Efficient, Verifiable Binary Sandboxing for a CISC Architecture
`Stephen McCamant
`Massachusetts Institute of Technology
`Computer Science and AI Lab
`Cambridge, MA 02139
`Executing untrusted code while preserving security re-
`quires enforcement of memory and control-flow safety
`policies: untrusted code must be prevented from modi-
`fying memory or executing code except as explicitly al-
`lowed. Software-based fault isolation (SFI) or “sandbox-
`ing” enforces those policies by rewriting the untrusted
`code at the level of individual instructions. However, the
`original sandboxing technique of Wahbe et al. is applica-
`ble only to RISC architectures, and other previous work is
`either insecure, or has been not described in enough detail
`to give confidence in its security properties. We present
`a novel technique that allows sandboxing to be easily ap-
`plied to a CISC architecture like the IA-32. The technique
`can be verified to have been applied at load time, so that
`neither the rewriting tool nor the compiler needs to be
`trusted. We describe a prototype implementation which
`provides a robust security guarantee, is scalable to pro-
`grams of any size, and has low runtime overheads. Fur-
`ther, we give a machine-checked proof that any program
`approved by the verification algorithm is guaranteed to re-
`spect the desired safety property.
`Keywords: Software fault isolation, control-flow isola-
`tion, binary translation, C, C++, mobile code, inlined ref-
`erence monitors, separate verification, 386, x86, instruc-
`tion alignment, formal methods, security proof, ACL2,
`MiSFIT, PittSFIeld
`1 Introduction
`A key requirement for many kinds of secure systems is
`to execute code from an untrusted or less trusted source,
`while enforcing some policy to constrain the code’s ac-
`tions. The code might come directly from a malicious
`author, or it might have bugs that allow its execution to
`be subverted by maliciously chosen inputs. Typically, the
`system designer chooses some set of legal interfaces for
`interaction with the code, and the challenge is to ensure
`that the code’s interaction with the rest of the system is
`limited to those interfaces.
`The most common technique for isolating untrusted
`Greg Morrisett
`Harvard University
`Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences
`Cambridge, MA 02138
`code is the use of hardware virtual memory protection in
`the form of an operating system process. Code in one
`process is restricted to accessing memory only in its ad-
`dress space, and its interaction with the rest of a system
`is limited to a predefined system call interface. The en-
`forcement of these restrictions is robust and has a low
`overhead because of the use of dedicated hardware mech-
`anisms such as TLBs; very few restrictions are placed on
`what the untrusted code can try to do. A disadvantage of
`hardware protection, however, is that interaction across a
`process boundary (i.e., via system calls) is course-grained
`and relatively expensive. Because of this inefficiency and
`inconvenience, it is still most common for even large ap-
`plications, servers, and operating system kernels to be
`constructed to run in a single address space.
`A very different technique is to require that the un-
`trusted code be written in a type-safe language such as
`Java. The language’s type discipline limits the memory
`usage and control flow of the code to well-behaved pat-
`terns. This fine-grained restriction makes sharing data be-
`tween trusted and untrusted components much easier, and
`has other software engineering benefits. However, type
`systems have some limitations as a security mechanism.
`First, they are not directly applicable to code written in
`unsafe languages, such as C and C++. Second, conven-
`tional type systems describe high-level program actions
`like method calls and field accesses. It is much more dif-
`ficult to use a type system to constrain code at the same
`level of abstraction as individual machine instructions; but
`since it is the actual instructions that will be executed,
`only a safety property in terms of them would be really
`This paper investigates a code isolation technique that
`lies between the approaches mentioned above, one that
`enforces a security policy similar to an operating system,
`but with ahead-of-time code verification more like a type
`system. This effect is achieved by rewriting the machine
`instructions of code after compilation to directly enforce
`limits on memory access and control flow. This class of
`techniques is known as “software-based fault isolation”
`(SFI for short) or “sandboxing” [WLAG93]; it is also sim-
`ilar to the mechanism of inlined reference monitors for
`Blue Coat Systems - Exhibit 1022

`machine code [ES99]. Previous SFI techniques were ap-
`plicable only to RISC architectures, or gave faulty, incom-
`plete, or undisclosed attention to key security issues. For
`instance, Section 5 describes how memory protection in
`a previous system can be easily violated because of mis-
`placed trust in a C compiler. (Concurrently with the re-
`search described here, Abadi et al. [ABEL05a] developed
`a CISC-compatible binary rewriting with some SFI-like
`features and a rigorous security analysis; see Section 9.3
`for discussion.)
`In this paper, we describe a novel technique directly ap-
`plicable to CISC architectures like the Intel IA-32 (x86).
`We explain how using separate verification, the security
`properties of the rewriting depend on a minimal trusted
`base (on the order of a thousand lines of code), rather
`than on tools consisting of hundreds of thousands of lines
`(Section 5). We give a machine-checked proof of the
`soundness of our rewriting technique to provide further
`evidence that it is simple and trustworthy (Section 6). Fi-
`nally, we discuss a prototype implementation of the tech-
`nique, which is as fast as and often faster than previous
`unsound tools, and scales easily to large and realistically-
`complex applications (Sections 7 and 8). We refer to our
`implementation as the Prototype IA-32 Transformation
`Tool for Software-based Fault Isolation Enabling Load-
`time Determinations (of safety), or PittSFIeld1.
`Our implementation is publicly available, as are the
`formal model and lemmas used in the machine-checked
`proof, and the programs used in our experiments. They
`can be downloaded from
`2 Classic SFI
`The basic task for any SFI implementation is to prevent
`certain potentially unsafe instructions (such as memory
`writes) from being executed with improper arguments
`(such as an effective address outside an allowed data
`area). The key challenges are to perform these checks
`efficiently, and in such a way that they cannot be by-
`passed by carefully chosen input code. The first approach
`to solve these challenges was the original SFI technique
`(called “sandboxing”) of Wahbe, Lucco, Anderson, and
`Graham [WLAG93].
`In order to efficiently isolate pointers to dedicated code
`and data regions, Wahbe et al. suggest choosing memory
`regions whose size is a power of two, and whose starting
`location is aligned to that same power. For instance, we
`1Pittsfield, Massachusetts, population 45,793, is the seat of Berkshire
`county and a leading center of plastics manufacturing. Our appropriation
`of its name, however, was motivated only by spelling.
`might choose a data region starting at 0xda000000 and
`extending 16 megabytes to 0xdaffffff. With such a
`choice, an address can be efficiently checked to point in-
`side the region by bitwise operations.
`In this case, we
`could check whether the bitwise AND of an address and
`the constant 0xff000000 was equal to 0xda000000.
`We’ll use the term tag to refer to the portion of the ad-
`dress that’s the same for every address in a region, such as
`0xda above.
`The second challenge, assuring that checks cannot be
`is more subtle. Naively, one might insert
`a checking instruction sequence directly before a po-
`tentially unsafe operation;
`then a sequential execution
`couldn’t reach the dangerous operation without passing
`through the check. However, it isn’t practical to restrict
`code to execute sequentially: realistic code requires jump
`and branch instructions, and with them comes the danger
`that execution will jump directly to an dangerous instruc-
`tion, bypassing a check. Direct branches, ones in which
`the target of the branch is specified directly in the instruc-
`tion, are not problematic: a tool can easily check their
`destinations before execution. The crux of the problem is
`indirect jump instructions, ones where the target address
`comes from a register at runtime. They are required by
`procedure returns, switch statements, function pointers,
`and object dispatch tables, among other language features.
`Indirect jumps must also be checked to see that their tar-
`get address is in the allowed code region, but how can we
`also exclude the addresses of unsafe instructions, while
`allowing safe instruction addresses?
`The key contribution of Wahbe et al. was to show that
`by directing all unsafe operations through a dedicated reg-
`ister, a jump to any instruction in the code region could be
`safe. For instance, suppose we dedicate the register %rs
`for writes to the data area introduced above. Then we
`maintain that throughout the code’s execution, the value
`in %rs always contains a value whose high bits are 0xda.
`Code can only be allowed to store an arbitrary value into
`%rs if it immediately guarantees that the stored value re-
`ally is appropriate. If we know that this invariant holds
`whenever the code jumps, we can see that even if the code
`jumps directly to an instruction that stores to the address
`in %rs, all that will occur is a write to the data region,
`which is safe (allowed by the security policy). Of course,
`there’s no reason why a correct program would jump di-
`rectly to an unsafe store instruction; it is incorrect or ma-
`liciously designed programs we worry about.
`Wahbe et al. implemented their technique for two RISC
`architectures, the MIPS and the Alpha. Because separate
`dedicated registers are required for the code and data re-
`gions, and because constants used in the sandboxing oper-

`Figure 1: Illustration of the instruction alignment enforced by our technique. Black filled rectangles represent instruc-
`tions of various lengths present in the original program. Gray outline rectangles represent added no-op instructions.
`¡Instructions are not packed as tightly as possible into chunks because jump targets must be aligned, and because the
`rewriter cannot always predict the length of an instruction. Call instructions (gray filled box) go at the end of chunks,
`so that the addresses following them can be aligned.
`ation also need to be stored in registers, a total of 5 regis-
`ters are required; out of a total of 32, the performance cost
`of their loss was negligible. Wahbe et al. evaluated their
`implementation by using it to isolate faults in an exten-
`sion to a database server. While fault isolation decreases
`the performance of the extension itself, the total effect is
`small, significantly less than the overhead of having the
`extension run in a separate process, because communica-
`tion between the extension and the main server is inexpen-
`sive. As their choice of the term “fault isolation” implies,
`Wahbe et al. were primarily interested in isolating mod-
`ules that potentially contained inadvertent errors, rather
`than intentionally designed attacks.
`3 CISC architectures
`The approach of Wahbe et al. is not immediately appli-
`cable to CISC architectures like the Intel IA-32 (i386 or
`“x86”), which feature variable-length instructions. (The
`IA-32’s smaller number of registers also makes dedicat-
`ing several registers undesirable, though its 32-bit imme-
`diates mean that only 2 would be needed.)
`Implicit in
`the previous discussion of Wahbe et al.’s technique was
`that jumps were restricted to a single stream of instruc-
`tions (each 4-byte aligned, in a typical RISC architecture).
`By contrast, the x86 has variable-length instructions that
`might start at any byte. Typically code has a single stream
`of intended instructions, each following directly after the
`last, but by starting at a byte in the middle of an intended
`instruction, the processor can read an alternate stream of
`instructions, generally nonsensical. If code were allowed
`to jump to any byte offset, the SFI implementation would
`need to check the safety of all of these alternate instruc-
`tion streams; but this would be infeasible. The identity
`of the hidden instructions is a seemingly random function
`of the precise encodings of the intended ones (including
`for instance the eventual absolute addresses of forward
`jump targets), and most modifications to hidden instruc-
`tions would garble the real ones.
`To avoid this problem, our PittSFIeld tool artificially
`enforces its own alignment constraints on the x86 archi-
`tecture. Conceptually, we divide memory into segments
`we call chunks whose size and location is a power of
`two, say 16, bytes. PittSFIeld inserts no-op instructions
`as padding so that no instruction crosses a chunk bound-
`ary; every 16-byte aligned address holds a valid instruc-
`tion. Instructions that are targets of jumps are put at the
`beginning of chunks; call instructions go at the ends
`of chunks, because the instructions after them are the tar-
`gets of returns. This alignment is illustrated schematically
`in Figure 1. Furthermore, jump instructions are checked
`so that their target addresses always have their low 4 bits
`zero. This transformation means that each chunk is an
`atomic unit of execution with respect to incoming jumps:
`it is impossible to execute the second instruction of a
`chunk without executing the first. Thus, PittSFIeld needs
`no dedicated registers: it simply puts an otherwise unsafe
`operation and the check of its operand in the same chunk.
`(In general, one scratch register is still required to hold
`the effective address while it is being checked, but it isn’t
`necessary for the same register to be used consistently, or
`for other uses of the register to be prohibited.)
`4 Optimizations
`The basic technique described in Section 3 ensures the
`memory and control-flow safety properties we desire, but
`as described it imposes a large performance penalty. This
`section describes five optimizations that reduce the over-
`head of the rewriting process, at the expense of making
`it somewhat more complex. The first three optimizations
`were described by Wahbe et al., and are well known; the
`last two have, as far as we know, not previously been ap-
`plied to SFI implementations.

`4.1 Special registers
`One obvious way to reduce the overhead of sandboxing
`checks is to avoid applying them repeatedly to the same
`value. For instance, the register %ebp (the ‘frame pointer’
`or ‘base pointer’) is often used to access local variables
`stored on the stack, part of the data region. This motivates
`treating %ebp differently from other general purpose reg-
`isters: rather than allowing %ebp to contain any value,
`and checking each time the code uses it, we can instead
`arrange that it always be a valid pointer to the data region.
`With this approach, it is changes to %ebp, rather than
`uses of it, that need to be checked; since it is usually set
`once at the beginning of a function and then never mod-
`ified, this reduces the total amount of checking. In fact,
`it isn’t necessary to check %ebp immediately after it is
`modified, but it must be checked before it is used, and
`before a jump, because the instructions at the jump tar-
`get would expect it to be valid. This policy about %ebp
`could be described as treating it as ‘usually-sandboxed’,
`rather than ‘usually-unsandboxed’. Note that because of
`the relatively unrestricted possibilities for jumps, such a
`decision has to be made globally for the entire code re-
`4.2 Guard regions
`The technique described in the previous subsection for op-
`timizing the use of %ebp would be effective if %ebp were
`only dereferenced directly, but in fact %ebp is often used
`with a small constant offset to access the variables in a
`function’s stack frame. Usually, if %ebp is in the data re-
`gion, then so is %ebp + 10, but this would not be the
`case if %ebp were already near the end of the data re-
`gion. To handle this case efficiently, we follow Wahbe et
`al. in using guard regions, areas in the address space di-
`rectly before and after the data region that are also safe for
`the sandboxed code to attempt to write to. An access at a
`small offset from a sandboxed data address will be sure to
`fall either in the data region or in one of the guard regions,
`and thus be safe.
`If we further assume that accesses to the guard region
`can be efficiently trapped (such as by leaving them un-
`mapped in the page table), we can optimize the use of the
`stack pointer %esp in a similar way. The stack pointer is
`similar to %ebp in that it generally points to the stack and
`is accessed at small offsets, but unlike the frame pointer,
`it is frequently modified; in particular, it is frequently in-
`cremented and decremented as items are pushed onto and
`popped off the stack. Even if each individual change is
`small, each must be checked to make sure that it isn’t the
`change that pushes %esp past the end of the allowable
`region. However, if attempts to access the guard regions
`are trapped, every use of %esp can also serve as a check
`of the new value. One important point is that we must be
`careful of modifications of %esp that do not also use it;
`this danger will be illustrated in Section 5.
`4.3 Ensure, don’t check
`A final optimization that was included in the work of
`Wahbe et al. has to do with the basic philosophy of the
`safety policy that the rewriting enforces. The most impor-
`tant aspect of the policy is that the untrusted code should
`not be able to perform any action that is unsafe. We could
`also ask, what should happen when the untrusted code
`attempts an unsafe action? For instance, one possibility
`would be to terminate the untrusted code with an error re-
`port. Another possibility, however, would be to simply
`require that when an unsafe action is attempted, some ac-
`tion consistent with the security policy occurs instead. For
`example, instead of a jump to a forbidden area causing an
`exception, it might instead cause a jump to some arbitrary
`other location in the code region. To follow this policy, it
`isn’t necessary to check whether an address is legal, and
`branch to an error handler if not; the code can simply set
`the bits of the address appropriately and use it. If the ad-
`dress was originally illegal, it will ‘wrap around’ to some
`legal, though likely not meaningful, location.
`At first blush, this approach of substituting seemingly
`arbitrary values might seem reckless, and there are cer-
`tainly applications (e.g., debugging) where it would be
`unhelpful. However, it is reasonable to optimize a security
`mechanism for the convenience of legitimate code, rather
`than of illegal code. Attempted jumps to an illegal address
`should not be expected to occur frequently in practice: it
`is the responsibility of the code producer (and her com-
`piler), not the code user, to avoid them. The performance
`effects of this tradeoff are shown in Section 8.
`4.4 One-instruction address operations
`For an arbitrarily chosen code or data region, the sandbox-
`ing instruction must check (or, according to the optimiza-
`tion of Section 4.3, ensure) that certain bits of an address
`are set, and others are clear. This requires two instruc-
`tions: an AND instruction and a comparison for a check,
`or an AND instruction and an OR instruction to modify
`the appropriate bits. By further restricting the locations
`of the sandbox regions, however, the number of instruc-
`tions can be reduced to one. We choose the code and data
`regions so that their tags have only a single bit set, and
`then reserve from use the region of the same size starting
`at address 0, which we call the zero-tag region (because

`it corresponds to a tag of 0). With this change, bits in the
`address only need to be clear (or cleared) and not also set.
`PittSFIeld uses a code region starting at 0x10000000
`and a data region starting at 0x20000000. The code
`sequences to verify an address in %ebx for the data region
`are then as follows:
`(cid:129) If we are checking addresses:2:
`target buffer’, of the most recent target for a jump instruc-
`tion. A particularly common kind of indirect jump is a
`procedure return, which on the x86 reads a return address
`from the stack. A naive implementation would treat a re-
`turn as a pop followed by a standard indirect jump; for
`instance, an early version of PittSFIeld translated a ret
`instruction into:
`$0xdf000000, %ebx
`The test instruction checks if the tag is 0x20 by
`AND-ing %ebx with a mask made of the comple-
`ment of the tag; if the result is zero, control continues
`at ok, otherwise it falls through to int3, a one-byte
`instruction that causes a trap.
`(cid:129) If we are modifying addresses:
`$0x20ffffff, %ebx
`This instruction turns off all of the bits in the tag ex-
`cept possibly the third from the top, so the address
`will be either in the data region or the zero-tag re-
`We chose both sequences to minimize the number of in-
`struction bytes required, 9 for the check sequence and 6
`for the direct modification. Taking into account the other
`instructions that must fit in a single chunk, direct modifi-
`cation can be used with 16-byte chunks, while checking
`requires 32-byte chunks.
`On large examples like those in Section 8.2, disabling
`this optimization increases PittSFIeld’s overhead by about
`10% (e.g., from 50% to 55%). 16-byte chunks use less
`space overall, and our original intuition had been that this
`would also improve performance by having fewer no-op
`instructions and better cache density. It turns out how-
`ever that some programs run faster with 32-byte chunks,
`perhaps because of reduced fragmentation in inner loops.
`4.5 Efficient returns
`A final optimization helps PittSFIeld take advantage of
`the predictive features of modern processors.
`jumps are potentially expensive for processors if their tar-
`gets cannot be accurately predicted. For general indirect
`jumps, processors typically keep a cache, called a ‘branch
`2Assembly language examples use the GAS, or ‘AT&T’, syntax stan-
`dard on Unix-like x86-based systems, which puts the destination last.
`$0x10fffff0, %ebx
`However, if a procedure is called from multiple locations,
`the single buffer slot will not be effective at predicting
`the return address, and performance will suffer. In order
`to deal more efficiently with returns, modern x86 proces-
`sors keep a shadow stack of return addresses in a separate
`cache, and use this to predict the destinations of returns.
`To allow the processor to use this cache, we would like
`PittSFIeld to return from procedures using a real ret in-
`struction. Thus PittSFIeld modifies the return address and
`writes it back to the stack before using a regular ret. In
`fact, this can be done without a scratch register:
`$0x10fffff0, (%esp)
`On a worst case example, like the recursive Fibonacci
`function mentioned in Section 8.1,
`this optimization
`makes an enormous difference, reducing 95% overhead
`to 40%. In realistic examples, the difference is around 5%
`of the total overhead.
`5 Trust
`In order for a rewriting technique like ours to enhance the
`security of a system, careful consideration must be given
`to the system architecture and the trust relationships be-
`tween the production, checking, and execution of code.
`Specifically, we advocate an arrangement in which the
`compilation and the rewriting of the code are performed
`by the untrusted code producer, and the safety policy is
`enforced by a separate verification tool. This architec-
`ture is familiar to users of Java: the code producer writes
`source code and compiles it to Java byte code using the
`compiler of her choice, but before the code user executes
`an applet he checks it using a separate byte code veri-
`fier. (One difference from Java is that once checked, our
`code is executed more or less directly; there is no trusted
`interpreter as complex as a Java just-in-time compiler.)
`The importance of having a small, trusted verifier is also
`stressed in work on proof-carrying code [NL96].

`those tools may not really be worthy of our trust. For in-
`stance, several previous x86 SFI tools that operate at the
`level of assembly language code trust that their input code
`correctly uses the stack and that frame pointers to refer
`only to valid stack frames. While the compilers used with
`these tools (usually the GNU C Compiler GCC or its C++
`variant G++) are generally quite reliable in correctly gen-
`erating stack references, the specification of correct stack
`usage they conform to is not a good match for the security
`needs of an SFI tool.
`As a concrete example, the following C source code
`demonstrates a problem of this sort
`in the MiSFIT
`tool [SS97]:
`jmp_buf env;
`void f(int arg, int arg2,
`int arg3, int arg4) {
`oid poke(int *loc, int val) {
`int local;
`unsigned diff = &local - loc - 4;
`for (diff /= 4; diff; diff--)
`f(val, val, val, val);
`} v
`The function poke has the effect of storing an arbitrary
`word at an arbitrary address (it also overwrites some adja-
`cent words), clearly something that should be restricted by
`MiSFIT’s security policy. However, the policy is circum-
`vented by the above code, which performs the dangerous
`write as a push to the stack, in the course of calling the
`function f. To get the stack pointer to point at the de-
`sired location, the code repeatedly advances it using the
`alloca function, by an amount equal to the difference
`between its current location (approximated by the address
`of the local variable local) and the desired target. While
`each individual increment of the stack pointer is modest
`(16 bytes), because they occur in a loop the total effect is
`large. (Though we were unable to obtain the implemen-
`tation to test, the description in [ES99] suggests that the
`tool there would be vulnerable to the same attack.) By
`contrast, PittSFIeld would recheck the stack pointer each
`time around the loop containing alloca, never allowing
`it to escape the data region.
`Compilers are inevitably large and complex programs,
`so it makes sense to avoid relying on the correctness of
`a compiler, or of a rewriting performed as part of a com-
`piler, for system security. What about trusting a small,
`dedicated rewriting tool? While this approach would be
`better, it still leaves the rewriting tool with several roles
`Except for the original work of Wahbe et al., previously
`described SFI implementations have neglected this verifi-
`cation aspect, instead requiring that the rewriting tool, or
`both the rewriting tool and the compiler, be trusted. There
`are two serious problems with a verifier-less approach.
`First, if the code production process is to be trusted, the
`code must either be regenerated right before use, or some
`other trust mechanism must exist between the producer
`and the user. Second, compilers and rewriters may be
`large and complex enough that they cannot be relied upon
`to maintain the desired security.
`At first glance, one might hope to perform an instruc-
`tion transformation like SFI by simply rewriting one com-
`piled binary into another. However, performing such a
`transformation is more difficult than might at first appear,
`because of the need to update references to instructions
`that move as part of the transformation. A compiled bi-
`nary lacks information distinguishing machine words rep-
`resenting code addresses or offsets that must be updated
`from similarly-valued integers that should not be modi-
`fied. Because of this difficulty, binary security tools usu-
`ally perform their rewriting either earlier in the code life
`cycle, using information otherwise discarded after compi-
`lation, or later, transforming code dynamically, one basic
`block at a time, as it is loaded. While dynamic transforma-
`tion techniques to enforce targeted security policies have
`been demonstrated in some recent research (see Section 9
`for a discussion), they can be quite complex, especially if
`high performance is desired. Previous SFI implementa-
`tions either integrate the rewriting tool with the compiler
`proper, or perform the rewriting between the compiler and
`the assembler.
`Rewriting code prior to assembly eliminates the diffi-
`culty of relocating code addresses: they still exist as sym-
`bolic labels, so retain their correct references. However,
`unless code is to be distributed in source form and com-
`piled (or assembled) before each use, some connection
`must be made between the rewriting and the decision to
`execute the code: either a trust relationship, or a verifi-
`cation. Previous work [SS97] proposes that the rewrit-
`ing tool cryptographically sign the transformed code, and
`the code user verify the signature.
`In our opinion, a
`signature-based approach has two main disadvantages:
`first, a public-key infrastructure of some sort is required
`to check the signer’s identity, a large technical addition;
`and second, a trusted third party is needed to compile the
`code, a significant additional existence assumption. On
`architectural grounds alone, a verification-based arrange-
`ment seems preferable.
`An even more serious problem with a design that trusts
`the compiler and rewriting tool to perform correctly is that

`that are in tension: preserving the behavior of the original
`program, enforcing a security policy, and optimizing the
`transformation to reduce overhead. For instance, any op-
`timization that changed how the rewriting was performed
`would carry the danger of accidentally opening a security
`hole. To us, it seems better to assign the task of checking
`adherence to a security policy to a separate tool, so that
`the security properties of the technique can be understood
`in isolation. Once the separate verification tool can be
`trusted, the compiler and rewriting tool can be modified
`with significantly greater flexibility.
`(defun seq-reachable-rec (mem eip k)
`(if (zp k) (if (= eip (code-start)) 0 nil)
`(let ((kth-insn
`(kth-insn-from mem (code-start) k)))
`(or (and kth-insn (= eip kth-insn) k)
`(seq-reachable-rec mem eip (- k 1))))))
`(defthm if-seq-reach-in-k-then-bound-by-kth-insn
`(implies (and (mem-p mem) (natp k) (natp eip)
`(kth-insn-from mem (code-start) k)
`(seq-reachable-rec mem eip k))
`(<= eip (kth-insn-from mem
`(code-start) k))))
`6 Formal Analysis
`Having restricted ourselves, as argued in Section 5, to a
`separate, minimal verification tool as the guarantor of our
`technique’s safety, we can devote more effort to analyz-
`ing and assuring ourselves of that component’s soundness.
`Specifically, we have constructed a completely formal and
`machine-checked proof of the fact that our technique en-
`sures the security policy that it claims to. Though the se-
`curity of a complete system of course depends on many
`factors, such a proof provides a concise and trustworthy
`summary of the key underlying principles. Formal theo-
`rem proving has a reputation for being arduous; we think
`the relative ease with which this proof was completed is
`primarily a testament to the simplicity of the technique to
`which it pertains.
`To better understand how the verification works, it is
`helpful to borrow concepts from program analysis, and
`think of it as a conservative static analysis. We are in-
`terested in a particular property of the program’s execu-
`tion, roughly that it never jumps outside its code region or
`writes outside its data region. In general, this property is
`impossible to decide, but it is tractable if we are willing to
`accept one-sided error: we do not mind if we fail to rec-
`ognize that a program has the safety property, as long as
`whenever we analyze that it does, we are correct. If your
`original program was correct, it already had this safety
`property; you can think of the rewriting as simply making
`the property manifest, so that the verifier can easily check
`The verification process essentially computes, for each
`position in the rewritten instruction stream, a conservative
`property describing the contents of the processor’s regis-
`ters at any time when execution might reach that point.
`For instance, directly after an appropriate and instruction
`not at a chunk boundary, we might know that the contents
`of the target register are appropriately sandboxed for use
`in accessing the data region. The major part of the safety
`proof is to show that these properties are sound for any
`Figure 2: Example of a typical function definition
`(above) and lemma (below) from our formal ACL2 proof.
`seq-reachable-rec is a recursive procedure that
`checks whether the instruction at location e

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