
`Exhibit 101 8
`Exhibit 1018


`Routing Lookups in Hardware at Memory Access Speeds
`Pankaj Gupta, Steven Lin, and Nick McKeown
`Computer Systems Laboratory, Stanford University
`Stanford, CA 94305-9030
`{pankaj, sclin, nickm}
`memory access time.
`If it takes more than one memory access, then (a) the number
`of accesses should be small, (b) the number of accesses
`should be bounded by a small value in all cases, and (c) the
`memory accesses should occur in different physical memo-
`ries, enabling pipelined implementations (and hence help us
`achieve goal 2).
`4) Practical considerations involved in a real implementation,
`such as cost, are an important concern.
`5) The overhead to update the forwarding table should be
`The technique that we present here is based on the following
`1) Memory is cheap. A very quick survey at the time of writing
`indicates that
` bytes of 60ns DRAM is avail-
`able for about $50. The cost per byte is approximately halv-
`ing each year.
`2) The route lookup mechanism will be used in routers where
`speed is a premium; for example those routers that need to
`process at least 10 million packets per second.
` On backbone routers there are very few routes with prefixes
`longer than 24-bits. This is verified by an examination of the
`MAE-EAST backbone routing tables [2]. A plot of prefix
`length distribution is shown in Figure 1; note the logarithmic
`scale on the y-axis. In this example, 99.93% of the prefixes
`are 24-bits or less.
`IPv6 is still some way off – IPv4 is here to stay for the time
`Figure 1: Prefix length distributions.
`MAE−EAST, 01/02/98
` 10000
` 1000
` 100
` 10
`Number of Routes
` 1
`Prefix Length
`Increased bandwidth in the Internet puts great demands on net-
`work routers; for example, to route minimum sized Gigabit
`Ethernet packets, an IP router must process about
`packets per second per port. Using the “rule-of-thumb” that it
`takes roughly 1000 packets per second for every 106 bits per sec-
`ond of line rate, an OC-192 line requires
` routing look-
`ups per second; well above current router capabilities. One
`limitation of router performance is the route lookup mechanism.
`IP routing requires that a router perform a longest-prefix-match
`address lookup for each incoming datagram in order to determine
`the datagram’s next hop. In this paper, we present a route lookup
`mechanism that when implemented in a pipelined fashion in
`hardware, can achieve one route lookup every memory access.
`With current 50ns DRAM, this corresponds to approximately
` packets per second; much faster than current commer-
`cially available routing lookup schemes. We also present novel
`schemes for performing quick updates to the forwarding table in
`hardware. We demonstrate using real routing update patterns that
`the routing tables can be updated with negligible overhead to the
`central processor.
`1 Introduction
`This paper presents a mechanism to perform fast longest-match-
`ing-prefix route lookups in hardware in an IP router. Since the
`advent of CIDR in 1993 [1], IP routes have been identified by a
`<route prefix, prefix length> pair, where the prefix length is
`between 0 and 32 bits, inclusive. For every incoming packet, a
`search must be performed in the router’s forwarding table to
`determine which next hop the packet is destined for. With CIDR,
`the search may be decomposed into two steps. First, we find the
`set of routes with prefixes that match the beginning of the incom-
`ing IP destination address. Then, among this set of routes, we
`select the one with the longest prefix. This is the route that we use
`to identify the next hop.
`Our work is motivated by the need for faster route lookups;
`in particular, we are interested in fast, hardware-implementable
`lookup algorithms. We desire a lookup mechanism that achieves
`the following goals:
`1) The lookup procedure should be easily implementable in
`hardware using simple logic.
`Ideally, the route lookup procedure should take exactly one
`This work was funded by the Center for Integrated Systems at
`Stanford University. Steven Lin is funded by an NSF Graduate
`Research Fellowship. Nick McKeown
`is funded by
`Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Sumitomo Electric Industries and a
`Robert N. Noyce Faculty Fellowship.



`being. Thus, a hardware scheme optimized for IPv4
`routing lookups is useful today.
`5) There is a single general-purpose processor participat-
`ing in routing table exchange protocols and constructing
`a full routing table (including protocol-specific informa-
`tion such as route lifetime, etc. for each route entry).
`The next hop entries from this routing table are down-
`loaded by the general purpose processor into each for-
`warding table, which are used to make per-packet
`forwarding decisions.
`In the remainder of the paper we discuss the construction and
`usage of the forwarding tables, and the process of efficiently
`updating the tables using the general-purpose processor.
`2 Previous Work
`The current techniques for performing longest matching pre-
`fix lookups, for example CAMs [3] and Tries [4], do not
`seem to be able to meet the goals set forth above. CAMs are
`generally small (1K x 64 bits is a typical size), expensive,
`and dissipate a lot of power when compared to DRAM.
`Tries, in general, have a worst case searching time of 32
`memory accesses (for a 32-bit IP address), leading to a
`wasteful 32-stage pipeline if we desire one lookup per mem-
`ory access time. Furthermore, if we wish to fully pipeline the
`design, each layer of the trie needs to be implemented in a
`different physical memory. This leads to problems because
`the memory cannot be shared among layers; it could happen
`that a single layer of the trie exhausts its memory while other
`layers have free space.
`Label swapping techniques, including IP Switching [5]
`and Multiprotocol Label Swapping (MPLS) [6] have been
`proposed, to replace the longest-prefix match with a simple
`direct-lookup based on a fixed-length field. While these con-
`cepts show some promise, they also require the adoption of
`new protocols to work effectively. In addition, they do not
`completely take away the need for routing lookups.
`Recently, several groups have proposed novel data
`structures to reduce the complexity of longest-prefix match-
`ing lookups [7][8]. These data structures and their accompa-
`nying algorithms are designed primarily for implementation
`in software, and cannot guarantee that a lookups will com-
`plete in one memory-access-time.
`We take a different, more pragmatic approach that is
`designed for implementation in dedicated hardware. As
`mentioned in assumption (1), we believe that DRAM is so
`cheap (and continues to get cheaper), that using large
`amounts of DRAM inefficiently is advantageous if it leads to
`a faster, simpler, and cheaper solution. With this assumption
`in mind, the technique that follows is so simple that it is
`almost obvious. Our technique allows for an inexpensive,
`easily pipelined route lookup mechanism that can process
`one packet every memory-access time when pipelined.
`Since the time of writing this paper, we have learned
`that the lookup technique outlined here is a special case of an
`algorithm proposed by V. Srinivasan and G. Varghese,
`described in [9]. However, we take a more hardware-ori-
`Figure 2: Proposed DIR-24-8-BASIC architecture. The next
`hop result comes from either TBL24 or TBLlong.
`ented approach with a view to providing more direct benefit
`to the designers and implementors of routing lookup
`engines. In particular, we propose a novel technique for per-
`forming routing updates in hardware.
`The paper is organized as follows. Section 3 describes
`the basic route lookup technique. Section 4 discusses some
`variations to the technique which make more efficient use of
`memory. Section 5 investigates how route entries can be
`quickly inserted and removed from the forwarding tables,
`and Section 6 provides a conclusion.
`3 Proposed Scheme
`We call the basic scheme DIR-24-8-BASIC — it makes use
`of the two tables shown in Figure 2, both stored in DRAM.
`The first table (called TBL24) stores all possible route pre-
`fixes that are up to, and including, 24-bits long. This table
`has 224 entries, addressed from 0.0.0 to 255.255.255. Each
`entry in TBL24 has the format shown in Figure 3. The sec-
`ond table (TBLlong) stores all route prefixes in the routing
`table that are longer than 24-bits.
`Assume for example that we wish to store a prefix, X, in
`an otherwise empty routing table. If X is less than or equal to
`24 bits long, it need only be stored in TBL24: the first bit of
`the entry is set to zero to indicate that the remaining 15 bits
`designate the next-hop. If, on the other hand, the prefix X is
`longer than 24 bits, then we use the entry in TBL24
`addressed by the first 24 bits of X. We set the first bit of the
`entry to one to indicate that the remaining 15-bits contain a
`pointer to a set of entries in TBLlong.
`In effect, route prefixes shorter than 24-bits are
`Figure 3: TBL24 entry format
`If longest route with this 24-bit prefix is < 25 bits long:
`Next Hop
`1 bit
`15 bits
`If longest route with this 24 bits prefix is > 24 bits long:
`Index into 2nd table
`1 bit
`15 bits


`Key to table entries:
`A = 10.54/16
`B = 10.54.34/24
`C =
`Number: Contents: Number: Contents:
`256 entries
`allocated to
`A A
`A A
`0 0
`0 0
`Figure 4: Example of two tables containing three routes.
`hop (A). If a second packet arrives with the destination
`address, the first 24 bits are used as an index
`into the first table, which indicates that the second table must
`be consulted. The lower 15 bits of the entry (123 in this
`example) are combined with the lower 8 bits of the destina-
`tion address, and used as an index into the second table.
`After two memory accesses, the table returns the next hop
`(B). Finally, let’s assume that a packet arrives with the desti-
`nation address Again, TBL24 indicates that
`TBLlong must be consulted, and the lower 15 bits of the
`entry are combined with the lower 8 bits of the address to
`form an index into the second table. This time the index an
`entry associated with the prefix (C).
`We recommend that the second memory be about
`1MByte in size. This is inexpensive and has enough space
`for 4096 routes longer than 24 bits. (To be precise, we can
`store 4096 routes longer than 24 bits with distinct 24-bit pre-
`fixes.) We see from Figure 1 that the number of routes with
`length above 24 is much smaller than 4096 (only 28 for this
`router). Because we use 15 bits to index into the second
`table, we can, with enough memory, support 32K distinct 24-
`bit-prefixed long routes with prefixes longer than 24 bits.
`As a summary, let’s review some of the pros and cons
`associated with the basic DIR-24-8-BASIC scheme.
`1) Although (in general) two memory accesses are
`expanded; e.g. the route prefix 128.23/16† will have
`224 16–
`entries associated with it in TBL24, ranging
`from the memory address 128.23.0 through 128.23.255. All
`256 entries will have exactly the same contents (the next hop
`corresponding to the routing prefix 128.23/16). By using
`memory inefficiently, we can find the next hop information
`within one memory access.
`TBLlong contains all route prefixes that are longer than
`24 bits. Each 24-bit prefix that has at least one route longer
`than 24 bits is allocated 28=256 entries in TBLlong. Each
`entry in TBLlong corresponds to one of the 256 possible
`longer prefixes that share the single 24-bit prefix in TBL24.
`Note that because we are simply storing the next-hop in each
`entry of the second table, it need be only 1 byte wide (if we
`assume that there are fewer than 255 next-hop routers – this
`assumption could be relaxed if the memory was wider than 1
`When a destination address is presented to the route
`lookup mechanism, the following steps are taken:
`1) Using the first 24-bits of the address as an index into the
`first table TBL24, we perform a single memory read,
`yielding 2 bytes.
`If the first bit equals zero, then the remaining 15 bits
`describe the next hop.
`3) Otherwise (if the first bit equals one), we multiply the
`remaining 15 bits by 256, add the product to the last 8
`bits of the original destination address (achieved by
`shifting and concatenation), and use this value as a
`direct index into TBLlong, which contains the next-hop.
`3.1 Examples
`Consider the following examples of how route lookups are
`performed on the table in Figure 4. Assume that the follow-
`ing routes are already in the table: 10.54/16, 10.54.34/24,
` The first route requires entries in TBL24
`that correspond to the 24-bit prefixes 10.54.0 through
`10.54.255 (except for 10.54.34). The 2nd and 3rd routes
`require that the second table be used (because both of them
`have the same first 24-bits and one of them is more than 24-
`bits long). So, in TBL24, we insert a one followed by an
`index (in the example, the index equals 123) into the entry
`corresponding to the 10.54.34 prefix. In the second table, we
`allocate 256 entries starting with memory
`. Most of these locations are filled in with the next
`hop corresponding to the 10.54.34 route, but 64 of them
`(those from
` to
`) are
`filled in with the next hop corresponding to the
`Now assume that a packet arrives with the destination
`address The first 24 bits are used as an index
`into TBL24, and will return an entry with the correct next
`† Throughout this paper, when we refer to specific examples, a
`route entry will be written as dotted-decimal-prefix/prefix-
`length. For example, 10.34.153/24 refers to a 24-bit long route
`with prefix (in dotted decimal) of 10.34.153.



`Entry #
`Entry #
`to 10.78.45 prefix
`64 entries allocated
`10.78.45 1 567
` #
`567 6 325
`Key to table entries:
`A =
`B =
`Figure 6: “Intermediate Table” scheme
` entries allocated to this 24-bit prefix.
`To clarify, consider the example in Figure 6. Assume
`that the routes and are
`stored in the table. The first table’s entry corresponding to
`10.78.45 will contain an index to an entry in TBLint (in the
`example, the index equals 567). Entry 567 in TBLint indi-
`cates a length of 5, and an index into TBLlong (in the exam-
`ple, the index equals 325) pointing to 64 entries. One of
`these entries, the 33rd, contains the next hop for the
` route. Entry 32 and entries 34 through 47
`will contain the next hop for the route. The
`others will contain the next-hop value designated to mean
`“no entry”.
`The modification requires an additional memory access,
`extending the pipeline to three stages, but saves some space
`in the final table by not expanding every “long” route to 256
`Multiple table scheme: Another modification can be made
`to reduce memory usage, with the addition of a constraint.
`For simplicity, we present this scheme as an extension of the
`two table scheme (DIR-24-8-BASIC) presented earlier. In
`this scheme, called DIR-n-m, we extend the original scheme
`Figure 5: TBLint Entry Format
`index into 2nd table
`20 bits
`max length
`3 bits
`required, these accesses are in separate memories,
`allowing the scheme to be pipelined.
`2) Except for the limit on the number of distinct 24-bit-pre-
`fixed routes with length greater than 24 bits, this infra-
`structure will support an unlimited number of routes.
`3) The total cost of memory in this scheme is the cost of
`33 MB of DRAM. No exotic memory architectures are
`4) The design is well-suited to hardware implementation.
`5) When pipelined,
` packets per second can be
`processed with currently available 50ns DRAM. The
`lookup time is equal to one memory access time.
`1) Memory is used inefficiently.
`Insertion and deletion of routes from this table may
`require many memory accesses. This will be discussed
`in detail in Section 5.
`4 Variations on the theme
`There are a number of refinements that can be made to the
`basic technique. In this section, we discuss two variations
`that decrease the memory size while adding one or more
`pipeline stages.
`Adding an intermediate “length” table: Observe that, of
`those routes longer than 24 bits, very few are a full 32 bits.
`In the basic scheme, we allocated an entire block of 256
`entries for each routing prefix longer than 24 bits. For exam-
`ple, if we insert a 26-bit prefix into the table, 256 entries in
`TBLlong are used although only four are required.
`We can improve the efficiency of TBLlong using a
`scheme called DIR-24-8-INT. In addition to the two tables
`TBL24 and TBLlong, DIR-24-8-INT maintains an additional
`“intermediate” table, TBLint. Basically, by using one addi-
`tional level of indirection TBLint allows us to use a smaller
`number of entries in TBLlong. To do this, we store an i-bit
`long index (where
`) value in TBL24, instead of the 15-
`bit value used in the basic scheme. The new index points to
`an intermediate table (TBLint) with
` entries as shown in
`Figure 5; for example, if
`, TBLint contains 4096
`entries. Each entry in TBLint is pointed to by exactly one
`entry in TBL24, and therefore corresponds to a unique 24-bit
`prefix. TBLint entries contain a 20-bit index into the final
`table (TBLlong), as well as a length field. The index is the
`absolute memory address in TBLlong at which the set of
`entries associated with this 24-bit prefix begins. The length
`field indicates the longest route with this particular 24-bit
`prefix (encoded in three bits since it must be in the range 25-
`32). The length field also indicates how many entries in
`TBLlong are allocated to this 24-bit prefix. For example, if
`the longest route with this prefix is a 30-bit route, then the
`length field will indicate 6 (30-24), and TBLlong will have



`First (2n entry) table.
`Use first n bits of destination
`address as index.
`·Ł ł(cid:230) (cid:246)
`table. Use index
`“i” concatenated with next m bits of
` destination address as index.
`Third table. Use index “j” concatenated
`with last 32-n-m bits of destination address
`as index into this table.
`1st n bits of
`dest. addr.
` “i”
`i concatenated
`with next m
`bits of dest.
` “j”
`j concatenated
`with last 32-n-m
`bits of dest.
`Next Hop
`Figure 7: Three table scheme in the worst case, where the route is longer than (n+m) bits long. In this case, all three levels
`must be used, as shown.
`to use three smaller tables, instead of one large table
`(TBL24) and one small table (TBLlong). The aim is to split
`the 32-bit space so as to minimize memory usage.
`Let us replace tables TBL24 and TBLlong in scheme
`DIR-24-8-BASIC by a 221 entry table (the “first” table,
`TBLfirst21), another 221 entry table (the “second” table,
`TBLsec21), and a 220 entry table (the “third” table,
`The first 21 bits of the packet’s destination address are
`used to index into TBLfirst21, which has entries of width 19
`bits. The first bit of the entry will, as before, indicate whether
`the rest of the entry can be used as the “next-hop” identifier,
`or if the rest of the entry must be used as an index into
`another table (TBLsec21 in this case).
`If the rest of the entry in TBLfirst21 is used as an index,
`we concatenate this 18-bit index with the next 3 bits (bit
`numbers 22 through 24) of the packet’s destination address,
`and use this concatenated number as an index into
`TBLsec21. TBLsec21 has entries of width 13 bits. As before,
`the first bit indicates whether the rest of the entry can be con-
`sidered as a “next-hop” identifier, of if the rest of the entry
`must be used as an index into the third table (TBLthird20).
`Again, if the rest of the entry must be used as an index,
`we use this value, concatenated with the last 8 bits of the
`packet’s destination address, to index into TBLthird20.
`TBLthird20, like TBLlong, contains entries of width 8
`bits, storing the next-hop identifier. These three tables are
`shown in Figure 7 (with
` and
`in this case).
`The DIR-21-3 has the advantage that only 9 MB of
`221 13(cid:215)
`220 8(cid:215)
`221 19(cid:215)
`memory is required:
` bits.
`The disadvantage is that we have added another constraint to
`the system. In addition to only supporting 4096 routes of
`length 25 or greater with distinct 24-bit prefixes, we can now
`only support
` routes of length 22 or greater, with distinct
`21-bit prefixes. Although this constraint is easily met in cur-
`rent routing environments, in the long term this constraint
`may pose a problem.
`The scheme can, of course, be extended to an arbitrary
`number of table levels, at the cost of an additional constraint
`per additional table level. Table 1 indicates the total amount
`of memory that would be required for various numbers of
`table levels.† Although not shown in the table, memory
` of
`Bits used per level
`Min. Memory
`21, 3, and 8
`20, 2, 2, and 8
`20, 1, 1, 2, and 8
`19, 1, 1, 1, 2, and 8
`9 MB
`7 MB
`7 MB
`7 MB
`Table 1: Memory required as a function of number of levels.
`requirements vary significantly with the choice of the num-
`ber of bits to use per level. Table 1 shows only the lowest
`memory requirement. As an alternative, a three level split
`using (16,8,8) bits per level requires 105 MBytes.
`As we increase the number of levels, we achieve dimin-
`ishing memory savings coupled with increased hardware
`logic complexity to manage the deeper pipeline.
`5 Routing Table Updates
`As the topology of the network changes, new routing infor-
`mation is disseminated among the routers, leading to
`changes in routing tables. As a result of a change, one or
`more entries must be added, updated, or deleted from the
`table. Because the action of modifying the table can interfere
`with the process of forwarding packets, we need to consider
`the frequency and overhead caused by changes to the table.
`Shortly, we will consider a number of different techniques
`for updating the routing table: each comes with a different
`cost to the forwarding function.
`But first, let’s consider how often routing tables are
`† For the figures in this table, we assume that at each level, only
` routes can be accommodated by the next higher level
`table, except the last table, which we assume supports only
`4096 routes. This is because it seems unlikely that there will be
`a need to support more than 4096 routes of length 25 bits or
`greater, with distinct 24-bit prefixes.


`changed. Measurements and anecdotal evidence suggest that
`routing tables change very frequently [11]. Trace data col-
`lected from a major ISP backbone router† indicate that a few
`hundred updates can occur per second. A potential drawback
`of the 16-million entry DIR-24-8-BASIC scheme is that
`changing a single route prefix can affect a large number of
`entries in the table. For instance, if an 8-bit route prefix is
`added to an empty forwarding table, this would require
`changes to 216 consecutive forwarding entries. With our
`data, if every routing table change affected
` entries, it
` entry changes per second!‡
`would lead to
` Furthermore, changing the entries for one prefix is not
`always as simple as changing consecutive entries; longer
`prefixes create “holes” that must be avoided by the update
`mechanism. This is illustrated in Figure 8 where a route
`entry of 10.45/16 exists in the forwarding table. If the new
`route entry 10/8 is added to the table, we need to modify
`only a portion of the 216 entries described by the 10/8 route,
`and leave the 10.45/16 “hole” unmodified.
`In what follows, we focus on schemes to update the
`large TBL24 table in the DIR-24-8-BASIC scheme. The
`smaller TBLlong table requires much less frequent updates
`and is ignored here.
`5.1 Dual Memory Banks
`A simple but costly solution, this scheme uses two banks of
`memory. Periodically, the processor creates and downloads a
`new forwarding table to one bank of memory. During this
`time (which in general will take much longer than one
`lookup time), the other bank of memory is used for forward-
`ing. Banks are switched when the new bank is ready. This
`provides a mechanism for the processor to update the tables
`in a simple and timely manner, and has been used in at least
`one high-performance router [12].
`Figure 8: A “hole” in consecutive forwarding entries.
`28 24-bit prefixes described
`by route 10.45/16
`5.2 Single Memory Bank
`In general, we can avoid doubling the memory by mak-
`ing the processor do more work. The processor can calculate
`exactly which entries in the hardware forwarding tables need
`to be updated and can instruct the hardware accordingly. An
`important consideration is: how many messages must flow
`from the processor to update a route prefix? If the number of
`messages is too high, then the performance will become lim-
`ited by the processor. We now describe three different update
`schemes, and compare their performance when measured by
`the number of update messages that the processor must gen-
`Update Mechanism 1: Row-Update.
`In this scheme, the processor sends one message for each
`entry that is changed in the forwarding table. For example, if
`a route of 10/8 is to be added to a table which already has a
`prefix of 10.45/16 installed, the processor will send
`65536 256–
` separate messages to the hardware,
`each message instructing the hardware to change the next
`hop of the corresponding entry.
`While this scheme is simple to implement in hardware,
`it places a tremendous burden on the processor.
`Update Mechanism 2: Subrange-Update.
`The presence of “holes” partitions the range of updated
`entries into a series of subranges. Instead of sending one
`instruction per entry, the processor can find the bounds of
`each subrange, and send one instruction per subrange. The
`messages from the processor to the line cards are now equiv-
`alent to “Change X entries starting at Y to Z” where X is the
`number of entries in the subrange, Y is the starting entry
`number, and Z is the new next-hop identifier. In our example
`above, the updates caused by the new route addition could
`have been performed with just two messages: update 10.0.0
`through 10.44.255, and update 10.46.0 through 10.255.255.
`This scheme works well when entries have few “holes”.
`However, in the worst case many messages are still required:
`it is possible (though unlikely) that every other entry must be
`updated. An 8-bit prefix therefore requires up to 32,768
`update messages, i.e. roughly 3.2 million update messages
`per second.
`Update Mechanism 3: One-Instruction-Update.
`This scheme requires only one instruction from the processor
`All 224 possible
`24-bit prefixes
`216 24-bit prefixes
`described by route 10/8
`Figure 9: The balanced parentheses property of prefixes.
`“Hole” in 10/8 route
`caused by 10.45/16
`† The router is part of the Sprint network. The trace had a total of
`3737 BGP routing updates, with an average of 1.04 updates per
`second and a maximum of 291 updates per second.
`In practice, of course, the number of 8-bit prefixes is limited to
`just 256, and it is extremely unlikely that they will all change at
`the same time.
`Depth 2...........
` {
`Depth 1....
`Depth 3.........................



`for each updated prefix, regardless of the number of holes.
`One simple way to do this is to include a five bit length field
`in every table entry indicating the length of the prefix to
`which the entry belongs.
`Consider again our example of a routing table contain-
`ing the prefixes 10.45/16 and 10/8. The entries in the “hole”
`created by the 10.45/16 route contain 16 in the length field;
`the other entries associated with the 10/8 route contain the
`value 8. Hence, the processor only needs to send a single
`message for each route update. The message would be simi-
`lar to: “Change entries starting at number X for a Y-bit long
`224 Y–
`route to next-hop Z.” The hardware then examines
`entries beginning with entry X. For each entry whose length
`field is less than or equal to Y, the new next-hop is entered.
`Those entries with length field greater than Y are left
`unchanged. As a result, “holes” are skipped within the
`updated range.
`One problem is that a five bit length field needs to be
`added to all 16 million entries in the table; an additional
`10 MB (about 30%) of memory.
`Update Mechanism 4: Optimized One-Instruction-
`Fortunately, we can eliminate the length field from each pre-
`fix entry in TBL24. First note that for any two distinct pre-
`fixes, either one is completely contained in the other, or the
`two prefixes have no entries in common. This structure is
`very similar to that of parenthetical expressions where the
`scope of an expression is delimited by balanced opening and
`closing parentheses: for example, the characters “{” and “}”
`used to delimit expressions in the ‘C’ programming lan-
`Figure 9 shows an example with three “nested” route
`prefixes. Suppose that we scan an expression having bal-
`anced parentheses from a point with a nesting depth d. By
`keeping track of the number of opening and closing paren-
`theses seen so far, we can determine the current depth. This
`can then be applied to performing route updates: the central
`processor provides the hardware with the first memory entry
`to be updated. The hardware scans the memory sequentially,
`updating only those entries at depth d.
`Under this scheme, each entry in TBL24 can be classi-
`fied as one of the following types: an opening parenthesis
`(start of route), a closing parenthesis (ending of route), no
`parenthesis (middle of route), or both an opening and closing
`parenthesis (if the route contains only a single entry). This
`Figure 10: Moving the parentheses markers.
`Depth = 4
`Depth = 3
`Depth = 2
`Depth = 1
`classification can be represented by a 2-bit field in each
`Care must be taken when a single entry in TBL24 corre-
`spond to the start or end of multiple routes, as shown in Fig-
`ure 10. With our 2-bit encoding, we cannot adequately
`describe all the routes that begin and end at memory location
`‘A’. The problem is readily fixed by shifting the opening and
`closing markers to the start (end) of the first (last) entry in
`memory that the route affects. The same update algorithm
`can then be used without change.
`that unlike
`the Row- and Subrange-update
`schemes, this scheme requires a read-modify-write operation
`for each scanned entry. This can be reduced to a parallel read
`and write if the marker field is stored in a separate memory.
`5.3 Simulation Results
`To evaluate the different update schemes, we simulated the
`behavior of each when presented with the sequence of rout-
`ing updates collected from the ISP backbone router. We
`evaluate the update schemes using two criteria: (i) The num-
`ber of messages per second sent by the processor, and (ii)
`The number of memory accesses per second required to be
`performed by the hardware. The simulation results are
`shown in Table 2.†
`# of Msgs from
`Processor per
`second (Avg/
`# of Memory
`Accesses per
`second (Avg/
`Table 2: Simulation results for three update mechanisms
`The results corroborate our intuition that the row-update
`scheme puts a large burden on the processor: up to 17,545
`messages per second. At the other extreme, the one-instruc-
`tion-update scheme is optimal in terms of the number of
`messages required to be sent by the processor, with a maxi-
`mum of just 291. But unless we use a separate marker mem-
`ory, it requires more than twice as many memory accesses as
`the other schemes. However, this still represents less than
`0.2% of the routing lookup capacity available from the
`scheme. In this simulation, we find that the subrange-update
`scheme performs well by both measures. The small number
`of messages from the processor can be attributed to the fact
`that the routing table contained few holes. We expect this to
`† For the one-instruction-update (optimized scheme) we assume
`that the extra 2-bits to store the opening/closing marker fields
`mentioned above are not stored in a separate memory.


`[9] V. Srinivasan and G. Varghese. “Efficient Best Matching
`Prefix Using Tries.” pre-publication manuscript, Janu

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