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`PTO/SBI14 (11-08)
`Approved for use through 09l30l2010. OMB 0651-0032
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`Figure l
`Figure 2




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`Atty. Docket No.: 0905-002
`The present invention relates to video game consoles, in particular to hand held controllers for
`video game consoles.
`Conventional controllers for most game consoles are intended to be held and operated by the
`user using both hands. A conventional controller will generally comprise a hard outer case with
`a plurality of controls mounted about the controller. Typically the controls include buttons,
`analogue control sticks, bumpers, and triggers. An example of a conventional controller is
`shown in Figure 1.
`As can be seen in Figure 1, all of the controls are mounted on the front and top edge of the
`controller 1. Specifically, there are left and right analogue thumb sticks 2, 3 which normally
`control movement and are intended to be operated by the user’s left and right thumb
`respectively. There are four buttons 4, located on a front right portion of the controller 1 which
`normally control additional actions and are intended to be operated by the user’s right thumb.
`There is a direction pad 5 located on the lower portion of the front leftof the controller 1. The
`direction pad 5 isintended to be operated by the user's left-thumb, typically either as an
`alternative to the left thumb stick Zor toprovide additional actions. There is‘a left trigger 6, a
`right trigger 7, a left bumper 8, and ‘a right bumper 9 located on the tOp edge of the controller
`1. The left and right triggers 6, 7 are typically operated by the user’s index fingers. The left and
`right bumpers 8, 9 may'also be operated by the User's index fingers.
`The only way to operate the four buttons 4 is for the user toremove his or her right thumb
`from the right thumb stick 3. This takes time and, in some games, can cause a loss of control.
`This is a particular problem in games where the right thumb stick 3 is used for aiming. A similar
`problem may arise in games where the direction pad 5 provides additional actions and the user
`has to remove his or her thumb from the left thumb stick 2 in order to operate the direction
`pad 5.


`Atty. Docket No.: 0905-002
`In light of the above, there is a need for an improved controller which removes the need for a
`user to remove his or her thumb from the left or right thumb stick 2, 3 in order to operate
`additional actions controlled by the four buttons 4 and/or the direction pad 5.
`The present invention provides a hand held controller for a video game console having a hard
`outer case and a plurality of controls located on the front and top edge of the controller. The
`controller is shaped to be held in both hands of the user such that the user’s thumbs are
`positioned tooperate controls located on the front of the controller and the user’s index
`fingers are positioned to operate cantrols located on the tOp edge of the controller. The
`controller further includes one or moreadditional controls located on the back of the controller
`in a position to be operated by the user’s other fingers.
`In one embodiment, each additional control is an elongate member which is inherently resilient
`and flexible such that it canb‘edis'placed bya user to activate control function.
`Preferably, each elongate member is ‘mounted within a respective recess located in the case of
`the controller.
`Preferably, each elongate member comprises an outermost surface which is disposed in close
`proximity to the outermost surface of the controller such that the user’s finger may be received
`in said respective recess.
`Preferably, each elongate meinber has a thickness less than 10mm thick, more preferably less
`than 5mm thick, and most desirably between 1mm and 3mm.
`Preferably,there are two additional controls which are elongate members that are parallel to
`each another. In another embodiment, the elongate members converge towards the front end
`of the controller with respect to one another.
`Optionally, a portion of each of the elongate members is in registry with a switch mechanism
`disposed within the controller, such that displacement of the elongate member activates the
`switch mechanism.


`Atty. Docket No.: 0905-002
`Optionally, a switch mechanism is disposed between the elongate members and an outer
`surface of the controller.
`The controller of the present invention may be very similar to controllers according to the prior
`In particular,-the outer. case of the controller and the type, number and positioning of the
`controls located on the front and top edge of the controller 'may be the same'asa controller
`according to the prior art, as described above and as illustrated'in the figures.
`The controller of the present invention is particularly advantageous over controllers according
`to the prior art as it—comprises one 'or more additional controls-located on'theback ofthe
`controller in a position to be operated by middle fingers of‘a user. The additional controls may
`either replicate the'functions of one or more ofthe c0ntrols located on the front or top edge of
`the controller or provide additional functionality.
`In a preferred embodiment ofthe invention the additional controls replicate the function of a
`. control located on the front of the controller. This means thata user'does not need to remove
`his or her thumb from one of the thumb sticks in order to operate the buttons and/or direction
`pad located on the front of the controller and can instead perform the function by manipulating
`an additional control located on the back of the controller with a finger.
`Alternatively, the additional controls may provide additional functionality in that they do not
`replicate the function of controls located on the front-or top of the controller but may perform
`different functions.
`In this manner a controller according to the present invention may provide
`more functions than prior art controllers.
`Preferably, the controls located on the back of the controller are paddle levers. Suitable paddle ‘
`levers may be formed integrally with the outer case of the controller or may be substantially
`separate from'the outer case. This may be done in any manner apparent to the person skilled
`in the art. However, it is to be appreciated that the additional controls may comprise any other
`control suitable for use by a hand held controller.


`Atty. Docket No.: 0905002
`Advantageously, if the additional controls are paddle levers, they will be formed such that they
`are substantially vertically aligned With respect to the controller. This may allow the most
`ergonomically efficient activation of the paddle levers by the middle fingers of the user.
`Further features and advantages of the present invention Will be apparent from the specific
`embodiment illuStrated in-the drawings and discussed below.
`FIGURE 1 is a schematic illustration of the front of a conventional game controller according to
`the prior art.
`FIGURE 2 is a schematic illustration of the back of a game'controller' according to the present
`FIGURE 3 is a schematic illustration of the back ofagame controller according to the present
`invention as held and operated by a user.
`The particular embodiment described. below and, illustratedby Figures 2 and 3'serves to further.
`illustrate the inVention, to provide those of ordinary skill in the art with a complete disclosure
`and description of the devices claimed herein, and is not intended to limit the scope of the
`invention. For example, the additional controls are described below as two paddle levers but
`the term "control” as used in the claims, unless otherwise made clear in' the claim, refers to
`paddle levers as well as other controls such as buttons, analogue control sticks, bumpers, and
`The game controller 10 according to the present invention is illustrated in Figures 2 and 3. The
`front of the game controller 10 of Figures 2 and 3 is the same asa conventional controller 1, as
`illustrated in Figure 1 and as discussed above. Therefore, where appropriate the same
`reference numerals have been used to indicate the features of the controller according to the
`present invention 10 that are identical tothe features of a conventional controller 1.


`Atty. Docket No.2 0905-002
`Game controller 10 differs fromthe conventional controller 1-in that it additionally comprises
`two paddle levers 11 located on the back of the controller. The paddle levers 11 are vertically
`orientated with respect to the controller 10 and are positioned to be operated by the middle
`fingers of a user 12, as shown in Figure 3.
`In one embodiment the paddles 11 are formed from a thin flexible material such as a plastics
`material for example polyethylene. Preferably, the paddles 11 are less than 10mm thick, but
`may be less than 5mm thick, and more preferably are 3mm thick or less.
`The paddles 11 are'inherently resilient, which means that they return to an unbiased'position
`when not under load. A user may displace orrdepress either of the paddles 11 by engaging an
`outer surface thereof; such displacement causes the paddle 11 to activate a switch mechanism
`mounted within the body of the controller 10. The paddles 11 are mounted within recesses
`located on the case of the controller 10; and are disposed in close proximity to the outer
`surface of the controller body. In this way a user may engage the paddles 11 with the tips of the
`fingers, preferably the middle fingers, without compromising the user’s grip on the controller
`10. While the example shows the paddles 11 engaged by the middle fingers, they could also be
`engaged by the index, ring, or little fingers. The index fingers may also engage trigger style
`controls mounted on the top edge of the controller 10 while the thumbs may be used to
`activate controls onvthe front of the controller-.10.
`The paddles 11 are elongate in‘shape and substantially extend in a direction from the top edge
`to bottom edge of the controller 10.
`In one embodiment the paddles are orientated parallel
`with each other.
`In an alternative embodiment the paddles are orientated such that they
`converge towards the top edge with respect to each other. This elongate shape allows a user to
`engage the paddles with any of the middle, ring, or little finger; it also provides that different
`users having different size hands can engage with the paddles in a comfortable position thereby
`reducing the effects of prolonged or repeated use such as repetitive strain injury.
`In one embodiment, the paddle levers 11 replicate the functions of two of the four buttons 4
`located on the front of the controller 10 and thereby allow a user to operate the functions of
`the relevant buttons using his or her middle fingers 12, without the need to remove either of


`Atty. Docket No.10905—002
`his or her thumbs from the left or right thumb stick 2, 3. In alternative embodiments a paddle .
`lever 11 may activate a new function not activated by a control on the front or top edge of the
`controller 10.
`it is envisaged that the paddles 11 could, be fittedto an existing controller 10. In such
`embodiments-the paddles would be mounted on the outer surface of the controller body by
`means of a mechanical fixing such as a screw or bolt or alternatively bonded or welded to the
`controller body by adhesive or other suitable means. A switch mechanism would be mounted
`within the controller in vertical registry with a portion of each paddle. A portion of the switch
`mechanism may extend through the controller body and be disposed in close proximity or in
`contact with an innermost surface of the paddle 11.
`in alternative embodiments it is envisaged that the paddles 11 would be integrally formed with
`the controller body, the paddles 11 being configured to be resilient and flexible such that they
`can be" depressed by a user to activate a switch mechanism. This could be achieved by moulding
`the controller body to have a U-shaped slot extending through the controller body;
`alternatively a U-shaped slot could be cut into the controller body after the moulding process.
`Preferably, the paddles 11 would comprise a raised outermost surface with respect to the
`surrounding area such that a user may locate the paddles 11. This may be achieved by
`moulding the paddle such thatis thicker than the surrounding area. It will be recognised that as
`used herein, directional references such as "top", "bottom", "front",_"back'7, "end", "side",
`"inner , outer , upper", and "lower" do not limit the respective features to such orientation,
`but merely serve to distinguish these features from one‘another.
`Modifications and variations of the present invention will beapparent to those skilled in the art
`from the forgoing detailed description. All modifications and variations are intended to be
`encompassed by the following claims. All publications, patents, and‘patent applications cited
`herein are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety.


`Atty. Docket No.10905—002
`A'hand held controller forta game consolecomprising:
`an outer case; and
`a plurality of'controls located on a front of'the controller;
`wherein the controller is shaped to be held in the hand of a user such that the user’s
`thumb is positioned to operate the controls located on the front of the controller;
`and wherein the controller further comprises one or more additional controls located ’
`on a back of the controller.
`The controller of claim 1,} further having controls located on the top edge of the
`controller and wherein'thecont'roller is shaped such thatithe user’s index fingers are positioned
`to operate controls located on the top edge
`The controller of claim 1 wherein each additional‘control is in a position to be operated
`by'a finger 'of a ’user.
`The controller of claim 1 wherein there are two additional controls on the back‘ of the
`controller, each of which is positioned to be operated by a middle finger of a user.
`The controller of claim 1 wherein each additional control comprises an elongate
`member which is inherently resilient and flexible such that it can be displaced by a user to
`activate control function.
`The controller of claim 5 wherein each elongate member is mounted within a respective
`recesslocated in the case of the controller.
`The controller of claim 6 wherein each elongate member comprises an outermost
`surface which is disposed in close proximity to the outermost surface of the controller such that
`a user’s finger may be received in said respective recess.


`The controller of claim 1 wherein each elongate member- has a thickness between about
`1mm and 10mm.
`Atty. Docket No.: 0905-002
`The controller of claim 1 wherein each elongate member has a thickness betweenabout
`1mm and 5mm.
`The controller of claim 1 wherein each elongate member hasva thickness between about
`1mm and 3mm.
`The controller of claim 5 wherein the elongate members are parallel to one another.
`The controller of claim 5 wherein the elongate members converge towards the front
`end of the controller with respect to' one another.
`The controller of claim 1 wherein a portion of‘each additional control is in registry with a
`switch mechanism disposed within the controller, such that displacement of the additional
`control activates the switch mechanism.
`The controller of claim 5 wherein a switch mechanism is disposed between each of the
`elongate members and an outer surface of the base of the controller.
`The controller of claim 2 wherein the one or more additional controls replicate the
`function of one Or more controls located on the front or top edge of the controller.
`The controller of claim 2 wherein the one or more additional controls have functions in
`addition to the controls located on the front or top edge of the controller.
`The controller of claim 1 wherein the one or more additional controls are paddle levers.


`Atty. Docket No.10905-002
`The controller of claim 1 wherein the additional controls are substantially vertically
`orientated with respect to the controller.
`The controller of claim 1 wherein the one or more additional controls are formed as an
`integral part of the outer'cas'e.
`The controller of claim 1 wherein the on or more additional controlsare formed
`separate from the outer 'case of the controller.


`Atty. Docket No.: 0905-002
`_ An improved controller (10) fora game console that is intended to be held by a user in both
`hands in the same manner as a conventional controller (1), which has controls on the front
`operable by the thumbs (2), (3), (4), (S), and has two additional controls (11) located on the
`back in positions to be operated by the middle fingersof-a user.


`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`PO Box 1450
`Alexandria, ViJgLnia 22313-1450
`371(0) DATE
`13/ 162,727
`Parks IP Law LLC
`ATLANTA, GA 30338

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