fEB 6
`IEEE Standards for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks:
`Supplement to Carrier Sense Multiple Access with
`Collision Detection (CSMA'CD) Access Method and
`Physical Layer Specifications
`Type 10BASE-T Medium Attachment Unit (MAU)
`Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
`(PICS) Proforma (Section 14.10)
`Technical Committee on Computer Communications
`of the
`IEEE Computer Society
`Approved September 17, 1992
`IEEE Standards Board
`Abstract: This supplement to ISO/IEC 8802-3:1992 [ANSI/IEEE 802.3,1993 Edition] defmes
`conformance requirements for Type lOBASE-T Medium Attachment Unit (MAU) imple(cid:173)
`mentations for local and metropolitan area networks.
`Keywords: carrier sense multiple access with collision detection; Medium Attachment
`Unit (MAU); local area networks; metropolitan area networks
`The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
`345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017-2394, USA
`Copyright e 1992 by the
`Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
`All rights reserved. Published 1992
`Printed in the United States of America
`ISBN 1-55937-265-6
`Users of this standard may freely reproduce the PICS proforma in this
`section so that it may be used for its intended purpose and may further
`publish the completed PICS.
`December31, 1992
`Page 1
` Dell Inc.
` Exhibit 1015

`IEEE Standards documents are developed within the Technical
`Committees .df the IEEE Societies and the Standards Coordinating
`Committees of the IEEE Standards Board. Members of the committees
`serve voluntarily and without compensation. They are not necessar(cid:173)
`ily members of the Institute. The standards developed within IEEE
`represent a consensus of the broad expertise on the subject within the
`Institute as well as those activities outside of IEEE which have ex(cid:173)
`pressed an interest in participating in the development of the
`Use of an IEEE Standard is wholly voluntary. The existence of an
`IEEE Standard does not imply that there are no other ways to produce, ·
`test, measure, purchase, market, or provide other goods and services
`related to the scope of the IEEE Standard. Furthermore, the viewpoint
`expressed at the time a standard is approved and issued is subject to
`change brought about through developments in the state of the art and
`comments received from users of the standard. Every IEEE Standard
`is subjected to review at least every five years for revision or :reaffir(cid:173)
`mation. When a document is more than five years old, and has not
`been reaffirmed, it is reasonable to con~lude that its contents, al(cid:173)
`though still of some value, do not wholly reflect the present state of the
`art. Users are cautioned to check to determine that they have the latest
`edition of any IEEE Standard.
`Comments for revision of IEEE Standards are welcome from any
`interested party, regardless of membership affiliation with IEEE.
`Suggestions for changes in documents should be in the form of a pro(cid:173)
`posed change of text, together with appropriate supporting comments.
`Interpretations: Occasionally questions may arise_._regarding the
`meaning of portions of standards as they relate to specific applica(cid:173)
`tions. When the need for interpretations is brought to the attention of
`IEEE, the Institute will initiate action to prepare appropriate re(cid:173)
`sponses. Since IEEE Standards represent a consensus of all con(cid:173)
`cerned interests, it is important to ensure that any interpretation has
`also received the concurrence of a balance of interests. For this rea(cid:173)
`son IEEE and the members of its technical committees are not able to
`provide an instant response to interpr,etation :requests except in those
`cases where the matter has previously received formal consideration.
`Comments on standards and requests for interpretations should be
`addressed to:
`Secretary, IEEE Standards Board
`445 Hoes Lane
`P.O. Box 1331
`Piscataway, NJ 08555-1331
`IEEE Standards documents are adopted by the Institute of Electrical
`and Electronics Engineers without regard to whether their adoption
`may involve patents on articles, materials, or processes. Such
`adoption does not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor does it
`assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the standards
`Page 2

`(This foreword is not a part efiEEE Std 802.31-1992.)
`This standard is part of a family of standards for local and metropolitan area networks.
`The relationship between the standard and other members of the family is shown below.
`(The numbers in the figure refer to IEEE standard numbers.)
`~ ..
`w a:
`a: w >
`z w
`"'Formerly IEEE Std 802.1A.
`This family of standards deals with the physical and data link layers as defined by the
`International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Open Systems Interconnection Ba(cid:173)
`sic Reference Model (ISO 7498: 1984). The access standards define several types of
`medium access technologies and associated physical media, eadi appropriate for particu(cid:173)
`lar applications or system objectives. Other types are under investigation.
`The standards defining these technologies are as follows:
`• IEEE Std 802t:
`• IEEE Std 802.1D:
`• IEEE Std 802.1E:
`Overview and Architecture. This standard
`provides an overview to the family of IEEE 802
`standards. This document forms part of the 802.1
`scope of work.
`MAC Bridging. Specifies an architecture and
`protocol for the interconnection of IEEE 802
`LANs below the MAC service boundary.
`System Load Protocol. Specifies a set of services
`and protocol for those aspects of management
`concerned with the loading of systems on IEEE
`802 LANs.
`Logical Link Control
`• ISO 8802-2 [ANSI/IEEE Std 802.2]:
`• ISO/IEC 8802-3 [ANSI/IEEE Std 802.3]: CSMA/CD Access Methpd and Physical Layer
`• ISO/IEC 8802-4 [ANSI/IEEE Std 802.4]: Token Bus Access Method and Physical Layer
`t The 802 Architecture and Ov~rview Specification, originally known as IEEE Std 802.1A, has been renumbered
`as IEEE Std 802. This has been done to accommodate recognition of the base standard in a family of standards.
`References to IEEE Std 802.1A should be considered as references to IEEE Std 802.
`Page 3

`• IEEE Std 802.6:
`• ISOIIEC 8802-5 [ANSI/IEEE Std 802.5]: Token Ring Access Method and Physical Layer
`Metropolitan Area Network Access Method and
`Physical Layer Specifications
`Interoperable Local Area Network (LAN)
`Security (SILS), Secure Data Exchange
`In addition to the family of standards the following is a recommended practice for a
`common technology:
`• IEEE Std 802.10:
`• IEEE Std 802.7:
`IEEE Recommended Practice for Broadband
`Local Area Networks
`The reader of this document is urged to become familiar with the complete family of
`Conformance Test Methodology
`A new standards series, identified by the number 1802, has been established to identify
`the conformance test methodology documents for the 802 family of standards. This makes
`the correspondence between the various 802 standards and their applicable conformance
`test requirements readily apparent. Thus the conformance test documents for 802.3 are
`numbered 1802.3, the conformance test documents for 802.5 will be 1802.5, and so on.
`When the IEEE 802.3 Working Group approved IEEE Std 802.31-1992 (Section 14.10), it
`had the following membership:
`Patricia Thaler, Chair
`Mike Armstrong, Type JOBASE-T Task Force Chair and Editor
`Paul Nikolich, Vice Chair
`William Randle, Editorial Coordinator
`John Allen
`Keith Amundsen
`Richard Anderson
`Stephen J. Anderson
`Mark Bohrer
`Richard Bowers
`Richard Brand
`Richard S. Brehove
`Thomas T. Butler
`R. R. (Bob) Campbell
`Luigi Canavese
`Ian Crayford
`Peter Cross
`Robert A. Curtis
`John DeCramer
`Tazio DeNicola
`Sanjay Dhawan
`Scott Dredge
`Tom Edsall
`Richard Ely
`Norman Erbacher
`Steve Evitts
`Steve Flickinger
`Mel Gable
`Mark Gerhold
`Sudhir Gupta
`Benny Hanigal
`Mogens Hansen
`G. R. Hartley
`W. B. Hatfield
`Carl G. Hayssen
`Chris Heegard
`Clarence J oh
`Richard John
`Donald C. Johnson
`Dieter Junkers
`Rainer Kaps
`Yongbum Kim
`Steven Koller
`William F. Kous
`David Kurcharczyk
`Hans Lackner
`Michael Lebar
`Michael Lee
`Richard Lefkowitz
`Richard M. Lena
`Yoseph Linde
`Terry D. Lockyer
`Sherry J. Lorei
`Andy J. Luque
`Mark Lynn
`Randall Magliozzi
`Charles Marsh
`• Donna McMaster
`Mark Merrill
`Ray Mompoint
`Thinh Nguyenphu
`Mike O'Conner
`Lloyd Oliver
`Kazuyuki Ozawa
`Prasun K. Paul
`Tony Peatfield
`Anthony Peck
`Page 4

`David Poisner
`Peter Rautenberg
`Ivan Reede
`Jim Reinstedler
`Andreas Rende!
`Paul Rivett
`Gary Robinson
`Steven Robinson
`Michael Rothenberg
`Dieter W. Schicketanz
`Tom Schmitt
`Fredrick Scholl
`Sam Shen
`Nathan Silberman
`Semir Sirazi
`JosephS. Skorupa
`David A. Smith
`Graham Starkins
`Peter Tarrant
`Mark Taylor
`Geoffrey 0. Thompson
`Douglas H. Thomson
`Nathan Tobol
`Carlos A. Tomaszewski
`Nader Vijeh
`Bill Wager
`Robert Wataon
`Alan Wetzel
`Joseph AI Wiencko, Jr.
`Izumi Wilson
`Paul Woodruff
`Nobushige Yokota
`Hong Yu
`The following persons were on the balloting committee that approved this standard for
`submission to the IEEE Standards Board:
`W. B. Adams
`D. Aelmore
`H. S. Alkhatib
`K. Athul
`W. E. Ayen
`S. Bhatia
`A. 0. Bishop, Jr.
`A. L. Bridges
`R. Caasi
`M. U. Caglayan
`G. Carson
`B. J. Casey
`G. C. Chachis
`G. W. Cichanowski
`M. H. Coden
`K. Collins
`R. A. Conser
`R. Crowder
`L. F. M. De Moraes
`F. Deravi
`A. K. Dhawan
`N. I. Diihopoulos
`M.G. Duncan
`A.M. Dunn
`T. Dzik
`P. Eastman
`H. Eklund
`J. E. Emrich
`C. Fan
`J. W. Fendrich
`J. N. Ferguson
`S. Fineberg
`H. C. Folts
`S. J. Forney
`H. A. Freeman
`I. Fromm
`R. Gagliano
`D. G. Gan
`I. Ghansah
`P. Gonia
`A. Grund
`C. Guarnieri
`S. V. Halasz
`J. L. Hammond
`S. Harris
`C. M. Hay
`C. W. L. Hobbs
`L. A. Hollaar
`M. D. Hopwood
`C. Hsieh
`G. L. Hubscher
`P. L. Hutton
`R. J. lliff
`R. Jacobsen
`R. Jain
`J. R. Johnson
`R. Juvonen
`R. H. Karpinski
`G. C. Kessler
`M. Kezunovic
`J. Kolind
`V. Konangi
`P. Kornerup
`J. Kramp
`S. B. Kruger
`A. B. Lake
`L. M. Lam
`G. Langdon
`M. Lawler
`L. M. Leach
`J. Y. Lee
`M.E. Lee
`K. F. Li
`F. C. Lim
`P. Lin
`R. S. Little
`W. D. Livingston
`M. Lolli
`D. C. Loughry
`N.C. Low
`J. F. P. Luhukay
`C. R. Manson
`E. G. Marmol
`R. McBride
`K. C. McDonald
`W. McDonald
`D. B. Mcindoe
`R. H. Miller
`D. S. Millman
`A. N. Mishra
`H. L. W. Moh
`M.A. F. Morganti
`K. Mori
`D. A. J. Morris
`G. Moseley
`H. H. T. Mouftah
`C. E. Neblock
`R. Nelson
`A. A. Nilsson
`D. O'Mahony
`C. Oestereicher
`T. E. Phillips
`T. L. Phinney
`A. J. Pina
`R. Pirzada
`U. W. Pooch
`H. J. Pottinger
`R. S. Printis
`A. Putnins
`E. J. Reilly
`J. P. Riganati
`G. S. Robinson
`P. T. Robinson
`R. Rosenthal
`D. Rosich
`F. E. Ross
`C. Sagawa
`J. G. Sanz
`A. Sastry
`M. K. Saxena
`N. Schneidewind
`J. R. Schwab
`D. A. Sheppard
`R. M. Simmons
`W. T. Smith
`R. K. Southard
`C. Spurgeon
`M. Stephenson
`C. M. Stillebroer
`F. J. Strauss
`E. Sykas
`D. Sze
`A. N. Tantawy
`S. R. Taylor
`P. Thaler
`G. 0. Thompson
`R. Tripi
`Wei-Tek Tsai
`M. Uchida
`L. D. Umbaugh
`J. T. Vorhies ·
`B. Vornbrock
`C. M. Weaver
`D. F. Weir
`• R. Wenig
`E. J. Whitaker
`M. Willett
`P. A. Willis
`G. B. Wright
`J. A. Wyatt
`J. Yang
`0. Yuen
`W. H. Yundt
`Page 5

`When the IEEE Standards Board approved this standard on September 17, 1992, it had the
`following membership:
`Marco W. Migliaro, Chair
`Donald C. Loughry, Vice Chair
`Andrew G. Salem, Secretary
`Dennis Bodson
`Paul L. Borrill
`Clyde Camp
`Donald C. Fleckenstein
`Jay Forster*
`David F. Franklin
`Ramiro Garcia
`Thomas L. Hannan
`"'Member Emeritus
`Donald N. Heirman
`Ben C. Johnson

`Walter J. Karplus
`Ivor N. Knight
`Joseph Koepfmger•
`Irving Kolodny
`D. N. "Jim• Logothetis
`Lawrence V. McCall
`T. Don Michael*
`John L. Rankine
`Wallace S. Read
`Ronald H. Reimer
`Gary S. Robinson
`Martin V. Schneider
`Terrance R. Whittemore
`Donald W. Zipse
`Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE Standards Board liaisons:
`Satish K. Aggarwal
`James Beall
`Richard B. Engelman
`David E. Soffrin
`Stanley Warshaw
`Kristin M. Dittmann
`IEEE Standards Project Editor
`Page 6

`evisions to ISO/IEC 8802-3: 1992 [ANSI/IEEE Std 802.3, 1992 Edition] al)d
`EE Std 802.3i-1990 .................................................................................. 9
`14.10 Type 10BASE-T MAU Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
`(PICS) Proforma ......................................................................... 9
`·· 14.10.1
`Introduction ................................................................... 9
`Identification of Implementation .......................................... 10
`Identification of the Protocol ............................................... 11
`14.10.4 PICS Proforma for 10BASE-T .............................................. 11
`Page 7

`IEEE Standards for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks:
`Supplement to Carrier Sense Multiple Access with
`Collision Detection (CSMNCD) Access Method and
`Physical Layer Specifications
`Type 10BASE-T Medium Attachment Unit (MAU)
`Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
`(PICS) Proforma (Section 14.10)
`Revisions to ISO/IEC 8802-3 : 1992 [ANSJ/IEEE Std 802.3, 1992 Edition]
`and IEEE Std 802.3i-1990
`(These additions are part of IEEE Std 802.3i-1990.)
`The following additions add references for the 10BASE-T PICS proforma to the appro(cid:173)
`priate places in ISO/IEC 8802-3: 1992 [ANSI/IEEE Std 802.3, 1992 Edition]. The additions do
`not alter the specifications for existing systems.
`1.3 References
`Add these references to the list of references in 1.3:
`[31] ISO 9646-1 : 1991, Information technology-Open Systems Interconnection-Confor(cid:173)
`mance testing methodology and framework-Part 1: General concepts.
`[32] ISO 9646-2 : 1991, Information technology-Open Systems Interconnection-Confor(cid:173)
`mance testing methodology and framework-Part 2: Abstract test suite specification.
`NOTE: Upon incorporation into the base standard, all references will be renumbered.
`14.10 Type 10BASE-T MAU Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS)
`14.10.1 Introduction. To evaluate conformance of a particular implementation, it is
`necessary to state which capabilities and options have been implemented for a given OSI
`protocol. Such a statement is called a Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
`This PICS proforma defines conformance requirements for Type 10BASE-T MAU im(cid:173)
`plementations. When the supplier completes this proforma, this document becomes the
`PICS for the specified implementation. The PICS is then used to perform a static
`conformance review of the implementation to determine that all mandatory features are
`implemented and that all conditional features are correctly supported dependent on the
`options claimed to be implemented. The PICS is used also as an aid in test-case selection
`and result analysis during. the dynamic conformance testing.
`Page 8

`Std 802.31-1992
`Separate MAU and link segment implementations are expected; submissions of either
`for testing do not require submission of the other. Furthermore, there is no current inten(cid:173)
`tion to produce an Abstract Test Suite from the section of the PICS proforma that discusses
`the link segment.
` Scope. This subsection provides the PICS proforma for Type 10BASE-T MAU
`specifications in accordance with the relevant guidance given in ISO 9646-2 [32).
` Reference. Type 10BASE-T MAU requirements referenced in this PICS pro(cid:173)
`forma are found in 14.2 through 14.8 and in 7.3 through 7.6 of this standard. Sections 7.3
`through 7.6 and 14.2 through 14.8 take precedence over 14.10 in case of any conflict.
`The use and the requirements for PICS proforma are defined in ISO 9646-1 [31) and ISO
`9646-2 [32].
` Definitions. This document uses the following terms defined in ISO 9646-1
`PICS proforma
`Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS)
`static conformance review
`dynamic conformance testing
` Conformance. The supplier of a MAU that is claimed to conform to Type
`10BASE-T MAU specifications shall complete a copy of the PICS proforma provided in this
`document and shall provide the information necessary to identify both the supplier and the
`14.10.2 Identification of Implementation. The MAU supplier shall complete the relevant
`fields in this section to identify the supplier and the particular MAU.
`Company Name:
`Representative Name:
`Page 9

`Implementation Information
`Implementation Name:
`Std 802.31-1992
`Implementation Identifier (including version/release):
`14.10.3 Identification of the· Protocol. The supplier will complete this section to identify
`the precise protocol implemented.
`Check Y [ ] if the MAU identified in the previous section implements each of the follow(cid:173)
`ing protocol standards; check N [ ] otherwise and attach an explanation.
`Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD)
`access method and physical layer specifications ISO/IEC 8802-3 : 1992
`[ANSI/IEEE Std 802.3, 1992 Edition]
`Twisted-Pair Medium Attachment Unit (MAU) and Baseband Medium Y [ ]
`Type lOBASE-T (IEEE Std 802.3i-1990)
`Y [
`N [ ]
`N [ ]
`List any other addenda or amendment documents implemented.
`14.10.4 PICS Proforma for 10BASE-T
` Abbreviations. The following abbreviations are used in the PICS proforma
`Req • Requirement. This column indicates whether the conformance requirement of a
`particular clause in the standard is mandatory, optional, or conditional.

`Imp • Implementation. This column is filled in for a particular implementation with a
`"Y" or an "N" to indicate claimed conformance.
`M • Mandatory. Conformance cannot be met unless the parameter is implemented as spec(cid:173)
`0 11111 Optional. The parameter may be implemented or not but, if implemented, it must be as
`stated in the standard.
`C m Conditional. If~ associated major option is implemented, this parameter must be im(cid:173)
`NOTE: Recommendations in the standard become "Optional" parameters in the context of a PICS proforma.
` PICS Completion Instructions and Implementation Statement. A supplier
`wishing to submit a 10BASE-T MAU for conformance testing against this standard must.
`fill in the column headed "Imp" in the PICS proforma tables and submit the resulting PICS
`with the equipment for test. This column must be filled in either with a "Y" for yes, indicat(cid:173)
`ing that the implementation is intended to meet the particular mandatory or optional re(cid:173)
`quirement, or "N" for no, indicating that the option has not been implemented (or enabled .
`where switchable) or that the requirement is not met. It should be noted that any instances
`Page 10

`Std 802.31-1992
`of "N" entered against a mandatory requirement will result in the implementation failing
`the static conformance test. In addition, the supplier must indicate below whether or not the
`implementation implements all the mandatory requirements.
`!This implementation implements all mandatory requirements
`y [
`N [ ]
` Additional Information. Any additional information that is needed to en(cid:173)
`sure that the MAD or link segment submitted for test is configured as a 10BASE-T MAU or
`link segment should be entered into the PIXIT (Protocol Implementation eXtra Informa(cid:173)
`tion for Testing) document supplied by the conformance testing organization. Relevant in(cid:173)
`formation on 10BASE-T MAUs or link segments includes the following:
`(1) Enable/disable mechanisms for SQE Test
`(2) Enable/disable mechanisms for features that allow compatibility with nonstandard
`(3) Operational instructions for DTEs or repeaters in cases where the MAU is embedded
`(4) Environmental conditions
`(5) Input voltage range for implementations with embedded MADs
`The above list is illustrative and is not intended to be either mandatory or exhaustive.
` References. ISO 9646-2 [32] requires that all PICS proforma clauses be
`individually identified. Tables have subsection headings and numbered clauses in order
`to meet this requirement.
`Page 11

`Function performed by MAU s
`attached to DTEs, not by MAU s
`attached to repeaters
`DO circuit to TD circuit
`DO A positive relative to DO B
`causes TD+ positive relative
`to TD-
`2 bits max
`Second and following bits meet
`amplitude and jitter
`2 bit times max
`2 bit times max
`Start of idle followed by a
`repeating sequence of silence
`and link test pulse
`16 ms ± 8 ms, ~±50 m V
`Normal start of packet
`requirements apply
`RD circuit to DI circuit
`RD+ positive relative to RD-
`causes DI A positive relative
`5 bits max
`Second and following bits meet
`jitter specifications
`2 bit times max
`2 bit times max
` PICS Proforma Tables for MAU
` MAU Functions
`Std 802.31-1992
`Req lm):
`MAU functions:
`Loop back
`Collision Presence
`Link Integrity Test
` Transmit Function
`Transmit path
`Transmit signal polarity
`Req Imp
`Start-up bit loss (DO to TD
`Transmit settling time
`Transmit steady-state delay
`Transmit delay variability
`Silence duration
`TP _IDL termination with
`respect to start of packet
` Receive Function
`Receive path
`Receive signal polarity
`Req Imp
`Start-up bit loss (RD to DI
`Receive settling time
`Receive steady-state delay
`Receive delay variability
`Page 12

`Std 802.31-1992
`14.10A.5.4 Loop back Function
`1 Loopback function require-
`ments when RD = idle and
`DO= active
`2 Loopback bit loss (DO to Dl
`3 Loopback settling time
`Section Req Imp Value/comment
`DO signals to DI circuit
` M
` M
`5 bits max
`4 Loopback steady-state delay
` M
` M
`Second and following bits meet
`jitter specifications
`1 bit time max
`1 Collision Presence function
`14.10A.5.5 Collision Detect Function
`Section Req Imp Value/comment
`CSO on Cl circuit if DO=active,
` M
`RD=active and in Link Test
`Pass state
`9 bit times max
`9 bit times max
` M
` M.
`2 Collision indication delay
`3 Collision indicate deassert
`4 CI circuit with no collision,
`SQE Test, or jabber
`5 DI circuit source switch delay
`from CSO assert
`6 DI circuit source switch delay
`from CSO deassert
` signal_quality_error Message Test Function. The following are
`conditional based on whether the signal_quality_error Message Test is to be performed
` M
`IDL signal
` M
`9 bit times max
` M
`9 bit times max
`1 SQE Test induced TD or DI
`circuit signals
`2 SQE test wait timer range
`3 SQE_test timer range
`4 CI circuit during SQE Test
`5 SQE Test in Link Fail state
`14.10A.5.7 Jabber Function
`Section Req Imp Value/comment
`No extraneous signals
`0.6 to 1.6 J!S
`5 to 15 bit times
`CSO signal
`CSO must not be sent
`1 Jabber Function
`2 Xmit max timer range
` M
`3 CI circuit during jabber
` M
`4 Unjab timer range
` M
`5 MAU Jabber Lockup Protection M
`Section Req Imp Value/comment
`Self-interrupt of transmit and
` M
`loop back
`20 ms min, 150 ms max
`CSO signal
`0.5± 0.25 s
`Jabber not activated by the long-
`est permitted output specified
`in 9.6.5
`Page 13

` Link Integrity Test Function
`Std 802.31-1992
`1 Link loss timer
`Signals during detected
`2 TD circuit
`3 DI circuit
`4 CI circuit
`Section Req
` M
`50 ms min, 150 ms max
`IDL (except when jabber
`condition is also present)
`RD = active or consecutive link
`test pulses = 2 min, 10 max
`Reset link test pulse counter
`Deferred until RD = idle and
`DO= idle
`Link Test Fail Reset
`Link test pulse not detected as
`Meets requirements of Fig 14-3
`5 Link Test Fail state exit
`6 Link test min timer range
`7 Link test max timer range
`Pulses outside acceptance
`8 Early while in Link Test Pass
`9 Early or late while not in Link
`Test Pass state
`Link fail effect on MAU
`10 Transmit
`11 Receive
`12 Loop back
`13 Collision Presence
`14 SQETest
`15 Link Test Fail Extend state
`exit condition
`16 Power-on state
`17 Pulse/data discrimination
` M
` M
` M
` M
` M
` MAU State Diagram Requirements
`1 Transmit, Receive, Loopback,
`and Collision Presence
`Functions state diagram
`2 signal_quality _error Message 14.2.3
`Test Function state diagram
`Section Req
`3 Jabber Function J>tate diagram 14.2.3
`4 Link Integrity Test Function
`state diagram
`Meets requirements of Fig 14-4.
`Conditional on whether or not
`the function is to be performed
`Meets requirements of Fig 14-5
`Meets requirements of Fig 14-6
`Page 14

`Std 802.31-1992
` AUI Requirements
`1 AUI implementation
`Req Imp
`2 AUI messages
` Isolation Requirements
`If implemented refer to
`Comply to 7 .2.1
`. Parameter
`1 Isolation, MDI leads to DTE
`Physical Layer circuits
`2 Resistance after breakdown
`Req Imp
`Any one of three tests listed in
`2!: 2 Mil at 500 Vdc
` Transmitter Specification
`1 Peak differential output voltage
`on TD circuit
`2 Harmonic content, all ones
`3 Output waveform, with scaling
`ofvoltage template
`4 Start of TP _IDL waveform, with
`each specified load, with and
`without twisted-pair model
`5 Link test pulse waveform, with
`each specified load, with and
`without twisted-pair model
`6 TD circuit differential o'iitput
`Transmitter added timing
`7 Into 100 n through twisted-pair
`8 Into 100 0
`9 Common-mode to differential-
`mode conversion
`10 TD circuit common-mode
`output voltage
`11 TD circuit common-mode
`rejection, 15 V peak 10.1 MHz
`12 TD circuit fault. tolerance
`Req Imp
`2.2 to 2.8 v
`All harmonics 2!: 27 dB below
`Within Fig 14-9 template
`Within Fig 14-10 template,
`overshoot :::; +50 m V after
`excursion below -50 m V
`Within Fig 14-12 template,
`overshOot s +50 m V after
`excursion below -50 m V
`Reflection 2!: 15 dB below inci-
`dent, any simplex link segment
`±3.5 ns max
`±8 ns max
`2!: 29 -17 log10(f/1 0) dB,
`f=1-20 MHz, fin MHz
`<50 mV peak
`S 100 mV differential and
`S 1 nsjitter
`No damage from a short
`1000 V min, applied per
`Fig 14-15
`No extraneous signals on the
`TD circuit
`13 TD circuit short-circuit current
`14 TD circuit common-mode
` 7
`voltage withstand
`15 Power cycle behaVIor
`Page 15

` Receiver Specification
`Std 802.31-1992
`Req Imp
`Figs 14-16, 14-17, template
`At least ±13.5 ns
`:s; ±1.5 ns, RD to DI circuits
`Fig 14-12 template
`1 RD circuit signal acceptance
`2 Received signal jitter accept
`3 Receiver added jitter
`4 RD circuit link test pulse
`RD circuit differential noise
`5 Signal (1)
`6 Signal (2)
`7 Signal (3)
`10 RD circuit common-mode
`RD circuit fault tolerance:
`11 Short circuit
`12 Common-mode voltage
`8 Idle detection, RD circuit
`9 RD circuit differential input
`:s; 300 mVpeak
`s 6.2 V peak-to-peak, :s; 2 MHz
`Single cycle :s; 6.2 V, either
`phase, 2-15 MHz
`Within 2.3 bit times
`Reflected signal;;:: 15 dB below
`incident, any simplex link
`25 V peak-to-peak square wave
`to add :s; 2.5 ns jitter
`Indefinite short circuit
`1000 V impulse, applied per
`Fig 14-19
` MDI Requirements
`1 MDI connector
`MDI connector contact
`2 1
`3 2
`4 3
`5 6
`6 Crossover function
`7 Crossover function indication 14.5.2
`MDI-X connector contact
`8 1
`9 2
`10 3
`11 6
`~ 17
`Req Imp
`ISO 8877 [16] jack
`Remote MAU from DTE
`X symbol on MDI connector.
`Conditional on crossover func-
`tion implementation. Refer to
`response to
`Conditional on crossover func-
`tion implementation. Refer to
`response to
`Page 16

`Std 802.31-1992
` Safety Requirements
`1 Safety grounding path
`2 MAU labeling
`Req Imp Value/comment
`Must be via PG circuit. Condi-
`tional on AUI implementation.
`Refer to response for
` or PIXIT
`Data rate, current, any
`applicable safety warnings
`Conforms to IEC 380, 435, or 950
`Creates no safety hazard
`3 General safety
`4 Application of telephony
` M
`Page 17

`Std 802.31-1992
` PICS Proforma Tables for MAU AUI Characteristics. The whole of14.10.4.6
`is conditional on the AUI being implemented and accessible for testing. Refer to response
`for clause or PIXIT.
` Signal Characteristics
`Section Req Im Value/comment
`1 Signaling rate (stated on label) 7.3.2
`10 Mb/s
`2 CSO signal frequenc (on CI)
`3 CSO signal du
`60:40 worst case
` DI and CI Driver Characteristics
`Differential output voltage:
`1 Loaded
`2 Idle state
`3 Start of idle
`4 Current into test load while idle
`5 Requirements after idle
`6 Common-mode output voltage,
`7 Differential output voltage,
`open circuit
`8 Common-mode output voltage,
`9 Fault tolerance
`10 Fault current
`Fig 7-11
`::> 40 m V into test load
`Fig 7-12
`4 rnA max after 80 BT
`First bit to Fig 7-11
`::> 40 mV peak. Fig 7-13
`13 Vpeak max
`::;; 5.5 v. Fig 7-13
`Fig 7-14
`::> 150 mA, any Fig 7-14 state
`Section Req Imp Value/comment
` DO Receiver Characteristics
`1 Unsquelched threshold
`2 Squelch
`3 High-to-idle transition on
`DO circuit
`4 Differential input impedance
`Section Req Imp Value/comment
`160 m V max differential

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