United States Patent
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent: May 26, 1998
`Narayanaswami et al.
`Inventors: Chandrasekhar Narayanaswami;
`Avijit Saha. both of Austin. Tex.
`[73] Assignee:
`International Business Machines
`Corporation. Arrnonk. N.Y.
`[21] Appl. No.: 629,500
`[22] Filed:
`Jan. 30, 1996
`Related U.S. Application Data
`[63] Continuation of Ser. No. 286,711, Jul. 21, 1994.
`Int. Cl.‘ ...................................................... G061? 15/80
`[52] U.S. Cl.
`............................................. 345/505; 395/675
`[58] Field of Search ..................................... 395/126-133.
`395/501. 502. 505. 507. 515. 675; 345/24.
`27. 28. 133. 185. 189. 203. 505. 501. S02.
`507. S15
`References Cited
`.......................... 395/505
`4,967,392 10/1990 Werner et al.
`4/1995 Eckart ..................................... 395/163
`IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications Magazine.
`“Dynamic load balancing for parallel polygon rendering”. S.
`Whitman. Jul. 1994. pp. 41-48.
`Graham Rowan. “Real Images in real-time”. Computer
`Graphics 88. pp. 13-23. Oct. 1988.
`Anthony Reeves. “Region Growing on a Highly Parallel
`Mesh-Connected SIMD Computer”. IEEE Computer Soci-
`ety Press. pp. 93-100. Oct. 1988.
`Michael Palmer and Stephen Taylor. “Rotation Invariant
`Partitioning for Concurrent Scientific Visualization”. Paral-
`lel CFD’94 Conference. p. 409-416. May 1994.
`Tong—Yee Lee. C.S. Raghavendra. John B. Nicholas. “Load
`Balancing Strategies for Ray Tracing on Parallel Proces-
`sors". IEEE Region Annual International Conference. pp.
`177-181. 1994.
`Marc H. Willebeek-LeMair. Anthony Reeves. Strategies for
`Dynamic Load Balancing on Highly Parallel Computersz.
`IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. pp.
`979-993. Sep. 1998.
`Computer Graphics Principles and Pratice. Second Edition.
`Foley et al. Chapter 18. “Advanced Raster Graphics Archi-
`tecture”. S. Molnar et al. pp. 855-922.
`Primary Examiner-—Kee M. Tung
`Attomey, Agent, or Firm—Volel Emile; Alan L. Carlson;
`Andrew J. Dillon
`An apparatus for utilizing multiple processors to render
`graphical objects for display including apparatus for storing
`in memory a list of pixel locations assigned to each of the
`processors. apparatus for scan converting each received
`graphical object into pixels. and each processor including
`apparatus for rendering graphical object pixels at pixel
`locations assigned to the processor. In addition. a method of
`utilizing multiple processors to render graphical objects for
`display including the steps of storing in memory a list of
`pixel locations assigned to each of the processors. scan
`converting each received graphical object into pixels. and
`each processor rendering graphical object pixels at pixel
`locations assigned to the processor.
`18 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets
`‘ . _ . . -_
`1 20
`LUT 245

`U.S. Patent
`May 26, 1998
`Sheet 1 of 6

`U.S. Patent
`May 26, 1998
`Sheet 2 of 6
`HOST £9
`(cm) E
`L _ _
`. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _
`L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`_ _ _ _.
`FIG. 2

`U.S. Patent
`May 26, 1993
`Sheet 3 of 6
`FIG. 3C

`U.S. Patent
`May 26, 1998
`Sheet 4 of 6
`‘” 1111/11/11;
`FIG. 4

`U.S. Patent
`May 26, 1998
`Sheet 5 of 5
`FIG. 5
`T N

`U.S. Patent
`May 26, 1993
`Sheet 6 of 6
`FIG. 6

`This is a continuation of application Ser. No. O8/286.711.
`filed Jul. 21. 1994.
`invention relates generally to computer
`The present
`graphics systems and more particularly to a method and
`apparatus for managing a graphical workload across mul-
`tiple processors.
`In computer graphics systems. it is desirable to render
`multiple objects into a frame buffer for display as quickly as
`possible. However. the rendering process has become more
`complex and computationally intensive as users demand
`more detailed results using more objects rendered more
`quickly. including providing realtime motion. while using
`more computationally intensive processing techniques such
`as color. texture. lighting. transparency and other rendering
`techniques. As a result. multiprocessing has been utilized to
`handle this ever increasing graphical workload.
`Many techniques for utilizing multiple processors are
`described in pages 855 to 922 of “Computer Graphics
`Principles and Practice”. second edition. 1990. by Foley.
`Van Dam. Feiner. and Hughes. For example. each object to
`be rendered may be assigned to a specific processor for
`processing including the use of a processor for each object
`in very high performance systems.
`An apparatus for utilizing multiple processors to render
`graphical objects for display including apparatus for storing
`in memory a list of pixel locations assigned to each of the
`processors. apparatus for scan converting each received
`graphical object into pixels, and each processor including
`apparatus for rendering graphical object pixels at pixel
`locations assigned to the processor. In addition. a method of
`utilizing multiple processors to render graphical objects for
`display including the steps of storing in memory a list of
`pixel locations assigned to each of the processors. scan
`converting each received graphical object into pixels. and
`each processor rendering graphical object pixels at pixel
`locations assigned to the processor.
`A further understanding of the nature and advantages of
`the present invention may be realized by reference to the
`remaining portions of the specification and the drawings.
`FIG. 1 is a diagram of a typical digital computer utilized
`by a preferred embodiment of the invention;
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram illustrating the layers of code
`typically utilized by the host computer and graphics adapter
`to perform graphics functions;
`FIGS. 3A—3C show various ways a graphical workload
`can be distributed by pixel location according to a preferred
`embodiment of the invention;
`FIG. 4 is a block diagram illustrating data structures that
`may be used in the graphics adapter memory in the preferred
`embodiment of the invention;
`FIG. 5 is a flowchart illustrating a preferred method for
`generating a pixel ownership bufier or a region ownership
`list; and
`FIG. 6 is a flowchart illustrating a preferred method for
`each processor to handle the graphical workload while
`determining ownership of pixels or regions.
`This disclosure describes an improved method and appa-
`ratus for managing a graphical workload such as rendering
`across multiple processors by pixel location or by display
`region. That is. a processor may process rendering of pixels
`for particular regions of a display or window based on
`various allocation techniques. These allocation techniques
`may be dynamic such that a particular pixel or display region
`may be processed by a first processor for a period of time
`and then rendered by a second processor for another period
`of time. This allows for great flexibility in managing the
`graphical workload across multiple processors.
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a typical digital computer 100
`utilized by a preferred embodiment of the invention. The
`computer includes main processor(s) 110 coupled to a
`memory 120 and a hard disk 125 in computer box 105 with
`input device(s) 130 and output device(s) 140 attached. Main
`processor(s) 110 may include a single processor or multiple
`processors. Input device(s) 130 may include a keyboard.
`mouse. tablet or other types of input devices. Output device
`(s) 140 may include a text monitor. plotter or other types of
`output devices. Computer readable removable media 190.
`such as a magnetic diskette or a compact disc. may be
`inserted into an inputloutput device 180. such as a disk drive
`or a CD-ROM (compact disc——read only memory) drive.
`Data is read from or written to the removable media by the
`I/O device under the control of the I/O device controller 170.
`The I/O device controller communicates with the main
`processor through across bus 160. Main memory 120. hard
`disk 125 and removable media 190 are all referred to as
`memory for storing data for processing by main processor(s)
`The main‘ processor may also be coupled to graphics
`output device(s) 150 such as a graphics display through a
`graphics adapter 200. Graphics adapter 200 receives instruc-
`tions regarding graphics from main processor(s) 110 on bus
`160. The graphics adapter then executes those instructions
`with graphics adapter processors 220 coupled to a graphics
`adapter memory 230. The graphics processors in the graph-
`ics adapter then execute those instructions and updates
`frame bufier(s) 240 based on those instructions. Graphics
`processors 220 may be a pipeline of processors in series. a
`set of parallel processors. or some combination thereof.
`where each processor may handle a portion of a task to be
`completed. Graphic processors 220 may also include spe-
`cialized rendering hardware for rendering specific types of
`primitives. Graphics memory 230 is used by the graphics
`processors to store information being processed. such as
`received object data, intermediate calculated data (such as a
`stencil buffer or partially rendered object data). and com-
`pleted data being loaded into the frame buffer 240. Frame
`buffer(s) 240 includes data for every pixel to be displayed on
`the graphics output device. A RAMDAC (random access
`memory digital-to-analog converter) 250 converts the digital
`data stored in the frame buflers into RGB signals to be
`provided to the graphics display 150 thereby rendering the
`desired graphics output from the main processor.
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram illustrating the layers of code
`typically utilized by the host computer and graphics adapter
`to perform graphics functions. An operating system 300
`such as UNIX provides the primary control of the host

`computer. Coupled to the operating system is an operating
`system kernel 310 which provides the hardware intensive
`tasks for the operating system. The operating system kernel
`communicates directly with the host computer microcode
`320. The host computer microcode is the primary instruction
`set executed by the host computer processor. Coupled to the
`operating system 300 are graphics applications 330 and 332.
`This graphics application software can include software
`packages such as Silicon Graphic’s GL. IBM’s graP}[[GS.
`MlT’s PEX. etc. This software provides the primary func-
`tions of two dimensional or three dimensional graphics.
`Graphics applications 330 and 332 are coupled to graphics
`application API (application program interface) 340 and
`342. respectively. The API provides many of the computa-
`tionally intensive tasks for the graphics application and
`provides an interface between the application software and
`software closer to the graphics hardware such as a device
`driver for the graphics adapter. For example. API 340 and
`342 may communicate with a GAI (graphics application
`interface) 350 and 352. respectively. The GAI provides an
`interface between the application API and a graphics adapter
`device driver 370. In some graphics systems. the API also
`performs the function of the GAI.
`The graphics application. API. and GAI are considered by
`the operating system and the device driver to be a single
`process. That is. graphics applications 330 and 332. API 340
`and 342. and GAI 350 and 352 are considered by operating
`system 300 and device driver 370 to be processes 360 and
`362. respectively. The processes are identified by the oper-
`ating system and the device driver by a process identifier
`(PID) that is assigned to the process by the operating system
`kernel. Processes 360 and 362 may use the same code that
`is being executed twice simultaneously. such as two execu-
`tions of a program in two separate windows. The PD is used
`to distinguish the separate executions of the same code.
`The device driver is a graphics kernel which is an exten-
`sion of the operating system kernel 310. The graphics kernel
`communicates directly with microcode of the graphics
`adapter 380. In many graphics systems. the GA]. or the API
`if no GAI layer is used. may request direct access from the
`GAI or API to the adapter microcode by sending an initial
`request instruction to the device driver. In addition. many
`graphics systems also allow the adapter microcode to
`request direct access from the adapter microcode to the GAI
`or API if no GAI is used by sending an
`instruction to the device driver. Both processes will herein-
`after be referred to as direct memory access (DMA). DMA
`is typically used when transferring large blocks of data.
`DMA provides for a quicker transmission of data between
`the host computer and the adapter by eliminating the need to
`go through the display driver other than the initial request for
`the device driver to set up the DMA. In some cases. the
`adapter microcode utilizes context switching which allows
`the adapter microcode to replace the current attributes being
`utilized by the adapter microcode. Context switching is used
`when the adapter microcode is to receive an instruction from
`a graphics application that utilizes difierent attributes than
`the adapted microcode is currently using. The context switch
`is typically initiated by the device driver which recognizes
`the attribute changes.
`Blocks 300-340 are software code layers that are typi-
`cally independent of the type of graphics adapter being
`utilized. Blocks 350-380 are software code layers that are
`typically dependent upon the type of graphics adapter being
`utilized. For example. if a difl’erent graphics adapter were to
`be used by the graphics application software. then a new
`GAI. graphics kernel and adapter microcode would be
`needed. In addition. blocks 300-370 typically reside on and
`are executed by the host computer. However. the adapter
`microcode 380 typically resides on and is executed by the
`graphics adapter. However.
`in some cases.
`the adapter
`microcode is loaded into the graphics adapter by the host
`computer during initialization of the graphics adapter.
`In typical graphics systems. the user instructs the graphics
`application to construct an image from a two or three
`dimensional model. The user first selects the location and
`type of light sources. The user then instructs the application
`software to build the desired model from a set of predefined
`or user defined objects. Each object may include one or more
`coplanar drawing primitives describing the object. For
`example. a set of drawing primitives such as many triangles
`may be used to define the surface of an object. The user then
`provides a perspective in a window to view the model.
`thereby defining the desired image. The application software
`then starts the rendering of the image from the model by
`sending the drawing primitives describing the objects to the
`adapter microcode through the API. the GAI. and then the
`device driver unless DMA is used. The adapter microcode
`then renders the image on the graphics display by clipping
`(i.e. not using) those drawing primitives not visible in the
`window and the adapter microcode breaks each remaining
`drawing primitive into visible pixels from the perspective
`given by the user. The pixels are then loaded into the frame
`bufl’er. often with the use of a depth bufier in the case of a
`three dimensional model. This step is very computationally
`intensive due to the number of drawing primitives. variables.
`and pixels involved. The resulting image stored in the frame
`buifer and displayed on the graphics display typically does
`not carry the original information such as which drawing
`primitive or object the pixel was derived from. As a result.
`the image may need to be rerendered in part or in whole if
`the window. the user perspective. the model. the lighting.
`etc. are modified.
`The techniques of the present invention could be utilized
`in many locations such as the adapter microcode which is
`close to the adapter frame buffer. This approach would also
`be relatively quick and fairly easy to implement. In addition.
`the present invention could be applied in the graphics
`application software wherein the rendered image is also
`stored in system memory either prior to the image being
`rendered or subsequently by the graphics adapter passing the
`data back up to the graphics application software. This
`approach would probably be slower but would allow for
`utilization of this technique on preexisting graphics adapt-
`ers. The present invention could also be implemented in
`hardware in the graphics adapter processor. This approach is
`extremely quick but may necessitate specialized hardware.
`As would be obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art. the
`present invention could be applied in many other locations
`within the host computer or graphics adapter.
`FIGS. 3A-3C show various ways a graphical workload
`can be distributed by pixel location according to a preferred
`embodiment of the invention. Each figure shows a window
`or display where certain regions are allocated to various
`processors for rendering pixels in those regions.
`FIG. 3A shows a round robin approach for distributing the
`graphical workload. A display or window 400 may be
`divided into multiple regions of pixels that are distributed
`across multiple processors in a round robin fashion. In the
`present example there are sixteen regions and three proces-
`sors P0. P1 and P2.
`FIG. 3B shows a stripe allocation approach for distribut-
`ing the graphical workload by region of pixels. A display or

`window 400 may be divided into multiple stripes where each
`processor is assigned one stripe. In the present example there
`are six stripes and six processors P0. P1. P2. P3. P4 and PS.
`FIG. 3C shows a mixed allocation procedure where the
`processors may be assigned regions of pixels using various
`techniques. In the present example there are many regions
`allocated to three processors P0. P1 and P2. The mixed
`allocation approach allows the allocation to be optimized
`based on various parameters. For example. the breakdown
`and allocation of pixels or regions of pixels may be based on
`the number of objects in a particular areas of the display. The
`breakdown and allocation may also be based on the amount
`of workload each processor already has. The breakdown and
`allocation of pixels or regions of pixels may also be dynamic
`whereby the pixels may be reassigned to different processors
`over time based on various factors. In any approach. the
`present invention allows for great flexibility in distributing
`the workload.
`FIG. 4 is a block diagram illustrating data structures that
`may be used in the graphics adapter memory 230 in the
`preferred embodiment of the invention.
`A pixel ownership butfer 231 is used to store identifiers
`(IDs) of the processor that owns each pixel. That is. there is
`one entry corresponding to every pixel in the frame buffer.
`and that entry contains an identifier of the processor that
`handles processing for that pixel including rendering. These
`entries may be modified over time to dynamically manage
`the processor workload.
`A region ownership list 235 may be used as an alternative
`to the pixel ownership buffer 231 described above. In this
`alternative. the region ownership list includes one entry for
`each region and may be fixed or variable length. Variable
`length would allow for greater flexibility in allocating
`regions but may he diflicult to manage. Each entry includes
`five elements that describe the minimum X value (X1). the
`maximum X value (X2). the minimum Y value (Y1). the
`maximum Y value (Y2). and the identifier of the processor
`that owns the region. As a result. the size and location of the
`region is defined and ownership is established of the region.
`In another alternative embodiment, the size and location of
`the regions may be fixed such that only the identifier of the
`processor that owns the region may be displayed.
`FIG. 5 is a flowchart illustrating a preferred method for
`generating a pixel ownership buffer or a region ownership
`list. This process may be executed at any time to establish
`processor ownership of regions or pixels. In addition. this
`process may be repeatedly executed to constantly optimize
`the allocation of the graphical workload.
`In a first step 500. it is determined whether block alloca-
`tion of the pixels may be performed. This type of allocation
`has the advantage of being simple and quick. If yes. then in
`step 505. the processor ownership is allocated in a round-
`robin fashion in uniform blocks of pixels or regions accord-
`ing to the preferred embodiment as shown in FIG. 3A.
`During this process. the data structures shown in FIG. 4 or
`their equivalents may be generated which indicate which
`processors own which pixels or regions. However, in alter-
`native embodiments. the regions need not be uniform and
`may be allocated in some other manner other than round-
`robin. Upon completion of step 505. processing ends for this
`process until it is reexecuted. If no in step 500 above. then
`processing continues to step 510.
`In step 510. it is determined whether stripe allocation of
`the pixels may be performed. This type of allocation also has
`the advantage of being simple and quick Ifyes. then in step
`515. the processor ownership is allocated in a round-robin
`fashion in uniform stripes of pixels or regions according to
`the preferred embodiment as shown in FIG. 3B. During this
`process. the data structures shown in FIG. 4 or their equiva-
`lents may be generated which indicate which processors
`own which pixels or regions. However.
`in alternative
`embodiments. the regions need not be uniform and may be
`allocated in some other manner other than round-robin.
`Upon completion of step 515. processing ends for this
`process until it is reexecuted. If no in step 510 above. then
`processing continues to step 520.
`In step 520. it is determined whether the user (or an
`application program) may wish to allocate the pixels or
`regions. This type of allocation has the advantage of allow-
`ing the user or application programs to generate optimized
`ownership patterns that anticipate upcoming graphical
`workloads. Ifyes. then in step 525. a bulfer or list is obtained
`from the user or application program for storage in the
`graphics adapter memory. Upon completion of step 525.
`processing ends for this process until it is reexecuted. If no
`in step 520 above. then processing continues to step 530.
`In step 530. it is determined whether a mixed allocation
`of the pixels may be performed. This type of allocation has
`the advantage of being extremely flexible for optimizing
`allocation of pixel ownership. If no in step 530.
`processing ends for this process until
`it is reexecuted.
`However. since no allocation has occurred. then a default or
`previous allocation continues to control which processors
`own which pixels or regions. If yes in step 530.
`processing continues to step 535.
`In step 535. an object to be processed is retrieved. In step
`540. the object may be split into subobjects and a first one
`of the subobjects is extracted by generating or retrieving its
`vertices. This splitting process is particularly useful for
`handling three dimensional objects which have many faces.
`each face a subobject. In step 545. the window coordinates
`of the subobject are computed for processing. In step 550. a
`bounding box containing the subobject is calculated and
`stored. A bounding box is a region that contains the subob-
`ject and may have the maximum and minimum values for X.
`Y and Z coordinates in its boundary. The bounding box is
`preferably stored with other parameters that describe the
`object. In step 555. it is determined whether the last subob-
`ject for the given object has been processed. If not. then
`processing returns to step 540 for processing the next
`subobject. If yes. then processing continues to step 560
`where it is determined wheflrer the last object has been
`processed. If not. then processing returns to step 535 for
`processing the next object. If yes. then processing continues
`to step 565.
`In step 565. the pixel ownership bufl’er or the region
`ownership list may be generated from all the previously
`calculated bounding boxes. In the preferred embodiment. the
`K-D tree method may be used to allocate the pixels or
`regions based on the distribution of the object bounding
`boxes in the display or window. The K-D method is a well
`known technique for allocating limited resources and is
`described in Algorithm in Combinatorial Geometry. H.
`Edelsbrunner. Springer-Verlag publisher. 1987. Of course.
`other optimization techniques may be utilized.
`The above described steps 500. 510. 520 and 530 may be
`dynamically controlled. That is. they may be controlled by
`the user or an application program. In addition. they may be
`controlled by an optimization process that determines which
`is the optimum approach to use for a given situation.
`FIG. 6 is a flowchart illustrating a preferred method for
`each processor to handle the graphical workload while

`5 ,757.3 85
`determining ownership of pixels or regions. This process
`may be executed concurrently and in parallel by all the
`In a first step 600. an object is retrieved for processing.
`The object retrieval may include comparing the bounding 5
`box for the object (previously determined and stored with
`the object in step 550 described above) to the regions that the
`processor owns if a region ownership list is utilized. Of
`course. other typical dipping techniques may be utilized.
`gr P
`into pixels,
`subobjects as described above with reference to 540. Of
`course. other splitting techniques may be utilized in this step
`means for dynamically modifying said assignment. to
`based on the type of graphical activities the processor is
`reassign said predetermined pixels to alternate proces-
`sors so as to optimize the processors workload. wherein
`said reassignment is in response to said current or said
`1?11b°l5 1115 5115:3131: 151:x1£31f_71°d- 111511 1115115111315111- Va1'l1°115
`P131-rncd workload; and
`V8118 CS may 6 C Cll
`01' U56 1]] C C
`C0 01'S.
`wherein each processor includes means for rendering
`51111d111g~ 15x1511155~ 118111111g~ 11’a115P31511CY~ 11111131-118~ 31111 0111131
`graphical object pixels only at pixel locations assigned
`P05511115 V3-1'13b_155- T115 WP5 01 V11113b1°5 °1111f111‘1_11=11 11133’
`to said processor according to said assignment stored in
`51131185 1113P511111118 011 1115 13/P55 01 81111111113111 11°'11V11155 1351113 20
`said memory.
`pe ormed by the processor.
`2. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein said means for storing
`In step 615. the subobject is then scan converted into
`includes means for dynamically determining which pixel
`pixels. In step 620. each pixel is checked to see if it is owned
`locations are to be assigned to each of said processors.
`by the processor by comparing the identifier of the processor
`3. The apparatus of claim 2 further comprising means for
`with the identifier stored in the pixel ownership bufier or the 25
`providing to each processor graphical objects that intersect
`region ownership list for that pixel.
`pixel locations assigned to said selected processors.
`If yes in step 620. indicating that the processor owns this
`4- The apparatus Of Claim 3 Whcfclll 1116 means for S0311
`pixel. then the processor processes the pixeL This processing
`converting includes each processor including means for scan
`may include using the variables from step 610 and other
`known variables to calculate the color.
`lighting. 30 C011V¢l1i11g graphical 0bj°C1S 1'°C¢1V6d by S3111 P10065501 11110
`transparency. etc. of that pixel. The calculated pixel values
`are then stored in the frame buifer for display. This process
`5. The apparatus of claim 4 wherein the means for storing
`is typically known as rendering. Clearly. if a processor does
`includes means for utilizing user input
`to dynamically
`not own a pixel. many computationally intensive calcu1a-
`determine which pixel locations are to be assigned to each
`tions are avoided. thereby speeding up the rendering pro- 35 Of Said Pl'0C6SS01'S-
`6. The apparatus of claim 4 wherein the means for storing
`If no in step 620 or if step 625 has been completed. then
`f°1'_ 11111-111118
`°P_1311'111Z11131°11. 1‘5C11111Cl1155 10
`processing continues to step 630. In step 630. it is deter-
`dY1111111113a11Y 11515171111115 W111C11 P111151 10133110115 315 10 115
`mined whether the last pixel for the subobject has been
`11551811511 1° 1331511 01 511111 131011555015-
`rendered If no. then processing returns to step 615 for 40
`7--‘§111C1111{11°f11111-11-1_11g3P1111a111X11fP1°°555°15 1015111151’
`generating the next pixel for processing. If yes in step 630.
`S1'i1P111°3-1 013151315 1:01 111511111)’ 13°111P1’151118 1115 51°P5 013
`then processing continues to step 635. In step 635. it is
`storing in memory assignments Of Pixfil l0C8|i011S 10 a
`determined whether the last subobject for the object has
`selected processor in response to a current or a planned
`been processed. If no. then processing returns to step 605 for
`generating the next subobject If yes in step 635. then 45
`scan converting each received graphical object into pix-
`processing continues to step 640. In step 640. it is deter-
`mined whether the last object has been processed. If no. then
`dynamically modifying said assignments to reassign pixel
`processing returns to step 600 for retrieving the next object.
`locations to alternate processors so as to optimize the
`If yes in step 640. then processing ends for the processor
`processors workload, wherein said reassignment is in
`until further objects are available for processing. It i

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