by M. H. Willebeek-LeMair
`K. G. Kumar
`E. C. Snible
`and video
`streaming over
`the Internet
`The World Wide Web has become a primary
`means of disseminating information, which is
`being presented increasingly through multiple
`media. The ability to broadcast audio and
`video information is becoming a reality with
`the advent of new media-streaming
`technologies. Most of the emerging streaming
`systems require high-bandwidth connections
`in order to deliver audio and video of suitable
`quality. In this paper we present a media-
`streaming system, called Bamba, that delivers
`audio and video over low-bandwidth modem
`connections with the use of standard
`compression technologies. Bamba offers high-
`quality audio and video over low-bit-rate
`connections and can operate using a standard
`HTTP server. The Bamba video is enhanced
`with special provisions for reducing the effect
`of errors in a lossy-network environment.
`Bamba adheres to existing standards wherever
`possible. Finally, Bamba has been fully
`implemented and deployed both internally at
`IBM and externally.
`1. Introduction
`The World Wide Web (WWW) has become a primary
`means of disseminating information. Initially, the type of
`information distributed was primarily in the form of text
`and graphics. Later, images and stored audio and video
`files emerged. These audio and video files are downloaded
`from a server and stored at the client before they are
`played. Most recently, streamed audio and video have
`become available from both stored and live sources on the
`Web. Audio and video streaming enables clients to select
`and receive audio and video content from servers across
`the network and to begin hearing and seeing the content
`as soon as the first few bytes of the stream arrive at the
`client. Streaming technology involves audio and video
`compression, schemes for stream formatting and
`transmission packetization, networking protocols and
`routing, client designs for displaying and synchronizing
`different media streams, and server designs for content
`storage and delivery. In this paper we present a system
`for audio and video streaming (with code name Bamba)
`developed at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research
`Center. Bamba has been deployed within IBM and was
`demonstrated externally on the official Web site of the
`1996 Olympics. It has since been made available for free
`download from the IBM AlphaWorks* Web site.'
`Today's computer-network infrastructures, including the
`Internet, were not designed with streaming in mind.
`Streaming media requires that data be transmitted from
`a server to a client at a sustained hit rate that is high
`enough to maintain continuous and smooth playback at
`the receiving client station. A primary objective in
`developing Bamba is to stream audio and video across the
`Web through very-low-bit-rate connections. Audio is
`,Cnpyright 1995 by International Business Machines Corporation. Copying in printed form for private use is permitted without payment of royalty provided that (1) each
`reproduction is done without alteration and (2) the Journal reference and IBM copyright notice are included on the first page. The title and abstract, but no other portions,
`of this paper may be copied or distributed royalty free without further permission by computer-based and other information-service systems. Permission to republish any other
`portion of this paper must he obtained from the Editor.
`8018-8646/98/$5.00 .0 1998 IBM
`IBM J. RES. DEVELOP. VOL. 42 NO. 2 MARCH 1998 (cid:9)
`PAGE 1 OF 12

`sufficiently compressed to stream over modem connections
`at 14.4 Kb/s, and video at 28.8 Kb/s. The system that has
`been developed not only achieves the low-bit-rate goal,
`but can also be extended to support higher-bit-rate
`streams to provide higher-quality streaming over intranets
`or higher-bandwidth Internet connections. Furthermore,
`when streaming is not possible because of congestion or
`insufficient bandwidth availability, the Bamba player
`(client software) at the receiving client automatically
`calculates how much data to preload in order to maintain
`continuous playback. This allows clients connected via
`low-bit-rate connections to fall back to a download-and-
`play mode and still receive the higher-bit-rate content.
`Existing audio and video streaming
`In recent years, there has been much research and
`development in the areas of audio and video streaming
`as well as videoconferencing. Videoconferencing
`differs from audio and video streaming in that the
`communication is bidirectional, and end-to-end
`delays must be very low (<200 ms) for interactive
`communication. In fact, videoconferencing standards are
`quite mature and have emerged from the International
`Telecommunication Union (ITU) in the form of the
`H.3xx standards [1, 2], and from the Internet Engineering
`Task Force (IETF) in conjunction with the multicast
`backbone (MBone) [1, 3, 4]. In general, the two camps
`use the same audio and video compression standards
`(defined by the ITU) but differ in their networking
`protocol specifications.
`Audio and video streaming differs technically from its
`videoconferencing counterpart in that it can afford
`greater flexibility in end-to-end delays when the data is
`transmitted across a network and in the fact that stored
`content may be manipulated off-line with additional
`processing. These begin to merge when one considers live
`audio and video streaming applications (e.g., Internet,
`radio, and TV). The most relevant of the ITU standards is
`H.323, which defines audio/visual services over LANs for
`which quality of service cannot he guaranteed [5]. This
`standard specifies a variety of audio and video coders and
`decoders (CODECs) as well as signaling protocols to
`negotiate capabilities and set up and manage connections
`[6]. The underlying transport specified is the Real-time
`Transport Protocol (RTP) [7]. This protocol, defined by
`the IETF, is intended to provide a means of transporting
`real-time streams over Internet Protocol (IP) networks. A
`new protocol, the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP),
`just proposed to the IETF, more directly addresses the
`issues of delivering and managing multimedia streams [8].
`Clearly, this area is still evolving as new protocols are
`being defined and refined to satisfy a wide range of
`emerging networked multimedia applications.
`There are a large number of audio and video streaming
`systems available in the market today [9]. These include
`VDOLive",2 StreamWorks's,3 Vosaic**,4 VivoActive**,5
`InterVU",6 and RealAudio**.7 VDOLive, Streamworks,
`Vosaic, and RealAudio are based on proprietary
`client—server systems that transport their audio and video
`streams by means of User Datagram Protocol (UDP/IP)
`connections. This unreliable transport does not retransmit
`lost packets and is blocked by most firewalls unless they
`are specially reconfigured. The others use I ITTP (based
`on TCP/IP) [10]. VDOLive employs a proprietary
`hierarchical compression technique that allows the server
`to adapt the video-stream bandwidth to the available
`network connection bandwidth. StreamWorks, Vosaic, and
`InterVu are based on MPEG** [11], while Vivo uses 11.263
`[12]. In general, these systems are designed to work over
`higher-bandwidth LAN connections and not at modem
`speeds. At modem speeds, the MPEG-based systems
`revert to slide-show-type video.
`Bamba is a streaming system that was designed to
`run over existing computer network infrastructures. In
`particular, it is versatile in dealing with the heterogeneous
`nature of this environment and the unpredictable
`congestion behavior of today's network traffic. In the
`Bamba system, audio and video are compressed into a
`Bamba file. This file is specially formatted to interleave
`the audio and video content and may even be extended to
`include other data types. The Bamba file is placed on a
`server. A client equipped with the appropriate Bamba
`software is able to communicate with the server and
`receive the Bamba audio/video file. If the network
`conditions are suitable (sufficient sustained bandwidth is
`available), this file, streaming across the network, is played
`at the client immediately. Otherwise, the file is played
`once uninterrupted playback can be ensured.
`The Bamba streaming system has several key features.
`The first of these is the quality of the audio and video,
`where the audio is set at a constant 6.3 Kb/s and the video
`ranges from very low bit rates of tens of kilobits per
`second to hundreds of kilobits per second. The second is
`the fact that both the audio and video compression are
`based on standard algorithms and can be performed by
`standards-compliant decoders. Third, the Bamba streaming
`system uses either a standard HTTP server or an
`enhanced video server running RTP over UDWIP. In the
`HTTP case, no special server software is required to store
`and send Bamba clips, and the transmitted streams can
`traverse firewalls with no special firewall configuration
`requirements. In the case of the video server running RTP
`2 Iturilwww.vdanet
`hap. ilwww..zingtech.curn
`7 Impilwww.reolandio corn
`270 (cid:9)
`PAGE 2 OF 12

`Plug-in interface
`Bamba system block diagram.
`over UDP/IP, additional functionality is provided by
`means of a control protocol between the client and server.
`This functionality includes pacing of the transmission
`stream at a target bit rate as well as specific start and end
`times of transmission within an audio or video file. Finally,
`the Bamba player has been implemented either as a
`helper application, which runs outside a Web browser, or
`as a browser plug-in, which enables application developers
`to embed audio and video clips easily within an HTML
`document or as a Java** applet, which can be downloaded
`directly from a Web server containing Bamba clips without
`requiring special software installation at the client.
`The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section
`2, we describe the underlying Bamba technology. This
`includes a description of the video-compression algorithm
`as well as details related to the overall system design. In
`Section 3, we describe several enhancements made to the
`basic Bamba streaming system, such as increased
`robustness in lossy-network environments. A description of
`the Live Bamba architecture is given in Section 4. The
`paper is summarized in Section 5.
`2. Bamba technology
`A base requirement of the Bamba streaming system is to
`function within the WWW standard HTTP-based
`client—server architecture. In this section, we provide a
`description of the overall client—server architecture and
`present details concerning the compression algorithms. We
`also describe the Bamba file format and synchronization
`• Bamba streaming architecture
`A block diagram of the Bamba streaming system is
`presented in Figure 1. The system consists of a client and
`a server component. The server is a standard HTTP Web
`server, which contains the stored Bamba audio and video
`files. The client consists of a Web browser and the Bamba
`audio and video plug-in software.
`The Bamba plug-ins are implemented as a set of
`dynamic link libraries that interface with the Web browser
`through the Netscape-defined plug-in API. Netscape
`has defined a set of plug-in routines that are used to
`communicate between the plug-in and the browser. Each
`plug-in library contains an initialization routine within
`which is declared what Netscape plug-in routines are used
`by the plug-in. These routines include mechanisms to
`create and delete instances of a plug-in, manage the plug-
`in display window, control the flow of data streams to the
`plug-in, etc. In general, the plug-in is tightly integrated
`with the browser. Note that while Netscape was used in
`this example, the approach is similar for other browsers.
`Bamba files may be embedded in HTML pages by
`means of a URL pointing to a file on an HTTP or video
`server. When the URL is requested, the server passes
`the metadata identifying the Bamba file and containing
`information about the file type to the client. The file type
`is used by the browser to launch the appropriate plug-in
`to play hack the Bamba file.
`Bamba was designed to stream clips from standard
`HTTP Web servers without special streaming software
`on the server. As such, Bamba is limited to the
`communication mechanisms provided by the HTTP
`protocol. This approach has certain advantages, the
`greatest of which is that it is simple and maps gracefully
`into the existing Web browsing architecture. As a result,
`content creators can easily produce Bamba audio and
`video clips and embed them in standard HTML [13]
`pages, which are then loaded onto and accessed from a
`standard HTTP server. Since the underlying transport
`protocol used by HTTP is TCP/IP, which provides reliable
`IBM J. RES. DEVELOP. VOL. 42 NO. 2 MARCH 1998 (cid:9)
`PAGE 3 OF 12

`Motion vectors
`Macro block
`n — I n
`n + 2
`Motion vectors
`, :0011.W914,17r,
`m-rC.-.7!: (cid:9)`•
`Video-compression algorithms: (a) MPEG I-, P-. and B-frame compression dependencies; (b) H.263 I and P macro-block dependencies.
`end-to-end network connections, no special provisions are
`required for handling packet loss within the network. In
`essence, a Bamba audio or video clip is treated like any
`other HTTP object, such as an HTML or JPEG [14] file.
`If selected, the Bamba clip is transferred to the client
`(browser station) as fast as TCP/IP can move it, and the
`client begins decoding and displaying the Bamba file as
`soon as the first few bytes arrive.
`Since Bamba uses TCP/IP as the underlying
`communication protocol, the streams can traverse firewalls
`with no special configuration requirements. In general,
`systems based on UDPIIP cannot traverse firewalls without
`explicit permission changes in the firewall to allow passage
`to the UDP/IP packets. This is because IJDP/IP packets
`are easier to imitate than TCP/IP packets, since the
`UDP/IP protocol involves no end-to-end handshakes or
`sequence numbers [15].
`• Bamba audio and video technology
`The audio and video technology used in Bamba is based
`on standard algorithms originally defined within the ITU
`H.324 standard for video telephony over regular phone
`lines [16]. The audio standard, G.723, specifies two bit
`rates: 5.3 Kb/s and 6.3 Kb/s [17]. Bamba uses the higher-
`bit-rate CODEC, which compresses an 8-kHz input of
`16-bit samples to a fixed 6.3Kb/s stream. This audio
`algorithm is optimized to represent speech at high quality
`over low-bit-rate connections. It encodes speech into
`30-ms frames by means of linear predictive analysis-by-
`synthesis coding [17]. The input signal for the higher-bit-
`rate coder is Multipulse Maximum Likelihood
`Quantization (MP-MLQ) [17].
`The Bamba video CODEC complies with the H.263
`video compression standard [12], which uses an approach
`based on the discrete cosine transform (Dcr). This is
`similar to the technology used for MPEG. Unlike MPEG,
`which uses intrapicture frames (I-frames), predicted
`frames (P-frames) and bidirectional predicted frames
`(B-frames), H.263 does not define I- and P-frames, but
`rather I- and P-blocks-8-pixel by 8-pixel subregions of a
`frame. Figure 2(a) illustrates the MPEG dependencies
`among I-, P-, and B-frames, while Figure 2(b) illustrates
`the partitioning of H.263 frames into 1- and P-blocks and
`the dependencies between blocks. Representing frames as
`collections of I- and P-blocks reduces the size variance
`between frames and adds flexibility in selecting the refresh
`distance between I-blocks for different regions of the
`video image. To maximize compression based on temporal
`redundancy, there may be long intervals between 1-blocks
`for regions in the image that are not changing.
`The H.263 algorithm is designed to deliver video over
`very low-bit-rate (<64 Kb/s) dedicated connections. In this
`low-bit-rate range, H/63 has been demonstrated to
`outperform its predecessor, H.261 [18], by a 2.5:1 ratio [2]
`(i.e., at the same bandwidth, the signal-to-noise ratio of
`H.263 is 2.5 times higher than that of H.261. H.263 can
`also be easily extended to higher bit rates, in the
`100-200-Kb/s range. These rates are suitable for streaming
`over ISDN or intranet LAN-type connections. The H.263
`video compression algorithm uses a planar YVU12 format,
`which contains three components: luminance (Y) and two
`chrominance planes (V and U). The sizes of these planes
`vary as a function of the video resolution. Two of the
`resolutions supported by Bamba arc the Common
`Intermediate Format (CIF) and the Quarter Common
`Intermediate Format (QCIF) [2]; the formats are
`presented in Table 1. Smaller and intermediate-size
`resolutions arc also supported. The resolution and
`target bit rate are selected at compression time. The
`compression target bit rate may be set anywhere between
`10 and 356 Kb/s.
`272 (cid:9)
`PAGE 4 OF 12

`As with many compression standards, the H.263
`standard specifies the format of the video so that any
`standards-compliant decoder can successfully decode the
`video stream. Typically, this leaves much flexibility in the
`actual encoding technique and implementation. The H.263
`encoding used for Bamba uses an innovative algorithm to
`trade frame rate for frame quality [19]. The art in video
`compression lies in the decision of how best to apportion
`a few hits to different components in the compression
`process so that the compressed stream, once decoded and
`displayed, produces the highest quality as perceived by the
`end user. Quality is highly ambiguous and is perceived
`differently by different users. A typical tradeoff is between
`frame rate and frame quality (pixel quantization). For the
`same number of bits, it is possible to create two very
`different standards-compliant streams. One stream may
`have a higher frame rate, while the other may have a finer
`quantization of the frame pixels, obtaining a sharper
`The Bamba video implementation incorporates a
`dynamic frame-rate-control algorithm, which trades frame
`rate for frame quality (bits per frame) while maintaining a
`constant average hit rate. This approach allows the video
`to balance between the two extremes and deliver smoother
`motion or sharper images as appropriate, depending on
`the content and scene changes in the video. The algorithm
`behavior is illustrated in Figure 3. A video sequence with
`dynamically changing content is used to illustrate the
`algorithm's adaptable frame rate. The original clip is
`approximately 30 seconds long, captured at 15 frames per
`second for a total of 445 frames. It was compressed at a
`target hit rate of 20 Kh/s and resulted in a total of 332
`frames. Typically, larger frames are followed by a drop in
`frame rate in order to maintain the constant bit rate. The
`spikes in the figure correspond to larger frames, generated
`when the scene changes or the amount of motion in a
`scene is significant. These spikes are typically followed by
`several frame periods in which no data is transmitted at
`The Bamba H.263 implementation includes special
`motion-estimation techniques [20] and fast DC1'
`algorithms [21, 22], which result in very efficient
`• Framing structure
`A simple framing technique for smooth playback was
`implemented. Audio and video are interleaved into a
`single file to simplify the server function. Essentially, the
`server treats a Bamba file as any other data file. Audio
`and video data are interleaved proportionately to maintain
`a synchronous playback of both streams at the client.
`Bamba frames consist of a 240-byte segment of audio and
`a 24013/a-byte segment of video, where a is the audio rate
`and p is the video rate.
`Frame number
`Illustration of Samba video compression with dynamic-frame-rate-
`control algorithm. The number of bits transmitted is shown for
`each frame of a sample video sequence.
`Table 1 CIF and QCIF planar YVU12 formats.
`CIF luminance (Y)
`CIF chrominance plane (V)
`CIF chrominance plane (U)
`QCIF luminance (Y)
`QCIF chrominance plane (V)
`QCIF chrominance plane (U)
`• Streaming-control algorithm
`When the Web is accessed. the actual connection speed
`between a client and a server in the network varies
`depending on the access method (e.g., modem or LAN),
`the network load, the server load, and even the client
`load. Hence, it is rarely possible to guarantee performance
`in this "hest-effort" environment, where processing and
`bandwidth resources are typically evenly distributed among
`all competing applications. Consequently, when an audio
`and/or video clip is accessed over the network, there is no
`guarantee that the resources (bandwidth and processing)
`are available to play the clip smoothly. To handle this
`situation, Bamba has a built-in rate monitor that
`dynamically evaluates the effective data-transfer rate (a)
`of a selected audio or video clip and compares this to the
`specified bit rate (a (cid:9)
`P) for the clip, which is contained
`in the clip header. If the specified rate is less than the
`measured rate, the clip can be played immediately. If, on
`the other hand, the specified rate exceeds the measured
`rate (a + 13 > a), a fraction of the clip is buffered
`IBM 1. RES. DEVELOP. VOL .12 NO. 2 MARCH 1998
`PAGE 5 OF 12

`11111,1 i1P , 11 (cid:9)
`I'll' (cid:9)
`,nII J 1111,
`sufficient for the clip to play to completion smoothly
`once playback is started. The amount of prebuffering is
`8 = L[1 — o-1(a (cid:9)
`0)], where L is the clip length.
`This calculation is performed on the basis of the initial
`download rate and again any time the buffer underfiows.
`In future networks, where quality-of-service mechanisms
`will be able to guarantee a desired bandwidth, this
`approach will allow the clips to stream uninterrupted.
`It will also provide a simple means of characterizing the
`clips and making the appropriate bandwidth requests.
`• Synchronization technique
`To maintain synchronization between the audio and the
`video, a video interframe time is calculated as a function
`of the total number of video frames and the total length
`(in time) of the audio portion of the uncompressed clip.
`During compression, not all frames may be compressed,
`since some may he skipped in order to achieve the target
`bit rate. As a result, the compressed frames may not have
`contiguous frame numbers, so the spacing between frames
`is calculated as the difference in sequence numbers times
`the interframe time calculated earlier. Video frames are
`displayed on the basis of the video-frame sequence
`number, the interframe time, and the actual number
`of audio samples played. This approach is particularly
`powerful, since the actual video interframe time tends to
`vary depending on the capture hardware subsystem used
`to create the clip. Synchronization points may also be
`placed in the Bamba file in order to achieve playback at
`arbitrary points within a clip or to recover from errors
`during transmission when UDP/IP is used.
`3. Bamba enhancements and error handling
`in a lossy environment
`The HTTP client—server system has some limitations.
`First, the HTTP protocol has no explicit mechanisms to
`perform such sophisticated stream-control functions as
`seeking to a particular position in the stream. There are
`ways of carrying customized function calls within the
`HTTP stream, but this requires special server software to
`execute those functions. Second, TCP/IP is an inefficient
`protocol for streaming delay-sensitive data across the
`network. It was originally designed to transport data files,
`with a built-in mechanism to alleviate congestion in the
`network [23]. TCP/IP is based on a "sliding-window"
`protocol that waits for acknowledgments from the receiver
`for every packet it sends. Each packet in the sliding
`window has a timer associated with it. A packet-receipt
`acknowledgment must be received by the transmitter
`before the timer expires, or the packet will be
`retransmitted. The size of the sliding window (number of
`outstanding packets) is based on the speed with which
`acknowledgments are received. TCP/IP continues to
`increase the size of the window (effectively, the bandwidth
`at which it is sending) until packets start to time out.
`Once they time out, TCP/IP exponentially backs off
`(reducing the size of the sliding window) and retransmits
`these (presumably lost) packets. A typical TCP/IP
`bandwidth "profile" resembles a sawtooth, as shown in
`Figure 4, resulting in inefficient usage of the bandwidth.
`The UDP-based solution is advantageous if sufficient
`bandwidth is available, since it does not use
`acknowledgments and allows the server to explicitly
`control the rate at which the streams are transmitted into
`the network. The continuous transmission at the server
`and the elimination of retransmissions make the resource
`requirements on the server much more predictable and
`manageable. On the other hand, this approach adds
`complexity to the server, since it must now pace the
`transmission of a clip into the network, and it adds
`complexity to the client side, since the client must be
`made able to handle packet loss within the network.
`However, for long clips, this approach reduces the storage
`requirements at the client and can provide a higher degree
`of functionality, such as the ability to seek and transmit
`only specified segments of the clip, or to adapt the
`transmitted bit rate to the available bit rate (e.g., send
`audio with no video or send selective portions of the
`video). Another important merit of UDP/IP is that, given
`the appropriate routing capability in the network, it can be
`used to efficiently multicast a stream to multiple clients
`In the UDP-based Bamba system, the server store clips
`and has data pumps that pace the transmission of the
`video clips into the network. The system block diagram
`is similar to that of Figure 1, except that the network
`interface module, which receives the RTP/UDP packets
`from the network, makes sure they are presented to the
`splitter module in the correct order and, upon detection
`of a lost packet, resynchronizes the stream by searching
`for a new synchronization point.
`274 (cid:9)
`PAGE 6 OF 12

`• Compression technology
`The H.263 video compression scheme was enhanced for
`Bamba, in order to provide added robustness to reduce
`the effect of lost packets in the UDP/IP environment [24].
`Since a large percentage of each video frame within an
`H.263 compressed stream is encoded by means of P-blocks
`with interframe dependencies, corrupted data may create
`errors that propagate for extended periods until an I-block
`refreshes the region. In general, this makes the video
`more susceptible to errors. To reduce the error effects, a
`novel scheme was devised for selecting when and where to
`place I-blocks within the compressed stream. The scheme
`is based on a two-phase compression strategy. The first
`phase of the compression strategy is needed to construct a
`dependence graph based on motion vectors between pixels
`in successive frames. [A motion vector is a pointer from a
`P-block in the current frame to an I- or P-block in the
`previous frame. These motion vectors are then used to
`determine the dependence count (the number of future
`blocks that may depend on a given block) of each block
`in a sequence of compressed frames.] The second phase
`selects which blocks to compress as I-blocks on the basis
`of the dependence count of each block in a sequence of
`compressed frames. This demonstrably improves the
`ability of the compressed stream to recover from errors
`and greatly reduces the time required to reconstruct the
`video image when an error occurs. The approach is
`standards-compliant, maintains a smooth bandwidth profile
`of the compressed stream (small variance in size between
`compressed frames), and causes only a slight increase in
`the overall bandwidth requirements.
`A conventional H.263 encoder first partitions a video
`image into a set of blocks of 16 pixels by 16 pixels. The
`coding control function searches for the best match
`between each block in the current frame and blocks in the
`previous frame. If a sufficiently close match is found, the
`block is encoded as a P-block based on the difference
`between the block and the closest matching block in the
`previous frame. The closeness of the match is evaluated
`in terms of the number of bits needed to encode the
`difference between the block and the closest matching
`block in the previous frame. If the difference is too
`great, it is deemed more efficient to encode the block
`independently, without reference to previous data. Such
`a block is referred to as an intracoded I-block.
`The resulting H.263 compressed stream consists
`primarily of P-blocks, with I-block insertions caused by
`scene changes or severe motion. To prevent error
`accumulation, the standard also requires that each block
`be encoded as an I-block at least once every 132 frames.
`Although the H.263 standard defines how I-blocks and
`P-blocks are encoded, it allows considerable flexibility
`in selecting when to encode a block as either an I- or
`P-block. We exploit this flexibility to improve the
`robustness of a standards-compliant stream by carefully
`choosing when and where to insert I-blocks during the
`encoding process.
`I-block encoding exploits only the spatial redundancy
`within the block in the compression process, while
`P-block encoding exploits both the temporal and spatial
`redundancies of the video. Although interblock encoding
`generally achieves more compression gain, the encoding
`dependencies of P-blocks reduce their resilience to errors.
`If the region referenced by a P-block has been corrupted,
`the decoding of the P-block will generate incorrect pixel
`values. If all or a part of this corrupted P-block is again
`referenced by other P-blocks, the erroneous pixel values
`will cause errors to propagate from one frame to another.
`This is known as the error-propagation problem of
`motion-compensated video compression. The propagation
`stops when all corrupted regions are updated by I-blocks.
`On the Internet, where loss is primarily attributed to
`network congestion, the loss of a UDP/IP packet that
`contains video data can result in the loss of several frames
`in a low-bit-rate video system. For example, with a target
`bit rate of 20 Kb/s, a typical QCIF compressed video
`frame may contain 165 bytes. Hence, a 500-byte IP packet
`contains roughly three frames of compressed video data.
`If the packet is lost, these frames cannot be recovered,
`and errors begin to propagate.
`For non-real-time applications, knowledge about the
`interdependence among blocks in a sequence can be
`obtained from the dependencies reflected by the motion
`vectors. It is thus possible to assign a measure of
`importance to a pixel or block by counting the number
`of pixels or blocks that depend on it. This operation is
`anticausal, i.e., traversing backward in time. The higher
`the dependence on a block, the more critical it is that this
`block be correct and that it be encoded as an I-block.
`Furthermore, dependence chains may he broken by
`encoding intermediate blocks in the chain as I-blocks.
`We illustrate how to construct a dependence graph and
`calculate dependence counts with the example of three
`frames in Figure 5. By starting with the last frame

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