U S007463 ] 45B2
`(12; United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,463,145 B2
`Dec. 9, 2008
`lnventer: Keith Jentnft. Circle Pines. MN (US)
`(73) Assiyee: RSI Video Technologies, Inc._. White
`Bear Lake, MN [US]
`( * ) Notice:
`Sub‘ect to an disclaimer. the term oftlijs
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.(.‘. 154(b) by 412 days.
`6.27|,':"52 BI
`6.4 I L209 Bl
`5.475.853 HI
`6.504.479 HI
`3-'200l Vaius
`6.32002 Lyons et al.
`I H2002 Ri1|”I1ireZ Din? el al.
`[£2003 Lemons el al.
`5.590.414 B2
`6300.48’? B2
`6359.95’? B2
`2002.-'0li"l557 AI
`2003.-'00fiS407 Al
`2003.-"0l935fi3 Al
`2003302021 [7 Al
`232004 Lyons of al.
`3.-"2004 Lyons ct al.
`"#2004 Murakztmi er al.
`I H2002 Wegener
`432003 Joluison et a].
`I 052003 Suztlki
`I 052003 Garner
`(21) Appl.N0.: 111333.764
`(22) Filed:
`Mar. 24, 2ll"[I6
`Prior Publication Data
`U S 2(l07i"0{)6384() Al
`Mar. 22. 2007
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 603719.369. filed on Sep.
`22. 2005.
`G08B 13/00
`G08B 19/00
`H04N 7278
`(F083 I/08
`(52) U.S. (II.
`3401541; 3402517; 340E521:
`3401522; 3403565; 340539.17: 3401693.]:
`382E103: 348E152: 348E154; 348055
`(58) Field ol'Classification Search
`3402517. 521. 522, 565. 539.25, 693.1; 3483152.
`3482054. 155
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`U.S. PATl",N'l‘ l)(}[_‘UMl7,N'[‘S
`4.857.912 A
`5.443.290 :'\
`5.703.363 A
`5.819.124 A
`RN98‘) Everett. Jr. et al.
`9-‘.1995 Van Zccland
`I2.-‘"1997 Tomooka 01 {LL
`l0:'l998 Sumner et al_
`101 50 745 A l
`Primary E.\'aminer Donnie L Crosland
`(74)/L'!omq1-'. Agent. or Ffrm—Crawf0rd Mallnu PLLC
`According to one example embodiment. an integrated secu-
`rity arrangement detects unwanted intruders in a llaeility. The
`arrangement includes an intrusion sensor to sense an intm-
`sion at a target area of a facility, a second sensor to sense
`movement. an image~capture device. and a base unit. The
`in1agL~capture deviee captures images in response to an intru-
`sion indication from the intrusion sensor and in response to a
`movement indication from the second sensor. The base unit
`integrates a direction ofview ofthe second sensor and ofthe
`image—capture device. thereby directing the second sensor to
`sense in the target area in which the images are captured by
`the image-capture device.
`22 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
`Page 1 of 11
`RPX Exhibit 1007
`RPX Exhibit 1007
`RPX v. MD Security
`RPX V. MD Security

`US 7,463,145 B2
`Page 2
`U.S. PAT] £N’l‘ l)O{TUM1?,N'rS
`3$‘;i3i‘§i3§‘f ‘ti
`2004111205823 Al
`2004a’D2(J5824 .-\l
`2fl05.’DD242fl6 Al
`200510124450 Al
`20090134454 Al
`1U.*'2U(J4 Tsai
`2.-‘"2005 Samarasckcra ctal.
`mans Kuvach
`512005 Eskildsen
`676 7“ A
`8] I 959 A
`0 355 825 A2
`1 115 254 :12
`I 363 260 Al
`1499 098 Al
`I 316933 Bl
`2325 548 A
`2 358 504 A
`01236197 \
`I 5452 I
`W0 88.-"D7474
`wo on.rn3357
`W0 02.’469l9 A2
`WQ W0 20041064355 A2
`‘W0 20045079684 Al
`W0 W0 2004.-"ll4648 A2
`W0 W0 20051065196 A2
`6', 199
`Page 2 of 11

`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 9, 2008
`Sheet 1 of4
`Us 7,463,145 B2
`Intrusion Sensor Input 10
`FIG. 1A
`Sensor Communication Path 40
`Cenlsal Plooessing 55
`Local {Video} Data Storage
`Telephone Channel
`Broadband (Cable)
`Channel 75
`Page 3 of 11

`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 9, 2008
`Sheet 2 of4
`Us 7,463,145 B2
`Sensor Triggered
` Y
`120 3
`lR)'Mo!ion Delectorlca mera
`Camera Set to “READY”
`Motion Detected
`Motion Triggers |R!Mo1i0n
`160 x
`Camera Turns ‘ON’ and
`Captures Wdeo
`Video Sent to Control Panel
`FIG. 1B
`Page 4 of 11

`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 9, 2008
`Sheet 3 0:4
`Us 7,463,145 B2
`235\‘ ‘ 225
`Page 5 of 11

`Image Search for condition
`Intrusion sensot activated
`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 9, 2008
`Sheet 4 of4
`Us 7,463,145 B2
` image-capture
`device active?
`Repod Alarm Condition
` Report Status
`FIG. 3
`Page 6 of 11

`US 7,463,145 B2
`RliI.A'l"l7.l) PA'[”l'*‘.N'l‘ l)()CUMliN'l‘S
`This patent document claims benefit under 35 U.S.C. §
`ll9(e) to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60!7l9.
`369, entitled “Security Mo11.itoringArrat1gen1ei1t and Method
`with Privacy Control." filed on Sep. 22. 2005.
`The present it1vet1tion is directed t'o a security arrangement
`and method for monitoring the inside of a facility or resi-
`I3ACl((iR( )I IN] )
`In order to protect residents, employees, personal property,
`and the like. security monitoring systems are used to monitor
`a variety of facilities and to sense the presence of an unwanted
`intruder. Many sucl1 security systems are connected to a cen-
`tral cot11.rol unit and monitored by an operator who can alert
`the appropriate emergency services in the event of an
`unwanted intruder. Typically. a home monitoring security
`system includes a combination ol‘ sensing devices and alarm
`devices and some also include cameras. To achieve the maxi-
`1nui11 monitoring coverage.
`these devices are distributed
`throughout the interior of the facility.
`Security systems that employ cameras are advantageous in
`that they are able to record activity associated with a sus-
`pected breach ol‘ the facility. In some instances, however, the
`cameras record the regular activities ol‘ the facilities’ resi-
`dents andfor employees. The cameras also record activities
`that are falsely perceived to be security breaches such as pet
`behaviors a11d authorized users that have bee11 accidentally
`locked out.
`In specific situations. such as those having the potential to
`violate the privacy ofauthorized residents andfor employees
`of the facility, such comprehensive recordation by the secu-
`rity cameras may be undesirable. Since unwanted intruders
`could breach the security of a facility while the inhabitants are
`present, it is necessary for the security monitoring system to
`be functioning at all times. However, having cameras con-
`stantly being triggered to record the inhabitants’ daily living
`and working routines is a dramatic invasion of the inhabit-
`ants’ privacy, and is burdensome with respect to false triggers.
`Further. the monitoring a11d recording ofguests’ activities can
`be just as invasive.
`The above-discussed issues have presented challenges to
`developing a home and}or facility security monitoring system
`that provides maximum coverage while nlinimizing one or
`more of the above—identified issues.
`The present invention is directed to the above and related
`types of integrated security systems. These and other aspects
`of the present invention are exemplified in a number ofillus—
`trated implementations and applications. some of which are
`shown in the ligures and characterized in the claims section
`that follows.
`image-capture device, and a base ttnit. The image-capture
`device captures images in response to an intrusion indication
`from the intrusion sensor and in response to a movement
`indication from the second sensor. The base unit integrates a
`direction of view ol‘ the second sensor a11d ol‘ the image-
`capture device, thereby directing the second sensor to sense iii
`the target area in which the images are captured by the image-
`capture device.
`Other aspects of the present invention are applicable to a
`method liar manufacturing an integrated security apparatus
`that is responsive to a11 intrusion sensor that senses ai1 intru-
`sion at a target area of a facility. The method includes provid-
`ing a base unit. a second sensor to sense movement. and an
`image-capture device. The image-capture device captures
`images in response to both an intrusion indication li'om the
`intrusion sensor and to a movement indication from the sec-
`ond sensor. The method also includes securing the second
`sensor and the image—capture device to the base unit to inte-
`grate a direction of view of the second sensor and of the
`image-capture device. This integration directs the second
`sensor to sense in the target area in which the images are
`captured by the image—capture device.
`Other aspects of the present invention are applicable to a
`security system where a second sensor and image-capttlre
`device are not physically integrated inside the same housing.
`In one such example, an embodiment is arranged with an
`intrusion sensor to sense an intrusion at a target area of a
`facility, a second sensor to sense movement, and an image-
`capture device. The second sensor bears a special relationship
`(e.g.. located sufficiently near and aligned) with the image-
`capture device to fonn a common field ofview, such that the
`fields of view for both devices overlap without the devices
`being located inside a common housing. The image-capture
`device captures images in response to an intrusion indication
`from the intrusion sensor and hi response to a movement
`indication from the second sensor.
`invention is not
`The above summary of the present
`intended to describe each illustrated embodiment or every
`implementation of the present invention. The figures and
`detailed description that follow more particularly exemplify
`these embodiments.
`|3l{llil" l)|£SC.‘l{lP'l‘l()N 01" 'l‘Ill€ DRAWINGS
`The invention may be more completely understood in con-
`sideration ofthe detailed description ofvarious embodiments
`of the invention in connection with the accompanying draw-
`ings, in which:
`FIG. IA illustrates an integrated security system, accord-
`ing to an example embodiment of the present invention;
`FIG. ll3 is a How diagram ofhow an integrated security
`system detects an intruder, according to an example embodi-
`ment of die present invention;
`FIG. 2A is a view ofan integrated security system installed
`in a room in a nomial operating state, according to an example
`embodiment of l.l1e present invention;
`FIG. 2B is a view of an integrated security system installed
`in a room and responding to an intruder entering a residence,
`according to an example embodiment of the present inven-
`FIG. 2C is a view of an integrated security system installed
`in a room and responding to an intruder in the residence,
`according to an example embodiment of the present inven-
`tion: and
`Various aspects of the present invention are applicable to
`FIG. 3 is a flow diagram of generating a security system
`an integrated security arrangement. The arrangement
`status report, according to an example embodiment of the
`includes an intrusion sensor to sense an intrusion at a target
`area of a facility, a second sensor to sense movement. an
`present invention.
`Page 7 of 11

`US 7,463,145 B2
`While tl1e invention is amenable to various modifications
`and alternative forms, specifics thereof have been shown by
`way of example in the drawings and will be described in
`detail. It should be understood, however, that the intention is
`not necessarily to limit the invention to the particular e1nbodi-
`ments described. On the contrary, the i11te11tioi1 is to cover all
`modifications, equivalents, and alternatives falling within the
`spirit and scope of the invention as defined by the appended
`unit 35 or the control panel 45 to arm the motion sensor 20.
`When unarmed. the motion sensor 20 will not be able to
`activate camera 25 but may still detect motion. The motion
`sensor 20 can detect motion in its field of view, and once the
`motion sensor is armed. the motion sensor is able to activate
`the camera 25. The motion sensor 20 and the camera 25 are
`positioned such that both devices have overlapping fields of
`detection. Thus. images of the source of the detected motion
`are recorded by the camera without requiring any intervening
`adjustment or alignment. The recorded images are processed
`by a data processor 30. which can be integrated with the
`motion sensor 20 and the camera 25 in a base unit 35 as
`shown, or may be located remotely and electrically coupled to
`the base 35.
`ll will be appreciated that the data processor 30 can be
`implemented, for example, in the form ofa high—speed pro-
`cessor such as a DSP (including an ALU) andfor a more
`general—purpose processor that may be optionally pro-
`grammed for video data (de)compression. Thus. various
`embodiments may include a variety of combinations of pro-
`cessing operations with one or more aspects of the processing
`operations perfonned at one or more local or remote proces-
`sors. For example, both video data storage and compression
`may be performed in the base u11it 35 by the data processor 30.
`‘When the processor is located remotely. the data storage may
`still occur in base unit 35, but compression of the video data
`could be implemented in the remote processor. Another
`embodiment may involve data storage in the base unit 35
`without any compression of the video data. Moreover, each of
`the above operations may be performed in combination with
`a central processor 55, as further discussed below.
`In example implementations the base unit 35 is a battery-
`operated. wireless device having both motion sensing and
`image-capture capabilities. For fur1.l1er infonnation on such a
`device. reference may be made to concurrently filed provi-
`sional application Ser. No. 60f785 ,57"0 filed or1 Mar. 24, 2006,
`entitled “Motion—hnage Monitoring Method and Device" .
`which is herein fully incorporated by reference. In certain
`implementations, data processor 30 is configured to preserve
`Another example embodiment is directed to an integrated
`battery life by communicating in accordance with appropriate
`security arrangement. The arrangement includes an intrusion
`power—saving protocols. For example implementations
`sensor to sense an intrusion at a target area of a facility. a
`related t'o comrntmicative coupling and data transfer among
`second sensor to sense 111ove1nei1t_. a11 image-capture device.
`the above-discussed devices in accordance with appropriate
`and a base unit. The image-capture device captures images in
`protocols. reference may be made to U application Ser. No.
`response to an intrusion indication irom the intrusion sensor
`1 1889.673 filed on Mar. 24. 2006. entitled “Spread Spectrum
`and in response to a movement indication from the second
`Communications for Building—Security Systems" and Euro-
`sensor. The base unit integrates a direction of view of the
`pean Patent Application Publication No. lil-’
`l 363 260 filed
`second sensor and of the ilnage-capture device,
`on May 6. 2003. entitled “Procede de communication radiof-
`directing the second sensor to sense in the target area in which
`réquence entre plusieurs dispositifs et systeme de surveil-
`the images are captured by the i1nage—capture device.
`lance mettant en ceuvre un tel procédé." which are herein
`reference. The
`FIG. IA illustrates an example embodiment of an inte-
`approaches also provide lbr limited activation of the above-
`grated security system. according to the present invention. A
`base unit 35 is located in the interior of a facility and inte-
`discussed camera such that the privacy of the inhabitants of a
`grates a motion sensor 20, a camera 25. a data processor 30,
`residence or facility is largely maintained.
`The recorded images are transmitted over a bi—directional
`and a conununication interface 15. In one implementation the
`sensor (ximmunication path 40 to a control panel 45. III one
`motion sensor is a passive infrared (PIR) sensor. which
`implementation. the sensor communication path 40 is wire-
`detects infrared energy in a target area and. in connection with
`a processor 30. l"t3C()g|1iZCS changes in infrared energy (e.g..
`less and can be employed, e.g. . as described in the above two
`incorporated patent documents. The transmitted images may
`temperature changes) to detect motion. Depending on the size
`be encrypted by the data processor 30 before being transmit-
`of the facility. multiple base units are located throughout the
`ted to the control panel 45. The control panel 45 includes a
`facility’s interior, with a control panel 45 acting as a conven-
`local storage area [or the recorded images 50, the central
`tional communication hub for tl1e facility. When the base unit
`processing unit 55, and a transceiver 60. The control panel 45
`35 receives an intrusion signal 10 from an intrusion sensor
`is located within the same facility as the base unit 35. The
`(via communication interface 15). the motion sensor 20 is
`activated. As shown in FIG. IA. this communication interface
`central processor 55 receives images from each of the base
`units located within the facility. Similar to the above discus-
`15 interfaces the intrusion sensor input 10 to the control panel
`45. This sensor input 10 can therefore inform either the base
`sion. the central processor 55 may perform a variety of pro-
`Page 8 of 11
`The present invention is believed to be applicable to a
`variety ofdilferent approaches and arrangements for provid-
`ing security services. The invention has been found to be
`particularly advantageous for addressing security monitoring
`needs in a residence or private—office environment.
`According to an example embodiment, a security system
`utilizes cameras to detect and identify intruders. The system
`includes an integrated canierafmotion detector that is respon-
`sive to intrusion conditions. The carnera‘s smart—behavior
`results in reduced power consumption and mitigates privacy
`concerns on various levels. A system user sets up Zones with
`at least one intrusion sensor (e.g., doorr'window contacts or
`glass—break detectors) for each zone around the perimeter of _
`a facility and sets up corresponding camerafmotion detectors
`in the interior of the facility. The intrusion sensors are acti-
`vated (armed) by a system user, using, e.g., a keypad on a
`security panel, a remote control fob. or a phone call with
`DTMF. This allows for a complete activation of the system
`when the system user leaves the facility as well as a partial
`perimeter activation ofthe facility when the system user (or
`other authorized person) is present. Thus, when the user is
`present the camera remains “oft” unless appropriately trig-
`gered by the motion detector. However. the motion detector
`also remains “ofl“ unless it is armed by a corresponding
`intrusion sensor. Therefore. cameras record images inside the
`facility when both an intrusion sensor has been tripped and a
`motion detector has detected motion.

`US 7,463,145 B2
`aligning the motion sensor and the itnagc-capture device for
`motuiting on a wall. where contoured portions of the respec-
`tive backs of the motion sensor and the image—capture device
`may provide an offset for biasing the direction of view.
`In other specific embodiments. the various arrangements
`permit for such above-described devices to be situated such
`that their movement is prc—set before they are used or dynan1i—
`cally controlled while in use with automated or semi—auto—
`mated coordination provided by the control circuitry andfor
`personnel at a remote-site center. Such coordinated move-
`ment, while 111ai11tainit1g a cotn.tnon field of view, benefits a
`variety of monitoring andfor security applications.
`FIG. 1B illustrates a process for detecting an intruder.
`according to an example embodiment of the present inven-
`tion. The process shown in 1’ K}. ll} may be implemented. for
`example. using a security system such as that shown in FIG.
`1A or otherwise described herein. An intrusion sensor. such
`cessing operations alone or in cotnbination with data proces-
`sor30. The images may optionally be stored in data storage 50
`for further review or processing. The control panel 45
`includes a battery backup power source 65 in the event of a
`loss of power.
`a natural disaster or an intruder disables
`power to the facility. The transceiver 60 further transmits
`signals including system status reports or recorded images via
`a telephone channel 70 or cable channel 75 to outside moni-
`toring facilities. The telephone channel 70 and cable chaimel
`'75 are 11ot limited to PSTN or broadband channels: they may
`be part ofa GSMECIDMA network. Outside n1orI.itoring facili-
`ties may include a private security company or a local law
`enforcement station.
`In another example embodiment. when an intrusion sensor
`senses an intruder breaching the facility (e.g.. doorfwindow
`contact is tripped), the intrusion signal 10 is transmitted
`directly to the control panel 45. The control panel 45 arms one
`or more base units 35 in the same zone as where the intrusion
`signal 10 originated. The base unit[s) 35 respond as discussed
`above. In this system architecture. the control panel 45 is the
`master and the sensors and control devices (e.g., keypads.
`keyfobs) are slave devices. The radio link in this architecture
`is a star topology with the control panel 45 at the center of the
`network. The branches include base units 35 and external
`as a window or door contact. located at a perimeter of a
`facility detects whether the contact subject, window or door,
`has been breached lltl. If. for example. a window has been
`opened. the window contact (intrusion sensor) sends a signal
`to a corresponding integrated motion sensorfcamera located
`at the interior of the facility. Upon receipt of the intrusion
`signal, the motion sensor is activated 120 and the integrated
`camera is set to a “ready” tnode without initiating recording
`130. The motion detector remains activated 140 and when
`motion is detected. the integrated motion sensorfcamera is
`again triggered 150. Once motion is detected. the camera
`turns “on” and captures images o I‘ the source o I‘ the [notion
`160. The video images are sent to a central control panel for
`further evaluation 170. Further evaluation may include deter-
`mining (manually or automatically using. e.g.. machine
`visions) whether the source ofthe motion is human. an animal
`such as a pet. or another moving object. If the source is
`determined to be human. further evaluation may reveal
`whether any identifying images were captured, whether the
`human is an intnlder or an inhabitant ofthe facility. and face
`recognition may be used to identify a previously unknown
`person on the facility.
`FIGS. 2A—C illustrate another example embodiment of a
`security system installed in a room. FIG. 2A shows the secu-
`rity system it1 a 11ormal operating tnode with the window
`contact 210 armed. In certain implementations a glass-break
`detector may be used as an intrusion sensor. The base tt11it
`235. including both a motion sensor 220 and a camera 225. is
`located on a wall inside the bedroom. Both the motion sensor
`220 and the camera 225 detect a11d monitor an area of the
`bedroom that includes the window a11d the bed. FIG. 21}
`illustrates the entrance ofan intruder into the bedroom. For
`links. e.g.. telephone channel 70 and broadband channel '75.
`Other aspects of the present invention are applicable to a
`security system where a second sensor and image—capture
`device are t1ot physically integrated inside the same housing.
`In one such example. an embodiment is arranged with an
`intrusion sensor to sense an intrusion at a target area of a
`facility. a second sensor to sense movement, and an image-
`capture device. The second sensor bears a special relationship
`(e.g.. located sulliciently near and aligned) with the i1nage-
`capture device to form a conunotl Iield of view. such that the
`fields of view for both devices overlap without the devices
`being located inside a common housing. The image—capture
`device captures images in response to an intrusion indication
`from t.he intrusion sensor and in response to a movement
`indication from the second sensor.
`In more specific embodiments. the various arrangements
`permit the devices to be situated in different ways to provide
`the common field of view. For example. hori'/iontal move-
`ment. vertical movement. or horizontal and vertical n1ove-
`ment can be provided for each of the motion sensor and the
`i1nage—capture device. with their movements mirrored to
`maintain the integrated field of'view. More particularly, such
`mirrored movement can be provided by using a ratchet-like
`mechanism with devices to provide increment adjustments in
`the horizontal andfor vertical directions; the skilled artisan
`example. when the window is opened. the window contact
`would appreciate that such adjustment can be implemented
`210 senses the breach ofthe facility and signals the base unit
`using servo—control motors or be manually implemented
`235. In response to the signal. the mot ion sensor 220 is armed
`using conventional position-stabilizers that permit step-wiser"
`while the camera remains inactivated. l"'I(':i. 2C illustrates the
`incremental rotation.
`In a related embodiment. horizontal 1nove1nent_. vertical
`intruder approaching the bed and the security system record-
`ing the unwanted activity as it occurs. The motion detector
`movement. or horizontal and vertical movement can be pro-
`220 detects the intruder walking toward the bed which trig-
`vided for either or both the motion sensor and the image-
`gers the camera to turn “on” and begin recording the intrud-
`capture device by way of conventional electronically-i1nple-
`er’s movements. In one embodiment the security system may
`me11ted panftiltfmoni operation[s) but with their movements
`sound an alarm to scare the intruder into halting the unwanted
`coordinated to maintain the integrated field of view. For
`activity. In other embodiments an alarm may be delayed until
`image—capture. such panftiltfzoom operation is commonly
`the recorded images are evaluated to verify that the intruder is
`used in digital video-recording devices. The motion detector
`may also be manipulated to alter the field ofview.
`an unwanted assailant and 11ot a false alarm. e.g.. a pet. or an
`inhabitant sneaking into the residence after curfew.
`In more specific embodiments, the various arrangements
`FIG. 3 illustrates an approach to processing recorded
`can be implemented with a spatial relationship between the
`images in a security system. according to another embodi-
`motion sensor and the image—capture device by using a com-
`ment o fthe present invention. An intrusion sensor is activated
`mon backplate to which each of the motion sensor and the
`i111age-capture device are mounted andilor a template for
`at block 310 when at1 intruder breaches the perimeter of a
`Page 9 of 11

`US 7,463,145 B2
`facility. If a motion senson"image-capture device detects
`motion at block 320, an alarm condition is reported at block
`330 and an image search is initiated at block 340. The alarm
`condition n1ay be transmitted to. for example, a central con-
`trol panel. a law e11forcen1ent agency. a private security n1ot1i-
`toring facility, a cell phone, or a personal computer.
`With the image search at block 340 the motion sensor!
`i1nage—capture device generates video data. The video data is
`processed at block 350 to evaluate whether the source of the
`motion is captured ill the video data and whether the source of
`the motion can be identified. For example, if the source is a
`false trigger such as a pet or authorized employeer’inhabitant
`that was locked out. the system can identify the false trigger
`and cease further security or alarm activities. If the intruder is
`recorded. a status report
`is transtnitted to the appropriate
`authorities at block 360. If the intruder is not detectable, the
`system determines whether a predetermined amount of time
`has been exceeded at block 370. If tl1e video data searching
`has not exceeded the predetermined time delay, the system
`continues searching the data for images of the intruder. [Iow-
`ever, if the predetermined time delay has been exceeded, a
`status report is transmitted and other means are optionally
`implemented to identify and apprehend the intruder, such as
`by sounding an alarm andfor alerting authorities or other
`security personnel.
`the motion detectors, while
`In another embodiment,
`always powered. are also always in a state ofmotion sensing.
`Thus. if motion is detected shortly before an intrusion signal
`is transmitted, the control panel andfor base unit can recog-
`nize the chain of events as an authorized person within the
`monitored zone merely opening a window or door. This
`aspect is also advantageous as a “privacy” feature insofar as
`maintaining the image sensor in a disabled mode; images of
`the authorized person within the monitored mine would not be
`captured when the window is opened. The system is pro-
`grammed to recognize alternate orders of signal transmission
`as corresponding to pemiitted behavior. thereby reducing the
`potential for the security system creating. and respo11di11g to,
`a false alarm.
`In another example embodiment. the home entry intrusion
`sensor (e.g., front door contact) corresponds to a delayed-
`response motion sensor such that the transmission of the
`motion indication is delayed to accommodate a security sys-
`tem control keypad located near the entrance. In another zone
`located nearby. such as a kitchen. the motion indication is not
`delayed when motion is detected. The system recognizes that
`motion sensed ill the nearby rootn (e.g., person setting gro-
`cery bags down in the kitchen) following a delayed sensing of
`motion in the entry zone is likely an authorized user and an
`alarm will not sound for a predetermined length oftime. Ifthe
`system is not deactivated or reset before the predetermined
`ler1gtl1 of time expires. the alarm will sound. The number of
`nearby mnes configured with such a relationship with the
`delayed motion indication in the entry zone should be limited
`to ensure that an actual intruder is not provided enough time
`to traverse the premises without bei11g detected.
`While certain aspects of the present invention have been
`described with reference to several particular example
`embodiments. those skilled in the art will recognize that many
`changes may be made thereto without departing from the
`spirit and scope ofthe present invention. Aspects of tl1e inven-
`tion are set fortl1 in the following claims.
`What is claimed is:
`a second sensor to sense movement;
`a norl-Altemating (Torrent (A(') power source‘,
`an image-capture device to capture images in response
`to an intrusion indication from the intrusion sensor
`and to a movement i11d.ication frot11 the second sensor;
`an electronic circuit to control power drawn from the
`non-ACT power source by the second sensor and the
`image-capture device,
`the electronic circuit,
`response to receiving an intrusion indication from the
`intrusion sensor, increasing power drawn from the
`second sensor by arming l.l1e second sensor and, in
`response to receiving a movement indication from the
`second sensor, increasing the power drawn from the
`image-capture device by arming the image-capture
`device: and
`a base unit_. powered by the non-/\(_' power source, inte-
`grating the electronic circuit,
`the non-AC power
`source second sensor and the image-capture device.
`and directing the second sensor to sense in the target
`area in which the images are captured by the image-
`capture device.
`2. The integrated security arrangement of clait11 I, wherein
`the intrusion sensor generates a signal that arms the second
`sensor ir1 response to sensing the intrusion, and wherein the
`non-A(‘ power source is a battery circuit.
`3. The integrated security arrangement ofclaim 1. wherein,
`the electronic circuit processes the captured images and
`wherein the control of power drawn from the non—AC‘ power
`source by the second sensor and the image-capture device
`includes powering up and down portions ofthe image-capture
`device and the second sensor.
`4. The integrated security arrangement o f claitn 3, further
`including a wall—mountable housing to contain the base unit,
`the non—AC power source, the electronic circuit, the second
`sensor and the itnage-capture device.
`5. The integrated security arrangement ofclaim 1, further
`including a housing to contain t.l1e base unit, the second seri-
`sor. and the image—capture device.
`6. The integrated security arrangement of claim 1. further
`including a communication device to transmit wireless sig-
`nals to a remotely-located central controller. a

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