United States Patent [19]
`Ulllted States Patent [19]
`LaPorta et al. (cid:9)
`LaPorta et al.
`[11] Patent Number:
`[n] Patent Number: (cid:9)
`[45] Date of Patent: (cid:9)
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Jun. 29, 1999
`Jun. 29, 1999
`[75] Inventors: Thomas F. LaPorta, Thornwood, N.Y.;
`[75] Inventors: Thomas E Laporta, Thornwood, N_Y_;
`Krishan Kumar Sabnani, Westfield;
`Krishan Kumar Sabnani> West?eld;
`Thomas Yat Chung Woo, Red Bank,
`Thomas Yat Chung W00> Red Bank>
`both of N.J.
`both of N~J~
`[73] Assignee: Lucent Technologies Inc., Murray Hill,
`[73] Assignee: Lucent Technologies Inc., Murray Hill,
`[21] Appl. No.: 08/686,074
`[21] Appl' NO‘: 08/686’074
`Jul_ 24, 1996
`Jul. 24, 1996
`[22] Filed: (cid:9)
`... [52] US. Cl. .............. ..
` GO8B 5/22
`[51] Int. C1.6
` 455/31.3; 455/31.2; 455/38.4
`[52] U.S. Cl. (cid:9)
` 455/31.2, 31.3,
`[58] Field of Search (cid:9)
`[58] Field of Search ................................ .. 455/312, 31.3,
`455/384; 370/332, 31; 340/825.44
`455/38.4; 370/332, 31; 340/825.44
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 455/31.3; 455/312; 455/384
`[56] (cid:9)
`References Cited
`References Cited
` 455/31.3
`7/1997 Wang et al. (cid:9)
`7/1997 Wang et al.
` 455/31.3
`5,703,571 12/1997 Cannon et al. (cid:9)
`5,703,571 12/1997 Cannon et al.
` 455/31.3
`1/1998 Blonder et al. (cid:9)
`1/1998 Blonder et al.
` 455/31.3
`2/1998 Wang et al. (cid:9)
`2/1998 Wang et al. ......................... .. 455/31.3
`Primary Examiner—David R. Hudspeth
`Primary Examiner—David R. Hudspeth
`Assistant Examiner—Daniel Abebe
`Assistant Examiner—Daniel Abebe
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Barry H. Freedman
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Barry H. Freedman
`[57] (cid:9)
`Atwo-way wireless messaging system includes a messaging
`A two-way wireless messaging system includes a messaging
`network and a two-way wireless messaging device which
`network and a two-way wireless messaging device which
`originates, receives and replies to messages having dynamic
`originates, receives and replies to messages having dynamic
`message components to and from the messaging network.
`message components to and from the messaging network.
`The messaging network includes a plurality of stored mes-
`The messaging network includes a plurality of stored mes
`sages and message destination addresses. The dynamic
`message components include optional components, user-
`defined selections, pre-defined variables and conditional
`de?ned selections, pre-de?ned variables and conditional
`components. The system also includes a plurality of intel-
`components. The system also includes a plurality of intel
`ligent servers located within the messaging network for
`ligent servers located within the messaging network for
`receiving, routing, tracking and forwarding messages
`receiving, routing, tracking and forwarding messages
`through the messaging network to intended message desti-
`through the messaging network to intended message desti
`nation addresses.
`nat1on addresses.
`message components include optional components, user
`4,979,170 12/1990 Gilhousen et al. (cid:9)
` 455/31.3
`4,979,170 12/1990 Gilhousen et al. .................. .. 455/31.3
`5,513,242 4/1996 Dimtriadis et al. (cid:9)
` 455/31.3
`4/1996 Dimtriadis et al. .................. .. 455/313
`27 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets
`27 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets
`--------- __
`16\ /--\ ______ __\_
` 36
` (NCP)
`// )0
`I /,
`; (cid:9)
`18 (cid:9)
`g r / ' ' j ‘
`General Electric Co. 1006 - Page 1

`U.S. Patent (cid:9)
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 29, 1999
`Jun. 29, 1999 (cid:9)
`Sheet 1 of 8 (cid:9)
`Sheet 1 of8
`FIG. 1
`32 (cid:9)
`28 (cid:9)
`--N \ i (cid:9)
`I (cid:9)
`DATABASE (cid:9)
`n....... (cid:9)
`..n (cid:9)
`General Electric Co. 1006 - Page 2

`U.S. Patent (cid:9)
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 29, 1999
`Jun. 29, 1999 (cid:9)
`Sheet 2 of8
`Sheet 2 of 8 (cid:9)
`FIG. 2
`FIG. 2
`FIG. 3
`FIG. 3
`57a 11:3—,"
`/) LA
`MSG: 8
`General Electric Co. 1006 - Page 3

`U.S. Patent (cid:9)
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 29, 1999 (cid:9)
`Jun. 29, 1999
`Sheet 3 of 8 (cid:9)
`Sheet 3 0f 8
`DOMAIN 1 (cid:9)
`114-’~ SERVER
`FIG. 4
`82 (cid:9)
`34 (cid:9)
`USER (cid:9)
`AGENT (cid:9)
`MESSAGING .----114
` 100
`LA (cid:9)
`General Electric Co. 1006 - Page 4

`U.S. Patent (cid:9)
`Jun. 29, 1999 (cid:9)
`Sheet 4 of 8 (cid:9)
`FIG. 6 (cid:9)
`LINKI .....
`BASE (cid:9)
`240 (cid:9)
`242 (cid:9)
`244 (cid:9)
`246 (cid:9)
`FIG. 8
`REPLY (R, rep#, type, i)
`ACK (i)
`HDR (R, P*, R, mid, mid', xid, r p#, type, i)
`HDR (P*, R, mid, mid' xid, rep#, type, i)
`RSP (P, R, mid, mid', xid, rep-body, type-R)
`HDR (P, R, mid, mid', xid, [Rtype])
`I (cid:9) 1
`RSP (OK) (cid:9) 1 (cid:9)
`HDR (P, R, mid, mid', id, type-R, format-R)
`RSP (P*, R*, loc-S, f ' lter-S, status-S, type-S, format-S, rep-body)
`HDR (R, [P R*, Ax, ds , type, format] , ml)C, xid, repbody) (cid:9)
`MSG (P*, R*, mid', xid, type-S, rep-body)
`MSG (P*, R*, mid', xid, type-S, rep-body)
`LACK (P, mid', xid, i' ACK2)
`ACK (P, mid', xid, i', ACK2)
`r (cid:9)
`General Electric Co. 1006 - Page 5

`U.S. Patent (cid:9)
`Jun. 29, 1999 (cid:9)
`Sheet 5 of 8 (cid:9)
`FIG . 7
`208 (cid:9)
`210 (cid:9)
`212 214
`200 (cid:9)
`218 (cid:9)
`220 221 222 23/
`PG2BS-NEW (S, [R*, fmt], [P*, fmt] , sail, type, msg#, modifier)
`S2PG-ACK (seq#)
`BS2MS-NEW ( , (cid:9)
`(cid:9)c-/ (cid:9)
`BS-23 /202
`ri 224
`R2r1 1
`RI (cid:9)
`mid, seq#, msg#, modifier, type)
`fmt , (P*, fa),I
`I (cid:9)
`MS UA-NEW ( (R*, froth (Pk fiat] , mid, seq#, msgt, modifier, type)
`I (cid:9)
`UA2MS-NEW ((R], (P], mid, msg-body, type-S)
`•wat. •••••n (cid:9)
`HDR (S, (P1, mid, type- S, format-RI)
`HDR (5, [P1, mid, type- S, f ormat-R2)
`4. (cid:9)
`HDR IS, 4P], mid, type-S, f ormat-R3)
`filter-Ri, status-Ai, type-Al, format-RI)
`UARSP (SIX, (p-Rix], (cid:9)
`UAASP (52*, (P-R2x] , (cid:9)
`f ilter-R2, status-R2, type-R2, format-R2)
`UARSP (53*, [P-R3x],
`(cid:9) f ilter-A3, status-R3, t pe-R3, format-R3)
`, (1,], Ind)
`OPENTX (cid:9)
`TXRSP (mid, xid)
`TXUPDATE (mid, xid)
`MS2DS (S, (cid:9)
`S*, EP*, fmt], dst, fmt, typelimid, xid, msg-body)
`MSG (S-RI*,[y, fmt] , fmt], laid, xid, msg-body, type-RI)
`MSG (S-R2*, (P-R2*, fmtj , mid, x id, msg-bod , ty e-R2)
`MSG (S, A3, [P, fmt] mid, msg-body, tyre-R3)
`MSG (S-RI*, (P-Ax, fmt) mss-body, type-RI)
`MSG (S-R2X, [P-R2X, fmt. , ms -body, type-R2)
`4CK (cid:9)
`I- - - -
`ACK (Al, mid, xid, rbil, ACK2)
`ACK (RI mid, xid, rbil, ACK2)
`ACK (R3, mid, retrieval-id)
`ACK (R3, mid, xid, retrieval-id)
`HATE (mid, retrieval-id)
`(R2, (cid:9)mid, xid)
`MSG (S-R2*, [P-R2*, tint], mid )(id, msg-body, type-R2)
`MSG (S-R2*, fop, msg-body, type-R2)
`MSG (S-R2*, [P-R2x, fmt] , mstbody, type-R2)
`I LACK (rb 2, ACK
`ACK (R2 xid, rbi2, ACK2, BS-R22)
`ACK I 2, mid, xid rbi2, ACK2)
`(B -R22)
`MACK (R2, mid, xid)
`UPD (cid:9)
`General Electric Co. 1006 - Page 6

`U.S. Patent (cid:9)
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 29, 1999
`Sheet 6 of8
`Jun. 29, 1999 (cid:9)
`Sheet 6 of 8
`FIG. 9
`FIG. 9
`11 (cid:9)
`FIG. 10
`FIG. 10
`• • •
`• • •
`\ (cid:9)
`1 (cid:9)
`General Electric Co. 1006 - Page 7

`U.S. Patent (cid:9)
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 29, 1999 (cid:9)
`Jun. 29, 1999
`Sheet 7 of 8 (cid:9)
`Sheet 7 0f 8
`FIG. 11 (cid:9)
`F I 6. 1 1
` 72b
`F I G. 12
`FIG. 12
`(--- (cid:9)
`F _
`1 ,-- (cid:9)
`_ _
`_ _
`_ -
`n 0 W _
`n _
`120 i (--- (cid:9)
`. (cid:9)
`m I (cid:9)
`122 (cid:9)
`_ N _
`_ S6 C6 _ _ DnA AA _ EN SN
`_ nHA AA
`_ C Tl
`_ VA NA _ NM AM
`[LN SN _
`TD“ IDn _
`MANAGER (cid:9)
`_ 56 CG _
`• • •
`_ 0 Dn _
`lllllllllllll'lll _
`11 (cid:9)
`L____________________________ (cid:9)
`_ 4.. _
`_ _
`• • •
`(IIIIIIIII |||l1|-|\ _
`_ _ I __
`_ m _ mm _ _ _
`n 11 E n _
`_ _
`• • •
`_ _ __
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`u D _ AND _ n _
`_ . _ _ n
`_ _ _
`_ _
`. _
`_ _
`N _
`128' (cid:9)
`F122 --- TRANSACTION (cid:9)
`_ VA _ NA __
`MANAGER (cid:9)
`TH _ IR _ _ AC... _ TIE _ _
`NM _ AM _ _ _ .U _ Dn __ _
`_ _ HM _ _
`_ N _ _ _ EE _ _
`_ C Tl _ _
`:12B --"" STATE
`________________________________ (cid:9)
`FIG. 12A
`FIG. 12A
`. 12B
`F I 6. 12B
`General Electric Co. 1006 - Page 8

`U.S. Patent (cid:9)
`Jun. 29, 1999 (cid:9)
`Sheet 8 of 8 (cid:9)
`FIG. 13
`69 (cid:9)
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
`? (cid:9)
`ZXCVBNM < > ?
`ciiiiipcpc_t3 }
`General Electric Co. 1006 - Page 9

`This application is related to commonly assigned,
`This application is related to commonly assigned,
`copending application entitled TWo-Way Wireless Messag
`copending application entitled Two-Way Wireless Messag- 5
`ing System Having User Agent filed on the same date as the
`ing System Having User Agent ?led on the same date as the
`present application by the same inventors.
`present application by the same inventors.
`This invention relates to a two-way wireless messaging
`This invention relates to a tWo-Way Wireless messaging
`system and method using a messaging netWork and tWo-Way
`system and method using a messaging network and two-way
`Wireless messaging device that originates, receives and
`wireless messaging device that originates, receives and
`replies to messages having dynamically customizable mes
`replies to messages having dynamically customizable mes-
`sage components to and from the messaging netWork.
`sage components to and from the messaging network.
`Limitations of existing Wireless paging systems are
`Limitations of existing wireless paging systems are
`resolved and technical advances are achieved in the present 55
`resolved and technical advances are achieved in the present
`invention by a method and system for transmitting messages
`invention by a method and system for transmitting messages
`on a wireless messaging network with a plurality of user
`on a Wireless messaging netWork With a plurality of user
`agents and other intelligent servers such as transaction
`agents and other intelligent servers such as transaction
`servers, distribution servers and batch servers. The benefits
`servers, distribution servers and batch servers. The bene?ts
`of the present invention are set forth below. (cid:9)
`of the present invention are set forth beloW.
`In accordance with one aspect of the present invention, a
`In accordance With one aspect of the present invention, a
`wireless messaging device can originate new messages or
`Wireless messaging device can originate neW messages or
`reply to previously received messages along a first commu-
`reply to previously received messages along a ?rst commu
`nication channel (uplink), and receive messages along a
`nication channel (uplink), and receive messages along a
`second communication channel (downlink) Each such mes- 65
`second communication channel (doWnlink). Each such mes
`sage is coded in a predetermined manner and includes,
`sage is coded in a predetermined manner and includes,
`among other things, a message number that uniquely iden-
`among other things, a message number that uniquely iden
`Wireless messaging, such as Wireless paging, is a popular
`Wireless messaging, such as wireless paging, is a popular
`consumer wireless service and will grow because of the
`consumer Wireless service and Will groW because of the
`availability of new narrowband Personal Communication
`availability of neW narroWband Personal Communication
`Services (PCS) frequencies. Wireless communication and
`Services (PCS) frequencies. Wireless communication and
`messaging provides the foundation for many different types
`messaging provides the foundation for many different types
`of services. One popular service is one-Way paging, Which
`of services. One popular service is one-way paging, which
`is now very successful. Its popularity has been contributed
`is noW very successful. Its popularity has been contributed
`by numerous factors, including:
`by numerous factors, including:
`(1) the small form factor of the pager device, making it
`(1) the small form factor of the pager device, making it
`(2) the loW cost of the paging service;
`(2) the low cost of the paging service;
`(3) easy maintenance of the pager device; and
`(3) easy maintenance of the pager device; and
`(4) ease of use for both message senders and receivers.
`(4) ease of use for both message senders and receivers.
`One-Way paging, hoWever, has no reply capability. A
`One-way paging, however, has no reply capability. A
`subscriber to a one-way paging service must rely on an
`subscriber to a one-Way paging service must rely on an
`alternate method to respond to any messages that are
`alternate method to respond to any messages that are
`received. For example, after receiving a page from the
`received. For example, after receiving a page from the
`one-way paging service, a subscriber often has to find a
`one-Way paging service, a subscriber often has to ?nd a
`telephone and make a call to respond to the message.
`telephone and make a call to respond to the message.
`Recently, some ideas have been proposed to design a
`Recently, some ideas have been proposed to design a
`“tWo-Way paging system” While preserving the bene?ts of
`"two-way paging system" while preserving the benefits of
`one-Way paging, i.e., the small paging device, loW cost
`one-way paging, i.e., the small paging device, low cost
`service, easy maintenance and ease of use. These two-way
`service, easy maintenance and ease of use. These tWo-Way
`paging systems include return channels, but they are used
`paging systems include return channels, but they are used
`only for ?xed and limited replies.
`only for fixed and limited replies.
`It Would be advantageous if a tWo-Way messaging system
`It would be advantageous if a two-way messaging system
`could be designed that allows messages to be originated
`could be designed that alloWs messages to be originated
`from a wireless messaging device and replies to be dynami-
`from a Wireless messaging device and replies to be dynami
`cally customiZable by the recipients. Such systems could act
`cally customizable by the recipients. Such systems could act
`as a hybrid between traditional paging and electronic mail,
`as a hybrid betWeen traditional paging and electronic mail,
`and improve on traditional paging and messaging services as
`and improve on traditional paging and messaging services as
`Well as any proposed tWo-Way messaging services by adding
`well as any proposed two-way messaging services by adding
`direct message origination and reply capability With various
`direct message origination and reply capability with various
`capabilities for some message modification and response.
`capabilities for some message modi?cation and response.
`tifies a message stored both locally at the device and at the
`ti?es a message stored both locally at the device and at the
`user agent, a modifier representing the customization to be
`user agent, a modi?er representing the customiZation to be
`applied to the message, and personaliZed address aliases.
`applied to the message, and personalized address aliases.
`A user agent inside the two-way messaging network,
`A user agent inside the tWo-Way messaging netWork,
`corresponding to a subscriber of a two-way message system,
`corresponding to a subscriber of a tWo-Way message system,
`stores among other things, a plurality of messages and
`stores among other things, a plurality of messages and
`destination addresses. When a user agent receives a coded
`destination addresses. When a user agent receives a coded
`message from its associated subscriber, it expands the mes-
`message from its associated subscriber, it expands the mes
`sage back to the desired full message and destinations by
`sage back to the desired full message and destinations by
`selecting from the stored messages and destination addresses
`10 selecting from the stored messages and destination addresses
`according to the code.
`according to the code.
`The message that can be transmitted is highly flexible. In
`The message that can be transmitted is highly ?exible. In
`addition to fixed pre-canned components, it can include
`addition to ?xed pre-canned components, it can include
`dynamic components such as embedded replies, choices,
`dynamic components such as embedded replies, choices,
`predefined variables, etc. As an example, consider a stock
`prede?ned variables, etc. As an example, consider a stock
`trading application. A subscriber is noti?ed via tWo-Way
`trading application. A subscriber is notified via two-way
`messaging when a stock he or she is interested in has
`messaging When a stock he or she is interested in has
`reached a particular value. The notification message can
`reached a particular value. The noti?cation message can
`embed a reply with choices to buy or sell and predefined
`embed a reply With choices to buy or sell and prede?ned
`variables for entering the number of shares and share price.
`variables for entering the number of shares and share price.
`The dynamic components allow customization of mes-
`The dynamic components alloW customiZation of mes
`sages by message senders and recipients, thus greatly
`sages by message senders and recipients, thus greatly
`increasing the practical applicability of the system. The
`increasing the practical applicability of the system. The
`particular values of the dynamic components are encoded in
`particular values of the dynamic components are encoded in
`the message modifier, and are recovered and applied by the
`the message modi?er, and are recovered and applied by the
`user agent.
`user agent.
`The coded message is much shorter than the correspond
`The coded message is much shorter than the correspond-
`ing full-text message, thus alloWing reduced bandWidth
`ing full-text message, thus allowing reduced bandwidth
`usage in a wireless communication environment. Together
`usage in a Wireless communication environment. Together
`with user agents, the use of coded message is especially
`With user agents, the use of coded message is especially
`suited for communication scenarios in which the bandwidth
`suited for communication scenarios in Which the bandWidth
`in the uplink and downlink directions are asymmetric, or the
`in the uplink and doWnlink directions are asymmetric, or the
`end device is limited by either processing poWer, memory
`end device is limited by either processing power, memory
`storage, or battery capacity.
`storage, or battery capacity.
`The tWo-Way messaging system of the present invention
`The two-way messaging system of the present invention
`also can support multicasting. A message can be forwarded
`also can support multicasting. A message can be forWarded
`to a plurality of destinations for multiple responses. The
`to a plurality of destinations for multiple responses. The
`address alias contained in a coded message can correspond
`address alias contained in a coded message can correspond
`to a single address, a group address or any combination of
`to a single address, a group address or any combination of
`the two. With multicast, the number of (uplink and
`the tWo. With multicast, the number of (uplink and
`downlink) messages required for the transmission of a
`doWnlink) messages required for the transmission of a
`message is minimized
`message is minimiZed.
`In another aspect of the present invention, the system can
`In another aspect of the present invention, the system can
`track and answer queries about transactions. A transaction is
`track and ansWer queries about transactions. A transaction is
`a single or a series of request-response interactions between
`a single or a series of request-response interactions betWeen
`a message sender and recipient(s). A transaction is most
`a message sender and recipient(s). A transaction is most
`useful for communication scenarios in which selective
`useful for communication scenarios in Which selective
`responses are desired. For example, a transaction can specify
`responses are desired. For example, a transaction can specify
`that a response arriving beyond a certain time limit will not
`that a response arriving beyond a certain time limit Will not
`be needed and should be discarded by the system. When
`be needed and should be discarded by the system. When
`combined with multicast, a transaction can specify the
`combined With multicast, a transaction can specify the
`desired semantics of the reply. For example, a transaction
`desired semantics of the reply. For example, a transaction
`With ALL semantics speci?es that responses from all recipi
`with ALL semantics specifies that responses from all recipi-
`ents are desired, while a transaction with OR semantics
`ents are desired, While a transaction With OR semantics
`specifies that a response from any of the recipients will close
`speci?es that a response from any of the recipients Will close
`the transaction. Once a transaction is closed, additional
`the transaction. Once a transaction is closed, additional
`responses will be discarded by the system.
`responses Will be discarded by the system.
`In accordance with another aspect of the present
`In accordance With another aspect of the present
`invention, the system functionalities are distributed among a
`invention, the system functionalities are distributed among a
`collection of user agents and intelligent servers. The distrib-
`collection of user agents and intelligent servers. The distrib
`uted nature enhances the modularity of the system and
`uted nature enhances the modularity of the system and
`makes possible the incremental deployment of the system.
`makes possible the incremental deployment of the system.
`For example, a provider desiring only the functionalities of
`For example, a provider desiring only the functionalities of
`user agents but not those of the transaction servers need to
`user agents but not those of the transaction servers need to
`only deploy the user agents.
`only deploy the user agents.
`The method and system of the present invention can be
`The method and system of the present invention can be
`implemented on top of any tWo-Way messaging transport.
`implemented on top of any two-way messaging transport.
`General Electric Co. 1006 - Page 10

`1 0
`1 5
`2 0
`This includes dedicated paging networks (e.g., narroWband
`This includes dedicated paging networks (e.g., narrowband
`PCS), cellular short messaging service (e.g., IS-95, IS-136
`PCS), cellular short messaging service (e.g., IS-95, IS-136
`and GSM), or Wireless data transport (e.g., ARDIS).
`and GSM), or wireless data transport (e.g., ARDIS).
`The servers can be implemented on specialized network
`The servers can be implemented on specialized netWork
`servers or intermediate switches.
`servers or intermediate sWitches.
`The messaging device can be a dedicated paging device
`The messaging device can be a dedicated paging device
`similar to existing alphanumeric pagers, a unit that attaches
`similar to eXisting alphanumeric pagers, a unit that attaches
`to a computing device (e.g., PDAs, laptops), or integrated as
`to a computing device (e.g., PDAs, laptops), or integrated as
`part of a communication device (e.g., cellular/PCS phones)
`part of a communication device (e.g., cellular/PCS phones)
`or a computing device (e.g., PDAs, laptops).
`or a computing device (e.g., PDAs, laptops).
`The foregoing features and advantages of the present
`The foregoing features and advantages of the present
`invention can be appreciated more fully from the folloWing
`invention can be appreciated more fully from the following
`description, With references to the accompanying draWings
`description, with references to the accompanying drawings
`in Which:
`in which:
`FIG. 1 is a block schematic diagram of a system and
`FIG. 1 is a block schematic diagram of a system and
`method of the tWo-Way Wireless messaging system of the
`method of the two-way wireless messaging system of the
`present invention showing its use in association with a
`present invention shoWing its use in association With a
`public sWitched telephone netWork, data netWork, cellular
`public switched telephone network, data network, cellular
`network and a two-way messaging device.
`netWork and a tWo-Way messaging device.
`FIG. 2 is another schematic diagram of the tWo-Way
`FIG. 2 is another schematic diagram of the two-way
`Wireless messaging system of the present invention.
`wireless messaging system of the present invention.
`FIG. 3 is a more detailed view of the two-way wireless
`FIG. 3 is a more detailed vieW of the tWo-Way Wireless
`messaging system shoWing various user agents, the messag
`messaging system showing various user agents, the messag-
`ing network, and examples of messages that can be for-
`ing netWork, and examples of messages that can be for
`warded among the different subscribers.
`Warded among the different subscribers.
`FIG. 4 is a schematic view showing the network archi-
`FIG. 4 is a schematic vieW shoWing the netWork archi
`tecture of the tWo-Way Wireless messaging system of the
`tecture of the two-way wireless messaging system of the
`present invention.
`present invention.
`FIG. 5 shows an example of the control architecture for
`FIG. 5 shoWs an eXample of the control architecture for
`the tWo-Way Wireless messaging system of the present
`the two-way wireless messaging system of the present
`FIG. 6 is a block diagram showing an example of the
`FIG. 6 is a block diagram shoWing an eXample of the
`protocol architecture used betWeen the messaging device
`protocol architecture used between the messaging device
`and the batch server of the two-way wireless messaging
`and the batch server of the tWo-Way Wireless messaging
`system of the present invention.
`system of the present invention.
`FIG. 7 is a detailed flow chart showing an example of the
`FIG. 7 is a detailed flow chart shoWing an eXample of the
`protocol flow for new message delivery used with the
`protocol flow for neW message delivery used With the
`tWo-Way Wireless messaging system of the present inven
`two-way wireless messaging system of the present inven-
`FIG. 8 is a detailed flow diagram showing an example of
`FIG. 8 is a detailed flow diagram shoWing an eXample of
`the reply delivery in the tWo-Way Wireless messaging system
`the reply delivery in the two-way wireless messaging system
`of the present invention.
`of the present invention.
`FIG. 9 is a schematic diagram of a two-way messaging
`FIG. 9 is a schematic diagram of a tWo-Way messaging
`device in the form of a two-way pager that can be used with
`device in the form of a tWo-Way pager that can be used With
`the tWo-Way Wireless messaging system of the present
`the two-way wireless messaging system of the present
`FIG. 10 is a schematic diagram of an example of the batch
`FIG. 10 is a schematic diagram of an eXample of the batch
`server structure that can be used with the two-way wireless
`server structure that can be used With the tWo-Way Wireless
`messaging system of the present invention.
`messaging system of the present invention.
`FIG. 11 is a schematic diagram showing an example of the
`FIG. 11 is a schematic diagram shoWing an eXample of the
`functional parts of the user agent that can be used with the
`functional parts of the user agent that can be used With the
`tWo-Way Wireless messaging system of the present inven
`two-way wireless messaging system of the present inven-
`FIG. 12 is a schematic diagram showing an example of
`FIG. 12 is a schematic diagram shoWing an eXample of
`the various functions of the transaction server that can be
`the various functions of the transaction

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