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`ThiS: docUment is based.: on, milterial,'~subinitted: by variotis···
`participants.during the;' drafting process.! NeIther ABBe nor
`" -¥tINe 1Jas made any deterniinatioIfFhether these Jl]lltetjws could·'
`. besubj~t to claims .. Qf. patent or other proprietary rig4ts by third
`. parti~, an? norepresentatioh,o~.w~:ty, e?tpr~ss or impli~~jS'
`lflade-m,:thisreg~~: Any use of or ~b:mpe()n this' doc!lnlent sh~l , /
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`• disclaimet:·:i· .
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`REVISED: December 30,1994
`2551 Riva Road
`Annapolis, Matyland 21401-7465 USA
`Published: December 30, 1994
`Prepared by the Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee
`o \;
`Specification 618
`Adopted by the Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee: November 4, 1992
`Specification 618
`Adopted by the Industry: JanUaty 15, 1993
`Specification 618-1
`Copyright ARINC IndustrY Activities
`Provided by IHS under license with ARINC,
`No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
`AdOpted by the Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee: October 19, 1994
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`and the
`Putpose of ARINC Reports and Specifications
`Aeronautical Radio, Inc. is a cotporation in which the United States scheduled airlines
`are the principal stockholders. Other stockholders include a variety of other air transport.
`companies, aircraft manufacturers and foreign flag airlines.
`Activities of ARINC include the operation of an extensive system of domestic and
`overseas aeronautical land radio stations, the fulfillment of systems requirements to accomplish
`ground and airborne compatibility, the allocation and assignment of frequencies to meet those
`needs,. the coordination incident to standard airborne communications and electronics systems
`and the exchange of technical infonnation. ARINC sponsors the Airlines Electronic Engineering
`Committee (AEEC), composed of airline technical personnel. The ABBC fonnulates standards
`The establishment of Equipment
`for electronic equipment and systems for airlines.
`Characteristics is a principal function of this Committee.
`It is desirable to reference certain general ARINC Specifications or Reports which are
`applicable to more than one type of equipment. These general Specifications or Reports may
`be considered as supplementary to the Equipment Characteristics in which they are referenced.
`They are intended to set forth the desires of the airlines pertaining to components or equipment
`is concerned.
`An ARINC Report (Specification or Characteristic) has a twofold purpose which is:
`To indicate to the prospective manufacturers of airline electronic equipment the
`considered opinion of the airline technical people coordinated on an industry basis
`concerning requisites of new equipment, and
`To channel new equipment designed in a direction which can result in the maximum
`possible standardization of those physical and electrical characteristics which influence
`interchangeability of equipment without seriously hampering engineering initiative.
`Copyright ARINC:lndustry Activities
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`REVISED: December 30, 1994
`1 ,--
`Purpose of this Document
`Document Organization
`ACARS System Description
`ACARS Components
`Ground System Equipment
`Airborne System Equipment
`ACARS Messages
`Downlink Messages
`Uplink Messages
`Relationship to Other Documents
`Documents Referenced
`General Format Description
`Downlink Block Format
`Start of Header
`Mode Character
`Category A Mode Character
`Category B Mode Character
`SAT Mode Character
`Positive Technical Acknowledgement
`Downlink Block Identifier
`End of Preamble
`Block Check Sequence
`Uplink Block Format
`Start of Header
`Mode Character
`Category A Mode Character
`Category B Mode Character
`Address Recognition
`Aircraft Registration Uplink Address
`Flight Identifier Uplink Address
`Airline Identifier
`Flight Number
`S~tter Address
`Positive Tec
`. cal Acknowledgement
`Label Recognition
`Uplink Block Identifier
`End of Preamble
`Uplink BCS Check
`Basic Message Protocol
`Acknowledgement Protocols
`Acknowledgement of a Downlink Block
`Acknowledgement of an Uplink Block
`Message Addressing
`Aircraft Address
`SITE Address
`Copyright ARINC Industry Aclivlties
`Provided by IHS under license with ARINC
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`Onboard Routing
`Aircraft Address
`SITE Address
`End User Address
`Supplementary Addresses
`Message Sequencing
`Downlink Message Sequencing
`Message Originator
`Message Number
`Block Sequence Character
`Uplink Message Sequencing
`Uplink Retransmission Detection
`Downlink Retransmission Detect
`Multi-Block Processing
`Store and Forward
`Multiblock Downlinks
`Incomplete Multiblock Downlink
`Nesting of Multiblock Downlinks
`Interleaving of Multiblock Downlinks
`Aborting a Multiblock Downlink
`Reblocking a Multiblock Downlink
`Restart Multiblock Downlink
`Multiblock Uplinks
`Message Assembly Timer
`Interblock Timer
`Ground No ACK Timer
`Ground Message Reject Timer
`Restart Multiblock Uplink
`Nesting of Multiblock Uplinks
`Interleaving of Multiblock Uplinks
`Unable to Handle Uplink
`Unable to Deliver Messages
`Printer Reject Messages
`Unusable Messages
`User Defined Messages
`Undelivered Uplink Messages
`Message Prioritization
`Priority of System Control Messages
`User Defined Priority Messages
`Regulatory Guidance on Priority
`Radio Frequency Environment
`Equipment Architecture
`Equipment Functions
`VHF Preamble
`Bit Synchronization
`Character Synchronization
`BCS Suffix
`Modem Interface
`Data Rate
`Data Encoding
`Parity Bit
`Bit Transmission Order
`Modulation Measurement Technique
`Modulator Characteristics
`REVISED: December 30, 1994
`Copyright ARINC Industry Activities
`Provided by IHS under license with ARINC
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`REVISED: December 30,1994
`Demodulator Characteristics
`Medium Access Control
`Channel Sensing
`Radio Channel Access
`Transceiver Control
`Transmitter Keying
`Radio Transceiver Tuning
`Serial Digital Tuning
`2 x 5 Tuning
`Functional Capability of the Airborne Sub-System
`Permission To Send
`No Communications (NOCOMM)
`Tuners and Counters
`Ground Based Timers
`Airborne Timers
`Ground Counters
`Airborne Counters
`Retransmission Logic
`Frequency Management
`Manual Base Frequency Management
`Automatic Base Frequency Management
`Base Frequency Acquisition. State
`Frequency Selection Algorithm.
`Automatic Permission to Send Algorithm
`Scan Timer
`Uplink Squitter - Label SQ
`Base Frequency Establishment State
`Base Frequency Maintenance State
`Operation on Alternate Frequencies
`Data Transceiver Autotune Command - Label :;
`Category A Network Operation
`Contact Timer
`Tracker Message
`Cat~gory B Network Operation
`Ground Station (Site) Address Table
`Initial Operational Selection
`Logical Channel Establishment
`Channel Maintenance State
`Statistical Data Collection
`Statistical Data Reports
`Summary Reports
`Detailed Reports
`No Data Reports
`Manual Channel Changes (VOICE/DATA)
`ACARS CDU Changes
`Remote VOICE/DATA Mode Select
`Automatic Channel Changes (VOICE/DATA)
`Configuration Programming Functions
`Voice Frequency Control Program Pin
`Auto/Manual Channel Change Program Pin
`Copyright ARINC Industry Activities
`Provided by IHS under license with ARINC
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`REVISED: Derember 30, 1994
`Dedicated Transceiver Program Pin
`SP/Q6 Enable "Software" Program
`VOICE Mode Enable Software Program
`AOC Voice Channel Signalling
`Voice Contact Request (CALSEL) - Label S4
`Voice Go-Ahead (SELCAL) - Label S4
`VOICE Mode Advisories to the Crew
`Voice Go-Ahead Advisories
`VOICE/DATA Mode Annunciation Outputs
`VOICE Mode Advisories to the DSP
`Dedicated Data Transceiver Advisory - Label F3
`Temporary Suspension - Label SP
`Voice to Data Advisory - Label Q6
`Mode Transition Logic
`DATA Mode to VorCE Mode
`VOICE Mode to DATA Mode
`Data Bus Interface
`Command and Control Interface
`SDU Subsystem Identifier (Label 172)
`ACARS MU Status to SDU (Label 270)
`SDU Status to ACARS MU (Label 270)
`Link Interface
`ACARS Message Protocol
`Acknowlei:lgement of a Downlink Block
`Acknowledgement of an Uplink Block
`SATCOM Link Management
`Ground Based Timers
`Airborne Timers
`Ground Counters
`Airborne Counters
`Media Utilization
`Data Bus Interface
`Command and Control Interface
`HFDUIHFDR Subsystem Identifier (Label 172)
`ACARS MU Status to HFDUIHFDR (Label 270)
`HFDUIHFDR Status to ACARS MU (Label 270)
`Link Interface
`ACARS Message Protocol
`HF Link Management
`Acknowlci1gement of a Downlink Block
`Acknowledgement of an Uplink Block
`Timers and Counters
`Ground-Based Timers
`Airborne Timers
`Ground Counters
`Airborne Counters
`Media Utilization
`ACARS BOP Data File
`Media Advisory
`SATCOM Channel Operation
`Media Advisory
`VHFIHF Channel Operation
`Media Advisory
`Copyright ARINC Industry Activities
`Provided by IHS under license with ARINC
`No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
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`VHF/SATCOMIHF Channel Operation
`Media Advisory
`Air/Ground Communications
`Frequency Management Diagrams
`ISO 5 Character Format
`Multiblock Timing Diagrams
`MSK Waveform
`Mode Character
`Voice/Data Notification
`Data Record Contents and Format
`Future Work
`Protocol History
`ACARS OvervIew
`REVISED: December 30, 1994
`r L.
`1 ,
`Copyright ARINC Industry Activities
`Provided by IHS under license with ARINC
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`Copyright ARINC Industry Activities
`Provided by IHS under license with ARINC
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`Ex. 1020

`1.1 Introduction
`Chapter 4 describes the VHF ACARS.
`REVISED: December 30,1994
`Th~ Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting
`System, known by the acronym ACARS, is a data link
`system which allows communication of character-oriented
`data between aircraft systems and ground systems. This
`communications facility enables the aircraft to operate as
`part of the airline's command, control and management
`The Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting
`System (ACARS), was introduced as an air-ground
`communications network utilizing the VHF aeronautical
`radio band. Later ACARS was extended to use satellite
`communications system (SATCOM) as well.
`ACARS consists of an airborne subsystem and a ground
`station network. The ground network is attached to the
`networks of subscriber airlines and other users, such as
`aviation authorities.
`With the support of the ground based service providers
`network, the airborne part of this air-ground data link
`enables equipment onboard an aircraft to function as a
`mobile communications terminal, and therefore, as if it
`were an integral part of an airlines internal data
`communications system.
`1. 2 Putpose of this Document
`This Sp~ification contains a compendium of provisions
`previously defined in ARINC Characteristics 546, 566,
`716, 597, 724 and 724B. These Characteristics contained
`redundant material, which, when updated at various times
`created contradictions and confusion'as to which text was
`The purpose of this Specification is to bring this
`redundant material into one document which Should serve
`as the description of operation within the ACARS
`air-ground environment. This specification also serves
`to clarify contradictions
`the above-mentioned
`documents and present new material which will bring the
`overall ACARS documentation into the current state
`which it has evolved over many years. The provisions
`listed herein are included by reference in the originating
`documents, as appropriate, and therefore continue to
`apply as provisions of systems described in the originating
`In this document a reference to ARINC 724/B refers to
`BOTH ARINC Characteristic 724
`and ARINC
`Characteristic 724B.
`1.3 Document Organization
`This Chapter provides an, overview of ACARS and
`introduces the elements necessary for the communications
`Chapter 2 outlines the air-ground block format in its
`entirety. Each of the fields of the message is introduced,
`followed by a definition of the range of characters, from
`the ISO-5 character set, that are authorized for use in the
`' .. ~.
`Chapter 5 describes Link Management for a VHF air(cid:173)
`ground network.
`Chapter 6 defines an optional capability of the ACARS
`MU to allow the VHF transceiver, which is used for Data
`communications, to be used for VOICE as well.
`Chapter 7 describes the air-ground satellite link protocol
`for transporting character-oriented ACARS messages.
`Chapter 8 describes the air/ground HF data protocol for
`transporting character-oriented ACARS messages.
`Chapter 9 describes the processes needed to operate
`multiple communications media simultaneously and when
`needed, discontinue use of one or more media.
`1.4 ACARS System Description
`ACARS enables airborne devices to function as mobile
`See Attachment 1 which
`communications terminals.
`shows a typical end-to-end communications environment
`and applicable Characteristics/manuals.
`Generally, the airlines own and control their ground
`network and the aircraft network. Normally, a Data
`link Service Provider (DSP) supplies the air-ground
`network to pass messages between the airlines'
`airborne and ground networks. Some airlines, own
`and operate their own VHF air-ground network.
`These airlines may also offer this service to other
`airlines as a service provider.
`There are currently three types of air-ground networks.
`The first system introduced was the VHF ACARS which
`uses a VHF signal between the aircraft and a ground
`station. SATCOM ACARS was introduced later and uses
`a signal which passes
`to a
`the aircraft
`communications satellite which itself is linked to a ground
`station. The ACARS message protocol described in this
`document is used over all media.
`HF ACARS was introduced later and uses an HF signal I
`between the aircraft and an HP ground station.
`The format and protocols used to transfer messages
`between the ACARS User's ground system and the Data
`link Service Provider's network differs from the format
`and protocol used to exchange messages between the
`airborne user and the data link service provider. It is the
`responsibility of the data link service provider to provide
`translation between these formats and to provide message
`routing. Those two functions are described in ARINC
`Specification 620.
`This document defines the protocol and message format
`for exchange of information by airborne user and the DSP
`across the air-ground link.
`1.5 ACARS Components
`Chapter 3 defines the ACARS MU Message Handling
`Protocols including priorities and multi-block handling.
`Copyright ARINC Industry Activities
`Provided by IHS under license with ARINC
`No reproduction or networking pennitted without license from IHS
`ACARS is the portion of the system incorporated by the
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`REVISED: December 30, 19.94
`1.5 ACARS Components (cont'd)
`service provider's ground network and the equipment on
`board the aircraft needed to facilitate the transfer of the
`provider. ACARS message formats used across. the RF
`link with the aircraft are designed for efficient use of the
`Other formats are used when data is
`exchanged between the service provider and the user
`1.5.1 Ground System Equipment
`airline's ground facilities. See Chapter 2 of ARINC
`The service provider's ground network consists, as a
`minimum; of an ACARS data link service processor and
`a communications network connecting the processor and
`the ground stations.
`For VHF ACARS, the ground stations consist of a
`microcomputer connected
`to a VHF receiver and
`transmitter. For SATCOM ACARS, the ground stations
`to a ground earth
`are connected
`station of a
`I communications satellite operator. For HF ACARS the
`¢-l ground stations consist of a computer connected to an HF
`receiver and transmitter.
`1.5.2 Airborne System Equipment
`The airborne equipment consists of an ACARS
`Management Unit (MU) which is connected to a
`control/display unit (either dedicated or multi-purpose)
`and any ancillary equipment which supports the.MU in its
`function such as the Optional Auxiliary Terminal (OA1),
`Digital Flight Data Acquisition Unit (DFDAU) orcockpit
`To access the VHF ACARS air-ground network, the
`ACARS MU is connected to a VHF transceiver.
`To access the SATCOM ACARS air-ground network, the
`ACARS MU is connected to the Satellite Data Unit
`(SDU). The satellite system is described by ARINC
`Characteristic 741.
`ACARS MUs are not designed to support the
`Network Layer functions required by SATCOM as
`described within ARINC Characteristic 741 and
`commonly referred to as Data Level 3 SATCOM (as
`described within the INMARSAT System Definition
`Manual (SDM). However, an ACARS MU may be
`designed to support Data Level 0, 1, or 2 SATCOM
`as described within the INMARSAT SDM. The
`ACARS MU/SATCOM SDU protocol interface and
`a definition of SATCOM Data Levels are described
`withln Section 7.0 of this specification.
`To access the HF ACARS air-ground network, the
`ACARS MU is connected to the HF Data Unit (HFDU)
`or HF Data Radio (HFDR). The HF datalink system is
`described by ARINC Characteristic 753.
`1.6 ACARS Messages
`Specification 620 for further definition of the interaction
`of the service provider with user facilities.
`The format of ACARS air-ground'messages is defined in
`Chapter 2 of this Specification. The definition of the text
`portion to be inserted "for each specific message is
`contained in Chapter 6 of ARINC Specification 620,
`"Data Link Ground Systems Standard and Interface
`Specification". The messages passed between the air~e's
`ground facilities and the service provider's ground
`network, should be formatted and processed in accordance
`with the ATAIIATA Interline Communications Manual
`1.6.1 Downlink Messages
`transmitted from
`Air-to-ground (downlink) messages
`aircraft are received by the service provider's ground
`station(s). One or more of these stations pass the
`to a central processor for processing in
`accordance with the provisions of ARINC Specification
`1.6.2 Uplink Messages
`Ground-to-air (uplink) messages are passed from the
`airlines' network to the service provider who in turn
`converts it to data link format and sends the message to
`a ground station in its network for transmission to the
`The air-ground protocol for the aircraft
`equipment then acknowledges receipt of the message.
`1. 7 Relationship to Other Documents
`The documentation of the protocols to be exercised within
`the ACARS environment is shown pictorially in Figure I(cid:173)
`I of Attachment 1 to this S~ecification.
`to be used
`The protocols and procedures
`communications between the airborne user and the data
`link service provider network are described in this
`Specification. The protocols used onboard the aircraft by
`subsystems participating in ACARS are defined in Project
`Paper 619, "Airborne Equipment Protocols for File
`Transfer of Character Data."
`The capabilities of the onboard equipment are defined in
`ARINC Characteristics 597, 724 or 724B as applicable.
`Information from these Specifications and Characteristics
`is not duplicated in this document except as necessary to
`clarify the data link service provider to data link user
`link provides
`air-ground data
`general-purpose data link capable of handling a wide
`variety of character-oriented messages.
`The protocols and procedures to be administered by the
`data link service provider are contained in ARINC
`Specification 620, "Data Link· Ground System Standard
`and Interface Specification (DGSSIIS)".
`. Two· message formats are utilized by the ground service
`Copyright ARINC Industry Activities
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`Provided by IHS under license with ARINC
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`The protocols used between the ground-based user and the
`data link serVice provider network are described in the
`ATAIIATA Interline Communications Manual (lCM).
`1.8 Documents Referenced
`This Specification refers to a number of other documents.
`Most of these documents are published by ARINC.
`References to ARINC standards should be interpreted as
`the most recent version of the mentioned document.
`ARINC Specification 410,
`Mark 2 Standard Frequency Selection System
`ARINC Specification 429,
`Mark 33 Digital Information Transfer System
`ARINC Characteristic 546.
`Airborne VHF Communications Receiver
`ARINC Characteristic 566,
`Airborne VHF Communications Transceiver
`& Mark 1 VHF SATCOM System
`ARINC Characteristic 566A,
`Mark 3 VHF Transceiver
`ARINC Characteristic 597,
`Aircraft Communications Addressing and
`Reporting System (ACARS)
`ARINC Specification 619,
`Airborne Equipment Protocols for
`File Transfer of Character Data
`ARINC Specification 600.
`Air Transport Avionics Equipment Interfaces
`ARINC Specification 620,
`Data Link Ground System Standard and
`Interface Specification (DGSSIIS)
`ARINC Specification 623,
`Character--Oriented Air Traffic Service
`ARINC Characteristic 716.
`Airborne VHF Communications Transceiver
`ARINC Characteristic 124,
`Mark 2 Aircraft Communications Addressing
`and Reporting System (ACARS)
`ARINC Characteristic 724B,
`Aircraft Communications Addressing and
`Reporting System (ACARS)
`ARINC Characteristic 741,
`Aviation Satellite Communications System
`PART 1 Aircraft Installation Provisions
`PART 2 System Design
`PART 3 Circuit Mode Voice and Data Services
`PART 4 Specification and Description Language
`Proceedings of the IRE, January 1961, "Cyclic Codes for
`Error Detection".
`Code of Federal Regulations (USA)
`I --==:J
`Copyright ARINC Industry Activities
`Provided by IHS under license with ARINC
`No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
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`Ex. 1020

`REVISED: December 30, 1994
`2.1 General Format Description
` Category A Mode Character
`The ACAR8 air-ground messag~ structure closely follows
`the recommendations of RTCA Document No. DO-136
`dated March 17, 1968.
`The fields of ACARS messages are encoded according to
`the seven-unit convention specified in IeAO Annex 10.
`The ISO-5 character set is illustrated in Table 3-1 of
`Attachment 3. An eighth bit is added to each character to
`complete the octet and render character parity odd. In
`this Specification, the ISO 5 characters are represented
`symbolically with an expression in the general form. of
`(column/row) such as (1/6) to represent the "SYN"
`The Block Check Sequence (error detection scheme) is
`composed of 16 bits which do not comply with this
`coding convention. The BCS characters are distinguished
`from communications control characters by their relative
`Message blocks prepared for transmission should have the
`following format:
`Start of Heading
`Block Identifier
`Start of Text
`Block Check
`ill This character is used only for messages containing
`220 (maximum)
`16 bits
`All Category A downlinks are uniquely identified with a
`2 (3/2) in the Mode character position.
` Category B Mode Character

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