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`Ml-ISO, July 1998.
`M. Kilgard. GLR. an 0penGL Render Server Facility.
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`L Pleteira. M. Giuzton, S. Anderson, J. Davis, J. Ginsberg.
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`9.3.5313 - P
`225:: Hi! all-QT-.’-E'i'?2i°-’r}
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`Patent Office
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`Hgwe, Steven
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`ATI Technologies lnc.
`59° °““""'°' 9°”'°°°
`1'ar_;+31 (5)79 340 45 99
`Application NoJPatent No.
`0325746-1-.2 - 2218
`The European Patent Office herewith transmits as an enclosure the European search report (under Fl. 44
`or Fl. 45 EPO) for the above-mentioned European patent application.
`if applicable, copies of the documents cited in the European search report are attached.
`Additional set(s) of copies of the documents cited in the European search report is (are) enclosed
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`The following specifications given by the applicant have been approved by the Search Division :
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`If applicable under Article 10 Rules relating to fees. a separate communication from the Fleceiving Section
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`E"'_°”°“" "“‘°"'
`EP 03 25 7454
`Citation of document with indication, where appropriate.
`cam 0
`9 '5’
`“Computer Graphics,
`PrincipTes and Practice"
`1990, pages 8?3—899, XP002360077
`* pages 874,876, *
`* pages 887,388 *
`"An introduction to
`parallel render1ng"
`V01. 23, no. 7, Juiy 1997 (1997-07), Pages
`819-343, XP004?29969
`ISSN: 0167-8191
`* pages 822-823 *
`* page 828 *
`"InfiniteReaT1ty: a
`real-time graphics system"
`ACM NEW YORK, NY, USA, 1997, pages
`293-302, KPOO236007B
`ISBN: 0—89791—396—7
`* pages 294-296; figures 1-3 *
`US 6 424 345 B1
`23 July 2002 (2002-07-23)
`* column 3,
`line 31 - Tine 60; figure 7 *
`* column 6, Tine 20 ~ Tine 40 *
`APPI-Icemn arc}
`The present search report has been orawn up for all claims
`Place of seam
`Dale of connotation oi Ina search
`X : particularly relevant ii taken alone
`Y ' panicuiany relevant ii combined with another
`document on the same category
`A : technological background
`O : non-written disclosure
`P ~ irnennediale documens
`19 December 2005
`rem, H
`T : theory or principle underlying the invention
`E : earllerpatent document. but published on. or
`after the tiring date
`D : document cited in the application
`L: document cited tor other reasons
`: member of the same patent family. corresponding

`"NireGL: a scaiabie
`graphics system for ciusters“
`2001 ACM NEW YORK, NY, USA, 2001, pages
`129-140, XP001049381
`* abstract; figures 1,2,5 s
`* pages 129,130 *
`* page 135 *
`Application Number
`EP 03 25 7464
`to c|aim
`1- ,
`The present search report has been drawn up for all claims
`Place 01 Search
`Date olcomplelion o'1rve search
`X : panicularly relevant ii taken alone
`Y : paniculerly relevant if combined with another
`document of the same category
`A : technological background
`O: l1:In-written disclosure
`P L intermediate d0CLlI'I'lEI'Il
`19 December 2005
`T : theory or principle underlying the invention
`E : earlier patent document. but published an. or
`alter the filing date
`0 ' document cited in the application
`L: document cited tor other reasons
`8. : member at the same patent family. corresponding

`EP 03 25 7464
`This annex lists the patent family membererelating to the patent documents cited in the above-mentioned European search report.
`The members are as contained in the European Patent Office EDP iile on
`The European Patent Office is in no way liable for these particulars which are mereiy given for the purpose of information.
`Patent document
`cited in search report
`US 6424345
`For more details about this annex .-see OI-Iicial Journal of the European Patent Oflice, No. 1232

`Computer Graphics
`James D. Foley
`Georgia Institute of Technology
`Andries van Dam
`Brown University
`P Steven K. Feiner
`Columbia University
`John F. Hughes
`Brown University
`Rnading, Massachusetts 1 Menlo Park, California 0 New York
`Don Mills, Ontario o Wokingham, England 0 Amsterdam 9 Bonn
`Sydney 4 Singapore 0 Tokyo 0 Madrid o San Juan 0 Milan ¢ Paris

`lntrociuction to M uitiprocessing
`Summing the floating-point requirements for all of the geometry stages gives a total oi’
`3.220.000 multiplicationstdivisions and l .-470.000 addititmslsubtractions per frame. Since
`a new trains is calctilated cv<:ry,—‘,_, second. a total of 22.2 million multiplicationsldivisions
`and I4.7 million additions/subtractiom» 136.9 million aggregate floating-point operations)
`as required per seconti-—-a very substantial number.
`Rasterization calculations and frame-buffer accesses. Let 03 now estimate the
`number of pixel calculations and l"rarne-buffer memory accesses required in each frame. We
`assume that 2 values and RGB triples each occupy one word (32 bits) of frame-bufier
`memory (typical in most current high-performance systems). For each pixel that is initially
`visible (i.e., results in an update to the frame buffer). 2. R, G, and 8 values are calculated (4
`additions per pixel if forward differences are used). a 2 value is read from the frame bufi'er(1
`frame-buffer cycle), the 2 values are compared (I subtraction) and new z values and colors
`are written (2 frame-buffer cycles). For each pixel that is initially not visible, only the 2
`value needs to be calculated (1 addition). and a 2 value is read from the frame buffer (1
`frame-bufier cycle], and the two 2 values are compared {1 subtraction). Note that initially
`visible pixels may get covered, but initially invisible pixels can never be exposed.
`Since we assume that one-half of the pixels of each triangle are visible in the final
`scene, a reasonable guess is that three-quarters of the pixels are initially visible and
`one-quarter of the pixels are initially invisible. Eaclt triangle covers I00 pixels, so
`100 -
`10,000 = 750,000 pixels are initially visible and% - 100 - 10,000 = 250.000 pixels are ini-
`tially invisible. To display an entire frame, therefore, a total of {750,000 - 5) + (250,000 -
`2) = 4.25 million additions and 050,000 - 3) + (250,000 - 1) = 2.5 million frame-buffer
`accesses is required. To initialize each frame. both color and 2-buffers must be cleared, an
`additional 1280 -
`I024 - 2 = 2.6 million frame-buffer accesses. The total number of
`frame-buffer accesses per frame, therefore, is 2.5 million + 2.6 million = 5.1 million. If
`10 frames are generated per second, 42.5 million additions and 51 million frame-buffer
`accesses are required per second.
`In 1989,
`the fastest floating-point processors available computed approximateiy 20
`million floating-point operations per second,
`the fastest integer processors computed
`approximately 40 million integer operations per second. and DRAM memory systems had
`. Jtycle times of approximately 100 nanoseconds. The floating-point and integer requirements
`5 of our sample application, therefore, are just at the limit of what can be achieved in a single
`CPU. The number of frame-butter accesses , however, is much higher than is possible in a con-
`ventional memory system. As we mentioned earlier, this database is only modestly sized
`for systems available in 1989. In the following sections. we show how multiprocessing can be
`used to achieve the perforrnance necessary to display databases that are this size and larger.
`Displaying large databases at high frame rates clearly requires dramatic system perfor-
`mance, both in terms of computations and of memory of bandwidth. We have seen that the
`geometry portion of a graphics system can require more processing power than a single
`CPU can provide. Likewise, rasterization can require more bandwidth into memory than a
`single memory system can provide. The only way to attain such performance levels is to

`Advanced Raster Graphics Arcititecture
`Fig. 18.9 Basic forms of multiprocessing: [al pipelining. and (bl parallelism.
`perform multiple operations concurrently and to perform multiple reads and
`memory concurrently—we need concurrent processing.
`Concurrent processing, or multiprocessing.
`is the basis of virtually all high-pm.-fat‘
`mance graphics architectures. Multiprocessing has two basic fort-ns: pipelim'ng_ Na
`parallelism (we reserve the term concurrency for multiprocessing in general). A
`processor contains a number of processing elements (PES) arranged such that the outwit‘
`one becomes the input of the next, in pipeline fashion (Fig. 18.93.). The PEs of a"par
`processor‘ are arranged side by side and operate simultaneously on different portions 0
`data (Fig. 18.9b).
`1 8.4.1 Pipelining
`To pipeline a computation. we partition it into stages that can be executed sequentittilljii
`separate PEs. Obviously, a pipeline can run only as fast as its slowest stage;_,_S0
`processing load should be distributed evenly over the PEs. If this is not possible, PEs-can
`sized according to the jobs they must perform.
`An important issue in pipeline systems is nhr-oughput versus latency. Throughput
`overall rate at which data are processed; latency is the time required for a single
`element to pass from the beginning to the end of the pipeline. Some calculations
`pipclined using 2 large number of stages to achieve very high throughput. Pipeline Ia
`increases with pipeline length, however. and certain computations can tolerate cub?
`limited amount of latency. For example. real-time graphics systems, such as-.
`simulators, must respond quickly to changes in flight controls. If more than oneor
`frames are in the rendering pipeline at once, the system’s interactivity may be imp
`regardless of the frame rate.

`§n'troduc:ion‘to Multiprocessing ' 3?5
`13.4.2 Parallelism
`To parttllelize :1 cotnputation. we partition the data into portions that can be processed
`independently by different PEs. Frequently. PEs can execute the same prognttn. Homoge-
`'l£’0lt.\‘ parallel processors contain PEs of the same type; ltetetrwgettsotnt parallel processors
`contain PE.-: of dilferent types. In any parallel system. the overall computation speed is
`determined by the time required for the slowest PE to finish its task.
`is important.
`therefore. to balance the processing load tttnong the PES.
`A further distinction is useful
`for homogeneous parallel processors: whether the
`processors operate in lock step or independently. Processors that operate in lock step
`generally share a single code store and are called single-instrttctiott tttttltiple-data (SIMD)
`processors. Processors that operate independently must have a separate code store for each
`PE and are called ttttr.-'tt'ple~itt.ttrttctt'on tnttltiple-dnto {MIMD) processors.
`SIMD processors. Because all the PE in a SIMD processor share a single code store,
`SIMD processors are generally less expensive than MIMD processors. However, they do
`not perform well on algorithms that contain conditional branches or that access data using
`pointers or indirection. Since the path taken in a conditional branch depends on data
`specific to a PE. dilferent PEs may follow different branch paths. Because all the PEs in 11
`SIMD processor operate in loclt step. they all must follow every possible branch path. To
`accommodate conditional branches, PEs generally contain an enable register to qualify
`write operations. only PEs whose enable registers are set write the results of computations.
`By appropriately setting and clearing the enable register, PEs can execute conditional
`branches (see Fig. l8.l0a).
`Algorithrns with few conditional branches execute efficiently on SIMD processors.
`Algorithms with many conditional branches can be extremely inefl‘icient, however, since
`statement I;
`if not cottdition then
`enable = FALSE;
`statement 2;
`toggle enable:
`statetrte.-tr 3;
`statement 4;
`enable = TRUE;
`statement 5;
`statement 6;
`statement 1‘;
`if condition then
`statement 2',
`statement 3;
`statement 4;
`statement 5;
`statement 6;
`Total operations:
`10 if condition evaluates TRUE.
`10 if condition evaluates FALSE
`Total operations:
`5 if condition evaluates TRUE,
`6 if condition evaluates FALSE
`in a SIMD
`Fig. 18.10 la} SIMD and lb} MIMD expressions of the same algorithm.
`Drogram, conditional branches transform into operations on the enable register. when
`the enable register of a particular PE is FALSE, the PE executes the current instruction.
`but does not write the result.

`Advanced Raster Graphics Architecture
`most PEs may be disabled at any given time. Data structures containing pointers (such as
`linked lists or trees) or indexed arrays cause similar problems. Since a pointer or array index :-
`may contain a different value at each PE, all possible values must be enumerated to ensure
`that each PE can make its required memory reference. For large amys or pointers, this is an 5 H
`absurd waste of processing resources. A few SIMD processors provide separate addres
`wires for each PE in order to avoid this problem, but this adds size and complexity to ll_1__
`MIMD processors. MIMI) processors‘ are more expensive than SIMD processors, since
`each PE must have its own code store and controller. PEs in a MIMD processor ofteh
`execute the same program. Unlike SIMD PEs, however, they are not constrained to opera
`in look step. Because of this freedom, MIMD processors suffer no disadvantage when _ ha
`encounter conditional branches; each PE makes an independent control-flow decision
`skipping instructions that do not need to be executed (see Fig. 18.1013). As a result, MIM
`processors achieve higher efliciency on -general types of computations. However, si'n_i:'g
`processors may start and end at different times and may process data at dilferent ra_
`synchronization and load balancing are more tlifficult, frequently requiring FIFO buffer;
`the input or output of each PE.
`18.4.3 Multiprocessor Graphics Systems
`Pipeline and parallel processors are the basic building blocks of virtually all on
`high-performance graphics systems. Both techniques can be used to accelerate front
`and back-end subsystems of a graphics system. as shown in Fig. 13.11.
`in the following sections, we examine each of these strategies. Sections 18.3 and I
`discuss pipeline and parallel
`I'ront—end architectures. Sections 18.8 and 18.9 cl’
`pipeline and parallel back-end architectures. Section 18.10 discusses back-end arciiitec
`totes that use parallel techniques in combination.
`Fig. 18.1 1 Pipelining and parallelism can be used to accelerate both front—end an
`back-end portions of a graphics system.

`Pipeline Front-End Architectures
`Recall from Section l8.3 that the front end of ti graphics display system has two major
`tasks: traversing the display model and transforming primitives into screen space. As we
`have seen, to achieve the rendering rates required in cun-ent applications, we must use
`concurrency to speed these computations. Both pipclining and parallelism have been used
`for decades to build front ends of high-performance graphics systems. Since the front end is
`intrinsically pipelincd, its stages can be assigned to separate hardware units. Also, the large
`numbers of primitives in most graphics databases can be distributed over multiple
`processors and processed in parallel. In this section, we discuss pipeline front-end systems.
`We discuss parallel front-end systems in Section 18.6.
`In introducing the standard graphics pipeline of Fig. 18.7, we mentioned that it
`provides a useful conceptual model of the rendering process. Because of its linear nature
`and fairly even allocation of processing eflort, it also maps well onto a physical pipeline of
`processors. This has been a popular approach to building high-performance graphics
`systems since the 19605, as described in [MYER68]. ll classic paper on the evolution of
`graphics architectures. Each stage of the pipeline can be implemented in several ways: as an
`individual general-purpose processor, as a custom hardware unit, or as a pipeline or parallel
`processor itself. We now discuss implementations for each stage in the fi'ont-end pipeline.
`18.5.1 Application Program and Display Traversal
`Some processor must execute the application program that drives the entire graphics
`system. In addition to feeding the graphics pipeline, this processor generally handles input
`devices, file F0, and all interaction with the user. In systems using imrnccliate-mode
`traversal. the display mode] is generally stored in the CPU’s main memory. The CPU must
`therefore traverse the model as well as run the application. In systems using retained mode,
`the model is generally (but not always) stored in the display processor’: memory, with the
`display processor performing u-avcrsal. Because such systems use two processors for these
`tasks, they are potentially faster, although they are less flexible and have other limitations,
`_ as discussed in Section 7.2.2.
`Where very high performance is desired, a single processor may not be powerful
`-' enough to traverse the entire database with suflicient speed. The only remedy is to partition
`the database and to traverse it in parallel. This relatively new technique is discussed in
`— Section 18.6.1.
`7 18.5.2 Geometric Transformation
`-2}; The geometric transformation stages (modeling transfon-nation and viewing transforma-
`tion) are highly compute-intensive. Fortunately, vector and matrix multiplications are
`Simple calculations that require no branching or looping, and can readily be implemented in
`The most common implementation of these stages is a single processor or functional
`unit that sequentially transforms a series of vertices. A pioneering processor of this type
`Was the Matrix Multiplier [SUTH68], which could multiply a four—clement vector by a

`Advanced Raster =-‘3rapi'1ics .‘-‘trchitecturo
`honiogeneous transfot-mutton matrix in 20 microseconds. Other special-purpose geometry
`processors have been developed since then. most notably Clark's Geometry Engine. which
`can perform clipping as well (see Section |8.5.5). Recent geometry processors have
`exploited the power and progrnmmability of commercial floating-point chips.
`If pipelining does not provide enough performance. transformation computations can
`be parallclized in several ways:
`Individual components of a vertex may be calculated in parallel. Four para1[e1',.'k'
`.proc-essors, each containing the currertl
`transformation matrix, can evaluate the
`expressions for x. y, 2. and w in parallel,
`Multiple vertices can be transformed in parallel. If primitives are all of a uniforrn‘
`type—say. triangle.-t —the three vertices of each triangle can be transformed simult
`Entire primitives can be transformed in parallel. If n transformation engines
`. _
`available, each processor can transform every nth primitive. This technique has
`of the advantages and disadvantages of parallel front-end systems, which wew‘
`discuss in Section 13.6.
`1 8.5.3 Trivial Acceptjlileiect Classification
`Trivial accept and reject tests are straightforward to implement, since they require at worst
`dot product and at best a single floating-point comparison (or subtract) to determine '_
`which side of each clipping plane each vertex lies. Because these tests require lint
`computation, they are generally performed by the processor that transforms primitives.
`1 8.5.4 Lighting
`Like geometric transformation. lighting calculations are straightforward and are float:
`point—intensive. A specialized hardware processor can calculate vertex colors based on-
`polygon ’s color and the light vector. More frequently, lighting calculations are -.
`using a programmable floating—point processor. In lower-performance systems, lighti"
`calculations can be done in the same processor that trmsforms vertices. Note that if Phong
`shading is used, lighting calculations are deferred until the rasterization stage.
`18.5.5 Clipping
`Polygon clipping was once considered cumbersome, since the number of vertices =
`change during the clipping process and concave polygons can fragment into mnltip
`polygons during clipping. Sutherland and Hodgtnan [SUTH74] showed that arbi ‘-
`convex or concave polygons can be clipped to a convex view volume by passing
`polygotfs vertices through a single processing unit multiple times. Each pass through
`unit clips the polygon to a different place. In 1930, Clark proposed unwrapping
`processing loop into a simple pipeline of identical processors. each of which could
`implemented in a single VLSI chip. which he named the Geometry Engine [CLAR82]. Th"
`Geometry Engine was general enough that
`it could transform primitives and --
`perspective division as well.

`Pipeiine Front-End Architectures
`Clipping using :1 Geometry Engine {or similar pt‘(}CI2‘:S.‘i(Jl’] can be performed either by at
`single processor that clips each polygon by as many planes as necessary. or by a pipeline of
`clipping processors. one for each clipping plunc. The technique chosen urfects the
`worst-case performance of the graphics system: Systems with only one clipping processor
`may bog down during frames in which large numbers of primitives need to be clipped.
`whereas systems with :1 clipping processor for each clipping plane can run at full speed.
`However. most of the clipping processors are idle for most databases and views in the latter
`General-purpose floating-point units recently have begun to replace custom VLSI
`transformation and clipping processors. For example, Silicon Graphics, which for many
`years employed custom front-end processors, in l989 used the Weirek 3332 floating-point
`chip for transformations and clipping in their POWER IRIS system (described in detail in
`Section 18.8.2). The delicate balance between performance and cost now favors commodi-
`ty processors. This balance may change again in the future if new graphics-specific
`functionality is needed and cannot be incorporated economically into general—purpose
`18.5.6 Division by w and Mapping to 3D Viewpoint
`Like geometric transformation and lighting, the calculations in this stage are straightfor-
`ward but require substantial floating-point resources. A floating-point divide is time
`consuming even for most floating-point processors (many processors use an iterative
`method to do division). Again. these stages can be implemented in custom functional units
`or in a commercial floating-point processor. In very high-performance systems,
`calculations can be performed in separate, pipelined processors.
`13.5.7 Limitations of Front-End Pipelines
`technique for building high-performance
`Even though pipelining is the predominant
`front-end qsterns, it has several limitations that are worth considering. First, a different
`algorithm is needed for each stage of the front—end pipeline. Thus. either a variety of
`hard-wired functional units must be designed or, if programmable processors are used,
`different programs must be written and loaded into each processor. In either case, processor
`or functional-unit capabilities must be carefully matched to their tasks, or bottlenecks will
`Second. since the rendering algorithm is committed to hardware {or at
`firmware. since few systems allow users to reprogram pipeline processors), it is difficult to
`add new features. Even if usm have programming support for the pipeline processors, the
`ciistribution of hardware resources in the system may not adequately support new features
`such as complex primitives or collision detection between primitives.
`A final shortcoming of pipelined front ends is that the approach breaks down when
`display traversal can no longer be performed by a single processor, and this inevitably
`occurs at some performance level. For example. if we assume that traversal is performed by
`-' 3 20—MHz processor and memory system,
`that the description of each triangle in the
`database requires 40 words of data (for vertex coordinates, normal vectors, colors, etc.).
`-- and that each word sent to the pipeline requires two memorylprocessor cycles (one to read it

`Advanced Raster Graphics Architecture
`from memory. another to load it into the pipeline), then a maximum of 20,000,000 ; (
`40) = 250,000 triangles per second can be displayed by the system. no matter how powgff
`the processors in the pipeline are. Current systems are rapidly approaching such limits
`What else can be done. then,
`to achieve higher performance‘? The alternative ltd
`pipelining front—end calculations is to parallelize them. The following section describes this
`second way to build high-performance front-end systems.
`Since graphics databases are regular, typically consisting of at large number of primiti'
`that receive nearly identical processing, an alternate way to add concurrency is to par-tit‘
`the data into separate streams and to process them independently. For most stages of
`front-end subsystem. such partitioning is readily done; for example,
`the geom
`transformation stages can use any of the parallel techniques described in Section 18.5.
`However, stages in which data streams diverge (display traversal) or converge (between--the
`front end and back end) are problematic, since they must handle the full data bandwid
`18.6.1 Display Traversal
`Almost all application programs assume a single, contiguous display model or database,
`a parallel front-end system, the simplest technique is to traverse the database in a si
`processor (serial
`traversal) and then to distribute primitives to the parallel processors
`Unfortunately, this serial traversal can become the bottleneck in a parallel f'ront~end sys‘
`Several techniques can be used to accelerate serial traversal:
`Traversal routines can be optimized or written in assembly code
`The database can be stored in faster memory (i.e.. SRAM instead of DRAM)
`A faster traversal processor (or one optimized for the particular structure format) can be
`If these optimizations are not enough. the only alternative is to traverse the database
`parallel. The database either can be stored in a single memory system that allows parallel
`access by multiple processors (at sharcd—memory model), or can be distributed over Inultipl
`processors, each with its own memory system (a distributed-memory model).
`The advantage of the shared-memory approach is that the database can remain invone
`place, although traversal must be divided among multiple processors. Presumably, each
`processor is assigned a certain portion of the database to traverse. Unfortuttately, inherited _
`attributes in a hierarchical database model mean that processors must contend for :tccesst_° :
`the same data. For example, each processor must have access to the current transformation _
`matrix and to other viewing and lighting parameters. Since the data bandwidth to and from '-
`a shared-memory system may not be much higher than that of a conventional mcm0fl'
`system. the shared-memory approach may not provide enough perforlmncc.
`In the distributed-memory approach. each processor contains El portion of the databfl-"VB
`in its local memory. It traverses its portion of the database for each l'r.-zrne and may alfifl
`perform other front-end computations, Distributing the database presents its own prob|eII'I5-
`however: Unless the system gives the application programmer the illusion in‘ at c:onti9“°”5
`database. it cannot support portable graphics libraries. Also. the load must be balanced-

`Parallel Front-End Architectures
`yer the traversal processors if system resources are to be utilized fully. Hierarchical
`_ atabases exacerbate both of these problems, since attributes in one level of a hierarchy
`R” ffect primitives below them. and structures deep in a hierarchy may be referenced by
`'l."l-ie following two sections examine two ways to distribute a hierarchical database over
`ultiple processors: by structure, where each traversal processor is given a complete branch
`of the structure hierarchy; or by primitive, vvhere cach traversal processor is given a fraction
`f the primitives at each block in the hierarchy.
`istrihuting by structure. Distributi

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