Data Non-Adaptive Partitioning Scheme 103
`processors. The key to solving this problem is to reduce the number of
`remote memory requests. As we mentioned previously, it is likely
`that remote references became blocked in the switch since the tasks
`assigned to processors involved adjacent scan lines. If the scan lines
`were assigned in some haphazard order, this effect might be
`alleviated since the data to be referenced would not be the same. On
`the other hand, with a large number of processors such as 96, it
`probably could not be reduced significantly. The dataset size could
`also impact the network contention since larger datasets require more
`references. The combination of these two factors seems to indicate
`that this overhead cannot be reduced in the general case unless a
`radical change in the memory referencing scheme is applied.
`coherence can be maximized without sacrificing load balancing and
`can still maintain adequate parallelism, some of these factors can be
`reduced significantly. The algorithm described in the next section is a
`logical extension of this one and attempts to achieve these goals.
`5.1.2. Rectangular Region Decomposition
`(UD Scheme)
`The rectangular region decomposition algorithm is a generalization of
`the scan line decomposition algorithm. Instead of using single scan
`lines as wide as the screen for each task, a small group of contiguous
`scan lines is designated as a single task.l This idea was first sug(cid:173)
`gested by Kaplan and Greenberg [Kapl79], where they implemented
`both the Watkins and the Warnock algorithm [Roge85] as two alter(cid:173)
`native rectangular approaches. In their Warnock implementation,
`equal size areas are initially assigned to all processors. The Warnock
`cull was then used within each single task.
` Coherence Effect on Rectangular Regions
`Presumably, the reason the Warnock algorithm was chosen for a
`rectangular area partition is due to the area coherence exploited in
`this algorithm. In the case here, however, a scan line Z-buffer is the
`basis algorithm for each single area task since this algorithm is
`inherently faster than Warnock's. Kaplan and Greenberg chose full
`scan line width tasks (of multiple contiguous scan lines) for their
`Watkins approach. The probable reason for this was to capitalize on
`lAs a reference note, from now on, when we refer to "scan lines" in the
`context of an algorithm such as this, we mean a scan line within the width of
`the area.
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 115/229

`Comparison of Task Partitioning Schemes
`the vertical span coherence exploited by that algorithm. Hu and
`Foley showed that this type of contiguous approach did not provide
`sufficient load balancing in comparison to the dynamic single scan
`line method presented in the previous subsection. Since a scan line Z(cid:173)
`buffer is used here and not a Watkins spanning scan line algorithm as
`a sequential task basis, there are no spans to update in the vertical
`dimension. Therefore, the aspect ratio (their width versus height) of
`the rectangular areas chosen as single tasks is open to further
`analysis. The type of coherence lost when a region is started anew is
`in the vertical direction. For the first scan line of a region, all of the
`polygons which started above the area but are still relevant to it need
`to be initialized. Figure 5.5 illustrates those polygons.
`This initialization is not necessary if vertical coherence is
`maintained. On the other hand, some initialization is required for
`polygons which have their top vertex in the region to the immediate
`left or right of the current region as well. This initialization is also
`unnecessary ifhorizontal coherence is maintained.
`Another loss due to coherence in the horizontal direction is the
`update of edge interpolation parameters for those edges which
`intersect the region adjacent to the current one on its left. A multiply
`and an add operation are required for each interpolation parameter
`update, whereas an add operation is all that is needed if horizontal
`coherence is maintained. Note that all of these factors would change
`if clipping is implemented at the region level, but this is not done in
`the implementations described here. The losses due to coherence are
`further illustrated in figure 5.6.
`For the purposes of this discussion, it is assumed that for a par(cid:173)
`ticular polygon and a square region, the loss in time due to horizontal
`Figure 5.5: Polygons relevant to an area but starting above it
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 116/229

`Data Non-Adaptive Partitioning Scheme 105
`coherence and vertical coherence is nearly the same. In the vertical
`case, the initialization overhead is fairly costly and occurs for all
`polygons above the area but relevant to it. The horizontal initializa(cid:173)
`tion cost is only valid for polygons whose top vertex enters the left or
`right adjacent regions (not counting screen boundaries since clipping
`occurs there). The other horizontal coherence loss at the scan line
`level is small in comparison since it only involves the left adjacent re(cid:173)
`gion and is of complexity O(e * h * T mult)where e is the number of
`edges in the left region and the current region, h is the height of each
`of these edges in the left region portion, and T mult is the time for a
`multiply instruction. In any case, because of the wide variation in
`polygon size and number in currently used imagery, it appears that
`any inaccuracy encountered by invalidity of these assumptions would
`be minor.
`5. 1 .2.2. Aspect Ratio Choice
`From figure 5.6 it can be seen that coherence is lost only along the
`perimeter of the region, particularly along the left and top sides. If
`the regions are tall and narrow, horizontal coherence is completely
`lost, but little vertical coherence is lost, as is shown in figure 5. 7. The
`opposite is true for wide regions, as shown in figure 5.8. For nearly
`square regions, some degree of coherence is lost in both directions as
`shown in figure 5.9. The total perimeter of a rectangular region is a
`function of its aspect ratio and is shown in equation 5.4, where b is
`the length of the base and his the height.
`perimeter = 2 • (b + h)
`Thus, if the aspect ratio of a given region is 1:3, the perimeter is 2
`• (1 + 3) • x, or on the order of Sx. If the aspect ratio is 1:1, the
`1 - Vert. Loss (initialization)
`2 - Horiz. Loss (initialization)
`3 - Horiz. Loss (scanline update)
`Figure 5.6: Loss due to coherence in vertical and horizontal directions
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 117/229

`Comparison of Task Partitioning Schemes
`perimeter is 2 • (1 + 1) • x or 4x. It therefore seems logical that the
`situation which results in the least perimeter for regions will also
`have the least loss due to coherence. A few simple tests were done on
`a test image of nearly uniform polygon distribution across the scene to
`verify these assertions. The results are given in table 5.1.
`Table 5.1: Aspect ratio (width:height) time comparison in seconds
`Based on the analysis and the experimental data, it seems like a
`1:1 aspect ratio is the most suitable choice for high performance for a
`rectangular region decomposition. This verifies Whelan' s
`experimental tests in which he compared vertical, horizontal, and
`rectangular decompositions. This method is illustrated in figure 5.9
`and also in color plate 2. The same shared memory referencing
`method is used here as in the previou~ algorithm, namely the
`uniformly distributed (UD) scheme.
`5. 1.2.3. Granularity Ratio Comparison
`This algorithm requires a methodology to determine the granularity
`ratio R to be used for a given image or given number of processors
`(recall that R = #tasks/P). It seems clear that a ratio of R = 1 would
`not produce adequate load balancing for images which contain data
`that is not uniformly distributed across the scene. Some questions
`need to be answered in order to determine what this ratio should be,
`and if it should change depending on the image or number of
`processors. Other researchers in the past (notably Fuchs and
`Johnson [Fuch79]) have used static assignment of tasks onto
`processors in an attempt to develop an evenly load balanced system.
`While static assignment may be preferable in some instances, it is not
`necessary since the Uniform System on the Butterfly uses a small
`amount of overhead in implementing a dynamic scheduler. In the
`algorithm used here, a large number of tasks which are easily
`determined are executed in a dynamic fashion.
`The dynamic method reduces load imbalance, and since the tasks
`are small at the end of the computation, very little work is left to
`perform. The number of tasks created strongly influences the degree
`of success ofthe load balancing.
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 118/229

`Data Non-Adaptive Partitioning Scheme 107
`Figure 5.7: Vertical subdivision
`Figure 5.8: Horizontal subdivision
`Figure 5.9: Rectangular mesh subdivision
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 119/229

`108 Comparison of Task Partitioning Schemes
`On the other hand, if too many tasks are assigned, load imbalance
`is reduced, but the overhead of assigning more tasks will introduce
`additional loss of coherence, communication, aild network contention.
`Therefore, to choose the appropriate granularity ratio for a particular
`combination of (image, #processors), a series of experiments was
`designed to evaluate the performance of a particular granularity ratio
`R. These are shown in figures A.1, A2, A3, and A.4 in the appendix.
`The data for the mountain image is given in figure 5.10 as a
`representative example. From the graphs, it seems clear that ratios
`anywhere in the range from 16 to 1 up to 28 to 1 are suitable for most
`of the imagery. A compromise ratio of 24 to 1 was decided as the
`single choice to be used in the main timing experiments.
`One important note here is that the value of R determined above
`was evaluated on 96 processors since this was the maximum number
`of processors used. Due to increases in communication and network
`contention as the number of processors increases, this value of R may
`be higher than desirable if more processors are to be used. Either
`educated guesses or empirical testing similar to above would be
`required for a given processor configuration, especially if a different
`machine architecture were to be used. It is not reasonable to attempt
`to determine this ratio mathematically a priori since the overhead
`factors are too hard to predict for a given image. The times for all
`111 Load Imbal. Q Contention
`0 Sequential
`(!] CodeMod.
`@ Commun.
`0 +--+~~4--+--~~-+--~~-+~
`8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
`Granularity Ratio
`Figure 5.10: Granularity ratio comparison for mountain image, UD scheme
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 120/229

`Data Non-Adaptive Partitioning Scheme 109
`images using R = 24 and a 1:1 image aspect ratio for the regions are
`shown in figure 5.11. The speedup graph can be seen in figure 5.12.
`Although an aspect ratio of 1:1 for the regions was desired for all
`values of P, this could not be achieved for each combination of Rand
`P. Therefore, an aspect ratio as close to 1:1 was used when needed
`(all regions have the same aspect ratio for a given value of P).
`We will now analyze this algorithm with regard to the issues
`identified previously to determine the various overhead percentages.
` Scheduling (0.004%- 0.013%)
`In this decomposition method, it is necessary to schedule all regions
`as separate tasks, but the number of regions varies as the number of
`processors is increased. To determine the maximum number of
`regions to be scheduled, we used the granularity ratio (R) of 24 to 1 on
`96 processors, which results in a total of2,304 tasks to schedule. The
`time to run a task consisting solely of the background color for one of
`these areas has been measured as Tback = 2.3 msec. The reason this
`is larger than in the scan line decomposition case is that a separate
`block transfer is necessary for each scan line in the area and each
`block transfer requires a setup cost. Since 2.3 msec is exactly the
`overhead time to schedule 96 tasks on 96 processors (Tsched),
`scheduling will not become a bottleneck in this algorithm. The
`overhead due to scheduling then involves plugging the values for this
`algorithm into equation 4.5, as shown below. This time represents a
`percentage overhead for the different images, ranging from 0.004% for
`the mountain image to 0.013% for the stegosaurus image.
`<95 • 96) • 24 ~sec + (2,304 - 96) • 24 ~sec
`Scheduling % =
`• 100 %
`Tp • 96
` Memory Latency (1.4%- 3.6%)
`In this algorithm, memory latency is measured the same way as the
`previous method, namely by counting the number of remote
`references and using equation 4.6 to determine the overall
`percentage. Fewer references to the shared data are needed than in
`the previous approach due to the coherence maintained within a
`region. Consequently, the overall latency is reduced.
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 121/229

`Comparison of Task Partitioning Schemes
`Rectangular Region Algorithm (UD Scheme)
`Time 100
`# Processors
`Figure 5.11: Rectangular region performance (UD scheme)
`-a- Laser
`Speedup 48
`# Processors
`Figure 5.12: Speedup of rectangular region decomposition (UD scheme)
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 122/229

`Data Non-Adaptive Partitioning Scheme 111
`The percentage time of latency for this algorithm for the different test
`images ranges from L4% for the stegosaurus image to 3.6% for the
`mountain image. The latency increases corresponding to an increase
`in dataset size, which is the same phenomenon observed previously.
`Most remote references occur for the first scan line of a region
`since it is necessary to retrieve the data from remote memory and
`store it in local data structures. Once this is accomplished, the
`majority of references are local, with the exception being a small
`amount of remote referencing required in the anti-aliasing portion of
`the code (this would be the same for each of these algorithms). The
`remote referencing in the anti-aliasing section stems from the need to
`obtain the plane equation for each polygon for stochastic sampling
`purposes. Since the previous algorithm incorporates no vertical scan
`line coherence, all the data for each scan line must be referenced
`remotely. The rectangular region partitioning scheme capitalizes on
`coherence within the region so that remote referencing is reduced.
`5. 1.2.6. Network Contention (5.6% - 33. 1%)
`The network contention is calculated in the same manner for this
`algorithm as it was for the last one. Using this technique, the
`percentage effect of network contention for the various test images
`varies from 5.6% for the tree image to 33.1% for the stegosaurus
`The contention in this algorithm as compared to the parallel scan
`line approach is worse for the stegosaurus and Laser images, but
`improved for the tree and mountain images. It is difficult to speculate
`as to the reason for this without further image analysis. Regardless,
`one can see that even with a reduced number of references (as
`compared to the parallel scan line approach), contention is still a
`major degradation factor. Most of the increase in network contention
`occurs as the number of processors is increased from 64 to 96
`processors, indicating that the switch network becomes overloaded
`with requests somewhere in this range.
` Load Imbalance (4.3%- 11.5%)
`The granularity ratio in this algorithm provides a better load bal(cid:173)
`anced system than the last algorithm, although network contention
`increases the execution time and this varies the overall finishing
`times. The load imbalance percentages measured at 96 processors for
`the different images varies from 4.3% for the mountain image to
`1L5% for the tree image. When compared to the previous algorithm,
`the load imbalance overhead is less for this algorithm, with the
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 123/229

`112 Comparison of Task Partitioning Schemes
`exception of the tree test image. The granularity ratio comparison in
`figure A3 for this image indicates that load balancing is not particu(cid:173)
`larly good at any value of Rand in fact gets worse after R = 24.
`In general, though, this algorithm yields better load balancing
`than the scan line approach since the granularity ratio provides
`enough tasks to minimize the load imbalance over a wide range of
`processor configurations.
` Code Modification (7.9%- 9.6%)
`This algorithm has a different amount of coherence overhead than the
`scan line algorithm since rectangular regions are generated as tasks.
`Due to the rectangular nature of the regions, coherence is taken
`advantage of in both the vertical and horizontal directions within a
`single task. On the other hand, the lack of vertical scan line
`coherence at the beginning of an area results in extra work required
`to start the first scan line of a region.
`In addition, the lack of
`horizontal coherence at the boundary to the left causes an overhead of
`interpolating parameters for polygons which extend beyond this
`The code modification overhead is measured the same as before
`using equation 4.8. Based on the measured values, the overhead
`percentages vary from 7.9% for the mountain image to 9.6% for the
`tree image. Considering the fact that there are many more tasks used
`in this scheme versus the parallel scan line approach (2,304 vs. 484),
`this overhead factor does not seem out ofline in comparison.
` Explanation of Results
`The rectangular region decomposition scheme achieves reduced
`overheads primarily in memory latency and to some degree in
`network contention and load balancing, in comparison to the parallel
`scan line algorithm. The reduction in latency is due to the fact that
`most remote referencing occurs for the first scan line of an area, and
`this effect is reduced in the rectangular region algorithm. This
`suggests that the rectangular region decomposition algorithm will
`perform better than the scan line algorithm in the general case due to
`its performance advantages in the tests given. The scan line
`algorithm exhibits poor scalability as P is increased since load
`balancing will suffer as the number of scan lines approach the
`number of processors. The rectangular region algorithm uses a fixed
`granularity ratio which allows better load balancing as the number of
`processors is increased; thus its scalability is superior to the parallel
`scan line approach.
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 124/229

`Data Non-Adaptive Partitioning Scheme 113
`It is important to note that this algorithm still has its share of
`problems. Network contention still represents a significant overhead.
`The code modification overhead is not reduced in this algorithm in
`comparison to the scan line approach. A comparison of the major
`degradation factors is given in figure 5.13.
`Since the number of remote references is reduced in this
`algorithm but contention was not significantly reduced, another tactic
`is necessary to solve this problem. Consequently, it is necessary to
`implement a different memory referencing scheme that is designed to
`reduce the network contention noted in parallel implementations.
`This memory referencing strategy is referred to as the locally cached
`(LC) scheme and is described in the next section.
`5.1.3. Rectangular Region Decomposition
`(LC Scheme)
`The algorithm described here is implemented exactly the same as the
`last one, with the only exception being the remote memory
`referencing strategy. A brief description ofthis strategy, denoted the
`Locally Cached or LC scheme, follows. Instead of referencing globally
`IIIli Contention
`G CodeMod.
`lEI Ld. Irnbal.
`0 Usable Time
`40 __l,:bc:L..d::z:Jbc6ci=d~
`Figure 5.13: Degrada tion factors for rectangular r egion decomposition, (UD
`Scheme, P = 96)
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 125/229

`r f
`114 Comparison of Task Partitioning Schemes
`shared data remotely, the data is cached into the local memory
`module prior to referencing, thus allowing it to be accessible quickly.
`Although others have used an elaborate software caching mechanism
`for computer graphics rendering ([Gree89] and [Bado90]), we rely on
`the fact that the exact data needed for a given task can be copied
`directly to each processor prior to the computation of a given region.
`If a data element is relevant to more than one processor, it is copied to
`all processors which would reference it, incurring a space penalty.
`The extra memory required due to duplication is shown in the
`appendix in figures A9, A.10, All, and A12. These figures show the
`duplication of data by copying data elements as a function of the total
`number of regions. Although the extra memory required is wasteful,
`a tradeoff of space versus time is necessary to achieve faster memory
`referencing than the previous Uniformly Distributed (UD) approach.
`The cost of non-local memory access is eliminated by block
`transferring data from its global storage location to the local memory
`of the processor(s) that need it. Details of the LC scheme are given in
`chapter 6.
`5. 1.3. 1. Granularity Ratio
`The granularity ratio R was re-evaluated for this algorithm to see
`what a good ratio would be, since a different memory referencing
`scheme is used. This ratio was tested at values of 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20,
`24, 28, 32, 36, and 40 using the maximum configuration of 96
`processors. Figure 5.14 shows the comparison for the Laser image as
`an example. In the appendix, figures A.5, A6, A.7, and A.8 show the
`data for all the images. The downward slope of the curves is
`primarily due to a reduction in load imbalance as a higher granularity
`ratio is used. Then the curves continue upwards after a point since
`. the other culprits introduce more overhead cost for the higher ratios.
`The minimum point on the curve is the optimal granularity ratio {R)
`to use for a particular scene. Each scene exhibits different
`characteristics which affect · the choice of this optimal R so a
`compromise must be made so that a single value of R may be used in
`the general case.
`In this case, the choice of a good ratio spans a broader range than
`in the UD scheme. The reason for this is the reduction in
`communication and contention costs versus the previous method. It
`seems like a good choice for R can be anywhere in the range from 12
`to 1 up to 32 to 1. Since R = 24 was chosen for the previous algorithm
`and the performance for that ratio with this scheme is nearly optimal
`in most cases, this value will again be used. This ratio should provide
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 126/229

`Data Non-Adaptive Partitioning Scheme 115
`good results for most imagery, given this machine configuration.
`Graphs for the time and speedup of this algorithm with the LC
`memory referencing scheme are given in figures 5.15 and 5.16.
`The overhead factors for the rectangular region decomposition are
`now discussed, using the LC memory referencing scheme evaluated at
`96 processors.
` Scheduling (0.004%- 0.017%)
`The time to run a background task (Tback) in this scheme is the same
`time as the previous one, since the only difference between the two is
`the memory referencing, which does not affect the background task.
`This algorithm is faster than the previous one, so the overhead
`percentage is slightly higher. Equation 5.5 is again used for
`evaluating the overhead due to scheduling for this algorithm. Based
`on this equation, the overhead due to scheduling varied from 0.004%
`overhead for the mountain image to 0.017% overhead for the
`stegosaurus image.
`0 Sequential
`~ Commun.
`1111 Load Imbal.
`0 CodeMod.
`[ill Contention
`16 20 24 28 32 36 40
`Granularity Ratio
`Figure 5.14: Comparison of ratios for Laser image
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 127/229

`Comparison of Task Partitioning Schemes
`Rectangular Region Algorithm (LC Scheme)
`-e- Stegosaurus
`-s ·Laser
`Time 100
`# Processors
`Figure 5.15: Tiling time for rectangular region partitioning (LC)
`I I
`Speedup 48
`- & Stegosaurus
`· EJ - Laser
`- <) Tree
`# Processors
`Figure 5.16: Speedup for rectangular region partitioning (LC Scheme)
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 128/229

`Data Non-Adaptive Partitioning Scheme 117
` Communication Overhead (0.03%- 0.05%)
`Instead of latency due to remote referencing as in the UD case,
`communication occurs in blocks in this algorithm, resulting in a
`different overhead factor. This communication overhead is not
`present in the UD referencing method. Recall that this overhead is ·
`measured by a count of the total number of bytes transferred in the
`system during the computation. Using equation 4. 7 given in the
`previous chapter, the communication overhead range is 0.03% for the
`stegosaurus image up to 0.05% for the mountain image. One can see
`that these values represent a significant drop in the amount of time
`necessary to transfer data in the system. Since the data is copied into
`local memory, all future references occur locally. This means that the
`total amount of data transferred is also reduced in comparison to the
`UD referencing scheme.
` Network Contention (3.1%- 16.3%)
`Although there is some overhead necessary to set up the blocks of
`data to be transferred in this algorithm, the deficit is more than made
`up for by a reduction in network contention when compared to the UD
`scheme. The calculated network contention overhead varies from
`3.1% for the tree image to 16.3% for the stegosaurus image. The
`contention in this scheme is significantly less than in the previous
`one. This indicates that the locally cached memory referencing
`scheme does in fact reduce the messages in the system, which results
`in reduced chances for a blocked switch node.
` Load Imbalance (4.5%- 11.1%)
`The load imbalance in this algorithm is measured the same as before,
`using equation 4.11. The overhead percentages for load imbalance
`vary from 4.5% for the mountain image to 11.1% for the tree image.
`These values are nearly the same as those from the previous algo(cid:173)
`rithm, which is to be expected since they both use the same partition(cid:173)
`ing method.
`5. 1.3.6. Code Modification (5.4% - 6.4%)
`The code modification overhead using the LC scheme is less than in
`the UD scheme in all cases except the tree image. The measured
`overhead ranges from 5.4% for the mountain image to 6.4% for the
`stegosaurus image. The probable reason for the difference is that
`communication is not completely factored out of the measurement
`method. Recall that the measurement technique used for this
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 129/229

`r r
`Comparison of Task Partitioning Schemes
`overhead involves timing the program running on a single processor,
`using MIN memory modules. The UD scheme involves remote
`referencing to these memory modules, while the LC scheme does not.
`Although the communication cost is factored out of the measured time
`by counting the number of remote references or bytes transferred
`respectively, it is impossible to factor out the system overheads. Since
`the LC scheme will not likely include these to the degree that the UD
`scheme does due to the method of memory allocation and deallocation,
`the resultant code modification is a generally lower figure here.
`5. 1.3. 7. Explanation of Results
`Latency is no longer a factor using this memory referencing scheme,
`and although communication overhead is introduced, it is minimal.
`The change in memory referencing scheme also affects the overall
`code modification, as reported above.
`The load imbalance is nearly the same as the previous algorithm,
`with the slight difference due to the effect of reduced contention in
`this algorithm. The chart in figure 5.17 indicates the overheads for
`the various images.
`Ill Contention
`[ill Ld. Imbal.
`0 Usable Time
`EJ CodeMod
`[a Comm.
`Figure 5.17: Degradation factors for rectangular region decomposition (LC
`Scheme, P = 96)
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 130/229

`Data Adaptive Partitioning Scheme 119
`As one can see from the chart, network contention is still a
`problem, although it is significantly reduced in comparison to the UD
`scheme, especially for the more complex imagery. Load imbalance is
`also a problem, although the algorithm should scale up fairly well,
`especially when one takes into account the reduced contention using
`this memory reference strategy.
`In the next section, we introduce another partitioning scheme
`which achieves even better load balancing.
`5.2. Data Adaptive Partitioning Scheme
`In a data adaptive algorithm, load balancing is achieved by construct(cid:173)
`ing tasks which are estimated to take nearly the same amount of
`time. By using image space partitioning in a parallel graphics
`rendering program, tasks can be determined based on the location of
`data within the image. If the task work can be accurately predicted
`by using a heuristic, then the granularity ratio R can be reduced,
`resulting in less communication and scheduling.
`In fact, if the
`adaptation can produce exactly the same size tasks in terms of work,
`R can be reduced to 1. It is not generally possible to pick a very
`accurate heuristic since factors such as depth complexity, polygon
`area, and anti-aliasing all affect the time it takes to render a pixel.
`Pre-processing of the data cannot take all of these factors into
`account; otherwise it would require too much time. Following is a
`brief description of several algorithms which fall under the data
`adaptive category.
`Whelan [Whel85] uses a data adaptive approach in his Median
`Cut algorithm, although his application was for a hardware
`architecture. His primary motivation was to reduce the scheduling
`overhead associated with the type of dynamic task assignment used
`in the algorithms discussed thus far. This is not necessary in a
`software multiprocessor approach since the Uniform System provides
`scheduling with a very small overhead. Whelan's approach involves
`task partitioning so that each task contains the same number of
`polygons. He uses the centroids of the polygons to determine their
`screen space location; however, extensive sorting is necessary to
`determine the locations to place the screen space partitions. His
`algorithm provides excellent load balancing, but the overhead cost of
`creating the areas outweighs the benefit of adaptive partitioning.
`Roble's [Robl88] approach is another data adaptive method which
`also uses polygon location as a heuristic for determining tasks. His
`approach involves a large amount of communication prior to the tiling
`phase, and thus exhibits too much overhead as well.
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 131/229

`Comparison of Task Partitioning Schemes
`Although there are many different decomposition methods that
`fall under the data adaptive method, one algorithm was chosen as a
`representative example for implementation. The goal here was to
`eliminate the excess overhead associated with this type of approach.
`This algorithm is described next.
`5.2.1 . Top-down Decomposition
`A partitioning scheme similar to Whelan's Median Cut algorithm is
`used which takes comparatively less time to determine the task
`partitions. This scheme is based solely on the number of data
`elements in a region, regardless of the location oftheir centroids. The
`heuristic in this algorithm is based on the assumption that the
`number of polygons in a region is linearly related to the time it takes
`to tile that region. Using this simple heuristic, good load balancing
`can be achieved with a small overhead. The LC memory re

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