Limits of Static Analysis for Malware Detection
`Andreas Moser, Christopher Kruegel, and Engin Kirda
`Secure Systems Lab
`Technical University Vienna
`Malicious code is an increasingly important problem
`that threatens the security of computer systems. The tradi-
`tional line of defense against malware is composed of mal-
`ware detectors such as virus and spyware scanners. Un-
`fortunately, both researchers and malware authors have
`demonstrated that these scanners, which use pattern match-
`ing to identify malware, can be easily evaded by simple code
`transformations. To address this shortcoming, more pow-
`erful malware detectors have been proposed. These tools
`rely on semantic signatures and employ static analysis tech-
`niques such as model checking and theorem proving to per-
`form detection. While it has been shown that these systems
`are highly effective in identifying current malware, it is less
`clear how successful they would be against adversaries that
`take into account the novel detection mechanisms.
`The goal of this paper is to explore the limits of static
`analysis for the detection of malicious code. To this end,
`we present a binary obfuscation scheme that relies on the
`idea of opaque constants, which are primitives that allow
`us to load a constant into a register such that an analysis
`tool cannot determine its value. Based on opaque constants,
`we build obfuscation transformations that obscure program
`control flow, disguise access to local and global variables,
`and interrupt tracking of values held in processor registers.
`Using our proposed obfuscation approach, we were able
`to show that advanced semantics-based malware detectors
`can be evaded. Moreover, our opaque constant primitive
`can be applied in a way such that is provably hard to an-
`alyze for any static code analyzer. This demonstrates that
`static analysis techniques alone might no longer be suffi-
`cient to identify malware.
`Malicious code (or malware) is defined as software that
`fulfills the harmful intent of an attacker. The damage caused
`by malware has dramatically increased in the past few
`years [8]. One reason is the rising popularity of the Internet
`and the resulting increase in the number of available vulner-
`able machines because of security-unaware users. Another
`reason is the elevated sophistication of the malicious code
`Current systems to detect malicious code (most promi-
`nently, virus scanners) are largely based on syntactic signa-
`tures. That is, these systems are equipped with a database
`of regular expressions that specify byte or instruction se-
`quences that are considered malicious. A program is de-
`clared malware when one of the signatures is identified in
`the program’s code.
`Recent work [2] has demonstrated that techniques such
`as polymorphism and metamorphism are successful in evad-
`ing commercial virus scanners. The reason is that syntactic
`signatures are ignorant of the semantics of instructions. To
`address this problem, a novel class of semantics-aware mal-
`ware detectors was proposed. These detectors [3, 10, 11]
`operate with abstract models, or templates, that describe the
`behavior of malicious code. Because the syntactic prop-
`erties of code are (largely) ignored, these techniques are
`(mostly) resilient against the evasion attempts discussed
`above. The premise of semantics-aware malware detectors
`is that semantic properties are more difficult to morph in an
`automated fashion than syntactic properties. While this is
`most likely true, the extent to which this is more difficult is
`less obvious. On one hand, semantics-aware detection faces
`the challenge that the problem of deciding whether a certain
`piece of code exhibits a certain behavior is undecidable in
`the general case. On the other hand, it is also not trivial for
`an attacker to automatically generate semantically equiva-
`lent code.
`The question that we address in this paper is the follow-
`ing: How difficult is it for an attacker to evade semantics-
`based malware detectors that use powerful static analysis to
`identify malicious code? We try to answer this question by
`introducing a binary code obfuscation technique that makes
`it difficult for an advanced, semantics-based malware de-
`tector to properly determine the effect of a piece of code.
`For this obfuscation process, we use a primitive known as
`Blue Coat Systems - Exhibit 1056

`opaque constant, which denotes a code sequence to load a
`constant into a processor register whose value cannot be de-
`termined statically. Based on opaque constants, we build a
`number of obfuscation transformations that are difficult to
`analyze statically.
`Given our obfuscation scheme, the next question that
`needs to be addressed is how these transformations should
`be applied to a program. The easiest way, and the approach
`chosen by most previous obfuscation approaches [6, 20], is
`to work on the program’s source code. Applying obfusca-
`tion at the source code level is the normal choice when the
`distributor of a binary controls the source (e.g., to protect
`intellectual property). For malware that is spreading in the
`wild, source code is typically not available. Also, malware
`authors are often reluctant to revealing their source code to
`make analysis more difficult. Thus, to guard against objec-
`tions that our presented threats are unrealistic, we present a
`solution that operates directly on binaries.
`The core contributions of our paper are as follows:
`• We present a binary obfuscation scheme based on the
`idea of opaque constants. This scheme allows us to
`demonstrate that static analysis of advanced malware
`detectors can be thwarted by scrambling control flow
`and hiding data locations and usage.
`• We introduce a binary rewriting tool that allows us
`to obfuscate Windows and Linux binary programs for
`which no source code or debug information is avail-
`• We present experimental results that demonstrate that
`semantics-aware malware detectors can be evaded suc-
`cessfully. In addition, we show that our binary trans-
`formations are robust, allowing us to run real-world
`obfuscated binaries under both Linux and Windows.
`The code obfuscation scheme introduced in this paper
`provides a strong indication that static analysis alone might
`not be sufficient to detect malicious code. In particular, we
`introduce an obfuscation scheme that is provably hard to an-
`alyze statically. Because of the many ways in which code
`can be obfuscated and the fundamental limits in what can
`be decided statically, we firmly believe that dynamic analy-
`sis is a necessary complement to static detection techniques.
`The reason is that dynamic techniques can monitor the in-
`structions that are actually executed by a program and thus,
`are immune to many code obfuscating transformations.
`2 Code Obfuscation
`In this section, we present the concepts of the transfor-
`mations that we apply to make the code of a binary difficult
`to analyze statically. As with most obfuscation approaches,
`the basic idea behind our transformations is that either some
`instructions of the original code are replaced by program
`fragments that are semantically equivalent but more diffi-
`cult to analyze, or that additional instructions are added to
`the program that do not change its behavior.
`2.1 Opaque Constants
`Constant values are ubiquitous in binary code, be it as the
`target of a control flow instruction, the address of a variable,
`or an immediate operand of an arithmetic instruction. In its
`simplest form, a constant is loaded into a register (expressed
`by a move constant, $register instruction). An im-
`portant obfuscation technique that we present in this paper
`is based on the idea of replacing this load operation with a
`set of semantically equivalent instructions that are difficult
`to analyze statically. That is, we generate a code sequence
`that always produces the same result (i.e., a given constant),
`although this fact would be difficult to detect from static
`Figure 1. Opaque constant calculation
`Simple Opaque Constant Calculation Figure 1 shows
`one approach to create a code sequence that makes use
`of random input and different intermediate variable values
`on different branches.
`In this code sequence, the value
`unknown is a random value loaded during runtime. To
`prepare the opaque constant calculation, the bits of the con-
`stant that we aim to create have to be randomly partitioned
`into two groups. The values of the arrays zero and one
`are crafted such that after the for loop, all bits of the first
`group have the correct, final value, while those of the sec-
`ond group depend on the random input (and thus, are un-
`known). Then, using the appropriate values for set ones
`and set zeros, all bits of the second group are forced to

`sults demonstrate that the simple opaque constant calcula-
`tion is already sufficient to thwart current malware detec-
`tors. However, we also explored the design space of opaque
`constants to identify primitives for which stronger guaran-
`tees with regard to robustness against static analysis can be
`provided. In the following paragraphs, we discuss a prim-
`itive that relies on the NP-hardness of the 3-satisfiability
`NP-Hard Opaque Constant Calculation The idea of the
`following opaque constant is that we encode the instance of
`an NP-hard problem into a code sequence that calculates
`our desired constant. That is, we create an opaque constant
`such that the generation of an algorithm to precisely deter-
`mine the result of the code sequence would be equivalent to
`finding an algorithm to solve an NP-hard problem. For our
`primitive, we have chosen the 3-satisfiability problem (typ-
`ically abbreviated as 3SAT) as a problem that is known to
`be hard to solve. The 3SAT problem is a decision problem
`where a formula in Boolean logic is given in the following
`i=1(Vi1 ∨ Vi2 ∨ Vi3)
`where Vij ∈ {v1, ..., vm} and v1, ..., vm are Boolean vari-
`ables whose value can be either true or false. The task is
`now to determine if there exists an assignment for the vari-
`ables vk such that the given formula is satisfied (i.e., the
`formula evaluates to true). 3SAT has been proven to be NP-
`complete in [9].
`Consider the code sequence in Figure 2. In this primi-
`tive, we define m boolean variables v1 . . . vm, which corre-
`spond directly to the variables in the given 3SAT formula.
`By v1 . . . vm, we denote their negations. The pointers V11
`to Vn3 refer to the variables used in the various clauses of
`the formula. In other words, the pointers V11 to Vn3 encode
`a 3SAT problem based on the variables v1 . . . vm. The loop
`simply evaluates the encoded 3SAT formula on the input.
`If the assignment of variables v1 . . . vm does not satisfy the
`formula, there will always be at least one clause i that evalu-
`ates to false. When the check in the loop is evaluated for that
`specific clause, the result will always be true (as the check
`is performed against the negate of the clause). Therefore,
`the opaque constant will be set to 0. On the other hand, if
`the assignment satisfies the encoded formula, the check per-
`formed in the loop will never be true. Therefore, the value
`of the opaque constant is not overwritten and remains 1.
`In the opaque constant presented in Figure 2, the 3SAT
`problem (that is, the pointers V11 to Vn3) is prepared by the
`obfuscator. However, the actual assignment of boolean val-
`ues to the variables v1 . . . vm is randomly performed during
`runtime. Therefore, the analyzer cannot immediately evalu-
`ate the formula. The trick of our opaque constant is that the
`Figure 2. Opaque constant based on 3SAT
`their correct values (while those of the first group are left
`unchanged). The result is that all bits of constant hold
`the desired value at the end of the execution of the code.
`An important question is how the arrays zero and one
`can be prepared such that all bits of the first group are guar-
`anteed to hold their correct value. This can be accom-
`plished by ensuring that, for each i, all bits that belong
`to the first group have the same value for the two array
`elements zero[i] and one[i]. Thus, independent of
`whether zero[i] or one[i] is used in the xor opera-
`tion with constant, the values of all bits in the first group
`are known after each loop iteration. Of course, the bits
`that belong to the second group can be randomly chosen
`for all elements zero[i] and one[i]. Thus, the value
`of constant itself is different after each loop iteration.
`Because a static analyzer cannot determine the exact path
`that will be chosen during execution, the number of pos-
`sible constant values doubles after each loop iteration. In
`such a case, the static analyzer would likely have to resort
`to approximation, in which case the exact knowledge of the
`constant is lost.
`This problem could be addressed for example by intro-
`ducing a more complex encoding for the constant. If we
`use for instance the relationship between two bits to repre-
`sent one bit of actual information, we avoid the problem that
`single bits have the same value on every path. In this case,
`off-the-shelf static analyzers can no longer track the precise
`value of any variable.
`Of course, given the knowledge of our scheme, the de-
`fender has always the option to adapt the analysis such that
`the used encoding is taken into account. Similar to be-
`fore, it would be possible to keep the exact values for those
`variables that encode the same value after each loop itera-
`tion. However, this would require special treatment of the
`particular encoding scheme in use. Our experimental re-

`3SAT problem is prepared such that the formula is not sat-
`isfiable. Thus, independent of the actual input, the constant
`will always evaluate to 0. Of course, when a constant value
`of 1 should be generated, we can simply invert the result of
`the satisfiability test. Note that it is possible to efficiently
`generate 3SAT instances that are not satisfiable with a high
`probability [16]. A static analyzer that aims to exactly de-
`termine the possible values of our opaque constant has to
`solve the instance of the 3SAT problem. Thus, 3SAT is re-
`ducible in polynomial time to the problem of exact static
`analysis of the value of the given opaque constant.
`Note that the method presented above only generates one
`bit of opaque information but can be easily extended to cre-
`ate arbitrarily long constants.
`Basic Block Chaining One practical drawback of the
`3SAT primitive presented above is that its output has to be
`the same for all executions, regardless of the actual input.
`As a result, one can conceive an analysis technique that
`evaluates the opaque constant function for a few concrete
`inputs. When all output values are equal, one can assume
`that this output is the opaque value encoded. To counter this
`analysis, we introduce a method that we denote basic block
`the input for the 3SAT
`With basic block chaining,
`problems is not always selected randomly during runtime.
`Moreover, we do not always generate unsatisfiable 3SAT
`instances, but occasionally insert also satisfiable instances.
`In addition, we ensure that the input that solves a satisfiable
`formula is provided during runtime. To this end, the input
`variables v1 . . . vm to the various 3SAT formulas are real-
`ized as global variables. At the end of every basic block,
`these global variables are set in one of the three following
`ways: (1) to static random values, (2) to random values gen-
`erated at runtime, or (3), to values specially crafted such that
`they satisfy a solvable formula used to calculate the opaque
`constant in the next basic block in the control flow graph.
`To analyze a program that is obfuscated with basic block
`chaining, the analyzer cannot rely on the fact that the en-
`coded formula is always unsatisfiable. Also, when ran-
`domly executing a few sample inputs, it is unlikely that
`the analyzer chooses values that solve a satisfiable formula.
`The only way to dissect an opaque constant would be to
`first identify the basic block(s) that precede a certain for-
`mula and then determine whether the input values stored in
`this block satisfy the 3SAT problem. However, finding these
`blocks is not trivial, as the control flow of the program is ob-
`fuscated to make this task difficult (see the following Sec-
`tion 2.2 for more details). Thus, the analysis would have
`to start at the program entry point and either execute the
`program dynamically or resort to an approach similar to
`whole program simulation in which different branches are
`followed from the start, resolving opaque constants as the
`analysis progresses. Obviously, our obfuscation techniques
`fail against such methods, and indeed, this is consistent with
`an important point that we intend to make in this paper: dy-
`namic analysis techniques are a promising and powerful ap-
`proach to deal with obfuscated binaries.
`2.2 Obfuscating Transformations
`Using opaque constants, we possess a mechanism to load
`a constant value into a register without the static analyzer
`knowing its value. This mechanism can be expanded to per-
`form a number of transformations that obfuscate the control
`flow, data locations, and data usage of a program.
`2.2.1 Control Flow Obfuscation
`A central prerequisite for the ability to carry out advanced
`program analysis is the availability of a control flow graph.
`A Control Flow Graph (CFG) is defined as a directed graph
`G = (V, E) in which the vertices u, v ∈ V represent basic
`blocks and an edge e ∈ E : u → v represents a possible
`flow of control from u to v. A basic block describes a se-
`quence of instructions without any jumps or jump targets in
`the middle. More formally, a basic block is defined as a se-
`quence of instructions where the instruction in each position
`dominates, or always executes before, all those in later po-
`sitions. Furthermore, no other instruction executes between
`two instructions in the same sequence. Directed edges be-
`tween blocks represent jumps in the control flow, which are
`caused by control transfer instructions (CTI) such as calls,
`conditional jumps, and unconditional jumps.
`The idea to obfuscate the control flow is to replace un-
`conditional jump and call instructions with a sequence of
`instructions that do not alter the control flow, but make it
`difficult to determine the target of control transfer instruc-
`In other words, we attempt to make it as difficult
`as possible for an analysis tool to identify the edges in the
`control flow graph. Jump and call instructions exist as di-
`rect and indirect variants. In case of a direct control trans-
`fer instruction, the target address is provided as a constant
`operand. To obfuscate such an instruction, it is replaced
`with a code sequence that does not immediately reveal the
`value of the jump target to an analyst. To this end, the sub-
`stituted code first calculates the desired target address using
`an opaque constant. Then, this value is saved on the stack
`(along with a return address, in case the substituted instruc-
`tion was a call). Finally, a x86 ret(urn) operation is
`performed, which transfers control to the address stored on
`top of the stack (i.e., the address that is pointed to by the
`stack pointer). Because the target address was previously
`pushed there, this instruction is equivalent to the original
`jump or call operation.
`Typically, this measure is enough to effectively avoid the
`reconstruction of the CFG. In addition, we can also use ob-

`fuscation for the return address. When we apply this more
`complex variant to calls, they become practically indistin-
`guishable from jumps, which makes the analysis of the re-
`sulting binary even harder because calls are often treated
`differently during analysis.
`2.2.2 Data Location Obfuscation
`The location of a data element is often specified by provid-
`ing a constant, absolute address or a constant offset relative
`to a particular register. In both cases, the task of a static an-
`alyzer can be complicated if the actual data element that is
`accessed is hidden.
`When accessing a global data element, the compiler typ-
`ically generates an operation that uses the constant address
`of this element. To obfuscate this access, we first generate
`code that uses an opaque constant to store the element’s ad-
`dress in a register. In a second step, the original operation
`is replaced by an equivalent one that uses the address in
`the register instead of directly addressing the data element.
`Accesses to local variables can be obfuscated in a similar
`fashion. Local variable access is typically achieved by us-
`ing a constant offset that is added to the value of the base
`pointer register, or by subtracting a constant offset from the
`stack pointer. In both cases, this offset can be loaded into
`a register by means of an opaque constant primitive. Then,
`the now unknown value (from the point of view of the static
`analyzer) is used as offset to the base or stack pointer.
`Another opportunity to apply data location obfuscation
`are indirect function calls and indirect jumps. Modern op-
`erating systems make heavy use of the concept of dynami-
`cally linked libraries. With dynamically linked libraries, a
`program specifies a set of library functions that are required
`during execution. At program start-up, the dynamic linker
`maps these requested functions into the address space of the
`running process. The linker then populates a table (called
`import table or procedure linkage table) with the addresses
`of the loaded functions. The only thing a program has to
`do to access a library function during runtime is to jump to
`the corresponding address stored in the import table. This
`“jump” is typically realized as an indirect function call in
`which the actual target address of the library routine is taken
`from a statically known address, which corresponds to the
`appropriate table entry for this function.
`Because the address of the import table entry is encoded
`as a constant in the program code, dynamic library calls
`yield information on what library functions a program ac-
`tively uses. Furthermore, such calls also reveal the impor-
`tant information of where these functions are called from.
`Therefore, we decided to obfuscate import table entry ad-
`dresses as well. To this end, the import table entry address
`is first loaded into a register using an opaque constant. After
`this step, a register-indirect call is performed.
`2.2.3 Data Usage Obfuscation
`With data location obfuscation, we can obfuscate memory
`access to local and global variables. However, once values
`are loaded into processor registers, they can be precisely
`tracked. For example, when a function returns a value, this
`return value is typically passed through a register. When the
`value remains in the register and is later used as an argument
`to another function call, the static analyzer can establish this
`relationship. The problem from the point of view of the
`obfuscator is that a static analysis tool can identify define-
`use-chains for values in registers. That is, the analyzer can
`identify when a value is loaded into a register and when it
`is used later.
`To make the identification of define-use chains more dif-
`ficult, we obfuscate the presence of values in registers. To
`this end, we insert code that temporarily spills register con-
`tent to an obfuscated memory location and later reloads it.
`This task is accomplished by first calculating the address of
`a temporary storage location in memory using an opaque
`constant. We then save the register to that memory location
`and delete its content. Some time later, before the content of
`the register is needed again, we use another opaque constant
`primitive to construct the same address and reload the regis-
`ter. For this process, unused sections of the stack are chosen
`as temporary storage locations for spilled register values.
`After this obfuscation mechanism is applied, a static
`analysis can only identify two unrelated memory accesses.
`Thus, this approach effectively introduces the uncertainty of
`memory access to values held in registers.
`3 Binary Transformation
`To verify the effectiveness and robustness of the pre-
`sented code obfuscation methods on real-world binaries,
`it was necessary to implement a binary rewriting tool that
`is capable of changing the code of arbitrary binaries with-
`out assuming access to source code or program information
`(such as relocation or debug information).
`We did consider implementing our obfuscation tech-
`niques as part of the compiler tool-chain. This task would
`have been easier than rewriting existing binaries, as the
`compiler has full knowledge about the code and data com-
`ponents of a program and could insert obfuscation prim-
`itives during code generation. Unfortunately, using a
`compiler-based approach would have meant that it would
`not have been possible to apply our code transformations to
`real-world malware (except the few for which source code
`is available on the net). Also, the ability to carry out trans-
`formations directly on binary programs highlights the threat
`that code obfuscation techniques pose to static analyzers.
`When a modified compiler is required for obfuscation, a
`typical argument that is brought forward is that the threat

`is hypothetical because it is difficult to bundle a complete
`compiler with a malware program. In contrast, shipping a
`small binary rewriting engine together with malicious code
`is more feasible for miscreants.
`When we apply the transformations presented in this
`paper to a binary program, the structure of the program
`changes significantly. This is because the code that is be-
`ing rewritten requires a larger number of instructions after
`obfuscation, as single instructions get substituted by obfus-
`cation primitives. To make room for the new instructions,
`the existing code section is expanded and instructions are
`shifted. This has important consequences. First, instruc-
`tions that are targets of jump or call operations are relocated.
`As a result, the operands of the corresponding jump and call
`instructions need to be updated to point to these new ad-
`dresses. Note that this also effects relative jumps, which do
`not specify a complete target address, but only an offset rel-
`ative to the current address. Second, when expanding the
`code section, the adjacent data section has to be moved too.
`Unfortunately for the obfuscator, the data section often con-
`tains complex data structures that define pointers that refer
`to other locations inside the data section. All these pointers
`need to be adjusted as well.
`Before instructions and their operands can be updated,
`they need to be identified. At first glance, this might sound
`straightforward. However, this is not the case because the
`variable length of the x86 instruction set and the fact that
`code and data elements are mixed in the code section make
`perfect disassembly a difficult challenge.
`In our system, we use a recursive traversal disassembler.
`That is, we start by disassembling the program at the pro-
`gram entry point specified in the program header. We disas-
`semble the code recursively until every reachable procedure
`has been processed. After that, we focus on the remaining
`unknown sections. For these, we use a number of heuris-
`tics to recognize them as possible code. These heuristics
`include the use of byte signatures to identify function pro-
`logues or jump tables. Whenever a code region is identified,
`the recursive disassembler is restarted there. Otherwise, the
`section is declared as data.
`Our rewriting tool targets both the Linux ELF and the
`Windows PE file formats. Using the recursive disassembler
`approach and our heuristics, our binary rewriting tool is able
`to correctly obfuscate many (although not all) real-world
`binaries. More detailed results on the robustness of the tool
`are provided in Section 4.
`4 Evaluation
`In this section, we present experimental results and dis-
`cuss our experiences with our obfuscation tool. In particu-
`lar, we assess how effective the proposed obfuscation tech-
`niques are in evading malware detectors. In addition, we
`analyze the robustness of our binary rewriting tool by pro-
`cessing a large number of Linux and Windows applications.
`4.1 Evasion Capabilities
`To demonstrate that the presented obfuscation methods
`can be used to effectively change the structure of a binary
`so that static analysis tools fail to recognize the obfuscated
`code, we conducted tests with real-world malware. We used
`our tool to morph three worm programs and then analyzed
`the obfuscated binaries using an advanced static analysis
`tool [10] as well as four popular commercial virus scanners.
`The malware samples that we selected for our experi-
`ments were the A and F variants of the MyDoom worm and
`the A variant of the Klez worm. We chose these samples
`because they were used in the evaluation of the advanced
`static analysis tool in [10]. Thus, the tool was equipped with
`appropriate malware specifications to detect these worms.
`In order to obfuscate the malicious executables, we de-
`ployed the evasion techniques introduced in Section 2 using
`both the simple opaque constants and the one based on the
`3SAT problem.
`Commercial Virus Scanners: First, we tested the pos-
`sibilities to evade detection by popular virus scanners. To
`evaluate the effectiveness of our obfuscation methods, we
`selected the following four popular anti-virus applications:
`McAfee Anti-Virus, Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal, An-
`tiVir Personal Edition, and Ikarus Virus Utilities.
`Before the experiment, we verified that all scanners cor-
`rectly identified the worms. Then, we obfuscated the three
`malicious code samples, ensured that the malware was still
`operating correctly, and ran the virus scanners on them. The
`results are shown in Table 1. In this table, an “X” indicates
`that the scanner was no longer able to detect the malware.
`Klez.A MyDoom.A MyDoom.AF
`Table 1. Evasion results for four commercial
`virus scanners
`The results demonstrate that after the obfuscation pro-
`cess, the scanners from Kaspersky and Ikarus were not able
`to detect any of the malware instances. Surprisingly for us,
`however, the scanners from McAfee and AntiVir were still
`able to detect two out of three worms. Closer examination
`revealed that the scanner from McAfee detects the two ob-
`fuscated samples because of a virus signature that is based

`on parts of the data section. When we overwrote the bytes
`in the data section that were being used as a signature, the
`McAfee scanner could neither detect the original nor the
`obfuscated version of the malware anymore.
`In contrast,
`the AntiVir scanner uses a combination of both a data and a
`code signature to detect the worms. We were able to track
`down the data signature for both Klez.A and MyDoom.A
`to a few bytes in the data section. If any of these bytes in
`the data section was modified in the obfuscated binary, the
`detection by the virus scanner was successfully evaded. In-
`deed, it is relatively easy for malicious code to encrypt the
`data section using a different key for each instance. Hence,
`data signatures are not too difficult to evade.
`Advanced Malware Detection (Model Checking): Be-
`cause it is widely known that existing commercial virus
`scanners typically employ pattern-based signatures,
`ability to evade their detection is not too surprising. In or-
`der to verify the efficiency of our obfuscation techniques
`on a more advanced malware detector, we obtained the sys-
`tem presented in [10] from its authors. This detector first
`creates a disassembly of the binary under analysis by us-
`ing IDA Pro [7]. Then, model checking is used to search
`for the existence of a generic code template that character-
`izes malicious behavior. In particular, the tool attempts t

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