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`Case No.
`Patent Owner.
`July 13, 2017
`9:48 a.m.
` Deposition of LEONARD FORYS, Ph.D., taken by
`Patent Owner, pursuant to Notice, held at the
`offices of Bryan Cave LLP, 1290 Avenue of the
`Americas, New York, New York, before Joseph R.
`Danyo, a Shorthand Reporter and Notary Public
`within and for the State of New York.
`Job No. 126871
`Reported by: Joe Danyo
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580
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`A P P E A R A N C E S :
` Attorneys for Petitioner
` 1290 Avenue of the Americas
` New York, New York 10104
` Attorneys for Patent Owner
` 3131 West 7th Street
` Fort Worth, Texas 76107
` -and-
` 28 West 44th Street
` New York, New York 10036
` ~oOo~
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` Forys
`L E O N A R D J. F O R Y S, Ph.D., having
`been first duly sworn by Joseph R. Danyo, a
`Notary Public, was examined and testified as
` Q. So I would like to introduce for the
`record, on behalf of patent owner, John Murphy
`and Vic Siber are here.
` Dr. Forys, how are you today?
` A. Good.
` Q. Have you given deposition testimony
`for an IPR proceeding before?
` A. Yes.
` Q. When was the most recent deposition
`you gave in that regard?
` A. How many?
` Q. When was the most recent one you gave
`in that regard?
` A. Probably springtime, March or April
`of this year. I think it was April. I have
`given so many that I can't remember.
` Q. So you are aware that in an IPR
`deposition, it is improper to talk to your
`attorneys during the break regarding the
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` Forys
`substance of the deposition?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Okay. So from time to time I may ask
`that question after the breaks. I just want to
`make sure you are on notice of that.
` A. Sure.
` Q. When were you first contacted by
`Bryan Cave regarding this case?
` A. Well, a little history here. I was
`first contacted by Akerman in June of last year
`to work on the litigation part of it, but it was
`quite brief because we got suspended because
`there was an IPR going on, so I did maybe a week
`or two.
` Not much work at all. Just read the
`patent and formed some thoughts, but then about
`May I believe is when I got a call, it was a
`conference call from Bryan Cave, and I believe
`Akerman was involved in that, two people from
`Akerman, about that time frame.
` Q. Around May of 2017.
` A. Yes. That's correct.
` Q. And that is when they brought the
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` Forys
` A. Yes. That was for the amended
`claims, yes.
` Q. Did you write your declarations in
`this case?
` A. Sure.
` Q. Do you recall around when you started
`drafting your declarations?
` A. Early June. We had talked about it
`in May. We had a series of conference calls, the
`positions and the prior art and things like that,
`but the actual putting pen to paper started
`around that time as I recall.
` Q. And are you familiar that there is a
`former declarant in this case, Dr. Lavian?
` A. Yes, I am aware of that.
` Q. Are you aware of why you are being
`used as the expert now in this and he is not?
` A. And I don't know why. Yes.
` Q. All right. Did you attempt to do any
`prior art searches with regard to this IPR?
` A. Yes, and it is pretty clear by
`looking at some of the things that are clearly
`mine. Some of the prior art is clearly mine.
`Some of the technical papers and things like
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` Forys
` Q. What do you mean clearly yours?
` A. Well, when I cited the thing by Fred
`Andrews. Fred Andrews in a 1985 paper, I believe
`it was, he was my vice president at Bellcore. So
`I had a personal relationship with the man, and I
`was very much aware of that article. So that was
`just an obvious one for me to pull up.
` Q. Okay. I want to talk to you a little
`bit about some of your opinions regarding the PBX
` A. Sure.
` Q. Are you familiar with that category?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is it your opinion that this prior
`art discloses PBX are connected to telephones on
`one side and to PSTN tandem switch on the other
`side or that PBXs route calls to users within a
`local geographic area?
` A. I think generally, yes.
` Q. And you understand if I ever say like
`the data or the invention or the year 2000, we're
`referring to the priori data of these patents
`going back in time and figuring out what the
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` Forys
`technology looked like at that time?
` A. Sure.
` Q. So in the year 2000, do you agree
`that PSTN tandem switches did not connect
`directly to telephones?
` A. There was a category of hybrid
`switches, so I don't know that. I think there
`might have been exceptions to that.
` Q. When I say PSTN tandem switch, what
`is your definition of that?
` A. Well, I think the courts defined that
`already. It is a switch that connects two
`entities in a communication network, something
`like that, and it is not an end-office switch, I
` Q. Right.
` A. But a switch, I think it is an
`interconnection between two switches.
` Q. Do you agree that for the opinions
`that you formed in your declaration, do you agree
`that a PSTN tandem switch does not have class 5
` A. You are talking in general or as
`pertains to the patent? I don't quite understand
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` Forys
`your question.
` Q. I understand you did a declaration in
`this case, right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you had some opinions about PSTN
`tandem switches?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What is your definition of a PSTN
`tandem switch that you use in your declaration?
` A. I used a fairly narrow definition.
`By my prior art I was connecting to, the three
`or four prior arts you are talking about in
`terms of connecting to a toll switch, and toll
`switches normally don't have any lines associated
`with that, so I thought that fulfilled the
` Q. Are you familiar with what an access
`tandem is?
` A. Yes.
` Q. In the year 2000 do you agree that
`access tandem switches cannot connect directly to
` A. Generally it is true. I don't know
`it to be universally true.
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` Forys
` Q. In your declaration are you equating
`PSTN tandem switches to access tandem switches?
` A. Yes, they are exemplary. An access
`tandem is an example of a tandem switch.
` Q. What are other examples?
` A. A class 4 toll switch, for example,
`would be an example. STP would be another
`example. There are a number of them. In fact, I
`believe that the patent owner in one of the
`prosecution histories action defined it could be
`a whole range of connection devices.
` Q. So you are saying your formal
`definition, your formal construction that YMax is
`using for this case is that a PSTN tandem switch
`includes an STP?
` A. That is a possibility, yes. That
`would conform I believe to the definition that
`the court has given.
` Q. Can an STP receive voice
` A. It receives signaling for voice
`communication, yes.
` Q. You are not answering my question.
`Can an STP receive voice communication?
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` Forys
` A. Not directly it controls voice
`communication, but it sets up calls, and it sets
`up communications of other parts of the call.
` Q. So, of everything that you have named
`so far of what a tandem switch could possibly
`be, toll switch, you know, an STP, could any of
`those connect directly to telephones in the year
` A. Again, I don't know for a fact if any
`of them did. My knowledge is that the ones I
`know did not, but I can't say that with absolute
`certainty. I don't know what every toll switch
`in the United States does.
` Q. When we talk about edge switches, do
`you understand that that can also refer to a
`central office or a class 5 office?
` A. That is my understanding.
` Q. Typically in the year 2000, do you
`agree that telephones were directly connected to
`these edge switches?
` A. For the most part, yes. Yes, or say
`typical connections would be to a class 5
`end-office switch or PBX. Those were the common
`connections, but, again, it is possible that they
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` Forys
`may connect otherwise. I just don't know for a
` Q. You are an expert in this field, and
`you don't know for a fact whether or not
`telephones typically connected to end-offices?
` A. I didn't say typically. Typically
`they are. I just said that. I just don't know
`for a fact if every case it is connected to an
`end-office. I think there might be an exception,
`I just don't know. Particularly with the
`divestiture and the multiplicity of
`inter-exchange carriers, I don't know what each
`one of them does.
` Q. But you are not personally aware and
`you haven't formed any opinions that a telephone
`switch -- strike that -- that a telephone can be
`directly connected to a PSTN tandem switch,
` A. There is nothing that prohibits it
`technically. So it is possible to do that
`because there are hybrid switches around with
`the same platform as tandem or end-office quite
`commonly, so it is certainly possible for them
`to connect to it. I just don't know if they do
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` Forys
`it. The capability is there.
` Q. You keep saying hybrid switch, but
`I'm not asking about hybrid switch, I am asking
`about PSTN tandem switch.
` A. Again, a lot of the PSTN tandem
`switches could have the capability. They have
`the capabilities. Whether they use it or not, I
`don't know.
` Q. But you are not aware of anything in
`the year 2000 or prior to that that a PSTN tandem
`switch ever was connected directly to a
` A. I'm not aware of it. Technically,
`it is feasible. I'm not aware if it does happen
`or not. I don't know every long distance
`carrier in the United States. I don't know what
`they do.
` Q. You formed an opinion that an
`immediate cut-through of the voice circuit is
`precisely what is required in the substitute
`claims. Based on that, is it your opinion that
`the PSTN tandem switches that are recited in the
`amended claims be able to receive voice
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` Forys
` A. Show me the context here. I'm not
`familiar with what you are talking about. I
`vaguely recall but I'm not sure.
` Q. I want to go back to hybrid switches
`real quick, and we'll go back to your declaration
`in the context of this.
` A. Sure. Okay.
` Q. Do you agree that a hybrid switch has
`class 4 functionality and also a separate class 5
` A. It is capable of both. Yes.
` Q. Right.
` A. Capable of handling lines and pure
`trunk connections. Trunk to trunk connections.
` Q. But at any given moment, it is either
`operating as a class 5 switch or a class 4
`switch, correct?
` A. I don't know that for a fact. There
`may be examples. There is tens of thousands of
`switches in the United States, I just don't know
`what every one of them does. I know a lot, but I
`can't swear under oath that it is a fact when I
`don't know it to be a fact.
` Q. Are you aware of hybrid switches that
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` Forys
`can operate in either class, they don't have to
`operate exclusively either in a class 5 or a
`class 4 mode?
` A. Would you repeat that.
` Q. Sure. Are you aware of any hybrid
`switches that are forced only to operate in
`either class 4 or class 5?
` A. Yes. I would say the majority
`certainly would be of that nature, that they are
`usually either a class 4 or a class 5, but there
`could be ones that are combinations. It is
`technically feasible. I don't know if it
`actually happens or not. I don't know.
` Q. It sounds like you are personally
`aware of a situation where a hybrid switch
`operates in either class 4 or class 5, but you
`are not personally aware of a situation where
`they are both used together.
` A. That's correct. Technically it is
`certainly possible, I am just not aware of an
`example, but again, my knowledge is limited.
` Q. You submitted two declarations in
`this case, one against the '777 patent and one
`against the '113 patent. Is that correct?
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` Forys
` A. For the amendments you mean, yes.
` Q. Yes.
` A. Correct.
` Q. Is it a fair characterization that
`substantively they are identical, just for ease
`of the deposition?
` A. I believe that's correct. I'd have
`to look at them. That's my recollection.
` Q. I will introduce both of them into
`the record, but as we go forward, if we could
`just look over one.
` MR. WALDEN: I have no problem with
` that.
` A. Fine.
` MR. MURPHY: First, I am going to
` introduce, this is already in the record,
` Exhibit 1042. This is in the 1258 case.
` This is the declaration of Dr. Forys
` against the '777 patent, and this is the
` one I would like to use as the primary
` one.
` Then I will just keep this to the
` side, but a corollary to that that we will
` also be discussing, because it is similar
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` Forys
` to what we'll be talking about, is Exhibit
` 1045 in the 1260 case against the '113
` patent.
` Q. If you can turn to paragraph 59 of
`your declaration, when you are ready for me to
`repeat the question, let me know.
` A. Yes.
` Q. So here you see in paragraph 59 you
`have an opinion that this immediate cut-through
`of the voice circuit is precisely what is
`required in the substitute claims. Do you see
` A. Yes.
` Q. So then is it your opinion that the
`PSTN tandem switches that are recited in the
`amended claims are required to receive voice
` MR. WALDEN: Objection. Legal
` conclusion.
` A. Let me look at the claims. The
`question is whether or not it is -- what is the
`cut-through is the issue here.
` Q. Start with claim 47 on page 14 of
`your declaration.
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` Forys
` A. Yes. Yeah. I am looking at the last
`claim item here, and it says "connecting the
`first incoming call and the second call at the
`tandem access controller after the second call is
`received and answered by the communication device
`associated with the specified recipient."
` I believe that says it's the access
`tandem controller which does the connecting,
`according to this claim limitation. It says
`nothing about what the access tandem does.
` Q. In paragraph 59, when you say "This
`immediate cut-through of the voice circuit is
`precisely what is required in the substitute
`claims," what are you referring to?
` A. I am referring to the fact that SS7
`in this example that I talked about of the tandem
`connection does that. It says that when the
`answer occurs, you connect two sides of the call.
` Q. The voice circuit, right?
` A. In this example, yes.
` Q. Well, you say the "Immediate
`cut-through of the voice circuit is precisely
`what is required in the substitute claims."
` A. Yes, I see that.
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` Forys
` Q. So that is what I am trying to figure
`out. Is it then your opinion that the voice
`circuit that requires voice must traverse through
`each of the notes in the claims?
` A. No, this would be an example the way
`I think about it. This would be an example that
`would fulfill the claim limitation. My purpose,
`this is again a background section here about
`SS7, and what I am saying is that the system that
`implements SS7, if you look at the description of
`how the SS7 protocol works and the citations
`here, that would precisely fulfill the claim
`language. That is what I meant by this.
` Q. The immediate cut-through of the
`voice circuit is required in the substitute
`claims, and that part is pretty clear, right?
` A. I am saying this example would
`fulfill that claim.
` Q. Well, you say it is required. Are
`you trying to change your opinion at this
` A. No. I say, in this example, this
`would be what is required. If you had a tandem
`switch, as I described here, using SS7, that
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` Forys
`connection is exactly what is required for that
`scenario to fulfill the claim.
` Q. Right. Cutting through to the voice
` A. For the situation where I am talking
`about. Again, it is a very precise scenario I am
`describing. We have voice switch A, B and C, and
`I describe a scenario using SS7 how one makes the
`connection. In that situation, the cut-through
`that is done by SS7 fulfills the requirements of
`the claim. That is what I am saying here.
` I think you are reading too much into
`what is going on here. I don't say it is true
`universally. In this example it is true.
` Q. Typically, would a PSTN tandem switch
`in the year 2000 carry voice communications?
` A. It could, yes. Again, but the
`definition as put forth by the patent owner, it
`also would include STPs, which would not directly
`contain a voice communication, but I didn't make
`that definition. That was put forth by the
`patent owner.
` Q. Where did the patent owner put forth
`that definition?
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` Forys
` A. According to my recollection, it was
`in a prosecution history of a related patent.
` Q. Do you agree that your declaration
`doesn't refer to the prosecution history,
` A. That's correct, but I am following --
` Q. All right. That is all.
` A. I'm sorry. I am following the
`definition that the court gave. That is all.
` Q. Are you personally aware of any PSTN
`tandem switches that cannot receive voice?
` A. By the definition of the patent
`owner, yes, STP. It has been proposed to do so
`in certain patents for a patent like that has
`voice over STP. So it is technically possible.
`I don't know if it actually happens. I
`personally don't know that, but it has been
` Q. You are not personally aware as of
`the year 2000 or before of a PSTN tandem switch
`that was not capable of carrying voice?
` A. I'm not aware.
` Q. Typically --
` A. As I said, because STPs, I have seen
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` Forys
`patent proposals that they do carry voice, so
`it's technically possible to do so in a packet
` Q. I want to point you to paragraph 55
`of your declaration. Here you form an opinion
`under oath that the PSTN tandem switch as used in
`the substitute claims would understand this term
`to be interchangeable with the term "access
`tandem switch."
` A. Yes. That is not very good wording
`looking at it here.
` Q. Well, this is your opinion. This is
`what your declaration was formed on, so we are
`going to go forward with this definition.
` A. Let me say what I meant by it. What
`I meant by it is that the access tandem is an
`exemplary embodiment of a PSTN tandem switch.
`That is what I meant.
` Q. This is the only portion where you
`describe a PSTN tandem switch as far as how it
`should be construed, and you have a very precise
`opinion here that this term is interchangeable
`with the term "access tandem switch."
` A. No, it is used several places. I can
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` Forys
`give examples. For example, where it is a toll
`switch. I give examples where it is an STP. As
`I say, if you read it in context of the document,
`this is not the only place I use this. The way I
`meant to say it was -- I am an engineer, not a
`lawyer, and I wrote this -- is that the access
`tandem is an exemplary embodiment of a PSTN
`tandem switch.
` That is what I meant to say, and it
`is clear from the examples that I give throughout
`my thing that that is the way I use it, because I
`give other examples as well. I gave a class 5
`example, and that is not a PSTN. That is not an
`access tandem switch. I give an STP example, and
`that is not an access tandem switch.
` Q. Did you form opinions as part of your
`declaration that the PSTN tandem switch as
`recited in the claims could be a class 5 switch?
` A. I don't say that. I don't make that
` Q. Typically, in the year 2000, would a
`class 4 switch or an access tandem switch
`typically receive voice communications?
` A. Sure. It also receives data
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` Forys
`communication as well.
` Q. Are you aware of any class 4 switches
`or access tandem switches in the year 2000 that
`could not receive voice communications?
` A. I'm not aware.
` Q. I am going to introduce the '777
`patent. This is Exhibit 1001 in the 1258
`proceeding. Did you review this document before?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I point your attention to figure 5.
`Do you understand what this figure 5 is? What
`this flow chart is describing?
` A. Do I know what it describes?
` Q. Yes.
` A. It is labeled incoming call to
` Q. In the first box, it says "Receiving
`an incoming call request from a PSTN tandem
` Do you understand that's the first
`box that is being done by the tandem access
` A. I believe so. It is described in the
`thing. If I could refresh myself, I would
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` Forys
`appreciate that.
` Q. Sure.
` A. This is figure 5, I believe. First
`of all, let me just make sure how it is labeled.
`I am looking at column 4. It says "Figure 5 is a
`flow chart of a method that can be performed by
`the TAC in response to an inbound call to the
` Okay. Now let me look, because I
`know it is detailed here. I am looking at column
`5 here. Column 5, line 53 to column 6, line 16,
`I believe, describes what figure 5 says.
` Q. So we are in agreement then that
`these are tasks performed by the TAC?
` A. That is what it says. In fact, it
`says "Figure 5 is a flow chart of actions taken
`by the TAC 10 in response to an inbound call."
` Yes. That's correct.
` Q. So you agree that the TAC receives
`the first incoming call from a PSTN tandem
`switch, right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And then there is some -- so this
`middle box of the flow chart is going to look at
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` Forys
`the control criteria, and then it is going to
`send a second call request. Right?
` A. Yes. I am looking at the box here
`after "Information required, no, determine
`outbound calling number," and then it sends the
`call request to the PSTN tandem. I guess that is
`the second call.
` Q. And then before it determines whether
`or not the TAC should connect the first call to
`the second call, it determines if the second call
`has been answered. Correct?
` A. It is written in a negative sense.
`It says "No answer? No."
` Yes. Logically it is correct. It
`took me a while to figure that out.
` Q. I want to point you to column 4,
`lines 59 through 62. The sentence reads "When
`the subscriber 12 terminates or answers the
`second call, the TAC 10 terminates the first call
`and connects it to the second call, thereby
`connecting the caller party 20 to the subscriber
` Are you familiar with this
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` Forys
` A. Yes.
` Q. So do you see that first clause where
`it says "When the subscriber 12 terminates or
`answers the second call"?
` A. Yes.
` Q. In the context of this sentence, what
`does it mean for the subscriber to answer the
` A. Again, the plain ordinary meaning, I
`presume that answering means that the party in
`this case would pick up the phone, for example.
`This is if you are calling a regular telephone,
`but what is confusing about this sentence is it
`also allows a termination to make the connection,
`and that doesn't make any sense to me.
` Q. Let's go one step at a time. So when
`it goes off hook or the phone gets picked up,
`does an A&M message get generated as part of the
` A. In the context of, if it was to a
`PSTN phone, I believe that is the case here, I
`believe that is the case, yes, an A&M message, an
`answer message, SS7 answer message, is sent
`through the network to tandem, back to the
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` Forys
`originating office wherever the call came from,
`that the party has answered.
` Q. In the context of this first clause,
`"When the subscriber terminates or answers the
`second call," does the word "terminate" have any
`other meaning to you other than answer?
` A. Yes. If you look at the --
` Q. I just want to know what your
`definition of what "terminate" can mean in this
` A. I don't know, because I'm saying if
`you look at the abstract, it gives an example
`what terminates means. Terminates to one of
`ordinary skill in the art means to end, and it
`says here, I am looking at the abstract, "If the
`call at an end unit is answered, answer
`supervision signaling is transmitted back to the
`processing system, which then terminates all
`other calls."
` That says it ends them, and that is a
`clear way that this terminate is used in this
`patent, so when I see it here, I am very
`confused. It certainly can't mean answered
`because here it says you end the call.
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580
`FOCAL IP, LLC EX 2071 - 27
`Forys Deposition Transcript


`Page 28
` Forys
` So unless you are using two different
`meanings of terminate or some ambiguous meaning,
`I just don't know what this means. Certainly it
`distinguishes "terminates" from "answers." That
`it does do.
` Q. All right.
` A. But I'm not quite sure what
`"terminate" means.
` Q. All right. Back to the original
`question. Other than in the context of the first
`clause in this sentence, you are unable to give a
`definition of what "terminates" can mean other
`than what "answers," other than meaning "an

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