W ,K*-%*“m
`:3: :3f $634151 uzgtrm
`ASML 1321 1

`1 aft‘ Ccingrexs €‘3atas!e§ing»3:x~Pub‘5}ca¢ion mm
`aiixs. J.
`Lasxzr zssnginamng I Keiin E. iiatxn
`Eixeiuiits inxfmx.
`1332*} G~€£2-36f2§2i~7 {¥2a:é:<sve;!}
`1. Lasa$=rse»»-ihaigxz and constmctiou. 2. Ntnfiineaaz opmss.
`1. “ram V
`9'I~§32.I 1
`Acgaisition fiziimr. 3:3»: $*~*<:t3.«‘3»~“-mt.
`£‘.diwr~in~{lExi::f: §'1$i7‘;‘»§8 §‘§¢3f¥33£’3
`ikwzygizxxtzion Ixiagxagcrt Eayuni. fiaicnéaza dc Lazar:
`fiziimrin-»{;’hief: fexzszzmz Grant
`my».-.r,-uxr af 1"r'*r»;).;§u¢;iaan am} M.zsrzz:;faw.:m:°'z:zg.:: .E{3:witi W. ?.li::§:’a:di
`3%';:f:scmti1°«g Mmagzzt ”3‘mi1y
`.i'*‘t:}‘i -1‘?-cs:-wk): C‘s§ordirtat<:u":' flozrrsa $tI¥Iiv’az2
`Ct3.,z::pzxy.-i1i;:1::1»“i’»r<:dIszs:¥§z5.x1 Sawicxr. £33”? Hmfison
`Kaiitarial .»§s§:i51fi-mt flaémzza Au
`Cirttxxiva .‘i}i;ww:’t:>:r; §’rmia Pufiziyiréua
`mi ’{3in:t:tt3r: laym: flcznw
`Cave: Deaignez:: Bmw fivsneéeiasr
`(lg) 1398 =‘£3_y ¥*rtmti«:u»-iitait 3322.,
`i’aarzs:1n’Es§uaa§iz::;i €L‘xm*’:g>«?my
`Upper S~3::it§.§a- .§2ivsa:£9 $53} £}’§!"~§('$<‘§
`gym nf th.i:‘~3 bagk may ix
`Mi rights raszwazi.
`mprzaducmi, in any {mm or by any .me;ms.
`witfxmn. gmmimizsn in writing Exam the ';)ubliS"fI.¢.i‘.
`The: autimr and 3;/z.ais.I:.szi‘w1* ad’ thu; tzoak haw: used mzzsr hast czfforts if! pmgsrzug km-as tank.
`iaciude (hr: devekapmem, msearth. and tesfirsg of in: tkcuriws and prcrgnama to dwennims their affebtivenmss,
`The amhar and pubiiahsr Intake nc wax:-zmiy M any kind, axprczwr.-d or impkied. with regaxd to 11:65: pmgmm
`or the ziactxrzmniaticsn ccsmzsirmd in this bank. Yhc author and publisher sham rm! be liable in any cvmt for
`incwiaazai 9; canwquxzntiai chxmsgits in connamsxn with, or arising any cf, the ftmyishing. pwfmnance, or
`um of mes: pn°.x;;§z'2m25.
`Qrizrzwzi in mu: imitzrd. .Si»r§-rza af Amerim
`&()’€38‘.z*<f§:%4 ”.$i2
`.f§.§*fsI £3~:3é¥73:‘ &'%:4?:§n?W
`I*‘.£‘£2’:'¥tt§>E£i%«}.‘*?;€1iI §nt.m'::a§i>:>I3ai (UK) iLi.£n££i%2i,.{,<3nd<>n
`3>*:r,vmi§ce2~‘§*§ai1 isvf Amt:-azlia $3233. Lzir;-liwzd, Siycimy’
`.1‘,renii€*:‘“§§ia§1 Cammiéx ix 1‘ Tftzxzunto
`Frfififitfi-§’§3iI. Higpanaammicami, 5.3., Maxiczzti
`i“:e=.r:{is:§s«§~iz2§1 :3? Emiéa ?ri’vat£: Limi—‘tmi, ji‘«!‘ew Dssihi
`‘é-Kai! of §s;§33ii, 1:16,; ’°¥’Cikjm
`Z323-¥1£3£i¥5§-{$13. Asia Pia/i;§::i..,.§§§x1;gza;;c>ra»
`§’.z§i"{::?xra .§’zn:+n£i::5é«}‘:§ali
`Bzmxil, L§r,’ta,., Ritz zit: iamzim



`'I":?:£:§m.i::a:I .Ba::¥(,g1<::>ur3ci
`5%“?! Laser Funmm-mtaéa
`ifiiffiéfififlifififi ?’12i¥ £.&$&‘.§$
`A firiaf Ei.s:o:*y
`, . ***V ,
`,, ‘A
`Emergy States in Atoms
`Easic Etizmzfiamd E£.m;iV:¢s;.%an
`Tm13__iiiti£m:a ‘£$e:2wa§;r;_ use-r 313933,
`Peguiaiimz Izzvemion,‘ 133

`¥’c3°:$e'£:I: ££:§ci Exzeargy M
`%wfmzuc§xr:3z:1::.:ia:'i£:.g Qaizarenizzy, and L.iz;.{swi<izh

`Egatiai =(Ic>¥1erea%:::¢. anti: Laezzzr .Spac;§;;ie
`“fiat: Gaaeria Laaar
`Tfrans-vzzsm anti i,.£3=x1g'itu€i§m.§ Macias 39
`Ytxa Gair: '¥’3‘c«fi'la
`Laser Safmy . 2%
`Ssyxrxizzais 133213 in the C?aa;::'££:r
`3 §?»‘5$‘§tZ7£»‘Y $?é§?i§‘$ A85 Qéiffii
`Energy fiwtex
`L353: Siaixts, 35
`2.13: Mn§t%pi::«Sm;;~: Lzszzr fiysmmsa. 36
`°;w§c§1}a and aim Ur:cma:i.m-y 13r§.rsz:i;>§a, 3*?
`~.I%:>z2adming ct? .§"ur:<i23memaI l;\2zie:i1h:=;,. *3}
`33-mes mi’ {Z¥ai:n., 43
`«fiiuckhcdy .i?.a<§f3ati»cm. 4%?
`(3339,. :35
`3 33%? .F.é.aR¥ePm:a? &*m:.m:
`Lcmgi.i:x1:3:i:;a§ Ivicstfiras in the :{_21::;e;r Kezscmam {ff.2‘2vity
`Lising am Eialon far Si.n:g1z: Lmxgimzifiisxal wfoéa Ciipaemzéwn. 6-?
`Quantimive Ana1y:sis of a.§31z:bry~‘?z:r«at1?£t;1iz3n
`3.2‘: Qmica! Path '§§::‘1aii0rrs in a §’abry~iPer0: Eiialoni 1&5
` am} Trsnsmimion tifmii-‘fi::iz:*.z1!.s. in :1 F:1b::y«¥’e:rot, iitzakxrx, 6?
`3<.3.f3 Calcutaiing she R.r:.f§e:.»::ts::§ and 'fransm.i;m2:.c1 intesrzsiiies far as Fabry~F*::;'avz
`fiizflon with the Same R::§zzc$ancxzs, 270
`3.2.31 —i1a’iw1s;ti:n_g tiara lfiafimtad 37:8 ”1"r:s;ts.r.zxi'L%&>:i !:3'£i:nsiti£;2; 533:: 21 F::b.ry»§‘emt.
`332414211 wizth §3ii:£’f¢rzzxtt IiZfi£3»x:§:e1.n¢cts,
`Caiguiasting. am (2 »:=;<r1d Xfté
`af 3 }3’ai:f3r~§"2:::z>i Ezzsimrt, “Z3
`i1I1i:§£r§4£iv§:"F"ai:§{'y»§31:r6tfimicin {Ta§m:}.a£i<>‘:£:§ Y3
`Symhcxifi U595} in me £1‘§2:zx;3rt{:¥

`A ”?“;f‘§§'£%‘¥$ia?’&‘;‘§‘$£3" §fR3¥£3‘5£‘ §?.fi’£Z§!‘”i?¥‘??’fE’S‘
`’3T°Ei§*:vf,‘,, ”£"1:%n.s’v:::“w Macias
`fin: Rsrzsxizsl J’a;3;::1"axixnzxtiun, 84
`<$,2‘£ Matfémrxzaéicai ‘°I‘res3t1m3.m 9?‘ the 'T’1'ar:s¢v«:.rss;~ Ivindas, $6:
`”¥‘i3lMo,;; (3»auss§.a;:z man: ¥’
`The‘: ”?§3Mo,g at i3;axm§.ia:x ’§’a"aIt§v:‘.:<.=.-it Mada, 88
`?“£(3§.32i'ii€¢§ {sf the "£‘£'*;?~:i;;5_c, ‘ivicxéa cf the L-wet, fin;
`‘Ray Matéeas ‘:53 Anaiyza ¥’as::*x.~“z.i.:s;i .I..xms Sysxzaams
`Ray :
`"z”‘3i. .fcsr a. fiiatame 43, 3:33
`R?I}’,.3’siaX.£‘i3£ fkzsr a Lana, 'iiZé«‘i
`;;,.~i,,:?s A363 Léaxv gxgsgiiexzi xx: i4‘;im;;1h*; 1;-ms: .Sys£52z:£, ‘1-{$3
`{?a:1.5s:i.;m fiezms in §i‘v:;sc:naa£ ''ti::~s Mi}
`4,5,1 Mocialiag ifw Stzahiigity :3? am Lza.<:2’::r Remnatar, 133
`~x§23‘C’.£} 'L4z+w z\:;>g;«3’m<i to Rxxsamzxmtsz, 1.1.?
`Syxrxmis Um”: in tha {;‘h.:ap£¢r
`¥ §2»%
`5 {°$;‘=§¥?‘é
`in in
`.E;amraz.i:m of the iix’;§i:a1€3ain §'m::asm £31
`Qzaixx S£iI::r;2~ii:}II far the: Hnrncwgmexrsua Line, 334
`Gain. Samrzicioix far the iz:} Linc, 134
`3 iixngyormncx: of Ram Eqm-:i:i:3z15; 134
`S-za:.z5n.,g up Ram Equa2.ions
`Rate Eicguarinns far §:(‘.\1}1’~5!;~3zt’:3 Lasers, 137
`igasmf {)¥.:tip1.ft‘ Pawez {iharaztxzzistfirzs
`£Z};;s£'ir.aa1 Citiugiiirzg, $1 Eimpié: Apprwacih. 1&2
`PM «vmuzs: $3, an iingi‘21em*iI3g Agmmssch. 333*»
`a"¢;x;;: vzrmss fig, ‘am Rigmri Apgwraam £52‘
`.$.‘3zmE>:>‘1:~: —I.§$3:€§
`iti Eftti ffbapiaa"
`,. ..
`. ..
`.. .,
`» a *:wmmz&%w°r Tgmczefasm W
`I%a§.axa:~;c:n {}’s2:i%ia3:ix3m§
`6.2.‘: A Qmziizmisse §3es<:3%;§ti~o.n of R;>;iaxa2.%m3 i'jzz:z:§§§sx:ie.ns,
`§x‘sxxm:§§é;a'§ Mo~.d:2I£ixag of Rai.a.x=a£im; i3s£$}£ax-ism, ma
`Axralytiaxzfl rrzvatmsesni Q? Reiaxaxivm {§§ci§iiaii<>m'«. 3?}
`-A {2txz4a1i{3§:ws: 13w::i:;:={i:cs;3 cf Q-Switchiznpgf U7

`§\?\.zm§2n‘4::,fl Mm§:r«.}izxg mi“ {;3~.f:‘s>:'iw:§:..i.:;g, 17?‘
`.Ar1aIyii£ ”fre:a:mcxxz at“ i“;%«S?wiV:+;;hing.\ i7$
`"rm: ?Z}e.:«;.igrs of f3~E§wi£ch£:s
`Mzazthanifiai £'.§1~3xs1i:z:i%;:::s\ £83
`iiiectremmie £3~f:1witc‘mas;, 339$
`z’s.r=::a:é,:142v~f,};:x.$:: £1§~S3s»¢3:s:Exas, 190
`Samrsxbte.‘i;«é>r tfiyezs for Q-8witth:ing.§ I???
`A {,}li£!3i'{3§iV£1 ITie:sm‘§§:ti<2:x :1? §¥/‘§()<'§<i«§.x}=z;§<;$:_r1§;:., B33
`..£X:w.I3,'tis,gz§ i}m:zi;:«tic;1: sf ¥s»Iodx::~L<§¢£:ir2_g, S95
`msfigm :31“ E‘/§mt3e«ii..(sr;k3ng Mkidfifiaiflffi. %§€€
`Symizrolss 1}‘.<.‘.c“:d in me Chapter
`? §§‘*é'}"é'33'{3£}£I£L‘}’”¥£3i‘s* ‘fl’? :“si0fia7£.f1V£7;ée—2'3"
`s“<‘':::x Pziiazfizabiliiy
`Seccmi Rannaxzie (.32:ér1<::“a:i<m
`The ¥”*">:0x::::*.3.$ of Cionvarsicim, 21,0
`§>ha.§a Matching, '33?)
`ijeaign '"i‘a:‘:x;hn§.qa:;¢:§ far 3Frs<;;x.:£n4:3I~£}e3u2§1ir:g Lasziéx fiaiamfs, TERI?
`Sxinxaimgtd Razmm VS-amazing
`:Eic§£~F::>::u.sir1.g and {}§?i§{;f&i. Ikamage 23i
`$v'z‘.z1ji:: {3:3es.m3s, 233
`m2 ifitimr {3rys.t:1¥s am: in 1“sI(3rx.limz«ar Q§'.~i.
`Syazbais '§5smi ii: tins: ifizagzier
`$£iF‘§¥’2EIf2‘=f}‘".§§’;§‘ ?’§’§I3ff§§§;€?£(3ii¥¥=§§’$
`* ?v1uii'i.3.:ayaer $35-e§e.c;£xi:: i~"~‘iims
`"i“§»e.’I3:1nzis:x::s:nt:11»s.of‘ Mxsiiiiayer ’E“i¥.rt:'1‘¥az::§:ry, 2:23
`.z::2 »-9/»).
`Amioflefierziiann fjzwifngx fmm !\*¥u§’tii:aye3' fiims. 245
`Highwfiazfi-esxarms tI3.».5a:’a'::z1’g’:c..i”t;::-rn Maiéiaym Films, 363%:
`(§¥2i.axi;1i Crysmis.
`Po:;‘ii:}ve and
`Wave Plzmss fr«:sm §'5i.re2’ri:tg,eni Cryartals, 2.54

`".§‘3:::rz::ai fie
`fiymboié; Usaé in ma iifzagzicr
`Pm ii Qaessign 23$ Lam? sgmtema
`.§*ifii;zz;s'3s! £2? $é:a::s:,;»: Lasers‘. 2%
`94 2.2.
`ixgigzviicaziarzg far Ksziéa },.z:>.:¢:rs. “Z2?-6:
`“Fae :;’§e:I§‘*Ee.> Energy ifikataa, 23¢)
`93.4 ms-23:; ta‘? a Mmrfiksm Camnwmiai as-rem I.3—~§ez". 233
`Argon iLasm";s
`History. of Argcm zjmci Krypton-ion Lagerts, 289
`mxplicssimxzz: fur .s’&rgm1— and 'Kryptmv}orx iwaszersk “.290
`,¢.2'gcm :=:n:;iV Krypmn L3S<?i‘ Saazes. 293
`9.2% ¥3£*.2s%,grt sf 3 lviaéam Cnmmarmiai Argon.-Ion Lascr, 2.94
`W €3€3}5¥§‘§‘§sf?’i£§fi1z§§i.
`$Qi.,££3~$’l~’5§%%?'¢‘§ £.t5;$Ef’?$
`Iv-fii:2i:s=r}:‘ 363
`Lixsnzr M&’£e.r‘izs‘i£
`(I::;as:zaI.1ixzs: .f.,as»::r fimia, 3539
`E13,? Gia-as Lam: Busts. Eff}
`10.3.3 The Shag»: :51‘ sh: Zt?.n§ic$~»$:mc: Lzaaear Mamm, 3i 1.
`Laser Tfa£3’5’§i§Gt1 in i\¥ci:Y£a(3
`filmy "1.‘e<z¥:.rm¥0gy
`Pfififiaia {.333 i3i:ac:i’z.3;'gs Lamps .33 Qgticai ¥’u:m;3 Sou:r<;«:*s {Qt Nd;'YAG
`Lasers. 3&3
`{)i.s>::?a2n';;§e Lmrape, 32.1
`33.3.3 Fszvwzzr Su_;>;>.$,ir:s far .i‘*4’r;:§1£¢:
`'i‘G.§;3 Fxmtp iiavities far :**~?<>E>€¥e
`{Z3123 };’)i'»s::harg¢ .£.am;ce«§’mnpe£i Lasers, 324$
`$’§;t£‘¢:tz”£i~§’§§}-‘iéirzfi £;§:;:am::;~Ray i”.3={:¥% Faxmiiy, 327
`10.5.1’: Eéicszzirscrsndamzr §A’¢1§§ti'§ as $it2§id~1’£cats: Lascir Pump Swfittm 329
`i(3,:S.tS Pump C-11$-‘3i“i%3§ far i£)icmv:.L:sxa: ”§’mm~>e:.:i S:>¥i;:i-Siraxe go-l=&Ee:rfl,x 333
`C‘.<>ha;:ws:at {W38 ‘i.{)s§»>.’> L.a5m' Fwtiipy. 337
`§”:ixe.mi3::*.»s 338

`3*? ‘§"i?%§=i§¥$?’3”§fi*§%}«§¥2¥£"?“.$££. $£T¥£.4¥£3‘«$’?263;?°'a§ éfififififi
`1 1 A
`Laser Mmarissis
`11.3.1 Rnbyw~%’ri::zax§v Line 21:. 6‘$*>'&.3 mu, 349
`13.3.2 AIe;¥an£iri't<2«-‘I‘1;r1»:.*.3:l¢£ {mm 700 ram K) 828 um. 35}
`11.3.3 'i“i:?Sa;3p?zir>ew-’i‘~unab1e from 670 mm :0 1090 am, 353
`3 1,3,4 £Z3€axn@:zr':s~z3t1 hnazswaan Majm’ ’Sniid~S£at.e Lasar Hosts, 355
`‘I‘i:Ss;:s;>£:iam i;~as>::r Ifiasign
`11.1%.} RingiLa:5-6:13, 356
`11.4.2‘. mrcftésxgent Filmra. 362
`11.4.3 Cfohammt 1’\§c;sc}e1 £530 and 8% “i‘i:?3app}2ir:2 Laatrxx, 3:65
`I"*‘¢m§<>secm1d Pulsa Lasext Iizassign
`.1 1.53 Disgyezsiox-x in ¥~‘e:v:i:::os-e.r;otvd
`11.51 N<:nJinea:iti<=:s Um! {(3 { Fetntasawnfi Quins, 371
`§1.S;3 ?s4e.z§.3uriI1g Ffeszntssacami Puisas, 3'33
`11.5.4 Caiiiding _F:;§:a;a M0dt:wL»:3c.kin.g,, 3'}’3
`{3;m£‘mg ’£>‘u1sa:£:3<:::zpr¢:.5$i43n. 3%:
`11.36 $+;?¥i£€>3:.5, 3’?5
`?¥.5.? ’§{{:z:rv»§,x::n-s Mada-vimtiiixag {§{L{\§§ §.nTTi:S.a;:9i1ir:z., 3%}
`H.533 ilcahertsnt ifiéirax Eemrmemnd Z,a;s:::z2«2, 37?‘?
`?3'£}?°‘§{&"§ ifififififi £Z?‘£?&§£§%§§?£3¥1§L £.fi$aE°}‘E‘.$
`‘Z‘”§‘x:t Iiitzsxigzz 0%‘ (L‘.az'bcm '£)‘w2;ic.1..:: ¥..,2:s€::r.»;
`§:xtm<§zxc’t’ix:»:s :6 Cf}: Lasrzir
`‘£2.13 "ma: E‘-;.v»r;h:%§a;m at’ {B32 haserfi, 38%?
`1Z.!.3¥§: £36233 I..%2scxr:s. 393
`2’; "i’y;2ia:a1 Msséem CG; i.n.d:m'ri<21 Laxsmr, 3%
`3.5 Ogstimi Ccmigammts am Dcieciorfi {ms Qxi}-3 M3355, 4-£33
`xxigm 2:? féixcimcr Lasers
`”‘xmz’r Lssar Stairs; ems
`fivtwiisiilcan cf ’
`crixrmez, 2102
`.¥3..2.T3 Cfianezai Iiiizzxigax i%ac%:.gz<:suxx<3. 46*}
`ea Tygizai '2x*i<)det.t1 '¥i:u:im<::r
`1242.5 mm: Eieam jéionxaganizars, 417
`122.6 Amalicatiuax fiighligbt, 41%!
`-O%*e.:'vi::*W (if Semicczirxducmr Diode I.,2::§’z?:rL:;
`“2.3.'l Hisricxry mi‘ Eszemiccrndumc-r Iiliaaie §.,3srcr::( £123
`12.3.2 We lfiasics czf th::. S<:mi2:endunIm' Qiofia Laser, 4124
`{;‘c>nfi.r1ez::.t,znt. §s:: me: $e:m1‘c<1nduc:.:<:r Ifiioda 'Lsase:r. ‘$23
`"§“rz>:2. r;'{uamtmn Wei} $e::n.i:;:um:¥uc£r:r Ui.(}d4: Laseif. 432
`A;::-»;2«1i:;mi.¢;:n.§*§i;,<gixiigi7st: The C313: iflsgycr, 435

`Létsar Séxfmty
`ek.i.£ V Eiaezrecntian, $4.1
`$1.2 Eya Iléamage. 444
`fihazzxtinzl ¥§azz:rcIs., M6
`A3 .41:
`i3§?3$§‘ I¥i{zx2:;sxxia., xéé?
`The Ei1m:§:ro»magnsatic Wave §32qua£'z<:2n
`.»*<..3,1 Maxwe:1I’s .Eqteazia;1s. 4:31)
`:5. {ianmcl Wéawc iiquation "far Light ?rvp2‘:gaLma in :1 Mmt::ria1, 452
`Liglzt f?2'::;3agetti.c:x1 in a "Jaz;, 45:3
`laigilff. Pmgszzgatimi in a L‘:’§.n"x;21e Imtmpisz ¥\'1:stm'i.:33 with Kc: [Nat %§-ta;-.i::
`Charge. 454
`A35 .§;ig£1£ Progagafion in 2:
`fiirxzzgvi-:3 ~Las:e:' Efiiataxiai. wizi; Mo Mai Esatic
`Charge» «$3-4
`.? A Qxwewfiimensienai X*é’atr<=: Equatiosi far :3 "Less Simyk: Is:2:m;a.Es:;
`s’¥*Z:§t:¢:x‘«ia}.~ 434
`3Ls:I3&es and ’i‘e3e&£:(1pa>s;
`3Len:::’.:«3( 456
`fiiiassiml Lens iciigtxixfiicanig 45'“?
`Teixzacapes, 2:59
`fisfiectinn and Refrac£.ion
`‘:%Ex;xm¢:nc.12z*arr«:, «$4331
`S11e.’§§"§ Law, 4&2
`K33 Taiasii Intmxai ’§<Zr2:fi:e:ctic:r;, 453.
`§3m-w5te:r‘5 15'\I1g§(:,‘4§3?«
`Fresmfl fiégtiaiinns
`fine Efftscfiivf: Vaainxtz :35 {ha §‘§{)’¥:‘:Ii¥1§~££f ‘3‘t:;r:s»«;s;r
`§’sc::}ws and Basign i°*;£:’tivi€ié3;s
`(332: Law‘ Acxivitiga, 4&6
`AJELZ N<3:YA£} £.asc::r Asrivitieg, 4'22
`$3.3 T.{'2cII5if§{?1} Mam} Laser Aczivirms. 1373
`Laser s’uigs<:.m:2m W5
`A. H)
`G§as;3a;QI :3? 3351:: Lxiififizf ’I‘s:.;":n.:e
`away ’
`avmvsgg-;*3a:zs-rs zxaigi: sag wax

`SoIid-87‘afe Lasers
`I Objeciives
`To summarizse than seqtgexlcc vi‘ iIEs£m’i(:a3. evcmzz lit;-tding In the. Lievethprrzcxzi (If Iihe
`'£i;*ansiIi:)Ia~.xm::{aI soIid¢sI.ate‘ .t.é1:;L<:'.
`31': xuxmnzmzc c£m1.rm:f::ial appfic-ai’iovr}s far mzrzsi£im1—n1r:tal x0Ii€!—s’I'aI¢3
`c ~~'7{’£>~ cntaxpnrrc »~zmdw~con tmsi iiw -wergyAA-iizsmi» :’<ii.f¥.i:L‘¥'£1I‘<’:’-‘a.t‘1.(/I’V~*1fi{1}£;)I*""iaS'61‘“‘p.t‘f.}pi:fliflé?"“ Rn’-
`{axe iascr =n1a.t:2n‘aIss {why a1e.xzu1d.;'iie.
`’£h<:z ptinmry cm‘:tmatrci;':.1 5:033
` “5?;¥?t7f3:'7?+.,
`the. design :31? rirtg 13865’? caxvfzies.
`Tc: ’{3I§S€2»I“i§(3Z:
`*.1".g3 ccsmpara ami c<*m’t:r21z»;t ring izxsztzr mix-*it’izts; with .Iin.ea:‘c-av}i1.ies,
`Tu zikzswrihe W: .ix11pm't.z2s1ce Q1’ h'ir:::fringcm fiiters.
`To”comp'm:c the ixltwsiiy tran;~'an1iLtam:: £121’ a !3i:‘e.f:'in1gem'
`To de;:scr.‘:ba;: the c.<an.s:—truc:.i<:211 11>f‘a ctmmnestiai Izxsexr pumped continuous; wava ”I7i:supp11i1'e
`To descx~i‘bc me. des~ig,n principles undezliyiiig fczxntorsczconcl pulse law‘ dr2.sig,n, This
`i’nc:.§ude. mitt!)
`iSSt,Ic‘.S as group vczlmsrity (1iSf‘.tG1‘S'i£)n (CEVD), seif-pluasstz nmdulw
`iican {S§¥’M}, ft:.:11Ir)sec:c;nz1 gmisa tez11p<;r2xl
`:mr:a5;t1rs:1'ne.nI, coliiding puisc mt1(1c°.—Ecuzkin_g
`{{3§’?~;I}, gra£:ing wise ¢t€2mpras3ic;m,
`s;<3iit0ma, {Hui .¥{crz‘~1e:1s rm)x£c~n1c3<:3:i.11g {I££,;M}.
`‘I1; {I633-{Zri})(: the ’m.11§:'ruci.i0n of a COIX'§l11ti}.‘<£i£i} n.Itra:si1.m“i ptaise Ti:’s:23pp§1.ire mar.
`313% ’

`Sec. 1 ‘I .1
`in 115»:
`um: §'x‘ti.‘=£€(§\
`me m:.zis‘r:
`iii xamt.’ ’
`than i»1.)s'uiv-zfpf
`xxx; 01’
`{mt} W;
`}g.;3<‘§a i{r:,’m.m.(-13:5:
`1i’m’2i.b1{? mu‘ icrwi i;m'::'
`rs c:"cz’2tc:.
`32,1 2-ezzmzzm
`‘£5 saxccgationaiiy ¥‘zv».;c’ix:za:ing.. For
`i§i.s'i<.>ry' at‘ iinns’?ti;:m~m:%tz.xI ..§£)fi§1«~.x"t;1tz3 tunabha
`fixra at, arg.§m1~im: and N(£:‘YA(3 ’¥:z:~.:cz‘:< (even the diocie ;pL1:n;3<=:<i’ IV’d:YA{3 iasers) the
`Iwtjzarity of‘ W: 1z‘Ls§;:r‘ Silifltiiitfi Wi-1S in plzsce by the mid« E9(:(3;<_.«' am} cmnmcrcml. <§m'-stiopxnesu
`proc:-zmicci mpicify zxfuzr that.
`°f”r2xm;it%on~:nc§a§ iummic ,<;oiid~2:Ia£:*: lasers are quiic :c¥ifib.;',,
`Ymrxsitim;-mam! ttxtsmbitz SI3U{§*:s"fi3l£’. Iasm are Iazimly nmxtiorzeti in rm-‘iew pzxgwars on itxazziblc
`kisser 1m~:I):1<3’Ingy :13 r<:r.:mt{Iy as I*}E§iZ.’
`l:¢.e‘»€%:‘ rm:n'kci‘) wszrs-2 (imam?-
`'I‘1fs:.;pplxi1'£: i*z1sm‘~;{t11:3 :::11m~2m; ${i’tI'S <33’ the smiiai»é.:1:1w in IT%'3I1}t*.
`{°z"r:>.a;§ by ?si1Qu1tcm in {$382.3 1-~io;}\>.’a:v»:xi. early m.«mfé2\: with 'l”.i:>:.2:1p;:»l1it*c. wxrzm not p1‘0I’t}iSiIlg; due
`in <Iiffiz::rIti<::a wiih anemztiz-:1:gmw§h\3 It was ouiy zxftcr the}.R‘ Vprnhitzrnés
`(km the i:.rue gyotazsxtfizid at" (he: ’1“i::sup;3vI1irc iuser xs.»-‘:15. 1*é:a'Iizcx‘i. As 21;~quc;zce., nmeh of
`nu: §1ié_$€’.:'
`.(i<a\;c }1:)p:x1c’::1t (itlc-!U(HIf‘$_I§ ‘the I'§f1‘£¥:¥t'§i2:.li3it2 ss;z}I”~;’t'zt:n;i::«~tvckixxgi ;.)I‘r;)pcs‘£ievs 0!‘ T§fSa;1phit‘<i
`(ii,.-:::11:.;sAm¥ in Sr;z:1i<.3;1 £1.33) izaa < :'€:M{’}A-‘$33)’ mzexwtiy.
`The -1:: .useitimx~n':czai
`:‘:;m1’b2c izxs;-ax‘-xx use nmizais in the fcmrlh mw rzf’ {bx}
`’¥‘fw 1ra1zxi1i<:-n—mz3§‘a1s; hav«:: :1 p«21t*t.i21i§y fiiled .756 i‘iI}\‘2-11, and
`V8. imxs.
`{.tt;t1'i<3§3iC {¥1'b'h:: as '{§¥t3 '
`with the
`iliflid‘ man the 4' e:1s:vsi.r<;s1’:s in z..L>11\=m1tim1;2i
`.s::m’Ii<i-;~;£z‘r1r3 lmzzxa small en. N¢=i:i’i",A£3.
`~’?his:~ ::2‘m»pxx.:a1_iu:.*t::»§:‘:m:siz..icxns ihai éswaix.-‘e g’3i1;:211<3:1;ws.s well 2:»: 3':-hc»w>né;f{Q17I<a:3 z;:aii-c*ci——’\sibmnis':z ~ ~

`mt phomn—{x::mtir12:zrs2r.i
`811621 ir:m;~;i
`zxxz: ramzrr §3=€3i:Mi-Elf, as the}; can t:::‘;:;'m~..
`i“<fmt=-Rivas! ’§21s;etr bz:£23zwi:3r i3:3’t§!ss;?s:I1 iwq irweii Em)’ .
`:5; xché3n1:zti:: 213$" 21 '': Imixafiiiata
`is ?lI‘u2.»m.1.t:;xi in Fisxure H3,
`"m 221:: £)p.{i§;‘:£i pi ’ Tm i:;.‘n:2.;z.:.r;1£{> ¥Ti“12'd«(&3f§§{':mEiIl§1§i’§<?¥i§'t'€3I'iT11§Tr;?_g,l‘£3tIr)d
`‘ ream:
`‘f£‘:ias:i.n I53 :::'is;ts;:tr":..m :;i¢::a_3¢,~.: in xizc. u’;:>;;s2;=;* ‘!ia+;£:;‘ Ssizm. "hgy n:.ic:::;ing a
`smite: :0 {W ;mm_1:¢ Smtlf.
`§)f2r.x=r1:m {rm {remix i“\
`{Liam}: §.imi:¥;:1rt<‘72%:;‘§¥1*é?rI:.3’£*{).
`sun} k3w::.1' 12:93:
`"We. {mm {arm sétéite. flxetx {1C3'4‘.I2?§y;‘£
`((3 :ft\s';~ -g:*<)t1x1:i s;'i2m% is); rckrasi.;'s.g
`lZ;Y~II~:' J. 1,5!‘ Qmmmm I-Tt»~‘<"!:*¢w1r. Cgiiiv 13:1 I‘.1‘*) (W82).
`"$3. D. (Km:-ntilm mm R..t.'§.
`33*‘. }"*.'Mx;s«;d1m1, §§‘u1icI$Iu1z- I\’:m.--:11-01;,l£s,v,wm',
`i'.3‘i‘{{,‘ s%.'lJ»x\’tji41§(lS/4 4 ’:*383:3) tmzsingtmwt MIT!" Lin-crcxm I.,::h..
`1¥§§'I3§. 1);). ffi--2.1.
`31". I...m;x:s\=x1ram1(i L. {35ii?}”eW%"il.'fi.
`:'l:‘£i’fi' .1, r:z,f'{;jJmmI1Im li'I‘«:;:r1r::):.
`t;)}Li~v2l:l(zH tlfiéifi}.

`Trz3:3s;Eii<)J1~?\/lam!Salic3«.Sia'iE} Lasers
`Chap‘ 11
`ft’;I.II.‘~&§{211¢3 iasm" {*re:haa:i»:)r -is cjbizxitmd imm a 51:~{f$’ti.3tY\. thzzt is eff£:ctive:1;s*
`£.1I?C}i.T1,£Z¥‘ ;1iIzim<:1‘:~ ’"¥"¥1t1s.
`ixn;>m*2.;m£iy, ~sim.:e: a wide variivzxy mt" pimnon .l:‘s1n$i¥i<;xm: me passsibie, the
`upgwa‘ and Imszesr 1:i$»::x* :;t2u::=:s; £;m1Sis:. 4.}? S:-srge. rm1niI‘:'>Ed.s* igaf S:§£§t{§$A-
`’I‘he»r@:§’m*e, Izighfy ‘tcxnzatdc:
`1.a:4£:1"zu:ii(m is; gznssitxien
`“Flu: first viiuutlic Iasei‘ was x'é:pm"w(i by .I‘czhm;r,:n1 at‘ at m. Bell I.,e:{mmI:::x'ies: in 1963.“
`21 ziivzzkcnt («$11.5man-»n1c:;fi
`lztsxér using Nib?‘
`in .M;;.
`It :;2irnuia{e«:§ s;z1113Lw:;xz‘¥y vmxik
`by I\r§cCu’:nL:e.:V' in the Ih:‘.§'2§’y cf vmmnifi:»2»::«‘.5
`I-Ixu~.wvcr, it was; cryogmmiczzlly ::m3h:<-I and
`cm mi. mmiiét znunzh cé’m‘3.1x3:;2~x't:iai
`.i3’1x1"<:::“c;%f&)'r’IMs by .J::t§m5s<...m mid flit: csollcizkggklefi r;fu1'ing_ tin: msid (0 Late: 1W:>0;%: 1'<:311,Ii::£| in
`szsverai nwré £§»%‘3"t,'3g£:£T§£Zi*LH}! ccmlezl eiivaierxt Immxit,i0n-zmesxzti fa>;ers.,.
`’i‘ 1i1(;'1t1<.§¢2.#;i :f3o3*’
`Mgifig and \,s‘+‘+ ‘m Mgi?;;‘5
`A m::jm‘ .11-§3vm1‘§‘cx¥\.e.11§ eccunxzd "in !*3)?<‘i when Morris Jami C3ii1C*?—t“)i)S€¥‘S’I;2(i
`that ::xie.~mn-
`dxiic‘: v{Ba..;KI3(}.;;:£‘x*"~" (yr Cixmntium (I<.)p§;*d £:%:fy;m¥3c:ry1, ntslsslafzz z§"m1I1 '70('} mm In 818 mm
`wimid 31213:’: an 1%. vibmnig: t.mi1:<‘i1i1>n. W21’¥§i:1_g;z2tal. c<’mfir:m:vL£ximsc’:'x:sts?l:;zx’1wl(ie:m1m;trz;:e;]
`Q~_xwitci:in;’; b~:ihzixri:sr.”“
`.A}r:;wi1;!:‘it<: was p£’§,i'i§C€’!i..£!!'3y
`isatmmatingg at (in: timr: of its {‘iis(.;gvl»
`cry biififillsti it Immi at mmax icJr$;‘;<*.%z‘é3i£!u'£: and i:n:;‘s::xse<:i in matput pmvcr me. me 1<:mpamtu.;"s:
`.l<x1 10 sex.-c2~;1£ mixer itaieresiing: vit::r*:>1‘:ixi
`"3Z‘3i1c€s{1c%<:c“s:E‘u£ 11% of {"19" -in :2 h¢:r;s»€i
`\»’s’z?:Iiing,“’ zmd itxdepmntieniiy 'Buc}1c*.r£ at 21%.,“
`In pz‘2:‘1.iwIar_,
`in 1982 féiazami
`shoxvgtd that :3-m::1':1..1<i {.i3e;g.£#.j¥.;;{Si{3_;}:(3r3‘*, ami)1h¢‘:.;' tygwtr. of chmmiL;rn.»d0pc:d. a:hry>;e:)be:.;’;.!l zmd
`I‘:1113b'iz:t £‘:*ms1 zmxgfziy 793 am it; $,%€}()t1rt1'_“i
`\\-*<‘.¥¥.$1<,H£1${3 as :1 ’vi!:m;mic. §i'tfs‘s'.i1’ at mom": I:;tmpe1‘mure.
`‘C:hiI"£3.t3‘iiul¥1 xmsé 211.50 ftmnii in g:3x1—£2:‘aie- vibmnitz mm‘ pc*1‘f¢,)r‘I11::x1.ctt in §£i»{§i["$3ii1ilil3} .~.zc:2mc§ium
`gniiixxnx gamma:{ ‘ 3
`in nmmflc
`in C3':.1'i"IIT1il3I1%£§G{W{'i 1I\2ue:;'i2x}:< Jed m :1 I‘c?hiI”f.}1
`'§'i1:!&;c* m):(3£3t1¥‘£:giJi3g rxzsétaixs
`s:>1id~2:s{z1.t:': iasm‘ msezxrcéx.
`'I'i::»:a_pphixx: {the »crc.w~m jewel a:>.f‘ rm.s<;%m'n umahfe *i-1{)1§d~§$¥lI€‘.
`7R. C. »Mt?i§'1‘;i:$ zine:
`‘£3423. M, 2*}‘7£§.
`fZ.%.1:z:e. “£;‘.i’1r1S1:xxium~.£3tsgsez:f §im‘§4}}um :\
`1.,-+’sz;z:.o::,_”" £35.
`()_.E3v ifiitéifii} i’¥*1}’.‘.€.T\}.
`r’It<3x“.t§rr_g €)pt.. Sci,
`(.1. ¥~'.m~.r;»-cnx. ¢'\nr’u.ti’tl
`5}; C, ’K‘i-Kfliinéz H. 3’, Jensseeit, R. (‘L I‘.‘is:f!‘x‘i’:-A iii. W. (.3‘IZ7z:.iL zimii E}.
`2":-ms-21.. ’:Z;z:1:’F:-zme:.i.\"
`(f)"{)c»§S, xsmf ti}, Pfifmxtrll, iépz,
`Mil. 41132 1.‘§?‘.9
`., $3.11 ¥;1. ILC‘, 'ivtm';is\ and W, (.'}'1{§<£§,
`J} gfjuzmnml


`sun. 1
`Vfizlfing‘ H. ii’...!4.*§.'xL*.i$¢.ix,., R. (J. §\-§m‘r'x»2;, anrfl Fri. W. {2‘i3e.iL P.m¢’:.
`r‘.‘f»"1‘?‘. , .\
`. g.
`f’ftz':I:,2 .1pJ. {IL .
`.¥3«0 (f‘3li?$\‘)§;
`Q.?\<‘l.- in 331131} axsti H. 3x‘~f¥.\f£‘.i’.‘£i. Ii
`.1. 23:1? cmmm £i‘!¢¢'!:‘(zr:‘
`“hm. :~;em=:: ma .1, ’xm:1ag. xzam 1., «.2; g;
`J3. 6!? Q1" iiftm I2’/es..tro»n. {3}'i»¥*}:i'~$?"’? {WKEL
` V E-ix.'~tr.§}sm‘:. I‘? »
`in. V. V
`cw. A. A. .”s>i:x»I‘§<ut§r:.. XI‘, 33,
`€3xi3:Z<a., V. {L -f_}5t.ro1n'nx’s\~u
`3?; if
`xtnm, A.
`R 3.’,
`¥ ‘V. A‘ .S£m,i.rm.’:”sz ‘AA F2 13:’
`‘s’_. and ‘L A 3-3hz;%!1»;*:-¥mikm<,Jim.
`.1, Qutmlxlm I?!!c<::m:»r:.
`:3.-A zzm-<:<;:x;3,:..

`5312, $1.2
`was ciisc<m3ms:i in [$182 by ivimulixm at ‘Evil’? L-inu-fin 1.21%.” L/fxfiilmlgis swpixire is i»?1{2»£}?£ii§$}¥
`Ewes" mz':t<':ri2'x1 tfwby is CT” in »s2'1m.m.irx:.) the :'Ii..~'.(:cw‘<:ry Hi‘ the hmmtily tzinat->l:': nat1m*: uf ’.Y’i3‘3’
`in srspphira xvas quite. 1}l‘§£§>:,g3:r2{:t(;€(L A reviasv rcpm an i'u113I)Ie -.~';(11Ii(‘1«.s‘L.:§i:? 1:x:;m‘-=3 p1.s131i.sisz;:;i in
`1982” mui .a 1‘m.<icw pap.i;:¥‘ can a1c::s;:1m*ix*§m tmn::r:«; in i*£18:€’3‘
`cit; mat awn mmtim) ”.l“i:§:1.pp31ir::,
`.Pm't mi tm: :'ic.§;;.;; in "fi:.~;;:2ppI1Em m1'tc1*g,i;:g as;
`:3 vizxbk! C(H1‘I!1‘i62I‘£f§t:Il
`luxmbléi mlid-xt.:xEné
`fzmzr was;
`’-i‘§:z4::;3;}:hi?::: c:'}’s;ia}s; xhixxvmi. an ab.~;0;‘pt“i<}xx at the lasing
`tit?‘ -rzxzah
`wz2vc1e;.1;:1fbé; Q-mi
`;;ppm;s*§tn£am¥y an r}‘£'d€x’
`ililfkf higher mam {hit
`:iI>;\tmjpi%t::1: in
`ma <f:3;i¥::::»t.:; Wi3.’t‘§:vp~:’§1p{)s§x:t&“}m and mi:-2;’ t¥1Li.Ch .irws':.x~
`tigéxximrz me iuisifiiiiéeii z;b;_av:)»x‘;a=ii<;t3 in w::r:.x»«.::zi»:gm£iien»L»’1”ms2=;zc:. {X163} crysfizxix Wm: :'»;h<:2“vm iii) be
`€§?§¥£‘~ Kc} iquatlrupbg iximiztzd iiianium I71
`”’[)- -siiigsiihsting i’m“‘ 61:: aiumizmm in ihs;z saztpb;:«Ixix'%f:.'”*"‘
`éami zmmitzisfiixg me£.§1<.1c$:; have signi.‘i‘1£:::z':§»¥y mfitxcrctei 'ih'§fi ;.>:'xj;bie:1n in szmdzsnt {:¢imnm32‘~
`i>—i:1:1 ’i7i:a4:rppfx.§ra ’am1ts:.riai.
`'f‘i;s;;z;3phi3‘c (3<3x2s suffizr from 3 few‘.-' (fist:-cl'wxz’1izzgc"*:s.
`in s;_§it:3 at‘ ‘m; nmnv‘ ;>a;¥v:mt:sg::s,
`;;vzn'ti::—ul;ar, its s‘hm'( uppve
`ale l§fiE3{i1"Ci& (342 ;:.:~;;) rxmk::.~; if quite difticull {(3 pump xvii}: zr §2un.p.
`A.It!"aough l2:xnp~pu11zg_:)e~al
`I‘d£~3t:‘.£‘?,s' have been hTui,¥t_."" most mm1'ne:rc:iz1I Titszzupphirc
`izixczrs; rm: ;.>trn1pr3££ with 2:1'g0I‘1.*ios1 or d'c':L1bkz'(i Nd:YAG ¥asc.z:»:,
`Sm‘B1,‘é1l other :mt4;s.r‘:;233 have 53911 some cs:»xxune1'cia.I intrsmsl as pos.sib.h: lamp pumped
`.la:»cr :m’z£cx‘iz1}x. In pz*u':‘ycu’lzu‘ 'I..i(;7:.1.t.¥.11-""1,;CTTr” and I..¢iSs'Al?F(,:{;‘r3““ hzwe.
`smmz im::'re..«;1.a:s'
`possiizsic himibkf cmmnercfiai Iascr smL::'ce..w..*" A ut1m1f>s::;'
`.::>f‘mi1£2:L‘ chromiutn—dopc:c§ nuatcmaizs
`§:1&:i1tL§.it1g C'.i'2f(.)t2¥i'i€.tx’it€§
`ami £Zf‘r.:YA{§' em-ct v:1i:;<:r :si‘1:,m/ing .su‘s.)1':,s_2 §3cm>nI;iz1i;3‘
`T.s‘z.::2s:.i£is';:1n nrefzxl s;:.2¥ici~s£z:1z: tzxnxziiaitz I.a5;ex:»; am: still §:>eirzg: ‘;i1:£i\’:':§j§‘-d(2>V€3}(’5§)s?d.
`am-E Buc3gm' «:9: 21!-733 pn:.:vi<.k*. e’vmvc§ c-svemitzw’ I:<m1m1::2nt:; of t.i‘zi.:»‘:
`.»:YeW:!0_;3E11g,_ .tie!d.
`in as;§:<.¥§{i<':n,
`t.¥1§:.;;"e. an‘: ihrxae‘ special. isstmiz; sin 3fEi‘£SE jam‘:-m§.'\‘ an £1:1;::xhic Em rs.“
` ».~......»...»~»«.w.....w-
`"£2.11; I..,.-ah, Le>;i
`"Ir .¥s‘«.:;t1n‘rr.. £“3'}'I€§ M.)v.M.3<2<3i,3§i4 ij W821}; i_Id$'I’ Li
`‘*3’. fi ?%”¥i)ll§’§£\%‘L ..‘£r»fi¢-i 5:1-me 1?;
`<m'1£u::. "!>i2:cc*nL .1ac£*a-':au<*e..
`in .‘$cs1ig'i~{>‘1m:c Lime:-3," }’‘m::;
`s-x:yx<xx‘ts2t'1 {try 1’.
`test ‘£¥A2,
`iE}’r.’:’i1'xz~.:)f7f.¢ :Ximhe.§sn.’iI:.‘fis,, W§,§~3., ;.
`“Ii, £3.
`tT5.m:.n1f:s:.x' and R, C}, §3u;\:»;'vr.. W J.‘<z,f'.Qur:n1IrrnI£!r<41z)1:. Qfi~ 23:1 179? (}F3§.§‘3).
` > (.y;{';;;,_,..,.. , J, ()(_[.'..{:/?m;g;;14,r4;;..............
`‘»<‘.;x!Iing.,..1I'}—,V»1'?, A$’§s:f1te2r;.$1.m$mux:is&m1V {T},.Jw.H‘mrxx;:,..19.-;’&;m£?:¢te:(. mail »I%.»
`.3.1:sszss mmg.
`m_.nvw;mv,kaf£mWmm,..£;,£,wfl.”i.,.Q :\_2t, mM .(,3.Qfi5j,' ,. ,,
`“A, S;m<:=Im., fa. 3, §immx.\:., K, 1,, Ext nmval, sznd R. E. Fzaiwy, Ii. .41. <if(3llri'JI{lJIII £?3m’¢:n'u,
`3~¥:‘9‘*“i §!*}8l§}.
`1 “E-'9...
`vxziw, M ., upgrvi. R. E3‘:-1¥E3::?y, A. §5°tr2sn«.2s, W;
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