BlackWidow beta shines: Seagate Soft-
`~ J ware beefs up Crystal Info's
`data mining capabilities. 99
`Winning Winframe: Citrix opens
`up Windows applications
`to remote-access users. 99
`HP revitalizes server lineup
`Web-based tools on tap ! Unix system prices cut
`........ '"' - .. - - '" .... - .. - _,_ind1,isoJ)theW•h • thttfl:Jlw-.ll\•"' .. - .. - - - - - - - - - - ..
`WinFrame beUi pros and cons
`: 8y0u(l Cun11;11gld1111
`ByCatd <.'u1111i1:gh1un
`IJllW Lt. t r · l'l!(.;fl(ARV is J C\'ekiping 3 linc of pQCkct· : "" L\l l~c; TO P RCI\' F i1s l~nix-bo>s1,_-<l RlSC ~r\'(1"$
`si?.e \\"eb ~(v.-('1' 1h:11, \\•i1h :'1 liule hd1-. frtNn Ja~·,\. ahn ; ~an tak\• on \Vindows NT-OO:;«l lntdse-'J'VCN-:l!HlSun
`lc'I tl>dUCC ~n;e or the fru,)1ta1iun..- \'.'11(.V\Ul•
`Sol.1t ia. ~l'r\'('J'.S \Vithout blowing IT bud!'!t!"lS,
`HM,"ie1 1-1>~··k;'1 1'd l)'b;l W1,.'<k will rdc;i~~ ;,111'(\V
`l('r<d \\·ilh f('ffi'llh> sr$tt'ms n1aruigcn;cnt.
`.. for rrM>ft
`R)' r.u'lu;u )' 1991<. !hr 1:omp;iny r lnns to H.Wtt.f'ldard PA-RISC9000 ~"·,~.
`rolC-:lSC die hrs1 rro,lu.;1 in 1hi~ r;unil}', ~1111('~1
`news,~pages M1ll(l\\"ing. new SCrY('.f retl!.lSC." l3'it 1nonth
`'W:cun-\\\•b Ccn.,oli!..Th:is 1n1.,.k1n-stz1.•..k\it:l".
`191Dd 2:4.
`fn•l'n <..:omp;11:1 01nd Sun. 1111 hore" 10 b~ a
`> CONSOU f"I~ 1./
`• SUtvERS p.1,1,Y 2>:J
`Distributed co111fmfing
`Novell kicks
`Java plans
`into high gear
`HJ1.H1u1J1,•w l\~ll11t11Jt
`NOV't:ll IS l'H.•:PAJ!INt; Iii bunch
`lho nuftlr J;w.i·b:i')<'J initiatives.a')
`part uf illl O\X'rill cfrnr1 111 rOO~lio~
`tbe('u111ju ny,
`In t11e nt-nr lam, N(l\-cll on .st.-r1.
`17 v. 1l1'.1u1lm\• 1u plans to 1.•x1cnJ hs
`BbrdC'r and Collubor11tiion Services
`u,jn~ J;n·11 l cchn~ll-.>g)". Sd1C'du1."Ci 11>
`1ak~ llJ:1c~ iu New York, lhl\ initin
`11vc ~·di :>h»w hl~' l3V.l c~n be u<;l!d
`in i;onjur1('1111n with thit! n<lt miliol"
`upgrad1.• oi Nc1\V11rc. Ct\!..1c~n~mrd
`~l(l.1.b; ~(l\'f'll P.~rl ic-.1ti011 ~CT\'k:C-5<
`~.i\lC'll Oirn:-1 ... ty S1:n•kc-.,.: ~1.;11.agr·
`\\'i~ nnd a tirou~1\\'iH 6.0 up
`t.r:iidc, coJ.i.. .. n~n Wli J<)lc~to tfC:\11.' ;in
`c:xu·ndcd c11tcr1ln~ n.:-1\\'0t~
`M,1( th..-lou!! h'fCn$Kt11\".IJ is work·
`1ng on a O\"h' ill"i-ibu1.:1l <'On1pul•
`i11g ,1Jthtt~'turc th.u ~·C' Jal'3
`co bring lik:J1iic1u h)J.:p.:n~kncc to
`tL11a~1ured c.111 1hc nctwt'rk.
`111<' nt'w at~hi11.·.:111~.~alled 1hi:
`Jllv;t NC1\,'flrk l 'r.unc,~1lrk ( U•.Jf'.}. I~
`be•n2. dl"l'<lopc-<I ;,,~ )':trl ~f N<n\·11'.<. I
`\Volf ~l tiu11 1.ij 11 du~~C'ring u1iha·
`ll\'t', d u<-ottl rh'XI \ li:at.
`" NOVtll par,~ 19
`It's inevitable. During the next two years a huge
`number of corpcnte sites wil shift from Win(cid:173)
`dows 3.1 to•32•11lt11pen1till(system. Some
`companies have already completed the process:
`others are in the middle of migrating. We offer
`advice tram those famll·
`.... wtt:h the problem 011
`the planning, project
`m;inagement, and
`diplomacy skills )'Ou'll
`need to keep y.r 32·11it
`dreMI from becomln(I
`~- Seepage8J .
`ML a la Microsoft
`Co1npany eyes new markup format
`;+ IJlldil Rtu/11J(1'/,h
`AN llt-fOllTtO~tlbtEXlL'ft•
`hi( ~latl:.UJ ' Lrllgu.agc's tole 1n
`an~funninflhn•\.,. .... 'tt to10 ••irhu•
`• 1ttd Jront-cnd dknls. roi1iaosoi1
`atl) ~ "' hJ P""J1(l_\(' 11n 1:1:t1."f1s:it'ole
`.1rkup L.anguagt> (X!l.IL) styli•
`·t la_ogua~c I(• lht \\'••rid \\'idc
`',ob <.:onsortuuu l \Y 3CJ. :..; ... o:r.ling
`s.-~~<kli.c t\• lhtdC\'t'lop11l011.
`·1bt mO\~. if JUCrei.-.JUI. ""uld t'll •
`~c de\"(I01"tti tv n~1c the kind"
`• brm'™'r • baslxl d3lJhaw (,.r11"
`I ~ny iifc OOl'liidering budding
`' la\'1 appbrauoo. .. :md heir l°"tt>r
`cdc\'elor·mem U(\1t:odi1r-nn11ral
`ta forntat, •. (See "C.,uupd1h'nl
`eacn'i,,8 Jul)' 21. f"'gc I).
`"'Jt's ii big 'h"in ion.he ui;er.c,bf·t ... u>o<
`neut rill ,l.a1:i ;, where J"t't.lrlch•anl lt•
`be in the long mn," s:.tid ~IO'lt~ \ Val
`11.'t • .-,tii<•r "r 111 ... Sc-ylx•IJ R.•f'urt •>11
`Jutml('I p,J1.fifl111~ in ~ltJi~, P-it •
`, i~ 011.r.KLlvcl()Aliero>ult(cid:173)
`\':f1ich .,..,,<1nH h> uK'n'.l"~ th~ :.'
`of 1ls ln tcnW!1Explo~r11.C>t;row~r
`lJ 11d .J11w ~lown 1bc: udopt Kin of Juv;r
`.1nd hl dl.'wlupo.?rs who bt'llt•veo
`J"\'\I "11•>1 )'d m111urc ~noug:h ((\t
`bculd1ns the .:Lient ..,ide ufl.i-1111i1h .......
`"''ou .:ould siill ux- a J;l, .. ;ap(cid:173)
`plC't Jo -.lispb)• X~IL d;i.ta. hut }'Oil
`wciuldn'c ha\-e to," \V.allt'J ;;;1!,I.
`A \\IJC poli .. y pn>h1bi1s tnl'm·
`ti XML pu.~ 2·1
`Page 1

`~ Opinions
`J Sun ~ns to compl~ent lb J;iv4 su• tew
`with a series of Web Top $ff\'M Mn )'e¥.
`6 MicrCf'Soft wll !hip Hvdra (or NT 4.0 in tllf
`fourth qu1n.r.
`• U gqino tt<.hnologiiH cloud tne release of
`Mlcr~tl'$ NT 4,Q fneerpri..e Edition chis
`In this IJJue
`Mark Tt~SAt
`woo'tsaylVHsdiffiwh to
`los,.ILbul .-S <'l'"I ..
`O)lb: jnijn 108
`Bob M•tcalfe
`demoostritts how t'&c·
`UK!ldhr 107
`tj .. - (cid:173)
`Nkholas Petreley
`I want tQ¥io's (ftlwn<tdTY
`aod JO Ml J011 OIKf
`a Sun •nd Jrilf!Y.Glp! have leamed up to
`d~• bfO'W'Stfwilh Kot.J;,v,),
`I Two rKen1 mows Nw strained deahn91
`~Netsc.._pe •nd Lot\n.
`14 Jav•Soft. ~nd oonen al1! UunchlnQ ln!ua~
`tMs to address Jtva. shortcoming$.
`Jt Hp rtadia,a pc a go small to m kfshcd
`21 SAP gil has no ph111s to tn4bls h1 bu"M'?t1\
`Pfd~gc:s t0 work with Sy~e\ wwr.
`~t ltlc.'cup E)le<, for \\llnck:>ws NT 7,0 pro1tlde:s a
`~ble bade.up ~.l'ttO'l'e1')' soMion fo1 HT
`Ed Foster Good 6oOJ..
`~Mlonlllld pr~
`acrhzrdtafe;t M
`J2 1111((1: 440U c'11p ~ hdl WU!'~..Jht..!a­
`nounceme11t from wious vendo,.s: of l'll"W
`WiMef WOf~tiOns.
`• forilll ttie higlillQht) l)f (hit
`we'-".'f tnfoWQlfdEftttrlc, go co
`I ' I '""",._., ..... """"'
`~·~ • Offi<.0"51..,.Ad .....,,.,,
`optn up IQ filo forman. to tht
`ptJblk dorNrn1
`e Otifgh lbm: BadoSOftw~di:MSJA'9Dl your
`• N~lo Entlanct'd TV: W<»utd you buy ~
`Nfd1cC.n ~relll'Ywa"u fQ know
`a to1oit cost of ownership: Wl'ia1"s the- best
`w.Jyto get 111'1 •Ccurnte'fC01
`• Pl~ lll!Lift:wc;ll'dd bce01 \lll!Cif Microwift
`~ tr.t>Offic.e:97tilefor~ts.
`e ~ the flttw11I: Honie ~M on U,e
`l'!'l!ghl Thin.._
`fhe 11uel Devi« View io• Wl!b .tr;d lntd
`f:11p1t1)) M1n..;t:m~i Module soh.iuon
`al~ admlnbttaton to graphl~lty rMn·
`agt> hubt trorn•~tdWW~1
`IBM) VlaV-ol<.c and Ol•9on, Sohw-•rt\
`N1turally5peakin9 a1e bo!h eff~tl\lto
`~h-rtr(09nlueo $Ol1.1rlant.
`J S BI max ti.i·ve dtartd iu &ltt hl.lrdlt 1!! th!
`n Re®torro P.outidtfP.
`5 7 M(I WrthQldf!\ rhrti!ttn ( Q 'IW Aytt tcrrm
`of pendlng-8T·MCI me:t9ft.
`_,$9 M•rlmb~ p(opose:s a M w Web erotoc.ol
`snndecd for repliclltion.
`f f Cowner Ptefnnnaaa tndet
`a1 Plann5 profe<.t management. and dll!.!Q(cid:173)
`maq ~olTW! l otht for• ln Jl~bit m9•tioi:'I.
`1 7 rr recruiter~ are learning• f!w thlngs fmro
`matli:edog as they tty to att1att applkanu.
`17 8oat8Mcw'
`H Crvitaltnfo l.:odMfllledBladWldow\bJa
`H 1.7,bota
`1 00 Cvb!f Pptrol CotDO'J\g 3 JO
`J QJ 1ntoModielecl1
`1 Hom th«.NcwsDaJ;/ M•'
`34 Window MonoaH I Brian lll!Mqsion
`44 Kf\'pDPlr!BrertG.toss
`A ~Gt@Unt/Edfosrtt
`61 Tn !be &fmc
`• t From tM C'fiif01 irl Olk/ ISMdr Rttd
`f 9 #nfpfoon/Rkhqld<.l!nt
`a1 ISSutviwrlr .. tWtt ttpptom
`107 NQm Hom rM Fltkl I P.oOttf K. ClfMeN
`10I Oown1t1ch~Wlfl /NichokJrfltt!!!ey
`1 oa IJrtwmt rhtJj!?ft / Mgtt Tctibt
`Sumttter's end
`fntans 1ha1
`Cringeiy will
`deal with mor~
`events than
`page 107
`Jn1el en1powers
`with 440LX
`n'right matt it the otJ;e!ct tnO!kl ot C'hcMce.
`J ? SAP gffsn e1nwfiqursd !VJ M \t!JJW
`slmplly lmp!ementatlotl.
`J"7 Boo RfOOl't
`'° An IBM dlta·Mil'lii'I(! t()C)I help1 t~eow:
`hN lth-<.frt frf\ld.
`1 IS~ u~meurdlreaoriet and LOAP tOti~
`plity m..l\lglt'.ment of multiple dUoctor!u.
`• ,4do.nu8'ct1V!'llc.Mb~,4/mafl« l.991,
`from Ada.MJ. Media.
`e FOi • btfef .SuJnmdlr)' of lht •11td1 hlt'wi,
`re"Y~&. in~t..f1;1111utH. •nd lorum\o
`$!bt (0 our ~k.t)' ntwiltmt. 1M
`fnfoWor.\1 ~•I hupt/www.lnfowotld
`~bls1rpnp HPmUovtcoml!Jo~
`.swftched fan Ethernl"t hut».
`liooks up PCs to
`Unix tt,;tlt uew
`}tJ~·a and ~1eb
`.. INfOWORl O IEPIEMBER I, 1991 hrrp:l/W•w.lnfowot/4rom
`7'/C CEO Sllpltc11 ll'alkcr
`iak~s 1ht! lio1 sea1 on
`t!.11cryprio11 i.<t1te$.
`page S9
`Page 2

`Marimba, friends suppon
`data replication protocol
`• Proposed standard sent to W3C
`8y L>·rida Rad()stl•id1
`~1a rimba and
`\'C>RK -
`<l ea.dee of p;1rcnet$, exc::.ludil\g
`~1icrosof1 and 18~'1, las1 wetk
`announced d1e submission to the
`Worid \\1ide \'\'eb Con$Qnium
`(\ VJC) of a new protocol for data
`r.:pli~tion Ovc:r th~ ll'lttrnel.
`Backing the sub1n ission during
`the announcement here Ill the- l<:ava
`lntetl'ltt 8u$i11t$$ E.xpo we:re Ne1-
`scapc: Communications, J\'ovell,
`Sun 1\lic:rl'>$)'$ten1$, :111J @H1Jnle
`Bastd on the in<:rernental up.(cid:173)
`d:n.t c::apabilities in ;'>.·farimba's
`Castan et products, the Uistribu(cid:173)
`tion and Replication Pro tocol
`(DRP} iS a.n cnhanctmt'nt to the
`HTTP pn.>t0<:ol.
`DRP aims to reduce l.ntcrnet
`oong-esrion res\IJting from $Oft-....•11re
`dU-trlbulion ~nd p ui:h;:d contcnl
`updatcS,$<lid Arlhur\·an Hoff.chic!f
`rechnie:a) offi~er a,nd fQunder o(
`fnternet«inge.~tion is rtdu«d by
`using a differential updai~process
`'hat on}}• $ends the pClrlion of ll
`\\leb page or progran1 that requires
`upd;itinf!~ '1:n Hoff ~'id.
`Other companies Clldorsing the
`p.rop"Oscd protocO;I include Fujitsu,
`PcopleSoft. Sybase. Sym-ant~~ 3nd
`Notably absent from the en·
`d'1rsee lineup ..... ere ;'>.1jcrosoft a.nd
`Jl~~i/Lotus, but official:s at the an(cid:173)
`nounct1nt1n dowflpfayed Che gi·
`ants' no-show.
`"I <knl'ltlink }'OU should look at
`th~ list of those who art" missing:'
`;taid i in1 ,Ben,er~ ·, 'he \V3C
`dite<tor who '.'l<lS Oil b111)d 10 en·
`dOt:$e the propOsal,
` elCpb.ined Lh-at the
`\\! 3C \vas th~ starting point for dis·
`cussiOn$ on :he p iOpOkd protO<QI.
`DRP n1ay overlap '~·Ith other
`\ \t3C prt.>p(..'600, inc.lud·
`ing oile callfd Pistrib~l'led Author·
`iog and Vtrsi.(lning{DAV).
`However, DAV l:ll'8,tl$ C011tcr11
`creators, and the W3C ..... orking
`groups wiJJ look to find synergie.s
`a.nd 'oin e up \Vil.h the nlo~( oom(cid:173)
`prt h('nsive re<Ommt ndcd proto·
`col, van Hof, said.
`V<in Hoff dt·c.liocd to prcdkt
`~·hen DRP might l'l)Ove rotht \'/3C
`recommendation stage.
`On<;e OPR be<:omes a. \\'3C re·
`commeradatio.n, N:ctrc;ipc. whic::h
`-already distributes 1be Castanel
`Tu.ner dico1 with Comn1unici1or.
`wiU work to incofporalt' the new
`ptCJt<><ul qo!tkly inlO ils prod1.1c::t:s,
`said Dannr Shadcr, vice president
`Qf develope1 rdatiOn$ '11 N'etsc:apt\
`in ~1ountair. View, Calif.
`• .\ h h<>1.1&h it is just in th.e pr(lpo$•
`aJ s1age, DRP has a mod.i..:unl of
`maturity. r-..1 t.rimba has alttad}' test·
`ed in i1s liliora<ori~ ploto1ype
`products thll use OftP with prod (cid:173)
`uct:; from No!Ucape and ollt('r ven·
`dol'.$.wn H()f'T-S:'lid.
`~tarimba :nc.,i:n P.aloAJto,Calif.,
`can be ro:~hed ;u http'://www
`~~ $1/d. mufh] w1
`tnttmtt?:hup:/twww in1tm12~edu
`W<nJl>oUI 1•1'11\tll.t<olliboti!J"'elfo« of ll'Of! ~an 100 do(cid:173)
`vt'b9 Cltcl~e~rMiOh ne:t~orl: '1ppll(4,ions ind·~ h gb~ ®11m11niat10M
`lntr~sylKWrt.1M Litlidl) <ontd'.M <ll'! <f(er\;tf.y or 0! plof¢n's '1r<t(\tt<~
`0 <ontrol Oat.'I htt¢/www.(
`S)'ntms lnttgr.Jto: (;:introl O~l.l S)-s.terRS tlSM tM fiitionlll diiy <if~ to pro·
`mote m ptod1Jcts ar.chmices. l/iSii the (U$tomer 91;,wraw foe case studies or
`Indus.try HotGnkStor links to.a ¥a!le11 of ln1erntt-<(l!lmtt<t Wt!i si>e-s.
`BEA Systems hup<!J.,...'MV.b'1-~!i)'5.<:om
`Mld41ev.·~;ew~ E!-A .Syst«llS-offe~.i-w_et!~()jg1eti.~~ de;or-0 to its soft~
`"9rt vid sttvi(et. Miong 1f'lre ~op~ <Wtltdll'l +mi:t ~l!tl'S alt ln~t ~
`mef(!, tr.m'l'1ttilln pnk!'»ill!J. a11d' progrrnming ~ d'srir11t~ ~Pf'itation.
`IPE-' z:
`I I I
`teeGate thls week
`will roll out it1
`Mu.ltl~Stfvict 1nt41·
`n'et Gateway filmi·
`, whld1 will eriable-small
`P,usinesses to support mis"
`fion-aitkal applkations
`thl'O~h a reUable, perma·
`Ent connecti9n to tJ;le Jnter~
`~yn;,mjc pa~ket•f111erin.g
`t. The 9,new.,. int.e,grate$
`tP rou.ttr, Web servi1u·1
`rewall,.e-:mal~ FTP,Oomalr1
`ame System. Dynamic Host
`onf19Ur.,ti-on Prot<Kol
`efvel'S and" a·
`9~mtnt Joystem.Sblpping
`ow, tile Multl·Se:rvke lnt~r­
`t Gateway prod.uct family
`II su1rt at a prlcct or $$,39~.
`ased on conftgura tion.Free(cid:173)
`ate Corp.:(408} 61 7· 7000;
`ET..fTSOFTWARE announced
`ts Net-It Now dHktop~t_o •
`et> docutrHt-nt bUilder, which
`ifi be bUndled with Net·
`cape Comm u~k~tor Deluxe
`~ition, Net.Jt Now levefages
`tt•l!.softw~re·sjDoc ttch(cid:173)
`ology-whlch c.reates.Com-"
`,act; cr:ou·p"tfonn repUus(cid:173)
`r de1ktQp documcnu thlt
`n be viewed with a Web
`row.strand no addlticmal
`lug"ins,Nei-lt Now is ex~
`t<ted to shJp thl$ wt•kwith
`o.mmuj\icator Deluxe Edi(cid:173)
`Jop, whi~h will be pric:ed _at
`19. Net-It Software COfJl'.:
`41 5) 551>-0600; httJ!:/lwww
`.. _.., .. " __ ............. _ ..
`ATIONS last week r~1eased
`Om mOr\ G.round Web Pub(cid:173)
`l'Sh• f 4p , It soit•of Window~
`T appUcatJons that provide(cid:173)
`Utomated intranet publi~h·
`n~rand unlvetsal document
`tewing witti a J:aVa•enabled
`~b b tOWSt t.' l)o(UM~l"ll$ are
`onverted a utomaticaUy to
`elNead_y O~gltaf Paper1 a
`( tnat·th ait rnaintain$'tt'le
`raP,hlc design of tlie orfginal
`oc:um~nf. lhe pr'O~Uctis $Cl
`o ship tttls-month prked a t
`4,995 pt-ri~r'vt'r, which Jn·
`ludes· for as ,many as·
`vo us·cr$ to publl,sh·'°n un·
`imited number of.documents.
`um,mingblrd Cotnmuruta(cid:173)
`rons Ltd.:(416) 496"2l00:'
`is presi·
`EPHt:N WA lKS k
`deru, CEO, a.nd fo1.11,der of
`1'ruucd lnform~tion s!-""l;:mi
`(TIS), the Glen"'-oo<l, lvtd .. dC'(cid:173)
`vtloper (}( 1he Gauntle1 Inter·
`nrl 6.rtwaU. Walker, who \'l'aS a
`eomput<'r .stcurity ~xpett for the
`US. Department o( Dclcnse before
`founding 1'JS in 1983, testified be·
`fore t ongrcss in July on the con(cid:173)
`lr.)\·c11iaJ key ;:-" row debate. Hi$
`su.nceon governn1enl con1rQf over
`encryption technolog}' export is
`s~m cwha1 u njque
`in 1hc software in·
`du.stry: There is an
`:.uc::ept:ib!e rniddle
`g1ou nd between
`S;ovt o unc1n's 1leed
`fe r recove.ry ~eys
`1(; dec:rypt crirnimJ CT)' CClllers i n St!'Ven
`:lnd the need to or iright countries.
`protect the pri••acy
`of <'.l)m1nunie{l1ion:s. In ii co1wers:t·
`ti•)n with Info Vt'orld Sc.1>ior Editor
`l.yndll R<idC>stvich. \\tal,ker ex·
`plained his posit·ion on.encryp1ion
`er.port and other hot lnlcrn,ct srcu·
`r'ity l$$Ue$.
`tion because It has to protect its
`$lull' fro1n l!Vttybt>dy el.sebnt cin·
`nol affo:d toMvc~n cmp~ccn.
`crypt romething and ha\~ no way
`to ge1 it back.
`V\'~ al~ have approva1 to offer
`l)n Gaontle1 triple· I) ES or 128·bit
`cncryp1ion wi1h key recovery. In
`<iddilion. we·ha\'e bollt a cryptO-·
`service provider tha1 ~ compa1ible
`• ... 1i1h the ~1ic::ro.soft c.r)'pti>graphic:
`A P! (thereby en:ibling cornpanic.s
`to a,dd encryption capa\:iJiti-l.'$ to
`\Vindows appli..:a·
`tions and :-.stablish
`internal kty r~cov·
`l n r-..tarch, "·e gClt
`approval fro1n 1he
`Commerce l'>.:part •
`mt-11: t<;i ~ip 1 :?.8·
`bit cncr>'ption or
`tion with k:yrccov·
`ery in 0~1r .:ryptQ .ter\•iet ?tovide:t.
`We are testing it with a European
`cortuuissian piJot _fJfOject in livi::
`coun1ries right flow-.
`in:;ttilleJ n1ore than
`t' dozen key recov·
`wtiat ltYtl of tooyprion dotS ".:.ntlft
`4., provide for intemational"se?
`\\'(Qlftr 56~bit DES \VithOUI key f't(cid:173)
`cove.ry. "A'e also offer DES cncryp(cid:173)
`ti»n wi1h k.ty reoovtry bec;au~e
`th!re are companies that ,,·ant key
`recovery in order to recover thei1·
`o.immunjcations If 1hcy ever nel"d
`tc. O ur c1111omer Roy3J Duich
`S•elJ, for example. \Vanis encr)'P·
`What level of t ncryption do y>U belitvt
`is nf!'tdtd to providt fOd~it sewrity?
`Jf )'OU •tt bujklit..g a syste1n that'$ go~
`ing to be around for a loni tln1e -
`bet~n four ;in1,.i l5yea1S- yo1.1'd
`bcttcr u.s<' trlp!c-~Ol:Sor 1l8~bit ("Jl·
`cryption today. But if ~u·re juS1
`prottctin~e-mail that isn'lg-c.).ins to
`maner two weeks or a )"!'ar from
`now. 56-bil oes is pi:rf«tly fine.
`In Juno. \\•hen 1n ad hoc 1eam
`t> MOT SEN' ?Ob"' 6r
`Page 3

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