Policy-Directed Code Safety
`David E. Evans
`S.B. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1994)
`S.M. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1994)
`Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
`in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
`Doctor of Philosophy
`at the
`Massachusetts Institute of Technology
`February 2000
`©Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1999. All rights reserved.
`David Evans
`Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
`October 19, 1999
`Certified by…………………………………………………………………………………
`John V. Guttag
`Professor, Computer Science
`Thesis Supervisor
`Accepted by…………………………………………………………………...……………
`Arthur C. Smith
`Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students
` Exhibit 1015 Page 1

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` Exhibit 1015 Page 2

`Policy-Directed Code Safety
`David E. Evans
`Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in partial
`fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
`Executing code can be dangerous. This thesis describes a scheme for protecting the user by
`constraining the behavior of an executing program. We introduce Naccio, a general architecture
`for constraining the behavior of program executions. Naccio consists of languages for defining
`safety policies in a platform-independent way and a system architecture for enforcing those
`policies on executions by transforming programs. Prototype implementations of Naccio have
`been built that enforce policies on JavaVM classes and Win32 executables.
`Naccio addresses two weaknesses of current code safety systems. One problem is that current
`systems cannot enforce policies with sufficient precision. For example, a system such as the Java
`sandbox cannot enforce a policy that limits the rate at which data is sent over the network without
`denying network use altogether since there are no safety checks associated with sending data.
`The problem is more fundamental than simply the choices about which safety checks to provide.
`The system designers were hamstrung into providing only a limited number of checks by a design
`that incurs the cost of a safety check regardless of whether it matters to the policy in effect.
`Because Naccio statically analyzes and compiles a policy, it can support safety checks associated
`with any resource manipulation, yet the costs of a safety check are incurred only when the check
`is relevant.
`Another problem with current code safety systems is that policies are defined in ad hoc and
`platform-specific ways. The author of a safety policy needs to know low-level details about a
`particular platform and once a safety policy has been developed and tested it cannot easily be
`transferred to a different platform. Naccio provides a platform-independent way of defining
`safety policies in terms of abstract resources. Safety policies are described by writing code
`fragments that account for and constrain resource manipulations. Resources are described using
`abstract objects with operations that correspond to manipulations of the corresponding system
`resource. A platform interface provides an operational specification of how system calls affect
`resources. This enables safety policies to be described in a platform-independent way and
`isolates most of the complexity of the system.
`This thesis motivates and describes the design of Naccio, demonstrates how a large class of safety
`policies can be defined, and evaluates results from our experience with the prototype
`Thesis Supervisor: John V. Guttag
`Title: Professor, Computer Science
` Exhibit 1015 Page 3

`John Guttag is that rare advisor who has the ability to direct you to see the big picture when you
`are mired details and to get you to focus when you are distracted by irrelevancies. John has been
`my mentor throughout my graduate career, and there is no doubt that I wouldn’t be finishing this
`thesis this millennium without his guidance.
`As my readers, John Chapin and Daniel Jackson were helpful from the early proposal stages until
`the final revisions. Both clarified important technical issues, gave me ideas about how to
`improve the presentation, and provided copious comments on drafts of this thesis.
`Andrew Twyman designed and implemented Naccio/Win32. His experience building
`Naccio/Win32 helped clarify and develop many of the ideas in this thesis, and his insights were a
`significant contribution to this thesis.
`During my time at MIT, I’ve at the good fortune to work with many interesting and creative
`people. The MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and the Software Devices and Systems group
`provided a pleasant and dynamic research environment. Much of what I learned as a grad student
`was through spontaneous discussions with William Adjie-Winoto, John Ankcorn, Anna Chefter,
`Dorothy Curtis, Stephen Garland, Angelika Leeb, Ulana Legedza, Li-wei Lehman, Victor
`Luchangco, Andrew Myers, Anna Pogosyants, Bodhi Priyantha, Hariharan Rahul, Michael
`Saginaw, Raymie Stata, Yang Meng Tan, Van Van, David Wetherall, and Charles Yang. This
`work has also benefited from discussions with Úlfar Erlingsson and Fred Schneider from Cornell,
`Raju Pandey from UC Davis, Dan Wallach from Rice University, Mike Reiter from Lucent Bell
`Laboratories, and David Bantz from IBM Research.
`Geoff Cohen wrote the JOIE toolkit used as Naccio/JavaVM’s transformation engine and made
`its source code available to the research community. He provided quick answers to all my
`questions about using and modifying JOIE.
`Finally, I thank my parents for their constant encouragement and support. I couldn’t ask for two
`better role models.
` Exhibit 1015 Page 4

`Table of Contents
`1 Introduction
`1.1 Threats and Countermeasures
`1.2 Background
`1.3 Design Goals
`1.3.1 Security
`1.3.2 Versatility
`1.3.3 Ease of Use
`1.3.4 Ease of Implementation
`1.3.5 Efficiency
`1.4 Contributions
`1.5 Overview of Thesis
`2 Naccio Architecture
`2.1 Overview
`2.2 Policy Compiler
`2.3 Program Transformer
`2.4 Walkthrough Example
`3 Defining Safety Policies
`3.1 Resource Descriptions
`3.1.1 Resource Operations
`3.1.2 Resource Groups
`3.2 Safety Properties
`3.2.1 Adding State
`3.2.2 Use Limits
`3.2.3 Composing Properties
`3.3 Standard Resource Library
`3.4 Policy Expressiveness
`4 Describing Platforms
`4.1 Platform Interfaces
`4.2 Java API Platform Interface
`4.2.1 Platform Interface Level
`4.2.2 File Classes
`4.2.3 Network Classes
`4.2.4 Extended Safety Policies
` Exhibit 1015 Page 5

`4.3 Win32 Platform Interface
`4.3.1 Platform Interface Level
`4.3.2 Prototype Platform Interface
`4.4 Expressiveness
`5 Compiling Policies
`5.1 Processing the Resource Use Policy
`5.2 Processing the Platform Interface
`5.3 Generating Resource Implementations
`5.3.1 Naccio/JavaVM
`5.3.2 Naccio/Win32
`5.4 Generating Platform Interface Wrappers
`5.4.1 Naccio/JavaVM
`5.4.2 Naccio/Win32
`5.5 Integrated Optimizations
`5.6 Policy Description File
`6 Transforming Programs
`6.1 Replacing System Calls
`6.1.1 Naccio/JavaVM
`6.1.2 Naccio/Win32
`6.1.3 Other Platforms
`6.2 Guaranteeing Integrity
`6.2.1 Naccio/JavaVM
`6.2.2 Naccio/Win32
`7 Related Work
`7.1 Low-Level Code Safety
`7.2 Language-Based Code Safety Systems
`7.3 Reference Monitors
`7.3.1 Java Security Manager
`7.3.2 Interposition Systems
`7.3.3 Transformation-based Systems
`7.4 Code Transformation Engines
`7.4.1 Java Transformation Tools
`7.4.2 Win32 Transformation Tools
`8 Evaluation
`8.1 Security
`8.2 Versatility
`8.2.1 Theoretical Limitations
`8.2.2 Policy Expressiveness
`8.3 Ease of Use
` Exhibit 1015 Page 6

`8.4 Ease of Implementation
`8.5 Efficiency
`8.5.1 Test Policies
`8.5.2 Policy Compilation
`8.5.3 Application Transformation
`8.5.4 Execution
`9 Future Work
`9.1 Improving Implementations
`9.1.1 Assurance
`9.1.2 Complete Implementations
`9.1.3 Performance Improvements
`9.2 Extensions
`9.3 Deployment
`9.4 Other Applications
`10 Summary and Conclusion
`10.1 Summary
`10.2 Conclusion
` Exhibit 1015 Page 7

`List of Figures
`Figure 1. Naccio Architecture.
`Figure 2. Wrapped system call sequence.
`Figure 3. Interaction diagram for enforcing LimitWrite.
`Figure 4. File System Resources.
`Figure 5. NoBashingFiles property.
`Figure 6. LimitBytesWritten Safety Property.
`Figure 7. LimitWrite resource use policy.
`Figure 8. Network Resources.
`Figure 9. Platform interface wrapper for class.
`Figure 10. RFileMap helper class.
`Figure 11. Platform Interface wrapper for class.
`Figure 12. Platform interface for
`Figure 13. NCheckedNetworkOutputStream helper class.
`Figure 14. Policy that limits network send rate by delaying transmissions.
`Figure 15. Policy that limits bandwidth by splitting up and delaying network sends.
`Figure 16. RegulatedSendSocket wrapper modification code.
`Figure 17. NRegulatedOutputStream helper class (excerpted).
`Figure 18. Naccio/Win32 platform interface wrapper for DeleteFileA.
`Figure 19. Resource class generated by Naccio/JavaVM.
`Figure 20. Resource headers file generated by Naccio/Win32.
`Figure 21. Implementation resource.c generated by Naccio/Win32 for LimitWrite.
`Figure 22. Pass-through semantics.
`Figure 23. Generated policy-enforcing library class for
`Figure 24. Results for jlex benchmark.
`Figure 25. Results for tar execution benchmark.
`Figure 26. Results for ftpmirror execution benchmark.
`List of Tables
`Table 1. Policy compilation costs.
`Table 2. Program transformer results.
`Table 3. Micro-benchmark performance.
`Table 4. Benchmark checking.
` Exhibit 1015 Page 8

`Chapter 1
`Traditional computer security has focused on assuring confidentiality, integrity and availability.
`Confidentiality means hiding information from unauthorized users; integrity means preventing
`unauthorized modifications of data; and availability means preventing an attacker from making a
`resource unavailable to legitimate users. Military and large commercial systems operators are (or
`at least should be) willing to spend large amounts of effort and money as well as to risk
`inconveniencing their users in order to provide satisfactory confidentiality, integrity and
`availability assurances.
`The security concerns for typical home and non-critical business users are very different. In the
`past, these users had limited security concerns. Since they were typically not connected to a
`network, their primary concern was viruses on software distributed on floppy disks. Although
`viruses could be a considerable annoyance, users who stuck to shrink wrapped software were
`unlikely to encounter viruses, and the damage was limited to destroying files (or occasionally
`hardware) on a single machine.
`Today, nearly all computers are connected to the public Internet much of the time. Although the
`benefits of connectivity are unquestioned, being on a network introduces significant new security
`risks. The damage a program can do is no longer limited to damaging local data or hardware – it
`can send personal information through the global Internet, damaging the operator’s reputation or
`finances. Furthermore, the likelihood of executing an untrustworthy program is dramatically
`increased. The ease of distributing code on the Internet means users often have little or no
`knowledge about the origin of the code they choose to run. In addition, it is becoming hard to
`distinguish the “programs” from the “data” – Java applets embedded in web pages can run
`unbeknownst to the user; documents can contain macros that access the file system and network;
`and email messages can contain attachments that are arbitrary executables.
`The solution in high security environments is to turn off all mobile code and only run validated
`programs from trusted sources. This can be done by configuring browsers and other applications
`to disallow active contents such as Java applets and macros, or by installing a firewall that
`monitors all network traffic and drops packets that may contain untrustworthy code. This
`solution sacrifices the convenience and utility of the network, and would be unacceptable in many
`environments. Instead, solutions should allow possibly untrustworthy programs to run, but allow
`the user to place precise limits on what they may do. In such an environment, security
`mechanisms must be inexpensive and unobtrusive. Anecdotal evidence suggests that any code
`safety system that places a burden on its users will be quickly disabled, since its benefits are only
`apparent in the extraordinary cases in which a program is behaving dangerously.
`A code safety system provides confidence that a program execution will not do certain
`undesirable things. Although much progress has been made toward this goal in the last few years,
`current systems are still unsatisfactory. This work seeks to address two important weaknesses of
`existing code safety systems:
` Exhibit 1015 Page 9

`1. They cannot enforce sufficiently precise policies. This means either a program is allowed
`to do harmful things, or users are unable to run some useful programs. For example, a
`system like the Java sandbox cannot enforce a policy that limits the number of bytes that
`may be written to the file system without preventing writing completely. This is a result
`of the limited locations where safety checking can be done. The designers were forced to
`select a small number of security-relevant operations that can have safety checking since
`the overhead of a safety check is always suffered even if the policy in effect places no
`constraints on the security-relevant operation.
`2. The mechanisms they provide for defining safety policies are ad hoc and platform-
`specific. Ad hoc policy definition mechanisms limit the policies that can be defined to
`the class of policies considered by the system designers. It is impossible to anticipate all
`possible attacks or security requirements, so ad hoc policy definition mechanisms are
`inevitably vulnerable to new attacks. Tying policy definition to a particular execution
`platform means that policy authors need to know intimate details about that platform, and
`there is no opportunity to reuse policies on different execution platforms. This is a
`problem for policy authors, but also limits what policies are available to users. Further, it
`increases the gap between those people capable of writing and understanding policies and
`those who must trust a provided definition.
`This thesis demonstrates that it is possible to produce a code safety system that does not suffer
`from these weaknesses without sacrificing convenience or efficiency. We describe Naccio1, an
`architecture for code safety, and report on two prototype implementations: Naccio/JavaVM that
`enforces policies on JavaVM classes, and Naccio/Win32 that enforces policies on Win32
`executables. Naccio defines policies by associating checking code with abstract resource
`manipulations. A Naccio implementation includes an operational specification of an execution
`platform in terms of those abstract resource manipulations. Naccio enforces policies by
`transforming programs to interpose checking code around security-critical operations.
`1.1 Threats and Countermeasures
`No security system can prevent all types of threats. Our focus is on threats stemming from
`executing programs. We ignore threats that do not result from a legitimate user running a
`program including compromised authentications and physical security breeches.
`Different kinds of threats call for different countermeasures. Countermeasures for threats related
`to program executions come in two basic forms: restrictions on which programs may run, and
`constraints on what executions may do. Restrictions on which programs may run can be based on
`trust and cryptography (only run programs that are cryptographically signed by someone I trust),
`or based on static analysis that proves a program does not have certain undesired properties (only
`run programs that a virus detector checks do not contain instruction sequences matching known
`viruses). Constraints on what executions may do can be expressed as a policy.2 The policy that
`1 The name Naccio is derived from catenaccio, a style of soccer defense popularized by Inter Milan in the
`1960s. Catenaccio sought to protect the Inter net from attacks, by wrapping potential threats with a marker
`that monitors their activity and aggressively removing potentially dangerous parts (that is, the ball) from
`attackers as soon as they cross the domain protection boundary (also known as the midfield line).
`2 Not to be confused with an organizational security policy that specifies what policy to enforce on different
`types of programs.
` Exhibit 1015 Page 10

`should be enforced on an execution depends on how much trust the user has in the program and
`how much knowledge is available about its expected behavior. Ideally, all executions would run
`with a policy that limits them to exactly the behavior deemed acceptable for that program. This is
`not possible, however, since users cannot be expected to research and encode the limits of
`expected behavior for every program before running it. Instead, we should use different policies
`as countermeasures to different types of threats. Threats where code safety is an important
`countermeasure include viruses, Trojan horses, faulty programs and user mistakes.
`Viruses are code fragments that propagate themselves automatically. The damage they cause
`ranges from causing a minor annoyance to destroying hard drives and distributing confidential
`information. Every few weeks a new virus attack is reported widely in the mainstream media
`[NYTimes99a, NYTimes99b, NYTimes99c]. (cid:3)
`Although early computer viruses spread by attaching themselves to programs, extensibility
`features in modern email programs and web browsers make creating and spreading viruses much
`easier. A recent example is the Melissa Word macro virus [Pethia99]. It propagates using an
`infected Word document contained in an email message. When a user opens the infected
`document, the macro executes automatically (unless Word macros are disabled). The macro then
`lowers the macro security settings to permit all macros to run when future documents are opened
`and propagates itself by sending infected email messages to addresses found in the user’s
`Microsoft Outlook address books. The macro also infects the standard document template file
`that is loaded by default by all Word documents. If the user opens another Word document, that
`document will be mailed along with the virus to addresses in the user’s address books.
`The most common virus countermeasures are virus detection programs such as McAfee
`VirusScan [McAfee99] and Symantec Norton AntiVirus [Symantec98]. Nearly every new PC
`comes with virus detection software installed. Most virus detectors scan files for signatures
`matching a database of known viruses. Commercial products for detecting viruses recognize tens
`of thousands of known viruses, and their vendors employ large staffs to identify new viruses.
`The problem with this approach is that it depends on recognizing a known virus, so it offers no
`protection against new viruses. Because viruses like the Melissa macro virus can spread
`remarkably quickly over the Internet, they can do considerable damage before they are identified
`and virus detection databases can be updated. The damage inflicted by Melissa was limited to
`propagating itself and sending possibly confidential files to known addresses. A terrorist
`motivated to cause as much damage as possible could fairly easily create a variant of Melissa that
`inflicts far more harm.
`To detect or prevent damage from previously unidentified viruses requires an approach that does
`not depend on recognizing a known sequence of instructions. Some commercial virus detection
`products include heuristics for identifying likely viruses based on static properties of the code or
`dynamic properties of an execution [Symantec99]. These approaches lead to an arms race
`between virus creators and virus detectors, as virus creators go to greater lengths to make their
`viruses hard to detect. Although heuristic detection techniques show some promise, it is unlikely
`that they will ever be able to correctly distinguish all viruses from legitimate programs.
`A different approach is to limit the damage viruses can cause and their ability to propagate by
`observing and constraining program behavior. For example, the damage done by macro viruses
`could be limited by enforcing a policy on Microsoft Word executions. We would want to enforce
`different policies on Word executions depending on whether they were started to read a document
` Exhibit 1015 Page 11

`embedded in an email message or web page, or started to edit a trusted document. When Word is
`used to edit a local document, perhaps a policy that prohibits any network transmission would be
`adequate. For documents from untrustworthy sources, a reasonable policy would require explicit
`permission from the user before Word transmits anything over the Internet, reads sensitive files,
`alters the registry, or modifies the standard document templates.
`Trojan horses
`A Trojan horse is an apparently useful program that also does some things the user considers
`undesirable. There have been many instances where an attacker has distributed a deliberately
`malicious program in the guise of a useful one. For example, someone distributed a version of
`linux-util that contained a login program that would allow unauthorized users to execute arbitrary
`commands [CERT99b].
`In addition, there are programs a user may consider malicious even if the author did not intend to
`produce a malicious attack. For example, an early version of the Microsoft Network client would
`read and transmit the user’s directory structure [Risks95]. While most users would be unaware
`that this is occurring, and would not be overtly damaged by it (other than losing bandwidth that
`could have been used for transmitting useful data), many would consider it a privacy violation.
`Countermeasures for Trojan horses are similar to those for viruses, except that more precise
`policies may be needed. Although it would be difficult to monitor the information sent over the
`network by the Microsoft Network client, it would be possible to detect suspicious transmissions
`and alert the user. A more reasonable policy would ignore the actual transmitted data but place
`restrictions on which files, directories and registry entries could be examined, thereby limiting the
`information available to the program.
`Faulty programs
`Program bugs pose two different kinds of security threats – an attacker may deliberately exploit
`them or they may accidentally cause harm directly. The security advisories recorded by CERT
`[CERT99a] are rife with examples of buggy programs leading to exploitable security
`vulnerabilities. Of the 71 advisories posted between January 1996 and May 1999, 60 are directly
`attributable to specific program bugs (of these, 13 are the direct result of buffer overflows). A
`particularly vulnerable program is sendmail. Attackers have exploited various bugs in sendmail
`to gain root access [CERT96a, CERT96b], execute programs with group permissions of another
`user [CERT96c], and to execute arbitrary commands with root privileges [CERT97].
`Other program bugs cause harm unintentionally. One notorious example is the Therac-25, a
`device for administering radiation to cancer patients [Leveson93]. Because of software bugs, it
`would occasionally administer a lethal dose of radiation and several patients died as a result.
`Although the system software had ad hoc safety checks, they were obviously not sufficient.3
`Because they were ad hoc, operators and doctors could not examine them and decide if the device
`was trustworthy.
`The best way to obtain protection from exploitable or harmful program bugs would be to produce
`bug-free programs. Despite progress in software development and validation techniques, it is
`3 The Therac-25 disaster was the result of numerous factors ranging from flawed hardware design to poor
`regulation procedures. Although code safety mechanisms could be part of the solution, designing safety-
`critical systems involves far more than just code safety.
` Exhibit 1015 Page 12

`inconceivable that this will be accomplished in the foreseeable future. Since programs will
`inevitably contain bugs, code safety systems should be used to limit the damage resulting from
`buggy programs.
`As with Trojan horses, the expected behavior of the program is known so it is reasonable to
`enforce a precise policy that limits what it can do. The difference is that the software vendor
`should be an ally in protecting the user from bugs, unlike a malicious attack. Security-conscious
`software vendors could include policies with their software distributions or even distribute their
`software with an integrated safety policy enforced. Reputable vendors should be motivated to
`protect their users from damaging bugs and might be expected to devote some effort towards
`producing a suitable policy. By separating the policy enforcement mechanisms from the
`application, they can have more confidence that the policy is enforced correctly. In addition,
`publishing an application’s safety policy in a standard, easily understood format would give
`potential customers a chance to decide if the application is trustworthy.
`User mistakes
`Perhaps the most common way programs cause harm is unintentional mistakes by users. Because
`of poor interfaces or ignorance, users may inadvertently destroy valuable data or unknowingly
`transmit private information. One example is when an unsuspecting user issues the command
`tar cf * to create a new directory archive. This command will replace the contents of the first file
`in the directory with an archive of all other files, destroying whatever happened to be the first file.
`Although the program is behaving correctly according to its documentation, this is probably not
`the behavior the user indented. A well-designed interface lessens the risk of harmful user
`mistakes, but combining this with a user-selected and independently enforced policy is a more
`robust solution.
`1.2 Background
`Researchers have been working on limiting what programs can do since the early days of
`computing. Early work on computer security focused on multi-user operating systems built
`around a privileged kernel. The kernel is the only part of the system that manipulates resources
`directly. User programs must call functions in the operating system kernel to manipulate
`resources. The operating system limits what user programs can do to system resources by
`exposing a narrow interface and putting checks in the system calls to disallow unsafe resource
`use. Each application process runs in a separate address space, enforced by hardware support for
`virtual memory. A process cannot see or modify memory used by another process since it is not
`part of its virtual address space.
`The problem with using separate processes to protect memory is that the cost of creating and
`maintaining a process is high, as is the cost of communicating and sharing data between
`processes. Switching between different processes involves a context switch, which is usually
`expensive. Several systems have attempted to provide the isolation offered by separate processes
`within a single process by using software mechanisms. We use low-level code safety to refer to
`security designed to isolate programs and require that all resource manipulations go through well-
`defined interfaces. It includes the control flow safety, memory safety, and stack safety needed to
`prevent programs from accessing arbitrary memory segments [Kozen98]. There are several ways
`to provide low-level code safety. Approaches such as the Java byte code verifier and proof-
`carrying code techniques statically verify that the necessary properties are satisfied. Software
`fault isolation provides the necessary guarantees by inserting masking or checking instructions to
` Exhibit 1015 Page 13

`limit the targets of jumps and memory instructions. Section 7.1 describes work in low-level code
`Although Naccio depends on low-level code safety for the integrity of its policy enforcement
`mechanisms, the focus of this thesis is on policy-directed code safety. Policy-directed code safety
`seeks to enforce different policies on different executions. This can be done either by statically
`verifying the desired properties always hold, or by enforcing properties using run-time checking.
`Since it is infeasible to verify most interesting properties on arbitrary programs, most work has
`focused on run-time enforcement.
`Most run-time constraint mechanisms, including Naccio, can be viewed as reference monitors
`[Lampson71, Anderson72]. A reference monitor is a system component that enforces constraints
`on access and manipulation of a resource. It should be invoked whenever the monitored resource
`manipulation occurs, and it should be protected from program code in a way that prevents
`bypassing or tampering. Reference monitor systems differ in how the monitors are invoked.
`They could be called explicitly by the operating system kernel, called by a separate watchdog
`process, or integrated directly into program code. Naccio integrates reference monitors directly
`into code, but takes advantage of system library interfaces to limit the code that must be altered.
`Reference monitors also differ in how checking code is defined. Some possibilities include
`access matrices, finite automata, or general code. In a reference monitor security system, policies
`are limited by where reference monitor calls can be placed and what system state they may
`observe. There is usually a tradeoff between supporting a large class of policies and the
`performance and complexity of the system. Naccio security is based on reference monitors that
`can be flexibly introduced into programs at different points. This allows for a large class of
`policies to be enforced, but avoids the overhead necessary to support many reference monitors
`when a simple policy is enforced.
`One example of a reference monitor is the SecurityManager used for high-level code safety in the
`Java virtual machine. API functions limit what programs can do by using the SecurityManager
`class. It acts as a reference monitor, enforcing a particular security policy by controlling access to
`system calls. The Java approach limits the poli

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