United States Patent [191
`Horiguchi et a1.
`[75] Inventors: Masashi Horiguchi, Kawasaki; Jun
`Etoh, Hachioji; Masakazu Aoki,
`Tokorozawa; Kiyoo Itoh,
`Higashikurume, all of Japan
`Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
`Dec. 27, 1991
`Appl. No:
`Related US. Application Data
`Continuation of Ser. No. 419,399, Oct. 10, 1989, aban
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`0m. 7, 1988 [JP]
`Japan .............................. .. 63-252028
`Oct. 31, 1988 [JP]
`Japan .............................. .. 63-275375
`[51] Int. Cl.5 ...................... .. G11C 29/00; G11C 7/00
`[52] US. Cl. ............................. .. 365/200; 365/230.03;
`371/102; 371/103
`[58] Field of Search ............ .. 365/200, 230.01, 230.03,
`365/23004, 230.06; 371/81, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3
`References Cited
`4,389,715 6/1983 Eaton, Jr. et a1. .. 4,648,075 3/1987 Segawa et a1. ..
`4,675,895 6/1989 ItOh et al. . . . . . . . .
`. . . . . .. 365/51
`4,727,516 6/1983 Yoshida et a1.
`4,837,747 6/1989 Dosaka et a1. .................... .. 365/200
`130139 11/1985 Japan .
`Edmond A. Reese et al., “A 4K><8 Dynamic RAM
`with Self-Refresh“, IEEE Journal or Solid State Cir
`cuits, vol. SC-l6, N0. 5 Oct. 1981 pp. 479-487.
`Itoh et a1., “High-Density One-Device Dynamic MOS
`Din ELI-T
`Patent Number:
`Date of Patent:
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Memory Cells”, IEE Proc., vol. 130, Pt. I, No. 3 Jun.
`1983 pp. 127-135.
`Itoh et al., “An Experimental 1 Mb DRAM with On-
`Chip Voltage Limiter", IEEE International Solid-State
`Circuits Conference, Digest of Technical papers, 1984
`pp. 282-283.
`Primary Examiner-Joseph L. Dixon
`Assistant Examiner-Jack A. Lane
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Antonelli, Terry Stout &
`A redundancy technique is introduced for a semicon
`ductor memory and, more particularly a redundancy
`technique for a dynamic random access memory
`(DRAM) having a storage capacity of 16 mega bits or
`more. In such a DRAM, the ef?ciency of the redun
`dancy technique is reduced, since a memory array is
`divided into a large number of memory mats. Accord
`ing to the present redundancy technique, in a semicon
`ductor memory including a memory array which has a
`plurality of word lines, a plurality of bit lines arranged
`so that two-level crossings are formed between the
`word lines and the bit lines, and memory cells disposed
`at desired ones of the two-level crossings, there is pro
`vided, furthermore, a plurality of spare word (or bit)
`lines, address comparing circuits for storing therein a
`defective address existing in the memory array, to com
`pare an address to be accessed with the defective ad
`dress, and selection circuitry for replacing a word or bit
`line including a defective memory cell by a spare word
`(or bit) line in accordance with the result of the compar
`ison. The memory array of the semiconductor memory
`is divided into M memory mats (where M 52), the
`number m of word or bit lines which are simultaneously
`replaced by spare word (or bit) lines, is less than the
`number vM and equal to a divisor thereof, and the num
`ber L of spare word (or bit) lines per one memory mat
`and the number R of address comparing circuits satisfy
`a relation L<R§LM/m and, preferably, L<
`R < LM/m.
`12 Claims, 34 Drawing Sheets
`SA 8 HO
`SA 81/0
`Apple – Ex. 1005
`Apple Inc., Petitioner
` 1

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Sheet 1 of 34
`AY fna-U
` SA8I/O
` 2

`US. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Sheet 2 of 34
`F l G. I B
`6 50
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` 3

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
` 4

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Sheet 4 of 34
`F IG. 2B
` 5

`U.S. Patent
`:..m5»<z8.52$24 .9E
` 6

`US. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Sheet 6 of 34
`FIG. 4
`swto.o1 SW[l.OJ sw[2.oJ'swt3.oJ
`659 g 650 i 650 g 650
`¢x °
` 7

`US. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Sheet 7 of 34
`F l G. 5
` 8

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Sheet 8 of 34
`OH ‘9 VS 5
`0/! '8 VS
`O/I '8 VS
` 9

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Sheet 9 of 34
` 10

`US. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Sheet 10 of 34
`F l G. 8
`.. 0..
`"O "
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`US. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Sheet 11 of 34
`m w; 02 o»
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`2555 “cam =5 5.0
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` 12

`US. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Sheet 12 of 34
`FIG. I0
`SWU ,O)
`SW11, 1]
` 13

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Sheet 13 of 34
`0/! 9 V5
`330 A
`O/I 9 VS

` 14

`US. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Sheet 14 0f 34
`FIG. l2
`¢x O—-—‘
`AYE na- 1 J
`(AYCHB- 1 J)
` 15

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Sheet 15 of 34
`SW0, 0]
`SWEO.2J _
` 16

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Sheet 16 of 34
`0/! ‘B VS
`0/! 9 VS
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` 17

`US. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Sheet 17 of 34
`FIG. l5
`>- 5;
`650 Y
`¢x (F
`FIG. l6
` 18

`US. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Sheet 18 of 34
`4. _
`T, U1 [i {IL ?ll 8. m: 3 63
`2 ml N2 =8
` 3;. I 1 | | I
`lax/H _ 9 m 8, B m 8
`"3Q w A w w x w
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` 19

`US. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Sheet 19 of 34
`m2 m2 mt NE N2 N2 5. _ E 0.: t3 =5 5.0
`w_ .0; E3 58 S5
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` 20

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Sheet 20 of 34
`832 8|‘? are 802
`____ 8,9
`f7 805
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` 21

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Sheet 21 of 34
`FIG. 20
`I II l
` /xxJWHJ_II__III\UOHIOH102.nUw%WHJBTHJi81.13___Io,mu_"IozflI_A__A__M._____J.__n.u__J.__:Tm"TM”
` 22

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Sheet 22 of 34
` 23

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Sheet 23 of 34
`FIG. 22
`3 IE
`Avfne-33 HIKE‘!
`Avfna-23 EIIQEI
` 24

`U.S. Patent
` 25

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Sheet 25 of 34
`(._n______.___ V._._..__ \
` 26

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Sheet 26 of 34
`FIG. 25
` 27

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Sheet 27 of 34
` 28

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Sheet 23 of 34_
`FIG. 27
`Ax! 03 EH
`Axf 2 3 HIKE
`Avtna — 3) IQKIEIEI
`Avina — 23 IEIQIIKE
`2 M
` 29

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Sheet 29 of 34
` “.
` 30

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Sheet 30 of 34
`FIG. 29
`l"\ N—-O
`]> X r-\ 3 S
`NUMBER or-' ans
`Lin. M
` 31

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Sheet 31 of 34
` I 5 '
`I 8|3
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` 32

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 23, 199.3
`Sheet 32 of 34
`FIG. 3|
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`374 AxEOJ AxEOJ
`} J 890
`892 D 888
`I v.-‘J
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`884 886
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`j j j j j Z i T T j ? i i T T * j : j j ‘——'-'1
`4-’ YR
`Axm Axm
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`, 800
`I‘ ““““““““““““““““ ""}
`Avfna-1) Avfna-1]
`____________________ ——J
`{__ _______ ___f\8o9
` 33

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Sheet 33 of 34
` 34

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1993
`Sheet 34 of 34
`FIG. 33
` 35

`This application is a continuation of application Ser.
`No. 07/419,399, filed on Oct. 10, 1989, now abandoned.
`invention relates to a semiconductor
`The present
`memory, and more particularly to a technique for re-
`pairing a semiconductor memory in such a manner that
`defective memory cells are replaced by spare memory
`In recent years, the level of integration of a semicon-
`ductor memory has been increased at high speed, and a
`semiconductor memory having a storage capacity of 1
`mega bits has been mass-produced. However, as the
`level of integration of a semiconductor memory is made
`larger, each element is decreased in size, and the semi-
`conductor chip is increased in area. Thus, there arises a
`problem that the manufacturing yields of the memory
`become correspondingly reduced. In order to solve the
`problem, the so-called redundancy technique is used, in
`which defective memory cells are replaced by spare
`memory cells already provided on a chip. As discussed
`on pages 479 to 487 of the IEEE, Journal of Solid-State
`Circuits, Vol. SC-16, No. 5, Oct., 198], the above tech-
`nique is very effective for improving the manufacturing
`yields of a semiconductor memory.
`In addition to the above technique, a redundancy
`method is proposed in JP-A-60-130,139,
`in which
`method a regular line in one of a plurality of memory
`mats can be replaced by a spare line in another memory
`mat. In this method, however, there arises the following
`problem That is, in a case where a semiconductor mem-
`ory isdivided into a large number of memory mats, a
`complicated control operation is required to specify one
`ofthe memory mats. This is because a predetermined or
`another memory mat has to be selected in accordance
`with, whether or not an address to be accessed is defec-
`tive. Specifically, in a case where a memory mat other
`than the predetermined memory mat is selected in a
`DRAM. it is required to operate a sense amplifier other
`than a predetermined sense amplifier Thus, the access
`time associated with operation of the memory is in-
`FIG. 1A shows an example of a semiconductor mem-
`ory which utilizes the redundancy technique and has
`been studied by the present
`In FIG. 1A,
`reference numeral 10 designates a memory array,
`which memory cells are arranged so as to form a matrix.
`The memory array 10 is divided into a region 11 where
`regular memory cells are arranged, and a region 12
`where spare memory cells are arranged. In the region
`11, NWX N3 memory cells are disposed at desired ones
`of two-level crossings of Nw word lines W[i] (where
`i=0,1,.. . Nw— 1) and Ngbit lines BU] (wherej=0, 1,
`. N3—1). In the region 12, L X N3 memory cells (in
`the figure, L=4) are disposed at two-level crossings of
`L spare word lines SW[l<] (where k=0, 1, .
`. L — 1) and
`the N3 bit lines. In a case where a folded bit line struc-
`ture is used, each bit line is formed of two wiring con-
`ductors, but only one wiring conductor is shown in the
`figure for the sake of simplicity. Further, in FIG. IA,
`reference numeral 20 designates sense amplifiers for
`amplifying the signals read out from memory cells and
`input/output lines for transferring data (or common
`signal lines in a case where only input or output data is
`sent), 30 an X-decoder applied with row address signals
`Ax{i] (where i=0, 1,
`. nu--1, and nu/=log2Nw) for
`selecting one of Nwword lines, 40 a Y-decoder applied
`with column address signals AyU] (where ]=0, 1,
`n3—1, and n3=log2N3) for selecting one of N3 bit
`lines, 50 a redundancy control circuit, 60 a spare word
`line selection circuit applied with the output of the
`redundancy control circuit for selecting a spare word
`line, 701 a data input buffer, and 702 a data output
`The present memory is provided with the redun-
`dancy control circuit for word lines. Accordingly, in a
`case where a regular word line is defective, the memory
`can be repaired in such a manner that the defective
`word line is replaced by one of the spare word lines
`with the aid of the redundancy control circuit 50 and
`the spare word line selection circuit 60. Further, L
`address comparing circuits AC[k] (where k=0, 1,
`L— 1)are provided on a _one-to-one basis for each spare
`word line. Each address comparing circuit stores
`therein the row address of a defective word line, and
`checks whether or not an address to be accessed is
`coincident with the stored address When the address to
`be accessed is coincident with the stored address, the
`output XR[k] of the address comparing circuit AC[k]
`used is set at a high level The spare word line selection
`circuit 60, as shown in FIG. 1B, includes L spare word
`drivers 650. Each of the spare word drivers 650 is acti-
`vated when the output XR[k] of a corresponding ad-
`dress comparing circuit AC[l<] has a high level. Thus, a
`corresponding spare word line SW[k] is selected in
`response to a word line drive signal (bx and the output
`of an NOR gate 501 is set at a low level thereby dis-
`abling the X-decoder 30. Accordingly, a regular word
`line which is to be selected, is never selected. That is,
`the regular word line is replaced by the spare word line
`FIG. 2A shows another example of a semiconductor
`memory which utilizes the redundancy technique and
`has been studied by the present inventors. In FIG. 2A,
`reference numeral 10 designates a memory array,
`which memory cells are arranged so as to form a matrix.
`The memory array 10 is divided into a region 14 where
`regular memory cells are arranged, and a region 15
`where spare memory cells are arranged In the region
`14, NWXNB memory cells are disposed at two-level
`crossings of Nw word lines W[i] (where i=0, 1,
`Nu/-1) and Ngbit lines B[j] (wherej=0, 1, .
`. N3— 1).
`In the region 15, L><Nu/memory cells (in the figure,
`L=4) are disposed at two-level crossings of L spare bit
`lines SB[l<] (where k=0, 1, .
`. L—1) and the Nwword
`lines. Further, in FIG. 2A, reference numeral 20 desig-
`nates sense amplifiers for amplifying the signals read out
`from memory cells and input/output lines for transfer-
`ring data, 30 an X-decoder applied with row address
`signals AX[i]
`(where i=0,
`nw— 1, and nw
`=log2Nw) for selecting one of Nw word lines, 40 a
`Y-decoder applied with column address signals Ay[j]
`(wherej=0, 1, .
`. n3— 1, and n3=log2NB) for selecting
`one of Ngbit lines, 50 a redundancy control circuit, and
`63 a spare bit
`line selection circuit applied with the
`output of the redundancy control circuit for selecting a
`spare bit line.
`The present memory is provided with the redun-
`dancy control circuit for bit lines. Accordingly,
`in a
`case where a regular bit line is defective, the memory
` 36

`can be repaired in such a manner that the defective bit
`line is replaced by one of the spare bit lines with the aid
`of the redundancy control circuit 50 and the spare bit
`line selection circuit 63. Further, L address comparing
`circuits AC[k] (where k=0, 1,
`. L—-1) are provided
`on a one-to-one basis for each of L spare bit lines. Each
`address comparing circuit stores therein the column
`address of a defective bit line, and checks whether or
`not an address to be accessed is coincident with the
`stored address. When the address to be accessed is coin-
`cident with the stored address, the output YR[k] of the
`address comparing circuit AC[l<] used is set at a high
`level The spare bit line selection circuit 63, as shown in
`FIG. 2B, includes L drivers 680. Each of the drivers 680
`is activated when the output YR[k] of a corresponding
`address comparing circuit AC[k]has the high level.
`Thus, a corresponding spare bit line SB[k] is connected
`to input/output lines I/O through MOS transistors 690
`and 691. in response to a bit line selection signal ¢y and
`the output of a NOR gate 501 is set at a low level,
`thereby disabling the Y-decoder 40. Accordingly, a
`regular bit line which is to be selected, is never selected.
`That is, the regular bit line is replaced by the spare bit
`line SB[k].
`The present inventors have studied the above-men-
`tioned redundancy technique and have found that the
`following problem occurs when increasing the level of
`integration of a semiconductor memory. That is, when
`the level of integration of a semiconductor memory is
`increased, a large number of memory cells are simulta-
`neously replaced by spare memory cells through the
`redundancy technique, and thus a probability that a
`defective spare memory cell is used, is increased. This is
`because a large number of memory cells are arranged
`along a single word or bit line. For example, in a 256
`Kbit memory (Nw=N3=5l2), 512 memory cells are
`simultaneously replaced by spare memory cells. While,
`in a 16 Mbit memory (N W: Ng=4,096), 4,096 memory
`cells are simultaneously replaced by spare memory
`cells. When at least one of the spare memory cells sub-
`stituted for regular memory cells is defective, a chip
`having the spare and regular memory cells is faulty. The
`redundancy technique is used on the premise that spare
`memory cells are not defective. Accordingly, when the
`level or degree of integration of a semiconductor mem-
`ory is increased, the manufacturing yields thereof can-
`not be improved by the redundancy technique.
`In a case where a large-scale semiconductor memory
`is constructed in such a manner that a memory array is
`divided into a plurality of memory mats,
`the above
`problem becomes even more serious. When a semicon-
`ductor memory is made large in scale, the number of
`memory cells connected to a single word (or bit) line is
`increased, and wiring length is increased. Thus,
`parasitic resistance and capacitance of a wiring conduc-
`tor are increased. Hence, there arises a problem that a
`signal propagation time is increased and a signal-to-
`noise ratio is reduced. In order to solve this problem, a
`practice widely employed is to divide a memory array
`into a plurality of memory mats, thereby shortening the
`wiring length of a single word (or bit) line. However,
`when the redundancy technique is applied to a semicon-
`ductor memory which is divided into memory mats, the
`following problem is further aroused.
`FIG. 3 shows an example of a semiconductor mem-
`ory which corresponds to a case where the memory
`array of FIG. 1A is divided into four memory mats (that
`is, each word line is divided into two parts, and each bit
`line is divided into two parts). In FIG. 3, reference
`numerals 100 to 103 designate memory mats, 200 to 203
`sense amplifiers and input/output lines, 300 and 301
`X—decoders, 400 a Y-decoder, 610 and 611 spare word
`line selection circuits, 700 a multiplexer, 701 a data input
`buffer, and 702 an data output buffer. Each memory mat
`includes a region 110, 111, 112, or 113 where regular
`memory cells are arranged, and a region 120, 121, 122,
`or 123 where spare memory cells are arranged. In each
`of the regions 110, 111, 112 and 113 (which correspond
`to the sub-regions 11A, 11B, 11C and 11D of FIG. 1A,
`respectively). Nu/X Nb/4 memory cells are disposed at
`two-level crossings of NW/2 word lines and NW/2 bit
`lines. In each of the regions 120, 121, 122 and 123,
`LXN3/2 memory cells (in the figure, L=4) are dis-
`posed at two-level crossings of L spare word lines and
`the N3/2 bit lines. For example,
`in a semiconductor
`memory described in the above-mentioned reference,
`NW/2=64, N3/2:128, and L=4.
`Explanation will first be made of a word-line select-
`ing method in the example of FIG. 3. In the present
`example, word lines are selected from a pair of memory
`mats. For example, at the same time as a word line W[i,
`0] in the memory mat 110 is selected, a corresponding
`word line W[i, 2] in the memory mat 112 is selected. At
`this time, no word line in the memory mats 111 and 113
`is selected Similarly, when word lines in the memory
`mats 111 and 113 are selected, no word line in the mem-
`ory mats 110 and 112 is selected This is because the
`word lines W[i, 0] and W[i, 2] are made by dividing a
`single word line into two parts, and hence can be logi-
`cally regarded as a single word line. Such is determined
`by one of the row address signals (in the present exam-
`ple, the address signal Ax{n w— 1] indicative of the left-
`most bit of a row address, as to which of a memory mat
`group 110 and 112 and a memory mat group 111 and
`113 is to be selected. A memory cell is finally selected
`by using column address signals Ay[j] (where j=0, 1, .
`. I13-1). At this time, the multiplexer 700 determines
`which of a memory cell in the memory mat 110 or 111
`and a memory cell in the memory mat 112 or 113 is to
`be selected, by using one of the column address signals
`(in this example, the address signal Ay[n3--1] indica-
`tive of the leftmost bit of a column address).
`In the present example, each address comparing cir-
`cuit cotrpares, the row address signals other than the
`address signal AX{n w— 1] indicative of the leftmost bit,
`with the corresponding row address signals stored in
`the address comparing circuit. The outputs XR[k] of the
`address comparing circuits AC[k] are supplied to the
`spare word line selection circuit. The spare word line
`selection circuit, as shown in FIG. 4, makes the logical
`product of the row address signal Axfnw-1] (or the
`complement thereof) and each of the outputs XR[k], to
`drive only a spare word line in the selected memory
`In the present memory, the replacement of a regular
`line by a spare line is made in all the memory mats at the
`same time. This fact will be explained below with refer-
`ence to FIG. 5. FIG. 5 shows an example of a method
`of replacing word lines by spare word lines. In FIG. 5,
`defective word lines W[0, 0], W[2, 0], W[1, 1] and W[3,
`3] are replaced by spare word lines SW[0, 0], SW[1, 0],
`SW[2, 1] and SW[3, 3], respectively. However, when
`the above replacement is carried out, other word lines
`are replaced by spare word lines. For example, at the
`same time as the defective word line W[0, 0] is replaced
`by the spare word line SW[0, 0], corresponding word
` 37

`lines W[0, 1], W[0, 2] and W[0, 3] in the memory mats
`101, 102 and 103 are replaced by spare word lines
`SW[0,'1], SW[0, 2] and SW[0, 3], respectively.
`In the example of FIG. 3, there arises the following
`problems. The first problem is that, as is apparent from
`the comparison of FIG. 3 with FIG. 1A, an area neces-
`sary for spare word lines is increased by dividing a
`memory array into memory mats. This is because each
`memory mat includes L spare word lines. A sub-region
`12A shown in FIG. IA corresponds to the regions 120
`and 121 of FIG. 3, and a sub-region 12B shown in FIG.
`IA corresponds to the regions 122 and 123 of FIG. 3.
`Hence, in the present example, an area for spare word
`lines is twice as large as that in the example of FIG. 1A.
`When each word line is divided into Mwparts and each
`bit line is divided into Ms parts, an area for spare word
`lines is generally increased by a factor of MB, and an
`area for spare bit lines is generally increased by a factor
`of Mw, though the spare bit
`lines are not shown in
`FIGS. 1A and 3. Thus, a chip area is increased.
`The second problem is that when a defective word
`line is replaced by a spare word line, a large number of
`memory cells are replaced by spare memory cells. This
`is because, as mentioned above, the replacement of a
`word line by a spare word line is made in all the mem-
`ory mats at the same time. When each word line is
`divided into Mw parts and each bit line is divided into
`M3 parts, the number of spare memory cells which are
`simultaneously substituted for regular memory cells at a
`time a defective word line is replaced by a spare word
`line is generally increased by a factor of M13, and the
`number of spare memory cells which are simulta-
`neously substituted for regular memory cells at a time a
`defective bit line is replaced by a spare bit line, is gener-
`ally increased by a factor of Mw. As has been already
`mentioned, an increase in the number of spare memory
`cells simultaneously substituted for regular memory
`cells reduces the manufacturing yields The first and
`second problems become serious in a largescale integra-
`tion memory, in which each of Mu/and M}; has a large
`FIG. 6 shows another method of applying the redun-
`dancy technique to a semiconductor memory, in which
`a memory array is divided into a plurality of memory
`mats. In FIG. 6, address comparing circuits are pro-
`vided on a one-to-one basis for each of the spare word
`lines in the memory mats. Accordingly, 4L address
`comparing circuits (in the figure, eight address compar-
`ing circuits) are used. Each address comparing circuit
`compares row address signals AX{O] to AX[n w— 1] and
`column address signal Ay[n3—1] indicative of the left-
`most bit, with those stored in the circuit.
`FIG. 7 shows how defective word lines are replaced
`by spare word lines, by way of example. As is apparent
`from the comparison of FIG. 7 with FIG. 5, the method
`shown in FIG. 6 is superior in two points to the method
`shown in FIG. 3. The first point is that the utilization
`efficiency of a spare word line is high, and thus the same
`number of defective word lines as in the example of
`FIG. 3 can be replaced by spare word lines even when
`the number of spare word lines per one memory mat is
`made smaller than that in the example of FIG. 3. This is
`because the probability that many defective word lines
`are included in one memory mat, is very low. The sec-
`ond point is that the number of spare memory cells
`which are simultaneously substituted for regular mem-
`ory cells is small.
`In the method shown in FIG. 6, however, there arises
`a problem that the number of address comparing cir-
`cuits is increased. When each word line is divided into
`Mw parts and each bit line is divided into My parts,
`Mu/M31. address comparing circuits are generally re-
`quired, and thus a chip area is increased. This problem
`is very serious in a large-scale integration memory, in
`which each of Mwand M3 has a large value.
`According to the present invention, when a memory
`array is divided into M memory mats (where M :2), the
`number m of word or bit lines which are simultaneously
`replaced by spare lines in accordance with the redun-
`dancy technique, is made smaller than the number M
`and equal to a divisor of the number M.
`Further, an address comparing circuit can store
`therein not only logical values “0” and “l" but also a
`don’t-care value “X”. When input data is compared
`with the don’t-care value, the result of comparison indi-
`cates “coincidence”,
`independently of which of the
`logical values ‘‘I‘’ and “O” is indicated by the input data.
`FIG. 8 shows the results of comparison made by the
`address comparing circuit.
`By making the number in smaller than the number M,
`the number of memory cells which are simultaneously
`replaced by spare memory cells, is decreased. Thus, the
`probability that the spare word lines are defective, is
`reduced. Accordingly, a redundancy control circuit
`capable of greatly improving the manufacturing yields
`can be formed even in a large-scale integration memory.
`When the address comparing circuit is so constructed
`as to be capable of storing the don’t-care value “X”,
`each bit of an applied address can be selectively com-
`pared with a stored value. As shown in FIG. 8, when a
`logical value “O” or “I” is stored in the address compar-
`ing circuit, the result of comparison indicates “coinci-
`dent" or “not coincident” in accordance with input
`data. That is, the stored value is compared with a corre-
`sponding bit of an input address. When the don’t-care
`value “X” is stored in the address comparing circuit, the
`result of comparison indicates “coincident”, indepen-
`dently of input data. That is, that bit of an input address
`which corresponds to the stored value, is not compared
`therewith. Thus, for example,
`the following defect-
`repairing operations can be performed.
`When all the bits of an address (that is, all the bits of
`row and column addresses) are compared with stored
`values, each of regular memory cells can be replaced by
`a spare memory cell. When only a column address is
`compared with a stored column address, each bit line
`can be replaced by a spare bit line. When bits of a col-
`umn address other than the rightmost bit are compared
`with stored values, a pair of memory cells can be re-
`placed by a pair of spare memory cells. That is, various
`defects in a semiconductor memory such as a single-bit
`defect, a bit-line defect and a pair-bit defect, can be
`repaired. Thus, the manufacturing yields of a semicon-
`ductor memory can be made higher than that due to the
`conventional redundancy technique.
`It is an object of the present invention to provide a
`redundancy technique which can greatly improve the
`manufacturing yields of a semiconductor memory with-
`out requiring a large chip area.
`It is another object of thepresent invention to pro-
`vide a redundancy technique which can enhance the
`utilization efficiency of spare bits.
`These and other objects and many of the attendant
`advantages of the present invention will be readily ap-
`preciated and become better understood by reference to
` 38

`the following detailed description when considered in
`connection with the accompanying drawings.
`FIGS. 1A to 8 are diagrams for explaining redun-
`dancy control circuits which were studied by the pres-
`ent inventors, and the points of issue of these circuits.
`FIGS. 9 and 10 are diagra

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