Disassembly of Executable Code Revisited
`fbschwarz, debray,
`Gregory Andrews
`Saumya Debray
`Benjamin Schwarz
`Department of Computer Science
`University of Arizona
`Tucson, AZ 85721
`Machine code disassembly routines form a fundamental component of software systems that statically analyze
`or modify executable programs. The task of disassembly is complicated by indirect jumps and the presence of non-
`executable data—jump tables, alignment bytes, etc.—in the instruction stream. Existing disassembly algorithms are
`not always able to cope successfully with executable files containing such features and fail silently—i.e., produce
`incorrect disassemblies without any indication that the results they are producing are incorrect. This can be a serious
`problem, since it can compromise the correctness of a binary rewriting tool. In this paper we examine two commonly-
`used disassembly algorithms and illustrate their shortcomings. We propose a hybrid approach that performs better
`than these algorithms in the sense that it is able to detect situations where the disassembly may be incorrect and limit
`the extent of such disassembly errors. Experimental results indicate that the algorithm is quite effective: the amount
`of code flagged as incurring disassembly errors is usually quite small.
`1 Introduction
`There has been a significant amount of attention focused on binary rewriting and link-time code optimization in recent
`years [5, 6, 15, 17, 19]. A fundamental requirement of any software system that aims to statically analyze or modify an
`executable program is accurate disassembly of its machine code instructions. The task of recovering these instructions
`is often complicated by the presence of non-executable data—jump tables, alignment bytes, etc.—in the instruction
`stream. This poses a chicken-and-egg problem: we cannot identify the instructions without knowing what is data, and
`vice versa. The fact that link-time binary modification tools have to be prepared to deal with hand-coded assembly
`routines, e.g., due to statically linked libraries, complicates the problem further because it means that we cannot always
`assume that the code follows familiar source-level conventions (e.g., that a function has a single entry point) or uses
`recognizable compiler idioms.
`The presence of variable-length instructions—commonly found in CISC architectures such as the widely used
`Intel x86—results in an additional degree of complexity, and renders simple heuristics for extracting instruction se-
`quences ineffective. In this paper we examine techniques currently used for disassembly, discuss their drawbacks, and
`introduce an improved method for the extraction of instructions from a statically-linked binary that contains relocation
`information. Our algorithm is capable of identifying jump tables embedded within the text segment, offset tables for
`position independent code (PIC) sequences, and data inserted for alignment purposes, e.g., to align loop headers. Most
`importantly, it is able to avoid some disassembly errors that can occur when using existing disassembly techniques.
`We have implemented our approach in PLTO, a post-link-time optimizer for the Intel x86 architecture. Experimen-
`tal results indicate that our algorithm is able to cope with statically linked executables containing highly optimized
`hand-coded assembly code with a high degree of precision, identifying potential disassembly problems rather than
`failing silently and limiting the extent of such problems to a small portion of the input executables.
`2 Preliminaries
`2.1 Relocation Information
`Linkers are capable of producing relocation tables at each stage during the linking process. By default, the final
`executables do not contain relocation information because it is not needed by the loader to re-map the program.
`However, many binary rewriting frameworks that carry out translation or optimization utilize such information. The
`tables are used to identify the bit-sequences in the executable that correspond to addresses of the program. A single
`This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grants CCR-0073394, EIA-0080123, and CCR-0113633.
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`entry in the table usually contains:i a section offset,ii a bit that specifies whether the relocation is PC-relative or
`absolute, andiii the width (typically the size of an address on the architecture) of the relocation.
`Systems that analyze and transform machine code programs use this information in much the same way that linkers
`do. After the code has been moved around, references to addresses have changed, and they need to be updated to reflect
`their new position in the executable. Without knowledge about the locations of address, a binary modification system
`has to be fairly conservative in the kinds of code transformations it is able to effect. The remainder of this paper
`assumes that relocation tables are available in the executable. We do not feel this is unnecessarily onerous: a user
`who is sufficiently concerned about performance to use a link-time optimizer seems likely to be willing to invoke the
`compiler with the additional flags needed to retain relocation information. Other binary rewriting systems, notably
`OM [19] and Atom [18], have the same requirement, and most linkers are capable of producing these tables.
`2.2 Position-Independent Code
`Many compilers can be instructed to emit code that does not rely on being bound to any particular position in the
`program’s address space. These code sequences are often referred to as position-independent code (PIC). In particular,
`PIC sequences do not contain any relocatable addresses embedded in the instructions. This property enables the code
`to work regardless of its memory location at runtime. Furthermore, PIC does not need to be patched by the loader,
`enabling it to be mapped as read-only data—which is useful for shared code such as dynamically linked libraries [14].
`When a compiler is emitting position-independent code it typically creates jump tables that are also position-
`independent. These tables are usually embedded in the text segment of the executable and consist of a sequence of
`offsets rather than virtual addresses. A jump that uses the offset table first loads a nearby address, 1 then uses this
`to index into the table and retrieve an offset. The offset is added to the address that was previously loaded and then
`used in an indirect jump to reach the desired destination. The problems posed by position-independent jump tables are
`three-fold:i the offset tables, which are really no different than data, appear in the instruction stream;ii the code
`recognizable; andiii it is entirely possible that an offset table does not contain relocation entries. Taken together,
`sequences that perform the indirect jumps are often complicated and may not adhere to a single pattern that is easily
`these properties make the task of disassembling PIC sequences involving jump tables more difficult than standard
`3 Two Methods for Instruction Disassembly
`3.1 Linear Sweep
`A straightforward approach to disassembly is to decode everything appearing in sections of the executable that are
`typically reserved for machine code. This method is used by programs such as the GNU utility objdump [9] as well as
`by link-time optimizers such as alto [15], OM [19], and Spike [6]. Its main advantage is simplicity. However, it has
`the disadvantage that any data that is embedded in the instruction stream is misinterpreted as code and disassembled.
`Only under special circumstances (such as when an invalid opcode is decoded) can these situations be discovered.
`The problem is illustrated by the code fragment shown in Figure 1, taken from the machine code for the func-
`tion strrchr in the standard C library (libc) under RedHat Linux on a Pentium III processor. Starting at address
`0x809ef47, three NULL bytes of data (0x00, shown highlighted) were inserted to push the loop header at address
`0x809ef4a forward, presumably for alignment purposes. The NULL bytes and subsequent instructions are misin-
`terpreted by the utility objdump, as it uses the scheme described above to decode instructions. By inspection, we can
`figure out that the jump at address 0x809efaa targets the middle of what objdump belives to be an instruction. In
`addition, the instructions it decoded are rather suspicious in their current context (the add at address 0x809ef49 ref-
`erences an absolute memory location that does not even appear in the scope of executable!). The instruction sequence
`is clearly invalid, but the linear sweep algorithm is unable to discern data from code.
`The problem in this case arises because on the Intel x86 architecture, a NULL byte can be a valid opcode; it would
`not have arisen if the programmer had used nop instructions to force alignment. However, the larger point illustrated
`by this example remains valid: Data embedded in the text segment can be misidentified as code by the linear sweep
`algorithm, and this can cause disassembly errors in some or all of the remainder of the instruction stream.
`1On the Intel x86 this is done using a ‘call 0’ instruction followed by a ‘pop %eax’ instruction, which has the effect of storing the latter
`instruction’s address into register %eax.
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`0x809ef45: eb 3c
`00 00
`0x809ef4a: 83 ee 04 83 ee
`0x809ef4f: 04 83
`0x809efaa: 73 9e
`jmp 0x809ef83
`add %al, (%eax)
`add %al,
`add $0x83, %al
`jae 0x809ef4a
`Figure 1: An Example of Disassembly Problems using Linear Sweep
`3.2 Recursive Traversal
`The problem with the linear sweep algorithm, illustrated by the example in Figure 1, is that it does not take into
`account the control flow behavior of the program: in particular, the jmp instruction immediately before the three
`NULL bytes inserted for alignment. As a result, it is unable to discern that these alignment bytes are not reachable
`during execution, and mistakenly interprets them as executable code. An obvious fix would be to take into account
`the control flow behavior of the program being disassembled in order to determine what to disassemble. Intuitively,
`whenever we encounter a branch instruction during disassembly, we determine the possible control flow successors of
`that instruction, i.e., addresses where execution could continue, and proceed with disassembly at those addresses (e.g.,
`for a conditional branch instruction we would consider the branch target and the fall-through address).
`Variations on this basic approach to disassembly, which we term recursive traversal, are used by a number of
`binary translation and optimization systems [3, 20]. A virtue of the algorithm is its simplicity and effectiveness in
`avoiding disassembly of data. The basic algorithm for recursive traversal is:
`proc Disassemble(Addr, instrList)
`if (Addr has already been visited)
`instr = DecodeInstr(Addr);
`Addr.visited = true;
`add instr to instrList;
`if (instr is a branch or function call)f
`for each (target2 T)f
`g while Addr is a valid instruction address;
`T = set of possible control flow successors of instr;
`Disassemble(target, instrList);
`else Addr += instr.length;
`/* addr of next instruction */
`Each executable contains an entry point, which is usually specified in the program header. The routine Disassem-
`ble() is initially invoked with this entry point. Under the assumption that we are able to identify all possible control
`flow successors of each branch and function call operation in the program, this ensures that any instruction that is
`reachable from the program entry is correctly disassembled.
`This method is able to handle the code fragment shown in Figure 1. Upon decoding the jump instruction at address
`0x809ef45, disassembly continues at address 0x809ef83, the (only) control flow successor for this instruction.
`Eventually the instruction at address 0x809efaa is reached by a path from this point, and this in turn causes disas-
`sembly to proceed from the instruction at 0x809ef4a. The three NULL bytes are never disassembled, since they are
`not reachable by any execution path through the program.
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`0x80b1d8b: 8d 84 c0 95 1d 0b 08
`0x80b1d92: ff e0
`0x80b1d94: 8d
`0x80b1d95: 74 26 00
`0x80b1d98: 8b 06
`0x80b1d9a: 13 02
`0x80b1d9c: 89 07
`lea 0x80b1d95 (%eax,%eax,8),%eax
`jmp *%eax
`mov (%esi),%eax
`adc (%edx),%eax
`mov %eax,(%edi)
`Figure 2: An Example of Disassembly Problems using Recursive Traversal
`The key assumption in this algorithm is that we can identify all possible control flow successors of each control
`transfer operation in the program. This may not always be straightforward in the case of indirect jumps. For jump
`tables appearing in the text segment, this poses a correctness issue: any imprecision in determining the size of such
`a jump table will result either in a failure to disassemble some reachable code (if the table size is overestimated) or
`erroneous disassembly of data (if its size is underestimated). The problem is complicated by the fact that the structure
`of the code generated for switch statements can differ widely from one instance of a switch to another, even for a
`specific compiler and target architecture.
`Existing proposals for identifying the targets of indirect jumps usually resort to nontrivial program analyses such
`as program slicing [4] or constant propagation [8]. We need a control flow graph for the function in order to carry
`out such analyses. Unfortunately, the construction of a control flow graph for a function before all of its instructions
`have been disassembled does not seem straightforward. 2 Instead, we resort to a simpler technique based on relocation
`information. When disassembling the code for a function f , let R f be the set of relocatable text segment addresses
`a such that a lies between the start address for f and the start address of the function following f , and let J f be the
`expect an indirect jump to an address a be implemented by loading a (which must be a text segment address, under
`the assumption that all code is in the text segment) into a register r and then jumping indirectly through r, and in this
`case the address a has to be relocatable; the set R f consists of all such addresses that lie within the function f , and
`hence might be possible targets for an indirect jump in f . The set J f specifies those elements of R f that are jump table
`entries, i.e., which do not contain code and hence cannot be the target of a jump. The set of possible targets of an
`set of addresses a such that a2 R f and location a itself contains a relocatable text segment address. Intuitively, we
`indirect jump within f is then taken to be the set of addresses R f J f .
`r2 baseAddr efr0 m efr1:
`This approach seems plausible, in that it uses a conservative over-estimate of the set of possible targets of each
`indirect jump, which means that every address that could in fact be a target of the jump is considered and all reachable
`code is disassembled. The problem is that we may also consider addresses that are not in fact targets. This can
`produce incorrect disassembly results, as illustrated by an example from a C library routine under RedHat Linux
`called mpn add n, shown in Figure 2.
`In the Intel x86 instruction set,
`baseAddr(r0,r1,m),r2’ has the effect
`an lea (“load effective address”)
`instruction of
`the form ‘lea
`The lea instruction at address 0x80b1d8b in Figure 2 therefore computes an address into register %eax whose
`value depends on the contents of %eax before this instruction. An inspection of the hand-coded assembly routine for
`this function reveals that a loop begins at address at 0x80b1d98, and the address computed by this lea instruction
`2Accurate identification of the possible targets of an indirect jump through a jump table can be difficult even if we assume that a control flow
`graph is available, since we cannot in general count on the jump in a program being accompanied by a bounds check that would enable us to
`identify the extent of the jump table. Such checks may be excised from hand-crafted assembly code by a careful programmer who is aware of
`specific invariants that hold in the program; an aggressive optimizing compiler may be able to elide the check based on program analyses to identify
`the range of values for a variable [10] or using optimizations analogous to the elimination of array bounds checks [11, 16]. We may also encounter
`indirect jumps that don’t involve a jump table and hence don’t have a bounds check.
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1048 Page 4

`static examination of the instruction stream during disasembly, we cannot guarantee that ef%eax6= 0,
`is somewhere in the middle of this loop; exactly where is determined by the contents of %eax. 3 It turns out that
`this register always takes on a value that results in a valid instruction address being computed. However, during a
`since such guarantees in general require nontrivial analyses such as constant propagation or program slicing, which
`in turn require the control flow graph for the function, which is not available during disassembly. Since the address
`0x80b1d95 appears as a relocatable text segment address within the function, and this location does not itself contain
`a relocatable text segment address, it is considered as a possible target of the indirect jump at location 0x80b1d92
`during recursive traversal disassembly (this corresponds to the possibility that register %eax could have the value 0
`when this instruction is executed). As a result, we continue disassembling the input starting at location 0x80b1d95.
`The problem is that this address is in the middle of an instruction, i.e., recursive traversal produces an incorrect
`disassembly in this case.
`4 An Improved Algorithm
`The linear sweep and recursive traversal disassembly algorithms discussed in the previous section have complementary
`strengths and weaknesses. The former does not rely on the precise identification of targets of indirect jumps for correct
`disassembly, but it has trouble coping with data embedded in the instruction stream; the latter is able to decode around
`data embedded in the text segment, but it may have problems with indirect jumps if their targets cannot be precisely
`identified. This section discusses how these two algorithms can be combined to exploit the strengths of each.
`4.1 Extending the Linear Sweep Algorithm
`The simple linear sweep algorithm discussed in Section 3.1 has the disadvantage that any data appearing in the text
`segment causes disassembly errors. In particular, this means that this algorithm cannot deal with jump tables embedded
`in the text segment. In this section we discuss how the linear sweep algorithm can be extended to handle jump tables
`embedded in the instruction stream.
`As mentioned in Section 2.1, we assume that relocation information is available in the file being disassembled. We
`can take advantage of such information to identify jump tables embedded in the text segment (note that jump tables
`in the data segment do not pose a problem: our primary goal here is to identify the extent of jump tables in the text
`segment so that we can avoid misinterpreting them as code). Each address a i appearing in a jump table embedded in
`the text segment has the following properties:
`These properties, while necessary for jump table entries, may not be sufficient: depending on the architecture, relo-
`catable addresses, possibly pointing into the text segment, may also appear as immediate operands in an instruction.
`However, the instruction sets of typical modern architectures impose an (architecture-specific) upper bound K max on
`the number of such immediate operands that can appear adjacent to each other in an instruction (e.g., for the Intel x86
`i the memory locations containing a i are marked relocatable; and
`ii the address ai itself points into the text segment.
`architecture, Kmax= 2). Thus, if the text segment contains n adjacent relocatable addresses each of which point into
`the text segment (n> Kmax ), at most the first Kmax of these may be part of an instruction; the remaining n K max
`Suppose that the last instruction contains m addresses (0(cid:20) m(cid:20) Kmax ) as immediate operands appearing at the end
`m addresses are part of instructions and the remaining n m addresses constitute jump table entries. The resulting
`addresses must be data. We can use this information to modify the linear sweep algorithm so that, during disassembly,
`it goes around any such data blocks identified in the text segment. Of course, this does not resolve the status of the
`first Kmax entries in the sequence, i.e., determine whether they are part of the jump table or immediate operands of an
`instruction. We will return to this point shortly.
`A crucial property of this approach is that it allows us to identify the end of a jump table that appears in the text
`segment. The text segment therefore becomes divided into “chunks” of code separated by jump tables. Each chunk
`starts either at the entry point of a function or at the end of the previous jump table. We use the simple linear sweep
`algorithm of Section 3.1 to disassemble each such chunk, then examine the last instruction in the disassembled chunk.
`of the instruction. Then we know that of the n contiguous relocatable addresses appearing at the end of that chunk,
`algorithm is as follows:
`3The instruction ‘lea 0x0(%esi,1),%esi’ at address 0x80b1d94 serves as a 4-byte no-op whose purpose is to align the first instruction
`in the loop on an 8-byte boundary.
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`1. For each sequence of N contiguous relocatable text segment addresses appearing in the program (N> K max ),
`mark the last N Kmax addresses in the sequence as data.
`dresses appearing at its end (0(cid:20) m(cid:20) Kmax ).
`There must be Kmax m unmarked relocatable text segment addresses between the end of this instruction
`2. For each sequence of unmarked addresses in the text segment do:
`(a) Disassemble using the simple linear sweep algorithm of Section 3.1. Stop when disassembly reaches a
`marked location.
`(b) If the last instruction being disassembled was incompletely disassembled when the marked location was
`reached, discard this instruction.
`(c) Examine the last correctly disassembled instruction, let m be the number of relocatable text segment ad-
`and the next marked location. Mark each of these addresses as data.
`The resulting algorithm is able to handle jump tables appearing in the text segment. However, because it relies
`on relocation information, it is still unable to deal with data embedded in the text segment that does not have any
`relocation information associated with it, such as the NULL bytes in the example of Figure 1. We next discuss how
`we can combine our enhanced linear sweep algorithm and recursive traversal to address this problem.
`4.2 A Hybrid Disassembly Algorithm
`The biggest problem with both the recursive traversal algorithm discused in Section 3.2, and the extended linear sweep
`algorithm described in the previous secion, is that they can result in undetected disassembly errors that can compromise
`the correctness of the overall binary rewriting system. The basic idea behind our approach is to combine these two
`algorithms in a way that allows us to detect, and identify the extent of, such disassembly errors.
`Our approach is straightforward. We disassemble the program using the extended linear sweep algorithm described
`in Section 4.1, then verify the results of this disassembly a function at a time using the recursive traversal algorithm.
`The verification process checks that the instruction sequence obtained for each function is self-consistent, i.e., does
`not contain errors such as a branch into the middle of an instruction. Any function for which verification fails, i.e.,
`for which the linear sweep and recursive traversals disagree, is precluded from subsequent optimization. A function is
`verified as follows:
`– Use recursive traversal to disassemble each instruction in the function.
`– For each instruction I so obtained at address a I, check that the original disassembly using linear sweep has also
`obtained the instruction I at address aI. If not, report failure.
`– If no failure is encountered while processing the instructions in the function, report success.
`As a practical measure, the verification step does not actually construct a second copy of the disassembled instruction
`sequence for the function, since this would be wasteful of memory. Instead it simply checks that the instructions that
`it encounters as it goes along match the disassembly results obtained using the linear sweep.
`If verification fails for a function, the code for that function is marked “problematic” and is precluded from sub-
`sequent optimization. We retain the original machine code sequence for such functions, and insert it back into the
`program after optimization of the remainder of the program. This may require updates to addresses within the ma-
`chine code for such problematic functions, since they may not be reinserted at their original addresses. Such addresses
`are identified from the original relocation information associated with them.
`One could imagine extending this approach so that, if verification fails for a function because of a disagreement
`between the linear sweep and the recursive traversal algorithms, we might try to determine whether one of them is
`correct. In this case, we could use the results of the disassembly algorithms deemed to have produced a correct result,
`instead of simply giving up on the function and marking it as problematic. For example, if a function does not contain
`any indirect jumps, we can be guaranteed that the recursive traversal algorithm is correct. Our current system does not
`implement such extensions.
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`(a) SPECint-95
`Program TLinear
`(b) SPECint-2000
`TLinear: Disassembly time using the extended linear sweep algorithm
`TRecursive: Disassembly time using recursive traversal
`THybrid: Disassembly time using the hybrid algorithm
`Table 1: Performance: Disassembly Speed
`5 Experimental Results
`We tested and evaluated the various disassembly algorithms described here within the context of PLTO, a link-time
`optimizer we have developed for the Intel x86 architecture [17], using the SPECint-95 and SPECint-2000 benchmark
`suites. Our experiments were run on an otherwise unloaded 550 MHz Pentium III system with 1 GB of main memory
`running RedHat Linux 7.1. The programs were compiled with gcc version egcs-2.96 at optimization level -O3, with
`additional flags instructing the linker to retain relocation information and to produce statically linked executables. The
`use of statically linked executables results from our requirement that the input binaries contain relocation information;
`the linker ld refuses to retain relocation information for executables that are not statically linked. It turns out to
`be useful because it forces us to deal with highly optimized library code, including hand-crafted assembly code,
`that presents interesting disassembly challenges. Of these programs, the eon program from the SPECint-2000 suite
`contains jump tables in the text segment resulting from fragments of position-independent code.
`We measured the disassembly time (which includes the time taken to read the text segment into memory) for the
`three different algorithms—extended linear sweep, recursive traversal, and hybrid—as well as the “precision” of our
`hybrid disassembly algorithm as given by the amount of code that is marked as “problematic.” The execution times
`of the linear sweep and recursive traversal algorithms are given for reference purposes only, since neither algorithm
`produces correct disassembly results (each of them fails silently on some portions of the program, as described earlier).
`The results are shown in Table 1. As one would expect, the time taken by the hybrid algorithm is roughly equal to
`the sum of the times for the linear sweep and recursive traversal algorithms. On average, the hybrid is about 66%
`slower than the linear traversal scheme and about twice as slow as the recursive traversal scheme. For our purposes,
`the disassembly time accounts for only a relatively small fraction of the total processing time, so the additional time
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1048 Page 7

`Pf=Nf (%)
`Pf=Nf (%)
`No. ofFunctions
`(a) SPECint-95
`No. ofFunctions
`Pb=Nb (%)
`Pb=Nb (%)
`No. ofTextBytes
`No. ofTextBytes
`(b) SPECint-2000
`Nf : Total no. of functions
`Pf : No. of functions inferred to be “problematic”
`Nb: Total no. of bytes in the text segment
`Pb: No. of bytes in “problematic” functions
`Table 2: Performance: Precision of Disassembly
`taken by the hybrid disassembly algorithm does not pose a performance issue overall.
`Table 2 shows the “precision” of disassembly, in the sense of the proportion of code in a program that is prop-
`erly disassembled and passes verification. All of the problematic functions identified result from highly optimized
`library routines. Three programs have 3 problematic functions each, which were strrchr (also called rindex),
`mpn add n, and mpn sub n. The other programs have 4 problematic functions each: the three mentioned above
`and mpn cmp. In the latter case, the problem is that during verification, the recursive traversal incorrectly disas-
`sembles what it thinks is a conditional jump in mpn add n that goes to the middle of another valid instruction in
`mpn cmp. The function strrchr accounts for the majority (448 bytes) of the problematic code.
`It can be seen that the amount of code found to be problematic is very small: on average, fewer than 0.4% of
`the functions, comprising less than 0.2% of the program’s text segment.
`In other words, over 99.8% of the text
`segment is verified to have been correctly disassembled and eligible for subsequent processing. This results in effective
`optimization of these binaries, with significant performance improvements [17].
`6 Related Work
`The simple linear sweep disassembly algorithm described in Section 3.1 is used by a number of systems that analyze
`or modify executable files. These include the GNU objdump utility [9]; the qpt profiling tool [12] and its successor,
`EEL [13]; the alto link-time optimizer [15]; as well as the OM [19] and Spike [6] link-time optimizers and the Atom
`binary instrumentation tool [18] from Compaq. All of these systems can produce incorrect disassemblies for input
`binaries whose text segments contain data. As it happens, most of these systems, e.g., qpt, alto, OM, Spike, and Atom,
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1048 Page 8

`target RISC architectures, where the fixed-sized instructions make it easier to detect disassembly errors.
`Examples of binary rewriting systems that use recursive traversal for disassembly include UQBT [5] and the work
`of Theiling [20]. Neither of these relies on relocation information to identi

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