Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - EX. 2042, p. 1
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2042, p. 1

`llllcrunalfil Freii
`A Division of Microsoft Cotpltrfliun
`lfiflfl NJE. 3-firth ‘thy. Bun 9'fl1l7.RoIhnoud,'Washll|;Inn H373-971?
`Copgrriglu ca 19845 by any Dunn
`be reproduced or tflmmlflefl In any loan or by 1113' main: without
`the written penniiainn of the puhlimer.
`__ I..1'IJr:lr}r ocl Cmngrcss Cntlbging in Publication Dlti
`I Duncan. 11!!
`fldiranued MS-DDS
`Includes index.
`1. IIIS-[)D5[CoIupI|Ierupefli1':1g system}
`2. Afiombht tango-ye
`F-1I§iIfl¢'IH=I'PI'fll1'i1“|‘-"litlflafil 3»C(C0IIIPIfl¢fPmIfl|fl|IlImI-ac}
`ISBN ll-914345-1'7-2
`Frinrodarrd b-u1.InIiin1]1eUniIcd States of hmcricl.
`3456'.‘-'89 FGFG Ii‘!D93?fu
`Distnbutodmllnbooktradu m1IsidcfluLluited5uI¢-soflumcfica
`Ind Canad:b5rPeIIg:uinBwI.sl4d.
`Penguin Books Lllt. I-lunnurul.-morth. Middleacz, Emllnd
`fiang1.1in Book: Auatfllh Lld.. Ringvmod, Vuctnril, Anstrnlh
`Ptnguitl Boob N.Z. L1d.. 132-I90 Wlinu Emil. ."Io1.I:'|II1-I-rid ID.
`New Zeajand
`British Catafioging in Puhlirllion Data available
`UNI!‘ anll-Ihuul -Al .'.to.III:1I1.I-w.-“:1
`I.n.-rqzu-1" H I I-rp:IH1rI'-I 11-Idfll-IIII. Hi ("I |M|"n'.j (_‘.uq1n-r E ruin-ulna
`H'I'II-I-TI-'_ It I I-I-II*'M-ilk mi. Illa I.1~h|- [h1\1m;
`|v'i|W'\-ll‘ I» I Irpwml Ir.|.fl-marl nl [ha-In-I f|'f'I'|'|ITlh‘I' L'n-q-Ion:-up
`'-'~-il1-TI'Ivl'|'I'I"l3!5".(3i"'Hn1-F"'. l'|’ M-Hr‘
`-Il'||l Uq'_‘ll.|.1 “Evrdx'H' Arr 1-rgrurml tudrnurks
`nl Hluul Ii-Hultlm ll|1.I|I'|'||I*l.I:|l
`HP‘ TI -1 trnlrrrmk nu llm-luv-I'aLkmf
`Into!‘ -an 4 r:-gnu-rrvd In-lmurh An-I IHMN-B1‘-" u 4 mdmwh. oi Imel I.Impurmun_
`TH-N-1" n 4 wnmrrrd 1FMI'|||IH-. In-I I—'f..rJLI‘". I-:'.—n:15". P£‘.rR'I ". and 1n;-‘In.-u-" Inr
`I'.Il'1In-rI1mnnf |.I||1.m.-:1 M.p¢I|m.n L'u-pun-nun
`F'£."F'R iRT|l 1:. ¢ :|a!rIn.|.rL ud'1.4huu1uJy Mirrmyatrnu. Jhrur.pI.rr'.II'I'|I.
`‘I-'+1|i'Iu'-H rllrr‘ h -I Il'pI|-‘hrI~n1 Ihwltnlirk nF1.|Ic:rn- Snfiwur. Inrnrpnnwd
`1-I'M!‘ 13 3 ?I‘P.'I!-WI rd lri-hawk ml lllln Llrwlo-pnrm L‘m;1um[|un
`'I»"oId‘aI!-II‘ n aI!rg1.HvI.trIl1rIdrI11-Irlu I-II’ 3.1::-rul-'11-:Ir:.:-1-u.unm.|J‘l'.w]:Iurr.|r1m
`HII*'H-I'Ifi!". 515115115’. and HI NIH.‘ H1 trgiwtrr-E Iuullrnnrhnl Ha.-[u.nrfl 'L'¢.'npI.II.l’nl
`Fd.|*'-IIITLI T|'lH"Hf-II-. DH‘ Hunt‘. ltd l'tnIvlI'a" Arr l7.I51I'|IlkI L‘. “ml 1 ‘mm
`¢'m1wIrs- Inn-tn---nl
`."-‘I-flu-ml-I‘ I‘:-‘H5 h I rrxnlrrlnl N.|&'rn.u'L ufhlinrula.
`N-ullun LI"II|mI:I-" n I II-hlrnurl vLIl'h'|n1 Mama. Irrn-pnsiucd
`T::|r'h'I=h'-I‘ '5" H 4 rI1I:hnm-I Inuh mall oi 'lrk‘II’:Iru fiuaulrrl-. lnro-tpu-um]
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2042, p. 2


`Int 21H (33)
`Int 21H (33)
`Function sumi
`Most of the MS-[R33 operating-s_vstern sen'iC¢.‘fi are invoked through software interrupt ZIH.
`Using these services. a program can inspect disk directories. iiiake or delete files. read or
`records within files. set or read the real-time clock. iind perform tnsuiy other fiinetions in 3
`harelware-iiidepeiidetit manner.
`The MS-DOS tiiiictioiis available through Int 2|}-I are well staiidardized ill1l.l available on my
`M5-DOS svsti.-iii.
`|’rogr.nns that perform all U0 through these functions will run on .in_v -
`chine that supports M5-l)L)S.
`MS-I105 services can be invoked in several dill}.-rent ways:
`7 Load the AH register with the function number and other registers
`call-specific parameters. then execute an [in 21H. This is the rect
`method and produces the cleanest. most cottipaet object code.
`ah, funct ionmfluflber
`uo i
`Load the AH register with the ftuiction number and other i '
`- El
`with the c.ill——specific paranieters. then execute a long call to tiffset
`the program segment prefix. This liiiltage is wailahle only with
`version 2.0 and above.
`Load the (IL register with the functiori number aiiel other registmi.
`call-specific parameters. then execute an iritrasegnieut mill to of? -~
`in the PS1’. which contains :1 long call to the MS-130$ function d --
`This method is valid only for function calls {NIH through 2-ll I.
`- .
`is -.i|ways destroyer! itithis method is used: otherwise. the re.-stilts
`as for the first two methods discussed above. The precursor to
`Hi‘:-DDS originally sold by Seattle (Ioniputer Products (tee Ch: -
`cluded this linkage mechanism to liicilitzte easy conversion ol'(
`grams. and its use should now be avoided.
`The contents oft.-ll registers are preserved across MS-I105 calls. except for those re --
`used to return restilts. The only exceptions are function tufll-I. which was added in M '
`sion 2.25 to support extended character sets. and function -mt! (EZXEIJ).
`For those fuiictions that art‘ ctsitiparable to Cl’/M l'uiietion.~‘» {UH}-I tlirough 24H). succ
`codes are typically returned in register AL. For those Iiinetioiis that were added in
`sion 2.!) and )llf1t.‘I\«'L'. the t'..irry flag is cleared to indie.ite .-iiict'es:-i or set to indicate lliilurc
`latter case J more spt'r.'ilic error code is also returned in register AK.
`-guy R. mp, W
`A -. 15;; 1;‘; ,,..
`U -‘ driw mttiiu
`F = lih: I:t'l'll'd H
`II = lunlk
`rldluiirrd MS—D().'i
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2042, p. 3

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