Weighted Voting for Replicated Data
`Da,·id K. Gifford
`Stanford University and Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
`In a new al&orithm ror maintaining replicated data.
`e'el1 copy or a nplicated file Is usigned some number or
`'otes. E'ery. transaction collects a nad quorum orr 'otes
`to nad a me. and a write quorum or Ill 'otes to write a file,
`such that r +Ill Is greater tban the total number or 'otes
`assigned to the file. n1s ensures tbat there is a non•null
`intersection between ettry read quorum and etery write
`quoruaa. Version numbers make it possible to determine
`which copies an curnnt. The nliabUitJ and perrormance
`cbaracteristics or a npUcated file can be controlled br
`appropriatelr choosing r, w, aad
`consistenq, admits temporary copies in a natural war br
`the introduction or copies with no 'otes. and bas been
`implemented in tile context or an application srstem caned
`Ker Words and Phrues: weighted 'otlna. replicated
`data. quorum. file srstem. file suite. npresentatite. weak
`npresentati'e. transaction. lockina:, computer network
`CR Categories: 4.3. 4.35, 4..13, 3.81
`The wort reponed bere wa supported in pan by the Xet01
`Corporation. and by the Fullie and John Hertz Foundation.
`Author's present lddress: Xet01 Palo Alto Research Center, 3333
`Coyote HDl Road. Palo Alto. Calit"onlla 94304.
`Permission to copy without fee all or pan of this material is
`aranted provided that the copies an not made or distributed
`for dinct commercialadvantaae. the ACM copyriaht notice
`and the title of the publication and its date appear. and notice
`is aiven that copyina is by permission of the Association for
`Computina Machinery. To copy otherwise, or to republish.
`requires a fc:e and( or specific permission.
`• 1979 ACM 0-89791~·5(79/ 1200/0150 S00.75
`1. Introduction
`The requirements of distributed computer systems
`are stimulating interest in keeping copies of the same
`information at different nodes in a computer network.
`Replication of data allows information to be located close
`to its point of use. either by statically locating cories in
`high use ueas. or by dynamically creating temporary
`copies as dictated by demand. Replication of data· also
`increases the availability of data. by allowing many nodes
`to service requests for the same information in parallel.
`and by masking panial system failures. Thus. in some
`cues.. the cost of maintaining copies is offset by the
`performance. communication cost. and reliability benefits
`that replicated data affords.
`We present a new algorithm for the maintenance of
`The algorithm can be briefly
`clwac:terized by the following Jescription:
`• Every copy of a replicated tile is assigned some
`number of votes.
`• Every transaction collects a read quorum of r votes
`to read a file, and a write quorum of w votes to
`write: a file. such that r+ w is greater than the total
`number of votes assigned to the file.
`• This ensures that there is a non-null intersection
`between every
`read quorum and every write
`is always a subset of the
`representatives of a file whose votes total to w that
`are current
`is gathered
`read quorum
`• Thus. any
`guaranteed to bav• a current copy.
`• Version numbers make it possible to determine
`which copies are current
`The algorithm has a number of desirable propenies:
`• It continues to operate correctly with inaccessible
` Exhibit 1016 Page 1

`- It consists of a small amount of extra machinery that
`runs on top of a transactional me system. Although
`"voting" occurs IS will become evident later in the
`paper. no complicated message based coordination
`mechanisms are needed.
`- It provides serial consistency.
`In other words. it
`appears to each transaction that it alone is running.
`The most cum:at version or data is always provided
`to a user.
`- By manipulatina r, w, and the voting structure·of a
`replicated me, a system administrator can alter the
`file's perfoi'IDUlCC and reliability c:haracteristic:s.
`- All of the extra copies of a file that are created,
`including temporary copies on users' loc:al disks. can
`be incorporated into our framework.
`The remainder of the paper is orpnized as five
`sections. Section 2 describes related work, and how the
`algorithm differs from previous solutions. The algorithm's
`mvironment, interface, and basic structure are introduced
`ia Section 3. Refinements are offered in Section 4,
`iacluding the introduction of temporary copies and a new
`locking technique. The Violet System, which oontains an
`implementation of this proposal, and some performance
`IDIISiderations are discussed in Section S. The final
`section is a brief CDDclusion. The appendix demonstrates
`lbat our algorithm maintains serial oonsistency (1~
`The ideas in this paper are illustrated in Mesa. a
`rqramming lanaua&e developed at the Xerox Palo Alto
`Research Center (8). Mesa is well suited for this tat
`because it contains integrated support for processes,
`IIIOilitors, and condition variables (6). To simplify this
`presentation some nonessential details bave been omitted
`from the Mesa examples.
`~ Related Work
`Previous algorithms for maintaining replicated data
`&II into two classes. Some insist that every object has a
`primary site which assumes responsibility for update
`arbitration. Distributed INORES (10) is such a system.
`This technique is simple, but relatively inflexible. Others
`lkt not employ distin11Jished sites for objeciS, and are
`IIIOI'e complex than primary site algorithms. SDD-1 (9)
`tecps all copies or an object up to date by sending
`updates via a communication system that will buffer
`aasces over machine cruhes. Thomas' proposal (11)
`an~· requires that a majority or an object's copies be
`apdated, and includes voting.
`Although we share the notion of voting, it is difl"lcult
`., directly compare our algorithm with Thomas' because
`die two provide different services. Notably:
`· We guarantee serial oonsistency for queries (read·
`only transactions), while Thomas' algorithm does
`- We do not insist that a majority of an object's copies
`be updated.
`- Thomas' algorithm does not employ weighted
`voters. which limits its flexibility.
`- Thomas' algorithm is more complex because it
`addresses consistency i~es IS well as replication
`issues. We have separated the two, resulting in an
`algorithm that is easier to reason about and to
`Our structure allows for the inclusion of temporary
`3. The Basic Alcorlthm
`3.1 Emironment
`The concepts necessary for the implementation or our
`algorithm are modeled below IS a stable jilt systtm.
`Section 3.3 we build our algorithm for replicated data
`assuming the existence of such a system.
`Our exposition uses two kinds of objects, flits and
`containtn. Files are arrays of bytes, addressed by read
`and write operations as described below.' Containers are
`they are
`storage repositories for
`represent storage devices such as disk drives. These
`objects, and others introduced later in the paper, have
`unique names. No two objects will ever be assigned the
`same name, even if they are on different machines. We
`will not ooncem ourselves further with how programs
`acquire names. but will assume that the names or
`CDDtainers and rues of interest are at hand.
`A file is logically an array of bytes that can be
`, created. deleted, read. and written.
`Plt.Crute: Plon:DUIIE fcoataiaer: CHI....,JDI
`u:ruaNS lRie: fltJDI;
`Plt.Delete: PIOCIDUaE(nte: r•JDI;
`ne.Rad: I'IIOCEOtlal (file: ri&ID, startB)'te., COVIIC IHTIGEJl,
`llllffer: POUfTIII)i
`fill. Write: PIOCEDUIE (file: fiiiJD, startBJte., couaC INlECU,
`Wfer: POINDilJ;
`To keep the discussion simple, we assume that file
`system primitives operate on remote and local fil~ alike.
`This can be accomplished by encoding a file's location or
`CDDtainer in its unique identifier, or by maintaining
`location hints for remote files. These details will not be
`oonsidered further.
`Transac:-j..~n~ are used
`the scope of
`to define
`ooncurrency oontrol and failure recovery. A transaction is
`a group of related file operations bracketed by a begin
`transac:tion call and a CDDtmit transaction call.
`T-....aechl: PIOCEDCJIIZ:
`T -.... eo...nic PIOCEDUU;
`A tranmction hides concurrency by making it appear
`is no other activity in the
`to its file operations that thl
` Exhibit 1016 Page 2

`system, a property known as serial consistency (1~ A
`transaction hides undesirable events that can be recovered
`from, such as a detected disk read error, or a server cra~h.
`A transaction also guarantees that either all of its write
`operations are performed, or none of them are.
`Furthermore, once a transaction has committed, its effects
`must be resilient to hardware failures, such as a server
`crash. Every process has a single current transaction.
`Thus, for an application program to use two transactions it
`must create at least two processes. A forked process can
`join its parent's transaction by calling:
`T---.loiaPanatsTnasaction: raocmuu:;
`A file may be unavailable if the server it resides on is
`down, or if there is a communication failure. If a read
`operation is directed to a file that is unavailable, the
`corresponding File.Read call will never return. Multiple
`processes are used by our algorithm to allow it to proceed
`in this case. Outstanding uncompleted reads, because
`they never occurred, do not affect the ability of a
`transaction to commit The transaction system only
`guarantees serial consistency for reads that have actually
`completed when the transaction is committed. Ukewise.
`if a write operation is directed to a file that is unavailable.
`the corresponding File.Write call will never return.
`However, a transaction that attempts to commit with
`unfinished writes will remain uncommitted until all of its
`writes complete.
`It is possible that a user will want to abort a
`transaction in progress. A transaction abort. which can be
`initiated by a user as shown below, will discard all of a
`transaction's writes, and terminate the transaction.
`T.-....AMrt PaOCIDUH;
`file system will
`is also possible
`spontaneously abort a transaction because of a server
`crash, communication failure, or lock conftict.
`This concludes our model set of primitive objects and
`The: model abstracts a confederation or
`coorcrating computers into a structure that has uniform
`naming and a distributed transactional file system. As we
`shall see in following sections, the abstrac:tions introduced
`here make the replication algorithm straightforward to
`explain. Of course we believe that the model that we
`have described is realizable and pr&l.-tical; in fact. the ideas
`necessary for an implementation have received a great
`deal of attention. Gray (4) provides a nice discussion of
`two phase commit protocols. locking, and synchronization
`primitives. Lampson and Sturgis (S, 7) describe an
`implemented system that has all of the properties our
`model requires.
`3.1 Interrace
`Our algorithm uses the facilities described in Section
`3.1 to provide an abstraction called a ji/e suite. This is a
`file that is realized by a collection of copies, which we call
`representatives because of the democratic way in which
`update decisions are reached. When a file suite is created,
`a description of its configuration must be supplied, which
`r. w,
`the number of represent.'ltives,
`containers where they should be stored. and the number
`or votes each should be accord.:d.
`Configuration: TYPE • RECORD (
`w: ll'ITECER.
`r. ARRAl' OF RECORD (cnulaincr: COIII•i-JD. \Otes: INTECERJI;
`l'iii.CrcatcSuitc: PROC"EDl'RE lconrtCur:~tion: ConlicunationJ
`Filc.CreateSuite stores a suite"s configuration in stlble
`storage. The structurt:l; stored would depend on the
`algorithm's implementation, but Figure 1 shows one
`possible alternative. A suite is cataloged by directory
`entries, preferably more than one in case one of them is
`Each representative has a prefix
`identifies all the other representatives in the suite and
`their voting strength.
`Once created. a file suite can be treated like an
`ordinary file. The File.Rcad. File. Write, and File.Dclete
`operations specified in Section 3.1 can be used to
`manipulate the abstract array of bytes represented by a
`file suite. Uke file operations, all file suite operations are
`part of some transaction. A file suite appc:ars to be an
`· ordinary file: in almost every respect.
`Differences arise because a file suite can have
`reliability characteristics
`that are
`performance and
`imp<mible for a file. It is possible: to tailor the relinbility
`and performance of a file suite by manipulating its voting
`configuration. A high performance suite results by
`heavily weighting high performance representatives. and a
`very reliable suite results by heavily weighting reliable
`represc:Dtatives. A file suite can also be made very reliable
`by having many equally weighted representati,es. A
`completely decentralized structure results from equally
`weighting representatives, and a completely centralized
`scheme results from assigning of all of the votes to one
`representative. Thus the algorithm falls into both or the
`classes described in Section 2.
`Once the general reliability and performance of a
`suite is established by its voting configuration. the relative
`reliability and performance of Read and Write can be
`controlled by adjusting r and w. As w decreases, the
`reliability and performance of writes increases. As r
`the reliability and performance of reads
`increases. The choice of r and "' will depend on an
`application's read to write ratio. the cost of reading and
`writing, and the desired reliability and performance.
`The following examples suuest the diverse mix of
`properties that can be created by appropriately setting r
`and w. In the table below we assume that the probability

`that a representative is unavailable is .01.
`Example 1 is configured for a file with a high read to
`write ratio in a single server. multiple user environment
`Replication is used to enhance the performance of the
`system, not the reliability. There is one server on a local
`network that can be accessed in 75 milliseconds. Two
`users have chosen to make copies on their personal disks
` Exhibit 1016 Page 3

`by creating weak representatives. or representatives with
`no votes (see Section 4.1 for a oomplete discUssion of
`weak representatives). This allows them to access the
`COf'Y on their local disk, resulting in lower latency and less
`tramc to the shared server.
`Example 2 is oonligured for a lile with a moderate
`rc:ad to write: ratio tbat is primarily accessed from one
`local netWork. The server on the local network is assigned
`two votes. with the two servm on remote networks
`assigned one vote apiece. Reads can be satisfied from the
`local server, and writes must access the kx:al server and
`one remote server. The system will oontinue to operate in
`read-only mode if the local server fails. Users could
`create additional weak representatives for lower read
`Example 3 is oonfigured for a me With a very high
`read to write ratio, such u a system directory, in a three
`server environment ·Users can read from any server, and
`the probability that the file will be unavailable is very
`small. Update5 must be applied to all copies. Once apin.
`users could create additional weak representatives on their
`local machines for lower read lateDcy.
`l.atencJ (IIIIIC)
`Vodna Caaftagndaa
`LltencJ (IIIIIC)
`8loctlna Prubabillty
`I..ICeacJ (IIIIK)
`Bloctina Prababtlit7
`ux 1o·l
`1.0X 1o·l
`u.x 1o·2
`1.ox 1cr2
`FUeSuite: MONITOil(suiteName: F"lle.ID) = DEOJN
`VenionNumber: TYPE • {untnown,l. 2. 3, 4,-}
`SultcEntry: TYPE • IU!COilD (
`DIIM: File.ID,
`version: VminnNumber,
`¥ales: IHIEOEilJ;
`Illite: AllllA Y OF SuiteEDtry;
`c:uneatVeniallNumber: VenionNumber:
`tlnlRcspoDdecl: IIOOUAM:
`- ,_ wlwll/1111 ..... MiM,.,
`- ...... . ,_ ...--Jbr.,....,_
`_ _....,_,.,,_Jbr•-...-
`r: IHftOIIl:
`the number of
`When FUeSuite
`representatives. their names. their version numbers, their
`voting strengths, '· and w must be oopied from some
`representative's prefix
`into the data structure shown
`above. This information must be obtained with the same
`transaction that is later used ·to access the me suite, in
`order to guarantee that it occurately reflects the suite's
`oonfiguration. Additional information. such u the speed
`of a representative, has been omitted from a SuiteEntry to
`mate the biSic algorithm easier to understand.
`To read from a file suite, a read quorum must be
`gathered to ensure
`that a current representative
`included. After a file suite is first accessed, oollccting a
`quorum never encounters any delays. The operation or
`the collector which gathers a quorum is described in detail
`below. From the quorum, any current representative can
`actually be read. Ideally, one would like to read from the
`representative that wm respond fastest.
`_....,..., ....... ..
`ReM: PJtOCEDUilE (ftle: 1'11&10, ftrslBJte, couat: JNTEOEll. buffer:
`quonnn: Set - CollectR.adQuanun():
`'-l: IJ111'10D •
`· best
`finlBJte. coua&. buffer):
`3.3 Tile Alprit._
`in proee and
`the basic algorithm
`We present
`f'tagments of Mesa CXJde. The prose is meant be a
`oomplete explanation. with the Mesa code provided so the
`reader can check his understandin& of the ideas. AD the
`Mesa procedures shown below are part or a sinsle
`monitor called FileSuite. There is a separate instance of
`FileSaite for each transaction accessing a Jiven suite.
`ENTRY procedures manipulate shared data, and thus lock
`the monitOr. Careful usc of public non-entry procedures
`has been made so the monitnr is never locked while input
`or outpUt is in proaress. allowing FileSuite to process
`liimultaneous requests.
`To write to a .file suite, a write quorum is assembled: all of
`the representatives in the quorum must be current so
`updates are not applied to obsolete represcntative!t
`.lJI of
`the writes to the quorum are done in parallel. The first
`write of a transac:tion increments the version numbers of
`its write quorum. Thus. all subsequent writes will be
`directed to tbe same quorum, because it will be the only
`one that is current. Determining which write is the first
`one must done under the protection of the monitor, and is
`not shown in the Mesa code. With the procedure below,
`the result of issuin1 two concurrent writes that update the
`same portion of a me is undefined.
` Exhibit 1016 Page 4

`Write: PROC!DUU(ftle: Fl1e.ID, ftntByte, COUDC lN'nGEl. buffer.
`quorum: Set • CoUectWrtteQuorum(J;
`i. cauat: IJIITIOD • 0:
`procas: AUA Y OP l'llOCISS:
`-.-.......... ~11/~-... ,., .......
`COUll& ., COUftt + 1;
`pmcea(couatJ .. f'OilK
`R.,_....liveWrt&e(l. ftntByte, couat. bufl'er);
`POa i tN (L.couatl
`lOIN pnlelll(l);
`Re,resentatl,eWrite: PltOCIDUII(i. ftntDyte. count: INTEOI!Il. bufl'er:
`IIEOIM ___ ...., ... Niw(/11/-~}tllrlllr----
`FilL Wrile(lllite(i).Dame. ftnlByte, COUDI. bulfttl:
`--..... ~.,........,._,,...
`It is possible tbat a representative will become
`unavailable whUe a file suite is iD use. perhaps due to a
`server cruh. A simple solution to this problem, not
`shown in the procedures above, is to abort the current
`transaction if Rad or Write take more thaD a specified
`length of time. This will restart the suite, u delcribed
`Quorum sizes are the mtnlnfllm number of votes that
`must be collected for read and write operations to
`proceed. It is possible to increase the performance of a
`file suite by anificialJy apandma a quorum with
`Once apin, ·to reduce
`complexity, the procedures shown above do DOt use this
`When a file suite is fli'St accessed, version number
`inquiries are sent to representatives. The information that
`results is used a the basis ror fUture collector dec:isions.
`To determine tbe correct ·value of a me suite's current
`version number a read quorum must be established before
`the tile suite can entertain requests. AD representatives
`might not contain the current votin& rules, but the
`alaorithm will stabilize with the correct rules before a read
`quorum is established, u shown in Section 4.6.
`If a
`representative is unreachable its version number read will
`never return. This does not prohibit a user's transaction
`from committina. u described in Section 3.1.
`.. __ ,.,~----·rvl•
`laitlatelaquiries: l'llOCEDUU =
`- jfiW ""' ,,., ,.,, ,, rqrat~~fllliWI
`FOa i IN (l..uNOTH(suitcl)
`Detath(FOilK lnquiry(iU;
`( J .. CollectRead(];
`laquirr: PKOCIDUU(i: UC11!GD) •
`- __ _..,.,. Nlw(/11/"r,.,.,
`-jfiW""',., -II/ • ..,...,._
`NewRepraentative(RcadPrcfta laformatioa(iD;
`RudPreRlllafarmatlon: l'tlQCEDUaE (1: Jlf"I'EOElt) arru..m (i. version,
`rP, wP: INTIOIIl. v: Aaii.A Y OF IMTEOD) •
`IIOIN < rwu/wnioot nullllm. r. ~ andtlrrayo{YOtinl strenJtlls{rom
`tile prefix o{rqf'IIRflttlli .. i >
`NewRepresetltlthe: !Nn.Y PJt.OCIDUaE (1. version. rP, wP: INTEG Ill. v:
`ADA Y OF tN'nGB) •
`j: ltfTSG!It;
`-.,.,. ,_ .. -~
`suitcfl).venionNumber .. venioft:
`-"''* --~- """'""'"
`IF version > currentVeJSioaNumbcf ntEN
`cum:ntVcnionNumber .. version;
`r .. rP: w .. wP;
`FOaj IN (l..L!NGTH(sutteU
`suitc{j). votes .. v[j);
`llntResponded .. nUE:
`IIOADCAST Clowdl.arpr;
`The collector is usel.l by every file suite opcn1tion to
`pther a quorum of representotives. Normally
`collector selects what it considers to be the quorum that
`will respond the fastest. and returns immediately to its
`caller. Occasionally one of two problems will arise. First.
`is possible
`that a read quorum or the suite's
`representntivcs have not reported their version numbers.
`In this c:1se the collector can only wait for one of them to
`report in. The second I!Utcntiul problem is that a read
`quorum have reported their version numbers. but there is
`not a current write quorum. This can only occur if some
`representatives have not reported their version numbers.
`In this case if r < w the collector will initiate a background
`process to copy tne contents of the suite into one o;" the
`obsolete represcntotives thnt has reported in.
`lt is always
`lqal to copy the current. contents of the file suite to an
`obsolete representative. Note that the copy process will
`be reading from the suite, in erfect a rec::ut'Sive call, but
`there will be enough votes for this rend-only operntion to
`proceed. To minimize lock connicts the backtnound
`process should be run in a separate transaction. The
`background process signifies its completion by breaking
`the transaction of its pnrenL
` Exhibit 1016 Page 5

`~ COMOnlON:
`ClllectR~ EHraYI'ROCIDUUJUmJaNS(quorum: Set) •
`i. j. VOIIS: IHmll!ll:
`iDda: ADA Y OF ll'f'lBJD;
`- """'llwjllrl .. , ... .-ilf,.,.,.. ..... c.,"-·.~~,,..,.,.,,.,
`UNt1L ftnLR~ DO WAIT rvwd-a- EI'IDLOOI':
`_, ...... -~ ... ,., ,...,..,,.,., __
`--__ ,,,..,.,_ ..... ..,.._,_._...,....,
`inda • SortRepresmtllivesBySPeedQ:
`qucnm • AU.(FALSE); ,.._ • 0;
`-•11•-JI!rl•,....,.... ._..
`1'01. i '" (l..LII'Idnl(sut-u
`j. iDdn(i):
`IFWiteiJl.veniaaNum~ TH2H
`quorum(jJ • BUI:
`¥Otel • ,... + wite(jl votes:
`IF votes > • r tHEN arruaN(quorumJ:
`---~~ .......
`If a user decides to abort his traasaction. or if the
`system spontaneously aborts a user's traDsaction the suite
`is no toaaer in a weU defmed state. The venion number
`information it is holding is no longer auaranteed to be
`serially amsistent with ensuinc operations, and must be
`diJI:ardcd and replaced by new inquiries. Asynchronous
`representative writes or venion number reads sUl1 in
`prosrcsa must be_ aboned.
`baitiallu: PI.OCEDUU •
`IIOIN _,..,.,_,..._....
`FOJt I '" (l..l.ENGTJf(uteD
`IUite(iJ.venioaNumber .. llllbown;
`wite(i .VOIIS • 0;
`ftrstJtesponded • FAUI:
`CUJftlltVenioaNumber • llllkDowla;
`At transaction commit the module instance is deleted.
`"· Reflaemeats
`"-1 Weak RepresentatlYes
`into the
`We can
`incorporate temporary copies
`algorithm by introducing representatives with no votes.
`called wck ,.prusrtatt.a.. Such a representative will not
`change the quorums or a file suite. and thus can be
`introduced at any time. However, it can be induded in
`any quorum and, when· placed on a hip speed storage
`device. can improve the perfonnance of a file suite.
`Because a weak representative hu no votes. it bears
`no responsibility for the long term safekeepina of data.
`There wiD always be a write quorum of other
`representatives that contain current data. Thus. if an enor
`is detected while accessing a weak representative an
`acceptable means of recovery is to invalidate it. by setting
`its version number to be unknown. This property allows
`weak repRSCDtatives to be stored outside of the stable file
`system. We have made the further simplification of
`insistina that weak representatives be unshared. To insure
`that users do not share weak representatives es.dusive
`locks are used.
`requirements of weak representatives allow us to store
`them in I less JeDeral (de system than the one OUtlined in
`Section 3.l In particular, they c:an be stored on a user's
`personal computer usina a very simple mechanism. After
`a crash on a user's personal machine it is sufficient to
`invalidate all weak representatives that are locked.
`.U Lode CompatlbWI;J
`A disadvantage that our algorithm has in comparison
`with Thomas' is that locks are set by the stable file system
`to auarantee serial consistency. which reduce5 the amount
`of ex»ncurrency in the system. For example, a typical
`to prantee serial
`locking suu=arc
`is used
`consistency bu two types of locks. read and write. These
` Exhibit 1016 Page 6

`locks are set on data items implicitly in response to file
`operations. The compatibility of locks is specified by the
`No Lock Read
`No Lock
`A transaction is suspended if it attempts to set a lock that
`is incompatible. This matrix corresponds to the familiar
`rule that either n rcaden or one writer arc permitted to
`acx:ess a file simultaneously.
`This locking rule potentially can iDtroduce long
`periods of time when information is unavailable. For
`example, if a user controls the length of a transaction. he
`can hold a write lock for a long period of time. This may
`naturally occur as a user thinks at the keyboard. To
`insure that no user monopolizes a file. a transaction will
`be timed out if other users are waiting for a file it has
`that times out leaves files
`unchanged, because it is aborted. The same mechanism
`insures that cyclic lock dependencies (deadlocks) will be
`resolved by aborting some transaction. Tame-outs did not
`provide an adequate solution in our environment. as we
`describe in Section 5.1.
`A property of serial consistency is that all of a
`transaction's writes appear to occur at transaction commit
`time. We can take advantage of this property to increase
`the concurrency in our system. Writes appear to occur
`when they are issued, but in fact are buffered until
`c:t\mmit tinte by the stable file system. A read following a
`write will receive the write's data. When a user writes a
`dntum, an 1-Write lock is set. for intention to write. At
`commit time I-Write locks are converted to Commit locks.
`and the writing actually takes place. The new lock
`compatibility matrix is:
`No Lock Read
`No Lock Yes
`With this revised locking matrix. data is only unavailable
`for predictably short periods of time. during commit
`processing. This results in increased concurrency. as we
`discuss in Section 5.1. However, it may cause the later
`abortion of a transaction.
`to mate multiple 1-Write
`incompatible. because evenwally one of
`transactions would probably commit, and become
`incompatible. Thus we chose not to postpone the
`4.J Lower Degrees or Consistency
`We have assumed that the algorithm must be capable
`of providing serial consistency.
`Lower degrees of
`consistency are possible, and allow liberties to be taken,
`for cxnmple. setting r to l1e 0. This corresponds to the
`notion "give me the latest version you can find, but I
`don"t care if it isn't fresh". Certain applications that have
`self-correcting characteristics, such as name lookup, can
`lower degrees of consistency.
`unexplicable behavior of lower degrees precludes their
`widespread use. Gray et al [3) have explored the
`properties of various degrees of consistency in detail.
`Their Degree 3 consistency corresponds
`to serial
`consistency. If our algorithm is run on top of a file system
`that ensures Degree 0 or Degree 1 consistency, the
`algorithm will guarantee the same consistency it sees, a
`fact we wiD not prove here.
`4.4 Size or Replicated Objects
`The size of an object that is replicated should be
`chosen to match the needs of an intended application.
`For example. a data base manager might choose to
`replicate relations. tuples, or indexes. Each replicated
`object requires a version number. Because our algorithm
`depends on a file's vemon number remaining unchanged
`throughout a transaction, the smallest unit that can be
`individually loc:ked is a file.
`4.5 Broken Read Locks
`If the stable file S)"Stem can break read locks to
`resolve conflicts instead of aborting an entire transaction,
`two positive effects result First. fewer trans.,ctions are
`aborted. Second. it is not necessary for a version number
`to remain unchanged during a transaction.
`If it does
`change, the broken read lock mechanism infonns the
`algorithm. The smallest lockable unit is no longer a file,
`but instead is the smallest lockable unit supported by the
`stable file system.
`4.6 Reassigning Votes
`As the focus of references to a file suite changes, it is
`possible to update the file suite's voting configuration for
`optimum perfonnancc. Unless the refinement proposed
`in Section 4.5
`is adopted, updating a suite s voting
`configuration conflicts with any other use of the suite.
`Section 3.3's inquiry process protects itself against such
`changes by reading a suite's voting structure under the
`protection of a transaction.
`To change r, w, or the voting structure of a file suite
`it is necessary to ensure that that there is a write 4uorum
`under the new rules that is current. The change can then
`be effected by updating
`the prefixes of a set of
`representatives that is the union of a current write 4uorum
`and a future (under the new voting rules) w1ite quorum.
`We claim that regardless of t11c: order rcrrcscntntives are
`ex:unined, the most recent voting rules will be discovered
`before a read quorum is established.
`Imagine that a
`transaction· incorrectly assumes t11at an obsolete generation
`of voting rules, G. is current Then thc:re is a set voting
`rules. G + 1. that is one generation more recent. But when

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