-~----'---------------------------~·--··-·----·------- ·· -·
`1 Iref• Icum aBM• M
`Quasi-Newton minimization with
`translational motion model and
`4-smoothed images
`1 amin• MSEm;n
`Quasi-Newtein minimi:z:ation with
`affine motion model and
`2-smoothed images
`1 3min• MSEmin
`Quasi-Newton minimization with
`quadratic motion model and
`2-smoothed images
`1 Rmin• MSEmin
`Quasi-Newton minimization with
`aquadratic motion model and
`non-smoothed images
`Figure 19: Block diagram of Quasi-Newton minimization of the error function
`After each minimization, error function value (evaluated in non-smoothed image domain)
`is compared to the lowest value obtained so far. If the value has decreased the motion
`parameters are stored and the next minimization begins at this point in the parameter
`space. Otherwise the motion parameters of the last minimization are discarded and the
`next minimization is initialized by the parameters yielding the smallest value of the error
`function. In the first three minimizations bilinear interpolation of the subpixel values is
`applied to speed up the minimization. Cubic interpolation is then used only in the last
`minimization to guarantee maximum performance.
`After the termination of the Quasi-Newton minimizations error function value MSEQN is
`compared to the one after the minimizations of the Taylor expanded error functions
`MSETaylor and the motion parameters yielding smaller value are chosen for the motion
`parameters for this block.
`4.3 Merging
`Splitting and motion estimation results in a large number of blocks (usually) with good
`predictions. However many of these blocks could have been predicted with the same set
`of motion parameters without affecting the quality of the prediction too much_ To remove
`this redundancy, blocks with similar motion characteristics are merged together to form
`Motion Estimation and Representation for Video Coding Applications
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`Page 41

`larger segments. Following subsections describe how to decide which blocks are to be
`merged and how to obtain motion parameters for the merged segment knowing the
`parameters for the original ones.
`4.3.1 Finding the final segmentation
`To find the optimal segmentation, Lagrangian cost
`of the image is to be minimized [Kar96]. In (50), the square error between the original and
`the decoded frame is denoted by D, the number of bits needed to code the frame is
`denoted by R and the number of pixels in the frame is denoted by P. A. is the Lagrangian
`multiplier specifying the cost of one bit with respect to the distortion measure. In order to
`find the minimum in L, all the possible combinations of segments should be checked. To
`avoid the computational complexity an approximative method is presented in this section.
`Let M...kl be the reduction in Lagrangian cost when two segments sk and sl are merged to
`form Sid. M...ld can be calculated by
`The segment Sk can be coded in three different modes (i.e. m INTER, INTRA or
`UNCHANGED mode). The cost of the segment is assumed to be the minimum of the
`costs of these three modes, since it minimizes (50). Thus the Lagrangian costs for all the
`modes have to be evaluated
`In calculation of the INTER mode cost the number of bits for the motion information is
`needed. However this information will be available only after the merging and motion
`model adaptation. To overcome the problem a constant number of bits per motion
`parameter is assumed. By simulations a value of three bits per parameter is found to be a
`good approximation. Prediction error of the segment is coded with 8x8 DCTs similarly as
`in ITU's H.263 recommendation [ITU95]. Bits for the prediction error coding are added
`to the bits for motion information to yield R(Sk). D(Sk) is the squared error between the
`coded segment and the corresponding segment in the current image. These values are then
`placed to the equation (46) and LINlER(Sk) is evaluated.
`Calculations of the Lagrangian costs for INTRA and UNCHANGED mode are simpler.
`INTRA mode cost LINTRA(Sk) is obtained by coding the segment with the codec's intra
`coding method
`the one specified
`in H.263
`recommendation) and the cost for the UNCHANGED mode LuNCHANGEo(SJ is equal to
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`Page 42

`the· mean squared difference between the reference and the current image in the segment
`area. Lagrangian cost for the segment Sk is then
`INTRA and UNCHANGED mode costs for combined segment Skl are calculated simply
`by adding costs for the same mode of the segments Sk and S1• To obtain Lagrangian cost
`for the INTER mode, joint motion parameters must be found, motion estimated prediction
`must be build and the prediction error must be coded.
`Merging procedure is initialized by building an adjacency graph of the segments. Each
`node in the graph is associated with the Lagrangian cost of the segment and each arc with
`the reduction in cost when adjacent segments are merged. Figure 20 shows an example of
`such a graph before and after segments Sk and S1 have been merged together.
`Adjacency graphs
`Figure 20: Adjacency graphs and segmentations before (up) and after (down) merging Sk and S1
`After building the adjacency graph and calculation of the initial L(Sk)s and M.kls, arc with
`the largest reduction in Lagrangian cost is chosen and the segments associated with it are
`merged. Adjacency graph is updated and the algorithm proceeds by choosing again the arc
`which yields the largest reduction in cost. This is iterated until there exists no longer a
`pair of segments which yields reduction in cost when merged. Algorithm is summarized
`in figure 21 and in the figure 22 there is shown resulting segmentation for the first frames
`of both Akiyo and earphone test sequences.
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`r--------·---------.. -------···--·-
`--·' ~·
`I,.r, Icum ak for each segment
`Building of the adjacency
`graph and calculation of the
`L(SJs and 8Lkls
`,.......-~ Find the arc with largest reduction
`in cost and merge segments
`Update the adjacency graph and
`find motion parameters and costs
`for the new segment pairs
`Check if there is segments which
`yield reduction in cost
`Finished merging
`Final segmentation and ak for each segment
`Figure 21: Block diagram ofthe merging
`Figure 22: Resulting segmentations after merging for the first frames of Akiyo and Carp hone
`The main complexity of the algorithm presented here comes from finding the motion
`parameters for segment pairs which are candidates for merging and from the calculation
`of the lNTER mode Lagrangian costs for these segment pairs. In the next section a low
`complexity method for finding the joint motion parameters for two segments is shown. To
`decrease the burden caused by the calculation of INTER mode costs, following
`assumptions were made. First it is assumed that if adjacent segments Sk and S1 are both in
`INTRA or in UNCHANCED mode (i.e. min{LINTER(S), LINTRA(S), LuNCHANGEn(S)} is
`either L!NTRA(S) or LuNCHANGEo(S)) the resulting segment Ski will be in the same mode and
`Motion Estimation and Representation for Video Coding Applications
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`Page 44

`thus there is no need to calculate LINrnR(S~ci). It is also assumed that the lower the increase
`in prediction error due to merging the higher the reduction in Lagrangian cost will be. An
`estimate for the increase in prediction error is obtained from the calculation of the joint
`motion parameters as will be seen in the following section. This information is used to
`choose whether or not the Lagrangian cost for a segment pair Ski is to be calculated.
`Assume that S~ci is a segment which was formed by merging two segments S~c and S1. To
`update the adjacency graph, joint motion parameters for Ski and all its neighbours have to
`be calculated. Also the approximated increases in prediction error have to be obtained for
`all the segment pairs. Letting .6.Gmin be the smallest increase in prediction error, the
`INTER costs are calculated only for those segment pairs for which .ilG < T-AGmin·
`Otherwise the INTER mode Lagrangian cost is set to infinity. In the implementation a
`value of 3.0 is used for the multiplier T. With this value, on average less than a half of the
`segment pairs need to be examined and the best candidate for merging is found in over
`95% of the cases [Kar96].
`4.3.2 Finding the joint set of motion parameters for two segments
`Given two segments Sk and Sh the problem is to find a set of motion parameters
`minimizing the error function for the merged segment Ski = Sk u St. The approach is very
`similar to the one in Taylor expanded minimization of the error function. Again Taylor
`expansion of the reference image Iref is employed. The expansion is done around the
`x' = x+dx(ak,x,y), y' = y+d/ak,x,y), (x,y)ESk
`x'=x+dx(a1,x,y), y'=y+dy(a,,x,y), (x,y)ES1
`in image coordinate space. Using (35) and (36), the problem can be written as
`where ak1 is a set of joint motion parameters and the matrices Ek and E1 and vectors Yk and
`y1 are given by (38) and (39), respectively. Substituting both Ek and Et by their QR
`decompositions (54) becomes
`Multiplying both sides of the equations above by the transposes (inverses) of the
`orthogonal Q matrices yields
`Motion Estimation and Representation for Video Coding Applications
`,..,--.. -__ ·
`·~ -~
`i I
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`Rk and R1 are both upper triangular matrices of size Pi*l2 (Pi being the number of pixels
`in segment Si) and thus having non-zero elements only in the first twelve rows. Letting
`Rkl, Rn, Zkt and Z11 be the first twelve rows of~' R1. Qk TYk and QtTYI respectively, (56)
`can be rewritten as a set of 24 equations and 12 unknowns (ald)
`or combining Rkl with R11 and ZkJ with z11
`Givens rotations can be applied to both [Rkt Rn]T and [Zkt zn]T to triangularize the first
`one [Pre92]. Solution of (58) becomes then a solution of a triangular system:
`from where the joint motion parameters akl are obtained by simple backsubstitution. It
`should be noted that the only information needed from the original segments Sk and St is
`the matrices Rkl and Rn of size 12x12 and the vectors zkl and zn of length 12. For the
`initial segments of quadtree segmentation these matrices and vectors have to be build by
`the QR decomposition of the corresponding E matrices. For a merged segment these are
`obtained as a 'side product' (Rkn and zkll in equation 59) when finding the joint set of
`motion parameters. Conveniently Zk12 in (59) offers an estimate of the increase in
`prediction error when segments Sk and S1 are merged. Increase in squared error can be
`calculated as follows
`11G kl o= liz mll2
`4.3.3 Implementation issues
`o= L ( z kl2 ):
`Finding the joint motion parameters and Rktl and Zkll for each segment pair is an
`approximative operation. Every time segments are merged certain amount of interference
`is introduced. Thus it is important not to allow this intetference accumulate. To avoid the
`accumulation, after merging of two segments the prediction errors of the original
`Motion Estimation and Representation for Video Coding Applications
`. ~.'
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`Page 46

`I I
`i j
`l ·
`segments are compared to the one of the combined segment. If the increase in MSE is
`larger than a threshold (experimentally set to 7.0) addition motion estimation takes place.
`Additional motion estimation is similar to the one presented in section 4.2.2 with some
`simplifications. Initial motion parameters are set to the motion parameters obtained by
`solving (59). In Minimizations of Taylor expanded error functions -stage only the steps
`with non-smoothed images are performed. Quasi-Newton minimization of the error
`function takes place if the MSE of the segment is larger than 100.0 and only the last
`minimization described in section is carried out. These simplifications are due to
`the fact that ' a fairly good estimate of motion parameters is already available. After
`additional motion estimation Rkn and ZJdt are no longer valid for the segment and they are
`recalculated by QR decomposition.
`Like the validity of the motion parameters also that of the QR decomposition is checked
`after merging two segments. If the actual increase in prediction MSE differs too much
`from the one estimated by the QR decomposition as given in (60), the QR decomposition
`is rebuilt. As a threshold a MSE difference of 5.0 is used in the implementation.
`4.4 Motion model adaptation and mode selection
`In the last stage of motion vector field coding the motion model is adapted to match the
`motion in each segment separately. Motion parameters are removed from the model one
`by one and the parameters yielding the minimum in the INTER mode Lagrangian cost are
`the motion parameters of
`segment. Finally
`the coding mode
`(INTER/INTRA/UNCHANGED) of the segment is chosen according to the Lagrangian
`costs of the modes.
`4.4.1 Orthonormalization
`Before the actual motion model adaptation, motion parameters ak of each segment are
`transformed from quadratic motion model to the orthonormalized ones iik. Not only the
`motion parameters but also the Rk1 and zkl matrices obtained from the merging procedure
`can be transformed as follows
`Ru =RkiT
`zkl = zkl
`where - is used to denote matrices and vectors in the orthonormal basis. Transform matrix
`T is calculated by
`Motion Estimation and Representation for Video Coding Applications
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`T=[~ ~J
`Tl == •
`iiufi1.o az.J3o.o
`where a .. 's and jJ .. 's are given by ( 17). The characteristic equation of segment Sk with
`p=I2 basis functions becomes
`4.4.2 Removal of a basis function from the motion model
`Removing a basis function from the model is equivalent to removing a column from Rk1
`and an element from at. Let there be initially p basis functions, out of which the i'th one
`is to be removed. ( 64) can be rewritten for p~ 1 basis functions as follows
`where Rf;1 is equal to Rf1 with i'th column removed and at1 is the new set of p-1
`motion parameters (unknown at this point). System in (65) can be triangularized by e.g.
`Givens rotations to yield
`which can be solved by backsubstitution (Rr1 being a triangular matrix). The increase in
`square prediction error when i'th basis function is removed is available without even
`solving (66) by just calculating i.
`4.4.3 Finding the best motion model and selecting the coding mode
`It is assumed that the basis function which yields the least increase in prediction error
`when removed, is the least significant one and thus the first one to be removed from the
`model. This increase can be easily calculated for all the basis functions as seen in the
`Motion Estimation and Representation for Video Coding Applications
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`Page 48

`I ,,
`previous section. Starting from the least important one, basis functions are removed one
`by one from the model. After each removal Lagrangian cost for the INTER mode is
`evaluated similarly as in the case of merging (section 4.3.1). Only difference being that
`now the number of bits for motion parameters does not need to be approximated, but they
`can be calculated by coding the parameters. After every basis function has been removed
`the set of basis functions yielding the minimum in Lagrangian cost forms the motion
`model of the s~gment. Finally Lagrangian costs for INTER, INTRA and UNCHANGED
`modes are compared and the coding mode is chosen to be the one of smaJlest cost. The
`algorithm is shown in figure 23.
`1 Iref> lcom Rkt, Zkl
`Transformation to orthogonalized I
`motion model 1 jill -12
`.tl, zkt
`Calculating the INTER Lagrangian
`cost for the full motion model
`1 jil2
`J:l' Z.c;J
`Removing the least significant
`remaining basis function
`1 jip-1
`., Z.u
`Iterate until p = 0
`Evaluating the INTER mode cost
`and saving the result if it is the
`smallest so far
`_ _L minimum LINTER· afm;D
`Selection of the coding mode
`1 selection information, ak
`Ftgure 23: Block dtagram of fmdmg the mot10n model for a segment
`4.4.4 Coding of the motion information
`In the last stage of coding the motion parameters of the segments in INTER mode are
`quantized. A uniform scalar quantization is performed for all the remaining motion
`parameters. Before the quantization motion parameters are normalized with respect to the
`ratio of pixels in the segment and in the bounding box of the segment. This is done to
`prevent a small segment with a large bounding box to take as many bits as a large segment
`with similar motion and the same size of the bounding box. The quantized parameters are
`then obtained from the non-quantized ones by
`Motion Estimation and Representation for Video Coding Applications
`• •
`, •• 4 .
`Vedanti Systems Limited - Ex. 2007
`Page 49

`where the number of pixels in the segment Sk is denoted by Pk. number of pixels in the
`bounding box, by pkbox and the uniform quantizer step by Qstep· In the implementation a
`step size of 3.0 is used.
`To inform the decoder which basis functions have been removed from the motion model,
`two six bit headers are constructed. Each bit in the first header indicates whether or not a
`basis function j(x,y), i = 0, ... , 5 is removed and the bits in the second header is used to
`indicate whether or not ~(x,y), j = 6, ... , 11 is removed. These headers are separately
`VLC coded with a Huffman code. Finally also the quantized motion parameters. having
`nonzero values are Huffman coded and put to the bitstream.
`4.5 Coding results
`The motion estimation scheme is combined with a Multi-Transform Prediction Error
`Coding technique as described in [Kar96J. and the coding results are compared against
`those of the state-of-the-art low bitrate coding standard H.263 with 'Advanced Prediction
`Mode' and 'Unrestricted Motion Vectors'. The results for both schemes are shown in the
`table 1 for a number of test sequences. Both QCIF (176x144 pixels) and CIF (352x288
`pixels) sequences are included in the test material.
`Table 1; Comparison of Nokia codec and H.263 codec with equal bitrates
`Nokia codec
`Improvement in
`31.7 I 38.1
`0.5 I 0.1
`Hall Objects
`Silent Voice
`Motion Estimation and Representation for Video Coding Applications
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`Page 50

`To compare the results, bitrates are made equal by assigning the quantizer parameter for
`the error coding schemes. The quality of the coded video signal is measured with the
`average peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) calculated as
`where MSE is the mean square difference between the original and the coded frame. The
`chrominance PSNR values in the table 1 are averages of the PSNRs . of both the
`chrominance components. The frame rates in simulations with bitrates from 10 kbps to 48
`kpbs vary from 7.5 fps to 10 fps and the simulations with the bitrate of 112 kbps were run
`on 15 fps.
`As seen from the table 1, the Nokia codec reaches PSNRs from 0.5 to 1.8 dB higher than
`the H.263 codec. Most of the improvements are due to the motion modelling and
`estimation scheme presented in this thesis, since with the same DCT based prediction
`error coding scheme used in the H.263 the Nokia codec achieves improvements between
`0.3 and 1.5 dB over the H.263. To obtain the corresponding reduction in bitrate another
`set of results are shown in the table 2 below.
`Table 2: Comparison between Nokia codec and H.263 with nearly equal PSNRs
`Sequ~nce Picture
`Noki~ codec
`37.4 I 40.4
`Now the quantizer parameters are chosen in a way that Nokia codec meets certain bitrate
`requirements (first three results are with a bitrate of approximately 10 kbps, then 24 kbps,
`48 kbps and finally 112 kbps). H.263 codec is set to yield PSNRs which does not exceed
`the PSNRs of the Nokia codec. Comparing the bitrates it can be noticed that with the
`motion estimation algorithm presented in this chapter and a novel prediction error coding
`scheme reductions of 15-45% in bitrate can be obtained while keeping the objective
`quality the same or better. In appendix A there can be found examples of images coded
`with both schemes together with prediction images resulted from motion estimations with
`both translational and quadratic polynomial motion models.
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`Page 51

`---- - - - - - - - -
`5. Conclusions
`In this thesis a very sophisticated algorithm for motion estimation was introduced. The
`full quadratic motion model was chosen as the basis of the motion model. This allows the
`system to compensate a number of different types of movements in the image plane. To
`make the motion parameters more robust to the quantization the basis functions of the
`motion model are orthonormalized with respect to the bounding boxes of the segments.
`The problem with the larger number of motion parameters compared to the state-of-the-art
`solutions is handled by keeping only the parameters yielding the optimal performance in
`rate-distortion sense.
`Not only the motion model but also the segmentation of the images differs from the ones
`used in the current video coding standards. The image to be coded is not segmented in
`square blocks of constant size, but the segments consists of smaller blocks which are
`merged together to form larger segments with different motion characteristics. Also the
`segmentation is done in the rate-distortion sense to achieve the maximum in performance.
`The motion estimation algorithm developed for this scheme is very robust to local minima
`in the error function . It can also adapt its behaviour to the complexity of the function to be
`minimized. It observes the convergence rate and according to this makes decisions how to
`proceed with the minimization.
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`Page 52

`The experiments confirm that the motion modelling and estimation scheme described in
`this thesis yields significant improvements in the image quality or corresponding
`reductions in the bandwidth compared to the current standards. However the complexity
`of the encoding process limits the possible applications of this scheme with today' s
`technology. This is evident especially in high bitrate applications where the images are
`large and the frame rate is high. As such the algorithm is most. suitable for low bitrate
`applications. They are characterized by smaller picture size and lower frame rate. Smaller
`picture size makes the algorithm faster and in the lower frame rate full potential of the
`more complex motion model can be utilized (since movements need to be modelled over
`longer periods of time).
`Unlike the encoder, the decoder can be implemented with low cost making the scheme
`very attractive when it comes to asymmetric applications with not so tight real-time
`requirements. Such applications
`include electronic mail (video as attachments),
`broadcasting, different retrieval applications (e.g. world wide web) and video archives.
`Motion Estimation and Representation for Video Coding Applications
`. .,..._
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`Page 53

`t _ Bibliography
`[IS093] ISOIIEC 11172-2, "Coding of Moving Pictures and Associated Audio for Digital
`Storage Media up to about 1.5 Mbits/s - Part 2: Video", International Organization for
`Standardization (ISO), 1993.
`[Sun96] World Wide Web site of the Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, URL:
`, October 1996
`[ITU95] ITU-T Draft Recommendation H.263, "Video Coding for Low Bitrate
`Communication", December 1995.
`[IS096] ISOIIEC 13818-2, "Generic Coding of Moving Pictures Associated Audio
`Information:'Video", International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 1996.
`[Dug95] Jean-Luc Dugelay, Henri Sanson, "Differential methods for the identification of
`2D and 3D motion models
`image sequences", Signal Processing: hnage
`Communication, Vol.7, No. 1, March 1995, pp 105-127.
`[Wol90] G. Wolberg, "Digital Image Warping", New York, IEEE Computer Society,
`1990, pp. 67-70.
`[Ger95] A. Gersho, R. Gray, "Vector Quantization and Signal Compression", Kluwer
`Academic Publishers, Norwell (MA), 1995, pp 235-240.
`[Abr72] M. Abramowitz, I. A. Stegun, "Handbood of Mathematical Functions with
`Formulas, Graphs and Mathematical Tables", New York, NY, Dover 1972
`[Cic94] P. Cicconi, H. Nicolas, "Efficient Region-based Motion Estimation and
`Symmetry Oriented Segmentation for Image Sequence Coding", IEEE Transactions on
`Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 4, No.3, June 1994, pp. 357-364.
`[Kar95] M. Karczewicz, J. Nieweglowski, P. Haavisto, "Motion Estimation and
`Representation of Arbitrarily Shaped Image Regions", The Proceedings of IEEE
`International Conference ofimage Processing, Vol. 2, October 1995, pp. 197-201.
`Motion Estimation and R~presentation for Video Coding Applications
`Vedanti Systems Limited - Ex. 2007
`Page 54

`[Die91] N. Diehl, "Object-oriented Motion Estimation and Segmentation of Image
`Sequences", Signal Processing: Image Comminication, Vol. 3, No 1, February 1991, pp.
`[Pre92] W. H. Press, S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, B. P. Flannery, "Numerical
`Recipes in C", Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK, 1992
`[Fie95] R. Fletcher, "Practical Methods of Optimization", Second Edition, John Wiley &
`Sons, Chichester UK, 1995
`[Wu90] S. F. Wu, J. Kittler, "A Differential Method for Simultaneous Estimation of
`Rotation, Change of Scale and Translation", Signal Processing: Image Communication,
`Vol. 2, No. 1, May 1990, pp. 69-80.
`[Kar96] M. Karczewicz, J. Nieweglowski, J. Lainema, 0. Kaleva, "Video Coding Using
`Motion Compensation with Polynomial Motion Vector Fields", The Proceedings of First
`International Workshop on Wireless ImageNideo Communications, Loughborough
`University, Loughborough, UK, September 1996, pp. 26-31.
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`--------------------------------~_.... -··
`l I,
`Appendix A
`Examples of coded images
`Motion Estimation and Representation for Video Coding Applications
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`Page 56

`p---------------------------~...._:am=F""""'"'"·------- -~...___..,"""'-'~
`1 :·
`I I I I
`a) Reference image (coded with H.263 intra coder)
`b) Current image (not coded)
`c) Prediction image with translational motion model
`d) Coded image with H.263 (2752 bits Ri 22.93 kbps)
`c) Prediction image with quadratic polynomial motion model
`d) Coded image with Nokia codec (2214 bits R~ 18.44 kbps)
`Motion Estimation and Representation for Video Coding Applications
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`Page 57

`~------------------... -..... -Iii ........ "".,..,, •. "".-.... ·'""---···-----=.--· -~- --·
`Figure A2:
`a) Reference image (coded with H.263 intra coder)
`b) Current image (not coded)
`c) Prediction image with translational motion model
`d) Coded image with H.263 (2384 bits jO:i 23.84 kbps)
`c) Prediction image with quadratic polynomial motion model
`d) Coded image with Nokia codec (1764 bits jO:i 17.64 kbps)
`Motion Estimation and Representation for Video Coding Applications
`_;j~_. '
`.: ..... . .
`. ... •
`• -
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`Page 58

`Figure A3 :
`a) Reference image (coded with H.263 intra coder)
`b) Current image (not coded)
`c) Prediction image with translational motion model
`d) Coded image with H.263 (3032 bits~ 25.27 kbps)
`c) Prediction image with quadratic polynomial motion model
`d) Coded image with Nokia codec (25J9 bits~ 20.98 kbps)
`Motion Estimation and Representation for Video Coding Applications



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