`United States Patent
`Misheski et at.
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Inventors: David Joseph Mislleski,l’la1nv1ew;
`Clifton Malcolm Nock, Rochester, both
`01- Mim
`211995 Welland
`2.11995 Miller
`.. 3951575
`311995 Nguyen
`.. 3951700
`311995 'l‘antry et al.
`.. 3951600
`.. 39516110
`511995 Suzuki
`.. 395141?
`1211995 Welland ..
`611997 Chow etal.
`[73! Assignee:
`International Business Machines
`Corporation Armonk NY.
`IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, vol. 37,
`Text of
`DeBindcr el :11, Feb. 1994, “Results Folder Framework", pp.
`1211 Appl- ”9-: 0317249570
`Sep. 30, 1996
`Int. Cl.b ...................................................... GGISI“ 17109
`|52! U.S. Cl. ................................. 7071103; 70718; 7071111;
`3951683; 3951684; 3951685
`(List continued on next page.)
`Pruning; bxnnrmer—l'liomas (1. Black
`Assistant Exmnincr—David Yink Jung
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Martin & Associated, 1..I..(f.;
`Derek P. Marlin
`Field of Search ....................... 70711—206, 517—530;
`7011201—205; 34-51961—970; 3951680—685;
`7111 170—208
`References Cited
`711996 Lark et al.
`5,057,996 1011991 Cutler el al.
`311992 Davenport et al.
`611992 Smith eta].
`111993 Smith et al.
`.. 395,150
`filad et al.
`711993 Khoyi e1 :11.
`911993 Bristol
`911993 Stewart et a1.
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`511994 Matheny el al.
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`An object oriented framework mechanism for data transfer
`between a data source and a data target provides an infra-
`structure that embodies the steps necessary to perform the
`data transfer and a mechanism to extend the framework to lit
`a particular data transfer environment. Certain core func-
`tions are provided by the framework, which interact with
`extensible functions provided by the framework user. The
`architecture of the framework allows a developer to deter—
`mine the conditions and parameters that apply to the data
`transfer while allowing a user to interact with the framework
`with an interface that is consistent regardless of the specific
`combination of data source. data target, connection type, or
`protocol. The extensible functions allow new data transfer
`environments to be easily implemented using the frame-
`work. 'Ihe framework thus allows a common user interface
`for transferring data between any data source and any data
`target, which may be easily customized to include data
`sources, new data targets, new transfer protocols, etc. The
`framework greatly simplifies the user‘s job of transferring
`data since it provides a common interface, and greatly
`simplifies the developer’s job of providing a user interface
`for a new combination of hardware and1or software by
`providing established classes that may be easily extended to
`implement the desired data transfer environment.
`32 Claims, 25 Drawing Sheets
`Apple v. Realtime
`Proceeding No. |PR2016-01739
`APPLE 1036
` 1
`Apple v. Realtime
`Proceeding No. IPR2016-01739
`APPLE 1036


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`Inspec Abstract No. C89049257, from Madany et al., 1989,
`"Class Hierarchy for Building Stream—Oriented File Sys-
`Inspec Abstract No. C89039001, from Brophy et al., 1989,
`“A Framework for Multiple, Concurrent Graphical Repre—
`Inspec Abstract No. C89033226, from (.‘orradi et al., 1988,
`“PO: An Object Model to prress Parallelism ”.
`Inspec Abstract No. C89014870,
`from R. King, 1988,
`"Semantic and Object—Oriented Database Support for Softn
`ware Environments“.
`Inspec Abstract No. 89003142, from Tenma et al., 1986, “A
`System [or Generating Language—Oriented Editors”.
`Inspec Abstract No. (88013915, from Woelk et al., 1987
`“Multimedia Information Management in an Object—Ori-
`ented Database System".
`Inspec Abstract No. (388007447, from P. Allen, 1987, “A
`Framework for Implementing Multisensor Robotic Tasks".
`lnspec Abstract No. (87007043, from Whittcd et al., 1986,
`“Exploiting Classes in Modeling and Display Software”.
`lnspec Abstract No. C86039588, from K. Fukunaga., 1985;
`“Prompter‘. A Knowledge Based Support Tool for Code
`Inspec Abstract No. C86024804, from Greenspan ct al.,
`1986, “A Requirements Modeling Language and its Logic".
`Inspec Abstract No. C84005713, from Meyer et al., 1983,
`“Towards a 'IWo—Dimensional Programming Environment".
`Inspec Abstract No. (381005505, from Mylopoulos et al.,
`1980, “Some Features of the TAXIS Data Model".


`US. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 1 0f 25
` Zoo Keeper


`US. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 2 0f 25
`Zoo Administrator
`(from 200 Administration) ’
`\ H.
`\~.. fl/
`/ f —. _ I -
`Animal Reglstry
`1 (from Zoo Keeper Hechani 3m)
`_.. \
`C xfl /
`A __ _..—
`f. -— ....__/
`.- --~- {/
`‘N. h-
`Zoo Keepers
`1(f mm Zoo Keeper Mechanism)
`E _,/
`W W
`“' x.
`/- ----.\.f
`"x \
`(from Animal Mechanism)
`x //


`US. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 3 of 25
`Zoo Keeper Registry
`L (from 200 Administration) "
`list_200 keepersi)
`/ ’
`(D/M J \M.
`I’M. fl /
`r '— \
`i Containment Unit Registry
`—_—_____ i
`\i from Zoo Keeper Mechanism)
`___ /
`I” /
`\ -..._ .....
`\ ~..
`" '" \
`n /
`Containment Unit
`(from Containment
`Unit Mechanism)


`US. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 4 of 25
`('- ‘\l
`Zoo Administrator
`(from 200 Administration)
`add/deletefian imal ()
`/ ‘--’
`FIG. 3


`US. Patent
`Sheets 0f25


`US. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 6 0f 25
`rr-fi'h. I
`’ Animals
`{from Animal Mechanism)
`get_temp_range( )
`needs_food( )=0
`needs_vet_vlslt( )=0
`(5 /
`\ ..
`I ’“x
`z- ‘\
`’_ s.
`Name 1 s
`I L
`“W ’h—E‘II'
`\E __J
`‘- ‘q’ \I
`get_temp_irange() /
`_. /
`..-. x
`I, - ...,
`needs__foam )
`x ’
`/ needs_food()
`\ - _‘
`/ x


`US. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 7 of 25
`Containment Unit
`(from Containment
`,. Unit Mechanism)
`\ W


`US. Patent
`Sheets 0f25
`a a


`US. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 9 0f 25


`US. Patent
`Shcctlfl 0f25


`US. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 11 of 25
`MassStorage HF! Terminal
`Network I/F


`US. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 12 0f 25
` 970
` 980
`to Transfer
`Read Data from
`Data Source
`Validate Data
`Map Data to
`Data Target
`Hrite Data to
`Data Target


`US. Patent
`Shcct13 0f25
` me_wm


`US. Patent
`Shect14 0f25
`1 .


`US. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 15 0f 25
`(9‘ target
`\W /fl_/
`53/” H


`US. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 16 0f 25


`US. Patent
`Shcct17 0f25
`\ \


`US. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 18 0f 25


`US. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 19 0f 25
`1/ Ill
`\\ \


`US. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 20 0f 25


`US. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 21 0f 25
`data transfer: source place
`Data Transfer
`| |
`2: beforeAll()
`.3: directory()|
`a: (transfer each source)
`| I l
`: | I
`5: afterAll()
`I I I I I :
`I I I


`US. Patent
`Shect22 0f25
` ___"“mymn.m5mzwummgnm*___
`xuucum 839.252.3265sz
`_.__.3 .......___....._
` “mum:.mEmzvmu_gzgmuymnfifi“_


`US. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 23 0f 25
`Data Transfer
`(from Data Transfer)
`DataT ransfer( )
`runU W
`|[ afterAll()
`|| afterReadU
`II afterHriteU
`H beforeAlm
`u beforeRead{)
`|| beforeWriteU
`/_ .._.
`1 “m
`/ /
`’ “‘5.
`Beta Product
`Internet Unload
`\ IlheforeAIH)


`US. Patent
`Jun. 22, 1999
`Sheet 24 0f 25
` \\\/\u:xggmu_.:/AuummLxx

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