Continuous Queries over Append-Only
`Douglas Terry, David Goldberg, David Nichols,
`and Brian Oki
`Xerox Corporation
`Palo Alto Research Center
`3333 Coyote Hill Rd.
`Palo Alto, CA 94304
`Abstract: In a database to which data is continually added, users
`may wish to issue a permanent query and be notified whenever
`data matches the query. If such continuous queries examine only
`single records, this can be implemented by examining each record
`as it arrives. This is very efficient because only the incoming
`record needs to be scanned. This simple approach does not work
`for queries involving joins or time. The Tapestry system allows
`users to issue such queries over a database of mail and bulletin
`board messages. The user issues a static query, such as "show me
`all messages that have been replied to by Jones," as though the
`database were fixed and unchanging. Tapestry converts the query
`into an incremental query that efficiently finds new matches to the
`original query as new messages are added to the database. This
`paper describes the techniques used in Tapestry, which do not
`depend on triggers and thus be implemented on any commercial
`database that supports SQL. Although Tapestry is designed for fil(cid:173)
`tering mail and news messages, its techniques are applicable to
`any append-only database.
`A new class of queries, continuous queries, are similar to conven(cid:173)
`tional database queries, except that they are issued once and
`henceforth run "continually" over the database. As additions to the
`database result in new query matches, the new results are returned
`to the user or application that issued the query. This paper concen(cid:173)
`trates on the semantics and implementation of continuous queries.
`Continuous queries were developed and incorporated into the Tap(cid:173)
`estry system for filtering streams of electronic documents, such as
`mail messages or news articles. The Tapestry system maintains
`information about a document, such as its author, date, keywords,
`and title, in a database. The database is append-only, that is, new
`documents are added to the database as they arrive and are never
`removed. Continuous queries are used to identify documents of
`interest to particular users. Although the concept of continuous
`queries was developed for Tapestry, it applies to any database that
`is append-only.
`Tapestry users desire more elaborate filtering queries than those
`that use only the properties of the individual message, such as
`selecting all messages that were written by a given person or that
`Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is
`granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for
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`1992 ACM SIGMOD- 6/92/CA, USA
`e 1992 ACM 0-89791-522-4/92/0005/0321...$1.50
`contain a given keyword [16]. Tapestry's filter queries can also
`select a message based on its relationship to other messages, such
`as the fact that it is a reply to a particular message or that one or
`more messages are replies to it. They can select a message based
`on its age, such as the fact that it is two weeks old and nobody has
`replied to it. They can select a message based on annotations
`attached to the message by one or more users; for example, users
`might vote for messages they like and have such votes registered
`as annotations on the messages. To support these desires, the sys(cid:173)
`tem cannot simply examine each message as it arrives, but needs
`to run arbitrary database queries continuously.
`Writing a continuous query should be as easy as writing a con(cid:173)
`ventional query for a relational database. In the Tapestry system,
`users write continuous queries in a special language TQL (Tapes(cid:173)
`try Query Language) that is similar to SQL. These queries are
`written as queries over a static database. This permits a user to try
`out a query by running it as an ad hoc query against the database,
`refine it, and then try it again. Once satisfied with the query, the
`user can install it in the Tapestry system as a continuous query.
`For its storage, the Tapestry system uses a commercial relational
`database management system that supports SQL. A straightfor(cid:173)
`ward method of implementing a continuous query over such a
`database is to periodically execute the query, say once every hour.
`Figure 1 outlines the basic algorithm.
`Figure 1
`Periodic Query Execution
`Execute Query Q
`Return results to user
`Sleep for some period of time.
`While simple to implement, this approach has three main defi(cid:173)
`• Nondeterministic results. The records selected by a query
`depend on when that query is executed. A query that is exe(cid:173)
`cuted every hour on the hour may produce a different compos(cid:173)
`ite set of results than the same query executed once per day or
`even every hour on the half hour. This means that two users
`with the exact same continuous query could be presented with
`a different set of results.
`• Duplicates. Each time the query is executed the user will see
`all records selected by the query, old as well as new. Since the
`database is append-only, the set of records returned by a query
`will increase steadily over time. In practice, users are only
`interested in the records matching a continuous query that
`have not been previously returned.
`PALO ALTO NETWORKS Exhibit 1056 Page 1

`• Inefficiency. Executing the same query over and over again is
`overly expensive. Just as the size of the query's result set
`increases over time, so does the execution cost. Ideally, the cost
`of executing a continuous query should be a function of the
`amount of new data, and not dependent on the size of the whole
`The problem of duplicates can be solved by having the system
`remember the complete set of records that has been returned to
`each user. The system would then take care to only return query
`results that are not in this set. While this approach strictly avoids
`duplicates, it still has efficiency problems. Much of the computa(cid:173)
`tion cost of the query is spent selecting records that are subse(cid:173)
`quently discarded.
`Active databases, such as the 51lert system [12], address the ineffi(cid:173)
`ciency problem by using triggers to execute queries over new data
`as it arrives. Continuous queries are similar to the active queries of
`the 51lert system but can be implemented in standard SQL [2].
`Tapestry transforms each user-provided query into an incremental
`query that is run periodically. These incremental queries execute
`efficiently and avoid duplicates, to a large extent, by limiting the
`query to the portion of the database that might newly match the
`query. This is similar to the approach taken by active databases but
`does not require a trigger mechanism. The result of running a
`sequence of incremental queries is the same as executing the orig(cid:173)
`inal user query after every update to the database, but the compu(cid:173)
`tation cost is drastically reduced.
`The following section explains in more detail why periodic execu(cid:173)
`tion can yield nondeterministic results and proposes a clean, time(cid:173)
`independent semantics for continuous queries. Sections 4.0 and
`5.0 detail the translation steps needed to convert a general SQL
`query into its associated incremental query. Section 6.0 discusses
`the implementation of incremental queries and their performance
`when run on a sample database. Section 7.0 discusses other
`approaches to supporting continuous queries and related work.
`Section 8.0 suggests applications of continuous queries and future
`The most significant problem with simply executing a query peri(cid:173)
`odically is that this can produce nondeterministic results. Consider
`the query: "select messages to which nobody has sent a reply."
`When a message is added to the database, it matches the query.
`However, once a reply message arrives, the message being replied
`to no longer matches the query. If a particular message were to
`arrive in the database at 8:15 and a reply to it arrived at 8:45, then
`the message would not be returned by a system that ran the algo(cid:173)
`rithm in Figure 1 every hour on the hour, but would be returned by
`a system that ran it every hour on the half hour (since the message
`would match at 8:30).
`This raises the general question: What are reasonable semantics
`for a query that executes "continuously?" In other words: What
`guarantees can be provided to users about the set of records
`returned by a continuous query?
`Users should not need to understand the implementation of the
`system in order to know what results to expect as the result of a
`continuous query. The semantics should be independent of how
`the system operates internally and when it chooses to perform var(cid:173)
`ious operations such as executing queries. Two users with the
`same continuous query should see the same result data. This
`implies that the semantics of continuous queries should be time(cid:173)
`We suggest that the semantics of a continuous query should be
`defined as follows:
`Continuous semantics: the results of a continuous query is the
`set of data that would be returned if the query were executed at
`every instant in time.
`This says that the behavior of a continuous query is that it appears
`to be executed continuously by the system. That is, the system
`guarantees to show the user any record that would be selected by
`the query at any time. The system may implement this behavior in
`any number of ways, such as collecting results and presenting
`them to the user periodically, but the actual set of results eventu(cid:173)
`ally seen by the user is well-defined and time-independent.
`To be precise, let Q(t) be the set of records returned by the execu(cid:173)
`tion of query Q over the database that existed at time t. That is,
`Q(t) is the result of running Q at time t. Now let QM(t) denote
`the total set of data returned up until time t by executing query Q
`as a continuous query:
`Q~t) = UQ(s)
`(EQ 1)
`When a query Q is executed with continuous semantics, it returns
`QM(t), not Q(t).
`Continuous queries are qualitatively different from one-time que(cid:173)
`ries. Consider the user who wants to see all the messages that do
`not receive replies. The obvious formulation: "select messages to
`which nobody has sent a reply," when executed as a continuous
`query, would return every message to the user, since every mes(cid:173)
`sage has no replies when it first arrives. This is undoubtedly not
`what the user intended. The problem does not lie with continuous
`semantics, but rather with the user's imprecise specification of his
`continuous query. Finding the messages that never receive a reply
`would require waiting forever, but a short wait will find most mes(cid:173)
`sages that never receive a reply. Thus a more precise query would
`be something like: "select messages that are more than two weeks
`old and to which nobody has sent a reply." This illustrates the
`point that not all database queries are suitable as continuous que(cid:173)
`ries. Nevertheless, continuous queries are a valuable concept.
`Throughout the remainder of this paper, continuous semantics are
`assumed to be the desired semantics for continuous queries.
`One very important question remains: Can continuous semantics
`be realized in a practical system? Certainly, running a query at
`every time is not possible, and if it were possible, would not be
`practical. This paper discusses techniques for providing continu(cid:173)
`ous semantics in an effective and efficient manner.
`The key to providing efficient continuous queries is the following
`observation: If we have a query QM that can compute QM(t) as
`defined above, then the simple technique of periodically executing
`QM and returning the new results yields continuous semantics.
`The frequency with which QM is executed simply affects the size
`of each batch of results, not the collective set of results. Figure 2
`shows a modification to the algorithm in Figure 1 that obeys con(cid:173)
`tinuous semantics. The algorithm keeps track of the last time it
`ran, 't.
`This algorithm works because QM is monotone, that is,
`Q~t1 ) ~ Q~t2) whenever t 1 < t2. Many interesting queries are
`not monotone and are converted to Q M. We call Q M the minimum
`bounding monotone query since it is the smallest monotone query
`that returns all the messages in Q .
`PALO ALTO NETWORKS Exhibit 1056 Page 2

`Continuous Query Execution using QM.
`Set 1: = -oo
`set t := current time
`Execute queries Q~t) and Q~'t)
`Return Q~t)- QM('t) to user
`set 1: := t
`Sleep for some period of time
`Tapestry's approach to implementing continuous queries is two(cid:173)
`fold. First, a query, Q , is converted into the minimum bounding
`monotone query, QM. If the user's query is already monotone then
`Q M is usually the same as Q, and in any event produces the same
`results. Section 4.0 gives the details of how to generate an efficient
`Second, tJte monotone query is converted into an incremental
`query, Q' , that can quickly compute an appr~lfimation to
`Q~t)- Q~'t). The queries Q, QM, and {! can all be in
`expressed in SQL.
`Incremental queries 5e introduced for performance reasons. An
`incremental query, {! , is parameterized by two tim_ep: the time
`that it was last executed t, and the current time t. {! ( 't, t) is
`intended to return the records that begin matching query Q M in
`the time interval from 't to t. The incremental query works by
`restricting the portion of the database over which it runs to those
`objects that might match the query and have not been previously
`returned. This allows incremental queries to run much more effi(cid:173)
`ciently than queries over the complete database.
`An incremental query should obey the following two properties:
`It returns enough: Q~t)- Q~'t) ~ rj('t, t).
`It doesn't return too much: Q'('t, t) ~ QM(t).
`Ideally, QI should return exactly the new results, but the current
`rewrite rules do not achieve this. Unlike QM, which is exactly the
`minimum bounding n:qnotone query, d is only an approximation
`of QM(t)- Q~'t). {! returns at least the new results, and occa(cid:173)
`sionally returns a past result. Thus, to guarantee that previously
`returned results are not returned to a user again, the system must
`keep track of these results and explicitly filter out duplicates. In
`practice, if users are not bothered by occasional duplicates, then
`the results of the incremental queries can be returned directly to
`As long as the minimum bounding monotone query for Q can be
`obtained and this query can be incrementalized so as to satisfy the
`two properties above, then the incremental query can be executed
`periodically and still guarantee continuous semantics. This is
`because the union of the results of all the incremental queries is
`exactly Q~t):
`QM(tn} = d(-oo, !1} U Q1(t1, t2} U ... U rj(tn-1' tn} (EQ 2)
`which is true because (using (a))
`Q~tn} = Q~t1 }- Q~-oo) U
`QM(t2)- QM(t1) U ... U QM(tn)- Q~tn-1)
`c. d(-oo, t 1) u QI(tl' t 2) u ... u dUn-1' tn) (EQ
`and (using (b))
`QM(-oo, t1} U QM(tp t2} U ••• U QM(tn-1• tn}
`~ QM(t1} U Q~t2} U ... U Q~tn}
`= QM(tn}
`This indicates an effective strategy for executing a continuous
`query using a conventional relational database manager. The basic
`algorithm is presented in Figure 3. The system runs each incre(cid:173)
`mental query, queues up the results for delivery to users, records
`the time at which each query was run, waits some period of time,
`and then repeats this process using the recorded times as parame(cid:173)
`ters to the incremental queries
`Continuous Query Execution
`Figure 3
`Set 1: = -oo
`set t := current tir:t)e
`Execute query Q ( 't, t)
`Return result to user
`set 1: := t
`Sleep for some period of time
`As mentioned before, in the Tapestry system users write queries in
`a special language TQL (Tapestry Query Language). We have
`developed algorithms for taking a TQL query, transforming it to
`be monotone, incrementalizing that monotone query, and then
`converting it to SQL. Rather than introduce TQL, the following
`sections present versions of the algorithms that translate SQL que(cid:173)
`ries. Because they were designed to work for TQL, the algorithms
`have some restrictions in the SQL environment. The major differ(cid:173)
`ence is that Tapestry queries always want duplicate suppression
`(DISTINCT) because they are always retrieving mail messages.
`While the algorithms below do not always suppress duplicates,
`they often do, and this means they do not support the use of aggre(cid:173)
`gates (such as SUM or COUNT). Another area we have not
`addressed is outer joins. These are areas for future work.
`The following sections examine various constructs that can be
`used in SQL and discuss how to generate minimal bounding
`monotone and incremental queries for continuous queries that use
`these constructs. The rules for producing monotone and incremen(cid:173)
`tal queries make two principal assumptions about the database: (1)
`the database is append-only, namely, records are added to the data(cid:173)
`base but no data is deleted or modified, and (2) each table contains
`a timestamp column, called "ts", that indicates when the record
`was added to the database.
`The Class of Non-monotone queries
`Without the database being append-only, no query is monotone
`since it is always possible to delete a record that has been previ(cid:173)
`ously returned as the result of a query, thereby reducing the que(cid:173)
`ry's result set. For an append-only database, many common SQL
`queries are monotone. For example, SQL queries that are simply
`boolean predicates over the column values of a single table are
`monotone in nature. Such queries can include the comparison
`operators (=, <, >, ... ) and boolean operators (AND, OR, and
`NOT). The following is an example of a simple query:
`tbl.fieldl = "Foo" AND NOT tbl.field2 < tbl.field3
`PALO ALTO NETWORKS Exhibit 1056 Page 3

`This query is monotone because once a record is added to the data(cid:173)
`base, it either satisfies the query or not, and that satisfaction
`doesn't change over time (since the database is append-only).
`Queries involving joins are also monotone in nature. Again, this is
`because the database is append-only. Conceptually, a query with a
`join is the same as a query over a single table formed by taking the
`cross product of the joined tables. This single "join" table is
`append-only as long as the base tables are append-only.
`Tapestry queries may include the following constructs, which can
`lead to non-monotone queries:
`• functions that read the current time
`• subqueries prefaced by "NOT EXISTS"
`First consider time. While the original SQL standard does not
`include an explicit data type for storing dates, many versions of
`SQL, such as Sybase's Transact-SQL [15], as well as the proposed
`new ISO SQL standard [2], do support dates. These systems gen(cid:173)
`erally provide functions that read and return the current date and
`time. In Transact-SQL, for example, GetDate() is such a function,
`and the ISO SQL standard uses the variable CURRENT_TIMES(cid:173)
`TAMP. Queries involving calls on such functions are often non(cid:173)
`monotone. The simplest example of a query involving time is
`SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE tbl.field op GetDate()
`When op is <, this query can be illustrated as follows:
`The horizontal axis represents time t, (the value returned by Get(cid:173)
`Date()), and the graph represents the boolean value of the query
`tbl.field < GetDate() for a fixed message. It is false when time t is
`less than tbl.field (evaluated for that one fixed message), true when
`t is greater than tbl.field. The fact that this graph is monotone
`increasing translates directly into the query being monotone.
`When op is>, the graph is decreasing, and the query is no longer
`An example of a non-monotone query is "select messages that
`have not expired", or
`SELECT * FROM m WHERE m.expires > GetDate()
`This is not monotone because any message that satisfies the query
`will eventually cease to satisfy it (after it expires).
`The graph argument just given suggests that a query is monotone
`if its only reference to time is in subexpressions of the form
`E < GetDate()
`E~ GetDate()
`and likely to be non-monotone if it the comparison operator is>,
`Here E is some date-valued expression, possibly involving fields
`of one or more tables and other built-in functions. The next section
`will show that queries involving the AND and OR of terms of the
`first form are indeed monotone. However, boolean combinations
`of terms of the second form are not always non-monotone. For
`(tbl.field > GetDate() AND tbl.string = "base") OR
`(tbl.field ~ GetDate() AND
`tbl.string LIKE "%base")
`is monotone, because it can be rewritten as
`WHERE tbl.string = "base" OR
`(tbl.field ~ GetDate() AND
`tbl.string LIKE "%base")
`assuming that the two calls to GetDate() in the original query
`return the same value.
`This example illustrates that a monotone rewriting rule is not the
`same as a test for monotonicity. Although the rewriting rules of the
`next section will rewrite the first form of the query into the second,
`it requires knowledge about the semantics of LIKE to conclude
`that the two queries are the same, and thus that the original query
`was monotone.
`Only the failure of monotonicity due to time has been discussed so
`far. A second cause of nonmonotonicity is the use of NOT
`EXISTS. The simple query "select messages that have no reply",
`might be written in SQL as
`SELECT * FROM msgs m
`SELECT * FROM msgs m1
`WHERE ml.inreplyto = m.msgid)
`This is non-monotone because a message may satisfy the query for
`a while, but then fail because of the arrival of a reply. No explicit
`occurrence of time in the query is involved. Assuming that each
`append-only table has a column named "ts" that contains a times(cid:173)
`tamp of when the row was added to the table, the following figure
`illustrates the non-monotonicity.
`TRUE ___ _
`A more realistic non-monotone query is "select messages that are
`more than two weeks old and to which nobody has sent a reply."
`Although it involves time, it uses the monotone construction E <
`GetDate(), but is still non-monotone because of NOT EXISTS.
`The Basic Rewriting Rules
`This section will show how to compute the minimal bounding
`monotone query for any SQL query in standard form (see below).
`Throughout the next two sections, several shorthands are used in
`expressing SQL queries. Table 1 lists these shorthands and their
`SQL equivalents. In particular, the term t used in a query refers to
`the current time. All instances of t in a query should obtain the
`same value. To ensure this, t could be a parameter to the query that
`is set by calling GetDate() exactly once. QM(t) occasionally refers
`to both the query Q M and the set of records returned by Q M when
`evaluated at time t. The meaning should be clear from context.
`PALO ALTO NETWORKS Exhibit 1056 Page 4

`Standard form queries have the form
`SELECf ... FROM tbll, tbl2, ...
`WHERE (E11 AND E12 AND .. AND Elk ) OR
`(Ez! AND E22 AND ... AND E 2k ) OR 1
`(En! AND Enz AND ... AND Enk)
`where each E;j is either of the form NOT EXISTS(q), or a boolean
`expression without subqueries. Furthermore if E;j involves time,
`then it must be of the form tope, where op is one of<,=,>,::;,~.
`-:t:., and e is an arithmetic expression that does not involve t. The
`subqueries q of NOT EXISTS(q) must also be in standard form.
`The technical report gives examples to show how most common
`SQL queries can be rewritten to this standard form [17].
`Table 1
`SOL shorthands.
`c +INTERVAL "14" DAY or
`DateAdd(week, 2, c)
`c1 <t AND c2 < t AND ... AND Ck< t
`t<d1 AND f< d2 AND ... AND f< dk
`Some expression involving x, y, ...
`P(x1) AND P(x2) AND ... AND P(xk)
`MAX(c1, c2, ... , ck) < t
`P(x, y, ... )
`AND P(xi)
`1::; i::; k
`OR P(xi)
`1::; i::; k
`The rewrite rules need only consider each of the AND subexpres(cid:173)
`sions, since the minimal bounding monotone query Q M of a query
`Q in the form P ORR is PM OR RM. Here is a proof:
`QM(t) = UQ(s)
`= U (P(s) OR R(s))
`= U (P(s) u R(s))
`(UP(s) u UR(s))
`This section assumes there are no NOT EXISTS terms. Then each
`AND subexpression has the form (E1 AND E2 AND ... AND Ek).
`If a term E; doesn't test the current time (the GetDate() function),
`then its truth value cannot change as time passes. Since the truth
`values of these terms are unchanging with respect to time, they
`don't affect the monotonicity of the query. Each of the remaining
`terms are of the form e op t, with op a simple relational test.
`A device that will simplify the algorithms is to add a term tbl.ts < t
`for each table tbl (recall that each table has a 'ts' column with the
`time the row was added). Thus the query
`SELECf * FROM tb1 WHERE tbl.field = "joe"
`SELECf * FROM tbl
`WHERE tbl.field = "joe" AND tbl.ts < t
`After the manipulations are over, any remaining tbl.ts < t terms are
`redundant and can be removed since a record will not appear in the
`table before time tbl.ts. An example follows shortly.
`To avoid multiple cases, first assume that op is < or> (the minor
`changes needed for the other relational operators are indicated at
`the end of this section). Then each AND subexpression is of the
`forme1 <t AND ... AND en <t ANDt<d1 AND ... ANDt<dm
`AND P, where P is the conjunction of all the terms that don't
`involve t. The tbl.ts < t terms mentioned above simply add to the
`list of e;'s. The expression e1 < t AND e2 < t AND ... AND en< tis
`equivalent to MAX(e1, e2, ... , en)< t, and the expression t < d1
`AND t < dz AND ... AND t < dm is equivalent to t < MIN(d1, d2,
`... , dm). Thus, the AND subexpression can be rewritten as
`MAX(e1, e2, ... , en)< t AND t < MIN(d1, d2, ... , dm) AND P
`where Pis the conjunction of all the terms that don't involve t. If
`MAX(e1, ez, ... , en)< MIN(d" d2, ... , dm), then the AND subex(cid:173)
`pression is true between those times, as in the figure below.
`-I I
`I I I
`IfMAX(e1, e2, ... , en)> MIN(d1, d2, ... , dm), then the AND subex(cid:173)
`pression can never be true. Combining these cases yields
`MAX(e" e2, ... , en)< MIN(d1, d2, ... , dm) AND MAX(c1, e2, ... ,
`en)< t ANDP.
`Since SQL does not have MAX and MIN functions as such, this
`must be rewritten as
`AND(c; < di) AND AND(c; < t) AND P
`1 =s;j=s;m
`Here are two examples. First, consider the query "select messages
`whose date field is in the future." This can be written as
`SELECf m.msgid FROMm WHERE t <
`After adding the m.ts < t subexpression, e1 = m.ts and d1 =,
`so the monotone query is
`SELECf m.msgid FROMm
`WHERE m.ts < AND m.ts < t
`The redundant m.ts < t can be removed for a final answer of
`Note how the introduction of the m.ts < t term is reflected in the
`final answer. For a second example, consider the query "select
`messages that are between 2 and 3 weeks old", which can be writ(cid:173)
`ten in SQL as
`WHERE m.ts + 2 weeks < t AND t < m.ts + 3 weeks
`There is no need to add an m.ts < t subexpression, since it would
`be redundant. Then e1 = m.ts + 2 weeks, d1 = m.ts + 3 weeks, so
`the monotone query is
`WHERE m.ts + 2 weeks < m.ts + 3 weeks AND
`m.ts + 2 weeks < t
`Or simplifying,
`PALO ALTO NETWORKS Exhibit 1056 Page 5

`WHERE m.ts + 2 weeks < t
`Here is an example. The query "select messages more than 2
`weeks old that no one has replied to" might be written in SQL as
`The operators :::; and ~ can be dealt with in the same spirit. For
`example, if there is a subexpression e':::; t, then add e' in with the
`e/s, but change e' < t to e':::; t. If there is also a subexpression t:::;
`d', then add d' in with the d/s, but in the first AND operation,
`change e' < d' toe':::; d'. Finally, convert terms of the form e1 = t
`into e1 :::; t AND t:::; e1 and e2 * t into e2 < tOR e2 > t.
`4.3 Handling NOT EXISTS terms
`The previous section required that there were no NOT EXISTS
`terms in the query. This restriction is now removed by allowing
`terms of the form
`SELECT * FROM tbll, tb12, ... , thin WHERE R).
`These new terms can be thought of as "for every" terms, since
`-,3xP(x) is the same as '1::/x.P(x).
`Complications arise if the subexpression R involves calls to Get(cid:173)
`Date(). Since calling GetDate() returns the current value of time t,
`R is written as R(t) to indicate that it depends on the current time.
`First, assume that the function R(t) is already monotone (this
`includes the case when R does not involve t, that is, does not con(cid:173)
`tain any GetDate() calls).
`The NOT EXISTS subexpression shown above is true for the orig(cid:173)
`inal query Q(t) if no records exist at timet that satisfy the R(t). As
`before, the rewrite rules need to add tbl.ts < t subexpressions to
`encode the fact that messages are not in the database until time t =
`SELECT* FROM tbll, tbl2, ... , tblk
`tbll.ts < t AND tbl2.ts < t AND ... AND tblk.ts < t).
`This is equivalent to
`SELECT* FROM tbll, tbl2, ... , tblk
`R(t) AND MAX(tbll.ts, tbl2.ts, ... , tblk.ts) < t).
`As explained in the previous section, each disjunct can be handled
`separately, and each disjunct containing a NOT EXISTS subex(cid:173)
`pression will be in the form
`MAX(el, e2, ... ,en)< t AND
`MIN(dl, d2, ... , dm) > t AND P AND
`SELECT* FROM tbll, tbl2, ... , tblk
`R(t) AND MAX(tbll.ts, tbl2.ts, ... , tblk.ts) < t)
`Because R(t) is monotone, any row that satisfies it can never
`cease to satisfy it as time goes on. Therefore, the NOT EXISTS
`subexpression can never go from FALSE to TRUE. Thus, it suf(cid:173)
`fices to test R at the earliest time that the rest of the disjunct could
`become true, namely C = MAX(e1, e2, ... ,en). The subexpression
`C < t AND MIN(dt> d2 .... , dm) > t AND P AND
`SELECT* FROM tbll, tbl2, ... , tblk
`R(C) AND MAX(tbll.ts, tbl2.ts, ... , tblk.ts) <C)
`WHERE m.ts + 2 weeks < t AND
`WHERE ml.imeplyto = m.msgid)
`adding the MAX subexpression gives
`WHERE m.ts + 2 weeks < t AND
`WHERE ml.imeplyto = m.msgid AND ml.ts < t)
`C = m.ts + 2 weeks, so the monotone query is
`WHERE m.ts + 2 weeks < t AND
`ml.imeplyto = m.msgid AND
`ml.ts < m.ts + 2 weeks)
`This says "select messages more than 2 weeks old that did not
`receive a reply in their first two weeks", which is exactly the
`smallest monotone query returning at least the messages of the
`original query.
`Next, consider the most general case, where R(t) is not necessarily
`monotone. Unfortunately, R(t) cannot simply be converted to the
`minimal bounding monotone query and use the rules from above,
`as this would change the meaning of the query. For example, con(cid:173)
`sider the query "select messages that have not received a reply for
`the last two weeks." This is
`SELECT m.msgid FROMm
`ml.imeplyto = m.msgid AND t < ml.ts + 2 weeks).
`which means "select messages for which there does not exist a
`reply less than two weeks old." Making the subquery in the NOT
`EXISTS monotone produces a query that means "select messages
`for which there does not exist a reply of any age," which is not the
`same query.
`Monotonizing a NOT EXISTS with arbitrary R(t), requires finding
`a way to quantify over time, turning NOT EXISTS( ... t ... ) into 3 t
`NOT EXISTS( ... t .... ). It is not possible to quantify overt in SQL,

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