`Europäisches Patentamt
`European Patent Office
`Office européen des brevets
`EP 1 195 717 A2
`(51) Int Cl.7: G06T 15/00
`• Burgess, Stephen R.
`Medfield, MA 02052 (US)
`• Lussier, Jeffrey
`Woburn, MA 01801 (US)
`• Bhatia, Vishal C.
`Arlington, MA 02474 (US)
`(74) Representative: Gleiter, Hermann
`Pfenning, Meinig & Partner GbR
`Mozartstrasse 17
`80336 München (DE)
`(43) Date of publication:
`10.04.2002 Bulletin 2002/15
`(21) Application number: 01120048.2
`(22) Date of filing: 21.08.2001
`(84) Designated Contracting States:
`Designated Extension States:
`(30) Priority: 04.10.2000 US 679315
`(71) Applicant: TeraRecon, Inc.
`San Mateo, California 94403 (US)
`(72) Inventors:
`• Seiler, Larry D.
`Boylston, Massachusetts 01505 (US)
`Controller for rendering pipelines
`The invention provides a method and appara-
`tus for rendering graphic data as an image. Graphic data
`that possibly contribute to the image is identified. The
`identified graphic data is read into a rendering pipeline.
`Samples are generated in the rendering pipeline only if
`they possibly contribute to the image for the identified
`graphic data. The identified graphic data and samples
`are processed in the rendering pipeline only as long as
`the identified graphic data and sample continue to con-
`tribute to the image. All other identified graphic data and
`samples are discarded from the pipeline.
`Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR)
`EP1 195 717A2

`EP 1 195 717 A2
`Cross-Reference to Related Application
`[0001] This is a continuation-in-part of U.S. Patent Application. 09/410,770 "Voxel and Sample Pruning in a Parallel
`Pipelined Volume Rendering System," filed by Lauer et al. on October 1, 1999.
`Field of the Invention
`[0002] The present invention is related to the field of computer graphics, and in particular to rendering graphic data
`with a parallel pipelined rendering engine.
`Background of the Invention
`[0003] Volume rendering is often used in computer graphics applications where three-dimensional data need to be
`visualized. The volume data can be scans of physical or medical objects, or atmospheric, geophysical, or other scientific
`models where visualization of the data facilitates an understanding of the underlying real-world structures represented
`by the data.
`[0004] With volume rendering, the internal structure, as well as the external surface features of physical objects and
`models are visualized. Voxels are the fundamental data items used in volume rendering. A voxel is data that represent
`values at a particular three-dimensional portion of the object or model. The coordinates (x, y, z) of each voxel map the
`voxels to positions within the represented object or model.
`[0005] A voxel represents one or more values related to a particular location in the object or model. For a given prior
`art volume, the values contained in a voxel can be one or more of a number of different parameters, such as, density,
`tissue type, elasticity, or velocity. During rendering, the voxel values are converted to color and opacity (RGBα) values
`in a process called classification. These RGBα values can be blended and then projected onto a two-dimensional
`image plane for viewing.
`[0006] One frequently used technique during rendering is ray-casting. There, a set of imaginary rays are cast through
`the array of voxels. The rays originate from some view point or image plane. Sample points are then defined along the
`ray. The voxel values are interpolated to determine sample values, and the sample values along each ray are combined
`to form pixel values.
`[0007] U.S. Patent Application Sn. 09/315,742, "Volume rendering integrated circuit," filed on May 20, 1999 by Bur-
`gess et al., incorporated herein by reference describes a rendering system that uses parallel pipelines. The rendering
`system includes a host processor connected to a volume graphics board (VGB) by a bus. The VGB includes a voxel
`memory and a pixel memory connected to a Volume Rendering Chip (VRC). The VRC includes all logic necessary for
`performing real-time interactive volume rendering operations. The VRC includes four interconnected rendering pipe-
`lines. In effect the VGB provides a rendering engine or "graphics accelerator."
`[0008] During operation, application software executing in the host transfers volume data to the VGB for rendering.
`The application software also loads rendering registers accessible by the pipelines. These registers specify how the
`rendering is to be performed. After all data have been loaded, the application issues a command to initiate the rendering
`operation. When the rendering operation is complete, the output image is moved from the pixel memory to the host or
`to a 3D graphics card for display.
`[0009] One problem with prior art hardware rendering pipelines is that frequently "bubbles" appear in the pipelines.
`Bubbles are due to the fact that data are not available on a given clock cycle. Once a bubble is introduced, it has to
`pass all the way through the pipeline. Consequently, bubbles waste time, and reduce the performance of the system.
`[0010] Another problem with prior art hardware pipelines is that they typically process all voxels in a data set. It is
`well known that for a given visualization of volume data, that there are clusters of voxels that contribute useful infor-
`mation to the image and other clusters that are totally irrelevant. For example, in medical data sets, the percentage of
`voxels that do not contribute to the final image is typically in the range of 70-95%. Thus, eliminating unnecessary voxel/
`sample processing could eliminate up to 90% of the work.
`[0011] Therefore, there is a need for a rendering system that can dynamically adapt to the complexities of the ren-
`dering data, and furthermore there is a need for a pipelined rendering system that does not process unnecessary data.
`Summary of the Invention
`[0012] The invention provides a method and apparatus for rendering graphic data as an image. Graphic data that
`possibly contribute to the image is identified. The identified graphic data is read into a rendering pipeline. Samples are
`generated in the rendering pipeline only if they possibly contribute to the image for the identified graphic data. The

`EP 1 195 717 A2
`identified graphic data and samples are processed in the rendering pipeline only as long as the identified graphic data
`and sample continue to contribute to the image. All other identified graphic data and samples are discarded from the
`Brief Description of the Drawings
`Figure 1 is a block diagram of a pipelined rendering system that uses a controller according to the invention;
`Figure 2 is a block diagram of a rendering engine;
`Figure 3 is a block diagram of stages of rendering pipelines;
`Figure 4 is a block diagram of a controller connected to rendering pipelines;
`Figure 5a-b are block diagrams of sample slices and voxel slabs;
`Figures 6a-b are block diagrams of sample stamps and tiles;
`Figures 7a-b, and 8 are block diagrams of rays passing through voxels;
`Figure 9 is a block diagram of a controller according to the invention;
`Figures 10-11 are block diagrams of controller state machines;
`Figure 12 is a block diagram of instruction tags;
`Figure 13 is a block diagram of stamp motion;
`Figure 14 is a block diagram of section motion; and
`Figure 15 is a block diagram of a controller execution unit.
`Detailed Description of the Preferred Embodiment
`Pipeline Organization
`[0014] Figure 1 shows the overall organization of a volume rendering system 10 using a controller (CTRL) 400 ac-
`cording to our invention. The system includes a host computer 100 connected to rendering subsystem 200 by a bus
`121. As an advantage, the rendering subsystem is fabricated as a single ASIC. The host includes a CPU 110 and a
`main memory 120.
`[0015] As also shown in Figure 2, the principal modules of the rendering subsystem 200 are a memory interface
`210, bus logic 220, a controller 400, and four parallel hardware pipelines 300. Except for shared slice buffers 250,
`which span all four pipelines, the pipelines (A, B, C, and D) operate independent of each other. The. pipelines form
`the core of our rendering engine.
`Memory Interface
`[0016] The memory interface 210 controls eight double data rate (DDR) synchronous DRAM channels that comprise
`an off-chip rendering memory 160. The rendering memory provides a unified storage for all data 211 needed for ren-
`dering volumes, i.e., voxels, pixels, depth values, look-up tables, and command queues. The memory interface 210
`implements all accesses to the rendering memory 160, arbitrates the requests of the bus logic 220 and the controller
`400, and distributes array data across the modules and the rendering memory 160 for high bandwidth access and

`Bus Logic
`EP 1 195 717 A2
`[0017] The bus logic 220 provides an interface with the host computer system 100. If the host is a personel computer
`(PC) or workstation, then the bus can be a 64-bit, 66 MHz PCI bus 121 conforming to version 2.2 of the PCI specification.
`The bus logic also controls direct memory access (DMA) operation for transfering data to and from the rendering
`memory 160 via the memory interface 210. The DMA operations are burst-mode data transfers.
`[0018] The bus logic also provides access to internal register files 221 of the controller 400. These accesses are
`direct reads and/or writes of individual registers initiated by the host computer 100 or by some other device on the PCI
`bus. The bus logic 220 also interprets access commands for efficient control of data transfers. The bus logic also sends
`register values directly to the controller 400 for controlling rendering operations and receives status back from the
`[0019] The controller 400 controls the operation of the volume rendering engine 300 using control signals 401. Note,
`the controller is coupled to the pipelines in a parallel manner. The controller determines what data to fetch from the
`memory, dispatches that data to the four pipelines, sends control information, such as interpolation weights, to the
`individual pipeline stages at the right time, and receives output data and status from rendering operations.
`[0020] A major function of the controller is to discard as much data as possible. By discarding data that are not
`needed rendering can be greatly accelerated.
`[0021] The controller, in part, is implemented as a finite state machine controlled by a large number of registers.
`These are typically written by the bus logic 220 in response to load register commands of a command queue. Internally,
`the controller maintains the counters needed to step through sample space one section at a time, to convert sample
`coordinates to voxel coordinates, and to generate the control information needed by the stages of the pipelines. The
`controller 400 is described in greater detail below.
`[0022] The controller is designed to operate, time-wise, well in advance of the pipelines 300. Thus, the controller
`can determine what samples and voxels are needed, and those that can be discarded. Recall, as many as 90% of the
`voxels in certain classes of volume data do not affect the resulting image. Not reading voxels saves memory bandwidth,
`and not processing samples saves pipeline cycles. In effect, the controller attempts to dynamically "prune" the volume
`data to a bare minimum.
`[0023] Some samples and voxels may enter early stages of the pipeline, before this determination can be made. In
`that case, the samples and voxels are discarded in later stages, perhaps causing "bubbles." However, because the
`various stages of the pipeline are buffered and may operate at different rates, bubbles can sometimes be squeezed
`out to greatly decrease the amount of time it takes to render a volume. Because the peak rate at which the controller
`produces commands is faster than the pipelines can process commands, bubbles can be replaced with good data so
`that the performance of the pipelines is maximized.
`[0024] As an additional feature, the controller can operate asynchronously with respect to the pipelines. This greatly
`simplifies the timing relationship. In fact, the pipelines can be though of as having variable lengths (in terms of cycles).
`For some operations the pipelines are (time-wise) shorter than for others. The controller is capable of time-aligning
`the control signals with the data even though the control signals are generated well in advance. Even though the
`controller does not know in advance how many clock cycles it will take for certain data to reach a particular stage in
`any of the pipelines. The signals are buffered so that they arrive at the stage when they are needed by the data.
`Pipelines, Miniblocks and Stamps
`[0025] Figure 3 shows the four rendering pipelines of the rendering engine in greater detail, and it also shows how
`data and rendering operations are distributed among the piplines. Each pipeline includes a gradient estimation stage
`301, a classifier-interpolator stage 302, an illuminator stage 303, and a compositor stage 304.
`[0026] Voxels are stored in the rendering memory 160 as miniblocks 310, that is, small cubic arrays of 2⫻2⫻2 voxels
`each. During rendering, the controller 400 causes the memory interface to read streams of miniblocks. The miniblocks
`are presented to the pipelines at the rate of one miniblock per clock cycle. In actual fact, the mini-blocks are passed
`to the pipelines via the controller 400.
`[0027] Miniblocks are read from the volume data set in x-y-z-order. That is, they are read sequentially in the x-
`direction to fill up a row of a section, and row-by-row in the y-direction to fill a slice, and slice-by-slice in the z-direction
`to render the entire section. Each miniblock is decomposed into four 1⫻1⫻2 arrays of voxels 320, that is, four pairs
`of voxels (A, B, C, and D) aligned in the z-direction. One pair 320 of voxels is forwarded to each pipeline as shown in
`Figure 3.
`[0028] Each pair of voxels is passed through the gradient estimation stage 301 to obtain gradient values at each

`EP 1 195 717 A2
`voxel. As a result of a central difference filter used to obtain gradients, the output voxels and gradients are offset by
`one unit in each dimension from the inputs. This requires a small amount of data exchange between pipelines.
`[0029] From the gradient estimation stage, the voxels and gradients are passed to the classifier-interpolator 302. In
`this stage, voxel fields are converted to RGBα values and, along with gradients, are interpolated to values at sample
`points along rays. The interpolator first performs interpolation in the Z-direction, and then in the Y and X directions.
`The classification and interpolation steps can occur in either order. Note that the classifier-interpolator has one pair of
`slice buffers 250 that are shared among all four pipelines, as well as unshared buffers that store the voxel data used
`for Z interpolation.
`[0030] The output of the four classifier-interpolators of the four pipelines is an array of RGBα values and gradients
`at a 2⫻2 array of points in sample space called a stamp. The points of a stamp always lie in a plane that is parallel to
`the voxel slab, at XY positions corresponding to the intersection of the slice with four of the rays being cast through
`the volume. When the rays are defined so as to pass through pixels on the image plane, we call it xy-image order,
`because the x- and y-coordinates of the rays are the same as those of image space. Ordinary image order, as known
`in the prior art, selects points in sample space on planes that are parallel to the image plane, rather than on planes
`that are parallel to the xy planes in the volume.
`[0031] The stamp of RGBα values and gradients is next passed to the four illuminators 303. These apply the well
`known Phong lighting using reflectance maps. The illuminator of each pipeline is independent of those of the other
`pipelines, in the sense that they do not exchange data during rendering. The pipelines all operate synchronously ac-
`cording to the same clock.
`[0032] The gradients are consumed in the illuminator stages, except when the rendering operation specifies the
`output of gradients. In this case, the three gradient components are substituted for the red, green, and blue color
`components in the pipelines.
`[0033] The output of the illuminator stage of each pipeline is an illuminated RGBα value representing the color con-
`tribution of its sample point. The RGBα value is passed to the compositor stage 304. The compositor accumulates the
`RGBα values of the rays into an on-chip buffer. At the end of rendering a section, the outputs of the four compositor
`stages are read out, a stamp at a time, for storage in the rendering memory 160 as, for example, pixel values.
`Controller-Pipeline Interface
`[0034] Figure 4 shows how the controller 400 is connected in parallel to the various stages 301-304 of the pipelines
`300. For clarity, the interconnects between the controller and the pipeline are shown at an abstract level. The actual
`implementation includes a large number of parallel interconnect lines and more separate interconnects, see Figure 9
`for a next level of detail.
`[0035] The raw input data, e.g., voxels 402 from the rendering memory 160 pass through the controller 400 on the
`way into the pipelines 300 via bus 405. The stages 301-304 convert voxel values to sample values, and combine
`sample values to pixel values 403. The pixels are written back to the rendering memory via the controller.
`In contrast with the prior art, the present rendering engine 300 is adaptively elastic. The controller 400 issues
`output control signals 401 to the pipelines 300. The output control signals are transferred to the pipelines via queues
`404. These are first-in-first-out (FIFO) queues. The output control signals are used to control the operation of the
`pipeline stages 301-304. Input control signals 420 are received from the pipeline stages. The input control signals
`indicate when each corresponding queue 404 is about to become full, so that the controller should stop sending data.
`[0037] The output control signals 401, individually or as sets, include tags described in greater detail below. The tags
`indicate the beginnings and ends of the various types of data structures into which the volume data are organized,
`such as sections, slices, and slabs, described in further detail below. The tags also mark types of data processed inside
`the controller, including stacks, tiles, stamps, etc., also described in further detail below.
`[0038] The purpose of the tags in the queues 404 is to time-align the output control signals 401 with the data in the
`various stages of the pipelines. Buffers 410 provide elasticity in the pipeline. For clarity, the buffers 410 are shown
`between the stages, but in the preferred embodiment, some of the stages, such as the interpolator, have internal
`buffers. The buffers provide a place to store data when a next stage is not yet ready to accept the data. It is the buffers,
`in part, that give the pipelines a variable length or elasticity. The preferred implementation can save gates by eliminating
`the buffers between some of the stages, in particular stages where buffers do not help eliminate bubbles, e.g., between
`the classifier/ interpolator and the illumination stages.
`[0039] During operation, depending on unknown dynamics of data availability, bus loads, and computation complex-
`ity, the various stages can process the data at different rates. Thus, if a down stream stage is still busy, then an upstream
`stage can continue to process and write its output to one of the buffers 410. Then, when the downstream stage com-
`pletes the previous task, the input data that the downstream stage needs will be readily available.
`[0040] The tags ensure that the data are always synchronized with respect to each other, even when the stages
`operate asynchronously with respect to each other, and with respect to the controller 400. Additional input control lines

`EP 1 195 717 A2
`can be used to send pipeline status information back to the controller 400, such as input control lines 430 that indicate
`early ray termination in the compositor 304. Early ray termination is a operation known in the art for software rendering
`techniques whereby a ray is no longer processed after the accumulated color becomes opaque, so that further samples
`will not affect the result.
`[0041] Prior art rendering pipelines, without the controller according to our invention, typically operate in a lock-step
`fashion, with all of the stages moving data forward simultaneously according to rigid clock cycles. Prior art pipelines
`typically do not buffer commands from a controller, so that the pipeline operates in lock step manner. Consequently,
`prior art pipelines, when stalled anywhere, inject "bubbles" into the pipeline that cannot be removed. Bubbles are
`useless cycles that degrade performance.
`[0042] The elasticity of the present design that is responsive to dynamic processing conditions has the ability to
`"squeeze" bubbles out of the pipe because the various stages essentially process the data at different rates, independ-
`ent of what other stages are doing. The effect is that the performance of the rendering engine is greatly increased. In
`addition, the controller can prune the volume, before and after voxel data enter the pipeline, to greatly speed-up the
`rendering process by as much as a factor of ten. Going from five to fifty frames per second, for example, makes real-
`time volume rendering a reality.
`Definition of Tems
`[0043] This section introduces some basic terms used to describe the various data structures processed by our
`adaptive pipeline and controller. These are the data structures that are synchronized by the tags.
`[0044] Section: A section is a rectangular region on the image plane that includes up to, e.g., 24x24 pixels. Alter-
`nately, a section can be thought of as a set of rays and all of the sample points along those rays. In the rendering
`engine 300, each section forms a parallelogram on XY voxel planes, see Figure 6 below. In the preferred embodiment,
`the section size is a multiple of four in each dimension.
`[0045] Slice: A slice is a set of samples from a section that all have the same subvoxel Z address. A slice forms a
`rectangle when projected onto the image plane.
`[0046] Slab: A slab is a rectangle of mini-blocks in the volume data set. A slab contains two planes of voxels that
`are aligned to each other and aligned to the mini-block boundaries. An N⫻M slab of mini-blocks contains 2x2Nx2M
`[0047] Stack: A stack is a group of adjacent sample slices or mini-block slabs that are processed by the controller
`400 as a group. The controller determines minimum and maximum values of the fractional voxel coordinates, Depth
`values (which are distinct from voxel Z coordinates), and cut plane values for a stack, in order to test whether the stack
`can be discarded. The controller tests multiple stacks in order to quickly skip over portions of a section.
`[0048] Tiles: A tile is a portion of a slice or slab that is tested by the controller as a group. In a preferred embodiment,
`there are sixteen tiles per slice or slab. Each tile contains the same number of samples in the X and Y directions and
`the size of the tiles depends on the section size. Tile boundaries do not necessarily align with a stamp boundaries,
`because the tile size can be odd in either or both dimensions, e.g. for a 12x20 section each tile would be 3x5.
`Stacks and Tiles
`[0049] The controller uses tiles and stacks to test and process large groups of samples and voxels. For example,
`the controller can determine that none of the samples or voxels in a tile or stack will contribute to the final image. In
`this case, the controller skips further processing on that tile or stack, which makes both the controller and the rendering
`pipeline more efficient. For example, if the controller skips a stack, then none of the voxels or samples in that stack
`are processed by the rendering engine 300.
`[0050] Figures 5a shows three stacks 501 of sample slices 502 in a ray aligned section underneath a topmost slice
`503, and Figure 5b shows three stacks 504 of mini-block slabs 505 underneath a topmost slab 506. The slices or slabs
`are tested separately by the controller 400. The dotted lines illustrate the X and Z bounds of each stack. Note that the
`stacks need not be the same size. The controller can test stacks of varying sizes. In the preferred embodiment, the
`stack boundaries are offset from the current slice or stack by a power of two. This allows the controller to uses bit
`shifting, instead of multiplication, to produce the increment values necessary to skip over mutliple slices or stacks, as
`described below.
`[0051] Dividing slices and slabs into a 4x4 array of tiles allows the controller and the rendering pipeline to skip over
`portions of sections. In particular, if an entire tile is outside a clip region, that tile need not be processed further. A
`sample slice tile contains a single sample from each ray. A slab tile contains the segment of each ray that uses voxels
`from that slab.
`[0052] Figures 6a-b show respectively tiles projected onto the image plane 601 and tiles projected onto the voxel
`plane 602 for 16x16 sample slices. Each tile contains four stamps 604. Figure 6a shows that on the image plane,

`EP 1 195 717 A2
`sections and tiles are orthogonal rectangles. Each tile contains a rectangular set of the same number of samples. A
`single stamp may cross tile boundaries. Figure 6b shows that on the voxel plane, the tiles form a parallelogram. In this
`Figure, the parallelogram has right angles, but it need not.
`Tile and Stack Ranges
`[0053] The controller determines a set of ranges for each stack and tile. The ranges specify the minimum and max-
`imum values that the stack or tile can have for parameters such as the XYZ position, the depth, or for various clipping
`[0054] Sample slice tiles are one sample thick. Because of this, the minimum and maximum bounds of the tile are
`the min/max bounds of the sample points in that slice that are within the tile. Voxel slab bounds are computed based
`on all of the samples that need to read those voxels, so the bounds must be determined for samples along a length of
`the ray. The minimum and maximum bounds for slab tiles need to reflect the total set of samples that use the voxels
`in the slab. Similarly, stacks include samples along the length of a ray, and so require minimum and maximum bounds
`that take account of a range of samples along each ray. Perspective makes the problem even more complicated,
`because ray separation may be different at the front face and back face of the ray segments that form the tile or stack.
`[0055] Figures 7a, 7b, and 8 show side views of voxel slices 701 that are intersected by rays 702 at various angles.
`These Figures define how to find the min/max bounds for slab tiles and stacks. Each small square 703 represents a
`voxel position. The mini-block slab contains the two central voxel slices 705, which are linked by solid lines. Samples
`within two voxels above or below the miniblock slab require voxels from the slab in order to compute central difference
`gradients, so samples up to two voxel slices away from the slab are included in each tile, as specified by the shaded
`[0056] Each tile and stack has separate min/max ranges for the front and back faces of the tile or stack. The horizontal
`dotted lines 707-708 represent these ranges. The upper dotted lines 707 are the front face subvoxel X min/max ranges,
`and the lower dotted 708 lines are the back face min/max ranges. The subvoxel Z min/max for each face is the voxel
`slice marked by the dotted lines. These lines are horizontal because the preferred embodiment implements xy image
`order, as described previously. This same technique can be applied to full image order, in which case the dotted lines
`would be parallel to the image plane.
`[0057] The controller reads voxels in the range floor(min-1) to ceiling(max+1) for the min and max X and Y addresses
`of the tile, or for the min and max X, Y, and Z addresses of a stack. This is necessary to determine gradients. Computing
`the gradient at a sample position requires computing a gradient at each of the voxels in the 2x2x2 region around the
`sample. This in turn requires reading the voxels adjacent to that 2x2x2 region. The preferred embodiment computes
`a central difference gradient, but the same technique allows computing more complex gradient functions, such as the
`3x3x3 Sobel filter.
`Reducing the Number of Voxel to be Processed
`[0058] As an advantage, our controller 400 selects which samples and voxels need to be processed, and which
`samples and voxels can be discarded. The following sections describes mask codes and other mechanisms used by
`the rendering engine according to the invention to reduce the number of voxels and samples that need to be processed.
`In the prior art, hardware pipelines generally process all samples and voxels in a volume data set in order to
`produce a final image. The present rendering engine attempts to process only those sample that may make a contri-
`bution to the final image. Samples and voxels that do not contribute to the final image are discarded.
`[0060] A number of techniques are used to minimize the number of voxels and samples that need to be processed
`and maximize the number of voxels and samples to be discarded. Early ray termination discards voxels along a ray
`when the ray is fully saturated, or almost fully saturated, that is, when processing any additional voxels along the ray
`will not change the final appearance of the corresponding pixel, or will change it minimally. Other techniques, such as
`clipping or detecting empty space, can also discard voxels that are outside the field of view. The controller discards
`data by using mask codes.
`Mask Code
`[0061] A mask code is a two-bit code that specifies how the position of a sample on a ray relates to a clipping region.
`A clipping region is used to define a portion of the volume data set to be rendered. Portions of the volume outside the
`clipping region are not rendered. As an advantage, voxels and samples in such regions are not processed by the
`rendering engine. Clipping regions are defined by clipping planes.
`[0062] A sample is valid when it is within the clipping region. Otherwise, a sample is before or after a convex clipping
`region, relative to the ray direction. With non-convex clipping regions, it is possible that the sample cannot be identified

`EP 1 195 717 A2
`as either before or after, in which the sample is outside, see below for details. A sample that is before, after, or outside,
`the clip region is invalid.
`[0063] The controller 400 is able to produce either eight individual sample positions for each clock cycle or four min/
`max position pairs per clock cycle, each with its own mask code for each of a variety of clipping regions.
`Mask Code Interpretations
`[0064] Table A shows four cases represented by each 2-bit mask code. "Valid" indicates a sample position that is
`within a clipping region and so should be processed. The other cases indicate sample positions that are invalid, and
`these can be discarded either before entering the pipeline, or at some point in the pipeline prior to the compositing
`stage 304. As an advantage, discarding voxels from the pipeline improves performance. It should be noticed that there
`are other conditions, such as early ray termination, that can also affect the mask codes and cause voxels to be dis-
`Table A
`Mask Interpretations
`Valid: the sample position is within the test range.
`Outside: the sample is invalid, but cannot be specified as Before or After (only used for crop planes and
`cut planes).
`Before: the sample is invalid and all previous samples on the same ray are also invalid.
`After: the sample is invalid and all subsequent samples on the same ray are also invalid.
`"Before" and "After" specify whether an invalid sample position on a ray occurs before that ray enters the
`clipping region or after the ray leaves the clipping region. This can always be deter

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