`Overview of Parallel Methods for Image Genemtion
`machine rather than simulated, it is also possible to determine
`quantitatively how well each implementation has succeeded.
`2.3. Conclusions
`In the first section of this chapter, a number of criteria are given to
`evaluate the different parallel decompositions which are presented in
`the second section. These criteria for evaluation include granularity,
`type of parallelism, use of coherence, load balancing characteristics,
`methods of data access, and scalability.
`In the second section, a number of past as well as yet untested
`possible parallel approaches are presented and categorized into a
`taxonomy. The image space pixel decompositions based on areas of
`pixels seem to hold the most promise for high performance on an
`MIMD architecture. In chapter 5, the implementations of approaches
`are described in an effort to conclusively show that one technique is
`optimal. Since most of the past work has involved simulations and
`not multiprocessor implementations, these implementations allow us
`to compare different task decompositions and memory referencing
`strategies on an equal basis for the first time.
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`Issues in Parallel
`In this chapter, different advanced parallel computer architectures
`are compared according to their suitability for implementation of a
`graphics display algorithm.
`In the first section, the architectures are presented and analyzed
`with regard to the development of a parallel graphics rendering
`algorithm. Although SIMD architectures (single instruction, multiple
`data path) have been used for graphics applications in the past, this
`mode of operation generally requires task execution in lock step
`fashion. Work done at the pixel level can be accomplished in this
`manner, but higher level tasks are not well suited to this type of
`parallel approach.
`The type of architectures investigated here is restricted to MIMD
`machines (multiple instruction, multiple data path) since different
`tasks can proceed simultaneously under separate control flow. These
`machines can be configured with small to large processor counts,
`allowing flexibility in performance versus cost. An inexpensive
`MIMD architecture can be obtained for as little as $10,000, while
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`Issues in Parallel Algorithm Development
`extremely high performance machines can cost several million
`dollars. The algorithms presented here are designed to be useful on a
`small system containing only 2 processors, as well as a large system
`of 100 or more processors.
`The second section involves a comparison of the two main
`architectural choices in MIMD hardware. These two methods,
`message passing and shared memory, are analyzed with regard to a
`parallel graphics implementation. Finally, we describe the
`programming environment which is specific to the BBN Butterfly
`multiprocessor since this machine was chosen for the implementation
`comparisons here.
`3.1. Architectural Choices
`There are currently a number of commercial message passing
`architectures (Intel iPSC, NCube, Inmos transputer based machines)
`and shared memory multiprocessors (Sequent Balance, Encore
`Multi max, Alliant F'X/2800, and BBN Butterfly1) on the market.
`Coarse grained MIMD architectures such as those offered by Cray,
`Convex, Silicon Graphics, and others allow only limited parallelism.
`The issues in developing programs for the latter machines are not as
`pronounced as for the previously mentioned machines due to their
`small processor counts (typically 2 to 8 processors).
`In this section, we describe a few specific commercial machines to
`illustrate the differences among the classes of architectures. These
`differences allow us to evaluate how well the various types of
`computer image generation algorithms can be expected to run on a
`variety of parallel computers.
`The first subsection describes the impact of using conventional
`MIMD hardware to perform computer graphics rendering. Different
`issues by which the architectures are evaluated are given in this
`section. The amount of memory used in a graphics application, as
`well as the high data movement involved in this application,
`influences the choice for the appropriate architecture suitable for this
`type of application.
`Distributed memory architectures are useful for applications
`where the data can be partitioned initially among the nodes2 of the
`system with little communication thereafter. These types of machines
`typically have a high message passing cost, and any time spent
`lBBN Advanced Computers, Inc. is no longer marketing the Butterfly,
`although it is still being supported.
`2The terms processors and nodes are used interchangeably here.
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`Architectural Choices
`communicating is time wasted from computation. The Intel
`hypercube family of machines are examples of distributed memory
`architectures in which the processors are connected in a hypercube
`topology. Although hypercube connections are a common design, Intel
`is also experimenting with a mesh design on what is currently
`reported to be the fastest computer in the world: the prototype Intel
`Touchstone machine installed at California Institute of Technology.
`The BBN Butterfly contains physically distributed memory, but it
`is classified as a shared memory architecture since remote memory
`can be logically shared. The Encore Multimax is an example of global
`shared memory architecture which uses caching to speed up
`references to the memory modules. These machines are analyzed as
`representative examples of their genre in the second subsection.
`3.1.1. Impact of Graphics Rendering on System
`Utilizing a multiprocessor for an application such as computer
`graphics rendering imposes certain demands on the system that other
`applications might not introduce. The large amount of data
`movement in this type of algorithm presents unusual problems for
`certain types of architectures. Following are two characteristics of
`graphics display algorithms which can affect the performance of the
`computer architecture to be used for implementation of the software
`3. 1. 1. 1. Image Quality
`In this book, we are primarily interested in trying to achieve good
`performance when rendering highly complex images in a graphics
`display algorithm on a parallel processor. This increase in image
`complexity can arise from several factors given in [Whit89]:
`Anti-aliasing. This is a correction mechanism for the typically
`inadequate sampling of high frequencies in a computer
`generated scene. More information about the geometric
`structure ofthe scene must be available to do anti-aliasing, and
`this affects the size of the data structures and the amount of
`information which must be shared by each processor.
`general, polygon fragment or sub-pixel information must be
`stored to perform anti-aliasing.
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`Issues in Parallel Algorithm Development
`Mapping. The data structures required for texture, bump, and
`reflection mapping are very large and must be shared by a
`large number of processors, which increases the communica(cid:173)
`tion between processors. These mapping operations enhance
`the quality ofthe image by simulating different types of surface
`attributes for the objects in the scene.
`Shadows. Some shadow casting algorithms require data struc(cid:173)
`tures as large as those required for texture, bump, and
`reflection mapping, with the same resultant communication
`problems. If a Z-buffer shadow algorithm is used, the visibility
`calculations are repeated for each light source and this adds
`time complexity [Will78]. The shadow volumes technique
`requires additional geometric data and this adds to the
`memory requirement [Crow77].
`Resolution. Instead of generating 640 x 4843 images, 1280 x 968
`or evengreater pixel resolution is desired to enhance image
`Data Elements. An increase in the number of geometric elements
`provides enhanced realism in the scene.
`Anti-aliasing, mapping, and shadowing involve increasing the
`complexity of the rendering calculations. Increased resolution raises
`the number of rendering calculations necessary since more pixels are
`displayed. Shadow casting and higher resolution increase the overall
`realism in the scene description by providing more detail. Each factor
`which increases image quality introduces distinct problems into the.
`parallelization process. The random access memory referencing
`patterns associated with mapping and shadow casting can degrade
`performance significantly if this data is not managed effectively. The
`implementation of these factors in a parallel environment is strongly
`· dependent on the decomposition and general memory referencing
`scheme chosen. Because this book focuses primarily on the analysis
`of the decomposition and memory referencing strategies, the focus
`here is on anti-aliasing, resolution, and number of data elements,
`leaving mapping and shadowing to be analyzed in a future work.
`Both greater resolution in image size and larger datasets require
`more memory to be available in the system.
`If the frame buffer is stored internally in RAM and resolution is
`increased from 640 x 484 to 1280 x 968, the memory storage require(cid:173)
`ments quadruple. If a Z-buffer [Catm74] or A buffer [Carp84) hidden
`3This refers to a display resolution of 640 pixels across by 484 pixels
`down the screen, which is standard video resolution.
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 62/229

`Architectural Choices
`/;;.· ·;
`surface algorithm is used, even more memory is needed due to the
`additional data stored per pixel. For a 1280 x 968 image maintaining
`4 bytes for red, green, blue, and coverage in addition to 4 bytes for the
`z-value, 8 megabytes of memory is needed. This memory needs to be,.
`accessible by all of the processors.
`An increase in the number of geometric elements also requires a
`corresponding linear increase in the memory required. If we assume
`that the elements used are quadrilateral polygons, each polygon
`requires 12 bytes to store each point, 12 bytes to store each normal,
`and 10 bytes (minimally) to store the connectivity information. This
`adds up to 106 bytes per polygon, although we can in general assume
`that each normal and point are shared by 4 other polygons. This
`results in 32 bytes per polygon. Based on these values, the amount of
`memory can be determined for different levels of image quality, as
`shown next.
`The following are scenarios for memory usage based on image
`quality. Memory requirements for each image quality level are
`variable within a certain range, depending on the features included
`and the algorithm chosen.
`Case 1. A "low quality" image generated today might involve
`1,000 to 10,000 geometric elements at a resolution of 640 x 484
`(standard video resolution).
`Memory requirement for data: 32K up to 320K
`Case 2. A "normal" image would involve 10,000 to 70,000
`geometric elements, include at least anti-aliasing and possibly
`additional visual effects. Resolution would be 640 x 484 up to
`1280 X 968.
`Memory requirement for data: 320K up to 2.2 megabytes
`Case 3. A "high quality" image would involve 70,000 up to
`1,000,000 geometric elements, include anti-aliasing and one or
`more visual effects. Resolution would be 1280 x 968 up to 4K x
`Memory requirement for data: 2.2 megabytes up to 32
`These estimates do not include storage for maintaining edgelists
`and interpolation values, in addition to the space required for
`advanced features such as anti-aliasing. Frame buffer or Z-buffer
`storage in RAM will make matters worse at all levels. The actual
`memory requirements are at least double and possibly quadruple the
`values given previously for the data storage. Access to all of this data
`remotely on a shared memory machine will likely cause problems
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 63/229

`Issues in Parallel Algorithm Development
`with excessive usage of the interconnection network unless the data is
`carefully managed. On message passing architectures, access to
`remote data requires knowledge of the location of the data and a
`complex mechanism for distributing it among the processors in the
`system. In addition, the time to pass the data back and forth in a
`message passing machine will degrade performance. One of the
`reasons to use a multiprocessor for graphics rendering is to handle
`large and complicated scenes. Therefore, the memory requirements
`and manipulation of data in the system need to be carefully evaluated
`to reduce the overhead effects.
` vo
`Some advanced architectures use parallel disk setups such as the
`data vault mechanism in the Connection Machine. In general, though,
`most multiprocessors employ only a single disk for 1/0. The large
`scene descriptions required in various applications may require a
`time of several seconds up to many minutes to read in the data from
`disk. This can only be accomplished sequentially on a conventional
`von Neumann architecture. In a parallel machine, however, this
`presents a bottleneck in performance if only one processor interacts
`with the disk. One can see that it is desirable to be able to exploit
`some type of parallelism in disk usage. At the end of the graphics
`computation, an image is sent out either to an external frame buffer
`or to the disk for storage. This operation should also be parallelized.
`The assumption in this book is that only a single disk is available for
`1/0 operations, so parallelism may take the form of pipe lining. For
`machines which allow parallel 1/0, performance will greatly benefit if
`this feature is exploited.
`As was stated in chapter 1, the 1/0 phases of a display algorithm
`are not the focus of this book. Too often, though, computer graphics
`specialists have ignored this portion of the program in their parallel
`algorithms. The 1/0 can directly affect how the algorithm is
`structured and optimization might not be feasible within the context
`of any given parallel tiling algorithm. An example parallel implemen(cid:173)
`tation of the 1/0 operations is illustrated later in this text.
`3. 1.2. Message Passing
`In a message passing architecture, all of the processors are connected
`by an interconnection network through which messages are passed.
`This is the only form of communication between processors because
`they do not share any memory. The Intel iPSC is an example of this
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 64/229

`Architectural Choices
`type of architecture. The processor nodes in the iPSC are connected
`in a hypercube fashion whereby each processor can communicate with
`n other nodes which differ by exactly one bit in their addresses in a
`fully configured system containing 2n nodes. The more recent
`versions of the Intel hypercube use a type of message passing
`mechanism that is called "wormhole" routing [Nuge88]. This routing
`mechanism allows processors to communicate with each other directly
`even if they are not directly connected. A path which is held open for
`the entire length of the message is created from the source to the
`destination. This type of path is only created for sufficiently long
`messages to prevent unfair use of the interconnection network.
`The programmer's burden of "mapping" a parallel algorithm onto
`the hypercube is lessened since optimizing the algorithm for nearest
`neighbor communication is no longer a necessary consideration for
`this architecture. The issue of multiple messages contesting for
`portions of the same path still exists in this scheme since the worm(cid:173)
`hole is maintained as long as a message is being transferred. If
`another route is not available, any other messages vying for a portion
`of this path must wait. In addition to the above hypercube connec(cid:173)
`tions between nodes, there exists another processing node called the
`cube manager which is connected to all the processors via ethernet
`link. A three-dimensional hypercube is illustrated in figure 3.1.
`Some choices for algorithm decomposition favor one type of
`architecture over another solely because of the method of memory
`distribution. Much work has been directed at the problem of mapping
`Figure 3.1: Example of hypercube architecture (8 nodes)
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 65/229

`Issues in Parallel Algorithm Development
`algorithms to architectures [Berm87], but no single methodology is
`optimal across different architectural models and algorithmic
`paradigms. Since the optimal mapping problem is NP-complete in
`most realistic settings [Chen88], heuristics are usually used.
`Sadayappan and Ercal [Sada87] have developed a technique in which
`data locality is exploited by a nearest neighbor mapping to reduce
`communication costs in a mesh architecture. This approach would be
`applicable to a graphics display application when it is to be
`implemented on such a machine.
`The Intel hypercube has several limitations which make this
`machine a less likely candidate for a graphics image generation
`implementation. This type of architecture is primarily intended for
`problems which exhibit high parallelism and high computation costs,
`but little data movement. The cost of sending messages between the
`cube manager and each processor, as well as between the processors
`themselves, is very high and is only reduced when a wormhole is
`used. A message must contain greater than 256 bytes in order for
`wormhole routing to occur. The low bandwidth of the ethemet and
`high set-up time for messages allow only limited dynamic load
`balancing to be accomplished since data movement is costly. For a
`graphics display algorithm, the cost of propagating part or all of the
`database to . the nodes is high, as is the cost for retrieving the
`rendered pixels. Parallel 1/0 cannot be achieved in this machine since
`only the cube manager processor can access the disk. The Intel
`hypercube was not designed for high data movement applications,
`and therefore the bottleneck created by the cube manager for disk 1/0,
`as well as the cost of message passing, limits the use of this machine
`for graphics algorithms.
`A reasonable solution might involve an initial communication of
`data to be scattered throughout the processors with successive com(cid:173)
`munication involving very small amounts of data. This would be
`viable in a graphics context in which the computing cost overwhelm(cid:173)
`ingly outweighs the communication cost, such as in a ray tracing
`program. Badouel [Bado90] has used a ray tracing algorithm with
`good success on the iPSC by employing a caching scheme for subse(cid:173)
`quent communication after the initial data distribution.
`3.1.3. Shared Memory
`There are a number of distinct interconnection network strategies for
`connecting processors to a global memory. Next we describe two
`types of shared memory multiprocessor architectures: bus-based
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 66/229

`Architectural Choices
`tightly coupled shared memory and multistage switch-based shared
`3. 1.3. 1. Bus-based Shared Memory
`The shared memory paradigm allows the programmer to think in
`terms of parallel tasks, rather than assigning tasks to processors as in
`a message passing design. The Encore Multimax is an example of a
`shared memory multiprocessor which uses a single bus for processor
`to memory communication. Other bus-based systems may use
`multiple buses for faster communication and fewer conflicts. The
`Multimax can contain up to 20 processors and from 32 to 128
`megabytes of memory. A drawing of this type of architecture is given
`in figure 3.2, where P indicates a processor.
`The Encore's primary limitation is the fixed bandwidth of the bus,
`which restricts the number of processors that can be used efficiently.
`This does not allow testing of the algorithm on large scale processor
`configurations. Another factor weighing against this type of
`architecture is the notion of a single contiguous memory shared by all
`processors. Processors do not have any local memory to access, and
`therefore contention for the bus can become a performance
`degradation factor even when referencing data that does not need to
`be shared. A memory cache provides a form of local access and
`alleviates this bottleneck somewhat. For some algorithmic choices
`and for initial implementation and debugging, bus-based
`architectures could be a good choice for a graphics image generation
`algorithm, but they do not provide the scalable performance that is
`necessary to achieve fast processing of large graphics databases.
`Figure 3.2: An example of a bus-based multiprocessor architecture
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`Issues in Parallel Algorithm Development
`3. 1.3.2. Switch-based Shared Memory
`The BBN family of multiprocessors (which includes the Butterfly
`GPlOOO and TC2000) are shared memory multiprocessors which
`utilize a complex interconnection network to connect processors to
`shared memory modules. For the purposes of this discussion, we will
`restrict ourselves to analyzing the architecture of the Butterfly
`GPlOOO. The Butterfly GPlOOO is a scalable multiprocessor which
`can be configured from 1 to 256 processors, each containing 4
`megabytes of memory. The network in this machine is built up from a
`basic 4 x 4 crossbar switch, which allows simultaneous communica(cid:173)
`tion between processors and memory as long as more than one
`processor does not try to communicate with the same memory module
`at the same time. This switch is shown in figure 3.3. A description of
`the advantages of this type of switch over a bus-based interconnection
`network is given in [BBN84].
`The memory in this machine can be logically shared, but it is
`physically distributed across a multi-stage network switch. The
`processors each have access to their own local memory, as well as to
`remote memory modules, by making references across the switch.
`This puts the Butterfly into the NUMA (non-uniform memory access)
`class of shared memory multiprocessors since the local data access is
`faster than the remote data access. Other NUMA machines include
`the Cedar [Kuck86] project from University of Illinois as well as the
`NYU Ultracomputer [Gott83]. The software interface provided for the
`programmer in the Butterfly makes this remote referencing
`transparent. The interconnection network provides very high
`performance with a 32 Megabit/second communication bandwidth.
`This network is illustrated in figure 3.4.
`There is no notion of a single main processor in the Butterfly,
`although one of the processors is connected to the multibus and serves
`as the processor through which I/0 is accomplished. This could create
`a possible I/0 bottleneck similar to the one stated previously for the
`Intel iPSC. In the case ofthe Butterfly, however, each processor can
`access the disk transparently through the I/0 processor, whereas the
`cube manager is the only processor which can access the disk in the
`iPSC. This transparent disk access allows any processor to perform a
`disk read or write operation, although semaphores may be required to
`prevent interference. The I/0 bottleneck still exists in the GPlOOO,
`but it is easier to program the reading in of data in the GPlOOO than
`in the iPSC.
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 68/229

`Architectural Choices
`M2 M3
`.... ,. ..
`4x4 Crossbar Switch
`Figure 3.3: Connection of processors to memory with crossbar switch
`Each processor is connected
`through a multi-stage ·
`interconnect to remote
`Figure 3.4: Multi-stage interconnection network in BBN Butterfly
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 69/229

`Issues in Parallel Algorithm Development
`3.2. Comparison of MIMD Methodologies
`In comparing shared memory and message passing architectures for a
`graphics display algorithm, several items are worth considering. One
`important item to note when choosing an architecture for
`implementation is the fact that the amount of memory to be managed
`when generating high quality imagery can grow to be very large.
`Based on the algorithmic requirements given previously, it is
`desirable to develop parallel graphics algorithms on a machine with
`the following characteristics:
`1. Ease of programming
`2. High performance interconnection network
`3. Scalable to high processor configurations
`First, the shared memory programming paradigm is generally
`considered to be easier than message passing for the programmer to
`work with in developing code for an MIMD computer. The reason is
`that data which all processors need access to can be stored once in the
`system in logically shared memory. It does not need to be copied to
`each processor, which would otherwise waste time and/or space. Nor
`does the actual physical memory module location need to be specified
`by the programmer and sent to each processor. This is handled by the
`operating system (or hardware) as if the collection of memory modules
`is in one global address space (in the case of the Butterfly, for
`Secondly, the interconnection network performance in shared
`memory architectures is generally better suited for frequent commu(cid:173)
`nication of very small to very large packets of data. This is not
`usually the case for message passing machines. On the other hand,
`recent work described in [Nitz91] indicates that it is feasible to simu(cid:173)
`late a shared memory environment on a distributed memory parallel
`computer. In the future, this type of architecture/programming
`methodology might provide the type of scalable performance for which
`a graphics application would be well suited. Message passing
`architectures would be well suited to complex image generation
`algorithms such as ray tracing or radiosity because the cost of image
`generation is amortized when the task time is large in comparison to
`the data transfer time.
`The performance of the Butterfly multistage interconnection
`network is much higher than the interconnection network in the
`iPSC, although the former is more costly. In addition, the Butterfly
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 70/229

`Comparison ofMIMD Methodologies
`network can scale to large processor configurations, and therefore
`provide better performance than a bus-based shared memory system.
`Since the Encore Multimax and other bus-based systems are
`limited in the number of processors they can support, low or normal
`quality image generation would fit well onto that type of architecture.
`Higher quality imagery demands more compute power as well as
`more memory than is normally available on bus architectures. One
`exception is the Alliant FX/28000, which uses up to 28 Intel i860
`processors. The number of processors cannot be increased beyond
`this, but very high performance has been obtained on this system.
`Still, the Butterfly TC2000 is a faster version of the GPlOOO and does
`provide the scalability necessary to render extremely large datasets.
`If judicious distribution of graphics data is used, memory latency can
`be reduced to a negligible overhead.
`Although all of these architectures are suitable for graphics
`algorithms, the Butterfly environment provides a stronger case for
`high performance. In summary, with regard to the issues discussed
`previously, the BBN Butterfly is the best example of a shared memory
`multiprocessor which meets these requirements. The distributed
`memory modules within the Butterfly allow the programmer to take
`advantage of local memory access while a global view is provided of
`shared memory. The performance of the interconnection network and
`memory modules is better than a bus-based system such as the
`Encore Multimax, and the number of processors that the machine is
`capable of supporting allows massive parallelism.
`The BBN Butterfly GP1000 at The Ohio State University's
`Computer and Information Science Department was used for the
`primary development and debugging of the algorithms presented in
`this book. This machine only had 10 processors, so it was desirable to
`test the programs on a larger machine. The Naval Research Lab,
`Georgia Institute of Technology, and Michigan State University all
`provided access to machines with larger configurations for this
`purpose: Final testing was done on the Butterfly GP1000 located at
`the headquarters of BBN Advanced Computers, Inc. This machine
`contains 107 processors, but we have limited testing of the programs
`to 96 processors. Under all circumstances, this machine was not
`being used by others at the time of testing, so no other processes in(cid:173)
`terfered with the timings. The BBN TC2000 is their next generation
`multiprocessor which contains numerous enhancements to the design
`used in the GP1000. For some of the tests given in chapter 5, access
`was provided to a 47 processor TC2000 at Argonne National
`Laboratory, as well as to a 128 processor TC2000 at Lawrence
`Livermore National Laboratory. As a note to the reader, for further
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 71/229

`Issues in Parallel Algorithm Development
`reference in the rest of this book, the term processor is used to denote
`a processor-memory module on the Butterfly.
`3.3. The BBN Programming Environment
`An algorithm can be designed to take advantage of a particular
`machine's characteristics to enhance overall performance. The
`algorithms illustrated here were designed for an MIMD architecture
`and optimized for implementation on the BBN Butterfly. Ideally, one
`would like to design program code so that it will run unmodified on a
`variety of parallel architectures. Although some parallel
`environments are available on a wide variety of machines (notably
`Linda [Ahuh86]), we did not have access to these programming tools.
`The parallel programming paradigms available on the Butterfly at
`Ohio State (where the code was originally developed) are BBN's
`Uniform System and a version of C-Threads originally developed at
`Carnegie-Mellon University [Coop87]. Additionally, Lawrence
`Livermore provides a split-join programming model called PCP, but it
`is currently only supported on the TC2000 [Gord91], and not the
`The Uniform System approach is a BBN specific parallel pro(cid:173)
`gramming scheme [BBN89a]. This method uses the concept of
`generators which spawn off parallel tasks in a number of different
`ways selectable by the programmer. The second paradigm is C(cid:173)
`Threads, which was ported to the Butterfly at The Ohio State
`University [Sami89]. The Uniform System was used for implementa(cid:173)
`tion purposes since it is supported by BBN and the program code
`would be able to run unmodified on the TC2000 as well.
`The Uniform System parallel programming paradigm is designed
`to allow the programmer to develop parallel applications which are
`insensitive to the actual number of processors in the system. The
`program code does not need to be modified, nor special cases taken
`into account when it is run under different processor configurations.
`This also allows for debugging and testing on a small number of
`processors and later using all of the processors in the system for
`timing measurements. The Uniform System is a library of routines
`that the user links with in a C or Fortran program. In the case of the
`algorithms presented here, all of the code is written in C. The
`Uniform System can basically be divided into two sections: the shared
`memory portion and the task assignment portion. In addition, special
`routines are available to handle atomic operations, locks for synchro(cid:173)
`nization, spin waits, and other configuration operators. Memory can
`be allocated in the system as:
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1011 - 72/229

`The BBN Programming Environment
`1. Local variables
`2. Global variables
`3. Dynamic storage
`4. Shared dynamic storage
`5. Copied storage
`Local, global, and dynamically allocated memory are treated the
`same as in any normal C program, with each processor having its own
`copy of a variable. Processor i and processor j may both reference a
`variable l, but its value is different on each processor since each has
`its own local copy.
`Shared dynamic storage allows one to create space for data which
`can be stored somewhere in global memory. The data is available to
`each processor, but is only stored physically in one process

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