`Geometric Transformations of Images
`I• Expand the width of an image by p/q. •I
`void WeimanExpansioo(
`const grayscalePixmap source,
`grayscalePixmap target,
`lot 11, lot k,
`lot p, lnt q)
`char roth[MAX);
`inl i , j , s;
`I• Source image. siz.e 11 x k •I
`I• Target image, width at least k • plq *I
`I• Siz.e of source image •I
`I• Scale factor is plq •I
`I• The array must hold at least p items. •I
`I• Loop indices • I
`I• Source image is 11 x k. target image is to be 11 x ceil (k • plq).3 •I
`lot target Width = ceil (k • p /(double} q);
`I• Store the Rothstein oode for pfq in array roth. •I
`I• Clear the target array. •I
`I• For several passes through the algorithm. .. •I
`I• Apply cyclic permutation to Rothstein code. • I
`Rothstein (roth, p, q) ;
`SetToBiank (target, n, target\Vuith};
`for (i = 0; i < p; i++) {
`lnt sourceCol = 0;
`Permute (roth );
`I• For each column of the target •I
`for U = O;j < target Width;}++) {
`If (rothlt1 == I) {
`I• If code says to copy source column *I
`for (s = 0; s < n; s++) {
`I• Copy aU the pixels. •I
`target[sJit1 += source[sJisourcecoq;
`I • Go to next column. •I
`I• Divide by q to compensate for adding each source column to target q times. •I
`for (i = 0; i < n; I++)
`for U = O;j < targetWidJh;J++)
`target(iJV) =riot (target(iJVJ / (double} q):
`I• WeimanExpansion •I
`Fig. 17.5 The Weiman algorithm for expanding an image.
`perform the identity transformation on an image, it blurs the values. ln Section 17 .5.3, we
`discuss this and other drawbacks of transformation algorithms.•
`At this point, it is worthwhile to separate two aspects of image transformation. The first
`is computing which point in the source image is mapped to the center of the pixel in the
`"The ceiling of a number is the smallest integer greater than or equal to the number; ceiling(l.6) = 2.
`ceiling( I. I) = 2, and ceiling(6.0) = 6.
`'Feibush, Levoy and Cook note that any filter can be used, but describe the algorithm in terms of a
`filter of diameter 2. The algorithm generally performs better wit.h this filter than it does with a
`unit-area box filter.
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1009 - 886/1253

`Image Manipulation and Storage
`Source space
`L - - - - - - . .J
`Source Image
`Target space
`These pixels
`need new
`values assigned
`Fig. 17.6 The relationship of the source space, source image, target space, and target
`image in the Feibush- levoy- Cook algorithm.
`Target Image
`target image. The second is computing the value for the pixel in the target image. The first
`task is merely algebraic, in that it involves computing values (and inverse values) of a
`transformation. This may be done efficiently by various incremental methods. The second
`task also has numerous solutions, all of which involve choosing some filtering function to
`apply to the original image. The method described in the next few pages assumes a filtering
`function that is circularly symmetric and has a modest size (i.e., is nonzero only on a small
`part of the plane).
`The algorithm starts with a source image (thought of as lying in one copy of the
`Euclidean plane, c.alled the source space), a projective map5 from another copy of the
`Euclidean plane (the target space) to the source space, and a polygonal region in the target
`space. The target image is the collection of pixels in the target space that are near the
`polygonal region, and it is these pixels whose values need to be assigned (see Fig. 17.6).
`Note that the projective map here goes from target to source, the reverse of the usual
`naming convention for mathematical functions.
`To start, we choose a symmetric filter function that is nonzero only for (x, y) very close
`to (0, 0) (perhaps within a 2-pixel distance). The support of this filter function is the set of
`points on which it is nonzero. We take a copy of the bounding rectangle for the support of
`the filter and translate it to each pixel in the target space. Whenever this rectangle intersects
`the target polygon, the pixel is considered to be in the target image. This translated
`rectangle is called the bounding rectangle for the target pixel, and the translated support of
`the filter function is called the pixel's convolution mask (see Fig. 17.7).
`The vertices of the target polygon are transformed to source space just once, for
`repeated use. The resulting polygon is called the source polygon. The bounding rectangle of
`each target pixel is transformed to the source space, where it becomes a quadrilateral. A
`bounding rectangle for this quadrilateral is computed, then is clipped by the source polygon
`(because clipping a rectangle by the source polygon is much easier than clipping a general
`quadrilateral). The pixels in the source space that lie in this clipped quadrilateral are
`transformed to the target space; only those that fall within the target pixel's bounding
`rectangle are retained.
`' A projectil'<' map is a map represented by a 3 X 3 matrix operating on the plane using homogeneous
`coordinates, in the manner described in Chapter 5.
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1009 - 887/1253

`Geometric Transformations of Images
`Source polygon
`Convolution mask
`Fig. 17.7 Terms used in the Feibush-levoy-cook algorithm.
`These transfonned pixels are then averaged together by the weights given by the fi Iter to
`yield a value for the target pixel. This target pixel value is correct only if the entire pixel is
`within the transfonned image boundaries. If the image has been rotated, for example, then
`the transformed edges of the image may cut across pixels (more precisely, across their
`convolution masks).
`Thus pixels are not entirely determined by the value just computed; that value only
`contributes to the pixel' s value, in proportion to the coverage of the pixels. The contribution
`can be determined analytically. Figure 17.8 shows the transformed edge of the source
`image passing through a pixers bounding rectangle, and within that rectangle passing
`through the pixel' s convolution mask. To find the contribution of the computed value to the
`pixel's final value, we do the following:
`I. Clip the image polygon against the bounding rectangle for the pixel (see Fig. 17 .9).
`The points of intersection with the edges of the bounding rectangle were already
`computed in determining whether the pixel was in the target image.
`2. For each vertex of the clipped polygon (in Fig. 17 .9, a single triangle with vertices
`- - - - Transformed
`po4ygon edge
`Convolution mask
`or filter support
`Fig. 17.8 Filtering for a pixel at the edge of the polygon.
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1009 - 888/1253

`Image Manipulation and Storage
`Side 1
`Fig. 17.9 The steps in filtering an edge.
`labeled A, 8 , and C, in clockwise order), construct a triangle with sides BASE (the edge
`from this vertex to the next vertex in clockwise order around the polygon), SIDE/ (the
`edge from this vertex to the center of the pixel) and SJDE2 (the edge from the next
`vertex to the center of the pixel).
`3. Consider the filter function as being planed in a third dimension above the convolution
`mask. The weight a region contributes to the total for a pixel is proportional to the
`volume above that region and under the graph of the filter. So we now compute the
`volumes above each triangle. As Fig. 17.9 shows, some of these volumes must be
`added and some subtracted to create the correct total contribution for the region. The
`rule is that the volume is added if the cross-product of SIDE/ and SJDE2 points into the
`page; otherwise, it is subtracted (see Exercise 17 .4).
`Computing the volumes in step 3 is easier than it might appear, in that they can be
`precomputed and then extracted from a look-up table during the actual filtering process.
`Exercise 17.5 shows how to do this precomputation.
`17 .4.3 Other Pattern Mapping Techniques
`The Feibush-Levoy·Cook algorithm provides excellent results for pattern mapping onto
`polygons, but requires computing a filtered value at each point, so that for each pixel in the
`image a filtering computation is perfonned. In a perspective picture of a plane (receding to a
`vanishing point) a single pixel in the final image may correspond to thousands of pixels in
`the source pattern, and thus require an immense filtering computation. Several techniques
`have been developed to produce more rapid (if sometimeS slightly less accurate) filtering .
`Williams [W1LL83] takes the source image and creates a M£P (multum in parvo(cid:173)
`many things in a small place) map, which occupies t of the memory of the original. If the
`original image is a 512 by 512 pixel, 24-bit true color image, using 8 bits each for the red,
`green, and blue information, the MIP map is a 1024 by 1024 by 8 bit image. The red,
`green, and blue parts of the original image each occupy one quarter of the MIP map, and
`the remaining quarter is filled with filtered versions of these, as shown in Fig. 17 .10. When
`a target pixel is covered by a collection of source pixels, the MIP map pixels corresponding
`to this collection most closely are used to give a filtered value. Linear interpolation between
`levels of filtering is used to further smooth the values.
`Crow [CROW84] devised a scheme by which box filtering of an image over any aligned
`rectangle can be done rapidly. For quick pattern mapping, this suffices in many cases-a
`rectangular box corresponding closely to the shape of the transformed target pixel is used to
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1009 - 889/1253

`Geometric Transformations of Images
`G A
`Fig. 17.10 A MIP map. The red, green, and blue channels of the original image fill three
`quarters of the MIP map. Each is filtered by a factor of 4, and the three resulting images
`fill up three quarters of the remaining quarter. The process is continued until the MIP
`map is filled.
`compute a filtered pattern value for the pixel. The scheme is based on the algebraic identity
`(x + a)(y +b)- (x +a) y- x (y +b)+ xy = ab. Interpreted geometrically, this says that
`the area of the small white rectangle in Fig. 17 .I I can be computed by taking the area of the
`large rectangle and subtracting the areas of both the vertically and the horizontally shaded
`rectangles, and then adding back in the crosshatched rectangle (which has been subtracted
`twice). By taking the source image and creating a new image, whose value at pixel (x, y) is
`the sum of all the values in the source image in the rectangle with comers (0, 0) and (x, y),
`we create a summed area table, S. We can now compute the sum of the pixels in the
`rectangle with comers at (x, y) and (x +a, y +b), for example, by taking S[x +a, y +b)
`- S[x + a, y] - S[x, y + b) + S[x, y].
`Glassner [GLAS86] observes that if the transformed pixel is not approximately an
`aligned rectangle, then summed area tables may blur the result excessively. He therefore
`develops a system in which the excess area in the aligned bounding box for the pixel is
`systematically trimmed, in order to provide a more accurate estimate of the filtered source
`image at the point. This requires detecting the geometry of the inverse-mapped target pixel
`relative to its bounding box.
`Heckbert [HECK86a) proposes a system using both the Feibush-Levoy-Cook method
`and MIP maps. He maps the target pixel's filter support (which is supposed to be circular,
`(0, y +b)
`(0. y)
`(x +a, y + b)
`(0, 0)
`(x, 0)
`(x + a , 0)
`Fig. 17 .11 The area of the small white rectangle in the image is computed by
`subtracting the horizontally and vertically shaded areas from the area of the large
`rectangle, and then adding back in the area of the crosshatched rectangle.
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1009 - 890/1253

`Image Manipulat ion and Storag e
`Fig. 1 7.12 (a) Point sampling of the source image. (b) MIP map filtering. (c) Summed
`area table filtering . (d) Elliptical weighted average using MIP maps and a Gaussian filter.
`(Courtesy of P. Heckbert.)
`and is defined by a quadratic function) to an elliptical region in the source image (defined
`by a different quadratic). Depending on the size of this region in the source image. an
`appropriate level in a MIP map for the source image is selected, and the pixels within it are
`collected in a weighted sum over the elliptical region. This weighted sum is the value
`assigned to the target pixel. This combines the accuracy of the Feibush-Levoy-Cook
`technique with the efficiency of the MIP map system. A comparison of pattern-mapping
`results is shown in Fig. 17 .12.
`Suppose that we take the image shown in Fig. 17 .13(a) and apply a vertical shearing
`transformation to it, as shown in part (b), and then we follow this with a horizontal shearing
`transformation,• as shown in pan (c). Provided we choose the right transformations, the net
`effect is to rotate the image as shown [CATM80]. Such a two-pass technique may be much
`"'The t"1> ~hearing transformations are actually shear-and-scale transformations. Tile first takes a
`column of pixels and translates and compresses it in the venical direction. The second does the same
`for a WN of pixels.
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1009 - 891/1253

`Multipass Transformations
`r -
`' . :'1
`. , .
`,.,.. ·-
`Fig. 17.13 A rotation may be expressed
`as a composition of a column-preserving
`and a row -preserving transformation. (a)
`The original image. (b) A column-preserving
`transformation has been applied to the im(cid:173)
`age. (c) A row-preserving transformation
`has been applied to the second image.
`(Courtesy of George Wolberg, Columbia
`faster to compute than a direct application of the rotation transformation, since it operates
`on one vertical or horizontal line of pi~s at a time, and the computations within each such
`line can be performed incrementally. Also, in many cases, the filtering necessary to a\'Oid
`aliasing artifacts can be performed line by line as well. More important still is that a wide
`class of trans formations can be implemented as multipass transformations [CATMSO,
`SMIT87 j . This multipass technique has been implemented in the Ampex digital optics
`(ADO) machine [BENN84), which is widely used in video production. A survey ofthis and
`other image warping techniques is given in [WOLB90] .
`Implementing t'M:l-pass (or multipass) transformations can be divided into two
`subtasks: finding the correct transformations for the individual passes, which is a purely
`algebraic problem, and applying the correct filtering to generate new pixels, which is an
`antialiasing problem. Since the second part will depend on the solution to t_he first , we
`begin by solving the first problem in the case of a rotation.
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1009 - 892/1253

`Image M anipulation and Storage
`17.5 .1 The Algebra of Multipass Transforms
`To simplify the discussion, we will use three different sets of coordinates. 'The original
`image will be written in (x, y) coordinates, the vertically sheared image in (u, v)
`coordinates. and the final image in (r, s) coordinates. The first shearing transformation will
`be called A, the second 8, and their composition, which is the rotation, will be called T.
`(~) = A ~).
`From Chapter 5, we know the formula forT:
`(:) = t) = (~~~:; ; : :).
`From this, we will determine the formulae for A and B.
`The transformation A is supposed to be column preserving; that is, it must send each
`column of the original image into the corresponding column of the transformed image.
`Thus, if the pixel (x, y) is sent to (11, v) by A, then 11 = x. In other 'Mlrds, A must be wriuen
`in the form
`( 11)-ix)-( x )
`\y -
`v -
`f(x, y)
`for some function f. In the same way, 8 is supposed to be row preserving, so 8 must be
`written in the form
`for some function g. To determine the formulae for A and 8 , we need to find the functions f
`and g.
`Writing out the composite. we have
`(') = s(") = s(ix)) = 8( x
`) = (s<x.f(x, Y»).
`j(x, y)
`f(x, y)
`From this equation, we see that s andf(x, y) are equal. Thus, the formula for sin terms of x
`andy gives the formula for f(x, y):j(x, y) = x sin t/> + y cos tf>. Determining the formula for
`g(u, v) is more complex. We know that, in terms of x and y, we can write g(u, v) = x cost/>
`- y sin tf>. To write this in terms of 11 and v, we must solve for x andy in terms of 11 and v and
`substitute. Solving for x is easy. ince we observed previously thatu = x. Solving for y is
`slightly more difficult: v = j(x, y) "' x sin t/> + y cos t/>, soy = (v - x sin t/>) I cos t/> =
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1009 - 893/1253

`Mult ipass Transformations
`(v- u sin 1/>) I cos if>. Substituting this result into the formula for g(u, v) in terms of x andy.
`we get
`g(11 , v) = 11 cos 4> -
`v- 11 sin 4> .
`san 4> = 11 sec 4> - v tan 1/>.
`ix) = (
`In summary, if we define
`s(~) =("sec 4>: v tan 4>).
`then computing the composite gives
`s(AC)) = (~~: t ; ;: :).
`as desired.
`To do this for a general tranSformation T. we must do exactly the same work. If
`rC) = (:j;: ~0·
`then we define 11 = x and v = f(x , y) = t2(x, y). To define g(u, v), we need to solve for y in
`terms of 11 and v, using these definitions-that is, to find a function h such that (u, v) =
`(x. t.f.x, y)) is equivatent to (x, y) = (11, h(u, v)). When we have found h, the formula for
`g(u, v) is just g(u, v) = t,/.11, h(u, v)).
`The difficult part of the process is finding h. ln fact, in our example, h(u. v) =
`(v- u sin 1/>) I cos 4>, which is undefined if cos 4> = 0-that is, if 4> = 90" or 2700-so that
`finding h may be impossible. Fortunately, rotating by 90" is very easy (just map (x, y) to
`( -y, x)), so that this is not a problem. ln fact, we shall see that, to rotate nearly 90°, it is
`better to rotate the full 90" and then to rotate a small amount back; thus, to rotate 87", we
`would rotate 90" and then -3". Algebraically, there is no difference between the two maps;
`at the pixel level, however, where filtering is involved, the difference is significant.
`A rotation can also be broken into three tranSformations so as to avoid this bouftntck
`problem [PAET86; TANA86; WOLB90). The decomposition for a rotation by 4> is
`[si~ 4> ~] [~ -t~ 4>12).
`[:: ~= :J = [~ -~ 4>12)
`Note that each transformation involves a computation with one multiplication and one
`addition. Also, when 4> > 90", we can do the rotation by first rotating by 180" and then by
`1/>, so that the argument of the tangent function is never greater than 45".1
`180" -
`"The tangent functioo is -tl behaved for angles neat 0", but has singularities at z90". Evaluating it
`for angles near 0" is lbcreforc preferable.
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`Image Manipulation and Storage
`To show lhatthe multipass technique is notlimiu:d to rotations, let us factor a different
`map, which distorts a square into a trJpezoid. (Such maps arise in the perspective
`transformations described in Chapter 6.) As an example, we take
`.../x) = ( :d(y + I))
`I \y
`\yt(y + I ) .
`Just as before, we wish to find functions
`such that B(A(y)) = r(y). In lhis case, v = f(x, y) = t.f..x, y) = yl(y + I ). We need to find
`g(u, v) so that g(u, v) = :d(y + 1). Solving the equation of/for y, we get y = -vl(v- 1).
`Thus (recalling lhatu = x), we can writeg(u, v) = u l (-vl(v- I)+ I)= u l(-ll(v- I))=
`u(l - v). Ourtwo passes become
`(;) = (u( l : v>).
`You should check that the composition of these transformations is really the original
`transformation T.
`The technique has been generalized to handle other map by Smith and colleagues
`ISMIT87l. Translation, rotation, scaling. and shearing all work easily. In addition, Smith
`considers functions of the form
`T(x, y) = S(m(x) h.(y), m(x) ht<J)),
`where Sis a standard computer grapbics transform-that is, a transformation of the plane
`by translation, scaling. rotation, and perspective transformations-and m(x). h1(y) and h.f..y)
`are arbitrary. He also considers maps T whose component functions t1(x, y) and t.f..x. y) are
`bicubic functions of x and y, under the special hypothesis thai Tis injective (i.e .• no two
`(x. y) points map to I he same (r , s) point).
`1 7 .5.2 Generating Transformed Images with Filtering
`When we transform an image by a row-preserving (or column-preserving) transformation,
`the source pixels are likely not to map exactly to the target pixels. For example, the pixels in
`a row might all be translated by Jt pixels to the right. In this case, we must compu1e values
`for the target pixels by taking combinations of the source pixels. What we are doing, in
`effect, is considering the values of the source pixels as samples of a function on a real line
`(the row); the values at t.he target pixels will be different samples of lhis same function.
`Hence. t.he process is called resampling.
`The theoretically ideal resampling process is to take, for a given target pixel , a weighted
`averdge ofthe source pixels whose transformed positions are near it. The weights associated
`wilh each source pixel should be sioc(kd), where d is the distance from lhe 1ransformed
`source pixel to the targel pixel and k is some constant. Unfortunately, lhis requires lhat
`every source pixel in a row contribute to every target pixel. As usual. ~-e can instead work
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1009 - 895/1253

`Multipass Transformations
`• ••
`• ••
`•• •
`Fig. 17 .14 The pixels that contribute to a n output pixel in a two-pass rotation form a
`small area in (x. y) space. (a) A single pixel in (r, s) space; (b) The horizontal span of pixels
`in (u, v) space that contribute to the value of that pixel; (c) The pixels in (x, y) space that
`contribute to the values of the pixels in (u, v) space.
`with various approximations ro the sine filter. The simplest is a box filter: Each source pixel
`is assumed to represent an interval in its row, and the endpoints of this interval are
`transformed. The contribution to the target pixel is the overlap of this transformed interval
`with the target pixel's interval multiplied by the value of the source pixel.
`Using this method, each target pixel has a value that is a weighted average of a short
`span of source pixels (the length of the span depends on the exact transformation). In a
`two-pass rotation, a pixel in (r, s)-space has a value that is a weighted average of a
`horizontal span of (u, v)-pixels. Figure 17 . 14(a) shows a pixel in (r, s) space, and (b) shows
`the span of pixels in (u, v) space that contribute to the value of that pixel. Each of these
`(u, v) pixels, however, has a value that is an average of a vertical span of pixels in (x, y)
`space. Figure 17. 14(c) shows these pixels in (x, y) space. Notice that the vertical spans in
`(x, y) space form a rhombus rather than a square, since the transformation from (x, y) to
`(u, v) is a shearing transformation.
`We know from Chapter 14 that the pixels contributing to an output pixel really ought to
`form a circular shape" (i.e., the filter should be radially symmetric). If the rhombus is too
`dift'erent from a square, the filtering will begin to degenerate and will produce bad results.
`The result of such a sepanuion of the filtering process into two component filters is
`discussed further in [MITC88].
`In addition, we want to avoid rbe boulenecking problem described previously, where
`many pixels in the source for a transformation contribute to each output pixel. In the case of
`a shear-and-scale operation, this occurs when the scale factor is small.
`Thus, in doing two-pass rotations (or any other multipass transformation) we want to
`avoid extreme s.hearing or botllenecking in our transformations. This is why rotating by 90•
`and then by -3" is superior to rotating by 87°. In general, when we are constructing a
`two-pass transform, we can transform by rows and then columns, or by columns and then
`rows, or can rotate 90° before doing either of these. According to Smith, one of these
`approaches appears always to resolve the bottlenecking problem, at least for standard
`operations such as translation, rotation, scaling, and shearing fSM!T87]. Nonetheless,
`there are more general transformations where this technique may not succeed: If one
`portion of an image is rotated 90" whi le some other stays fixed (imagine bending a long thin
`&rhis is particular to the case of a rotation. For a general transfonnation, the source
`contributing to an output pixel should consist of those pixels that are transfonned into a small disk
`about the target pixel; these pixels may or may not constitute a disk in the source image.
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1009 - 896/1253

`Image Manipulation and Storage
`rectangle into a quarter-circle shape), then there is certain to be bonlenecking at some
`point. no matter what the order in which the transformations are applied.
`Wolberg and Boult [WOLB891 have developed a technique in which two simultaneous
`versions of a multipass transform are done at once. The original image is first transformed
`by a row-preserving map and a column-preserving map, and then also is transformed by a
`90" rotation and a different pair of maps. For both transformation sequences, the method
`records the amount of bottlenecking present at each pixel.
`Thus, each output pixel can be computed in two different ways. Wolberg and Boult
`select, for each pixel, the route that has less bottlenecking, so that some portions of the
`image may be row--column transformed, whereas others are column-row transformed.
`Since the two sets of transformations can be performed simultaneously in parallel
`processors, this technique is ideally suited to implementation in hardware.
`17 .5 .3 Evaluating Transformation Methods
`There are several criteria for judging image-transfom1ation algorithms. Filtering theory
`tells us that an image can be reconstructed from its samples, provided the original image
`had no high-frequency components. Indeed, from any set of samples, one can reconstruct
`som~ image with no high-frequency components. If the original image had no high
`frequencies, then "e get the original back; if it did contain high frequencies, then the
`sampled image contained aliases, and the reconstructed image is likely to differ from the
`original (see Exercise 17.6).
`So how should we judge a tr"'dnsformation algorithm'/ Ideally, a transformation
`algorithm would have the following properties:
`Translation by a zero \'eCtor should be the identity
`A sequence of translations should have t.he same effect as a single, composite
`Scaling up by a factor of A > I and then sealing down by I/ A should be the identity
`Rotating by any sequence of angles totaling 360° should be the identity transformation .
`Many workable algorithms clearly fail to satisfy any of these criteria. Weiman's algorithm
`fails on all but the fourth criterion. Feibusb, Levoy, and Cook's algorithm fails on the first
`if a filter more than I pixel wide is used. Even Catrnull and Smith's two-pass algorithm fails
`on all four criteria.
`None of this is surprising. To resample an image, we ought to reconstruct it faithfully
`from its samples by convolving with a sine filter. Thus, each new pixel ought to be a
`weighted average of a// the pixels in the original image. Since all the methods are sensible
`enough to use filters of finite extent (for the sake of computational speed), all of them end
`up blurring the images.
`There are many image-transformation methods not covered here. They eacll have
`advantages and disadvantages, mostly in the form of time- space tradeoffs. These are
`described in detail in an excellent survey by Heckbert (HECK86b).
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1009 - 897/1253

`17 .6
`Image Compositing
`that is, combining images to create new
`In this section, we discuss compositing of images-
`images. Porter and Duff [PORT84) suggest that compositing is a good way to produce
`images in general, since it is fairly easy to do, whereas rendering the individual portions of
`the image may be difficult. With compositing, if one portion of the image needs alteration,
`the whole image does not need to be regenerated. Even more important, if some portions of
`an image are not rendered but have been optically scanned into memory instead,
`compositing may be the only way to incorporate them in the image.
`We describe compositing using the a channel in Section 17 .6. I, compositing using
`frame-buffer hardware in Section 17.6.2, the artificial generation of a values in Section
`17.6.3, and an interface for image assembly in Section 17.6.4.
`17 .6.1 a -Channel Com positing
`What sort of operations can be done in compositing? The value of each pixel in the
`composited image is computed from the component images in some fashion. ln an overlay,
`the pixels of the foreground image must be given tnmsparency val11es as well as whatever
`other values they may have (typically ROB or other color information). A pixel's value in
`the composited image is taken from the background image un less the foreground image has
`a nontransparent value at that point, in which case the V'<llue is taken from the foreground
`image. In a blending of two images, the resulting pixel value is a linear combination of the
`values of the two component pixels. Ln this section, we describe the
`mechanism for compositing images using such combinations and transparency values
`Suppose we have two images, one of a red polygon and one of a blue polygon, each on
`a transparent background. If we overlay the two images with the red polygon in front, then,
`at interior points of the front polygon, only the color red is visible. At points outside the
`front polygon but inside the back polygon, only blue is visible. But what about a pixel lying
`on the edge of the front polygon but inside the back polygon (see Fig. 17 .15)? Here, the
`front polygon covers only pan of the area of the pixel. If we color it red only, aliasing
`artifacts will result. On the other hand, if we know that the front polygon covers 70 percent
`Tricky pixel
`Fig . 17.1 5 Compositing operations near an ed ge: Ho w do we color the pixel?
`TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EX. 1009 - 898/1253

`Image Manipulation and Storage
`of the pixel, we can make the composited pixel 70 percent red and 30 percent blue and get a
`much more attracti~~e result.
`Suppose that as an image is produced, coverage infonnation is recorded: The color
`associated with each pixel in the image is given an a value representing the coverage of the
`pixel. For an image that is to become the foreground element of a composited image, many
`of the pixels are registered as having coverage zero (they are transparent); the remainder,
`which constitute the important content of the foreground image, have larger coverage values
`(usually one).
`To do compositing in a reasonable fashion , we need this a infonnation at each pixel of
`the images being cornposited. We therefore assume that, along with the RGB values of an
`image, we also have an a value encoding the c011erage of each pixel. This collection of a
`values is often called the a channel (see Section 17. 7). Some types of renderers generate
`this coverage information easily, but it may be more difficult to generate for images that
`have been scanned into memory. We discuss this problem briefly in Section 17.6.3.
`How do a values combine? Suppose we have a red polygon covering one-third of the
`area of a pixel , and a blue polygon that, taken separately, covers one-half of the area of the
`pixel. How much of the first polygon is covered by the second? As Fig. 17.16 shows, the
`first polygon can be completely cOIIered, partly covered, or not covered at all. But suppose
`we know nothing more than the coverage information given. What is a reasonable guess for
`the amount of the first polygon covered by the second? Let us suppose that the area covered
`by the first is randomly distributed through the pixel area, and that the same is true of the
`second. Then any tiny spot's chance of being in the red polygon ist, and its chance of being
`in the blue polygon is t. so its chance of being in both is t. Notice that this value is exactl

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