`ii‘.-re “E
`*' Fotirth Edition
`% %
`’ Utilization and
`LAN and WAN
`E ___%__% Internetworkingi ' J
`ARRIS EX. 1006

`l E
`From Fundamentals to Networking
`Second Edition
`This comprehensive. introductory text offers a fundamental understand-
`ing of the role, operation and utilization of communication devices and
`facilities. Ideal tor both the data communications student and the protes-
`sional telecommunications engineer. this foundation text will appeal to
`anyone who wishes to gain a detailed knowledge of the evolution and future
`1995 0 4?1 96820 K
`Third Edition
`This popular and authoritative text evaluates the networking products that
`can be used in the design. operation and optimization of a data communica-
`tions network. Ftellecting the many technological advances in thefieid, this
`unique book covers over 30 networking devices.
`1992 I3 4?1 93072 5
`Tools and Techniques
`Fou rth Edition
`Considerably expanded. this fourth edition explains how practical data and
`image compression techniques are vital for efficient, low—cost transmission
`and data storage requirements. The book takes into account the advances in
`this area, including image and fax compression.
`1996 0 4?1 95247 B

`Covers all aspects of Frame Relay Networking. from the evolution and ratio-
`1999 O IIT1 EJIISTB 3
`Concepts, Techniques and Methods
`Second Edition
`lnternetworking is one of thefastestgrovving markets in thefield ofcomputer
`communications. However. the interconnection of LANs and WANs tends to
`cause significant technological and administrative difficulties. This updated
`version provides valuable guidance, enabling the reader to avoid the pitfalls
`and achieve successful connection.
`1998 0 H1 97514 1
`Designed to provide the reader with a detailed insight into the operation, uti-
`lization and networking of six distinct types of multiplexers. this book will
`appeal to practising electrical. electronic and communications engineers.
`students in electronics, network analysts and designers.
`1993 0 471 93484 4
`Many networkdesign problems are addressed and solved in this informative
`volume. Gil Held confronts a range of issues including through-put pro-
`blems, line facilities. economic trade-offs and multiplexers. Readers are
`also shown how to determine the numbers of ports, dial-in lines and chan-
`nels tc install on communications equipment in order to provide a defined
`level of service.
`1991 O 4?1 92933 7 (Set)
`Please refer to the back of the book for further details


`Fourth Edition


`Fourth Edition
`Gilbert Held
`4—Degree Consulting
`Macon, Georgia
`Chichester - New York - Weinheim - Brisbane - Singapore - Toronto

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`cxp1'u::s1_\' Llisttlatilaa all itnpliucl \\'211'I'E1l]tit'S. int-.IuLli1'1}_: nu-.1'(;11‘dt1t:Il‘1:'|1't}' nftitncss for am)‘ pztrlitrular purpose.
`F)c_=sigt1atinI15: ucied b_\'('ompar1i<'s In Liirztingtlish 1'ht_'iI'['|I‘UdI.lCT$iI1'i.‘lJr1l")'] rinilned as ll'£1dl_'l'I'I'rl]'kS. In all
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`H1.‘-Id, (.iiIhu1‘t_ 194-3-
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`and I..—\;\' and \\'.-\N i|1te|'net\\'01'kinj_=,I'
`,3’ Gilbert I'[c1L|. — -lrh rd.
`InL'1L1LIe:: imlex.
`ISBN 0-471-‘JTSI5-X (alk. pelpcr]
`I. (.'nmpL1te1' net\\'<:1'ks.
`3. C:JInpI.It(>.r :1:-Iunrks-—FIqL|i;m1cnt and
`3. Data II‘:|I1>:111isesi1':11 e=}'stmn3_
`[_ Title.
`'l'l{5|i.J5.5.|I-H 1998
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`To Be?:c+1'I_1v, _§"r.Im:fi"1an and _?‘eS5.*'.:‘a
`for .fher'r patience mzrJ’er3£cmc2.’:Eng mm’ sr.:ppm-‘r—-
`I love you as’!
`To Dr Aflexmrde-r Ioffe a:zdj1<n»;::.'r’_1.-' of M'r;scrozc—
`co11gr'at-ulatirms on next _\-‘ear in _‘7e3'usa£em beizzg €a(.‘h'


`Fundamental Wide Area Networking Concepts
`CommLI11icatir.)ns E5-_vsteIn Co1np-gments
`1.2 Line C.'m1nL‘r:tions
`IJ(.-clicatcd lim-
`Lu.::I:scd line
`Cnrst trt,-mls
`[“-.1t':l'<:r:-‘. tn ::m1Hid<’l'
`'1'}-'pes of Sen-'ices and 'l'ra11s;mission Devices
`Digital I‘(‘p(-.‘L'lt:’.‘I‘:-‘-
`linipulnr and bipolar :-figtialing
`Other digital] szigrrialing m1.=1hm'|s
`.-\coL1stic couplers
`."Si,r_m-.1] ::nm'e.rsir:a1
`.-\m:]o;_g faL‘i|i1'ies
`[mascd limbs
`If)igit::} facilities
`I)igit21} sigms|in;z
`L-'I1ipo1-.-1:‘ 11011-FL'i1.UT|. to zwr:
`l_.'nipnl:u' 1'L'tI.Irn to zero
`Bipolar |‘:‘tl11'n In zero
`[':\'()i|.1Ii(.l11 of S{3l‘\'iL‘(3 offe:'iI1;:.~';
`A'l'S.:‘I' nft1=1'it1;L{.~:
`Etlrnnlx-.2111 :Jt‘i‘e1'ir1;::a
`TI‘an5n‘ii5~‘sinn :\-'I0('.i::
`:'-Sinlpltrx t1'aInsi'ni:asion
`I“u|1—dup]ex T.I"c'Il‘|SI‘Ui5Hi{}f1
`'I‘cI‘mina1 and rmiinfraiiie cmnpiltter capcemtiums
`l)ii'f::I'I::‘Ir 1‘.]'1.'!1".id.'Ii‘r
`’[‘1'21nsrnission Tech11iqu::.~;
`As:_\'m:hrmmus transmissio11
`5"I)‘|1L‘h|'LJ|1t'nIS trarlfilnisxitiii
`1 i

`'1 .6 Types of '1"ran-.-xrriission
`1.? Line .‘.3t1'LIctu1'e
`'l'_\'ptes; 01' line SH'l.lL‘1L1I't‘:
`1.8 Linc Discipline
`1.‘) Nct\\'m'1< '1‘np010g}'
`1.10 'l'ren1:m1is3i-:n1 Rate
`.'—\m:|ug SL‘]‘\‘1(.‘(‘.
`Di;_ri1a1 5u:1'\‘ic::
`1.11 T'1‘e111smissi011 Codes;
`.\1r)rsL- cmle
`B£IL1L1t)t code
`BCD cucle
`1‘:B{.'1)1C'. L'{J(1E
`.'—\:-§('_'11 L‘(.l(1K"
`1-Zxtcndcd A5-SL711
`Cmlc c.::'m\‘::1'si<.m
`1.12 Elrrm‘ Detection and Correction
`.-\sync1n'on:m.-s :ransmissim1
`1'urit_\' c11ec1<in;.:
`Block i.‘1ll.:l.‘1-11119,‘
`LT}'c1iL: ccacies
`1.13 i"1‘tam1a1|'L1s ()rg21nizatir)11::. .'—\cti\'itie:; and the OSI Ret'e1't:nce .\-"lodcl
`.\_atin|1-(:1 st21m1a1't.1s 0rga|1iz:11iun5
`lr1tu.:J'nati<':m11 E§t111'I{121rC1S n1-_u-m1i'/.:1ti¢J11s
`De f-actu stamdaxds
`.31'1"&'1‘ cmr1[1:1'ribi1it_\'
`{‘.mss—lia:mscd tc-c}mn1u;_r_\'
`1nu:rnct s.:t:md'.1rds
`'l'hu.: 1S(_) rufcn-.nL:t' nmclcl
`|.a_\'e1'ed u1‘r.hiteL'tI.:ru
`051 1aI_\'t-I'.~‘
`13131:: How
`1.1=1~ The [’h_\-‘siczll 11:1}-'er: Cables, L‘nnnectm'.~;, Plugs and Jacks
`C<mr1:.:clrn- ox’:-r\‘iu\v
`R.‘-}—33.3.‘,:"\',24 1imim1i1'me:
`1)1f1'u1'L‘I1ti211 S1§_{]'1'd111"l_L{
`X21 and X21]
`x.2I his
`High Spf.3t:(1 1*-ic1'ia1 Intcrfacr:
`I II1

`Rationale Ihr du:\'cl0pmenl
`Eiigmz-1| Llefinirimn;
`I.:>upi;r.u::k u_‘i1'cuit5
`Pin a$si;_:t1Inent5
`High I3’:-.rfm'rn:1nee I’a|'-ullcl Inte1'I}1(:e
`TmI1:m1issiuII dislzmlsu
`Cablefi and conncnjtors
`'l‘wisteL'|-|‘1nir cable
`Lmx-'—c'.1p:1citar1ce shielclu.-:LI L‘ah|I.:
`Ribbon cable
`The R§'S—?.3?. null modem
`R‘:3—232 (;'.1|)ling_r tricks:
`Plugs and jacks
`Cmmccting a1:'n1n5_zemuI1£e:a
`Pe1‘I11issE\‘c' 2Ir1'2I11L{u:mu;-.nt
`I"i:x'ed l:)5>.'
`lump :lrrur1;_I_u:|11ent
`Pr<';gr:1n1mnblL- a1'|';1|1gL-rner1’r
`Tr.leplmne 0'_mion:<
`'|f}rderiI1g the bL1:'einI.:s:: line
`l.l5 The Data Link I121}-‘er
`Terminal and data link protocols
`C'.rmnr:(:{m|1 (:St2!l.'|li:-ll1I'I‘|L'I11 ziml
`T1'ansmi::s:ir.>n :-;::qI.:I:m‘::
`lirrur cuulrol
`T3-'pe-5; of p1'0tocols
`'l‘<>!(‘.t_\'pe pI'r>mr_‘nl5
`XKIUDEXI pmtucul
`.\.\lf)Dl5.:\l,’(Il{(T pmmcol
`\'l\-l()l_)l‘1T\l and YM{)Di:l.\-'l l_1atr;l1 pmmcnls
`X3lUl'JE.7\l—'lK prntousl
`Y.\IUIJE.;\I—Cs and Y'.\'lUl')E3l—(J— l‘J2ItL‘l'l p1'0t:;u::r:l:'~'
`R1'e;_\-'nchmnnLIs pmtr_:r;.ols
`Bit—uriemeL| [jrolomls
`Utllcr pretustnlsa
`1.16 []'lItI§-_ZI‘E11’Z€(.l Services Digital Network
`Concept behind It-3{)_\‘
`ISDN &1I'Cl1ltt}I..'!.'Ll1‘f:
`Types 0|‘ service
`Basie 'd(.'(‘.t:'-3'-'.
`I-'1'imar.\‘ zicvess
`{')thm' ch-.mnel:;
`-.\'ct\\'oI'l< clim--m:teristic:a
`'l‘t:rrninal eqL|iprm':nt and net\\'m'k imerf-aces
`'l'u:rI11'm-al 21LJaLpteI'e-3
`The l"lll.'1.l1't_' of lS'.lD_\'
`Review Questions

`') .5
`Wide Area Networks
`'l'1‘a11srnis.-aim] f::ci1itiu:.~:
`Ciru;‘.L1it 1‘a'\\‘itcht*.L1 Nct\\'urL.~.‘~
`l"‘1'L‘L}l1t'!'H..“\' L'ii\'ision :nL|itipicxiI1_:1
`I'll" I"l).\I rcL‘:':m111m1dalisms
`'l'ima.- (ii\"ts.'n:>t1 mL11t1'p1u:xin__L{
`‘|‘—(".11'r'u-1' L‘\'rJILlt§um
`(.‘h:mnvI hamlis
`TI mu]ii]1|cxcr'
`Circuit s\\'itchiI1g clizinlcttaristics
`];L‘&l$C(.1 Linc Ha-laud I\.'et\-mriis
`T_\'pc:-: of |L’.;l$('d lines
`L_riii7,dt1':.u1 ex:trnple.~‘.
`;\II.Iltipls:xc1' I.Iti1i7.z1Imn
`Rout:-1' nutiliz-.1('ma1
`Packet Switching; Netxmrlcs
`.\-lLIItEpIc.~:ir1g as uppmzccl to pack;-t .~:\\'itL‘hin;:
`Packet m-l\\'m‘k L‘()I1SfI'l1I;‘.ti0l1
`I'I'l' paclwt nctwmlz rccotnnu-nd:1tim1:<
`'l‘h;- PDN and \'ai]LIr:'-udt|<=.d nel\\'nr1<.~a
`l’:1ckct I1E.‘T\\'I)l']i aI'u:}‘site::LL|ru=:
`I):m|gI'-.1171 packet nL=1\\-:;1'ke-:
`\'irtuu] circtait p-m_'1<L't m.-m'm'k:-1
`lflickut formariml
`I"m‘kct I1-rm-.iL and crmtem
`(_‘-AH c.~'.t;I11|i::i1r11c11l
`.—\d\':i:1t-ages of PD.\':'<
`'|'L-clmniogicni a1-;{\'2I11cL‘:<
`I-"ache: nctwm'k L1u.:1:1_\' pmbk‘I'n1»‘
`Fast packet s\\'itching:
`171111119 11-l:1_\'
`(_Tr;|11p;|ri.~‘.<:n tn X25
`\'r:iL*e nwr I‘mmL- ]'t'1':1}'
`The Internet
`Prutmfinl :lc.\'ul0p:m=nt
`Thv 'i'('_'i’x'|I’ ST.1'Lll.‘l'll]'t'
`\'e1'.~:L1e-3 virtuaul u:ira.‘11i{s
`|(‘.\”‘ nml .-\RP
`Thu TCP h{%adc|'
`!'5oLu'L‘:: and dc-.~:tinattiu1'1 purl |'u.:|:I_~;
`5-3:-quu'1‘1cc tiuld
`LTm1trn| fit-id H.-ma:
`\\'inc|0\\' field
`Ch¢:L‘k::L1:n field
`l.:1's,{om pcainhcr Hold
`TILIP tmns|11iss;ir;|1 .“-t‘L]Llf.'l'|L‘L‘ ex:1I11|.1ie
`The UDP }‘Ie:1dc-I‘
`:'-iuL:|'w and clue-'.1ir1u:iun port ficlds
`].l.'11_J__'I|’I fivkl
`The [P I1cmJ1c:'

`\‘1.:r:i:'l)]'] FJ1"]L'I
`I--I1.~.1dc1' 1:.-ngth and mm] 1;-ngrh IiL:|L'le-;
`'I'_\'pu: <Jt'.~;cI'\'1'uc field
`|LlE:l1tiHCkI[j11I1 and fr'a«1}.{n1e11t +}f{".~u:t Eiclde;
`'1'imt to live field
`I"la1ge:: livid
`i':§:'n1|:':‘c: and :'|:":%Iin.'m'm1 :1tldTL".:i!:'- E‘u:Id.\s
`[P '¢1d(irc5si11;g
`Class .-\
`Class B
`{'1;I!:::-2 C
`Host rt.-striL‘ri:m:'+
`.‘.'iL1bn::r l'IT:151-(S
`[Jermain _\.='21mu-
`:\':um-. st-I'\'r:r
`TCP,-’If’ co|1figuJ'ati0n
`_\Ii;.»;r;.1tinn i.~‘.t;L1e:'~
`5N.5\ and .'-XPPN
`SKA :_‘m‘1L':epts
`Xct\\'r)rk nmlrs.
`Thu }'}h_\"HiCflE Lmir.
`The lngli-:11 unit
`_\I11|EipI:c :-arv.\s>3ir.m L"cl[')';ll3i1it}'
`SN.-'\ nL't\\-'o1'k structure
`'l'ypes of p}1_\':sic::1 units
`Multiple dm112Iin~.~‘
`SNA |LI_v::r$
`F'}1_\'-ciirsul and d-.11-‘I link |:|_\'cr.~'
`Path 1':::nI1'(J|
`'l'1‘an5missirm utrmtrol
`Dam How cm1Irn1 su1'\'iuo..~:
`I‘rJ:-.-:eI1ta1tir.m :ae1'\'ices E-a_\'cr
`'1'r:I11$:1ctiLn|1 se1'\'ice |a_\'ur
`S\'.-'\ dcvclrrpmcnts;
`.‘3.\7.'—\ sessions
`.-"-Xclv-united I’cer—tu—Pm:I'
`:\PP[.‘ 1‘.m‘IL‘(:p1S
`AI-‘PK :11'::hi:c:c111rI:
`R:'::.m-. 1-:::|L‘ction
`2.? AT1\-I
`L‘:-ll size
`The A'l':\-"I pmtmrul F-l'EIL‘1-i
`.-\'l')-I .-\clapt.':tinn I..d)'L'.!' I.‘-\.'-\ L}
`Tile ATM I..a_\'u:r
`Time P113."-.-'.1'v;'aL] L2I_\'t‘I'
`.-\'I".\I operatio11
`§\'r;£\x'm'k 1'I1tL-1'!"-aces
`.-\'etworki|1g {AI’I’N)
`3| T
`,2 E9
`25 I

`The .-\'l"-.\I CC“ lu-ar]c|'
`A'T_\I c.<:m1L'-ctiuns and cell .~',-\\'irching
`Review Questions
`3. Local Area Networks
`C-()I'i'Ip'£I1‘iS(_l11 to \\',3\ N3
`(}uogr:|phiL' an.-u
`|')>1l:1 tra1:1-.<I‘:1is;.v.irJ:1 :mLI error rates
`l_)aI-(1 rmlting and t:npra]u_1__r)'
`'I‘_\'p:_= IJF inI"u1'n1uIim1 L':u‘r'mL|
`L_’tii{'/.z!tion hem-fits
`PL-:'iphL-nil 2-;hnr1'|1g
`(_I:,m1mrJn 2-:nft\\'-arr ilCL‘t‘:-i3-
`EIu:utruniL‘ mail
`(Ema-\\::1_\' m:c1:::e=, tn m'.1iI1f1'mm'.-.~‘
`3.2 Techn:)l0;_:ica1 C11am.ctc1‘istic5
`.\Ii):cd tnpnI::;_=_iu;.~'
`Cm11p:1ri:::an <1f'tupn]n}.{i::.~;
`Sigrmling I11e.!'hud5
`[3s'm:dI'z:1:1d \1:|‘:-nus hal!-il.i1‘}31‘lL|.
`Brnuclbnml :<':gI1a11in_s_1
`B-.1scb:1:1d si_:gnulin;:
`']'1'm15Inissim1 medium
`C .
`Fiber zaplic cablu:
`.'—\ccess mctlmcl
`l.i::t:mu:1‘s um! {:iH{L'I'!-'-
`L':Lrrie1‘—.‘-la.-'11:u‘ Kiuliiplu .-\a::*1-as with (.7<:1]isic:I1 |)::lc:rIim1 [C.‘-‘sKi_-\_.-"{','1)}
`'I‘::kcn pusezeilmgz
`IEEE 802 ‘Standards
`802 cmnmittees
`Data link subcii\'i.~;i(';11
`.\{udium .'\l.‘.LTl.’S$‘- Cmm'ol
`l.:':,qic-al Link L'u::n'nl
`Ph_\'SlL‘.&11 layt.-1' :~;L1bdi\'isi(m
`£ti'1ernct ;\\3t\\'orl{s
`(_)riginnl n::t\\'01'k L‘E‘}|‘n§'!(Jt‘1L‘l‘|.t,S
`Ciuzixiul c'.1h]L':
`T1'un.~:L'::i\-'eI‘ aml 'rr21m:m.-i\'cr uzlhle
`I11turFuc.L- Ix:-urL1
`IEEE SD23 r1er\\'m'!<:‘.
`\'eru-ark nz1n1c.-S

`IGOR.-\ H E — PX
`_\§:.-lwm'k 1.1ti1iza1iun
`Fl":lITI(: mnmositioll
`[’ream|J1:.' Fldd
`Htan uf fr-.1mc d-;-1in1it-1'1‘ field
`]_}u:::1im1[ir;|1 address Eh-Id
`1'-"snL1rcu: mldrtwu-2 fiL':ld
`'l'_\-'pL- field
`[.en;.{t}1 I'1e|1l
`[)ztt:1 field
`:;:.:L|Lu;'ncu field
`Frmne L"hE_‘C1(
`:\Ic<lia .—\::cess Control {MAC} 0\'f;‘1‘Vit'\\'
`Logical Link Control I[Ll.C) o\'e|'\‘ie\\'
`'|‘3-‘pas; and classes 0|" s‘.er\-‘ice
`'|"_\'pe 3
`'I“_\'pe 3
`C121;-ieseis nf s(:1‘\“u:e
`\‘lE‘F.‘§1|S |’l0]'|-l'L‘.d1IndElT‘it main ring paths
`Cabling and device I'est1'ictim1s
`II1tra—.\L-XL‘ cahlilmg distalnccz-:
`.'-\LljL1:;tr.'r.'l rim: !u_=ngtl1
`Other ring size coI1:<i(JL~r:1tim1s
`'I"1'aI1.~:I‘ni5:ai(:t‘1 fm'm:1ts
`Sm1'tim;v,.’:rt1dit1g L|e1in1itcr:<
`.'-\1;u;:es:= u:mm'o1
`Fminc cnmtml
`|)C$itinal1'iIJl} acldreas;
`Stailrcu adni:'c::s:
`Rutlting inf<:r|11-Miun
`InFm'm:Iti0n field
`I-"I"-=1IT|e L‘|Iu.=.Ck $('.(]|.lt_‘l'lL‘t‘
`Frazlnu.-. :-mmis:
`Xlediuln Access Control
`'.\-I.-\('_' L‘(J]"ll'I'()]
`I’L11';ge t'1'2m'1u
`Bedcull fratm‘.
`UL1pli:‘.;I1'u :add|'c.~‘.:-3 test frame
`L.c);r,ica| Link ('.T1';nt1'()|
`Review Questions
`Wide Area Network Transmission Equipment
`.—'\::0ustic C-()ll])]I..‘I'.‘-‘u
`L‘??? and ELIr<)pean Ltump-atibi|it3'
`Problems in Lmagc
`3 I7
`3 I 7
`\ 3‘)

`Basic c<>n1pr_mcm.~;
`1\lud:.-In tr-.mesmim-.r se<_‘tin11
`Mmlulzltur, Llmplifier uml filter
`I)L-lat)‘ di.~;tm'ti011
`The nmdulatiun process
`r\ll'I|“Ill.I'll(lt‘. mnd1.1lutim'1
`Fr-.‘que:m‘._\' mur.|ulnti0u
`l"l'1L1::c I110¢.luluIiL':I1
`Bpr; \'crsL1s ha1Lul
`Voicc circllit ]):IT'11I‘I’1(_‘tL‘1'!-‘-
`Cmnbined |‘f1(J(.‘l1.ll:'1tl()l1 Lccl1|1iqL1L‘:s
`Other mou.|ulnlinn tn.-clmiqucs
`'l‘re|liea L.‘(.l(lL'(l moduluiinn
`Cnn\'r>lutim1al emgod-21' :.:pc1'uti:m
`Echo c:1nccllati0:1
`"i'}'pu.-9. of muclcms and f:eatu|‘rcs
`.\'l0L'lr. nf t1':I11$tni5::ir)n
`'Fr:tI1s111issir111 tufihlmiqunr
`Line Ll:-Vt‘. cl-.u:-'.sit"'1u:1tinn
`.\'I1:th:a:.i 0|‘ f2|l_\ric‘.atim1
`: and ,~;u‘u11da11'_\' chammrlea
`X-lultipurl L‘2Lpul‘1iliL_\'
`.‘5c:_‘uri1"_x' czLp:1hilit_\'
`l\lLllI‘ipl(‘ xpocd ':?L‘ll'L.‘tl[JI] ¢:'.1pa'l_mili1'_\'
`\':':ic:-,-"duI'.1 cnpzmility
`N-'luLle:"n opu-.r:1ti<)nss and co1npatil)ilit_\'
`30“ |'Jp§
`|CcI'|r: sL1pp1‘1'.'2:sinn
`l')I.«abl1'n:_r calm :-:upp|'es:sra1's
`.‘\fIU tn |.‘s‘l'N,] hpes‘.
`2=lrEIU bps
`"Jfi{}l1 laps
`H -lflfl hp:-2
`l9 2N] laps
`.33 Klli} laps;
`33 f}EJ[§l1p:;
`56 kiapr;
`N:'m—st:1nda1'd modems
`l‘::::kcti'x.:;cI cmsumhle protocol
`.-\S}"rT1l}I(‘II'lL‘lLl modcmez
`l"u1_L_:-p<:11g Hind:-rlnr-2
`.\lndcm hamle:l121l<i11,q
`Nlmlcrn IL‘!-3IlI!§_.J' and pm'L11em I'§.’:-‘~£'1l'Ll'El(m
`l'.~‘ing mmlcm ':nLIi.::atm's
`_\lmlu.:1‘n tc.~mr1g
`Intelligent I.\'Iucl(-3:113
`(__‘<':mm;1ml sets
`Thu: Ila_\'c.~‘» ummmiml set
`L.‘:m1m-.mLl u.'-“.(‘
`I{t.-ml: L'I.Il_l(:.Ԥ
`Fxten-;ls:rl .-\'l' crramnumds:
`Xlmlcm ]'L‘£{i.IL"I'S
`3‘ 3
`-H 5

`Error tlctcctinn and L701‘1'ccti{.:n
`|“1n\\' L-nmm]
`Uctlmds mi‘ error L1t‘1IICti()I1 and c.r.JI'I't:Ltt':on
`Data t‘{.II1'IpI‘{3SSiE1l‘l
`K-l.\'I’ ("la-1.~a.~‘ 5
`.\I.\'|’ (.‘|.:1.~s:; T Pt1|1::n-st-d (lam L‘t:II]I)l'n'.‘:4$‘uil)l'|
`\'.42 his
`(.'mnpuI.ibility issuaca
`:\7cguti-atim1 prohlrcrnx
`."3iI'1':u|taI1c<_::1.~s \'rJicc and daft: :}pc1'ati:m.~s
`S_\'11c}1mn<:11.~: dialing ]'£lI1_1Zl.l1l;.{t‘.‘
`-L4 Multiport Nlndems
`!‘*'nc]r:cti:'>n c|‘itcri-=1
`.-\pp1ic:1ti0n m.-xa1nplI.*
`Stand-m‘L| aml optinnml fca1tLI:':rs;
`4.5 Nlultipuint .\'lm1(.-ms
`[-‘-.1cm|'s :-:I'fccting multipuinl CiI'CLI'il‘S
`Ru:s|m1::ic time
`'|':‘au::-auction rz1tu.:
`'l'hmLIghput problems
`1\'lu|tipnint TT1()dl.‘.]'I1 dc\'L*l:>pmcr1t:s
`[{cnmt.e mulripnint tnzsting
`i\IemoI'_\' L:ap:1cit§' and (.1e\‘ir;L- 2u:u:es:»‘
`De.\'icC lia'r1it3ri0I1:a
`-L? Lint: Uri\‘e1's
`lJircct c{'1n11cctim1
`L"::i11§_{ lint dI'i\'E.*r5e
`l,imited—distancc ;\[0clerns
`R'¢1ti:ma1u.- and .~'st:1tus
`C.‘m1t1‘a::ti11g,r L1l._‘\'iC.('_?-5'
`'I'1'2msn1issirm rntdiu
`()p::1':Iti(maI feat-.|1'es
`4.‘) Bmudband .\'[0de1‘n-5
`Tcltjuhoimc and cable TV inf:'astI't:ctL11'c
`Cable TV
`Cathie modems
`LA.\"ri[3' LETP
`ll'}LCF. 302. H prnpns-r1]
`D1‘-EL mmlusms-e
`4-.10 Di,t.{iI';1l E?-c:1'\'icc Units:
`CIon1pm‘i:;0|1 0|‘ t':1ci]i1'ics
`Digital sigmaling
`Bipc'nl:|r \'inEati::ns
`DDS structure

`U]. L») L0
`U: 1.») ~£
`'41 L.)
`I’ " niing I':>1'rmir:i
`:-ii;m:I11'|1g L-iI]'LlClLJ)‘l.‘.
`Service units
`I:J§"3'[_Y,#'(.'."‘s‘U tests and it1ciiv'.1m1‘:;
`DDS-‘u H
`_.—Xna1o[_' c.\'tt.=.n5iu|1s to D D55
`Ki|<::S1're;1m Re:-\-init-
`'l'|1t- liilaatfitrrcanu netxx-m'1\'
`4.11 Channel St;‘.I‘\'i::.{-: L'nits
`CmnpaI'1'son to DS[.',J'CSl.f
`North ;'\n1e:'i<:::n fmnlimj
`l)~1- F1'an1in_g
`Ifixtelitictl 511pc1'i'ra|nL- 1‘m-un-.1:
`CISI-‘T PC.\I-30 format
`Frame cmnpnsitinn
`'1'-c:1rrier signal c}1a:'aa.:tcI'istics
`:\':;rIh .3unc1'ic:1
`4.12 Pzlrallel Interfarst-3 Extt:nder.~:
`I-f_\'tcmder operation
`Iixte-11:16:‘ components
`.3Lpp1icatiL)n cxurnples
`Review Question
`LAN Internetworking Devices
`5.] Bridges
`Basic ()}'.H:‘l":itin1“I
`Filtering :l!1LJ fru-\\".1n‘]m;:
`'l‘ypL-3 of bridges
`T‘|';1n::parcnt Iuridge
`'I'I'eII1s1atiI1g b1'idg__{I.'
`Pilrt-ring and fm"\\'211‘ding
`Hcluctire for\\':u'(1ing
`.\lL11l'ip]u pcari support
`Luna! and wide m'L=-a i|1te:'i}-lcu support
`Tr.-mRpm'cI1t operatit-I1
`Frame tI'a1I1s1atiun
`l71'arr1u cr1::apsL1i:tti0n
`l{mItin_L', nwthods
`Spa1:111ir1g tree prurmml
`r-iu1.11'ce muting
`F-‘u'1111'cc rm_1tin;_{ trun;-:paI'ent b1'id;zv.-:5:
`Xu:t\\'n1‘1( utiiiza-1ti:)n
`5.2 Routers
`Comparison to bridges
`Nt:l.'\\'I'J1‘k layer operations
`7_\'et\\'m'k 21dd1'L=.~ss Lltilimtriun
`Table mps:1'a’riu11
`.—\d\-':nm1;;v:: of use
`IP 5L1p]J0:'t (.wt%I'\'itr\\'
`COIDlTIL1f1iCElti(Ji‘]S and ruutiiug protracols

`Routing protocols
`Handling I1()n—t'o1.1tahlL‘. protocols
`Communications p|'otoa‘.r)l:-‘.
`l’ror:'u::':l-dupentlunt :‘outu:r3
`I’rotm‘.ol-i11Lltt]m|1(lt'nt 1‘(}1.1t(_’I‘5
`'l'}-'pcs of routing protocols
`5.3 Gateways
`("J vt=.-rvicw
`i\'Iainl'r2:mr.‘ access
`Control Lmit asonmrctii-'it}'
`EIl}{‘.1'l'If.‘.l' tsonnc--:ti\'it}'
`_'\lt(‘.t‘ll:tll\‘L’ g2It{':\\":1}-' merhorle:
`5.4- LAN Sn-'itL:h¢:s
`C0n\'t'.nti01‘1al hub bottlenecks
`EtheI'net hub 0|‘Jl.'I'-';IIl(1I1
`'Tol:cri—Ring hub o|‘:er:1tion
`H()tl'll.'I‘I(‘Cl\' CTL:&I1'lU]1
`Switcliing operations
`lizlsic components‘.
`Key eldvatntagtss oi" use
`Delay times
`S\\'itc:}1ing tt-:chniques
`CrU:s.\a—point switching
`l-’ort—b‘.:scd s\\'itc|1im__{
`.‘-3(:s_zrnr:11t—b21set_l s\\'irrl1ing
`Using LAN 5‘.\\'it(:hes
`Network rL‘.di:stribLItitJn
`Sl.‘I'\'L_‘l' segmentatimi
`BaCkbu|1e t)]'1I:‘1‘2ltl(J]'1
`Handling speed incompatibilities
`A'[‘_\'I crmt-titierations
`5.5 Access E-le1'\‘ers
`Review Questions
`6. Wide Area Network Data Concentration Equipment
`liquipnient sizing
`(1.1 Multiplexers
`Cornparison with other de\-'ic(:s
`Device stlpport
`.\Iultip1cxing t(+cl111iqI.:es
`[*‘rcqL|cnt‘y (livisiun Intlltiplcxing
`Time division mtillipluxing
`.\'IL11tip1exing economics
`Statistical and intelligent multiplextm;
`Statistical lT&lI11U L'(.Jl'!St1'Ll(_‘[l0I'I
`Flow contml
`f"iL‘r\'ict- ratio
`Data sonrct: support
`fiiwitcliing am! port tsonwmirm
`E-3Tl),\l,-‘I'l'lJ.\-"I Statistics
`FeatL:I'c_-A to {‘l'JI'JSltlt]'
`Ltilizzltion co|':s‘.irI::r:«htinm;
`5 8]
`(:1 l
`6 [0

`'l'hc '1‘-cnrriu.-1'
`“HI I'|'znni|1g
`IJi_s_!iI:11 sigmal |c\'c1:s
`|’1'annimz -;']r.|n_Lvc::
`Tl stigma] c}1m'uctcri:<Iic..v.
`[€111‘r:pcu|1 El faciiilics
`'I'1 muItipIc_\-gr
`\'nir1- a|i.;4iti'z,m1'm1 tt‘L'}‘II‘Ii.(1Ltl'."-
`\\'-.1\‘L-11:1-[11 cu(1in_u_
`Lim-;:r prcd'ac1'i\'c c0ding_:
`Hybrid cmiing
`(‘}".l.l’ cm‘]iI1g_:
`Tl muItipk=.xcr cmp]n_\-'mcnt
`I7:-::1tL:t'L-:; tn u:nn.~:i(|cr
`T+.u1d\\'i:.lI]‘1 llliH'£i1lil:11
`I§2:ml\Vi1‘lth -.:1|m-urinn
`\'nicc inrc1'F:u‘.c Sl.I}‘I]3:_I1‘!'
`Ynicc r.!i;_5iI'iz'.1iin|1 :u1ppm't
`hm-.'rnnd:I1 trunk support
`?'}uhr:itc chemnd 1.1ti1iy.:Iti(m
`|)i;;itu1 :Il.‘l'('.:-'-S cmeas-::0r1|1I.:ct v.:1p;1l)iHl_\'
`(i'.1lc\\':Ly rap;-|'a:1i:m Sl.lp]3I'I1‘l
`.-\Etcm:|tc muting: and rmue ggcsuzr-atiur1
`\1;Ixi|11L|rI1 numbcr HI‘ hops; and um.ic.~; 5lI]_‘||3lIl‘[:.‘L|
`(.‘u11!i;z1|r-atinti ruic-5
`Subratc \'0icc,a’D:1t21 3-hlltiplcxc-1's
`Invcrsc Multiplexers
`(.'.unti11_Lrenc_\' :.1pcratim1s
`Iicrmmnics of usc
`Exn:m1cL1 suhchannel support
`P21cI<cr .-\se;cn1h]er/1)isasscmhler
`’l'_\'pcs of P.-U3:-‘u
`X} parzum-ters:
`l“rzu11c Ru-1:13-‘ Access Device:
`I lélrt-.'\\'i’.tI-{.). m'c1‘\'ic\\'
`[.T<)111}1::1-i.~:n|1 to m1.Itcr.~;
`Thu [—l"R.-\D
`Prntocul sI.1ppurt
`E‘-'u\'_-\,-"HUI .(‘ cncapsL1]e:tim1 intn 'l'(I[’,-"{|’
`:'-IX.-\,".‘.'i [Ji.(' cm1\'ct'si:.m to fiN.~\,-"I_l.L'2
`l.}2:ru Link E'i\x'1'Ic11i11g
`RFF 1-I-‘NJ
`\'0icc m'c1' Frmnc Relay

`71 I
`7] i
`7 I5
`7 I 6
`"-~I -I-'-
`\"uiL1: digitizéulinn
`Frnntwnd I’r()cc:ss:(11':3
`ID-?\-‘I 3725
`IBM 37-‘I-5
`IBM 37-1-E1
`.\-'I0dem- and Line—s.l1:'n'i11g Units
`A similar device
`Dex-'it;t': diff(:l'Cl"]L‘E.'F-
`Slmring unit :‘.0nstt'ainl's
`Other sharing clu.-.\'ic¢:s
`Port—sharing Units
`\’\"|1c11 to 17m1si(|uI'
`Upcraticm and l.l:§':Igl_‘
`l’nI't-slmring as él h‘LIpp|f.’.h‘I('I‘![
`A similar dr:\'ice
`6.l{} Cm1tmE L..'=nits
`L‘.m'1t|'oi unit com:u.-pt
`.—\tt-.1chrm=.nt mctlmds
`l't1it :>pr:ration
`PI‘0t{>(.‘:‘)1 5-:LIpp:I)1'l
`Bre:11<i11g the closed ‘.-i_\'$lé.‘t‘1‘|
`l’rntm:ni L‘Il11\‘t.‘.]‘[(‘1‘S
`'|"c|'mim1l ir11.ct'fm‘e uni:
`(1.11 Pnrt Selectman‘.
`T_\'pt-.3 of de\-‘inn.-.6;
`Cmnputu.=1' site l)p(‘l'L1tiIJIIt-3
`17.~:-age dc-.-:*.isin11:a
`Port cusets.
`Load l)2i1aI'lL‘.i|‘|.}_{
`Selc-nor fc;1tI.1re':-:
`].inc—:-1witc.hing nct\mI'i<
`6.12 Protocol C?011vcrters
`PI1ysice1|,."'::Iu:.*lrical c0|1\‘(-rsinn
`I)-at-A i‘.()(1[?l."Sp(’L‘d cum crsimi
`CImwcrsi0I1 tr.-ltegurics
`Dc.-\-'iu:c opcralirm coI1\'m-.~'aio11
`[)e\'icc f'L:m:ti0m1lit_\' ¢:m1\-'c1'si0n
`\'L‘I'S-ELI‘.-I block mmlc (!}‘H.‘.‘|'E!fi{)1'I
`.—\p;1|it:u l'io11s
`Review Questions
`Specialized Devices
`7.1 Data Cmnmunicutimus Switches
`I“2'uI1hacI< s\\'itchc.~‘-
`B_\'pas:»‘ .~a\\‘iichcs
`C :‘uss:.>\‘u-:1‘ switch
`.\-'l':Itrix :;witr;|1
`_-—\c|ditimml de':ri\-'ati(:n.~.:
`(.‘hainin_r__{ s\\'itc|1c5
`r-3\\'itcI1 cnmtmi

`!.'5\\'it¢:hi1ig dDD1iCE1ii()I1S
`Hot—.~:ta|'t conliguratinn
`CI:_i1d—.~;tarl' Ltnnligiiratioii
`5-ih:iriIi;{ 21 ha-;'1uip rontt.-r
`RI)I.Itt'l' to l‘lJl.ll'l:!' cm'm'mmitr:i1ions
`.-Xdtling 2!
`l'}1iJ'd I'§]:'\ fallback rnvitcsh
`l'I'I()fl.’. switcliabic lines
`Chainiiigz adds options
`.-\ct:css= to other liners
`?.2 Dani Cmnpression i’t::-forrning l_)evi(:tr:s
`CoI‘t1pi'e..~s.-:i<':i1 techniqiics
`L‘|1:i1'at‘lvr nriuntud
`Null COI‘l'I|‘JI‘L‘.‘iSir)I'|
`Run Ia-ngth c:JInp:'c.<sir:ui
`Piitta-.i'n L-:L:b:<titI.iIim1
`Etitziiie-xliital 1-ncracling
`Iluffmzin L‘mlin_s_{
`I.7.\V' Coding
`Ba,-in-.[1't.~‘. of I.3()l’T1|)l‘L‘!.-=Sil)1‘|
`(‘f)l‘I}]Tll‘l:$Sir_)l'I perforniing dc-.\-'it:¢s
`C.‘unipt'es::i<>11 D5-EU-.-:
`}luitit'LII1L'I:iur1a| t‘mnp1‘c:;sinr1
`Fiber Optic "l‘rur1s;missi0n 55}-'sten1s
`L‘-i_\‘:;te-In cninpunents
`The light ::oL|tcc
`f)ptiL‘a1 l."di!iL‘h‘
`'!'_\'p::s nf fibers
`C:aii11ii:':1i cabin:
`The light dt-lecl:.:r
`Otlu-.r optical devices
`(ilplicul nmduin
`('TlpI'i:‘-.3I Inultiph-..\'cr
`'l"i'aIn:-'.:11i5sai:m :H.'l\-'£tl1I.'El}_{(‘S
`IClt't:lrtni11:1;_mctic I1un—.~‘L|.-:1:-;=ptibi|it_\'
`.‘-‘>ig_m.-il attenuation
`Ki-:ctriL‘:i1 hdzaird
`\\’t:i:._{|1t and size
`Limit:-1ti<>n:: of use
`Ci1.i.)i{‘ .~;p|it'ing__!
`.“i_\'~.-:li:m cost
`Utilizaitiun t‘(.,‘l)l'I()t'I‘IiL‘S
`Iledicalmtl cable .~:3-‘::I.mi1
`_\lL11lit:Ii:mm.-I L".'I1l')|l.’
`(i}]!IiL‘.:1] multiplexers:
`Sttttiirity Devices
`Pal:-:.‘;\\'m'd .~;i'1t'JrtC1)1niI1§_{S
`P;is:-\\'m‘d ssmnbiiiaitimm
`Illicit d(‘.£.‘(.‘:-‘»S
`'I‘ra1I1.~m1issi0n Sl.‘(.‘.|.1l'iI}’
`_\lzu1L1ul tutthniqiiite-:
`Autmmitc-LI lusnrhniqties
`_\=lodcrn dL‘.\'(‘.1(.l}'_}!'l‘1I':l"iI'!'-3
`I')FS zllgurithm

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