
`Original NDA 21_‘023
`Secuon 1
`Allergan Confidential
`Cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion
`2525 Dupont Drive, P.O. Box 19534, Irvine. Calitomia, USA 92623-9534 Telephone: (714; 246-4500 Wehsita:
`Under the provisions of Section 306(k) of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act,
`Allergan, Inc. has made a diligent effort to insure that no individual, corporation,
`partnership or association debarred under Section 306(a) or 306(b) of the Act, as
`referenced above, has provided any services in connection with this application.
` éM&2
`Peter Kresel, MS, MBA
`Sr. Vice President. Global Regulatory Affairs
`Allergan, Inc.


`Allergan Confidential
`Cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion
`2525 Dupont Drive, PO. Box 19534, lrvine. California‘ USA 92623-9534 Telephone: !71-‘) 246-4500 Website:
`Original ND? 21.02?
`Allergan, Inc. hereby certifies that the Chemistry, Manufacturing and Control section of
`this New Drug Application along with a copy of FDA Form 356h and the Summary
`section have been submitted to the FDA Dallas District Office as required by 21 CFR
`314.50(k)(3). We further certify that the field copy is an identical copy of the sections as
`they ppear in the archival and review copy of the application.
`Peter Kresel, MS, MBA
`Sr. Vice President, Global Regulatory Affairs
`Allergan, Inc.


`Allcrgan ‘Confidential
`Cyclospormc ophthalmic emulsion
`Original NDA 21-023
`Section I
`Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 251 /Thursday, December 31, 1998 /Rules and Regulations
`Public "°8'“' 58"/rcv
`Food and Drug Administration
`Form Approved: oivle No. xxxx-xxxx
`Expiatlon om: xxrxxlxx
`lMth respect to all covered clinical studies (or specific clinical studies listed below (it appropriatell sub—
`mitted In support of this application, I certify to one of the statements below as appropriate. I understand
`that this certification is made in compliance with 21 CFR part 54 end that for the purposes of this
`statement, a clinical investigator includes the spouse and each dependent child of the investigator as
`defined in 21 CFR 54.2(di.
`Please mark the applicable chtckbax.
`I certify that I have not entered into any financial
`w (1) As the sponsor of the submitted studies,
`arrangement with the listed clinical investigators (enter names of clinical investigators below or
`attach list of names to this forml whereby the value of compensation to the investigator could be
`affected by the outcome of the study as defined In 21 CFR 54.2(el. I also certify that each listed
`clinical investigator required to disclose to the sponsor whether the investigator had a proprietary
`interest in this product or a significant equity in the sponsor as defined in 21 CFR 54.2(bl did not
`disclose any such interests.
`I further certify that no listed investigator was the recipient of
`significant payments of other sorts as defined in 21 CFR 54.2(f).
`List Attached
`D (2) As the applicant who is submitting a study or studies sponsored by a firm or party other than the
`I certify that based on information obtained from the sponsor or from participating
`clinical investigators, the listed clinical Investigators (attach list of names to this forml did not
`participate in any financial arrangement with the sponsor of a covered study whereby the value
`of compensation to the investigator for conducting the study could be effected by the outcome
`of the study (as defined in 21 CFR 54.2(ali; had no proprietary interest in this product or
`significant equity interest in the sponsor of the covered study (as defined in 21 CFR 5-‘&.2(b)l: and
`was not the recipient of significant payments of other sorts (as defined in 21 CFR 54.2(fll.
`As the applicant who is submitting a study or studies sponsored by a firm or party other than the
`I certify that
`I have acted with due diligence to obtain from the listed clinical
`investigators (attach list of names) or from the sponsor the information required under 54.4 and
`it was not possible to do so. The reason why this information could not be obtained is attached.
`Francis R. Tunney, Jr.
`Allergan, Inc.
`Acting Chief Financial Officer
`info:I:?n unless rx dlsplxys . ;::$y valid om mirror mum. nrmic reporting burden for this
`oolloclion of’ inforrnation is esurreua to rrv-rage I hour per respom.
`including time for reviewing
`irrslmctinns, snrching existing data sources. gathering and rnainnlniru the necessity data. and
`eompletuu an reviewing Ibo oouenron of information. Sad comments regarding rim burden
`FORM FDA 3464 noise)
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`Allergan Confidential
`Cyclospozine ophthalmic emulsion
`Original NDA 21-023
`Section 1

`Allcrgan Confidential
`Cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion
`Original NDA 21-O23
`Section 1

`Allergan Confidential
`Cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion
`Original NDA 21-O23
`Section 1

`Allergan Confidential
`Cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion
`Original NDA 21-023
`Section 1
`Federal Register/Vol. 63. No. 251 /Thursday. December 31, 1998 / Rules and Regulations
`Hiblic Health Service
`Food and Drug Administration
`Form Approved: OMB No. XXXX-XXXX
`Expgngon 3...; xx/xx/xx
`The following information concerning
`Marvin Greenberg
`, who par-
`ticipated as a clinical
`investigator in the submitted study
`Cyclosporine Ophthalmic emulsion, is submitted in accordance with 21 CFR part
`54. The named individual has participated in financial arrangements or holds financial interests
`that are required to be disclosed as follows:
`Please mark the applicable chcckbaxex.
`C] any financial arrangement entered into between the sponsor of the covered study and the
`clinical investigator involved in the conduct of the covered study, whereby the value of the
`compensation to the clinical investigator for conducting the study could be influenced by
`the outcome of the study;
`any significant payments of other sorts made on or after February 2, 1999 from the spon-
`ear of the covered study such as a grant to fund ongoing research, compensation in the
`form of equipment, retainer for ongoing consultation. or honoraria:
`any proprietary interest in the product tested in the covered study held by the clinical
`[3 any significant equity interest as defined in 21 CFR 54.2lb), held by the clinical
`gator in the sponsor of the covered study.
`Details of the individual’s disclosable financial arrangements and interests are attached, along
`with a description of steps taken to minimize the potential bias of clinical study results by any
`of the disclosed arrangements or interests.
`Francis K. Tunney, Jr.
`Acting Chief Financial Officer
`Allergan , Inc .
`sncmrr E
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`Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
`wrlrnlllllnbu. hifliciwmircmmmlwmhodleabnofmmrnfimiudiuudnavungcbhmmpnreqaoue. ixhdintimeforreviewing
`FORM FDA 3455 (10/98)
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`Allergan Confidential
`Cy closporine ophthalmic emulsion
`Original ND? 2t1i'02?
`BC on
`Financial Disclosure by Clinical Investigators (U.S.)
`Financial Disclosure by Clinical Investigators
`investigator or Subinvestigalor Name
`(Lzst. rim, Middle mm)
`Study Number
`On-Illi-II; motiitoring (Only to be done for
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`Allergan Confidential
`Cyclospotine ophthalmic emulsion
`Ofiginal NDA 21_‘023
`5600011 1
`Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. Z51/Thursday. December 31, 1998 /Rules and Regulations
`Nblic “B-lth SHNWI
`Food and Drug Administration
`Form Applavod: OMB No. )O00(~XXXX
`E:-plnaon om: xxnouxx
`The following information concerning
`0 - Dara Stevenson
`, who par-
`ticipated as a clinical
`investigator in the submitted study
`Cyclosporine °Phtha1miC emulsion , is submitted in accordance with 21 CFR part
`54. The named individual has participated in financial arrangements or holds financial interests
`that are required to be disclosed as follows:
`Plea: mark the applicable checkbaxcs.
`D any financial arrangement entered into between the sponsor of the covered study and the
`clinical investigator involved in the conduct of the covered study, whereby the value of the
`compensation to the clinical investigator for conducting the study could be influenced by
`the outcome of the study;
`any significant payments of other sorts made on or after February 2, 1999 from the spon-
`sor of the covered study such as a grant to fund ongoing research. compensation in the
`form of equipment. retainer for ongoing consultation, or honoraria;
`any proprietary interest in the product tested in the covered study held by the clinical
`H any significant equity interest as defined in 21 CFR 54.207), held by the clinical investi-
`gator in the sponsor of the covered study.
`Details of the individual’s disclosable financial arrangements and interests are attached, along
`with a description of steps taken to minimize the potential bias of clinical study results by any
`of the disclosed arrangements or interests.
`Francis R. Tunney, Jr.
`Allergan, Inc.
`%C_.._- M. 7‘
`Acting Chief Financial Officer
`eoottolmniaa. Public rqamingh:dmfmmbmllu:ieno(hd'mnunmi1esfilIIandnwa1¢e4hnmper=q»u:.
`5600 Fisher: Lane, Room l4C—03
`Itockville. MD N837
`FORM FDA 3455 (10/98)
`I:-Inn--‘gnu.-h-usnmtaa. muunm

`Allergan Confidennal
`Cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion
`0 ‘
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`Financial Dlsdolure by Clinical Investigaton (U.S.)
`Financial Disclbsure by Clinial Investigators
`Invesdgnm oz Subinvesxialxol Name
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`Allergan Confidential
`Cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion
`Original NDA 21-023
`St‘-Ctiofl 1
`Electronic Copy of the NDA
`Included with this paper copy of this NDA are 4 CD Rom disks which contain an electronic
`copy of the entire NDA. The files on the CDs were created by the CoreDossier® Publishing
`System (version 3.1.2), and are in Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf). The files can be
`navigated by use of a large blue circular pointer on the first and last page of each electronic
`volume. The files can also be navigated by viewing the volview.pdf or docview.pdf files in
`the System Folder located on Disk 1. If more detailed information or instructions are
`needed, please contact Allergan at (714) 246-4391.
`Color Copies of Photographs
`Color copies of photographs within the following studies will be found immediately after the
`black and white version of the same page. The duplicate pages with the color photographs
`are not paginated.
`Topical ophthalmic evaluation of cyclosporine
`(0.05%,0.2% bid for 12 weeks) in dry eye dogs.
`Allergan, 1998.
`Evaluation of topical cyclosporine (0.2% bid for 12
`weeks) in dry eye dogs. Effects on lymphocytic and
`acinar epithelial cell apoptosis are evaluated. Allergan,
`VOL 13 p_ 342
`VOL 13 p_ 355
`Investigator Summary Report of Conjunctival Biopsy
`VOL 85 p_ 029

`Allergan Confidential
`Cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion
`Original NDA 21-023
`Section 1
`. In some places in the NDA on Index entries, certain tabs and volume cover pages, the clinical
`study reports are listed by the following numbers:
`192_3_71-O02 or 192131-002 and 192fl 1-003 or 1927_31—O03
`A typographical error was made in some locations; the correct project number is 1923]].
`Replacement Investigator
`During the conduct of clincal study 192371-003, Allergan was informed by Dr. Robert
`Laibovitz that he was unable to continue in the study. Allergan informed the Agency at that
`time. The study patients were transferred to Dr. Thomas Walters in Austin, Texas.
`Dr. Walters’ name and address information was inadvertently omitted from Section 8.2
`Investigators, INDs and NDAs, Table 8.2.1 List of Investigators. This information is
`included below. However, Dr. Walters’ Curriculum Vitae and Statement of Investigator Form
`1572 are included in Section 8.11.3, Clinical Study Report 192371-003, Appendix 14.3,
`Principal Investigator Curricula Vitae and Copies of Statement of Investigator Forms 1572.
`[vol. 62 p.315]
`Table 8.2.1
`Investigator List (amendment)
`Principal Investigator
`Investigator Number
`Study Identifier
`Thomas R. Walters, M.D.
`Texan Eye Care
`1700 South Mopac
`Austin, TX 78746


`Allergan Confidential
`Original NDA 21-O23
`Cyclospoiine ophthalmic emulsion
`Section 2
`0 Section 2 LABELING .
`Section 2
`. 1
`. 1


`Original NDA 21-023
`Section 2
`Allergan Confidential
`Cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion
`-E: Allergan, Inc.
`(cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion) 0.05%
`Sterile, Preservative-Free
`RESTASISTM (cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion) 0.05% is an immunomodulator with anti-
`inflammatory effects when used in patients with dry—eye disease. Cyc1osporine’s chemical name
`is Cyclo[[(E)—(2S,3R,4R)-3—hydroxy—4—methyl—2—(methylamino)-6-octenoyl]-L-2-aminobutyryl-
`]eucyl—N—methyl—L—leucyl-N-methyl-L-valyl] and it has the following structure:
`Formula: C52H111N11O12
`M01. Wt;
`Cyclosporine is a fine white powder. RESTASISTM appears as a white opaque to slightly
`translucent homogeneous emulsion. It has an Osmolality of 240 to 280 mOsmol/kg and a pH of
`Each mL of RESTASISTM contains: Active ingredient: cyclosporine 0.05%. Inactives: carbomer
`1342; castor oil; glycerin; polysorbate 80; sodium hydroxide to adjust the pH; and purified

`Allergan Confidential
`Cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion
`Original NDA 21-023
`S6Ct10I1 2
`Mechanism of action:
`In dry—eye disease, cyclosporine emulsion acts as a potent, but selective immunomodulator, an
`anti-inflammatory agent, and a direct inhibitor of pathological epithelial apoptosis.
`Cyclosporine leaves critical functions of host immunity intact (Belin et al, 1990; Kahan, 1994;
`Kahan et al, 1983). Only the early stages of T-cell activation (helper T-cells) and not the
`lymphocytic effector stages responsible for elimination of intruder cells are suppressed (Borel et
`al, 1996; Kahan, 1989).
`Topical cyclosporine emulsion achieves its immunomodulatory activity by inhibiting the
`activation of NF-KB, a nuclear factor involved in the regulation of immune and pro-
`inflammatory cytokine response genes, such as TNF, IL-1, IL-2, and IL-8 (Meyer et al, 1997;
`Boss et al, 1998).
`Helper T cells identified in the tissues of the ocular surface and lacrimal glands play an
`important role not only in the immune response, but also in the inflammatory response through
`cytokine synthesis. Cyclosporine prevents the synthesis and/or secretion of several pro-
`inflammatory cytokines (Schliephake et al, 1997; Mitruka et al, 1998; Svecova et al, 1998; Pette
`et al, 1997). It is also known to upregulate secretion of anti-inflammatory cytokines (van der
`Pouw Kraan et al, 1996).
`Inhibition of pathological apoptosis:
`Inflammatory conditions can direct pathological apoptosis of secretory acinar epithelial cells and
`facilitate accumulation of lymphocytic infiltrates within the lacrimal glands and conjunctival
`epithelium. These events result in loss of normal glandular structure and it’s secretory function.
`Cyclosporine has been reported to be a direct inhibitor of pathological apoptosis of acinar
`epithelium cells (Scorrano et al, 1997) and has been shown to reverse pathological acinar
`apoptosis and lymphocyte proliferation in dry eye dogs (Gao et al, 1998).

`Allergan Confidential
`Cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion
`Original NDA 21-023
`Section 2
`Blood cyclosporin A concentrations were measured using a specific high pressure liquid
`chromatography—mass spectrometry assay. Blood concentrations of cyclosporine A, in all the
`samples collected, after topical administration of RESTASISTM 0.05%, BID, in humans for up to
`12 months, were below the quantitation limit of 0.1 ng/ml. (study reports PK—98—109, PK—98—
`112). These levels are more than 6550 times lower than those measured during systemic
`cyclosporine treatment for non—life-threatening indications. There was no detectable drug
`accumulation in blood during 12 months of treatment with RESTASIS”. As a result of these
`findings no renal or hepatic cytotoxicity would be expected to occur following the use of
`Maximal concentrations obtained from rabbit and dog studies indicate that the great majority of
`drug contained in ocular tissues after ophthalmic administration resides in the outer layers of the
`eye, and that little penetrates to the interior (study reports PK—95-010, PK—96-016, PK-96-017,
`and PK—98—074). High concentrations and long half—lives in ocular surface tissues suggest that
`these tissues act as a reservoir for cyclosporine, sequestering cyclosporine and releasing it slowly
`over prolonged periods. Half-lives in conjunctiva, cornea and sclera after multiple ophthalmic
`doses to albino rabbits ranged from 32 to 52 hours (study reports PK—95—OlO & PK—98—074).
`Half-lives in beagle dogs after multiple ophthalmic doses were also longer than 24 hours (study
`reports PK—96—016 & PK—96—017).
`Cyclosporine is not metabolized by ocular tissues in albino rabbits.
`Clinical Evaluations:
`RESTASISTM achieved clinically and statistically significant results versus vehicle for the
`individual parameters corneal staining, blurred vision, categorized Schirmer with anesthesia, and
`reduction in artificial tear use. Improvement from baseline with RESTASISTM was seen in
`virtually all efficacy parameters (study reports 192371-002 & 192371-003). In addition no
`bacterial or fungal ocular infections were reported following administration of RESTASIS TM
`(study reports 192371-001, 192371-002 & 192371-003).

`Allergan Confidential
`Cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion
`Original NDA 21-023
`S6Cti0D 2
`Results of additional tests performed in the clinical trial following 6 months of treatment
`showed that RESTASISTM reduces the inflammation, immune reactivity underlying KCS and
`improves ocular surface health and tear film in dry—eye patients with and without Sj6gren’s
`syndrome (tertiary reports: conjunctival biopsies, 1999; IL-6, 1999; goblet cell density, 1999).
`Inflammatory cytokine IL-6 levels in the conjunctival epithelium showed a statistically
`significant decrease from baseline (tertiary report IL-6, 1999). Conjunctival biopsies showed:
`the immune activation marker HLA-DR decreased 34% compared to a 160% increase with
`vehicle, the inflammation marker CD11a decreased 11% compared to a 104% increase with
`vehicle, CD3 (total T cells) and CD8 (T suppressor cells) decreased compared to an increase
`with vehicle, goblet cell density increased 191% compared to an increase of only 13% with
`vehicle (tertiary reports: conjunctival biopsies, 1999; goblet cell density, 1999).
`RESTASISTM is indicated for the treatment of moderate to severe keratoconjunctivitis sicca; it
`restores and maintains normal tear secretion and ocular surface integrity while providing relief
`of symptoms associated with dry—eye (NDA Section 8.6).
`RESTASISTM is contraindicated in patients with active, ocular infection and in patients with
`previously demonstrated hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients in the formulation.
`RESTASISTM has not been studied in patients with a history of recurrent herpes keratitis.
`Information for Patients:
`To avoid contamination, do not touch the tip of the via] to the eye or any other surface. Use the
`contents of the vial within 12 hours after opening and discard. RESTASISTM should not be
`administered while wearing contact lenses. Patients should be advised not to discontinue
`therapy prematurely. Also refer to attached patient information.

`Allergan Confidential
`Cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion
`Original NDA 21-023
`56611011 2
`Drug Interactions:
`There is little information regarding the interaction of ophthalmic drugs co-administered with
`topical ophthalmic cyclosporine. Systemic exposure of cyclosporin A from RESTASISTM is
`minimal. Therefore, no interaction of topically applied RESTASISTM with systemic drugs is
`expected to occur.
`Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, and Impairment of Fertility:
`Systemic carcinogenicity studies were carried out in male and female mice and rats. In the 78-
`week oral (diet) mouse study, at doses of 1, 4, and 16 mg/kg/day, evidence of a statistically
`significant trend was found for lymphocytic lymphomas in females, and the incidence of
`hepatocellular carcinomas in mid-dose males significantly exceeded the control value.
`In the 24-month oral (diet) rat study, conducted at 0.5, 2, and 8 mg/kg/day, pancreatic islet cell
`adenomas significantly exceeded the control rate in the low dose level. The hepatocellular
`carcinomas and pancreatic islet cell adenomas were not dose related (PDR NEORAL®, 1998).
`The low doses in mice and rats are approximately 1000 and 500 times greater, respectively, than
`the daily human dose of one drop (35 uL) of RESTASISTM BID into each eye (0.001 mg/kg),
`assuming that the entire dose is absorbed.
`Cyclosporine has not been found mutagenic/genotoxic in the Ames Test, the V79-HGPRT Test,
`the micronucleus test in mice and Chinese hamsters, the chromosome-aberration tests in Chinese
`hamster bone—marrow, the mouse dominant lethal assay, and the DNA—repair test in sperm from
`treated mice. A recent study analyzing sister chromatid exchange (SCE) induction by
`Cyclosporine using human lymphocytes in vitro gave indication of a positive effect (i.e.,
`induction of SCE), at high concentrations in this system (PDR NEORALQ, 1998).
`No impairment in fertility was demonstrated in studies in male and female rats (PDR
`NEORAL®, 1998).

`Allergan Confidential
`Cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion
`Pregnancy Category: B
`Original NDA 21-O23
`Section 2
`Teratogenic effects: Cyclosporine was found to be non—teratogenic in appropriate test systems.
`Rats at up to 17 mg/kg/day and rabbits at up to 30 mg/kg/day, dosed with cyclosporine oral
`solution, USP proved to be without any embryolethal or teratogenic effects (Sandoz NDA 50-
`573 and 50-574).
`These doses in rats and rabbits are approximately 17,000 and 30,000 times greater, respectively,
`than the daily human dose of one drop (35 ul) RESTASISTM BID into each eye (0.001 mg/kg),
`assuming that the entire dose is absorbed.
`Non-Teratogenic effects: Adverse effects were seen in reproduction studies in rats only at dose
`levels toxic to dams. At toxic doses (rats at 30 mg/kg/day and rabbits at 100 mg/kg/day),
`cyclosporine oral solution, USP, was embryo— and fetotoxic as indicated by increased pre— and
`postnatal mortality and reduced fetal weight together with related skeletal retardations (Sandoz
`NDA 50-573 and 50-574). These doses are 30,000 times and 100,000 times greater, respectively
`than the daily human dose of one-drop (35 ul) of RESTASISTM BID into each eye (0.001
`mg/kg), assuming that the entire dose is absorbed.
`There are no adequate and well-controlled studies of RESTASISTM in pregnant women.
`RESTASISTM should be administered to a pregnant woman only if clearly needed.
`Nursing Mothers:
`Cyclosporine is known to be excreted in human milk following systemic administration but
`excretion in human milk after topical treatment has not been investigated. Although blood
`concentrations are undetectable after topical administration of RESTASISTM, caution should be
`exercised when RESTASISTM is administered to a nursing woman.
`Pediatric Use:
`The safety and efficacy of RESTASISTM have not been established in pediatric patients.

`Allergan Confidential
`Cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion
`Geriatric Use:
`Original NDA 21-023
`3605011 2
`No overall difference in safety or effectiveness have been observed between elderly and younger
`The most common adverse event following the use of RESTASISTM was ocular burning (16%).
`Other events reported in 1% to 3% of patients (in order of decreasing incidence) included ocular
`stinging/irritation, discharge, foreign body sensation, pruritus, conjunctiva] hyperemia,
`photophobia, visual disturbance (blurred Vision), headache, eyelid edema, and eye pain (NDA
`Section 8.7).
`The recommended dosage is one drop of RESTASISTM instilled twice a day in each eye
`approximately 12 hours apart. RESTASISTM can be used concomitantly with artificial tears.
`Invert the unit dose via] a few times to obtain a uniform, white, opaque emulsion before using.
`RESTASISTM was investigated for up to 12 months during clinical trials for moderate to severe
`keratoconjunctivitis sicca.
`RESTASISTM (cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion) 0.05% is available as a sterile preservative-
`free emulsion supplied in vials as follows:
`Store RESTASISTM at 25° C (77° F); excursions permitted to 15°—30° C (59°—86° F). Do not
`Rx Only
`©1999 Allergan, Inc.
`Irvine, CA 92612, U.S.A.

`Allergan Confidential
`Cyclosporinc ophthalmic emulsion
`Original NDA 21-023
`Section 2
`Pharmacist: Please cut or tear at dotted line and provide this patient package insert to
`your customer.
`RESTASISTM (cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion) 0.05%
`Sterile, Preservative-Free
`Please read this leaflet carefully before you start to use your medicine. If you have any
`questions, or are not sure about anything, ask your doctor or pharmacist.
`You are one of millions of people who have a condition called “dry eye.” The medical term for
`this is keratoconjunctivitis sicca, or KCS. Your doctor has prescribed RESTASISTM because it
`has been proven to be an effective way to treat the combination of uncomfortable symptoms and
`underlying inflammation, which characterize dry eye disease.
`The following information will answer many of the questions you may have about your
`condition or your medicine. It is important that you understand dry eye and the treatment your
`doctor has prescribed.
`What are tears?
`There are two kinds of tears: those produced naturally to lubricate and nourish your eyes, and
`those produced in response to irritation or emotions. Both are necessary for your eyes to
`function properly.
`Natural tears form a film over your eyes to protect them from irritation and keep them
`moisturized and lubricated. This tear film also contains nutrients that help keep your eyes
`healthy. Blinking helps spread the tear film over the entire surface of your eyes. Insufficient
`tear production can lead to redness, pain, and even scanin g of the cornea (the transparent part of
`the eye that covers the pupil and iris.)

`Allergan Confidential
`Cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion
`What is dry eye?
`Original NDA 21-023
`Section 2
`Dry eye is a reduction in your eyes’ ability to produce sufficient natural tears. It results from a
`chronic underlying inflammatory

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