27:5“ cs 502 731
`ED iaofqzii U_”“
`“.1 «TIij'
`yy,j Hughes, Geoffreyip7 -
`TITLE hf”
`'IngTeleteXt-—Preste1's Big Brother.
`Sep 79
`NOTE ~»'4[1'rwgg12pr: Paper presented at the Annual Meeting Of the
`wInternational InsH tute of COmmun'-cations (London
`'yEngland, September 9—13.1979)
`H201 Plus Postaqe- PC Not Available from EDES.
`“’ Commun1cat1ons: Delivery Systems: Foreign Countries;
`, :Information Services: *Information SOurces
`Information Storage: InformatiOn Utilization: *Media
`yTechnoloqy: *TeleCOmmunication: *Telephone
`1Commun1cation Systems: *Television
`Advertising: *Great Britain: *Teletext System
`, Drestel! Oracle, and Ceefax are telephone based video
`text systems currently in use inGreat Britain. Rather than being
`yconsidered as compet_1ors, they Should be viewed as complementary
`rmedia with Separa-e functions based on the ir di fferenCes. All use
`home televiSion sets to receive information in print, and all
`broadcast onspare TV lines in the vertical interval, or space
`'betueen the pictures. Prestel is an interactive system in which
`,viewers can send messages to a cOmputer and interact with the systemor
`After viewing a table of contents. viewers can request specific pages
`from the computer. Prestel has the capacity to carry hundreds of
`Vpages dedicated to special information needs of Consumers, such as a
`specific sector of industry. Oracle and Ceefax are teletext systems
`sponsOred by ITV and BBC respectively,
`in which the viewer can only
`interact uit:h the receiver and must wait for the page wanted to come
`around an the cycle.
`A hundred page Cycle now takes about 22 seCOnds:
`improVement of access time is planned. Teletext is now a broadcast
`Tservice with no charge that provides entertainment pages and
`'televisior related information such as serial updates , film reviews,
`and program listings. Future pos=1b1l1+1es for the teletext systems
`Vinclude supper ing television with advertis'_no, subtitling,
`'regionalization of services, and increased telesoftuare programs.
`Reproductidns supplied by EDPS are the best that can be made
`from the orioinal d0cument.
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`Apple v. PMC
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`,nmo n aomtsor VIEWon OPINIONS ,,
` Emioozx
`II’CjAnynuayl conferenyce,197:9 London ,9, -, 13 September "
`Teletext - PreStel ' 3 Big lebther
`A Background Paper ,
`prepared by
`Geoffrey Hughes
`Chief Executch of ORACLE,
`IBA, 70 BromptoandV. London ,sw3 .
`, Geoffrey Hu hes
`Contribution to, Plenary Session
`Monday, 10 Séptemberfll4:30 — 16:00,
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`M'embe£§"' 9'1: IIc who receixéé their 'jiogrhaLII-iIfitert'nedia Will
`no,dooht'have reed the excéiIefithSsfié of,iesth y Vhi h dealé"l
`in some depth with viewdata, or {ihteraetive Videoter' éyétems,
`but with only glancing.referehce$ to teletext,
`In his editorial the editor justifies this unilateral
`approach on the grounds that the intéfaCtiVé syStem is ‘more;
`substantial' and so i have calied this ehort oeper 'Prestel'si
`Big Brother! in order to redreés theralafi é a hit,, Teletext has
`been providing e pubiic serVice for Very neariy five years now
`and I don't think its unfair to say that Preétei has yet to prOve
`'its substance in the marketpleoe.
`I But first, a hit of history.
`'At tunotiohs like this wheret
`we both appear, BBC and ITV are inclihed to argue about Who got
`Ithere first.
`i ehall tohteht myself with stating chauvihistically
`that, while the BBC Were the first to ehhoufice the deVelopment
`of Ceefax,
`IBA were the first to demohstrate their ORACLE syStem,
`in the early spring of 1973;' By May of 1974 the two broadcaéters
`and the TV set manufacturers had got together to publish a
`unified specification for teletext and in September of that year
`the Home Office granted a two year licence for an experimental
`public service.
`continued/ .......
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`The,",yspeeifJiCatien Qe's'yyreviev‘edflin September 19761:; teke
`1aceonnt1 f éehe fn1ther deQeibpments in the editdrieiheepebility
`of the SQStem end that is the spee1fieatien.tb which the broad—
`casterS and manufeetn1e1s~a1e now QeékifigQQ
`The BBCSterted public tfan5115810nof CeefaxQithin’
`days of the licenee being g1anted in 1974and ORACLE, which had
`been developed by engineers of’the IBA, Qas then handed over to
`the ITV companies, under their jo1nt associatiOn,
`The federal neture of ITV demanded a semth t diffefe t chfigur-'
`etion fer ORACLE from thet installed at the mere monelithic BBC
`and so by July of 1975 ORACLB'QaS on the air with its an service.
`And there, despite the oddindustrial hiecups,
`the th services
`have remained. Both broadCdsters have now upgraded their equip—
`ment and Softwareto make their SyStems more reliable and mQre'
`flexible end ORACLE at least has taken the decision that, Since
`for e publie SerVice reliability iS'a prime consideration, we
`must instell baCRUp,computers and insertibn hardware.’ This
`process sheuld be eompIeted by the neQ year and We expect then
`that teehniael breakdowns Will atthrst last no IOnger than it'
`takes to th1ow 3 Switch and bring the backup Computer intoyv
`I shall not take up time desc1ibing the services that
`,ORACLE and Ceefax are currently prdViding;
`,Those'ef You Who
`weren't familiar’with them befOre this conference Will have ample
`PMC Exhibit 2170
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`,bppcrtunity to question the reteiVers outside this rodm oVer the
`,next day 5g twqtj.But sinee this eeeeieh is destribed as ‘The'
`,yrElxpefiwefiéé‘ 5f [y’flP’r’e’etel '
`[it] would be:iWOrith”'§1’/’ookingI, at V'svom’e of the
`weye in which teletext relateé te its bréfihé: séi§iée:“'
`The first and moet,ebyidus differehee,is that a viewer
`,queStiQning a teleteXtrrecéiVef Can ohlyhihteract with that
`hyég are talking t§~thefiSEtthWh h yQu preee'the buttons on Your
`;Preste1 set; yOfi ere intefacting directly with the;computert
`The broédefister has therefore to tfénsfiit a number of pages in
`a continfiefié cycle ahd the §iewet“ simply.instfuete hie decoder
`to wait until the pege he'wehteheemes refind,
`t6 decode and display
`it and to stare it fer as long as he needs to read it.’
`In feet
`each page takes a bit 1655 then a qUatter_of a seeohd to transmit
`and a hundred page_cyclepgi§eSIyeu'a WOrst—ease waiting time,ofy
`yebout 22 secbnds,’ We can increase the amoufit of information,
`avafllable t6 the Viewer, eithef by making him wait,10nger for each
`pager'or by using sub4pagee which are Changed by the breadcaster's
`Computer after a firedetermihed feeding time.
`'Cfirfently both].
`'broadcasters have arofind'thfee of four hufidred pages ifi their
`'YOQ get thete a hit faster on Ceefax, but you may have
`1 to chahge ehannel to get the information yen want.‘
`So in terms of speed and nufiber ef pages available, Prestel
`,obviafisly has the edge on teleteXt; hBut,the fact that teletext
`'Contmue‘j/ ' ' ' " PMC Exhibit2170
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`is a broadcast Ser§i§e means that these:
`‘5 no way you Can be made
`to péy_for,reouesting,s page.
`.Andhthst muSt be a conSideiations
`in trying to asSess the domestic ntility Of these systenq
`* Clearly Frestéi; nith its énbrm9§§_fibtefitiéi date basechill be
`since it can carry hundreds, even thousands, oi pages dedicatedn
`to one small sectoi of industry and; in this context,
`the cost of
`those pages to the Viewer is inconsiderébie;
`’Teletextyis'not primafilf concerned with the huSiness V
`user at his place of werk,
`though both hroédcastérs’sfipfiiyi as,
`part of their Sefvices,.a number of pages for the businessman
`at home. Their main concern is to supply informétion that will be,
`of value to men; wOmen and children sitting dothin front othheir
`television sets., ACtually,
`the ides 9f;these media as Vehiciesq
`for pore infoimation is a bit misigading; since both Prestel and
`teletext have,found'thet entertaining pages of games?,jokes and
`puzzles are liked by doneStic Viewers and will Continue to be,a
`fairly significant part of their services; VI'canarecommend an
`invigorating game of nonghts and croSses on Prestel and there are
`Some quite apalling childfeniS'jQKes on CRACLE.C The BBC heldr
`their more dedicated Viewers for four honrs a few weeks,ag0,
`I whilth o pisye s played a game of cheSS via ceefax and,the
`, But to retufn to those pedfile Sitting1down in innt of their
`' TV sets; for they are, I think,
`the key to an~imp0ztant function
`yi,COntiT1uEd/a.«~ o .'.
`‘P'MC Exhibit 2170
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`' _of teletext and One where it will meet aqfiéed that PreStel is "
`'dAunlikely to satisfy,thesides being an,informé£idn médififi in its
`rown right; teletext is part 6£ the televiSiofi serinely It comes
`'Afrom the TV Set and will b¢,fi§gd5 in'laféé part, whethhe family
`Ais sitting down to watch Prografimes. Its ability; therefore, to
`"promoteand support telev1s1onprogrammes will be an important
`' part of its use; Both ORACLE and
`devote a number of pages
`to this Cause and, speaking for ORACLE at leaSt; nany more will
`be made available, as prodnCers become aware Of the.use they can
`make of the service; 5Apart from programme listings for all TV'
`services in all the regions, ORACLE carries ya;y'The Story so Far'
`[feature wh1ch enables youto catch up w1th the previous epiSOde
`of a serialyou may have missed. Thereiaresupport pages for,
`i s eries like Granada' sy'Camera , whichlist bOOks or exhibitions
`.which'may interest the viewer. There are reyieWS oi every film
`Ashown on lTV and there are pages promoting forthcomihg
`dattractions. When I was visited,
`some time ago, by a sehiOr
`executiye of West Germany's ARD, he told me that one of the main
`,,reaSOns the German broadcasters were anxions to have a teletext'
`~xservice was that they did not own their programme journal and
`needed a mediUm to promote their programmes.
`. The future will See a considerable ektension of this television
`arelated information, of which I w111,méfit10n justgtwol Subtitling
`'teleVision,pr0grammes for the deaf is currently getting a great
`deal of attention frOm broadcasters, bdth of whom are lOOking
`continued/...... PMC1Exmbfl2170
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`Apple v. PMC
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`/ energet1cally 1ntoways of prov1d1ng teletext subtltles £01
`programmes econom16ally andrap1dly1 [Theproblem 6fsubt1t11ng I
`' a liVe programme,such as a newsbullet1fi, more or less
`s1multaheofisly 1s661ng tackledbyway6fPalantype; the short- 1'
`Lhand mach1ne once fisedwlh law court~1epo1ting.x Dr. Newell at
`Southampton University, which is being sponso1ed by ITV to
`research this field, has alreaoyHaonerrema1kable work in,
`produCing subtitles from a Palahtype that a1e pretty hear‘to»
`’Perfect English. Similar“1esearch'1s,als6 beifig dofie by,the BBC:
`who arebasingtheir app1oach on w6rk d066 at LeieesterPolyteehn1c.
`Anothe1 area [where'teletext suppo1tsteleV1S1on appl1es only
`y'to ORACLE, since 1t relates to'adye1tising1 Clea1lyORACLE 1s a
`yvalid advert1s1hg medium and 6666 there 1s’a large enough ma1ket,
`we shall hope to be allQWed'to'include~adyert1sements In the
`They may be full pages of jobs, oropert1es or holidays
`for sale , or they may be oneor two line slogans at the fOOt of
`a page of inflormation. They cah alsobehsed to soppo1t televis1on
`commercials.“ A TV commercial for a new car modeL for instance,
`couldcarry a’d'f rection to an ORAGLE page, whe1e the dealers
`in your region Can be listed; And that 1n tu1n could direct you
`,tO a page 6f”Prestel,'where you cah register your fequestfor a
`, test d11v6.’
`"And that brings me heatly»ba6k to comparison of the two
`systems and the ihteractive capability of Prestel.‘ In that last
`example I was projecting forward to a time when the Viewer will
`PMC Exhibit2170
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`'_scar0e1y be cofisciOus of whethe: his reCeiverfié,ih the téléteXt
`er tfie viewdata"mode,enlehe e he may.u e teletethfiéceu e the
`f iififmati’ofi:
`avlabln it , and" freandmve’l'ifito,,1’?¢ste1
`, when, 'héneed to, “talkiiibafif—kwto,
`'I'fo‘r”nstance1thalaédfirfitiser'v 9r
`ifidee’d: the broadcaster, asPrestel lnformat10nProv1der But the
`deveIOpmentvohlteletext/of TeleseftWare"Will; in the'fuefife; giVe’
`VieWers a degree'of interestivity thet Will ehpfmpu91y_expand its
`Briefly;,teleeoftware meafi5flsefidihg pages of ihfbfmatlon
`lthat is ifi lee: computer softwafe afid which éah be used to,
`programme 5 midrbproeessbf in tfié feceieer.
`rThe TV set now becomes
`a home ¢§mputergand;.by-Se1éeting appfgpriateitelesdfityate
`programmes, ean be used f0: an elmest endless variety of purposes.
`It will be used to calfieulate tax or,insuranceflratesz to play
`games, or to Select pages or parte bffie fiége"frofi_liste of, for
`,lnstance,'second hand car adsll New applieatiohs ere being
`suggested elfiOst daily and its use in education ié one Of the
`more exciting ghee.
`‘Axg0vernment sfiensefed rasearch programme
`in this afea ié now in pfeparatibh blefigthfi Polyteehnic,
`supported byvl V'e d BBC,
`eIts still too early for me, at'leaet; to predict.the
`’ultimate usefulness of'telesoftware, but I'm pretty sure it will
`become a corherstone in the teletext sfiructufe. Our most press.
`ing need et present is to,fifodfice a common specifieatlenedn which
`b0th broadeasters and Pxestellcan'build;
`It,mustxbe sensible
`,fiyfw¢ __’y,cont1nued/.......
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`_tq haVe all teleseftware syStems Speakifigjto a Common terminal in
`a'ycorrnnone'wmputerlanguagey 'thi’s'is one “area where, cooperation
`Wm beneflt everybody ,
`I've mentioned'thtee aréaé ifite Which pee,teletext operatot'
` wi1l move in the near future;
`iteieebftwafe, advertieing and”,
`sfibtitling,,ee part Of its TV reiated eervice.’ Two more will
`suffice'fqt this brief surveyty They are the regidnalisation of
`Ithe'serviee and improvement Offtfie eeeess time thhe time it takes
`for a fiage t6 be displayed 5h your screen;
`‘Teletext is Cfirtently:
`tbroadcast-in two bf the spare TV lifies in the vertical interval -
`that is,
`the space betWeeh the fiictfires;
`'Teletext deceders,
`hoWevet, are eonSttficted to make,use Qf fip to eight liPES and we
`'0 are now doing tests to’efieck the feasibility of fieihg more of
`these lines].
`The problem is With/fem gfIthe‘r'fididérzlezs It’llk'ineyflsets,’
`Where the flybaCk time ieieofieWhat slower thah it is with modern
`receivers. we need to be sure that using ektra lines doesn't
`'cause picture interferenee en the older eets‘ The indieations
`‘are that we shaii be eble’te use at léaSt two; possibly fen:
`extra lifies immediately.
`AS these siefief eets become obsolete,’
`' the remainifig lines will beeome availablee'151k lines'fof sending
`telétefit weuid mean that a 100 page cycle ceuld be acces§ed'in
`around SEveneseeonds, or 3OCtpagee ifi twentyftwe/seeends.
`In ORACLE'S case we wbuid hope to dedicate two of these
`lines t6 the regional ITV Companies, who would eaCh be able to
`' insert ,a’yjhufiic’ired or more pagesyef purely iioca’l
`; 1U" '
`continued] . ".
`‘.’ ,5 -. I.
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`In Pages carry1ng news, short, bu31nessnews andnetlenal features
`'3flWi1lsentinue tobe geneiatedqlh‘Londen’ehdtransfi1tted on the
`“remaining lifié51netiehelly, justas they are 30W, butfeste1'and
`météigf’thafie-7,éf11i'y ,
`I,W}1 have elways VieWed teiétékt'gs a smali medium of textuele
`1hfo1matioh11 1t°s not eXfiensiWe ts Operate and'CQsts almost
`nothing to d1st11hfite, far the trenSfiittersie1e;al1eady there.
`We talkahbfit 1mprevementsththesophisticationofthesystem,’
`like enhehced graph1cs (a behefitthat would cqme £10m telesoft-
`ware). But With regionel se1§1ces we W113. be fu1f1111ng the
`promise of teieteXt as a domestléhmedium.;TAdVertisementSvOf Séle
`, bargains'in yeUr 10ce1 store, of flats near Whe1e yen live, oft
`'news sf 10931 CounciI bfisifiessg,
`these are the bread and bupye1
`of this medium afith suspect that mefiy of them may,n9t be
`attractive ta InfofiDAtiOn- P10v1ders7‘7toiP1ersrte1.
`11 may be giVihg the impression that 1 View telEtextWend'i
`PreStel as Competito1s;
`‘If that is So, I muSt retraCt at once;
`,for the two systems are;
`in a1111mp01tant respects cOmplimentary.
`?reste1 needs teletext,
`to COpe with the large demahdsfor qne
`catego1y of info1mation wh1chWould 'jam the sw1t¢hboard'
`the Prestel cemputer. r Think of foOtball 1esu.1ts on a Saturday
`levening;'or a sudden cris13 in national newsg. But I submit that
`Vteletext needs Preste1.t00., We Can give the aVerage vieWer access
`tp informetion that he needs fairly frequehtly.
`'But, hdwever
`much we improve the size of our data bases or the acceSs time of
`1 .
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`[She syStems; we cannot cope With thé Viewer who WahSS specialist
`infoSmSSiOn, noticSn’we fully hSndTe ShSSeeds of She buSifiSSS’
`community.The viewerwilI always Surn So Seletegt £01 information
`', which is ofi SeleSext and whichisIree1 VHS w11I tuffi to Prestel
`formore ratified hateriai and tobrowse through longs lists of
`pinformSSion.g That seems tome Sobe apropeluse for the telly
`in the coffier;y So ehterSain andSoififofm, tbrough SS1SV1310n
`at ofie level afithhSoughIShe S tonCOmplimenSaSy med1a at the
`The question we have yet to anstr is whether inforfidtion
`is a ptoduCS the public a repfeparSd Sobfiy.y'AfSer S slow Start,,
`it now looksSS if the public Will adcept teleSext1 'Whetber,it
`Will Similérly Séke Preste1 SQ itS'beaSt rSmains to be seefi-§
`'I wish them eVery_success;'
`20th,,Augus,t,vyrl979._,I5 c
`; p
`,, Applev.PMC
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