeo Exhibit 1014, pg. 11

`gine. The housing 12 encloses both the bridging cou
`are substantially longer in proportion to their diameter
`pling and also the complete torque converter. When the
`and they are therefore, in their installed condition, arcu
`torque converter is bridged, the bridging coupling must
`ately housed in the pot-shaped part of the piston 8. For
`so damp the torsion vibrations emanating from the in
`the reasons already mentioned at the outset, these coil
`ternal combustion engine that they are no longer per
`thrust springs 15 are precurved when produced, as
`ceptible by the occupants of the vehicle. For this pur
`shown in FIG. 9, so that when the torsion vibration
`pose, there is disposed between the housing 12 and the
`damper 2 is installed, they can easily be fitted into the
`output part of the torque converter, in this case a hub 10
`curved path provided. In order to avoid the possibly
`of the turbine wheel 9, a torsion vibration damper 2
`sharply edged ends of the end portions of the coil thrust
`having two radially superposed torsion spring arrange
`springs 15 creating an uncontrolled degree of friction
`ments 13, 14 and also friction means. In the present case,
`against the piston 8, it is envisaged that the hub disc 46
`both torsion spring arrangements 13 and 14 are con
`should be equipped with holders 18 which maintain the
`nected in series. All component parts rotate during
`spring ends at a slight radial distance from the inner
`operation about an axis of rotation 17. The torsion vi
`wall of the piston 8 in the region of the axial wall zone
`bration damper 2 is integrated into a control piston 8
`20. The guide element 22 is furthermore so constructed
`which, in order to bridge the torque converter, is
`that its radially inner portion 32 rests in axially resilient
`brought into engagement with the housing 12 under the
`manner on the cover plate 48 which is towards the
`control of the hydraulic pressure in the torque con
`turbine wheel 9 where it generates a frictional force as
`verter. For this purpose, there is between the two parts
`the result of relative movement. This axially acting
`8 and 12 a friction surface 21. The piston 8 is of substan
`spring force is transmitted by the cover plate 48 to the
`tially pot-shaped form and has a radially extending wall
`cover plate 47 (via the connecting rivets 72) and this
`zone 19 which merges into an axially extending wall
`passes the bracing force radially within the coil thrust
`springs 16 directly onto the piston 8.
`zone 20. In the transition zone, the piston 8 forms sub
`stantially a quarter of a circle and in this zone it guides
`Alternative embodiments of bridging coupling are
`coil thrust springs 15 of the first torsion spring arrange
`described hereinafter. In the description, identical com
`ment 13 in a radial direction and in the axial direction.
`ponents bear identical reference numerals. By way of
`In the other axial direction, the coil thrust springs 15 are
`explanation, reference is made to the relevant parts of
`guided by a guide element 22 which is connected to the
`the preceding description. In the case shown in FIG. 3,
`piston 8 radially outside the springs via rivets 62 and it
`the torsion vibration damper 3 is likewise provided with
`comprises apertures of which the peripherally spaced
`two radially superposed torsion spring arrangements 13,
`apart control edges 26 apply torque to the Spring ends.
`14 which are likewise linked in Series. The coil thrust
`With an eye to an even application of torque to the
`springs 15 of the first torsion spring arrangement 13 are
`spring ends, there are on the inside face of the piston 8
`intended for the flat part of the spring characteristic
`and opposite the guide element 22, operating elements
`curve and already in their pre-installation condition.
`27 which have corresponding control edges 31. They
`they are precurved to match the position in which they
`are connected to the piston 8, for example by means of
`are fitted. In the present case, the axial wall zone 20 of
`rivets 63. In the axial intermediate space between the
`the piston 8 only guides the coil thrust springs 15 in a
`guide elements 22 and the control elements 27 extends a
`radial direction. In the axial direction, these springs are
`hub disc 46 which is provided with corresponding re
`guided by two cover plates 38 and 39 which are rigidly
`cesses for the springs 15, passing on the torque. The hub
`connected to each other by rivets 65 and they are
`disc 46 extends radially inwardly into the torsion spring
`guided in an axial direction by actuating elements 37.
`arrangement 14 where it transmits the torque to the coil
`These actuating elements 37 have radially outwardly
`thrust springs 16. The coil thrust springs 16 are, on both
`pointing projections 67 which are inserted into and
`sides of the hub disc 46, inserted into windows of cover
`fixed in axially extending slots 68 in the wall zone 20 of
`plates 47, 48 which are rotationally rigidly connected to
`the piston 8.
`one another, dissipating the torque from the torsion
`The two cover plates 38 and 39 are extended radially
`vibration damper 2 and in fact via clinch bolts 60 into a
`inwardly, the cover plate 39 being axially offset in the
`hub 10 of the turbine wheel 9. The clinch bolts are
`direction of the piston 8, the they actuate the radially
`extended in the direction of the cover plate 48 where
`inner coil springs 16. Then, the torque is dissipated via
`they engage corresponding recesses 61 in rotationally
`a hub disc 40 between the two cover plates 38 and 39
`rigid fashion. The connection 60–61 is axially loose,
`which, by means of a tooth system, are rotationally
`since the complete torsion vibration damper 2 together
`rigidly but axially displaceably mounted on an angled
`with the piston 8 undergoes an axial displacement dur
`ring 69 which is in turn connected by rivets 64 to the
`ing its retraction and/or extension movement. In its
`hub 10 of the turbine wheel 9. The hub disc 40 com
`radially inner portion, the piston 8 has, facing the direc
`prises radially outwardly extending projections 42
`tion of the turbine wheel 9, a shoulder by which it is
`which engage apertures 43 in the cover plate 39, these
`fitted onto the outside diameter of the hub 10 being
`apertures 43 being disposed in an axial recess 41. The
`sealed there by means of a gasket 71. FIG. 1 also shows
`projections 42 and the apertures 43 form a twisting
`that between the hub 10 and the housing 12 there is a
`abutment between the two cover plates 38 and 39 and
`thrust ring 11 which transmits the axial thrust from the
`the hub disc 40.
`turbine wheel 9 to the housing 12. FIG. 2a with the
`FIG. 4 shows a further partial longitudinal section
`partial view IIA—IIA or FIG. 26 with partial view
`through a bridging coupling 1 with a torsion vibration
`IIB—IIB shows how the coil thrust springs 15, 16 are
`damper 4. This likewise consists of two radially super
`disposed. The coil thrust springs 16 are designed for the
`posed torsion spring arrangements 13 and 14 with sets
`higher torque range and have a substantially cylindrical
`of coil thrust springs 15 and 16. In the present case, both
`form both in their installed state and also when they are
`torsion spring arrangements are offset radially inwardly
`not installed. In contrast, the coil thrust springs 15
`and disposed on diameters which are smaller than the
`which produce the flat part of the spring characteristic,
`mean torque arm of the hydrodynamic force transmis
`Valeo Exhibit 1014, pg. 12

`sion system. The coil thrust springs 15 are guided in a
`takes over radial guidance of the coil springs 15. Axial
`guidance of the coil springs 15 takes place on the one
`radial direction and in one axial direction by the por
`hand via the radial wall portion 19 of the piston 8 and on
`tions 19, 20 of the piston 8 and in the other axial direc
`tion by the arrangement of guide elements 23, both this
`the other via guide elements 25 which have radially
`extending projections which engage axially extending
`guide element and also those shown in the other illustra
`slots 68 in the wall portion 20 in rotationally rigid man
`tions being possibly constructed in one or a number of
`ner, being axially fixed for example by being plugged.
`parts. In addition to the guide element 23, actuating
`These guide elements 25 comprise control edges 26 for
`elements 28 are provided which are fixed to the piston
`applying torque to the coil springs 15. At the piston end,
`8 by rivets 63. Both these, together with mutually corre
`sponding control edges, actuate the coil springs 15. In
`the coil springs 15 are actuated via actuating elements
`the axial space between guide element 23 and actuating
`30 with control edges 31. The actuating elements 30 are,
`radially within the coil springs, connected by clinch
`elements 28, two cover plates 35 and 36 of the second
`torsion spring arrangement 14 are provided as a hub
`bolts 49 to the piston 8, the clinch bolts 49 being ex
`tended in length in the direction of the turbine wheel 9
`disc to transmit the torque. The cover plate 35 which is
`and having the effect of limiting the angle of rotation,
`towards the turbine wheel 9 is of pot-shaped construc
`together with elongated holes 51 in the hub disc 50. The
`tion radially within the first torsion spring arrangement
`hub disc 50 is disposed substantially centrally between
`13, extends in the direction of the turbine wheel 9 and so
`the guide elements 25 and the actuating elements 30 and
`forms a guide for the coil thrust springs 16. The two
`transmits the torque from the coil springs 15 to the hub
`cover plates 35 and 36 likewise actuate the coil thrust
`10. For this purpose, the radially inner area of the hub
`springs 16 and these transmit their torque to a hub 45
`disc 50 is provided with axially angled-over projections
`which by means of teeth 73 is rotationally rigidly fitted
`70 which engage corresponding apertures in a radial
`onto the hub 10. Radially within the coil thrust springs
`extension of the hub 10 in rotationally rigid but axially
`15, each of the actuating elements 28 is provided with
`displaceable manner.
`axially angle-over projections 34 which extend in the
`direction of the turbine wheel 9 and engage correspond
`The embodiment shown in FIGS. 7 and 8 differs from
`ing apertures 44 in the two cover plates 35 and 36 in
`the previous embodiment in that in this case the output
`part of the torsion vibration damper 7 is connected
`order to achieve a limiting of the angle of rotation.
`directly to the shell of the turbine wheel 9. This means
`FIG. 5 shows a further alternative embodiment of
`bridging coupling 2 with a torsion vibration damper 5
`that a hub disc 58 of the torsion vibration damper 7 has
`substantially the shape of a cylindrical ring, peripheral
`which is provided with only a first torsion spring ar
`rangement 13. The arrangement 13 comprises pre
`control edges 59 for actuating the coil thrust springs 15
`and that its portion which is extended from the piston 8
`curved coil thrust springs 15 which are guided by the
`wall portions 19 and 20 of the piston 8 in a radial and in
`in the direction of the turbine wheel 9 is rigidly con
`nected to the outer shell of the turbine wheel 9 through
`one axial direction while in the other axial direction
`they are guided by the guide element 24. The guide
`rivets 66, Guidance of the coil springs 15 in a radial
`direction is effected via the axial wall portions 20 of the
`element 24 is, radially outside the springs 15, riveted to
`piston 8 in the manner described, although for actuating
`the piston 8 by rivets 62 and extends radially inwardly,
`the springs—as can be seen especially from FIG. 8—the
`having recesses for guidance of the coil springs 15 and
`periphery of the wall portion 20 is interrupted in that
`for their actuation via control edges 26. Opposite the
`there are stamped out portions 54 which are offset
`guide element 24 there is in turn, fixed by rivets 63 to
`somewhat radially inwardly and form the control edges
`the piston 8, an actuating element 29 which has control
`56. For guiding the coil springs 15 radially inwardly, a
`edges 31 corresponding to the control edges 26. The
`guide element 52 is provided which has a substantially
`guide element 24 is provided radially within the coil
`pot-shaped form and is rigidly connected to the piston.
`springs 15 with an area 33 which bears on a hub disc 50
`It has, extending substantially parallel with the wall
`under an axial pre-tension which acts in the direction of 45
`portion 20 of the piston 8, a wall portion 53 which
`the piston 8, the hub disc 50 transmitting the torque
`guides the springs in a radial direction. For symmetrical
`from the coil springs 15 to the hub 10 of the turbine
`actuation of the coil springs 15, the guide element 52 is
`wheel 9. The axial force generated by the guide element
`likewise provided with stamped-out portions 55 which
`24 is, via the hub disc 50, additionally braced on the
`are offset by a corresponding amount radially out
`piston 8. Thus, a friction arrangement is created which,
`wardly, their peripheral control edges 57 actuating the
`upon relative rotation, i.e. when torque is applied, be
`coil springs 15. The torsion spring arrangement 13 de
`comes effective between the guide element 24 and the
`scribed here likewise has precurved coil springs 15
`piston 8 on the one hand and the hub disc 50 on the
`which are very easily fitted, inter alia by reason of their
`other. The hub disc transmits its torque to the hub 10 via
`precurved form.
`extended clinch bolts 60 in the hub 10 and correspond
`The aforesaid examples of embodiment all comprise,
`ing recesses 61 in the hub disc.
`at least in the first torsion spring arrangement, pre
`FIG. 6 shows a further partial longitudinal section
`through a bridging coupling 1 with a torsion vibration
`curved coil springs which can be easily fitted, minimal
`damper 6 which comprises a first torsion spring ar
`undesired friction and can all be installed without any
`radial clamping. With a more pronounced preliminary
`rangement 13 which is radially and completely out
`curvature than that which corresponds to the fitted
`wardly accommodated in the piston 8. Such an arrange
`ment is axially space-saving and provides a ready op
`position, it is ensured that the end zones of the springs
`portunity for accommodating the torsion springs 15 on
`operate in a friction-free manner in the lower speed
`range. In the case of an embodiment with a lesser curva
`a large medium diameter. In this case, the piston 8 is
`disposed radially outside the friction surface 21 in re
`ture than that which corresponds to the installed posi
`spect of the housing 12 with the axially extending wall
`tion, there is likewise, in addition to the advantage of
`portion 20 which here creates both the necessary stabil
`easier installation, the fact that the middle portion of the
`spring only bears outwardly at the higher rotary speeds
`ity of shape for the piston 8 and also, at the same time,
`Valeo Exhibit 1014, pg. 13

`and when the application of torque means that the force
`adjacent the turbine wheel (9) and acting between the
`component is increased. Additionally, for centrifugal
`drive part (12) and the output part (9) a bridging cou
`force-dependent friction, the holders which maintain
`pling (1) which has a control piston (8) adapted for
`the spring ends at a distance from the radially outer rest
`movement axially in relation to the turbine wheel (9)
`position, can influence the friction. By these measures,
`and wherein the control piston (8) has, enclosed by an
`apart from easy installation, it is possible to achieve a
`approximately axially extending wall zone (20), a pot
`targeted attuning of the friction force which is indeed in
`shaped depression of which the axially extending wall
`principle dependent upon rotary speed but which can
`part (20) outwardly guides the precurved coil thrust
`not be influenced hardly at all in the state of the art. In
`spring (15).
`addition, it is possible to minimise the wear and tear
`7. A torsion vibration damper according to claim 7,
`caused by friction. Naturally, the use in torsion vibra
`wherein adjacent the axially extending wall zone (20) of
`tion dampers of coil springs which are precurved when
`the control piston (8) there is, towards the axis of rota
`they are not installed relates not only to the use of bridg
`tion (17), an area of curvature which merges into an
`ing couplings in hydrodynamic gear mechanisms but it
`approximately radially extending wall zone (19) and
`can also be applied to all torsion vibration dampers
`wherein the radius of curvature of the curved area,
`which operate with coil thrust springs and which possi
`viewed in the plane of axial longitudinal section, is equal
`ble have an additional friction arrangement. Thus, it is
`to or is smaller than the outer radius of the precurved
`readily possible for clutch discs of friction clutches to
`coil thrust spring (15) and wherein the radially extend
`be equipped with these springs and also the torsion
`ing wall zone (19) axially guides the precurved coil
`vibration damper systems of two-mass fly-wheels.
`thrust spring (15).
`While specific embodiments of the invention have
`8. A torsion vibration damper according to claim 7,
`been shown and described in detail to illustrate the
`wherein the axially extending wall zone (20) of the
`application of the inventive principles, it will be under
`control piston (8) extends axially beyond the cross-sec
`stood that the invention may be embodied otherwise
`tional centre of the coil thrust springs (15) and, on the
`without departing from such principle
`side of the coil thrust springs (15) which is axially re
`What we claim is:
`mote from the radial wall zone (19) merges into a con
`1. A torsion vibration damper for the drive line of a
`necting zone situated on the side of the coil thrust spring
`motor vehicle, comprising
`(15) which is remote from the axis of rotation (17) and
`an input damper part (8) rotatable about an axis (17)
`on which there is supported a guide element (22, 23, 24.
`of rotation
`25) which axially guides the coil thrust spring (15) and
`an output damper part (9) rotatable about the axis of
`which projects in relation to the axis of rotation (17).
`rotation (17) by a limited angle of relative rotation
`9. A torsion vibration damper according to claim 8.
`in respect of the input damper part (8) guide pas
`wherein axially between the guide element (22, 23, 24.
`sages (20) on at least one of the damper parts (8)
`25) and the radial wall zone (19) of the piston (8) there
`and arranged arcuately and concentrically about
`is a hub disc (46; 35, 36, 50) coupled to the turbine wheel
`the axis of rotation (17)
`(9) and wherein the guide element (22, 23, 24, 25) and
`a first spring arragement (13) with, guided radially in
`the hub disc (46; 35, 36; 50) has control edges (26, 31)
`the guide passages (20) and in the direction of the
`for coupling with the end edges of the coil thrust
`axis of rotation (17), and coupling the two damper
`springs (15).
`parts (8.9) together in a rotationally resilient fash
`10. A torsion vibration damper according to claim 9,
`ion, long-travel coil thrust springs (15), the length
`wherein at least one control element (27, 28, 29, 30) is
`of which is a multiple of their diameter, the coil
`fixed, in particular is riveted, on the piston (8) and has,
`thrust springs (15) being precurved over their lon
`conforming to the control edges (26) of the guide ele
`gitudinal extension when not installed.
`ment (22, 23, 24, 25) control edges (31) for coupling to
`2. A torsion vibration damper according to claim 1,
`the end faces of the coil thrust springs (15).
`wherein the coil thrust springs (15) have a radius of
`11. A torsion vibration damper according to claim 10,
`precurvature which is equal to or greater than the ra
`wherein each control element (28) comprises at least
`dius of curvature of the guide passage (20).
`one axially angled-over projection (34) which engages
`3. A torsion vibration damper according to claim 1,
`an aperture (44) in the hub disc (35, 36) to limit the angle
`wherein the coil thrust springs (15) have a radius of
`of relative rotation on the side of the coil thrust spring
`precurvature which is equal to or less than the radius of
`(15) adjacent the axis of rotation (17).
`curvature of the guide passage (20).
`12. A torsion vibration damper according to claim 10,
`4. A torsion vibration damper according to claim 1,
`wherein the control elements (30) are supported on the
`wherein the damper parts are coupled in rotationally
`piston (8) radially between the axis of rotation (17) and
`resilient fashion to one another via a plurality of sets of 55
`the coil thrust springs (15) by means of clinch bolts (49)
`coil thrust springs (15, 16) of differing ratings, and
`which are extended axially towards the hub disc (50)
`wherein the set of precurved coil thrust springs (15) has
`and which, for limiting the relative angle of rotation.
`the lowest spring rating,
`engage elongate holes (51) in the hub disc (50).
`5. A torsion vibration damper according to claim 1,
`13. A torsion vibration damper according to claim 9,
`wherein the ends of the precurved coil thrust springs
`wherein the guide element (24) is extended via the pre
`(15) are supported by holders (18) at a radial distance
`curved coil thrust spring (15) radially in respect of the
`from guide faces of the guide passages (20) which are
`axis of rotation (17) and bears frictionally on the hub
`radially remote from the axis of rotation (17).
`disc (50).
`6. A torsion vibration damper according to claim 1,
`14. A torsion vibration damper according to claim 9,
`wherein there is provided in the drive line an hydrody
`wherein radially between the axis of rotation (17) and
`namic coupling of which the housing (12) which serves
`the diameter on which the precurved coil thrust springs
`as a drive part, equiaxially encloses a turbine wheel (9)
`(15) of the first spring arrangement (13) are disposed,
`which serves as an output part and wherein there is
`Second coil thrust springs (16) of a second spring

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