(12) United States Patent
`Johnson et al.
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 6,580,950 B1
`Jun. 17, 2003
`Inventors: Je?' Johnson, West Fargo, ND (US); _
`gaejs?flh‘gigffrbg?g 18335932111 Thor
`6,161,133 A * 12/2000 Kikinis ..................... .. 709/220
`6,182,094 B1 * 1/2001 Humpleman et al. ..... .. 707/513
`6,198,479 B1 * 3/2001 Humpleman et al. ..... .. 345/329
`gumpieman 6: a? ----- ~~ um eman e a. ..... ..
`6,353,853 B1 * 3/2002 GravFin .................... .. 709/219
`Malmstmm Fergus Falls’ MN (Us)
`6,359,892 B1 * 3/2002 SZlam ...................... .. 370/401
`2002/0111698 A1 * 8/2002 Graziano et a1.
`..... .. 700/17
`Asslgneei 156291011 COFPOFatIOIL San Jose, CA
`Subject' to any disclaimer, the term of this
`Patent 15 extended or adjusted under 35
`U'S'C' 154(k)) by 0 days'
`Appl. No.: 09/561,091
`Apr. 28, 2000
`2002/0152311 A1 * 10/2002 Veltman et al. . . . . .
`. . . .. 709/227
`2002/0180579 A1 * 12/2002 Nagaoka et a1. ........... .. 340/31
`* cited by examiner
`Primary Examiner_JOhn Fonansbee
`Assistant Examiner—Ronald D Hartman, Jr.
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Blakely, Sokoloff, Taylor &
`Zafman, LLP
`Int. Cl- .............................................. ..
`US. Cl. .......................... .. 700/17; 700/83; 345/733
`An Internet based home communications system for alloW
`a homeowner to monitor and Control Various features of
`their home from a distant location Via a global Computer
`of Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
`17, 65,
`netvvork~ The inventive System Comprises a
`700/83, 1, 19, 90; 709/218—220; 345/329,
`References Clted
`4,418,333 A * 11/1983 SChWarZbaCh 61 al- - 340/31001
`5,809,265 A * 9/1998 Blair et a1. ............... .. 345/764
`5903226 A * 5/1999 Suman et a1‘ """" " 34O/825'69
`5’956’487 A * 9/1999 Venkatraman et a1‘ "" " 709/218
`5,982,445 A * 11/1999 Eyer et al. ......... ..
`6,021,324 A * 20000 Sizer’ H et a1‘
`6,058,355 A * 5/2000 Ahmed et a1. .............. .. 702/62
`6,138,150 A * 10/2000 Nichols et al. ........... .. 709/219
`6,139,177 A * 10/2000 Venkatraman et a1. ...... .. 700/83
`control devices positioned Within a home, a control unit in
`communication With the plurality of control devices Wherein
`the control unit is connected to a global computer network
`(i.e. Internet), and a data center having server computers
`connected ‘to the global computer network and in commu
`mcation With the control unit. The homeoWner can view,
`monitor and control features of their home through the Web
`page such as Viewing interior images of their home or
`adjusting the thermostat for the interior of their home. In
`addition, the control unit may notify the appropriate supplier
`When propane or food becomes loWW1thm the home through
`the global Computer network
`41 Claims, 11 Drawing Sheets
`Web Browser <‘;1
`Back Forward Stop
`76, Address I http://wwwbeathomecom
`Hello Dan. You lost logged in on March 1, 2000 at 3:37PM
`House #1
`Mode Camera Door Window Smoke Water Temp Alerts Lights Shopping
`House #2
`7Z~\ is
`House #3
`Nov, 1, 1999©4:10PM N t 2, 1999©3I25PM
`Fargo, ND Weather
`Fri, Dec 10 3:19 PM
`Temp: 20'F
`Hum: 69
`Euro: 30.17
`Wind: 14
`SecureNet Technologies, LLC Exhibit 1005 Page 1

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 17, 2003
`Sheet 1 0f 11
`US 6,580,950 B1
`F'-——'> Devices
`<*——'> Network
`FlG. 1
`SecureNet Technologies, LLC Exhibit 1005 Page 2

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 17, 2003
`Sheet 2 0f 11
`US 6,580,950 B1
`Pet Feeding
`Bar Code
`Devices Q5
`FIG. 2
`SecureNet Technologies, LLC Exhibit 1005 Page 3

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 17, 2003
`Sheet 3 0f 11
`US 6,580,950 B1
`Web Browser
`Back Forward Stop
`\Hello Don. You lost logged in on March 1, 2000 at 3:37PM
`House #1
`Mode Camera Door Window Smoke Water Temp Alerts Lights Shopping
`House #2
`7ZJ\ Q Image
`Nov. 1, 1999@4:182PM N .
`Fargo, ND Weather
`Fri, Dec 10 3:19 PM
`Temp: 20'F
`Hum: 69
`Boro: 30.17
`Wind: 14
`\ 70
`FIG. 3
`SecureNet Technologies, LLC Exhibit 1005 Page 4

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 17, 2003
`Sheet 4 0f 11
`US 6,580,950 B1
`Web Browser
`Bock Forwdrd Stop
`Address http://wwwbeothornecorn
`Nov. 3, 1999©3z45PM
`Nov. 1, 1999©4z1OPM
`Nov. 4, 1999©4z25PM
`Oct. 29, 1999@3:25PM
`)(ov. 1, 1999©3IO8PM
`Nov. 2, 1999©3z25P
`FIG. 4
`SecureNet Technologies, LLC Exhibit 1005 Page 5

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 17, 2003
`Sheet 5 0f 11
`US 6,580,950 B1
`Bar lcode
`Water //
`FIG. 5 / Wireless
`Micro rocessor
`House Wiring
`Dial Modem,
`DSL or
`Cable Modem
`<|--i> Controlled
`—>- Controlled
`Water Heater
`D t
`0 a
`Web Browser
`and Internet
`""" “
`Wireless PDA'S
`5232:: and
`SecureNet Technologies, LLC Exhibit 1005 Page 6

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 17, 2003
`Sheet 6 0f 11
`US 6,580,950 B1
`to Homeowner
`to Auxiliary
`FIG. 6
`SecureNet Technologies, LLC Exhibit 1005 Page 7

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 17,2003
`Sheet 7 0f 11
`US 6,580,950 B1
`Disploy Doto
`l Page
`Displciy Doto
`Control Page
`% Exit
`Select Item
`on Control
`Does Doto
`Center hove the
`Data Requested
`Transmit 0 'Connect'
`Command to
`Control Unit
`Item 0 'Request',
`'Commond' or
`'Order' ?
`to Auxiliary
`lnform User
`Control Unit
`is Not Online
`Control Unit
`Request Doto
`Control Unit
`Receive Data
`from Control Unit
`Transmit Dgtg
`to User’s Linputer
`Inform User
`Control Unit
`is Not Online
`Command to
`Control Unit
`Control Unit
`Return to
`Control Poge
`ronsrnit Command
`T Eo Control Unit
`Inform User
`Control Unit
`Received Commend
`SecureNet Technologies, LLC Exhibit 1005 Page 8

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 17, 2003
`Sheet 8 0f 11
`US 6,580,950 B1
`Control Unit
`Connects to
`Global Network
`Control Unit
`Connects to
`Data Center
`Scheduled Data
`Uploaded to
`Data Center
`Stored at Data
`Commands to
`Control Unit
`Stored at Data
`Upload Requested
`Data to
`Data Center
`> Connection to
`Global Network
`FIG. 8
`SecureNet Technologies, LLC Exhibit 1005 Page 9

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 17, 2003
`Sheet 9 0f 11
`US 6,580,950 B1
`Perform Functions
`Associated with
`Mode A
`Perform Functions
`Associated with
`Mode B
`Perform Functions
`Associated with
`Mode C
`SecureNet Technologies, LLC Exhibit 1005 Page 10

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 17, 2003
`Sheet 10 0f 11
`US 6,580,950 B1
`COH’U'OI Unit
`period X
`Control Unit
`Connects to
`Global Network
`Control Unit.
`Tronsmits "Connected"
`Signal to
`Data Center
`Data to
`Control Unit
`Connection to
`Global Network
`Reset Time
`Period ><
`HQ. 19
`SecureNet Technologies, LLC Exhibit 1005 Page 11

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 17, 2003
`Sheet 11 0f 11
`US 6,580,950 B1
`Control Unit
`Online Connection
`Log Terminotion
`of Connection
`Deviote by
`Specified Limits
`of 0 Schedule
`Notify Homeowner
`thot Control Unit
`is Not Operating
`Control Unit
`Logged On
`Log Connection
`by Control Unit
`Control Unit
`Logged Off
`FIG. ll
`SecureNet Technologies, LLC Exhibit 1005 Page 12

`US 6,580,950 B1
`1. Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates generally to home monitor
`ing systems and more speci?cally it relates to an Internet
`based home communications system for alloWing a home
`oWner to monitor and control various features of their home
`from a distant location via a global computer netWork such
`as the Internet.
`Our society has become extremely mobile With the
`reduced expense and ease of travel leaving many homes
`unattended While the homeoWner is traveling or at Work.
`Many homeoWners hire “house sitters”, friends or neighbors
`to either monitor or stay at their home during their absence
`to insure that the home is in the desired condition. Other
`homeoWners are forced to abandon their home Without any
`monitoring or control. Some homeoWners have more than
`one home, such as a summer home, and must leave at least
`one of the homes unoccupied and unmonitored. Hence, there
`is a need for a home monitoring system that alloWs a
`homeoWner to monitor their home from a distant location.
`2. Description of the Prior Art
`Home monitoring systems have been in use for years.
`Typically, a home monitoring system is comprised of a
`security system that noti?es the security agency When there
`has been a breach of security Within the residence. The
`security agency may then call the homeoWner at their place
`of Work notifying them of the condition of their home.
`HoWever, conventional home monitoring systems do not
`alloW the homeoWner to monitor their home from a distant
`location. In addition, conventional home monitoring sys
`tems do not alloW the homeoWner to control the operations
`of the home from a distant location. Many homeoWners are
`forced to purchase the services of house sitters that can be
`expensive and can signi?cantly reduce the privacy most
`homeoWners enjoy and desire to protect.
`While conventional home security systems may be suit
`able for monitoring burglary Within a home, they are not as
`suitable for alloWing a homeoWner to monitor and control
`various features of their home from a distant location via a
`global computer netWork. Conventional home security sys
`tems simply do not alloW the homeoWner to monitor the
`conditions of their home While in a remote location Without
`having a third person visit their home.
`In these respects, the Internet based home communica
`tions system according to the present invention substantially
`departs from the conventional concepts and functions of the
`prior art, and in so doing provides a system primarily
`developed for the purpose of alloWing a homeoWner to
`monitor and control various features of their home from a
`distant location via a global computer netWork.
`In vieW of the foregoing disadvantages inherent in the
`knoWn types of home monitoring systems noW present in the
`prior art, the present invention provides a neW Internet based
`home communications system Wherein the same can be
`utiliZed for alloWing a homeoWner to monitor and control
`various features of their home from a distant location via a
`global computer netWork.
`The general purpose of the present invention, Which Will
`be described subsequently in greater detail, is to provide a
`neW Internet based home communications system that has
`many of the advantages of the home based monitoring
`systems mentioned heretofore and many novel features that
`result in a neW Internet based home communications system
`Which is not anticipated, rendered obvious, suggested, or
`even implied by any of the prior art home based monitoring
`systems, either alone or in any combination thereof.
`To attain this, the present invention generally comprises a
`plurality of control devices positioned Within a home, a
`control unit in communication With the plurality of control
`devices Wherein the control unit is connected to a global
`computer netWork (i.e. Internet), and a data center having
`server computers connected to the global computer netWork
`and in communication With the control unit. The control
`devices may be comprised of various units such as lighting
`controls, heating controls, moisture controls, freeZe controls,
`pet feeding devices, propane gauge, interior cameras, exte
`rior cameras, security system, smoke alarm and various
`other devices that can be utiliZed to monitor and control the
`home. The homeoWner is capable of monitoring and con
`trolling the control device Within the home by accessing a
`Web page displayed by the data center through a conven
`tional Web broWser on a computer. The homeoWner can
`vieW, monitor and control features of their home through the
`Web page such as vieWing interior images of their home or
`adjusting the thermostat for the interior of their home. In
`addition, the control unit may notify the appropriate supplier
`When propane or food becomes loW Within the home through
`the global computer netWork.
`There has thus been outlined, rather broadly, the more
`important features of the invention in order that the detailed
`description thereof may be better understood, and in order
`that the present contribution to the art may be better appre
`ciated. There are additional features of the invention that
`Will be described hereinafter and that Will form the subject
`matter of the claims appended hereto.
`In this respect, before explaining at least one embodiment
`of the invention in detail, it is to be understood that the
`invention is not limited in its application to the details of
`construction and to the arrangements of the components set
`forth in the folloWing description or illustrated in the draW
`ings. The invention is capable of other embodiments and of
`being practiced and carried out in various Ways. Also, it is
`to be understood that the phraseology and terminology
`employed herein are for the purpose of the description and
`should not be regarded as limiting.
`Aprimary object of the present invention is to provide an
`Internet based home communications system that Will over
`come the shortcomings of the prior art devices.
`A second object is to provide an Internet based home
`communications system for alloWing a homeoWner to moni
`tor and control various features of their home from a distant
`location via a global computer netWork.
`Another object is to provide an Internet based home
`communications system that alloWs a homeoWner to monitor
`images taken from Within or outside of the home.
`An additional object is to provide an Internet based home
`communications system that alloWs the homeoWner to con
`trol features of their home through a global computer
`A further object is to provide an Internet based home
`communications system that alloWs the user to monitor,
`control and modify various control devices Within a home
`through the Internet.
`Another object is to provide an Internet based home
`communications system that alerts the homeoWner through
`e-mail of various alerts such as a burglary, ?re or tempera
`ture extremes.
`SecureNet Technologies, LLC Exhibit 1005 Page 13

`US 6,580,950 B1
`A further object is to provide an Internet based home
`communications system that monitors supplies Within the
`home and that can notify product providers of the need for
`more supplies such as food or heating fuel.
`Other objects and advantages of the present invention Will
`become obvious to the reader and it is intended that these
`objects and advantages are Within the scope of the present
`To the accomplishment of the above and related objects,
`this invention may be embodied in the form illustrated in the
`accompanying draWings, attention being called to the fact,
`hoWever, that the draWings are illustrative only, and that
`changes may be made in the speci?c construction illustrated
`and described Within the scope of the appended claims.
`Various other objects, features and attendant advantages
`of the present invention Will become fully appreciated as the
`same becomes better understood When considered in con
`junction With the accompanying draWings, in Which like
`reference characters designate the same or similar parts
`throughout the several vieWs, and Wherein:
`FIG. 1 is a block illustration of the present invention
`shoWing the communication from a homeoWner’s computer
`to a control unit Within the home through a global computer
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram of the various types of controls
`that may be connected to the control unit Within the home.
`FIG. 3 is a broWser containing the control page displaying
`some of the features of the present invention that alloW the
`homeoWner to monitor and control their home through a
`global computer netWork such as the Internet.
`FIG. 4 is a sample Internet Web page displaying various
`pictures taken from cameras Within and outside of the home.
`FIG. 5 is a block diagram of the present invention.
`FIG. 6 is a ?oWchart shoWing the operation of the present
`invention When an event occurs at the home.
`FIG. 7 is a ?oWchart shoWing the operation of the present
`invention When the homeoWner accesses the control page
`from a computer through the global computer netWork
`entering a “request” or a “command”.
`FIG. 8 is a ?oWchart shoWing the operation of the control
`unit as it connects to the data center through the global
`computer netWork.
`FIG. 9 is a ?oWchart shoWing operation of the control unit
`upon receiving an event utiliZing the various modes that may
`be programmed into the control unit.
`FIG. 10 is a ?oWchart shoWing the operation of the
`control unit intermittently connecting to the data center via
`the global computer netWork.
`FIG. 11 is a ?oWchart shoWing the operation of the data
`center monitoring the online connections from the control
`The folloWing description is presented to enable any
`person skilled in the art to make and use the invention, and
`is provided in the conteXt of a particular application and its
`requirements. Various modi?cations to the disclosed
`embodiments Will be readily apparent to those skilled in the
`art, and the general principles de?ned herein may be applied
`to other embodiments and applications Without departing
`from the spirit and scope of the present invention. Thus, the
`present invention is not intended to be limited to the embodi
`ments shoWn, but is to be accorded the Widest scope
`consistent With the principles and features disclosed herein.
`The data structures and code described in this detailed
`description are typically stored on a computer readable
`storage medium, Which may be any device or medium that
`can store code and/or data for use by a computer system.
`This includes, but is not limited to, magnetic and optical
`storage devices such as disk drives, magnetic tape, CDs
`(compact discs) and DVDs (digital video discs), and com
`puter instruction signals embodied in a transmission
`medium (With or Without a carrier Wave upon Which the
`signals are modulated). For example, the transmission
`medium may include a global communications netWork,
`such as the Internet.
`A. Invention OvervieW
`The Internet based home communications system 10
`broadly comprises a plurality of control devices 40 posi
`tioned Within a home, a control unit 30 in communication
`With the plurality of control devices 40 Wherein the control
`unit 30 is connected to a global computer netWork 12 (i.e.
`Internet), and a data center 20 having server computers
`connected to the global computer netWork 12 and in com
`munication With the control unit 30. The control devices 40
`may be comprised of various units such as lighting controls
`42, heating controls 44, moisture controls 46, freeZe controls
`48, pet feeding devices 50, propane gauge 54, interior
`cameras 56, exterior cameras 58, security system 60, smoke
`alarms 62, health monitoring devices 64 and various other
`devices that can be utiliZed to monitor and control the home.
`The homeoWner is capable of monitoring and controlling the
`control device Within the home by accessing a Web page
`displayed by the data center 20 through a conventional Web
`broWser 14 on a computer. The homeoWner can vieW,
`monitor and control features of their home through the Web
`page such as vieWing interior images 74 of their home or
`adjusting the thermostat for the interior of their home. In
`addition, the control unit 30 may notify the appropriate
`supplier When propane or food becomes loW Within the
`home through the global computer netWork 12.
`B. Data Center
`As shoWn in FIG. 1 of the draWings, a data center 20
`comprised of one or more server computers is in commu
`nication With a global computer netWork 12 such as the
`Internet utiliZing a conventional communications system
`such as a telephone modem, cable modem, digital subscriber
`line (DSL) integrated services digital netWork (ISDN), T1,
`T3, OC3 or other communications system. The data center
`20 is capable of receiving, storing and transmitting various
`types of data related to the homeoWner’s home such as teXt,
`softWare, music, sound, temperature data, images 74,
`photographs, graphics, video, alerts, messages,
`advertisements, promotions or other information related to a
`home (collectively, the “data”).
`C. Control Unit
`As further shoWn in FIG. 1 of the draWings, a control unit
`30 is in communication With the data center 20 through the
`global computer netWork 12 utiliZing a conventional com
`munications system such as a telephone modem, cable
`modem, digital subscriber line (DSL) integrated services
`digital netWork (ISDN), T1, T3, OC3 or other communica
`tions system. The control unit 30 is capable of communi
`cating With the data center 20 and other entities 80 through
`the global computer netWork 12. The control unit 30 may be
`comprised of conventional electronics Well-knoWn in the art.
`The control unit 30 further can be connected to local
`computers Within the home thereby alloWing the homeoWner
`to control and monitor the home through the control unit 30.
`SecureNet Technologies, LLC Exhibit 1005 Page 14

`US 6,580,950 B1
`The control unit 30 can be programmed to connect to the
`global computer netWork 12 either full-time, periodically or
`only When an event occurs from one of the control devices
`40. As shoWn in FIG. 10 of the drawings, the control unit 30
`may be programmed to connect online to the data center 20
`based upon a speci?ed period X or upon scheduled intervals.
`As further shoWn in FIG. 10 of the draWings, the control unit
`30 connects to the global computer netWork 12 and then
`transmits a “connected” signal to the data center 20 to
`inform the data center 20 that it is connected online. The
`control unit 30 then may upload any scheduled or requested
`data to the data center 20 as further shoWn in FIGS. 8 and
`10 of the draWings. The control unit 30 may also doWnload
`any data from the data center 20 such as commands from the
`homeoWner. After the data has been properly uploaded and
`doWnloaded, the control unit 30 terminates the connection to
`the global computer netWork 12 While simultaneously reset
`ting the time period X. After time period X has passed again,
`the control unit 30 repeats the above connection process to
`the data center 20.
`As shoWn in FIG. 11 of the draWings, the data center 20
`monitors the logon activity of the control unit 30. If the
`control unit 30 deviates from the speci?ed limits of a
`schedule, the data center 20 may notify the homeoWner that
`the control unit 30 is not connecting to the data center 20 as
`scheduled and that there may be problems With the control
`unit 30.
`D. Control Devices
`As shoWn in FIG. 2 of the draWings, the control unit 30
`is in communication With various control devices 40 such as
`lighting controls 42, heating controls 44, moisture controls
`46, freeZe controls 48, pet feeding device, grocery bar code
`reader 52, propane gauge 54, interior still and video
`cameras, exterior still and video cameras, security system
`60, alarms (smoke, carbon monoxide, etc.), alerts and other
`control devices 40. As shoWn in FIG. 5 of the draWings, the
`control unit 30 is in communication With the control devices
`40 through various means such as radio, infrared, cable, X10
`or other knoWn communication means.
`The control devices 40 may be capable of receiving,
`storing and transmitting data to and from the control unit 30
`depending upon the desired usage. For example, the lighting
`controls 42 Would mainly receive data from the control unit
`30 directing the lighting controls 42 to turn on speci?c
`lighting or to turn off speci?c lighting. It can be appreciated
`that the lighting controls 42 may be capable of transmitting
`data to the control unit 30 regarding Which lights are
`activated and deactivated Which is forWard to the data center
`20 through global computer netWork 12. The various other
`control devices 40 are capable of receiving, storing and
`transmitting data as required for their speci?c operation and
`E. Alerts and Events
`Aspeci?c type of control device 40 may be utiliZed Which
`provides merely an “alert” as to speci?c conditions Within
`the home as shoWn in FIG. 5 of the draWings. For example,
`a grocery bar code reader 52 can be utiliZed to monitor the
`supply of groceries Within the home, a propane gauge 54 to
`monitor the level of propane Within a tank, smoke alarms 62
`to monitor ?re conditions Within the home, a security system
`60 to monitor the home for intrusions, and pet feeding
`devices 50 to monitor the supply of food for a pet.
`When the groceries, propane, smoke, security conditions
`and pet food Within the home reach a preprogrammed
`threshold level, an alert signal is transmitted to the control
`unit 30 by the speci?c control device 40 signaling that a
`threshold condition has been breached. As shoWn in FIG. 6
`of the draWings, if the event is a “LOW LEVEL” event, the
`control unit 30 simply logs the event for later reporting. If
`the event is a “HIGH LEVEL” event, the control unit 30 may
`notify the data center 20 Which can then notify the home
`oWner of the condition via e-mail, pager, Web page, by direct
`telephone call or other communication means. The control
`unit 30 or the data center 20 may also notify auxiliary
`services 80 through the global computer netWork 12 that the
`home is in need of speci?c supplies such as food, pet food
`or propane, or that a security breach has occurred so that the
`appropriate services or goods may be provided.
`F. Modes
`As shoWn in FIG. 9 of the draWings, there can be more
`than one “mode” for the control unit 30 to have depending
`upon various factors. For example, there may be a “HOME”
`mode for use When the user is at home, an “AWAY” mode
`When the user is aWay from home, and a “SLEEP” mode for
`nighttime hours. There may also be various “routines”
`Within each of the above-stated modes such as a “WEEK
`END” routine, “WEEKDAY” routine, and a “VACATION”
`When an event is detected and reported to the control unit
`30 by one of the control devices 40 such as the security
`system 60, the control unit 30 ?rst determines Which mode
`it is currently in. For example, if in HOME mode, the control
`unit 30 may only provide an audible alarm Within the interior
`of the home. If in AWAY mode, the control unit 30 may turn
`on the lights Within the home, connect online to signal a
`security agency, and contact the homeoWner directly. If in
`SLEEP mode, the control unit 30 may turn on the lights
`Within the home and simultaneously sound an audible alarm.
`As can be appreciated, there are various combinations that
`may be achieved With the various modes programmable into
`the control unit 30.
`G. Control Page
`As shoWn in FIGS. 1, 3 and 4 of the draWings, the
`homeoWner can access data regarding their home through a
`conventional Web broWser 14 upon the user’s computer. The
`homeoWner can access their speci?c “control page” 76 upon
`the Web site by using a user name and passWord or any other
`acceptable means for accessing the data from their home.
`The control page 76 can have various structures, design and
`information available for the homeoWner. In addition, the
`control page 76 may be customiZable for alloWing only the
`desired information upon the control page 76 such as the
`customiZed information 70 portion of the control page 76.
`The control page 76 may be customiZed to display one or
`more images 74 of a speci?c home along With customiZed
`information 70 relating to Weather conditions and other
`The homeoWner can select Which home they desire to
`receive data from by selecting the appropriate home Within
`the home selector 72. As shoWn in FIG. 4 of the draWings,
`the homeoWner can vieW images 74 of the interior and
`exterior of their home through the Web broWser 14 by
`selecting the section containing the images 74. The user can
`vieW either still images 74 or video images 74 as desired. It
`can be appreciated that various other features may be
`utiliZed for monitoring the images 74 of the home.
`H. Modifying Control Unit Settings
`If the homeoWner desires to modify any preprogrammed
`settings Within the home, such as lighting control or ther
`mostat control, the homeoWner simply selects the desired
`feature upon the control page 76 of the desired home as
`shoWn in FIGS. 3 and 7 of the draWings. The homeoWner
`may then enter the desired data into the computer 16 Which
`is transmitted to the data center 20 Which forWards the
`SecureNet Technologies, LLC Exhibit 1005 Page 15

`US 6,580,950 B1
`information directly to the control unit 30 Which transmits
`the data accordingly modifying any previous settings. This
`process continues until the user logs out of the control page
`I. Data Manipulation
`The control unit 30 and the data center 20 constantly
`monitor data received from the control devices 40 during
`usage. The data accumulated, such as gas and electricity
`consumption, may be compiled to locate inconsistencies and
`deviations. For example, if the electricity consumption
`Within the home increases by 10% over a period of time a
`Warning may be provided to the homeoWner informing them
`of the deviation. It can be appreciated that various other
`types of data manipulation may be utiliZed With the present
`J. Control Unit Security
`It is an essential feature of the present invention that the
`control unit 30 alWays connects to the data center 30 and that
`the control unit 30 cannot be directly connected to for
`preventing unauthoriZed access to the control unit 30. As
`shoWn in FIG. 7 of the draWings, When the homeoWner
`accessing the control page 76 enters a “REQUEST,
`“COMMAND”, or “ORDER” the data center 20 sends a
`“connect” command to the control unit 30. If online, the
`control unit 30 Will then establish a direct connection With
`the data center 20 thereby alloWing the control unit to
`connect only to the authoriZed data center 20 and not an
`unauthoriZed party.
`K. Operation
`In use, the user programs the desired settings into the
`control unit 30 either directly at the home or via the data
`center 20 through an external computer 16. As shoWn in
`FIG. 6 of the draWings, When a condition Within the home
`reaches a Warning level (i.e. an “event”) such as loW
`propane, the control unit 30 sends an alert to the data center
`20 through the global computer netWork 12. The data center
`20 may notify an auxiliary service such as a ?re department
`or prop

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