DSL Forum
`Technical Report
`Overview of ADSL Testing
`ADSLF Testing & Interoperability Working Group
`May 26, 1999
`This document provides an overview of static interoperability, dynamic interoperability, and conformance
`testing of ADSL equipment.
`This Working Text represents work in progress by the DSL Forum and must not be construed as an official
`DSI.. Forum Technical Report. Nothing in this document is binding on the DSL Forum or any of its
`members. The document is offered as a basis for discussion and communication, both within and without
`the DSL Forum.
`‘2000 Digital Subscriber Line Forum. All Rights Reserved.
`DSL Forum technical reports may be copied, downloaded, stored on a server or otherwise redistributed in
`their entirety oniy.
`Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the DSL Forum makes no representation or warranty, expressed
`or implied, concerning this publication, its contents or the completeness, accuracy, or applicability of any
`information contained in this publication. No liability of any kind shall be assumed by the DSL Forum as
`a result of reliance upon any information contained in this publication. The DSL Forum does not assume
`any responsibility to update or correct any information in this publication.
`The receipt or any use of this document or its contents does not in any way create by implication or
`otherwise any express or implied license or right to or under any patent, copyright, trademark or trade
`secret rights which are or may be associated with the ideas, techniques, concepts or expressions contained
`Exhibit 1026, Page 1

`Overview ofADSL Testing
`ADSL Forum Testing & Interoperability Working Group
`ADSL Forum Testing & Interoperability Working Group
`Working Text 2? — Overview of ADSL Testing
`May 26, 1999
`ADSL Forum Testing & Interoperability Working Group members.
`Revision History
`Date (MIDN)
`Version Major Changes.
`First draft
`First straw ballot
`Second straw ballot
`Incorporate comments from second straw ballot
`and editing during the March 4X5. 1999 meetings,
`editing session, and suggestions from
`Incorporate comments from third straw ballot and
`editing during the May 26-28, 1999 meetings,
`and editing session.
`Exhibit 1026, Page 2

`Purpose and
`Overw'ew of/IDSL Testing
`1.3.1 Basic Terms ........................................................................................................... ..1
`1.3.2 Terminology for Conformance
`1.3.3 Terminology for Static Interoperability Testing
`1.3.4 Terminology for Dynamic Interoperability Testing ........................................... .. 3
`List of Acronyms ........................................................................................................... ..3
`2 Overview of Testing ............................................................................................................. ..4
`3.1 Electrical
`3.2 Basic Features and Capabilities ............................................................................... ..5
`3.3 Test Support and Management Requirements ...................................................... ..5
`4 Conformance Testing ........................................................................................................ .. 5
`Levels of ConformanceTesting
`Static Interoperability
`5.2 Dynamic Interoperability Testing ............................................................................... ..7
`Performance Metrics for Dynamic Interoperability Testing ............................ ..7
`5.2.2 Performance Test Conditions for Dynamic Interoperability Testing ............ ..8
`5.2.3 End-to-End Performance. Parameters for Dynamic Interoperability Testing 8
`5.3 Levels of Interoperability Testing ............................................................................... ..8
`Exhibit 1026, Page 3

`Overview of.-i|DSL Testing
`The goal of the ADSL Forum Testing & Interoperability Working Group is to assist in
`generating interoperability test standards that ensure interoperability among various
`implementations. The success of ADSL deployment depends on a fully standardized
`technology and complete cross-vendor interoperability. Current ADSL standards
`focus on system level specifications, and do not fully address individual product
`specifications. the basis for cross-product interoperability.
`This document is designed to be a living document that changes to adapt to the
`current technology and the market. The objective is to create a skeleton of test
`requirements and configurations for all major phases of tests. reflecting ADSL ‘
`It is envisioned that release of this document will foster additional
`discussion regarding when testing should occur and test methods that are both
`adequate and cost effective.
`In the following sections, the various test requirements. as well as rationale for these
`tests are highlighted. Future work will address test configurations and suites for
`ADSL in controlled environments. Field-testing may be a subset of the requirements
`in the laboratory.
`Purpose and Scope
`This document provides an overview of the different areas of testing. The areas of
`testing include conformance testing, static interoperability testing, and dynamic
`interoperability testing. This is a generic introduction document that establishes a
`skeleton for the various testing needs.
`1. ETR~212, Methods for Testing and Specification (MTS), Implementation
`Conformance Statement (ICS) Proforma Style Guide. ETSI, December 1995.
`2. ADSL Forum TR-002, ATM over ADSL Recommendations.
`3. ADSL Forum TR-003, Framing and Encapsulation Standards for ADSL: Packet
`4. ATM Forum Test Specifications, af—test-0022.000, December 1994.
`The following definitions are used in this document:
`1.3.1 Basic Terms
`Abstract Test Case: A complete and independent specification of the action required
`to achieve a specific test purpose (or a specific combination of test purposes),
`Exhibit 1026, Page 4

`WT-2 7- v5
`Overview of A DSL Teen‘:1g
`defined at the level of abstraction of a particular Abstract Test Method, starting at a
`stable testing state and ending in a stable testing state.
`Abstract Test Method: The description of how a Unit Under Test (UUT) is to be
`tested, given an appropriate level of abstraction to make the description independent
`of any particular realization of a Means of Testing, but with enough detail to enable
`tests to be specified for this test method.
`Abstract Test Suite: A complete set of abstract test cases, possibly combined into
`nested test groups, that is necessary to perform conformance testing or IOP testing.
`ADSL System: An ATU-C and an ATU-R.
`Conformance Testing: Testing the extent to which a unit—under test (UUT) conforms to
`a specification.
`End—to-End Test: Tests the UUT in the context of a network and its architecture.
`Executable Test Case: A realization of an abstract test case.
`Executable Test Suite: A complete set of executable test cases, possibly combined
`into nested test groups, that is necessary to perform conformance testing or IOP
`implementation Conformance Statement (ICS): A statement made by the supplier of
`the system implementation or system claimed to conform to a given specification,
`stating the capabilities and options implemented, and those that have been omitted.
`For the purposes of this document, the three types of ICS are ADSL ICS, ADSL
`Electrical ICS, and ADSL Protocol ICS.
`Interoperability (IOP) Testing: Testing the degree of compatibility between an ATU-C
`and an ATU~R based on the features that both have implemented.
`Means of testing: The combination of equipment and procedures that can perform
`the derivations, selection, parameterization and execution of test cases, in
`conformance with a reference standardized Abstract Test Suite, and can produce a
`conformance log.
`Test Case: Either an abstract or an executable test case.
`Test Group: A named set of related test cases.
`Test Suite: Either an abstract or executable test suite.
`Unit Under Test (UUT): The part of the system that is to be tested.
`1.3.2 Terminology for Conformance Testing
`Conforming Implementation: An implementation that satisfies both the static and
`dynamic conformance requirements in accordance with the specifications stated in
`the ADSL ICS,
`Static Conformance Requirement: A requirement that specifies the values with
`associated limits of the implemented capabilities permitted in a system that is
`claimed against the specifications.
`Exhibit 1026, Page 5

`WT—2 7- v5
`Overview of/IDSL Testing
`Dynamic Conformance Requirement: A requirement that specifies the observable
`behavior permitted by the specification.
`1.3.3 Terminology for Static Interoperability Testing
`Static Interoperability: An ATU-C and an ATU-R are statically interoperable if they
`implement a common and compatible set of features, functions and options and can
`demonstrate satisfactory mutual communication in a benign environment (r'.e., over a
`NULL loop with no noise intrusions). "Compatible" means that there are no
`conflicting requirements that will prevent the ADSL system from achieving
`interoperability. Static interoperability testing is often referred to as interoperability
`testing in other standards [4].
`1.3.4 Terminology for Dynamic Interoperability Testing
`Dynamic Interoperability: An ATU—C and an ATU-R are dynamically interoperable if
`they implement a common and compatible set of features, functions and options and
`can demonstrate satisfactory mutual communication in a real network architecture
`environment as performance test conditions are varied and exercised. "Compatible“
`means that there are no conflicting requirements that will prevent the ADSL system
`from achieving interoperability. Dynamic interoperability testing is often referred to as
`performance testing in other standards [4].
`Performance: The behavior of a system with respect to time and resources.
`Performance Parameters: The performance aspects of a system that can be
`Performance Metrics: A set of parameters that characterize the performance of a
`List of Acronyms
`Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
`American National Standards Institute
`Asynchronous Transfer Mode
`ADSL Terminal Unit at the Central Office
`ADSL Terminal Unit at the Remote site
`Bit Error Ratio
`Basic Rate ISDN
`High Bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line
`Implementation Conformance Statement
`Integrated Service Digital Network
`Exhibit 1026, Page 6

`Overview of/IDSL Testing
`Longitudinal Balance
`Longitudinal Output Voltage
`Plain Old Telephone Service
`Power Spectral Density
`Public Switched Telephone Network
`Return Loss
`Transmission Convergence
`Unit Under Test
`2 Overview of Testing
`The end goal for the proposed testing is to create confidence that successfu|ly—tested
`products will provide reasonable performance when connected to similar
`successfully-tested equipment and when deployed "in the field" on reasonable
`copper loops.
`In order to achieve this goal, it must be determined if the products meet the
`specifications and if they can interoperate without observable problems. Furthermore.
`the products should be able to perform under various load conditions. Three types of
`testing, static interoperability, dynamic interoperability, and conformance testing are
`used to provide the users with some level of confidence that the products meet these
`requirements. Each of these types of tests can be quite extensive. They are also
`independent and one is not necessarily a prerequisite to the other two.
`In addition,
`success or failure of one type of testing is neither a prerequisite for, nor indicative of
`the expected results of, the others. The combination of all three types of testing will
`provide the highest degree of confidence that tested equipment will interoperate at
`acceptable levels of performance when deployed on real loops.
`0 Conformance testing attempts to evaluate an implementation against a
`- Static interoperability testing attempts to evaluate two interconnected
`implementations, regardless of how well they conform to a specification or how
`well they perform in a network.
`- Dynamic interoperability testing attempts to evaluate an implementation in a
`real network environment under varying conditions to see how it performs.
`The common requirement for all the three areas of testing is the ADSL
`Implementation Conformance Statement (ICS). The ADSL ICS is used to determine
`which tests are necessary; what modifications, if any, are needed; and, in some
`cases, which tests can be omitted.
`Companion documents will define requirements for ADSL Implementation
`Conformance Statements (ADSL ICS). The information in the ADSL ICS can be used
`for selecting test cases. The ADSL ICS is constructed using the guidelines proposed
`in ETR—212°[1].
`Exhibit 1026, Page 7

`WT-2 7—v5
`Overview ofADSL Tesfirig
`Test Conditions
`Electrical Specifications
`To evaluate any implementation, it is necessary to have a completed ADSL electrical
`ICS. The Electrical Specifications and permissible limits must be provided. This
`includes requirements such as POTS splitter characteristics, line termination, ADSL
`electrical characteristics, etc.
`The ADSL electrical ICS is constructed using the guidelines proposed in ETR-212 [1].
`Basic Features and Capabilities
`The ICS may contain the following:
`Information needed by the testing laboratory in order to run an appropriate test
`suite on the specific system;
`Information to help determine which supported capabilities are testable and which
`are not testable.
`in order to test an implementation, the test laboratory requires information relating to
`the UUT and its testing environment in addition to that provided by the ICS.
`Test Support and Management Requirements
`The test support and management requirements are the test hooks and UUT control
`mechanism for placing the product in the appropriate test condition needed to
`facilitate the test. This includes a common and simple physical access (e.g., a serial
`interface) to the UUT, access to the relevant UUT performance monitoring registers
`needed to evaluate performance, control of the UUT to enable it to produce or inhibit
`stimuli for measuring electrical conformance, etc. Test access is required for the
`majority of test phases. For example, during conformance testing of a stand-alone
`ATU-R, one needs to provision the UUT to transmit test stimuli during a power
`spectral density (PSD) mask test or a longitudinal output voltage (LOV) test, and also
`to inhibit transmission during a return loss (RL) and longitudinal balance (LB) test.
`4 Conformance Testing
`Conformance testing is the verification of the capabilities and options implemented by
`UUTs in a system architecture configuration when compared to specifications defined
`by standards development organizations (as declared in the ICS completed with the
`requirements of these standards). A conformance test suite can target a specific
`protocol layer or protocol. A product can meet conformance at one protocol layer, but
`not at another. Conformance testing can also be used to localize the nature of a
`problem after failure of an interoperability test. Conformance testing is accomplished
`with conformance test equipment connected to the UUTs. Based on the filled out ICS,
`conformance test suites are executed, and the results are analyzed.
`Exhibit 1026, Page 8

`WT-2 7- v5
`Overview of/iDSL Testing
`Levels of Conformance Testing
`There are three general levels of conformance testing:
`- Electrical conformance
`a Physical conformance
`Electrical and physical conformance are closely related. Examples of areas
`evaluated during electrical and physical conformance testing include DC
`characteristics, voiceband characteristics, POTS splitter characteristics, and ADSL
`band characteristics.
`0 Higher layers of conformance
`Protocols supported between the ATU-R and ATU—C above the physical layer may
`need to be tested to validate conformance with architectural specifications such as
`ADSL Forum TR~0O2 [2] and TR~003 [3]. Areas for which test suites may need to
`be specified include:
`— PPP over ATM on ADSL
`— Frame—based architectures (e.g., FUNI on ADSL or HDLC on ADSL)
`Other areas may need test suites defined as the ADSL Forum specifies additional
`architectural issues for ADSL networks.
`It may not be practical to test conformance at higher layers. Verifying higher layers
`is more easily accomplished as part of interoperability testing.
`Interoperability Testing
`Static Interoperability Testing
`Static Interoperability Testing verifies the operation of a pair of modems to operate in a
`benign environment (i.e., NULL loop, and no noise intrusions).
`The purpose of static interoperability testing is to confirm the degree to which two
`units of equipment can communicate with each other, based on the set of
`implemented features derived from the ADSL ICS. Static interoperability enables end-
`users to interconnect equipment from different manufacturers with a certain
`confidence level that these pieces of equipment can satisfactorily communicate with
`each other in a stable laboratory environment.
`An interoperability test is performed in an ADSL system with an ATU-C and an ATU-R
`that implement the same mandatory features and functions, yet may differ with regard
`to their optional implementations.
`in some cases, their ability to interoperate often
`depends on these optional features.
`Static interoperability testing verifies the system behavior of two connected systems
`and can be limited to specific protocols within the stack.
`It involves testing both the
`capabilities and the behavior of an implementation in an interconnected environment
`Exhibit 1026, Page 9

`Overview of/.lD.S'L Testing
`and verifying whether or not an implementation can communicate satisfactorily with
`another implementation of the same or of a different type.
`Static interoperability testing does not include assessment of the performance,
`robustness, or reliability of an implementation. Such evaluation is the result of
`dynamic interoperability testing discussed in Section 5.2.
`Static interoperability testing does not include the assessment of the conformance of
`an implementation relative to the standards. This assessment is the result of
`conformance testing discussed in Section 4. Note that two implementations can be
`non-standard but still inter-operate. Static interoperability testing does not
`necessarily check each mandatory feature defined in a standard against the
`implementation of the UUTs.
`Dynamic Interoperability Testing
`Dynamic Interoperability Testing verifies the ability of a pair of modems to interoperate
`in an environment related to a real network architecture.
`It is intended to measure the
`joint operability of the pair of UUTs over an appropriate range of operating parameters
`and is an evaluation of the robustness, reliability, and adherence to defined
`performance metrics of UUTs in a system architecture configuration. Dynamic
`Interoperability Testing entails a measurement procedure during which the ability of
`the UUTs to communicate with each other is evaluated as the performance test
`conditions are varied and exercised.
`The extent of dynamic interoperability testing is variable and is defined for each
`dynamic interoperability test suite.
`The parameter of physical layer performance has traditionally been the Bit Error Ratio
`(BER), which is the ratio of errored bits over the total number of bits transmitted.
`ADSL has many provisions, which correct limited bursts of errors, and adapt the
`overall bandwidth of the line to maintain a specific BER with a set noise margin and
`latency. The classic BER alone may not be sufficient as a sole performance metric,
`and additional elements such as transmission rates achieved on a test link, noise
`margin attained at a given rate, number of errored seconds, may be needed.
`5.2.1 Performance Metrics for Dynamic Interoperability Testing
`The following are examples of performance metrics used during dynamic
`interoperability testing of ADSL equipment:
`- Upstream and downstream transmission rates
`- Noise margin
`- ADSL line status
`- Transmitted FEC blocks
`a Corrected FEC blocks
`- Transmitted superframes
`Exhibit 1026, Page 10

`Overview of A DSL Testing
`- Uncorrectable superframes
`o Counters for current and previous loss of signal, loss of frame. loss of power,
`errored seconds
`- Bits per carrier
`lnterleave delay
`- Rate adaptation (e.g., dynamic rate repartitioning. dynamic rate adaptation, and
`fast retrain)
`5.2.2 Performance Test Conditions for Dynamic Interoperability Testing
`Following are examples of performance test conditions used during dynamic
`interoperability testing of ADSL equipment:
`a Loop characteristics: (length, wire gauge, bridged taps, attenuation. etc.)
`- Customer premises wiring
`o PSTN conditions: (ringing, ring—trip, battery feed, signaling, etc.)
`o Co-channel noise interference: (BR—lSDN, HDSL, ADSL, etc.)
`- Other interference: (Impulse noise. RFI. etc.)
`5.2.3 End-to-End Performance Parameters for Dynamic Interoperability Testing
`To network providers, performance through the network to the user is critical.
`Following are examples of parameters that may be measured:
`a Service Quality
`- Latency
`- Bandwidth and Data Rate availability
`Levels of Interoperability Testing
`There are several levels of interoperability that affect both the vendor and the service
`provider. On a case-by-case basis, interoperability at a particular layer can be
`evaluated in either a static or a dynamic interoperability test scenario. Some
`examples are:
`0 Physical layer
`Interoperability at the TC layer
`- ATM over ADSL Layer
`STM over ADSL
`- Higher Layers of interoperability
`Protocols supported between the ATU-R and ATU-C above the physical layer may
`need to be tested to validate interoperability with architectural specifications such
`Exhibit 1026, Page 11

`W712 7- v5
`Overview ofADSL Testing
`as ADSL Forum TR-002 [2] and TR-003 [3]. Areas for which tests may need to be
`specified include:
`— PPP over ATM on ADSL
`— Frame-based architectures (e.g., FUNI on ADSL or HDLC on ADSL)
`Other areas may need test suites defined, as the ADSL Forum specifies other
`architectural issues for ADSL networks.
`This document has summarized each of the different testing areas. As stated earlier,
`each area serves its own purposes and the use of all three will give the end—user the
`highest level of confidence that the equipment meets the appropriate specification
`and will interoperate.
`Exhibit 1026, Page 12

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