`Third Edition
`Third Edition
`John G. Proakis, Ph.D., n.E.
`John G. Proakis, Ph.D., P.E.
`Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
`Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
`Northeastern University
`N o rt heas tern U n iuersit y
`McGraw-Hill, Inc.
`McGraw-Hill, Inc.
`New York St. Louis San Francisco Auckland Bogotri Caracas Lisbon
`New York St. Louis San Francisco A uckland Bogota Caracas Lisbon
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`London Madrid Mexico City Milan Montreal New Delhi
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`San Juan Singapore Sydney Tokyo Toronto
`TQ Delta Exhibit 2006 (Part 1 of 2)
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. TQ Delta LLC


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`ISBN 0-07-051726-6
`rsBN 0-07-051726-6
`Library of Congress Cataloging'in'Publication Data
`Library of Congress CataIoging-in-Publication Data
`Proakis, John G.
`Proakis. John G.
`/ John G' Proakis'-3rd ed'
`Digital communications / John G. Proakis.-3rd ed.
`";. ..
`;tt.-(McGraw-Hill series in electrical and computer
`(McGraw-Hili series in e lectrical a nd computer
`enginecring' Communlcations and signal processing)
`engineering. Communications and signal processing)
`Includes bibliographica l refe rences and index.
`refercnces and index'
`ISBN 0-07-051726-6
`ISBN 0-07-05i726-6
`I. Title. II. Series.
`I. Digital communications.
`I. Title .
`II. Series.
`1. Digital communications
`TK5103.7.P76 1995
`62 I .382-dc20


`1-1 Elements of a Digital Communication System
`1-1 Elements of a Digital Communication System
`1-2 Communication Channels ' and Their Characteristics
`1-2 Communication Channels ' and Their Characteristics
`1-3 Mathematical Models for Communication Channels
`1-3 Mathematical Models for Communication Channels
`1-4 A Historical Perspective in tbe Development of Digital
`1-4 A Historical Perspective in tbe Development of Digital
`1-5 Overview of the Book
`1-5 Overview of the Book
`1-6 Bibliograpbical Noles and References
`1-6 Bibliograpbical Noles and References
`2 Probability and Stochastic Processes
`2 Probability and Stochastic Processes
`2-1 Probability
`2-1 Probability
`2-1-1 Random Variables, Probability Distributions.
`2-1-1 Random Variables, Probability Distributions.
`and Probability Densities
`and Probability Densities
`2-1-2 Functions of Random Variables
`2-1-2 Functions of Random Variables
`2-1-3 Statistical Averages of Random Variables
`2-1-3 Statistical Averages of Random Variables
`2-1-4 Some Useful Probability Distributions
`2-1-4 Some Useful Probability Distributions
`2-1-5 Upper bounds on the Tail Probability
`2-1-5 Upper bounds on the Tail Probability
`2-1-6 Sums of Random Variables and the Central limit
`2-1-6 Sums of Random Variables and the Central limit
`2-2 Stocbastic Processes
`2-2 Stocbastic Processes
`2-2-1 Statistical Averages
`2-2-1 Statistical Averages
`2-2-2 Power Density Spectrum
`2-2-2 Power Density Spectrum
`2-2-3 Response of a linear Time-Invariant System to a Random
`2-2-3 Response of a linear Time-Invariant System to a Random
`Input Signal
`Input Signal
`2-2-4 Sampling Theorem for Band-Limited Stochastic Processes
`2-2-4 Sampling Theorem for Band-Limited Stochastic Processes
`2-2-5 Discrete-Tune Stochastic Signals and Systems
`2-2-5 Discrete-Tune Stochastic Signals and Systems
`2-2-6 Cyclostationary Processes
`2-2-6 Cyclostationary Processes
`2-3 Bibliograpbical Notes and References
`2-3 Bibliograpbical NOles and References


`3 Source Coding
`3 Source Coding
`3-1 Mathematical Models for Information
`3-1 Mathematical Models for Information
`3-2 A Logarithmic Measure of Information
`3-2 A Logarithmic Measure of Information
`3-2-1 Average Mutual Information and Entropy
`3-2-1 Average Mutual Information and Entropy
`Information Measures for Continuous Random Variables
`Information Measures for Continuous Random Variables
`3-3 Coding for Discrete Sources
`3-3 Coding for Discrete Sources
`3-3-1 Coding for Discrete Memoryless Sources
`3-3-1 Coding for Discrete Memoryless Sources
`3-3-2 Discrete Stationary Sources
`3-3-2 Discrete Stationary Sources
`3-3-3 The Lempel-Ziv Algorithm
`3-3-3 The Lempel-Ziv Algorithm
`3-4 Coding for Analog Sources-Optimum Quantization
`3-4 Coding for Analog Sources-Optimum Quantization
`3-4-1 Rate-Distortion Function
`3-4-1 Rate-Distortion Function
`3-4-2 Scalar Quantization
`3-4-2 Scalar Quantization
`3-4-3 Vector Quantization
`3-4-3 Vector Quantization
`3-5 Coding Techniques for Analog Sources
`3-5 Coding Techniques for Analog Sources
`3-5-1 Temporal Waveform Coding
`3-5-1 Temporal Waveform Coding
`3-5-2 Spectral Waveform Coding
`3-5-2 Spectral Waveform Coding
`3-5-3 Model-Based Source Coding
`3-5-3 Model-Based Source Coding
`3-6 Bibliographical Notes and Refmmces
`3-6 Bibliographical Noles and Refmmces
`4 Characterization of Communication Signals
`4 Characterization of Communication Signals
`and Systems
`and Systems
`4-1 Representation of Bandpass Signals and Systems
`4-1 Representation of Bandpass Signals and Systems
`4-1-1 Representation of Bandpass Signals
`4-1-1 Representation of Bandpass Signals
`4-1-2 Representation of Unear Bandpass Systems
`4-1-2 Representation of Linear Bandpass Systems
`4-1-3 Response of a Bandpass System to a Bandpass Signal
`4-1-3 Response of a Bandpass System to a Bandpass Signal
`4-1-4 Representation of Bandpass Stationary Stochastic
`4-1-4 Representation of Bandpass Stationary Stochastic
`4-2 Signal Space Representation
`4-2 Signal Space Representation
`4-2-1 Vector Space Concepts
`4-2-1 Vector Space Concepts
`4-2-2 Signal Space Concepts
`4-2-2 Signal Space Concepts
`4-2-3 Orthogonal Expansions of Signals
`4-2-3 Orthogonal Expansions of Signals
`4-3 Represen tation of Digitally Modulated Signals
`4-3 Represen tation of Digitally Modulated Signals
`4-3-1 Memoryless Modulation Methods
`4-3-1 Memoryless Modulation Methods
`4-3-2 Linear Modulation With Memory
`4-3-2 Linear Modulation With Memory
`4-3-3 Nonlinear Modulation Metbods with Memory
`4-3-3 Nonlinear Modulation Metbods with Memory
`4-4 Spectral Cbaracteristics of Digitally Modulated Signals
`4-4 Spectral Cbaracteristics of Digitally Modulated Signals
`4-4-1 Power Specua of Linearly Modulated Si&nals
`4-4-1 Power Specua of Linearly Modulated Si&nals
`4-4-2 Power Spectra of CPFSK and CPM Signals
`4-4-2 Power Spectra of CPFSK and CPM Signals
`4-4-3 Power Spe,<,ra of Modulated Signals with Memory
`4-4-3 Power Spe,<,ra of Modulated Signals with Memory
`4-5 Bibliograpbical Notes and Referen~
`4-5 Bibliograpbical Notes and Referen~
`5 Optimum Receivers for the Additive White
`5 Optimum Receivers for the Additive White
`Gaussian Noise Channel
`Gaussian Noise Channel
`5-1 Optimum Receiver for Signals (Jorrupted by A WGN
`5-1 Optimum Receiver for Signals (Jorrupted by A WGN
`5-1-1 Correlation Demodulator
`5-1-1 Correlation Demodulator
`5-1-2 Matched-Filter Demodulator
`5-1-2 Matched-Filter Demodulator


`5-1-3 The Optimum Detector
`5-1-3 The Optimum Detector
`5-1-4 The Maximum-Likelihood Sequence Detector
`5-1-4 The Maximum-Likelihood Sequence Detector
`5-1-5 A Symbol-by-Symbol MAP Detector for Signals
`5-1-5 A Symbol-by-Symbol MAP Detector for Signals
`with Memory
`with Memory
`5-2 Performance of the Optimum Receiver for Memoryless
`5-2 Performance of the Optimum Receiver for Memoryless
`5-2-1 Probability of Error for Binary Modulation
`5-2-1 Probability of Error for Binary Modulation
`5-2-2 Probability of Error for M-ary Orthogonal Signals
`5-2-2 Probability of Error for M-ary Orthogonal Signals
`5-2-3 Probability of Error for M-ary Biorthogonal Signals
`5-2-3 Probability of Error for M -ary Biorthogonal Signals
`5-2-4 Probability of Error for Simplex Signals
`5-2-4 Probability of Error for Simplex Signals
`5-2-5 Probability of Error for M-ary Binary-Coded Signals
`5-2-5 Probability of Error for M-ary Binary-Coded Signals
`5-2-6 Probability of Error for M -ary PAM
`5-2-6 Probability of Error for M -ary PAM
`5-2-7 Probability of Error for M -ary PSK
`5-2-7 Probability of Error for M -ary PSK
`5-2-8 Dilferelltial PSK (DPSK) and its Perfonnance
`5-2-8 Dilferelltial PSK (DPSK) and its Perfonnance
`5-2-9 Probability of Error for QAM
`5-2-9 Probability of Error for QAM
`5-2-10 Comparison of Digital Modulation Methods
`5-2-10 Comparison of Digital Modulation Methods
`5-3 Optimum Receiver for CPM Signals
`5-3 Optimum Receiver for CPM Signals
`5-3-] Optimum Demodulation and Detection of CPM
`5-3-] Optimum Demodulation and Detection of CPM
`5-3-2 Performance of CfM Signals
`5-3-2 Performance of CfM Signals
`5-3-3 Symbol-by-Symbol Detection of CPM Signals
`5-3-3 Symbol-by-Symbol Detection of CPM Signals
`5-4 Optimum Receiver for Signals with Random Phase in A WGN
`5-4 Optimum Receiver for Signals with Random Phase in A WGN
`5-4-1 Optimum Receivedor Binary Signals
`5-4-1 Optimum Receivedor Binary Signals
`5-4-2 Optimum Receiver>for M-ary Orthogonal Signals
`5-4-2 Optimum Receiver>for M-ary Orthogonal Signals
`5-4-3 Probability of Error for Envelope Detection of M -ary
`5-4-3 Probability of Error for Envelope Detection of M -ary
`Orthogonal Signals
`Orthogonal Signals
`5-4-4 Probability of Error for Envelope Detection of Correlated
`5-4-4 Probability of Error for Envelope Detection of Correlated
`Binary Signals
`Binary Signals
`5-5 Regenerative Repeaters and Link Budget Analysis
`5-5 Regenerative Repeaters and Link Budget Analysis
`5-5-] Regenerative Repeaters
`5-5-] Regenerative Repeaters
`5-5-2 Communication Link Budget Analysis
`5-5-2 Communication Link Budget Analysis
`5-6 Bibliographical Notes and References
`5-6 Bibliographical Notes and References
`6 Carrier and Symbol Synchronization
`6 Carrier and Symbol Synchronization
`6-1 Signal Parameter Estimation
`6-1 Signal Parameter Estimation
`6-]-] The Likelihood Function
`6-)-1 The Likelihood Function
`6-1-2 Carrier Recovery and Symbol Synchronization
`6-1-2 Carrier Recovery and Symbol Synchronization
`in Signal Demodulation
`in Signal Demodulation
`6-2 Carrier Phase Estimation
`6-2 Carrier Phase Estimation
`6-2-1 Maximum-Likelihood carrier Phase ESlimation
`6-2-1 Maximum-Likelihood carrier Phase ESlimation
`6-2-2 The Phase-Locked Loop
`6-2-2 The Phase-Lock.ed Loop
`6-2-3 Effect of Additive Noise on the Phase Estimate
`6-2-3 Effect of Additive Noise on the Phase Estimate
`6-2-4 Decision-Directed Loops
`6-2-4 Decision-Directed Loops
`6-2-5 Non-Decision-Directed Loops
`6-2-5 Non-Decision-Directed Loops
`6-3 Symbol Timing Estimation
`6-3 Symbol Timing Estimation
`6-3-1 Maximum-Likelihood TIming Estimation
`6-3-1 Maximum-Likelihood TIming Estimation
`6-3-2 Non-Decision-Directed Timing Estimation
`6-3-2 Non-Decision-Directed Timing Estimation


`6-4 Joint Estimation of Carrier Phase and Symbol Timing
`Joint Estimation of Carrier Phase and Symbol Timing
`6-5 Performance Characteristics of ML Estimators
`6-5 Performance Characteristics of ML Estimators
`6-6 Bibliographical Notes and References
`6-6 Bibliographical Notes and References
`7 Channel Capacity and Coding
`7 Channel Capacity and Coding
`7-1 Channel Models and Channel Capacity
`7-1 Channel Models and Channel Capacity
`7-1-1 Channel Models
`7-1-1 Channel Models
`7-1-2 Channel Capacity
`7-1-2 Channel Capacity
`7-1-3 Achieving Channel Capacity with Orthogonal Signals
`7-1-3 Achieving Channel Capacity with Orthogonal Signals
`7-\-4 Channel Reliability Functions
`7-\-4 Channel Reliability Functions
`7-2 Random Selection of Codes
`7-2 Random Selection of Codes
`7-2-1 Random Coding Based on M-ary Binary-Coded Signals
`7-2-1 Random Coding Based on M-ary Binary-Coded Signals
`7-2-2 Random Coding Based on M-ary Multiamplitude Signals
`7-2-2 Random Coding Based on M-ary Multiamplitude Signals
`7-2-3 Comparison of R:f with the Capacity of the AWGN
`7-2-3 Comparison of R:f with the Capacity of the AWGN
`7-3 Communication System Design Based on the Cutoff Rate
`7-3 Communication System Design Based on the Cutoff Rate
`7-4 Bibliographical NOles and References
`7-4 Bibliographical NOles and References
`8 Block and Convolutional Channel Codes
`8 Block and Convolutional Channel Codes
`8-1 Linear Block Codes
`8-1 Linear Block Codes
`8-1-1 The Generator Matrix and the Parity Check Matrix
`8-1-1 The Generator Matrix and the Parity Check Matrix
`8-\-2 Some Specific Linear Block Codes
`8-1-2 Some SpecifiC Linear Block Codes
`8-\-3 . Cyclic Codes
`8-\-3 . Cyclic Codes
`8-1-4 OpthlUm Soft-Decision Decoding of Linear Block Codes
`8-1-4 OpthlUm Soft-Decision Decoding of Linear Block. Codes
`8-1-5 Hard-Decision Decoding
`8-1-5 Hard-Decision Decoding
`8-1-6 Comparison of Performance between Hard-Decision and
`8-1-6 Comparison of Performance between Hard-Decision and
`Soft-Decision Decoding
`Soft-Decision Decoding
`8-1-7 Bounds on Minimum Distance of Linear Block Codes
`8-1-7 Bounds on Minimum Distance of Linear Block Codes
`8-1-8 Nonbinary Block Codes and Concatenated Block Codes
`8-1-8 Nonbinary Block Codes and Concatenated Block. Codes
`Imerleaving 01 Coded Data for Channels with Burst
`Imerleaving 01 Coded Data for Channels with Burst
`8-2 Convolutional Codes
`8-2 Convolutional Codes
`8-2-1 The Transfer Function of a Convolutional Code
`8-2-1 The Transfer Function of a Convolutional Code
`8-2-2 Optimum Decoding of Convohllional Codes-
`8-2-2 Optimum Decoding of Convohllional Codes-
`The Viterbi Algorithm
`The Viterbi Algorithm
`8-2-3 Probability of Error for Soft-Decision Decoding
`8-2-3 Probability of Error for Soft-Decision Decoding
`8-2-4 Probability of Error for Hard-Decision Decoding
`8-2-4 Probability of Error for Hard-Decision Decoding
`8-2-5 Distance Properties of Binary Convolutional Codes
`8-2-5 Distance Properties of Binary Convolutional Codes
`8-2-6 Nonbinary Dua\-k Codes and Concatenated Codes
`8-2-6 Nonbinary Dual-k Codes and Concatenated Codes
`8-2-7 Otber Decoding Algorithms for Convolutional C~
`8-2-7 Otber Decoding Algorithms for Convolutional C~
`8-2-8 Practical Considerations in the Ajlpliallion of
`8-2-8 Practical Considerations in the Ajlpliallion of
`Convolutional Codes
`Convolutional Codes
`8-3 Coded Modulation for Bandwidth-Constrained Channels
`8-3 Coded Modulation for Bandwidth-Constrained Channels
`8-4 Bibliographical Note, and References
`8-4 Bibliographical Note, and References


`9 Signal Design for Band-Limited Channels
`9 Signal Design for Band-Limited Channels
`9-1 Characterization of Band-Umited Channels
`9-1 Characterization of Band-Umited Channels
`9-2 Signal Design for Band-Limited Channels
`9-2 Signal Design for Band-Limited Channels
`9-2-1 Design of Band-Umited Signals for No Intersymbol
`9-2-1 Design of Band-Umited Signals for No Intersymbol
`Interference-The Nyquist Criterion
`Interference-The Nyquist Criterion
`9-2-2 Design of Band-Limited SignaIs with Controlled ISI-
`9-2-2 Design of Band-Limited SignaIs with Controlled ISI-
`Partial-Response Signals
`Partial-Response Signals
`9-2-3 Data Dete«ion for Controlled lSI
`9-2-3 Data Detettion for Controlled lSI
`9-2-4 Signal Design for Channels with Distortion
`9-2-4 Signal Design for Channels with Distortion
`9-3 Probability of Error in Detection of PAM
`9-3 Probability of Error in Detection of PAM
`9-3-1 Probability of Error for Dete«ion of PAM with Zero lSI
`9-3-1 Probability of Error for Detettion of PAM with Zero lSI
`9-3-2 Probability of Error for Dete«ion of Partial-Response
`9-3-2 Probability of Error for Detettion of Partial-Response
`9-3-3 Probability of Error for Optimum Signals in Channel
`9-3-3 Probability of Error for Optimum Signals in Channel
`with Distortion
`with Distortion
`9-4 Modulation Codes for Spectrum Shaping
`9-4 Modulation Codes for Spectrum Shaping
`9-5 Bibliographical Notes and References
`9-5 Bibliographical Notes and References
`19 Communication through Band-Limited Linear
`19 Communication through Band-Limited Linear
`Filter Channels
`Filter Channels
`10-1 Optimum Receiver for Channels with lSI and A WON
`10-1 Optimum Receiver for Channels with lSI and A WON
`10-1-1 Optimum Maximum-Likelihood Receiver
`10-1-1 Optimum Maximum-Likelihood Receiver
`10-1-2 A Discrete-Time Model for a Channel with lSI
`10-1-2 A Discrete-Time Model for a Channel with lSI
`10-1-3 The Viterbi Algorithm for the DiscRte-Tune White
`10-1-3 The Viterbi Algorithm for the Discrete-Tune White
`Noise Filter Model
`Noise Filter Model
`10-1-4 Perforrnaru::e of MLSE for Channels with lSI
`10-1-4 PerfOl1ll8llCe of MLSE for Channels with lSI
`10-2 Linear Equalization
`10-2 Linear Equalization
`10-2-1 Peak Distortion Criterion
`10-2-1 Peak Distortion Criterion
`\0-2-2 Mean Square Error (MSE) Criterion
`\0-2-2 Mean Square Error (MSE) Criterion
`10-2-3 Performaace Characteristics of the MSE Equalizer
`10-2-3 PerfornlalK:e Characteristics of the MSE Equalizer
`10-2-4 Fractionally Spaced Equalizer
`10-2-4 Fractionally Spaced Equalizer
`10-3 Decision-Feedback Equalization
`10-3 Decision-Feedback Equalization
`10-3-1 Coe8icient Optimization
`10-3-1 Coe8icient Optimization
`10-3-2 Performance Characteristics of DFE
`10-3-2 Performance Characteristics of DFE
`10-3-3 Predittive Decision-Feedback Equalizer
`10-3-3 Predictive Decision-Feedback Equalizer
`10-4 Bibliograpbical Notes and References
`10-4 Bibliograpbical Notes and References
`11 Adaptive· Equalization
`11 Adaptive· Equalization
`11-1 Adaptive Unear Equalizer
`11-1 Adaptive Unear Equalizer
`11-1-1 The Zero-Forcing Algorithm
`11-1-1 The Zero-Forcing Algorithm
`11-1-2 The LMS aJaorithm
`11-1-2 The LMS aJaorithm
`11-1-3 Converpnce Propertiea of the LMS Algorithm
`11-1-3 Converpnce Propertiea of the LMS Algorithm
`11-1-4 Excess MSE Due to Noisy Gradient Eatimates
`11-1-4 Excess MSE Due to Noisy Gradient Eatimates
`11-1-S Baseband lIOd Passband Unear Equalizers
`11-1-S Baseband lIOd Passband Unear Equalizers
`11-2 Adaptive Decision-Feedback Equalizer
`11-2 Adaptive Decision-Feedback Equalizer
`11-2-1 Adaptive Equalization of Trellia-Coded Signals
`11-2-1 Adaptive Equalization of Trellia-Coded Signals


`Jl-3 An Adaptive Channel Estimator for ML Sequence Detection
`Jl-3 An Adaptive Channel Estimator for ML Sequence Detection
`11-4 Recursive Least-Squares Algorithms for Adaptive Equalization
`11-4 Recursive Least-Squares Algorithms for Adaptive Equalization
`11-4-1 Recursive Least-Squares (Kalman) Algorithm
`11-4-1 Recursive Least-Squares (Kalman) Algorithm
`11-4-2 Linear Prediction and Ihe Lattice Filter
`11-4-2 Linear Prediction and Ihe Lattice Filter
`11-5 Self-Recovering (Blind) Equalization
`11-5 Self-Recovering (Blind) Equalization
`11-5-1 Blind Equalization Based on Maximum-Likelihood
`11-5-1 Blind Equalization Based on Maximum-Likelihood
`11-5-2 Stochastic Gradient Algorithms
`11-5-2 Stochastic Gradient Algorithms
`11-5-3 Blind Equalization Algorithms Based on Second-
`11-5-3 Blind Equalization Algorithms Based on Second-
`and Higher-Order Signal Statistics
`and Higher-Order Signal Statistics
`11-6 Bihliographical Nores and References
`11-6 Bihliographical Nores and References
`12 Multichannel and Multicarrier Systems
`12 Multichannel and Multicarrier Systems
`12-1 Multichannel Dig.tal Communication in AWGN Channels
`12-1 Multichannel Dig.tal Communication in AWGN Channels
`12-1-1 Binary Signals
`12-1-1 Binary Signals
`12-1-2 M-ory Orthogonal Signals
`12-1-2 M-ory Orthogonal Signals
`12-2 MulticaTrier Communications
`12-2 MulticaTrier Communications
`12-2-i Capacity of a Non-Ideal Linear Filter Channel
`12-2-i Capacity of a Non-Ideal Linear Filter Channel
`12-2-2 An FFf-Based Multicarrie, System
`12-2-2 An FFf-Based Multicarrie, System
`12-3 Bibiliographical Notes and References
`12-3 Bibiliographical Notes and References
`13 Spread Spectrum Signals for Digital Communications
`13 Spread Spectrum Signals for Digital Communications
`/>lodel of Spread Spectrum Digital Communication System
`f..lodel of Spread Spectrum Digital Communication System
`13-2 Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Signals
`13-2 Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Signals
`13-2-1 Error Rate Performance of Ihe Decoder
`13-2-1 Error Rate Performance of Ihe Decoder
`13-2-2 Some Applications of OS Spread Spectrum Signals
`13-2-2 Some Applications of OS Spread Spectrum Signals
`13-2-3 Effect of Pulsed Interference on OS Spread Spectmm
`13-2-3 Effect of Pulsed Interference on OS Spread Spectmm
`13-2-4 Generation of PN Sequences
`13-2-4 Generation of PN Sequences
`13-3 Frequcncy-Hoppped Spread Spectrum Signals
`13-3 Frequcncy-Hoppped Spread Spectrum Signals
`13-3-1 Performance of FH Spread Spectrum Signals in AWGN
`13-3-1 Performance of FH Spread Spectrum Signals in AWGN
`13-3-2 Performance of FH Spread Spectrum Signals in Partial-
`13-3-2 Performance of FH Spread Spectrum Signals in Partial-
`Band Interference
`Band Interference
`U-3-3 A COMA System Based on FH Spread Spectrum Signals
`D-3-J A COMA System Based on FH Spread Spectrum Signals
`13-4 Other Types of Spread Spectrum Signals
`13-4 Other Types of Spread Spectrum Signals
`13-5 Synchronilation of Spread Spectrum Signals
`13-5 Synchronilation of Spread Spectrum Signals
`13-6 Bibliographical Notes and References
`13-6 Bibliographical Notes and References
`14 Digital Communication through Fading
`14 Digital Communication through Fading
`Multipath Channels
`Multipath Channels
`14-1 Characterization of Fading Multipath Channels
`14-1 Characterization of Fading Multipath Channels
`14-1-\ Channel Correlation Functions and Power Spectra
`14-1-1 Channel Correlation Functions and Power Spectra
`14-/-2 Slalislieal Models for Fading Channels
`14-1-2 Slalistieal Models for Fading Channels


`14-2 The Ellect of Characteristics on the Choice
`14-2 The Ellect of Characteristics on the Choice
`of a Channel Model
`of a Channel Model
`14-3 Frequency-Nonselective. Slowly Fading Channel
`14-3 Frequency-Nonse1ective. Slowly Fading Channel
`14-4 Diversity Techniques for Fading Multipath Channels
`14-4 Diversity Techniques for Fading Multipath Channels
`14-4-1 Binary Signals
`14-4-1 Binary Signals
`14-4-2 Mu1tiphase Signals
`14-4-2 Mu1tiphase Signals
`14-4-3 M-ary Orthogonal Signals
`14-4-3 M-ary Orthogonal Signals
`14-5 Digital Signaling over a Frequency-Selective, Slowly Fading
`14-5 Digital Signaling over a Frequency-Selective, Slowly Fading
`14-5-1 A Tapped-Delay-Line Channel Model
`14-5-1 A Tapped-Delay-Line Channel Model
`14-5-2 The RAKE Demodulator
`14-5-2 The RAKE Demodulator
`14-5-3 Performance of RAKE Receiver
`14-5-3 Performance of RAKE Receiver
`14-6 Coded Waveforms (or Fading Channels
`14-6 Coded Waveforms (or Fading Channels
`14-6-1 Probability of Error for Soft-Decision Decoding of Linear
`14-6-1 Probability of Error for Soft-Decision Decoding of Linear
`Binary Block Codes
`Binary Block Codes
`14-6-2 Probability of Error for Hard-Decision Decoding of
`14-6-2 Probability of Error for Hard-Decision Decoding of
`Linear Binary Block Codes
`Linear Binary Block Codes
`14-6-3 Upper Bounds on the Performance of Convolutional
`14-6-3 Upper Bounds on the Performance of Convolutional
`Codes for a Raleigh Fading Channel
`Codes for a Raleigh Fading Channel
`14-6-4 Usc of Constant-Weight Codes and Concatenated Code.
`14-6-4 Usc of Constant-Weight Codes and Concatenated Code.
`for a Fading Channel
`for a Fading Channel
`14-6-5 System Design Based on the Cutoll Rate
`14-6-5 System Design Based on the Cutoll Rate
`14-6-6 Trellis-Coded Modulation
`14-6-6 Trellis-Coded Modulation
`14-7 Bibliographical Notes and References
`14-7 Bibliographical Notes and References
`15 Multiuser Communications
`15 Multiuser Communications
`Introduction to Multiple Access Techniques
`Introduction to Multiple Access Techniques
`15-2 Capacity of Mulliple Access Methods
`15-2 Capacity of Mulliple Access Methods
`15-3 Code-Division Multiple Access
`15-3 Code-Division Multiple Access
`15-3-1 CDMA Signal and Channel Models
`15-3-1 CDMA Signal and Channel Models
`15-3-2 The Optimum Receiver
`15-3-2 The Optimum Receiver
`15-3-3 Suboptimum Detectors
`15-3-3 Suboptimum Detectors
`15-3-4 Performance Characteristics of Detectors
`15-3-4 Performance Characteristics of Detectors
`15-4 Random Access Methods
`15-4 Random Access Methods
`15-4-1 ALOHA System and Protocols
`15-4-1 ALOHA System and Protocols
`15-4-2 Carrier Sense Systems and Protocols
`15-4-2 Carrier Sense Systems and Protocols
`15-5 Bibliographical Notes and References
`15-5 Bibliographical Notes and References
`AppeDdis: A
`AppeDdis: A
`The Levinson-Durbin Algorithm
`The Levinson-Durbin Algorithm
`AppeDdis: B
`Error Probability for Multichannel
`Error Probability for Multichannel
`Binary Signals
`Binary Signals


`Appendix C Error Probabilities for Adaptive Reception
`Appendix C Error Probabilities for Adaptive Reception
`of M -phase Signals
`of M -phase Signals
`C-l Mathematical Model for an M -phase Signaling
`C-l Mathematical Model for an M -phase Signaling
`Communications System
`Communications System
`C-2 Characteristic Function and Probability Density
`C-2 Characteristic Function and Probability Density
`Function of the Phase e
`Function of the Phase e
`C-3 Error Probabilities for Slowly Rayleigh Fading
`C-3 Error Probabilities for Slowly Rayleigh Fading
`C-4 Error Probabilities for Time-Invariant and Ricean
`C-4 Error Probabilities for Time-Invariant and Ricean
`Fading Channels
`Fading Channels
`Appendix D Square-Root Factorization
`Appendix D Square-Root Factorization
`References and Bibliography
`References and Bibliography


`In this book, we present the basic principles that underlie the analysis and
`In this book, we present the basic principles that underlie the analysis and
`design of digital communication systems. The subject of digital communica(cid:173)
`design of digital communication systems. The subject of digital communica(cid:173)
`tions involves the transmission of information in digital form from a source
`tions involves the transmission of information in digital form from a source
`that generates the information 10 one or more destinations. Of particular
`that generates the information 10 one or more destinations. Of particular
`importance in the analysis and design of communication systems are the
`importance in the analysis and design of communication systems are the
`characteristics of the physical channels through which the information is
`characteristics of the physical channels through which the information is
`transmitted. The characteristics of the channel generally affect the design of
`transmitted. The characteristics of the channel generally affect the design of
`the basic building blocks of the communication system. Below, we describe the
`the basic building blocks of the communication system. Below, we describe the
`elements of a communication system and their functions.
`elements of a communication system and their functions.
`Figure 1-1-1 illustrates the functional diagram and the basic elements of a
`Figure 1-1-1 illustrates the functional diagram and the basic elements of a
`digital communication system. The source output may be either an analog
`digital communication system. The source output may be either an analog
`signal, such as audio or video signal, or a digital signal, such as the output of a
`signal, such as audio or video signal, or a digital signal, such as the output of a
`teletype machine, that is discrete in time and has a finite number of output
`teletype machine, that is discrete in time and has a finite number of output
`characters. In a digital communication system, the messages produced by the
`characters. In a digital communication system, the messages produced by the
`source are converted into a sequence of binary digits. Ideally

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