`Donohue et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,031,335 B1
`*Apr. 18, 2006
`US00703 l335Bl
`Inventors: John E. Donohue, Ridgefield, CT
`(US); Aravanan Gurusami,
`Wallingford, CT (US); Clarke V-
`Greene, Middletown, CT (US)
`(73) Assigneez fI]i)nC1e"tl:Il1(1:cao111\1/I11I:Iu$cSa)t1ons, Inc.,
`(*) Notice:
`Subject- to any ((11iS(C11aime£’- the germdofthis
`01 a “me 1111 er 35
`patent 15 em“ 3
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`pnatent is subject to a terminal dis-
`(21) APP1~ N0-3 09/432558
`Nov. 3, 1999
`8/1992 Radice
`5,138,440 A
`3/1993 Petrofi"
`5,198,989 A
`5,272,700 A * 12/1993 Hansen et al.
`0 664 621
`............ .. 370/480
`“Broadband Medium Attachment Unit and Broadband
`M d’
`80: ;““1177P:(°)15 “(*1
`Primary Examiner—Huy D. Vu
`Assistant Examiner—Daniel Ryman
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Fogg and Associates LLC;
`David N. Fogg
`Int Cl-
`H04L 12/413
`(52) U..S. Cl.
`...... ... ................... .. 370/445; 370/481
`F1e1d 01 C1aSs1ficat10n Search """"""" " 714/746;
`348/476’ 1401; 370/480’ 328’ 438’ 315’
`370/442; 359/167; 340/31006; 333/103
`See app11Ca11O11 111e for 001111316316 Search 111510137‘
`References Cited
`1/1976 Ferris, Jr.
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`4,244,046 A
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`8/1992 Heiling et al.
`.......... .. 333/103
`An Optical distribution node is provided. The Optical diSU_i_
`bution node includes a laser transceiver that is coupleable to
`at least one fiber optic link The optical distribution node
`communicates upstream and downstream digital data with
`the head end over the at least one fiber optic link. The optical
`distribution node further
`includes a data concentrator
`coupled to the laser transceiver. Further, for each of at least
`one coaxial cable link, the optical distribution node includes
`a frequency translator and a node modem. The frequency
`translator receives and translates the upstream digital data
`from modems on the at least one coaxial cable link to a
`different carrier to provide a signal to the modems on the at
`least one coaxial cable link for collision detection. The node
`modem is coupled between the coaxial cable link and the
`data concentrator. The node modem demodulates upstream
`digital data for the data concentrator and modulates down-
`stream digital data for transmission over the coaxial cable
`46 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1025
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1025
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`Zions, 47:983-988, “Direct Bandpass Sampling of Multiple
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`Nakatsugawa 91 31, 2000, IEEE, P11 617-621, Software
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`* cited by examiner
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1025
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1025
`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 18,2006
`Sheet 1 of3
`US 7,031,335 B1
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1025
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1025
`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 18,2006
`Sheet 2 of 3
`US 7,031,335 B1
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1025
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1025
`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 18,2006
`Sheet 3 of 3
`US 7,031,335 B1
`Routing Function
`(Concentration /
`B ,d _
`D t
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`aag 1
`Wei, ................................................._ F.,,,c,i0,,
`To /F£ow\
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`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1025
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1025
`US 7,031,335 B1
`This application is related to the following commonly
`assigned, co-pending applications:
`U.S. application Ser. No. 09/273,197, entitled “DIGITAL
`WORK” and filed on Mar. 19, 1999 and
`U.S. application Ser. No. 09/433,332, filed on the same
`date as the present application and entitled “DIGITAL
`The present invention relates generally to the field of
`telecommunications and, in particular, to a digital node for
`a hybrid fiber/coax network.
`Cable networks originally carried programming from a
`head end to subscribers over a network of coaxial cable.
`Over time, these networks have changed. Some cable net-
`works now include fiber optic links as part of the network.
`This variety of cable network is colloquially referred to as a
`“hybrid fiber/coax” (HFC) network.
`A hybrid fiber/coax network typically includes a head end
`that broadcasts programming over the network to subscrib-
`ers in a downstream direction. The network includes two
`main portions. The first portion of the network is optical
`links that connect the head end with a number of geographi-
`cally dispersed distribution nodes. These nodes are referred
`to as “optical distribution nodes” or “ODNs.” At the ODNs,
`signals from the head end that carry the programming are
`converted from optical signals to electrical signals. The
`second portion of the network is coaxial links that connect
`the ODNs with subscriber equipment. The electrical signals
`are transmitted to the subscriber equipment over the coaxial
`cable links.
`In recent years, the cable industry has experimented with
`allow for bi-directional
`between subscriber equipment and the head end. This allows
`for services such as video-on-demand, telephony and Inter-
`net traffic to be offered over a cable network. Typically the
`5 to 42 MHZ frequency range is reserved for upstream
`transmission from customers to the head end. Frequencies
`between 50 MHZ and an upper limit, e.g., 750 MHZ or 850
`MHZ, typically carry downstream transmissions.
`The design of the reverse path for transporting data over
`a hybrid fiber/coax network is laced with difficult technical
`issues. First, many customers must communicate over a
`common coaxial cable. Interference between customers and
`noise ingress onto the cable can cause disruptions and errors
`in this communication. Ingress and other interference is
`especially a problem at the low frequencies typically pre-
`scribed for upstream communications. Transporting simul-
`taneous data transmissions from many customers also intro-
`duces complexity into the system design.
`In most current systems, the reverse path is implemented
`with one of a number of different analog modulation
`schemes, e.g., MCNS, Data Over Cable Service Interface
`Specification (DOCSIS). These schemes are complicated to
`implement due to strict timing requirements and complex
`modulation schemes. Other systems, such as AT&T’s mini
`fiber node (mFNs), introduce other complexities into the
`return path.
`For the reasons stated above, and for other reasons stated
`below which will become apparent to those skilled in the art
`upon reading and understanding the present specification,
`there is a need in the art for an improved digital data path for
`a hybrid fiber/coax network.
`The above mentioned problems with telecommunications
`systems and other problems are addressed by the present
`invention and will be understood by reading and studying
`the following specification. A hybrid fiber/coax network is
`described which includes an optical distribution node that
`combines CSMA/CD error detection through frequency
`translation (“frequency tum-around”) with modem function-
`ality and data concentration.
`In one embodiment, an optical distribution node is pro-
`vided. The optical distribution node includes a laser trans-
`ceiver that is coupleable to at least one fiber optic link. The
`optical distribution node communicates upstream and down-
`stream digital data with the head end over the at least one
`fiber optic link. The optical distribution node further
`includes a data concentrator coupled to the laser transceiver.
`Further, for the at least one coaxial cable link, the optical
`distribution node includes a node modem. The node modem
`is coupled between the coaxial cable link and the data
`concentrator. The node modem demodulates upstream digi-
`tal data for the data concentrator and modulates downstream
`digital data for transmission over the coaxial cable link. In
`another embodiment,
`the optical distribution node also
`includes a frequency translator coupled to the at least one
`coaxial cable link. The frequency translator receives and
`translates the upstream digital data from modems on the at
`least one coaxial cable link to a different carrier to provide
`a signal to the modems on the at least one coaxial cable link
`for collision detection.
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram of an embodiment of a hybrid
`fiber/coax network constructed according to the teachings of
`the present invention.
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram of another embodiment of an
`optical distribution node for a hybrid fiber/coax network
`according to the teachings of the present invention.
`FIG. 3 is a dataflow diagram that illustrates an embodi-
`ment of a layered implementation of communication proto-
`col stacks for an optical distribution node according to the
`teachings of the present invention.
`The following detailed description refers to the accom-
`panying drawings which form a part of the specification. The
`drawings show, and the detailed description describes, by
`way of illustration specific illustrative embodiments in
`which the invention may be practiced. These embodiments
`are described in sufficient detail to enable those skilled in the
`art to practice the invention. Other embodiments may be
`used and logical, mechanical and electrical changes may be
`made without departing from the scope of the present
`invention. The following detailed description is, therefore,
`not to be taken in a limiting sense.
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1025
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1025
`US 7,031,335 B1
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram of an embodiment of a hybrid
`fiber/coax (HFC) network, indicated generally at 100, and
`constructed according to the teachings of the present inven-
`tion. Network 100 is a bi-directional network that carries
`signals between head end or hub 102 and a number of
`modems 103-1-1, .
`, 103-M-N. Advantageously, network
`100 includes a bi-directional data path that carries data in
`digital format, e.g., as Ethernet or other packets of digital
`data using Internet Protocol
`(IP), between modems
`103-1-1, .
`, 103-M-N and head end 102.
`Head end 102 is coupled to modems 103-1-1,
`103-M-N over a combination of fiber optics and coaxial
`cable. Namely, head end 102 is coupled via fiber optic link
`105 with optical distribution node 106. Fiber optic link 105
`is used to carry digital data between head end 102 and
`modems 103-1-1, .
`, 103-M-N. In one embodiment, fiber
`optic link 105 includes two fiber optic cables: a first cable to
`carry upstream digital data from modems 103-1-1,
`103-M-N to head end 102 and a second cable to carry
`downstream digital data from head end 102 to modems
`, 103-M-N. In another embodiment, fiber optic
`103-1-1, .
`link 105 comprises a single fiber optic cable that uses
`wavelength division multiplexing or frequency division
`multiplexing to separate upstream and downstream digital
`data on fiber optic link 105.
`Optical distribution node 106 is also coupled to coaxial
`cable links or branches 108-1,
`, 108-M. Modems,
`represented by modems 103-1-1,
`, 103-M-N, are
`selectively coupled to coaxial links 108-1, .
`, 108-M via
`directional couplers 110.
`In one embodiment, the network 100 includes a transport
`path for digital data (bi-directional) and a transport path for
`other broadband services. For the other broadband services,
`network 100 combines signals from one or more sources at
`combiner 112 of head end 102. In one embodiment, com-
`biner 112 receives analog and digital video signals. In
`another embodiment, combiner 112 also receives other data
`appropriate for transmission over network 100. Combiner
`112 is coupled to optical transmitter 114. Optical transmitter
`114 provides optical signals to optical distribution node 106
`over fiber optic link 115. These optical signals are received
`by optical receiver 116 and coupled to coaxial cable links
`, 108-M through couplers 118-1,
`, 118-M,
`The bi-directional data path includes cable modem ter-
`mination system 111 at head end 102. Termination system
`111 includes network termination 113. Network termination
`113 is coupled to public switched telephone network (PSTN)
`or backbone network 121 through headend switch or back-
`bone transport adaptor 119. Termination system 111 is also
`coupled to optical transceiver 123. Optical transceiver 123 is
`coupled to optical transceiver 142 at optical distribution
`node 106 over fiber optic link 105.
`In one embodiment, data on fiber optic links 105 and 115
`is carried as base-band digital data using on-olf keying. In
`another embodiment, data on fiber optic links 105 and 115
`is carried using modulated carriers. Further, data on fiber
`optic links 105 and 115 is transmitted using the l00BaseT
`Ethernet protocol or any other standard or custom protocol.
`Optical distribution node 106 includes data concentrator
`or switch 140 that is coupled to optical transceiver 142 and
`to at least one node modem 138-1,
`, 138-M for each
`coaxial cable link 108-1, .
`, 108-M, respectively. Due to
`the similarity between the circuitry for each coaxial cable
`, 108-M, only the path in optical distribution
`link 108-1, .
`node 106 for coaxial cable link 108-1 is described here.
`However, it is understood that the remaining coaxial cable
`links include similar circuitry in optical distribution node
`106. Data concentrator or switch 140 also includes enter-
`prise network drop 141.
`In one embodiment, drop 141
`comprises a 10/ l00BaseT interface for a local area network.
`As fiber optical
`links 105 and 115 allow nodes 106 to
`penetrate deeper into network 100, drop 141 provides the
`advantage of allowing direct access to node 106 for an
`enterprise network.
`, 103-1-N
`In one embodiment, modems 103-1-1,
`launch upstream, digital data on coaxial cable link 108-1 by
`on-off-keying of one of a selected number of radio frequency
`carriers, e.g., fl in FIG. 1, with digital data in the form of
`Ethernet packets. In other embodiments other modulation
`techniques are used, e.g., quadrature phase shift keying
`(QPSK), quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), and
`other appropriate modulation techniques. Each modem 103-
`1-1, .
`, 103-1-N uses one ofthe select number of carriers.
`It is understood that any appropriate number of carriers can
`be used. In one embodiment, each of the select number of
`carriers falls in the frequency range below 42 MHZ. In other
`embodiments, at least a portion of the select number of
`carriers fall in a frequency range below the lower cutolf
`frequency for the downstream data path.
`The bi-directional path of optical distribution node 106
`includes frequency translator 124 that is coupled to coaxial
`cable link 108-1 through couplers 126 and 128. In one
`embodiment, coupler 126 comprises a directional coupler.
`Coupler 128 comprises a diplexer, a conventional 3 dB or
`other ratio coupler, or a directional coupler. The output of
`frequency translator 124 is coupled to coupler 128. Node
`modem 138-1 is also coupled to frequency translator 124
`through coupler 126.
`Frequency translator 124 provides a loopback mechanism
`to implement a collision detection protocol for the bi-
`directional path of network 100 on coaxial cable link 108-1.
`Frequency translator 124 translates modulated carriers, e.g.,
`to other frequencies, e.g.,
`f2. Essentially,
`translator 124 provides aggregate data received from all
`modems 103-1-1, .
`, 103-1-N on coaxial cable link 108-1
`and node modem 138-1 back to modems 103-1-1,
`103-1-N. Each modem 103-1-1, .
`, 103-1-N compares its
`transmitted data with the aggregate data to determine
`whether its data was received at optical distribution node
`106 without collision with other data or without corruption
`from ingress noise.
`When a modem detects a collision, the modem provides
`a collision detection signal on another carrier. Modems
`103-1-1, .
`, 103-M-N and node modem 138-1 further wait
`a randomly selected period of time to attempt retransmission
`of any corrupted data. Advantageously, this process allows
`network 100 to transmit upstream signals in the band below
`the downstream band despite ingress and other interference
`since interference looks like a collision to network 100 and
`data affected by the interference is automatically retransmit-
`ted. This also provides for bi-directional transport of data
`with symmetrical data rates between upstream and down-
`stream data paths since the same frequency is used by
`modem 138-1 and modems 103-1-1,
`, 103-M-N. The
`downstream signals from modem 138-1 are frequency trans-
`lated by translator 124 such that the downstream transmis-
`sions are transported on, e.g., frequency f2.
`, 103-M-N
`In one embodiment, modems 103-1-1,
`transmit Ethernet packets over network 100. It is understood
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1025
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1025
`US 7,031,335 B1
`that in other embodiments, the data transmitted over net-
`work 100 may comprise other formats.
`In operation, digital data is transmitted between modems
`103-1-1, .
`. .,103-M-N and head end 102 over network 100.
`For example, digital data originating at modem 103-1-1 is
`provided to coaxial cable 108-1 on a modulated carrier.
`Frequency translator 124 translates the frequency of the
`modulated carrier and retransmits the data back to modem
`103-1-1 with aggregate data from all modems on coaxial
`link 108-1 and downstream data from node modem 138-1.
`Modem 103-1-1 checks for collisions and if any, transmits
`a collision detect signal on a separate carrier and then waits
`a random amount of time and retransmits the data.
`In the absence of a collision, the data is passed to data
`concentrator 140 and concentrated with data from other
`coaxial links. This data is passed to head end 102 over
`optical fiber link 105 by transmitter 142. At head end 102,
`the data is routed or switched to network 121.
`Downstream data is transmitted from head end 102 over
`fiber optic link 115 to optical distribution node 106. At node
`106, the downstream digital data is demodulated by node
`modem 138-1 and provided to frequency translator 124. The
`translated data is provided to modems 103-1-1, .
`, 103-1-N
`over coaxial cable link 108-1 with the aggregate upstream
`data from modems 103-1-1,
`, 103-1-N. Modems
`, 103-1-N listen to frequency f2 to receive
`downstream data from node modem 138-1. In this embodi-
`ment, modem 138-1 and modems 103-1-1, .
`, 103-M-N
`are substantially the same thus the available bandwidth in
`upstream and downstream directions is the same.
`It is noted that in embodiments with more than one carrier
`frequency used for upstream communication on coaxial
`cable links,
`then additional node modems are coupled
`between frequency translator 124 and concentrator 140 for
`each coaxial cable link.
`Node 106 of FIG. 1 advantageously combines CSMA/CD
`error detection through frequency translation (“frequency
`turn-around”) with modem functionality and data concen-
`tration. This combination of functionality is shown in FIG.
`3. Frequency tum-around is performed at the physical layer
`as indicated next to blocks 302 and 304. Bridging or modem
`functionality is provided at the data link layer as indicated at
`blocks 306 and 308. Further, routing functionality, e.g.,
`concentration and switching,
`is provided at the network
`layer as indicated by blocks 310 and 312. In this manner, the
`frequency tum-around scheme does not require modulation
`or demodulation processes and is kept transparent to the
`hardware at node 106.
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram of another embodiment of an
`optical distribution node,
`indicated generally at 206 and
`constructed according to the teachings of the present inven-
`tion. In this embodiment, optical distribution node 206
`advantageously provides for asymmetrical transport of data
`between a head end and modems. Node 206 includes trans-
`ceiver 242 that coupled to the head end over a fiber optic
`link. Transceiver 242 is coupled to data concentrator or
`switch 240. Data concentrator 240 is coupled to a plurality
`of node modems represented by node modem 238.
`Node modem 238 provides upstream and downstream
`communication for digital data in node 106. In the down-
`stream path, node modem 238 is coupled to a coaxial cable
`link through couplers 226 and 228, and diplexer 218. In the
`upstream direction, data is received from the coaxial cable
`link by node modem 238 via couplers 226 and 229, and
`diplexer 218. Couplers 226, 228 and 229 comprise direc-
`tional couplers or conventional 3 dB or other ratio couplers.
`In this manner, the downstream data from node modem 238
`is not frequency translated at frequency translator 224 and
`thus the downstream data is provided to the modems on a
`different carrier frequency. This allows for different data
`rates to be used in the downstream and the upstream

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