`Ex.1020 p.1
`Ex.1020 p.1
`Dcparlmcnl of .5[c!hcrnc1ic.s
`.‘»Iassac.‘.use-.!:.s‘ 1n.s::'fule of Technology
`Menlcu Park, C-ulifurniu ' L-mrir-n - Drm Mills, ()n’mri0
`-a=§v’_'>..-.'~ -.
`' "
`Ex.1020 p.2
`Ex.1020 p.2
`This book is in the
`Addison-Wesley Series in Mathematics
`Second printing. December 1969
`Copyright © 1968, Philippines copyright 1968 by Addison-
`Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. All rights reserved. No
`part of
`this publication ma._v be rcprodimed, stored in a
`retriew-3.1 system, or transrriitted,
`in any form or by any
`means. electronic. mechanical, phow-cop_ving, recording, or
`otherwise, without. the prior written permission of the pub-
`iisher. Printed in the United States of America. Published
`simultaneoxisly in Canada.
`Libra;-_v of Congress Catalog
`Card No. 68-17568.
`Ex.1020 p.3
`Ex.1020 p.3
`We know that a point can be located in 3 plane by
`giving its abscissa. and ordinate relative to at given
`coordinate system. Such 1- and 3;-coordinates are
`called Ca.rtesian coordinates, in honor of the French
`mathematician-philosopher Ptc-né Descartes‘ (1595-
`l650), who is credited with discovering this method
`of fixing the position of 3. point in J. plane.
`/AFN‘ E‘?
`(J ‘I'll;as T _
`Another useful way to locate it point in :1 plane
`is by polar conrd:'na!e.s- {see Fig. 11.1). First. we fix
`an I.)?‘J,'[:'Z.I‘: 0 and an z'm'tia.! rayf from 0. The point 1-’
`has polar coordinates r, 6, ts-itii
`= directed distance from 0 to P,
`6 = directed angle from initial ray to OP.
`,'.Iosi!it-‘c’ whezi
`the angle 6 is
`As in trigononietry.
`measured counterclockwise and negative when incan-
`sured clockwise (Fig. 11.1}. But the angle associated
`with a given point is not unique (Fig. 11.2]. For
`instance, the point. 2 units from the origin. along the
`ray 6 = 30°, has poiar coordinates r ——-
`‘.2, 6 = 30°.
`It also has coordinates r =— :2, = -330"; or 2- = 2.
`6 = 390°.
`There are occasions when we wish to allow r to be
`'I‘lm'.’s why we
`"directed distance"
`“ For an iriteresmig biographicai account together with
`an excerpt from Descartes’ own i\'I'ltl[)g.-. see World of
`J[atr'mr.a.!i::s, Vol. 1, pp. 235-25-'3.
`T.-\ ray is a lmlf-line consisting of a vertex and points
`of 3 line on one :~i'l-.: of r.}-.:- vr-rt-ex. For t-xamzgle, the
`origin and positive z-axis is st ray. The points on zlie line
`14 = 2: — 3 with: Z 1 is another ray; its vertex is 11. 5?-
`Ex.102O p.4
`Ex.1020 p.4
`5 Polar and C.-
`6 The circle r =
`We adopt the c
`:1£;;ber' Wm < .1
`05 y = 0 if
`I‘ :
`..e or1g1n,:7: = |
`_ Tue same poim
`iferent ways in
`1* point
`(2, 30°)
`L‘. -150°). The
`'_'e two formula
`(2. 30° + n:
`‘-2, 210° -1- n:
`‘I. we represent
`b _.ulas
`.=e-is :ooi-dlnates
`11.2 T:.- ~22‘? = 30°ist'he same asthe t'a)'l7 = —330°.
`-I, ¢i .= ijI_'I-
`a=' 1-3‘
`2 units. He would reach the same point by tumin;
`only 30’ counterciocI<wise :'ron1 the initial ray an?
`then going farzclcivarrl
`'2 units. So we say that. th
`point also has polar coordinates r = —-:2. 0 = 30°.
`Whenever the angle b€[‘s'-'('.‘(-II‘.
`two rays is 1530’, fr.-
`rays atrtually in-.i‘.~;e a straight line. We then say th=:-.'
`either I‘8.}'
`is the :1eg_atEve of the other. Points I?’
`the ray 6 = a have polar coordinates tr. as} w'.'‘
`r 2 0. Points on the negative rug.-. 0 = a -— 184?’
`have coordinates ii‘. a) with ." 5 0. The origin
`r = 0.
`{See Fig. 11.4 for the r:-.3‘ 6 = 30° and
`negative. A word of caution: The "negative"
`the ray 6 .— 30'‘ is the ray 6 - 30°
`180° -= 21"‘
`and not the my 9 ~— —30°.
`".\'egs~.t.ive" refers to 1':
`directed distance r.)
`There is :1 great z'~.(l.'»';1I‘.?.a[It‘.‘ in being; able to us-
`buth polar and Cartesian coordinates at once.
`do this. we use a ccvnxmon origin and take the init-
`my as the poi-zitivc .1‘-axis, and take the ray = C‘?
`as the positive 9'-axis. The coordinrztes, shovm
`Fig. 11.5, are then related by the equations
`11.3 The rays 9 = 30° and 0 = 210° make at
`1-: rcosfi,
`,- sin 9_
`-f— 1, 3-21*’:
`\ ~-
`\_ I: _2] 306:]
`n.4 The terminal ray 0 = n-£6 and its negative.
`in I-.‘c:_. (la). The ray 6 = 30° and the ray 5 = 210°
`together make up :4. complete line through 0 [see
`Fig. 11.3). The point P(2. 210°} 2 units from 0 on
`the ray 0 = 210° has polar coordinates
`r = 2,
`9 = 210°.
`It can be reached by a person standing
`at 0 and facing out along the initial ray, if he first
`turns 210° counterclockwise, and then goes forward
`These are the equations that define sir; 6 and cm:
`when r is positive. They are r:‘;.~:o valid if .-- is net.-
`tive, because
`cos [9 —r 180°) —-
`cos 6,
`sin [Ct
`-- 180°] = —sin 9.
`so positive r’s on the :39 — 180°)-re.;c corrcspomi
`negative r’s associated with the 9-ray. When ‘r : .
`then .7: — y = (l. and P is the origin.
`If we impose the condition
`r -= a
`{a constant}.
`then the locus of P is a. circle with center 0
`radius a. and P describes the circle once as 6 \-a.'—_-
`from O to 360° isee Fig. 11.6]. Or. the other ha; .
`if we let r \'rL!'.'~‘ and hold 6 lixcd. 5:1."
`9 2'
`the locus of P is the straight line shown in Fig. 1'.
`in’ L‘
`Ex.102O p.5
`Ex.1020 p.5
`The polar coordinate system
`The fact that the same point. may be represented
`in several different ways in polar coordinates makes
`added care necessary in certain situations.
`example, the point (2a_. 1r) is on the curve
`r2 = 4a’ cos 6
`even though its coordinates as given do not satisfy
`the equation, because the same point is represented
`by (—2a, 0) and these coordinates do satisfy the
`equation. The same point (2a_. 1r) is on the curve
`r = a(1
`cos 9).
`and hence this point should be included among the
`points of intersection of the two curves represented
`by Eqs. (6) and (7). But if we solve the equations
`simultaneously by first substituting cos 0 = r’/4a”
`from (6)
`into (7) and then solving the resulting
`quadratic equation
`= -2 2 2\/§,
`T Z
`11.6 The circle r — a is the locus P.
`We adopt the convention that 7‘ may be any real
`zumber, — ac < r < :c. Then 7- = 0 corresponds
`to I = 0. y = 0 in Eqs. (2), regardless of 0. That is,
`r = 0,
`9 any value.
`is the origin, as = 0, 3/ = O.
`The mic point niay be represented in several
`different ways in polar coordinates. For example,
`‘he point {2_.30°), or (‘.>,,7r_/6), has the following
`(2, —330°),
`(-2, 21 °),
`-2, -150°). These and all others are summarized
`:n the two formulas
`(2, 30° —: n 360°),
`(-2, 210° =- n 360°),
`or, if we represent the angles in radians, in the two
`we do not obtain the point (2a_. 1r) as a point. of inter-
`section. Thc reason is simple enough: The point. is
`not on the curves “simultaneou:sly" in the sense of
`being reached at the “same time, "" since it is reached
`in the one case when 0 = 0 and in the other case
`It is as though two ships describe
`when 9 = 1r.
`paths that intersect at a point, hul._1.he ships do not
`collide because they reach the point) of intersection
`at difiercnt
`The curves represented by
`Eqs. (6) and (7) are shown in Fig. ll.9(c). They
`are seen to intersect at the four points
`(20: 1r):
`(7.1: 01).‘
`(T1: —0l.)1
`T] =
`— 2\/§)a,
`n = 0. :':1, _-*_-2
`Only the last two of the points (92) are found from
`the simultaneous solution; the firs: two are disclosed
`only by the graphs of the curves.
`oy turning
`11 ray and
`.' that the
`0 = 30°.
`5 180°, the
`n say that
`Points on
`r, a) witl:
`0: + 180’
`2 origin is
`3° and its
`gative” of
`P = 21o=
`’ers to the
`;le to use
`moe. T-.
`:he initial
`~' 0 = 90‘
`shown ix.
`md cos 5
`' is nega-
`spond tr-
`ll 1‘ =
`Ex.1020 p.6
`Ex.1020 p.6
`Vectors and parametric equations
`Then, applying (3), we have
`ll] =icos0+jsin0
`C7’ as am + (a0}u2
`= a(i cos9+j sin 61- aflfiisin 9 — j cos 9)
`= a (cos 9 + 0 sin 9)i + a Lsin 0 — 6 C05 02-)‘.
`We equate this with :ci+ yj and, since corresponding
`components must be equal, we obtain the parametric
`as = a (cosfie tisin 6},
`to the involu:-3 of a cir-:_— :
`ll). A uni: vector tangent
`whose parametric equations are giver. in F.q. (6)
`Find the lengths of each of the foilowing vectors and
`angle that each makes with the positive I-axis.
`12. 2i — 3i
`13. xǤi+j
`14. —-.>i+ 31'
`15. 5i — 12]
`16. -5: — 121
`17. Use vector methods to determine parametric eq“_‘r
`tions for the trochoid of Fig. 12.6, by taking
`Let :1, B. C. D be the vertices, in order, of a quad.-.-
`lateral. Let :1’. B’, C’, D’ be the midpoints of ti‘
`Provo tits"
`sides AB. BC’, CD, and DJ, in order.
`--l'B’C'D’ is a parallelogram.
`Hm. First show that 3'3’ = 51:" = gfc.
`19. Using vectors. show that the diagonals 0:‘ a parallei:
`gram biscct each other.
`.li'ez'I'zod. Let .4 be one vertex and let. M and N 1''.
`the midpoints of
`the diagonals. Then show Elli‘
`= .a_\'.
`: lane perpc
`zcorre the my-1
`zxvzrsecl; in tl
`:3-:acterized l
`' = 0: 3/ = 0:
`:t.'_e--.1 actants.
`z) have ;
`-_’_~— _—Z rst octantp
`ti; 2-1' the rcm
`‘_= frequent
`r.::.ates (r,£
`_':L".icula,r, cy
`there is
`zéfolem. Es
`the pola:
`in the
`.- rdinate (sen
`-:_ coordinate
`I ‘.
`y 2
`Cartesian coordinates
`In Fig. 12.17, a systeni of mutually orthogonal cv.— -
`ordinate axes. 0:. 01;. and Oz,
`is indicated. The
`system is called right-handezi
`if a right-threado:
`screw pointing along ()2 will advance when the blaé-3 ,
`of the screw driver is twisted from 0.: to 0y throng:
`an angle, say, of 90°.
`In the right—handed s}'ster_ '
`shown, the y- and z-axes lie in the plane of the pap-1-.‘
`and the .r:—axis points out from the paper.
`Cartesian coordinates of a point P-fr, y, 2) in spac-.'
`may be read from the scales along the coordinate
`axes by passing planes through P perpendicular '.
`each axis. All points on the 1:-axis have their ;.-
`and z-coordinates both zero; that is. they have the
`form (2, 0, 0). Points in a plane perpendicular r
`the z-axis, say, all have the same value for their
`for example,
`2 = 5 is
`equation satisfied by every point
`[.25. y, 5) lying i:
`In Exercises 1 through 10, express each of the vectors in
`the form ai + bj.
`Indicate all quantities graphically.
`I 2 E i
`1. P1P2, if P1 is the point (1, 3) and P2 is the point
`(2. -1)
`. 2. 0P3, if 0 is the origin and P3 is the midpoint» of the
`vector I’1["z joining I’y;2_. -1) and I’-,>:j- »-1, 3)
`3. The vector from the point .-ll-;2, 3} to the origin
`and CT), given the four
`*1. The sum of the vectors
`points .40, -1), B(2, 0), C(—1, 3], and DI:-2, 2)
`5. A unit vector making an angle of 30° with the posi-
`tive 2-axis
`6. The unit vector ohtained by rotatingj through 120’
`in the clockwise direction
`1. A unit vector having the same direction as the
`vector 3i — 4i
`8. A unit vector tangent to the curve y = :r'-’ at the
`point (2, 4,‘.-
`9. A unit vector normal to the curve y = :9 al.
`point. P12. 4} and painting from P toward the con-
`cave side 01' the curve {that ‘Ls, an “inner” normal)
`Ex.1020 p.7
`Ex.1020 p.7
`Space coordinates
`12.13 Cylindrical coordinates.
`If we hold r = constant. and let 9 and z vary, the
`locus of P(r, 0, 2) is then at right circular cylinder of
`radius r and axis along 02. The locus r = 0 is just
`the z-axis itself. The locus 0 =_ constant. is a plane
`containing the s—axis and nrmking an angle 0 with the
`xz-plane (Fig. 12.19).
`Ex.1020 p.8
`2r ronstzmt
`X10. 0. z)
`UL .43, 2:
`2', ll, .-}
`_ Lnslunz
`v._.r, ll, 0,‘ ’
`y - constant.
`I9;-.““.P(5ly V) 3)
`"'-5‘ ‘ (I), y. 0}
`"h 9'
`_:.-. 0]
`2.17 Cartesian coordinates.
`1 plane perpendicular to the z-axis and 5 units
`s.:~3ve the :cy-plane. The three planes
`z=2! 3/=3: z=5
`ztersect in the point P(2, 3,5). The yz-plane is
`::a.racterized by 2: = 0. The three coordinate planes
`: = 0, y = 0, z = 0 divide the space into eight cells,
`2-Lied actants. That octant
`in which the points
`:. y, z) have all three coordinates positive is called
`rgefirst octam, but there is no conventional number-
`3 of the remaining seven octants.
`qvllndrical coordlnates
`is frequently convenient to use cylindrical co-
`at-iinates (r, 0, 2)
`to locate a point in space.
`usrtiicular, cylindrical coordinates are convenient
`-"zen there is an axis of symmetry in a physical
`2-ablem. Essentially, cylindrical coordinates are
`the polar coordinates (r, 9), used instead of
`:. y)
`in the plane 2 = 0, coupled with the z-
`.~:-:»rdinate (see Fig. 12.18). Cylindrical and Cartes-
`;: coordinates are related by the familiar equations
`y= rsin0,
`tan 0 = y/3:,
`z = z.
`rte of a r:-.-:1»
`in Eq. -[6
`rectors and ‘Ir
`—5i— 12;‘
`rametric c—;_ J-
`' taking
`.er, of a qua;-»
`.idpoints of 1::
`cr. Prove :3;
`= gfir.
`is of a pa.ralie_».—
`:t M and X 1»
`‘hen show I’-.5
`orthogonal c»--
`.dicated. The
`when the blade
`to 0y throug:
`ianded s_w-stern.
`ie of the paper
`: paper.
`, y, 2) in space M
`the coordinate
`zrpendicular ts;
`have their 9-
`they have the
`rpendicular t-t
`value for their
`2 = 5 is
`, y, 5) lying ir.
`Ex.1020 p.8