Vol. 92
`State Cites Cata
`which are needed far more cluwhere,”
`pay largé hospital bills
`cent of ail hospital r
`AUGUSTA (AP) — Backers of a bill to
`Humas Services Commissioner Mi
`Petit sald in a prepared statement deh.
`OF shared ameng
`These lenses would
`ered to the comnntice
`abolish Maine's Catastrophic (ines Pro-
`ehael Pelisaid the program,
`set up jo
`‘commercial ingurdere companves Blue
`gram assured a legistative panel Monday
`help poople whose hospital bills
`are not
`“Sen Mary Najarian, 0-Poetland, Sen.
`Cross-Hlue Shield, Medicaid,
`the plan would oct jeopardize medical
`covered by insurance and who
`do not
`ate chairmanof the commiliee aned spon
`bly Medstare, according to the propo
`qualify for welfare,
`reimburses Maine
`treatment for sertously ill people without
`sor of Uhe bill, noted thal more than Se
`Mon of patients Uhey serve Currently er-
`other resources Othe abliity of hospitals
`hospitals for only 1 percent of their bad
`percent of the current participants have
`ther the slate ner
`to be paid
`debts” They recover the “eost-
`ne insurance of their oxn, so the pro
`pays those costs.
`the Blue Cou. Blue
`But oppdoents of the Brennan admunis.
`shifting” the debes to insurance cumpa.
`gram ts helping relatively few of the peo
`id thare
`WS contracts
`tration DI said custoniers of commer.
`ies and olher patients, he said.
`Plc it Was
`intended to help
`with hogputals. proponents
`cial jnsurance companies would have to
`While the number of people sefved by
`Ry chimindting the program., which
`Bul opponents of the hall, and even aco
`the program al & given lime is relatively
`absorb moat of the &-million-a-yrar coo!
`covers alreadyincarred hospital coats of
`sponsor, ohpectéd to going wighnwt
`feast until the new Maine Health Care
`small—140 this month,— the cont fias
`more than $7,000.
`“we're pasaing ithe
`Program between the end of this marth
`Fisance Commission begins selfing reve
`soared, he said, and is expected fo be
`Cont} On reallyto those wha have the abil
`ard October aben the commmnsion be
`eues for henpltals this fall
`about double the $15 million budgeted
`ily topay. Ms’
`Najarian said
`RIS. setling revenue Umnits for each hes
`Apd others warped the Appropriations
`through the end of
`this fiseal. year in
`Proponents argue thal costs currently
`‘Commities thal eiminatlng the program
`June. Each moath that the program con.
`horne bythe program would be included
`Im pot geang to
`be feft oat in the mcd:
`could caust steep increases in hospital
`Linwes Cons Sale Laxpayers £500,000. be
`inthe amount the healthfinance com-
`of the river
`ny one oar.”
`charges during the same period; acd to
`mission allows each hospital to recover
`co-sponsor Fh
`‘dward C Kelleher
`pressure om loeal property taxes: and
`© “The lime hat come to terminate this
`through tis rates for charity tases and
`program before it consumes resources
`force same people to sell their homes to
`(Continuedon Page & Column
`bad debts, which accountfor about 5 per
`PMC Exhibit 2118
`PMC Exhibit 2118
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 1
`Page 1
` bighway connecting southeastern Mas
` Reagan looks omalthe White House
`Bass Plans
`Layoffs in
`From Sun Stall
`and consulta! Conner Tuths
`Authorities saidit appeared the com
`Berlin, N.H.
`and AP fteports
`kers had been tampered with before
`said Monday might
`AUGUSTA — Statewide distribution
`they reached the
`Noting thal the Mexeco incuferi 1s the
`first case of contamunated cooks re
`af Girl Scout cookies was suspended in
`Larry Roy of Emil Street, Lewiston,
`Sun Regional News
`Maine. on Monday following the discov
`told.pobies Monday aflerqoan that his
`ported an the Kenneber Cou
`BERLIN, NOH—The deterioration
`ery of sewing pina insoine bexes in Le
`Tullis said eounet! officials wuule!
`had found » pin ina chocolate mint
`and a number of olher
`Girt Scout cookie,
`shoemaking capacities
`ably releasean official statement Tues
`communities Meanwhile, a Lewiston
`in northern New Englahd continued
`A Lewiston woman, meanchile.
`Monday with the arnouncement
`my20 wears in
`bonpital has offered to X-ray boxes of
`portedlydiscovered pins inat feast one
`workers in this town will be laid off be-
`the cookies Inge
`of charge.
`box of cookles, and she had to retrieve
`is thefirst time anything, like Uy
`fame as the president of
`26 entire case of the cookies which she
`ginning immediately. This is the third
`‘The ac: an
`saad Mrs Tuths
`the company thal makes the cookies
`pokesman at Central Mayne Meds
`significant job action taken by Bass in
`ted through her ntighbor-
`the last two months
`said reports of needles and paper clips
`cal Center in Lewiston said the hespatat
` Alto, Mexico Girl Scout Renda Bil
`in boxes are likely to “cripple” the an
`“We advised our employees iin Ber
`will X-ray cookies in vis
`Noor rads.
`naal charity sate.
`lin! today that there will be a reduction
`department We sauf
`the Lewiston
`lings escaped injury whenshe 6/1 into a
`The Kennebec Girl Scout Council fol
`the work
`force,” said Eugene
`cookie conaining a sewing pin Monday
`and Auburn police departments or An
`towed the lead of Maine's other council,
`Messier, Hass personnel manager in
`evening at her home, accarding to her
`droscoggin Sheriff Department
`‘Wilton-Me- Kessler said-the-minberot
`the Abnati-Girl Seout-Council deciding
`should be-approsched lirst. and if the
`Demo Candidates Vie
`Monday to tispead dietritatan ot the
`dismissals would "be “‘significant™ but
`aThOrMesfee Ue TRICS may have |
`olicn could find noshens that
`cookies after a report that an Oakland
`lampered with.
`the company hadn't determined an
`the box had been tampeted with, added
`exact oumber yet
`girl found a sewing needlein ane
`Mrs. Billings.
`Randa had sold 76 boxes of cookies
`}eFudden of the Watde
`faut, a wholly-qwned subsidiary of
`‘The Abnaki Council suspended distri
`and Mrs. Billings contacted most of hey
`{0's Department said most
`Chesebrough Pond Corp.
`‘bation of the cookies Sunday alter a
`for Conn.
`170 workers in Berlin. Keasher
`woman bit intoa cookie wilh a pin in it
`customers Monday
`had apparently |
`mn Lowsville,
`No injuries have been reported, but the
`“TL feel very bad abou! the contamy
`sald that at many as half of them, or 183
`naled cookies and the effect on the abil
`Waldo Counly Sheriff's Department
`shipped by rail to lhe state
`people, could be laid off
`in the next
`By The Associated Press
`can policies with these of President Rea-
`said it found four other boxes. with pins
`ityof the Girl Seouts ta raise funds for
`three weeks, with anme people having
`in thern.
`Condinwedon PageA Column 5
`Gary Hart and Walter Mondale dif
`Scouting activities.” Mexico troop ov:
`been dismissed as of last Friday
`fered Monday over the U5, pole in Cen-
`“Uf the Mondale policy or the Reagan
`“| doo'l expect it will be more than
`tral America. while Mondale widened his
` halts Keasler anid,delegate f onadinVirginia'seotecimesPolicies are followed, not only will thisESRBmul otisCCURIalLi
`ifChasedtwoMilne punts in
`both looked to Tuenday’s Democratic
`fuse leading toward an explosion in that
`Duarte LeadsEl Salvador|Voti
`the Last two months, putting mare than
`presidential primary in Connecticut,
`fegion, I am abselutely convinced in this
`300 employees out of work. The North
`decade we will see Use loss. the rather
`On the eve of the Connecticul primary,
`day plant closed effective February 1
`Hari accused Mondale of advocating a
`large loss, of American fives in that re-
`with tome 25 workers affected, and the
`(Central Americanpolicy that would Inad
`gicn,,"" Hart said
`closing of the Rumford plant was an-
`@leeLion foulupe bewered Ihe turneat (rom
`to US.bla trailed with 17.1 percent
`The Colorada
`senator once again
`rn askembly
`the bafboting for
`poanced Luntweek with anather 270 jobs
`In Connecticut, polls pat Hart
`in a
`brought up what he said
`in (92
`They said betwe
`1 millionand
`Position to win the stale and thus
`belated call fora withdrawal from South-
`13 emillhon voters cast
`their ballots Sun
`ft if the closing of the Rumford plant
`east Asia in the (970s, saying Mondale's
`aclean sweep afthe New Ergland
`that has bed te the Layoffs af Berlin,
`pared toabout §
`5 mmllion un 1982
`view of Central America is “part of a
`Lon council had estimatedthere
`Kessler said, coupled with “seasonal
`Pattern stretching back to Vietnam, a
`Auctaations” in the shoe industry.
`In Connecticut, polls put
`million Salvadorans ehgible io
`willingness to wall for consensus to torm
`Since they (Berlin’ supply 3 signifi
`in the election baycotted by theleft
`and thes moving oul in frootofit *
`cant amount of materials to the Hum:
`Hartin a strong position to
`But the former vice president, quea-
`win the state and thus
`ford plant, the closing Uhere has a ripple
`Uoned by college students in Manhaitan,
`reniyfive percent of
`the people
`effect on the Berlin plant," he aid. Ber
`against d@ubuisson,
`make a clean sweepof the
`Said the United Stales shouldlet the peo-
`in makes components which are trans
`pit of Central America make their oan
`death squads. agains! the viole
`New England.
`ferred to planta in Rumford, Wilton,
`and Bangor for final assembly
`agains) the guerrillas
`“Forces of all the big powers should
`Ashare of the Berlin dismissals could
`news conference
`Meanwhile, a new, national New York
`get out of there,” Moodaje said. “I'm nat
`be temporary. Kessler indicated.
`Times-CBS News poll said Mondale has
`going lo pick sides *
`D Aubuiseon has denied at
`probably be a callback of
`connected with the
`rebounded from the sharp plunge on
`Hart wants American troops with:
`some magnitude during the summer
`Democratic support he nuffered allerlos
`the ky
`drawa from the batle-worn region
`months. We are not yet able tn deter
`civil war
`Later Monday, Mondale said Hart is
`ing lo Hart in New Hampshire and other
`mine the final number of employees
` vars rushing
`early contests
`getting “frantic” by trying to link him
`who could return to work, but we'll
`Their survey of 1.217 adults around the
`with the Reagai
`inistration because
`ating with
`have a better idea alter we go through
`United States, excluding Alaska and Ha-
`jes ane Reagan's are two
`(he sumbers.” Kessler said
` the whris
`‘whi, of whom B62 said they were regis-
`Jule Adoifo few Prenities
`The Bass efficial said that not many
`touadlyclterca things.” And Mondale
`tered to vote and 429 said they were Dem-
`elaborated on his Central American posi
`‘otralic primary voters, reported thal i?
`Continued on Page & Column
`Continuedon Page & Columa 3
`percent supported Mondale to 25 percent
`“T do nol wanl a combat role down
`for Hart and 9 percent for Jackson.
`there at all
`for American troops,” he
`‘The organization: abo reinterviewed
`unt, adding tater:
`a7? Democrats who were included in a
`“TL would dramatically draw down the
`number of farses in Honduras.
`surveyIn late February and found thal
`almost half of them had switched their
`“| would strictly limil ald to El] Salva-
`choice for the party's presidential pom
`pation inthe past month The resuil, the
`“What T wouldn't do it pull every one
`Tunes said, wos a rebound for Mondale
`oul now.”
`Whittoker Chambers Posthumous Recipient
`bul also indicated a close contest,
`the newt
`John F Kennedy
`mayeitee prove
`and welne
`WASHINGTON «AP)—The posthu
`‘Campaigning In New York on Monday,
`he became
`mous award to Whittaker Chambers was
`Mart lumped Mondale’s Central Ameri-
`Continued on Page 8Column §
`troverss in
`1 history that svn
`focus of controversy hut James Cag.
`baled var
`snpac sirugele be
`ney. his eyes brimming
`wilh Itars,
`the emotional spotlight Montiay as he re
`hambers and i2other hon
`etived the Medal of Freedom—the na
`orces siepped furward to rece the
`tion's highest cralian honor—from
`President Reagan
`medal froin Reaga
`73, sal uns
`The gene in the While House East
`Reemwas reminiscent of
`~Yanker Doo
`@ yhant
`in the world of entertain
`Stock Market:
`ames Cagney
`has left his
`dle Dandy," the 142 movie which won
`Issues involved in takeover devel
`athe film andustey but on the
`opments provided moat of thé excite-
`Cagney an Academy Award for best
`Sunny; 45-50
`ofall hes fellow Amerecans~ Hea
`Weather Detalls on Page &
`ment asthe
`elock markel drifted tea
`actor But thes time, Cagney's tears were
`gun re:
`anual toss Monday The Dow Jones
`accepted the
`One of hes meet remembered perfor
`average of 39 Industrials, up aboul 2
`coveted medal for hs falher,aformer
`mances, as George Mi tohan in“ Vankee
`points a! midday, closed down 1 i) al
`communist whose
`Doodle Dandy. wat a whirhaind singing
`New England:
`Four men were senienced to
`and dancing film that inspired a mation at
`Slock Report on Page 12
`Alger tiss was the springboard for the
`wt sorely needed a bit
`an obscure
`prisan terms ranging from 6 to 12
`samed Richard Nixon Chambers died in
`yearn Monday for the gang rape of a
`1961 at the age of 60
`Cagney was congratulated by thepres
`WOMEN on & barrbom pool lable. The
`judge said the four “brutalized a de-
`‘Al a ceitical moment in our nalons
`wien and kissed by First Lady Nancy
`smule creased
`history, Whittaker Chambers sioodalone
`femucleas young woman and sought
`patted the president's hand ‘Then the ald
`Against the brooding terrors o
`to degrade and destroy her hurnan,
`individual dignity."
`said the citation read by Reagan
`sumimate intellectual, writer of moving,
`Story on Page &
`Continued on Page @ Cohumn 5
`Amazon Ex. 1007
`IPR Petition - USP 8,046,791
`Girl Scout Cookie Distribution Suspended
`Pins Found in L-A Area Boxes
`SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (APs —
`Chrisian Democrat
`Jose Napoleon
`Duarte tock a commanding tead in El
`Salvador’s presidential elec!
`as the
`vole count retuned Monday
`peared he would face a runail+
`‘wing candidale Roberto d’ Aubuisson
`‘There were seatlered clashes between
`Roverment troops and lefl-wing rebels
`during Sunday's balloting, bul-no direct
`atlacks on polling places were reported.
`In the biggest battle, 30 soldiers were
`killed near-Tejutepeque 36 miles: morth-
`eatl of San Salvador
`Lit Col, Carton Alfredo Rivas, the army
`in Cabanas
`| claimed some of the soldiers had been
`| shot after they were taken prisoner He
`said the bodies of
`six guerrillas were
`found and quoted witnesses as reporting.
`the rebels carried away the bodirs of
`about 23 of their comrades
`Noofficial returns were released,
`these tabulated by the Christian Demo
`crats showed Duarte winning 47.1 per:
`Cent of the vote with 3.227 of the country’s
`6592 precincts reporting in the eight.
`man race
`They showed d'Aubuitson of the Re
`poblican Nationalist Alliance petting 287
`percent and Francisco Jose Guerrero of
`the National Concitation Partyreceiving,
`16.4 percent
`I no candidate receives a majority,
`the wo front-runners will meet ina ran.
`off election in about a month
`The Christian Democrats’ figures were
`similar to estimates given by
`US ob
`servers who said they were based on
`unofficial information fram ihe Central
`Election Counc
`Thevote count,
`suspendedlate Sunday
`after a dispute at the election computer
`resummed Monday
`Ut was not known when official figures
`would be released, but fim
`Rot expected to be known unt
`the week
`US. officials said guerrilla sabotage
`including allacks on power facteties, and
`Tearful James Cagney Gets Freedom Medal
`There's something for
`Evaryane in Sunday!
`French ¢
`All French ti
`ond American
`TRAFFIC 18 MOVING — Cars move
`techosells commeniiies with Boston,
`along Boston's Southeart Expressway
`Expected major Wleups failed to occor,
`during mish hour traffic Morday, ibe
`(AP Photo!
`first day of reconstruction an the busy
`Good Morning
`ACW pdehing is nol Ube mysterious
`ailment it may sound, according to
`Dr. Donohue. It's a term used bo de-
`scribe whol
`a doclor may notice
`whenlooking inte the back of lhe eye
`through his ophthalmoscope
`(oochor column en Page 5
`‘Whal are Joe Altobelli and the Bal-
`Umare Orioles golng to do for an en-
`core? “The 1980 season was # ire
`TMendous one," sald Altobelli, who
`managed the’ Orioles to the world
`Earl Weaver's successor, But that
`champlorahlp In bis fir year
`wos last year
`on Pag
`On the Inside
`1 Financial
`Clan Ate ET Con
`4 Baal &
`Na Serie Forem
`Dear Abey
`7 Sperta
`1 Super iepper
`Or Densten
`4 Teleetaion
`a recipient of the
`Cagney waa
`Medal of Freedom, (AP Photat
`James Cagney geta o kise from Firat
`Lady Naecy Reagan while Prealdent


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`PMC Exh
`PMC Exhibit 2118
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`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 2

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