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`Computer Science Technical Reports
`Department of Computer Science
`A Generic Virus Scanner in C++
`Sandeep Kumar
`Eugene H. Spafford
`Purdue University,
`Report Number:
`Kumar, Sandeep and Spafford, Eugene H., "A Generic Virus Scanner in C++" (1992). Computer Science Technical Reports. Paper 983.
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`Blue Coat Systems - Exhibit 1047

`Sandeep Kumar
`Eugene H. Spafford
`September 17, 1992

`A Generic Virus Scanner in C++ *
`Technical Report CSD-TR-92-Q62
`Sandeep Kumar
`Eugene H. Spafford
`The COAST Project
`Department of Computer Sciences
`Purdue University
`West Lafayette, IN 4 7907-1398
`17 September 1992
`Computer viruses pose an increasing risk to computer data
`integrity. They cause loss of valuable data and cost an enor(cid:173)
`mous amount in wasted effort in restoration/ duplication oflost
`and damaged data. Each month many new viruses are re(cid:173)
`ported. As the problem of viruses increases, we need tools to
`detect them and to eradicate them from our systems.
`This paper describes a virus detection tool: a generic virus
`scanner in c++ with no inherent limitations on the file systems,
`file types, or host architectures that can be scanned. The tool
`is completely general and is structured in such a way that it
`can easily be augmented to recognize viruses across different
`system platforms with varied file types. The implementation
`defines an abstract c++ class, virinfo, which encapsulates
`virus features common to all scannable viruses. Subclasses
`of this abstract class may be used to define viruses that infect
`different machines and operating systems. The generality of
`the mechanism allows it to be used for other forms of scanning
`as well.
`*This paper appears in the Proceedings of the 8th Computer Security Applica(cid:173)
`tions Conference, IEEE Press, 1992.

`1 Introduction
`Computer viruses pose an increasing risk to computer data in(cid:173)
`tegrity. They cause loss of valuable data and cost an enormous
`amount in wasted effort to restore or recreate damaged or destroyed
`data. Each month new viruses are reported (cf. issues of The Virus
`Bulletin and Virus News and Reviews). As the number of viruses
`increases, we need tools to detect them and eradicate them from our
`systems. While the problem of detecting, without error, all viruses
`automatically is intractable[4], it is certainly feasible to detect sim(cid:173)
`ple, known viruses.
`a generic virus scanner in
`In this paper we describe a tool -
`that can run in a high integrity virtual memo:ry environ(cid:173)
`c++ -
`ment and scan for viruses in files. These files can be available
`either on the tool's host machine itself, available through a locally
`mounted file system, or visible to it through an appropriate network
`mount. For example, the testing machine could be a UNIX worksta(cid:173)
`tion accessing a DOS filesystem through its floppy disk interface or
`remote-mounted on the workstation through a network (e.g., Novell
`or PC-NFS). The rapid proliferation and use of network software in
`the PC community has already created a need for such interfaces
`whereby PC mounted file systems and file servers may be accessible
`to more powerful workstations on the same local area network.
`One common definition of a virus is as a segment of machine
`code that installs a (possibly evolved) copy of itself into one or more
`larger "host" programs[4]. 1 When the program is executed, the code
`is activated and enables further spread of the virus, or destruction
`of data, or both. The principal cause of this problem is the almost
`nonexistent controls in most PC systems that allows user programs
`to potentially gain complete control of the system. This allows virus
`code to perform any operation, and to change any code or data.
`Looking for viruses is not a simple matter of looking for extrane(cid:173)
`ous code, because it is not always obvious what is extraneous. Re(cid:173)
`cent "stealth viruses" make even this procedure difficult by ensuring
`that the original contents of an infected file are returned when its
`contents are requested as data for examination. 2 It is more reliable
`1other definitions may be found in the collections [7] and [10].
`2See [8] for a good description of how stealth viruses operate.

`to test for infected files by using a system that partitions its pro(cid:173)
`cesses into distinct address spaces by a virtual memory translation.
`This way we can avoid the effects of stealth and other memory res(cid:173)
`ident viruses on the scanning procedure. Better still would be the
`use of a scanner on a completely different architecture - one that
`cannot support the execution or spread of the searched-for viruses.
`In such an environment, when a virus scanner running as a user
`program requests bytes from a file for examination, it is assured of
`the integrity of the bytes from influence by other user programs; in
`no case can an ordinary user process modify the interrupt vectors
`of devices or traps leading to system calls.
`If one is testing for viruses on a diskette using a machine that
`runs processes in their own virtual memory space, one can be rea(cid:173)
`sonably sure about the integrity of the memory. Similarly, boot
`diskettes can be just as easily tested because we do not attempt
`to boot from the diskettes and, in the process, compromise the in(cid:173)
`tegrity of the testing machine in any way. In short, by testing on a
`machine with processes running in their own virtual address space
`we ensure, with very high confidence, the integrity of the machine
`on which we are doing the testing. This is similar to doing a high
`integrity boot of a PC before scanning for viruses on it. Further(cid:173)
`more, if we are able to run our detector in a completely different
`environment from the one containing the potential viruses, those
`viruses cannot infect or interfere with our detector.
`2 How viruses are detected
`In this section we review current methods of virus detection and
`end with the conclusion that detection by signature scanning still
`remains the most simple, economical and commonly used tool for
`virus detection.
`2.1 Virus monitors/detection by behavioral abnormality
`In this approach to virus detection, the machine is booted from
`uninfected files and a virus monitor is installed that monitors vari(cid:173)
`ous activities of the machine while in day-to-day use. The program
`monitors known methods of virus activity including attempts to in-

`feet and evade detection. Tilis may also include attempts to write to
`boot sectors, modify interrupt vectors, write to system files, etc.
`Software monitors work best when the normal or day-to-day us(cid:173)
`age characteristics of the system are vastly different from the ac(cid:173)
`tivity profile of an infected system. Tilis desirable characteristic,
`however, is not always present. If the virus is cleverly written to
`always stay within this normal profile, it may be difficult to detect
`its presence using a monitor. For monitoring to be more effective,
`users need to be better educated about the behavior and function(cid:173)
`ing of viruses. They must know how their system works so they can
`recognize suspicious activity when the software monitor fails. 3
`The chief advantage of a properly implemented monitoring tech(cid:173)
`nique is that it works for all viruses -
`the ones currently known,
`and the ones yet to be discovered. Furthermore, it can detect in(cid:173)
`fections before they occur. Unfortunately, to always detect these
`infections, the sensitivity of the monitor must be set so high that
`it may generate many false alarms from normal activity. Further(cid:173)
`more, such detectors must be installed at a low-level on the target
`machine, and must always be run; an infected detector will not be
`of practical use in preventing further infections!
`2.2 Detection by emulation
`In this scheme the program under test is emulated by the virus
`detection program, which attempts to determine the run-time be(cid:173)
`havior of the program. Tilis is different from monitoring in that
`the program is not observed while it is actually executing but is
`emulated with sample input(s). As in the case of monitors, if the
`program attempts to change the interrupt vectors or open sensitive
`files it should be deemed suspicious.
`Detection by emulation cannot be "precise." That is, we cannot
`always correctly decide whether the program behaves like a virus.
`One difficulty in emulating a program is in determining suitable
`input(s) for it and then emulating it with all the inputs to see if
`any cause the program to exhibit a virus-like behavior. Timed or
`context-sensitive behavior may be present that fools the emulator.
`3 [2) and [16) (for example) list practical steps that can be taken to educate users
`against viral infections.

`Another difficulty is in deciding the granularity at which to emulate
`the program. What is the highest granularity at which emulation
`can be done to preserve the viral property of a program?
`Few emulators for virus detection are in use today. The VProt
`program by Fridrick Skulason for MS-DOS systems has this func(cid:173)
`tion as an option.
`2.3 Detection by static analysis/poHcy adherence
`This method examines a program to decide whether it meets a pre(cid:173)
`specified policy requirement, one which may include integrity re(cid:173)
`quirements for the detection of viruses. To determine whether an
`arbitrary program contains a virus is undecidable [4], but a con(cid:173)
`servative decision on the presence of viruses may be possible. For
`example, Maria King [ 14] describes a technique by which programs
`can be analyzed to determine whether they meet a prespecified pol(cid:173)
`A policy is specified as a regular expression and defines the char(cid:173)
`acteristics within which the programs being tested must lie in order
`to fit the policy. The policy may be decided for the entire environ(cid:173)
`ment as a whole, may vary from machine to machine, or may be
`written for clusters of machines. Once a policy is written for an en(cid:173)
`vironment, programs running in that environment can be checked
`to see if their behavior fits the policy. This is a static process, not
`done by monitoring the executing program, but writing a minispec
`for the program and verifYing that the minispec fits the policy. A
`minispec for a program is also written as a regular expression thus
`making the verification straighforward. There exist well-known and
`efficient algorithms to determine whether a regular language is a
`subset of another regular language. The problem of verification is
`reduced to finding whether the regular language generated by the
`minispec is a subset of the regular language generated by the policy.
`A minispec of a program is a subset of the behavior of the program.
`This subset comprises the behavior of interest, such as the file rna(cid:173)
`nipulation properties of the program. The minispec is written from
`the source code, design documentation, programmers' notes and
`the test results of a program.
`The chief disadvantage of this approach is that the source of
`the program is required. The source, if shown to meet the policy

`requirements, must then be compiled by a trusted compiler before
`being used or else the executable may not accurately reflect the
`source. Furthermore, this method involves considerable overhead
`to test and implement. It also requires that all monitored software
`have a definable minispec. We are unaware of any existing system
`that uses this mechanism.
`2.4 Detection by checksumming
`To protect programs against unwanted modification by viruses, a
`checksum based on the contents of the program is computed and
`stored in encrypted form within or outside the program. The en(cid:173)
`cryption is done using a one-way function so forgery of a correct
`checksum after infection is computationally very hard. Before each
`program is executed its checksum is recomputed, encrypted and
`matched with the stored result. If the two values are identical the
`chances of infection are very low: any mismatch implies an un(cid:173)
`wanted modification.
`One problem with this approach is that it requires system sup(cid:173)
`port so the check and execution can be performed atomically. [15]
`presents an excellent survey of checksumming techniques for virus
`detection. However, the chief argument against checksumming is
`that it cannot detect viral infection in an already infected file. It
`can detect further infection but not any current infections prior to
`generating the first checksum. There is also the danger of infection
`from what Radai [15] calls an "ambiguity" virus, i.e. infections oc(cid:173)
`curring at the time of copying files or compilations. If an infection
`occurred just after closing the file being written, the new checksum
`will be different from the previous one, but there is no way to tell
`whether infection has occurred.
`Checksumming is also susceptible to the "backtrack" attack de(cid:173)
`scribed in [6]. In a backtrack attack on an executable protected by
`an encrypted checksum, the executable is disassembled, the virus
`incorporated into the source and then reassembled to produce a
`new valid cryptographic checksum. In general the infection can
`take place at any point prior to the generation of the checksum and
`one can get to this point from either direction i.e. moving from the
`source or the object module.

`2.5 Dynamic runtime program integrity check
`The motivation behind this approach is to ensure the integrity of
`an executable program while it is running or to detect infections
`between a program's integrity check and execution. The basic idea
`behind this approach is to precompute an encrypted checksum for
`a predefined "granule" of the program. For example, precompute
`an encrypted checksum for each basic block in the program and
`store it with the basic block. Every time control flows to the top
`of the basic block, recompute and match the encrypted checksum
`with the stored checksum to verify integrity of the instructions in
`the basic block. Refer to [6] for more information on this approach.
`This scheme requires hardware support to run efficiently. Fur(cid:173)
`thermore, unless trusted read and checksum operations are avail(cid:173)
`able, this method will not work against stealth viruses. It also does
`not work well in environments where program files modify them(cid:173)
`selves to save configuration information, as is the case in most PC
`operating systems. Again, we know of no system using this method
`for protection.
`2.6 Detection by time stamp modification
`This scheme, outlined in [17], is very similar to detection by check(cid:173)
`summing in that the time of last modification of the program serves
`the purpose of a checksum. The time of last modification of a pro(cid:173)
`gram is usually kept external to the environment storing the pro(cid:173)
`gram. At regular intervals the timestamps are matched to ascertain
`integrity of the program. There should not be any means for the
`virus to get to this file and modify it to destroy evidence of its activ(cid:173)
`ity. Another requirement of this scheme is that the time stamping
`operation must be irreversible by any process in the system. For
`example, the modification time of a UNIX inode cannot serve as a
`timestamp mechanism of this type, because the system clock may
`be set backwards, and because inodes may be written by access to
`the raw disk. [9]

`2. 7 Detection by signature scanning
`Using the "signature" of a virus to detect its presence in an exe(cid:173)
`cutable is the simplest and most common approach to known virus
`detection. Once a virus is isolated, a sequence of bytes (unique se(cid:173)
`quence) from its code is taken as the identifying string for that virus.
`Programs (files) are checked for the presence of this signature and
`flagged as being infected if they contain the sequence.
`Signature extraction, however, is a difficult and time-consuming
`process because it involves disassembling and debugging the infec(cid:173)
`tion to identify key portions of the virus. These portions are then
`combined to form the signature. It is then necessary to test the
`signature against a large library of programs to reduce the likeli(cid:173)
`hood of false positives occuring when the signature coincidentally
`matches some production code. Signature scanning is based on
`the assumption that the virus does not alter itself arbitrarily before
`infecting another executable. For most viruses prevalent today,
`regular expressions are sufficiently powerful to capture any such
`Simple signatures are usually specified as a string of characters
`in ASCII: A923BF7, for example. Signatures of this form that con(cid:173)
`tain fixed patterns of hex nibbles are simple to use with efficient
`string matching algorithms. Unfortunately, for some viruses, these
`fixed patterns are not sufficiently powerful to define the signature in
`a compact way. For such viruses one would have to specify a large
`number of fixed patterns to identify a single virus. For example,
`consider a virus whose code looks like
`jump PC+l
`arbitrary data
`jump PC+l
`arbitrary data
`and the virus modifies the data at locations A and B before copying
`itself into another executable. For such a virus, a fixed sequence
`of hex pattern digits cannot be specified in the signature if the in(cid:173)
`structions around the arbitrarily modified data were needed in the

`signature to uniquely identify the virus. For such viruses we may
`specify the character ?
`to signify any value for that position, i.e.
`equal to the regular expression [0-9A-F] in the signature.
`More complicated pattems can be specified to ignore (up to) a
`specified number of characters or an arbitraiy number of values. In
`general, the specification may be of the form { n, m}, which means
`skip at least n characters (nibbles) and at most m values. A specifi(cid:173)
`cation { n} can signify an arbitrary number of nibbles 2: n.
`The chief disadvantage of scanning as a means of virus detec(cid:173)
`tion is its inability to detect unknown or new viruses. Scanning also
`fails with self-encrypted viruses. It also fails with executables com(cid:173)
`pressed with different compression techniques, making the same
`virus appear different. Finally, as more viruses are discovered,
`scanning algorithms tend to run more slowly because they must
`try to match a larger set of possibilities. Also, the more signa(cid:173)
`tures there are, the more likely that any arbitrary signature will
`also match some legitimate code in some application.
`A further benefit to scanning is that it can also be used against
`embedded trojan horse code, logic bombs, and other malicious soft(cid:173)
`ware in addition to simple viruses. 4 All that is needed to detect
`these pieces of code are appropriate signatures generated from a
`disassembly. These signatures can be added to the search set and
`used without any further change to the scanning software.
`Cohen argues in [5] signature scanning is not worth pursuing
`against computer viruses. He (correctly) observes that scanning
`cannot find new viruses before their pattems are known, nor will
`such methods work against self-encrypting viruses. He attempts to
`show that an integrity shell (i.e., checksumming) is the most cost(cid:173)
`effective approach to virus protection. The argument in [5] is based
`on some questionable data and assumptions, however, and is not at
`all convincing. We believe that the cost-benefit ratio for scanners,
`either by themselves or in addition to other mechanisms, is much
`higher than he calculates. This is because of scanners' low impact
`on existing practice and because of their flexibility. We believe that
`their widespread use and continued effectiveness in the commercial
`world affirm this view. Almost all currently available commercial
`anti-virus tools use signature scanning as their primary detection
`4See [7], [8], or [10) for definitions ofthese terms.

`2.8 Summary of detection methods
`Among all the methods of virus detection mentioned above, the
`simplest and most economical for detecting the majority of cur(cid:173)
`rent viruses is signature scanning. While signature scanning may
`not be able to detect all possible viruses, it is still simple and cheap
`enough to be easily available and useful to the public at large, and
`it has the least impact on existing code and hardware. Moreover, it
`is simple to add new patterns to an existing scanner whenever new
`viruses are discovered. If stealth techniques are thwarted, scanning
`will work against the majority of common viruses prevalent today. [3]
`It is for these reasons that we decided to implement a generic sig(cid:173)
`nature scanner as our first anti -virus tool.
`What follows is a brief description of the c++ classes used to
`implement our scanner, the interface presented to the user, some
`measurement results relating to the time and memory utilization of
`running the scanner on a diskette containing a distribution of file
`sizes and seeded infections.
`3 Description of the tool
`We present a brief overview of our scanning tool and give a descrip(cid:173)
`tion of the main c++ classes from which the program is structured.
`c++ , being an object oriented language, permits data encapsula(cid:173)
`tion and abstraction, and we have tried to take full advantage of
`these features in partitioning our data and functions. As a result,
`we expect that future additions and modifications to this program
`will not change the overall organization of data drastically. We also
`chose to code in c++ because it will allow us to easily retarget the
`scanner to different filetypes.
`Our program has been written using AT&T c++ 2.1 on a Sun
`SPARC running SunOS 4.1.1. There are no immediate plans to port
`it to the GNU G++ version of the c++ language. Such a port should
`not be difficult, however, as no external libraries have been used,
`and we have used GNU-compatible features of the AT&T translator.

`3.1 A brief description of the classes used in the scanner
`Perhaps the most significant class in the scanner is the abstract
`class Virinfo that encapsulates information common to all types
`of viruses:
`class Virinfo
`typedef Virinfo *Virinfop;
`String _name; //name of the virus
`Table _aliases; //a table of aliases
`String _sig;
`//signature, stored in hex digits
`//like 07AFB235
`int _infects;
`//interpreted in the derived class
`String& name() { return name; }
`Table& aliases() { return aliases;
`String sig() { return _sig; }
`int& infects() { return _infects; }
`void set_name(char *n) { name = n;
`void add_alias(char *n)
`String *t =new String(n);
`void set_sig(char *n) {_sig
`n; }
`virtual void print() = 0;
`virtual int infects_ftype(String& fname)
`virtual -virinfo() { }
`virtual void read(istream&) = 0;
`//read virus info from input stream
`} ;
`All storage members of Virinfo are protected to allow derived
`classes access to them. Several public functions, for example name () ,
`aliases () , sig () , infects () ... are defined in the abstract class.
`These procedures are generic and the same for all derivations of

`Virinfo. All the undefined functions, except for the destructor,
`are pure virtual. The input extractor function>> is not a member
`function and is defined to make a call to the pure virtual function
`read () that must be defined appropriately in derived classes of
`viruses. The function read () therefore encapsulate changes in the
`input format of virus information. An example of the format we are
`currently using is:
`Type: DOS
`The Type: field indicates the type of virus record. For the proto(cid:173)
`type we only have a DOS derived class ofvirinfo, but it is not diffi(cid:173)
`cult to add newer types in the future. Example extensions would be
`for Amiga, Macintosh, and Atari file types, and for Unix executables
`(if a non-experimental Unix virus ever appears).
`Note that we can define our pattem alphabet and regular ex(cid:173)
`pression format over almost any alphabet we care to specify -
`does not matter for the design of the program. We have chosen to
`define ours over hex digits (nibbles) because it is convenient, and
`because we do not need to compensate for cross-architecture byte
`order difficulties, as would be the case ifwe defined over 16 or 32
`bit quantities. The pattems provided by others that we used in our
`testing were defined in terms of hex digits, too.
`The scanner starts by reading information about viruses from a
`signature file containing entries of the type shown above. Depend(cid:173)
`ing on the value of the type field, objects representing these virus
`types (subclasses of Vir Info) are created to represent each virus
`Once objects representing all the virus information in the input
`file are created, a sparse trie is built to represent it. Each node of
`the trie is an instance of class node (not described in this paper).
`To each node of this tree is attached a list of viruses (a dynami(cid:173)
`cally resized table with elements of type Virinfo *)that match the
`signature obtained by following the path from the root of the tree
`(global variable TreeRoot) to this node. Each node in the tree has
`a fan out of;::: 16, corresponding to each hex character [0-9A-F] in(cid:173)
`terpreted as a number plus any regular expressions that can match

`at this node. For each signature (regular expression), we follow this
`tree edges from the root (TreeRoot), making transitions on each
`"logical" character (%n, **, *n etc. count as one logical character)
`of the signature. We create new nodes in the tree on encountering
`leaf nodes, such that the path from the root of the tree to any given
`node marks the signature ofthevirus pattern attached at that node.
`Usually, leaf nodes specify signatures but if a signature is a prefix
`of another, then the intermediate nodes can also specify signatures.
`The algorithm, for inserting a signature in this globally accessible
`tree, in pseudo code is:
`node *t = root of the tree;
`for(every character in the virus signature)
`if(the character is a hexadecimal digit)
`make a child of t
`corresponding to this fixed nibble;
`t = this child;
`else if(the character is ?)
`labeled ?;
`create a child of t
`t = this child;
`I* there may be several marked ?
`if two signatures have a common
`prefix including a ?
`else if(the next two characters are
`of the form %d)
`create a child of t
`t = this child;
`/* there may be several
`marked % similarly */
`labeled %;
`else if(the next two characters are
`of the form *d)
`create a child of t labeled *;
`t = this child;

`/* there may be several
`marked * similarly */
`else if(the next two characters are
`of the form **)
`create a child of t labeled
`t = this child;
`**• ,
`add this regular expression at node t;
`For example, for the following virus entries
`Type: DOS
`Name: A
`Infects: COM SYS
`Type: DOS
`Name: B
`Signature: OlA
`Infects: COM ARC
`the tree looks like in figure 1.
`There is also an ifNibbleStream class that accesses a file in
`nibbles (characters) rather than bytes. This class can be used to
`encapsulate the file 1/0 interface from the program. Our definition
`is based on the if stream class available with the AT&T c++ distri(cid:173)
`bution on UNIX. This class can save the current nibble position in
`the file stream and restore it.
`The class Directory recurses through a given file system (usu(cid:173)
`ally, directory tree) and generates the full pathnames of all the files
`rooted at the tree. Names of files are returned by successive calls to
`its member function next () . This class encapsulates the file sys(cid:173)
`tem interface and directory structure visible to the program. These
`names are then used to open a "NibbleStream" so as to scan the
`contents of the file.

`point to a liat of viru110111
`:Ld.entified at this node
`Figure 1: The node tree
`Thus, whether the filenames are /homes/kumar/foo or \homes\kumar\foo
`is completely transparent to the program and is completely encap-
`sulated within the classes Directory and ifNibbleStream. The
`scanner just requires a sequence of nibbles to do its matching, it
`is unaware of the file name syntax or the mechanism of opening
`and closing files. Not only does this allow complete independence
`from the underlying file system, it allows the scanner to work on
`encrypted, archived, and compressed files, so long as they can be
`returned as a stream of 4-bit nibbles and can be recognized during
`the filesystem scan.
`3.2 Why is our scanner generic?
`Our scanner is geneTic in the sense of and to the extent afforded by
`an object oriented programming language. We mean that there are
`no hardcoded dependencies that make it impossible to extend, and
`that as a principle, the same routines can apply to newer types of
`viruses, file systems, file formats etc. Whatever modifications may
`be required to the code are minimal and quite structured.
`We believe most of these features are well-supported with our
`choice of the programming paradigm more than would be afford
`by simply employing a disciplined programming style in a more

`conventional language. Consider, for example, how we might add a
`new virus type joo in the scanner. We would derive a subclass joo of
`the abstract class Vir Info and define all the pure virtual functions
`in the abstract class. The routine that reads the file containing the
`signatures switches on the Type : information of the virus to create
`objects of that type. This routine, of necessity, must be modified
`to add another type so it can create objects of type joo when it
`encounters a description of a virus of type joo. For the most part
`this is all that needs to be done. All the modification to the code
`is encapsulated inside the pure virtual functions and defining them
`for joo is all that is required. The pattem matching function will
`continue to work for foo.
`Consider now, that the files to be scanned reside in a file system
`which is quite like the UNIX file system except that the component
`separator in a file name is \ instead of I. All the changes for this
`case are encapsulated in the class Directory and the rest of the
`program can probably run unmodified. Where genericity extends
`encapsulation is in permitting a derived class of Directory to be
`used wherever the class Directory was used, thus obviating the
`direct alteration of the class Directory.
`3.3 A brief description of the pattern matching algorithm
`The following regular expressions are supported in the scanner,
`the specification is as in TBSCAN. This algorithm is similar to the
`Aho-Corasick algorithm [1], but it has been extended for wildcard
`? match any nibble in the input stream
`skip 0-n nibbles in the input stream
`*n skip exactly n nibbles
`* * skip an arbitrary number, including 0
`The algorithm considers every nibble position in the input stream
`as a possible beginning of a virus sequence. For each such position,
`it systematically maintains the set of possible signatures that match
`as a prefix the input stream nibbles from that fixed position to the
`current position. Matching stops when the nibble pattern from the
`fixed position to the current position match any virus signature

`entirely. Backtracking can occur if signatures contain regular ex(cid:173)
`pression patterns ** & %n. Backtracking is currently implemented
`in a straightforward manner using recursion: failure pointers can
`be calculated, as explained in [1]. The current algorithm in pseu(cid:173)
`docode looks as follows:
`for(each nibble in the input stream)
`if(traverse(inputNibbleStream, TreeRoot))
`I* virus detected *I;
`node *traverse(ifNibbleStream& i, node& n)
`if(there are virus signatures

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