`Characterization of Other Parameters on Performance
`global data referencing is taking place, although performance tails off
`here as well. Unfortunately, the amount of testing done using the old
`operating system was limited, so additional results could not be
`obtained. It is clear from these results, though, that the operating
`system in a shared memory multiprocessor has significant impact on
`the overall performance. We feel confident that the latest version of
`the GP1000 operating system is better geared to the current machine
`and does indeed provide exceptional performance.
`6.2.2. Comparison of Architectural Differences
`In addition to the impact of the operating system, other factors can
`affect overall algorithmic performance. For instance, one would like
`to compare what would happen if a faster CPU or a faster switch node
`were to be employed in the machine. BBN has continually updated
`the Butterfly family of machines from the Butterfly 1, which used
`MC68000 processors with 1 megabyte of memory per board, to the
`current generation GP1000, which uses the MC68020 with 4
`megabytes of memory per board. We were not able to test the algo(cid:173)
`rithms on the original Butterfly, but we were able to test them on the
`next generation BBN multiprocessor, the TC2000. The TC2000 is a
`similar design to the GP1000 but there are significant differences
`which are illustrated in the tables on the page following the graphs.
`Table 6.1 shows the difference in processor characteristics, while table
`6.2 shows the difference in the memory characteristics for the GP1000
`and TC2000. In general, the primary differences between the two
`machines are the faster CPU in the TC2000, as well as a change in
`the basic switch node component from a 4 x 4 crossbar to an 8 x 8
`Table 6.1: Comparison ofBBN multiprocessor CPU characteristics
`GP1000 M68020
`TC2000 M88100
`The faster CPU in the TC2000 necessitates a faster switch with
`increased path width, and an 8 x 8 crossbar switch component solves
`this problem. One impact of the increased size ofthe crossbar switch
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 172/229

`Machine Parameters 161
`GP1000 Operating System Comparison
`# Processors
`Figure 6.13: Comparison of old OS vs. new OS for mountain image,
`rectangular region UD
`-& · Old OS
`- e ·NewOS
`(seconds) 160
`# Processors
`Figure 6.14: Comparison of old OS vs. new OS for mountain image,
`rectangular region LC
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 173/229

`Characterization of Other Parameters on Performance
`is that fewer wires are needed between the switch columns in the
`interconnection network. The 8 x 8 crossbar is more costly to produce
`than the 4 x 4 but it does allow 8 simultaneous messages to be output,
`whereas a 4 x 4 only supports 4 messages at a time.
`Table 6.2: Comparison of BBN multiprocessor memory characteristics
`Machine Cache Memory Switch Path
`per Board Speed Width
`4 or 16 meg 38Mhz
`4 bit
`8 bit
`From the programmer's point of view, the TC2000 is functionally
`the same as the GP1000. There are several small differences
`regarding communication, however. The GP1000 supports the block
`transfer mechanism in hardware, whereby a path is held open long
`enough for 256 byte length messages. to go from one board to another.
`In the TC2000, this operation is supported through software
`emulation rather than hardware implementation. The TC2000 does
`contain a memory cache which allows data to be allocated as cachable
`or non-cachable. Although using the cache significantly enhances
`performance, judicious management of this memory is required by the
`programmer since no cache coherence scheme is supported. The
`primary goal here is to compare the different algorithms under
`different CPU and switch characteristics, so the algorithms were not
`modified to take advantage ofthe cache.
`The results, including times for the setup phase from the front
`end plus the tiling time, are shown in figures 6.15, 6.16, 6.17, and
`6.18. A thorough analysis of the scan line algorithm was deemed
`unnecessary on the TC2000 due to its performance limitations noticed
`on the GPlOOO.- It is, however, included for comparison purposes in
`the next section of this chapter.
`These graphs indicate similar performance in the algorithms
`when compared to the previous graphs for the GP1000. The only
`problem with this comparison is that the results on the TC2000 were
`limited for most of the tests to a maximum of 48 processors, while
`with the GPlOOO, 96 processors were consistently available.2
`2we have included some data obtained on the TC2000 at 96 processors in
`table 6.3. In general, though, due to the other users on the machine, only 48
`processors were used for most of the tests.
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 174/229

`Machine Parameters 163
`TC2000 Tiling + Setup Time Comparisons
`- e ·Reel. • LC
`-<r Reel. - UD
`~ · Task A. -UD -•-TaskA. - LC
`- ~ -T q>-OOwn
`---Rect. - LC
`- -e -Rect.-UO
`-o-TaskA.- UD--+-TaskA. -LC
`· ·:>t·Tqrdown
`# Processors
`# Processors
`Figure 6.15: TC2000 algorithm com(cid:173)
`parison, stegosaurus image
`Figure 6.17: TC2000 algorithm
`comparison, tree image
`24 ~-·. ' ·. '
`~ '· '
`.. ~.:·-.',
`.... ~ ..
`'· '
`--:. ·. 'G
`"\~ ',
`~::-: .......
`... -::;~:~~;;;.;;; .
`e Rect - UO
`o- Task A.- UO -•-Task A.- LC
`- ~- Tq>-OOwn
`8 • e ·Reel. - UD
`.... Rect - LC
`<> ·Task A. - UD --+-Task A. - LC
`--:>t·T c:4)-00wn
`# Processors
`# Processors
`Figure 6.16: TC2000 algorithm com(cid:173)
`parison, Laser image
`Figure 6.18: TC2000 algorithm
`comparison, mountain image
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 175/229

`164 Characterization of Other Parameters on Performance
`In order to allow a fair comparison between the two machines, the
`speedup was computed for each of the algorithms at 96 processors.
`The task adaptive algorithm is used for this comparison, and the
`results are shown in table 6.3.
`Table 6.3: GP1000 and TC2000 speedup and time ratio comparison using 96
`Stegosaurus Laser Tree Mountain
`GPlOOO Speedup
`TC2000 Speedup
`Ratio of Execution
`Times at P = 96:
`GP1 OOOffC2000
`As can be seen from the table, the TC2000 exhibits slightly
`reduced speedup when compared to the GPlOOO on 96 processors for
`most of the images. This could be caused by a number of factors,
`ranging from the amount of work per task to the processor-to-switch
`speed ratio. The last row in the table indicates the ratio of parallel
`execution times of the TC2000 divided by the GPlOOO. From this
`data, it appears that on 96 processors, the TC2000 is approximately
`8.5 times faster than the GPlOOO for this problem.
`6.2.3. Relationship of Machine Parameters to

`In this section, we evaluate the various overheads on both machines
`to see their differences. The comparison involves examining the total
`processor-time space and comparing the results on the two machines.
`Here, the overheads are evaluated with respect to P and comparison
`values are shown to the right of each graph for the overhead
`percentages at 48 processors. Also, the speedup is given at each
`processor configuration. All of the algorithms are compared on the
`GPlOOO and the TC2000 for the Laser image as a representative
`example. Due to the volume of data and the CPU time involved in the
`tests, only one image was used for comparison. Different results
`would be obtained for the different test images, but the main interest
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 176/229

`Machine Parameters 165
`here was to evaluate the trend in performance and directly compare
`the percentages on various processor configurations.
` Comparison of Overheads
`The next five pages provide a direct comparison of the overhead
`factors for all of the algorithms. The graphs include the total
`processor-time space for each particular processor configuration, with
`the overheads clearly marked as a percentage. Although the results
`were measured up to 96 processors for the GPlOOO, the overhead
`values given on the right side of the graph are for 48 processors so
`they can be compared to the values for the TC2000 below.
` Analysis
`These results present a number of interesting phenomena not
`noticed in any previous graphs. In the parallel scan line algorithm,
`the latency and code modification overheads constitute almost the
`same overhead percentage regardless of the processor configuration
`on both machines. This makes sense since the number of tasks is
`constant regardless of the number ofprocessors in this algorithm. In
`the other cases, since the total number of tasks increases with the
`number of processors, the overhead effects increase as· well. In some
`cases, the load balancing may go down at some point but this may be
`due to an increase in another factor as explained next.
`With the exception of the task adaptive algorithm, the load
`balancing is better on the TC2000 than in the GPlOOO. On the other
`hand, the network contention, code modification, and latency/com(cid:173)
`munication are significantly worse. It seems that the increased delay
`due to communication overheads and contention contribute to even
`out the load in the algorithms on the TC2000 (recall that load
`balancing cannot be measured independently from other factors).
`Since these overheads are larger in the TC2000 than in the GP!OOO,
`they contribute to an increase in the average task execution time.
`This changes the load balancing since it is based on dynamic
`scheduling of the tasks, as well as their execution time.
`In the case of the task adaptive algorithm, the load balancing is a
`direct result of dynamic task partitioning, and it is possible that the
`tasks cannot be partitioned near the end of the computation due to
`the imposed threshold. This effect may be more pronounced in the
`TC2000 than in the GPlOOO due to the difference in the synchroniza(cid:173)
`tion and communication mechanisms.
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 177/229

`Characterization of Other Parameters on Performance
`Comparison of Overhead Factors, GP1000 vs. TC2000,
`Laser Image, Scan line Algorithm
`0 Sequential IIIII Ld Imbal. 0 Contention
`e;:! Code Mod. Q Latency
`1400 ~?:z~~~~i~llill
`# Processors
`Latency - 4.6%
`Code Mod. - 7.5%
`Load Imbalance -6.3%
`Figure 6.19: GPIOOO, scan line algorithm, UD, overhead comparison
`D Sequential 1111 Ld Imbal. 0 Contention
`1:3 Code Mod. 8 Latency
`# Processors
`Latency - 9.0%
`Code Mod. - 13.0%
`Contention- 20.5%
`Figure 6.20: TC2000, scan line algorithm, UD, overhead comparison
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 178/229

`Comparison of Overhead Factors, GP1000 vs. TC2000,
`Laser Image, Rectangular Region Algorithm, UD Scheme
`Machine Parameters 167
`0 Sequential II Ld lmbal. [) Contention
`~ Latency
`C) Code Mod.
`# Processors
`Figure 6.21: GPlOOO, rectangular region algorithm, UD, overhead comparison
`0 Sequential
`ea Latency
`l..d Imbal.
`[J CodeMod.
`0 Contention
`# Processors
`Code Mod. · 12.1%
`Latency- 5.7%
`Contention - 11.9%
`Load Imbalance - 6.6%
`Figure 6.22: TC2000, rectangular region algorithm, UD, overhead comparison
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 179/229

`Characterization of Other Parameters on Performance
`Comparison of Overhead Factors, GP1000 vs. TC2000,
`Laser Image, Rectangular Region Algorithm, LC Scheme
`0 Sequential ill Ld lmbal. [J Contention
`f:a Comm. ~ Code Mod.
`Code Mod.- 4.4%
`Communication -0.04%
`Contention - 1.2%
`Load Imbalance- 7.9%
`Time 800
`# Processors
`Figure 6.23: GPlOOO, rectangular region algorithm, LC, overhead comparison
`0 Sequential
`Zl Comrn.
`Ill Ld lmbal.
`[J CodeMod.
`[] Contention
`Code Mod. -2.2%
`Communication -0.28%
`Contention -5.7%
`Load Imbalance -6.5%
`# Processors
`Figure 6.24: TC2000, rectangular region algorithm, LC, overhead comparison
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 180/229

`Comparison of Overhead Factors, GP1000 vs. TC2000,
`Laser Image, Top-Down Algorithm
`Machine Parameters 169
`0 Sequential II Ld lmbal. 0 Contention
`0 Comm.
`e:J Code Mod.
`Code Mod. - 3.5%
`CommWlication -0.03%
`itm1BmL Contentioo- 4.8%
`# Processors
`Figure 6.25: GPlOOO, top-down algorithm, LC, overhead comparison
`0 Sequential
`ea Conun.
`11!11 Ld lmbal.
`G CodeMod.
`[] Contention
`Code Mod.- 2.3%
`Communication - .35%
`Cootention- 14.5%
`Load Imbalance -3.0%
`# Processors
`Figure 6.26: TC2000, top-down algorithm, LC, overhead comparison
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 181/229

`Characterization of Other Parameters on Performance
`Comparison of Overhead Factors, GP1 000 vs. TC2000,
`Laser Image, Task Adaptive Algorithm
`0 Sequential
`f0 Comm.
`111 Ld lmbal.
`Q Code Mod.
`III Contention
`lSI Synch.
`Time 800
`Synchronization - 0.23%
`Code Mod. - 1.6%
`Commtmication - 0.14%
`Contention - 3.0%
`Load Imbalance - 6.0%
`# Processors
`Figure 6.27: GPlOOO, task adaptive algorithm, LC, overhead comparison
`III Contention
`0 Sequential Ill Ld Irnbal.
`e:3 Synch.
`lSI Code Mod.
`e! Comm.
`Synchronization - 1.8%
`160 :r--------Eis~~CodeMod.-1.3%
`Commtmication - 1.0%
`Contention - 11.3%
`Load Imbalance- 8.5%
`Cumulative 80
`# Processors
`Figure 6.28: TC2000, task adaptive algorithm, LC, overhead comparison
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 182/229

`Scene Characteristics 171
`The probable cause for the general network contention increase in
`the TC2000 over the GPlOOO could be attributed to these factors:
`1. The increase in switch speed in the TC2000 over the GPlOOO
`does not match the corresponding increase in processor speed,
`therefore more collisions in the network switch are likely to
`2. The hardware support for block transfers in the GPlOOO is not
`available in the TC2000 (this was used in the LC scheme).
`It seems likely that the cause for the general network contention
`increase could be a combination of both of these reasons, especially for
`the LC scheme which extensively uses the block transfer mechanism.
`Although the TC2000 contains a cache as well as support for use of
`fine grained interleaved shared memory, neither of these characteris(cid:173)
`tics is used in the implementation of the algorithms. The cache does
`not affect performance in the LC schemes, however, since the remote
`data is copied to local memory, where it is then cached as local data.
`In addition, the fine grain interleaving is not needed and would not
`provide better performance anyway since the shared data is already
`scattered among the memory modules. In the next section, the effect
`of enhancing the characteristics of computer graphics scenes is ana(cid:173)
`lyzed to determine the overall performance differential.
`6.3. Scene Characteristics
`One of the reasons different images are used for performance
`comparisons throughout this book is that it is desirable to be able to
`generalize these results to apply to all computer generated scenes. Of
`course this is an impossible task since there are always pathological
`cases one cannot predict. In the experiments four scenes were used
`which have different characteristics in screen area projection, number
`of data elements, and depth complexity. In this section, these same
`four scenes are analyzed, along with several new ones which have
`added scene complexity in one form or another. These break down
`into two categories: image complexity and object complexity .
`In his thesis, Whelan analyzes several scenes which vary in
`complexity in terms of both of the above categories. His conclusions
`merely represent what most researchers intuitively realize, but they
`are worth repeating here:
`1. Scenes are not usually composed of uniformly distributed
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 183/229

`172 Characterization of Other Parameters on Performance
`2. As the number of polygons increases, their size generally
`decreases. Somescenes may have a few large polygons which
`take up a significant portion of the drawn area on the screen.
`3. Most polygons have few edges.
`4. The aspect ratio of polygons is non-uniform, although some
`scenes seem to be oriented towards a particular direction.
`5. The depth complexity of most pixels is fairly small (less than
`six), although some scenes obviously violate this rule.
`It is not necessary to repeat Whelan's analysis for the scenes used
`here since it does not categorize scenes in terms of their difficulty in
`the various rendering stages. His analysis does point out that non(cid:173)
`uniformity in scenes is the norm, so a parallel graphics algorithm
`must take this into account and perform well under various
`circumstances. The algorithms presented in this book are general
`purpose and are designed to handle various input scenes rather than
`a specific type. One cannot categorically draw a relationship between
`a given algorithm and say, the depth complexity of an image. Even if
`this were the case, does that information provide anything useful to
`the user community? In general, the algorithm should perform well
`on all imagery and should have the capability of handling pathological
`cases with some efficiency. This is more useful than algorithm
`analysis based upon depth complexity, polygon area coverage, or some
`other factor.
`In the following sections, the different algorithms' performance is
`compared using an increase in image complexity in the first
`subsection and an increase in object complexity in the second
`6.3.1 . Image Complexity
`Image complexity refers to the addition of features to a scene to make
`a higher quality image. Such additional features can include:
`rendering at higher resolution, advanced anti-aliasing, texture
`mapping, shadow generation, and bump mapping to name a few.
`Texturing, shadowing, or bump mapping, have not been implemented
`here since these features require careful planning in order to be
`implemented efficiently in parallel. This is primarily due to the
`additional memory required for each of these features, plus the desire
`to avoid contention for this memory. Anti-aliasing has already been
`incorporated into this algorithm, and all of the data presented so far
`includes this feature. Therefore, increasing spatial resolution is con-
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 184/229

`Scene Characteristics 173
`centrated on here, and a comparison of the other features is left for
`future work.
`All ofthe previous scenes are re-tested at double resolution (1280
`x 968) to evaluate the performance of the different algorithms under
`these conditions. The first set of graphs involves a comparison
`similar to the others in this chapter, in which the setup phase as well
`as the tiling time is taken into account. The speedup and efficiency
`are given in the second set of graphs.
`As a representative example of the times for the high resolution
`computations, the results for the mountain image are shown in fig(cid:173)
`ures 6.29 and 6.30, but the graphs for all the images are included in
`the appendix in figures A21 through A28. These graphs are zoomed
`in to show more detail at the higher processor counts. The speedup
`for the mountain image on the GPlOOO using the task adaptive
`algorithm is shown in figure 6.31, and the efficiency for this image in
`figure 6.32. Since communication is the same as before but there is
`an increase in work due to the increased resolution, the algorithms
`are more efficient. Table 6.4 shows the speedup and efficiency for
`each ofthe images when calculated at high resolution on the GPlOOO,
`versus normal resolution using the task adaptive (LC) algorithm.
`Table 6.4: Tiling section comparison of speedup and efficiency for normal
`resolution images vs. high resolution images on GPIOOO, 96 Processors
`Resolution Resolution Resolution Resolution
`Speedup Efficiency Efficiency
`The data from the table indicates that the speedup varies widely
`among the images, but the single common result is that the additional
`work in the high resolution images provides better speedup and
`efficiency than in the normal resolution case. It is likely that the
`reason for the improved speedup is that the ratio of work to
`communication time has increased, thus reducing the network
`contention percentage.
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 185/229

`17 4
`Characterization of Other Parameters on Performance
`High Resolution Tiling + FE Comparison
`- e Reel. -LC
`--0-Rect - UD
`--+-Task A.- LC
`- ~ Task A. · UD
`75 4-~--------~~--------~~~
`# Processors
`Figure 6.29: Rectangular vs. task adaptive on GPlOOO, mountain image, high(cid:173)
`' . ' ·.
`'~· ..
`-~ I
`~- -a
`,~~.<!).·~ .... ....
`... . ·· .:-,
`· +Task A.- LC
`# Processors
`· -o-Rect-UO
`-<>· Task A.- UO
`Figure 6.30: Rectangular vs. task adaptive on TC2000, mountain image, high(cid:173)
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 186/229

`Speedup and Efficiency of High Resolution Image
`Scene Characteristics 17 5
`· •-Speedup
`Ideal Speedup
`# Processors
`72 84 96
`Figure 6.31: Speedup for high-res mountain image, GPlOOO
`---- . - ---.-------·
`0.8 -
`0.6 -
`0.4 -
`-e -Efficiency
`0 1-o-ro-.-..-.-~-r~.-~~-+
`72 84
`# Processors
`Figure 6.32: Efficiency for high-res mountain image, GPIOOO
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 187/229

`Characterization of Other Parameters on Performance
`This is logical since the amount of network traffic has not
`changed, but the amount of work has increased due to the increase in
`spatial resolution. In the next section, the algorithms are compared
`on a different set of images which involve much higher numbers of
`polygons to see the expected times on these datasets.
`6.3.2. Object Complexity
`One of the goals of this work was to present solutions for developing a
`highly efficient parallel rendering algorithm which allows extremely
`fast computation of complex imagery. To this end, new datasets are
`evaluated which contain a considerably greater number of polygons.
`Examples of two highly complex datasets are the rings image in color
`plate 5 and the dense tree image shown in color plate 6. The dense
`tree image has more polygons than the previously evaluated tree
`image, particularly in the twigs. Due to the amount of memory
`required for the tree dataset, it is not possible to evaluate speedup
`and efficiency since not enough physical memory was available even
`locally. All of the images are evaluated based on their total time, as
`well as the number of polygons rendered per second. Hardware
`manufacturers typically quote a figure of polygons per second in
`evaluating hardware Z-buffer graphics workstations. A typical
`example of this type of machine is the HP-320/SRX. Some of the
`images which were evaluated previously have been rendered on this
`machine by Eric Haines, who developed the SPD database from which
`the tree, mountain, and rings datasets were extracted. Table 6.5
`shows a comparison of all the images and the effective number of
`polygons per second achieved. These results were obtained using the
`task adaptive algorithm on 96 processors of a BBN TC2000.
`In comparison to the values in the table, Haines ran some of the
`same tests on the HP-320/SRX [Hain87b]. In rendering the dense
`tree, 4835 polygons/second was achieved. Using a denser version of
`the rings image (87 4 K polygons) than employed here, the HP-
`320/SRX achieved 4819 polygons/second. For comparison, a current
`example of a state of the art graphics superworkstation is the Silicon
`Graphics Iris 4D VGX [Haeb90]. The manufacturer quotes a figure of
`750,000 Gouraud-shaded triangles per second for this machine.
`This value for the hardware performance is based on Gouraud
`shaded polygons which are not anti-aliased. Our data is for Phong
`shaded polygons with specular highlights and stochastic sampled
`anti-aliasing. Although it is difficult to compare exactly, the addition
`of Phong shading typically might cost 3 times as much as Gouraud
`shading, in addition to the anti-aliasing cost which is about 4 times as
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 188/229

`Table 6.5: Effective rendering rate and speedup using 96 processors on BBN
`TC2000, task adaptive algorithm
`Conclusions 177
`Dense Tree
`much for stochastic sampling as it is for a Z-buffer. Also, the amount
`of physical memory required to support over 500,000 polygons is most
`likely not available within a graphics workstation, and this will
`almost certainly slow down the hardware. Nevertheless, the results
`given here are significantly faster than a slightly older generation
`graphics workstation and might compare favorably with a current
`generation machine. When the fact that the rendering is done in
`software rather than hardware in this algorithm is added, the benefit
`is that much greater since the software version allows much more
`flexibility in its use. This is elaborated upon in the next chapter.
`6.4. Conclusions
`Based on all of the data reported in this chapter, it seems clear that
`the task adaptive algorithm utilizing the LC memory referencing
`scheme provides the best performance for all types of imagery among
`the methods implemented. Besides performance, other advantages of
`the task adaptive approach are:
`1. It is unnecessary to determine an initial optimal granularity
`ratio for this algorithm. The number of areas chosen initially
`corresponds to the number of processors in the system, and
`high performance is achieved regardless of machine configura(cid:173)
`tion. In the other algorithms, this ratio must be derived for
`each image independently for the best performance.
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 189/229

`Characterization of Other Parameters on Performance
`2. The load balancing in the task adaptive approach is completely
`dynamic, based on the amount of work left. Because of this,
`worst case scenarios, such as all of the data being located in
`one portion of the screen, can be handled effectively while the
`other algorithms will not perform nearly as well in this type of
`3. This approach has minimal time cost in the setup phase of the
`front end since the number of areas is very small initially.
`Hence, this time is much less than in the other algorithms.
`In summary, the first section of this chapter presents an analysis
`of several different memory referencing strategies. Based on this
`theoretical analysis, the Uniformly Distributed and Locally Cached
`schemes are shown to only differ by several tenths of a second. A
`description regarding the implementation of both of these schemes is
`then presented in detail After comparing the results of the
`implementations, it is clear that the LC scheme combined with the
`task adaptive decomposition method results in the best performance
`for all the test imagery. The setup time from the front end for each
`approach is included for the timings, in order to allow a fair
`comparison and substantiate this fact. The theoretical analysis of the
`memory reference strategies indicated that there would only be a
`small difference between the UD and LC schemes.
`Instead, the
`difference is much larger due to the fact that network contention is
`not accounted for in the theoretical analysis. This contention is an
`important degradation factor since it is significantly smaller in the
`LC scheme than it is in the UD scheme.
`The second section involves a comparison of the different parallel
`algorithms with respect to changes in the underlying machine
`parameters. It is shown that a change in the GPlOOO operating
`system which allows parallel page faults markedly improved
`performance over the previous version of this operating system.
`When using the next generation version of the BBN multiprocessor
`known as the TC2000, the faster CPU and network switch improves
`performance in all cases almost an order of magnitude over the
`GPlOOO. The task adaptive algorithm using the LC scheme proves to
`be the best performer for this new machine as well. A comparison of
`overhead factors between the two machines reveals that network
`contention plays a more significant role in degrading performance in
`the TC2000 than in the GPlOOO when measured at 48 processors,
`however. A possible explanation is that the interconnection network
`speed increase from the GPlOOO to the TC2000 does not match the
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 190/229

`Conclusions 179
`corresponding increase in the CPU performance. As a result, tasks
`execute faster, but the communication of data is more frequent,
`leading to a greater possibility of a blocked path in the network. The
`TC2000 offers enhancements to memory referencing (such as a
`hardware cache) that are not incorporated into the implemented
`algorithms. It is possible that if these are utilized, the effects of
`network contention could be reduced.
`The third section in this chapter involves an analysis of the effect
`of increasing image and object complexity in the test scenes. Re(cid:173)
`evaluating the performance of the algorithms at a resolution of 1280 x
`968 on the mountain image reveals a speedup of87.6 on 96 processors
`using the task adaptive algorithm on the GPlOOO. In addition, using
`a highly complex scene with over 800,000 data elements, an effective
`polygon rendering rate of over 80,000 anti-aliased Phong shaded
`polygons per second is achieved on 96 processors of a TC2000. This is
`most likely the fastest rendering ever realized to this point using a
`software algorithm on a general purpose MIMD architecture for
`graphics rendering.
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 191/229

`This book has primarily concentrated on the development and
`analysis of various approaches to tiling three-dimensional computer
`generated scenes on a multiprocessor. In doing so we have presented
`the following:
`1. A categorization of possible parallel approaches to graphics
`rendering into a taxonomy according to graphical task
`2. A number of methods which incorporate parallelism in all
`aspects of a graphics rendering program.
`3. A quantitative analysis of various degradation factors
`encountered in a multiprocessor graphics display algorithm
`4. The development of general task partitioning and memory
`referencing strategies which may be used in other graphics
`rendering algorithms, as well as non-graphics applications.
`These will be described in detail in the following sections.
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 192/229

`7.1. Summary
`In the past, research in the area of para

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