Page 1
` §
` Petitioner §
` §
`VS. § CASE IPR2015-02002
` § Patent 6,743,413
`3M COMPANY, et al. §
` §
` Patent Owner §
` Austin, Texas
` June 14, 2016
` 9:02 a.m.
`Reported by:
`Micheal A. Johnson, RDR, CRR
`Job No. 16436
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
`212-400-8845 -
`3M COMPANY 2014
`Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. v. 3M Company

`Page 2
`produced at the instance of the Respondent, in the
`above-styled and numbered cause on the 14th day of
`June, 2016, at 9:02 a.m., before Micheal A. Johnson,
`RDR, CRR, Notary Public in and for the State of
`Texas, reported by realtime stenographic means, at
`the AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center,
`1900 University Avenue, Austin, Texas, pursuant to
`Notice of Oral Deposition.
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
`212-400-8845 -

`Page 3
` A P P E A R A N C E S
` Jitendra "Jitty" Malik, Ph.D., Esq.
` 4721 Emperor Boulevard, Suite 400
` Durham, North Carolina 27703-8580
` (919) 862-2200
` H. James Abe, Esq.
` 333 South Hope Street, Sixteenth Floor
` Los Angeles, California 90071
` (213) 576-1000
` John R. Lane, Esq.
` 1221 McKinney, Suite 2800
` Houston, Texas 77010
` (713) 654-5300
` Dorothy P. Whelan, Esq.
` 60 South Sixth Street, Suite 3200
` Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402
` (612) 335-5070
` James P. Reik, Esq.
` Five Moore Drive
` Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709
` (919) 483-8022
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
`212-400-8845 -

` June 14, 2016
`Page 4
` BY MR. MALIK 120
`5 6
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`Page 5
` June 14, 2016
`Exhibit 1001 United States Patent 42
` 6,743,413 B1, Jun. 1, 2004
`Exhibit 1006 Declaration of Hugh Smyth 22
`Exhibit 1007 International Application 47
` Published under the Patent
` Cooperation Treaty,
` International Publication
` Number W) 91/04011
`Exhibit 1011 International Application 47
` Published under the Patent
` Cooperation Treaty,
` International Publication
` Number W) 90/07333
`Exhibit 1012 Curriculum Vitae of Hugh 29
` David Charles Smyth, Ph.D.
`Exhibit 2021 Article Entitled "2001: An 53
` Odyssey in Inhaler
` Formulation and Design" by
` H.D.C. Smyth, et al.
`Exhibit 2022 Article Entitled 56
` "Alternative Propellant
` Aerosol Delivery Systems"
` by Hugh D.C. Smyth, et al.
`Exhibit 2023 Article Entitled "The 61
` influence of formulation
` variables on the
` performance of alternative
` propellant-driven metered
` dose inhalers" by Hugh D.C.
` Smyth
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`Page 6
` June 14, 2016
`Exhibit 2024 Research Article "Tuning 63
` Aerosol Particle Size
` Distribution of
` Metered-Dose Inhalers Using
` Cosolvents and Surfactants"
` by Hugh D.C. Smyth, et al.
`8 9
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`Page 7
` having been first duly sworn,
` testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning.
` A. Morning.
` Q. Can you please state your name for the
` A. Hugh David Charles Smyth.
` Q. What's your work address?
` A. 2409 University Avenue.
` Q. That's here in Austin?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What's the ZIP code?
` A. 78712.
` Q. Have you ever been deposed before?
` A. Yes.
` Q. How many times?
` A. Twice.
` Q. You're represented by Mylan is counsel
`in this deposition?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Who is that?
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`Page 8
` A. The two gentlemen sitting here, Jitty
`Malik, James Abe.
` MR. LANE: Do we want to identify
`who's in the room for the record, please? I think
`we should do that.
` I'm John Lane from Fish & Richardson
`representing the patent owner, and with me is
`Dorothy Whelan also from Fish & Richardson, and Jim
`Riek from GSK.
` MR. MALIK: Good idea. Jitendra
`Malik from the law firm of Alston & Bird on behalf
`of Mylan. With me is James Abe also from Alston &
`Bird also representing Mylan.
` Q. I know you've been deposed before but
`we'll go through some of the ground rules here at
`the start just to make sure we're on the same page.
` If you need a break at any time
`today, just let me know and we'll break at the next
`convenient spot. I just ask that you don't take a
`break while the question is pending. You need to go
`ahead and answer the question if there's a question
`pending before we take a break.
` You understand there's a transcript
`being made today of the deposition?
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`Page 9
` A. Yes.
` Q. It's important for the court reporter
`and so we get a clean record that we don't talk over
`each other during the deposition. Do you understand
` A. Yes.
` Q. It's important that you answer orally
`for the transcript and not with gestures too so that
`the court reporter can take down the answers as
`words because he can't write down your gestures.
`You understand that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Periodically today, Mylan's counsel may
`object to some of my questions, but unless they
`instruct you not to answer, you still need to answer
`the question even if there's an objection. You
`understand that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. If, during the deposition today, I ask
`you a question and you remember something later
`during the deposition after you've already answered
`the question and what you remember later means that
`you need to correct or further explain your previous
`answer, please let me know and I'll give you an
`opportunity to correct or further explain your
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`previous answer on the record. Do you understand
`Page 10
` A. Yes.
` Q. Under the patent office's rules for
`depositions and IPRs, now that we've begun the
`deposition, you cannot consult or confer with
`Mylan's lawyers at the breaks regarding the
`substance of testimony that you've already given or
`testimony that you or Mylan's attorneys anticipate
`you may give later in the deposition, other than
`specifically to ascertain whether a privilege
`exists. Do you understand that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. You understand you're under oath today?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is there any reason you can't testify
`here today completely and truthfully?
` A. No.
` Q. You said you've been deposed twice
` A. Yes.
` Q. What matters were those in?
` A. They were -- one was in a matter -- I
`was representing Goodwin Proctor relating to a
`district court litigation around the product ProAir.
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` Q. Was Goodwin Proctor's client TEVA in
`Page 11
`that case?
` A. Yes.
` Q. When were you deposed?
` A. That was in 2014.
` Q. Where was that deposition?
` A. In Boston.
` Q. Did you submit a declaration opining on
`claim constructions in that case?
` A. I don't believe so.
` Q. Do you remember who the opposing counsel
`in that case was?
` A. No.
` Q. About how long were you deposed?
` A. Five, six hours.
` Q. Had you provided an expert report in
`that case before you were deposed?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What generally was your expert report
`on? Was it on infringement or invalidity?
` A. You know, I can't remember.
` Q. When was the second time you were
` A. I think it was in 2015.
` Q. What matter was that in?
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`Page 12
` A. It was to do with Mometasone, again,
`representing TEVA on behalf of Goodwin Proctor.
` Q. Was TEVA seeking to bring a generic
`version of the drug onto the market in that case?
` A. I believe so.
` Q. What about in the ProAir case? Was TEVA
`seeking to bring a generic version of that drug to
`market in that case?
` A. No.
` Q. Where was your 2015 deposition?
` A. It was in Austin.
` Q. About how long were you deposed for?
` A. Five, six hours.
` Q. Do you remember who the opposing counsel
`was in that case?
` A. It was from Baker Botts.
` Q. Is this the first time you've been
`deposed in the context of an IPR?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Have you ever testified at a trial
` A. No.
` Q. Do you understand that we're here today
`regarding an IPR petition that Mylan filed for US
`patent number 6,743,413?
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` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you understand that 3M is the patent
`Page 13
` A. Yes.
` Q. What other IPRs have you worked on?
` A. I have been -- I worked with Finnegan on
`a -- actually, I don't think the IPR began; they
`were anticipating it to begin, but it never began or
` Q. Who is Finnegan -- I'm sorry, go ahead.
` A. I think that's essentially the only IPR.
` Q. Who was Finnegan's client in that
` A. I can't remember.
` MR. MALIK: I will -- obviously I
`don't represent Finnegan nor that client, but there
`may be some privilege issues if it wasn't public.
` A. Yeah, I'm not sure who the client was.
` Q. Other than matters we've discussed so
`far, have you ever done any other work as an expert
` A. Yes.
` Q. And in what matters?
` A. These are ongoing matters which may not
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`Page 14
`be public, I guess, so I may not be able to disclose
`exactly who I'm working for and on what matter.
` Q. Are they litigation matters?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Have you submitted expert reports in any
`of those matters?
` A. I do not believe so.
` Q. Are you working on any ongoing IPR
`matters that we haven't discussed?
` A. I don't believe so.
` Q. You're being compensated in this matter
`at $650 an hour; is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is that the same amount that you're
`being compensated in the other matters that you're
`currently working on?
` A. There is one other that is not, which
`I'm being compensated at 500, which had started
`before this matter.
` Q. When did that matter start?
` A. I can't remember.
` Q. About, to the best of your recollection.
` A. 2015, sometime in 2015.
` Q. How were you first contacted about this
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`Page 15
` A. I can't recall.
` Q. Do you recall who first contacted you
`about this matter?
` A. I remember having a phone call with
`Jitty early on.
` Q. Do you recall about when that was?
` A. No.
` Q. Do you recall when you were engaged for
`this matter?
` A. It would have -- late 2015, second half
`of 2015.
` Q. When did you start working on this
` A. Around about the same time.
` Q. Do you have any more specific
`recollection than late 2015?
` A. Would've been maybe a month or two
`before my declaration was submitted.
` Q. All right. And your declaration, I
`think it was submitted late September. Is that
`consistent with your recollection?
` A. I think so.
` Q. So you were engaged and started working
`around July or August; is that accurate?
` A. Perhaps, yeah.
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`Page 16
` Q. Have you ever done any work for Mylan
` A. Not that I know of or can remember.
` Q. Have you ever worked with Alston & Bird
` A. No.
` Q. Have you ever worked with any of the
`attorneys that are working with Mylan on this matter
`to the extent that you know who they are?
` A. No.
` Q. When did you start working on your
` A. Yeah, like I said, probably a couple of
`months, month or two, before it was submitted.
` Q. How much time have you spent working on
`this matter?
` A. I would have to consult my records for
`how many hours I've spent time on it.
` Q. Can you give me an estimate?
` A. Maybe 30 hours.
` Q. That 30 hours, that includes the time
`you spent working on your declaration; is that
` A. Yes.
` Q. Does that include the time you spent
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`Page 17
`preparing for today's deposition?
` A. It would include that.
` Q. Of those approximately 30 hours, how
`many were spent working on your declaration?
` A. Maybe 20, 25, something like that.
` Q. What, if anything, have you spent time
`on for this matter, other than working on your
`declaration and preparing for today's deposition?
` A. I think that's pretty much all I've
`done, is preparing my declaration and preparing for
`a deposition.
` Q. What did you do to prepare for today's
` A. I reviewed my declaration and the
`references that I cite within that declaration.
` Q. Did you meet with anyone to prepare for
`your deposition?
` A. Yesterday I met with Jitty and James.
` Q. How long did you meet with them?
` A. About five, six hours.
` Q. Did you meet with anybody else?
` A. No.
` Q. You just had one meeting with them?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you have any phone calls with anyone
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`Page 18
`to prepare for your deposition?
` A. There was a few phone calls before they
`arrived here in Austin, logistics and --
` Q. Did you have any phone calls before
`yesterday's meeting regarding the substance of your
` A. Regarding the substance of my
`deposition? Yes, I guess, we talked over the phone
`about --
` MR. MALIK: Don't talk specific --
`sorry. Don't get into any specifics with
`discussions with counsel.
` Q. When did you have those phone calls with
`Mylan's counsel to prepare for your deposition?
` A. I had one on Friday.
` Q. How long did that last?
` A. Thirty minutes, an hour.
` Q. Who was on the call, besides you?
` A. James.
` Q. Any other phone calls?
` A. Not that I recall.
` Q. When did you review your declaration and
`the references cited therein in preparation for your
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`Page 19
` A. I started refreshing my memory maybe in
`the last week or so.
` Q. Have you ever reviewed Mylan's petition
`seeking inter partes review of the '413 patent?
` A. I have not.
` Q. Have you ever reviewed 3M's preliminary
` A. I did briefly read that yesterday.
` Q. You read that yesterday?
` A. Yes.
` Q. In preparing for your deposition?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So what other documents -- so I asked
`you before and you told me the declaration
`references and now you're telling me the preliminary
`response. What other documents did you review in
`preparing for your deposition?
` MR. MALIK: Don't get into any
`specific documents that you were shown by counsel.
` Counsel, if you have specific
`documents in mind, you can ask him whether he's
`looked at them.
` MR. LANE: He's testifying as an
`expert here. I can ask him what documents he's
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`Page 20
` MR. MALIK: My instruction stands.
` To the extent you can recall any
`that you have reviewed, you can go ahead.
` MR. LANE: Objection, that's a
`speaking objection. It's not permitted under PTAB's
` A. I looked at the -- so my declaration,
`the references, looked at the preliminary response
`and the decision.
` Q. Did you look at any of the exhibits to
`the preliminary response?
` A. I may have quickly glanced at a couple
`of them.
` Q. Did you speak to anyone at Mylan
`regarding your deposition?
` A. No.
` Q. Did you have any discussions about your
`deposition with anyone other than Mylan's counsel?
` A. No.
` Q. Did you look at anything on the Internet
`in preparation for your deposition?
` A. I may have pulled up the patents on the
` Q. When was that?
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`Page 21
` A. Within the last week.
` Q. When you say "the patents," which
`patents are you talking about?
` A. The '413, the '011.
` Q. That's it?
` A. Yes.
` Q. If you had any questions for Mylan's
`counsel about today's deposition, did you ask
`Mylan's counsel those questions before the
` MR. MALIK: You can -- I suppose you
`can answer that question yes or no.
` A. Sorry, can you repeat the question?
` MR. LANE: Can you read it back,
` Or I'll just -- strike it. I'll
`just ask it again.
` Q. If you had any questions for Mylan's
`counsel today -- let me strike that.
` If you had any questions for Mylan's
`counsel about today's deposition, did you ask
`Mylan's counsel those questions before the
` MR. MALIK: Vague and ambiguous.
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`Page 22
` MR. LANE: I'll object. That's an
`objection that's not allowed under PTAB's rules.
`You're making speaking objections, and objections
`are specifically not required -- allowed under the
` MR. MALIK: Objections are allowed.
` MR. LANE: Not "objection, vague."
`Those are specifically called out as not allowed
`under the rules.
` MR. MALIK: Well, at a break you can
`show me where that specific objection is called out
`under the rules.
` MR. LANE: Okay. I'll be happy to
`send that to you.
` A. I asked them some logistical
`information; you know, we discussed some of the
` MR. LANE: Can you mark that as
`Exhibit 1006.
` (Deposition Exhibit 1006 marked for
` Q. So I've handed you there what's been
`marked as Exhibit 1006, which is your declaration.
`Do you see that? Do you want to flip through that
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`Page 23
`and make sure it's your declaration?
` A. Sure.
` (Witness reviews document.)
` A. Looks like you've highlighted a few
`things in there.
` Q. Oh, did I? Let me see that.
` A. At the front.
` MR. MALIK: Yeah, I also have
` MR. LANE: If those are the only two
`highlighted things, that's -- we can live with that.
` MR. MALIK: You can have my copy.
` MR. LANE: Thanks. I appreciate
`that. I think that's all.
` Sorry about that, but I think we can
`live with that.
` MR. MALIK: Thank you.
` Q. You can see that we've read your
` MR. MALIK: At least the first page.
` MR. LANE: Yeah, at least the first
`couple of pages, right.
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`Page 24
` Q. So starting kind of at the back of your
`declaration, your Exhibit 1006, can you turn to the
`very last page there. Is that your signature there
`at the very end?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And you signed this on
`September 29, 2015?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you see the paragraph right above
`that, paragraph 235?
` A. Yes.
` Q. It says, "I hereby declare that all
`statements made herein of my own knowledge are true
`and that all statements made on information and
`belief are believed to be true."
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Was that true when you signed this?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is it true today, still?
` A. Yes.
` Q. You said before, you reviewed 3M's
`preliminary response?
` A. Briefly.
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`Page 25
` Q. About how long did you review that
` A. Maybe, you know, 30 minutes to an hour.
` Q. And you reviewed the PTAB's decision on
` A. I did look at that.
` Q. About how long did you spend reviewing
`that document?
` A. Maybe 20 to 30 minutes.
` Q. Did any of your opinions that are stated
`in your declaration change after you submitted your
`declaration based on 3M's preliminary response?
` A. No.
` Q. Did any of your opinions that are stated
`in your declaration change after you submitted your
`declaration based on the PTAB's decision on
` A. No.
` Q. Have any of your opinions that are
`stated in your declaration changed after you
`submitted your declaration for any reason?
` A. No.
` Q. Can I turn your attention over to page 4
`of your declaration, Exhibit 1006.
` A. Which page 4?
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`Page 26
` Q. The regular page 4 that starts, "List of
`Materials Considered," has paragraph 11 on it.
` A. Got it.
` Q. Yeah, sorry about that; there's two
`page 4s. In paragraph 11, it says at the beginning
`there, "In formulating my opinions, I have
`considered the following materials, and any other
`materials referenced in this Declaration or the
` You see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Was that true when you signed the
` A. Yes.
` Q. The opinions that you were referring to
`there in that statement in paragraph 11, are those
`the opinions expressed in your declaration?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you see Exhibit 1001, that's US
`patent 6,743,413?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Had you ever reviewed that patent before
`you started your work in this matter?
` A. I may have, but I can't recall.
` Q. Exhibit 1002, had you ever reviewed that
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`Page 27
`document before your work in this matter? That's
`the patent application number 07809791.
` A. I may have. I can't recall.
` Q. Did Mylan's counsel provide you with
`that document for your work in this matter?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What about Exhibit 1003? Did Mylan's
`counsel provide you with that document for your work
`in this matter?
` A. I'll have to look at that document. I
`don't -- I would have to look at that document to
`look at the specifics of it.
` Q. Okay. What about Exhibit 1007? Had you
`reviewed that document before your work in this
` A. Yes.
` Q. What about Exhibit 1009? Have you ever
`reviewed that document before your work in this
` A. I can't recall reviewing that one, but I
`may have.
` Q. Exhibit 1010?
` A. I may have. I'm not sure.
` Q. Exhibit 1011, have you ever reviewed
`that document before your work in this matter?
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`Page 28
` A. I can't recall reviewing that document
`before this matter, but I may have.
` Q. Did Mylan's counsel provide you with
`that document for your work in this matter?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Exhibit 1014, had you ever reviewed that
`document before your work in this matter?
` A. Yes.
` Q. That's a pretty common reference in the
`pharmaceutical industry?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did Mylan's counsel provide you with
`that document?
` A. No.
` Q. What about Exhibit 1015? Had you
`reviewed that document before your work in this
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did Mylan's counsel provide you that
`document for your work in this matter?
` A. No.
` Q. Are there any prior art references that
`you've considered during the course of your work on
`this matter that are not cited in the Table 1 in
`paragraph 11 or cited in your declaration of the
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`Page 29
` A. Not at the time of writing my
` MR. LANE: Can I get that marked as
`1012, please.
` (Deposition Exhibit 1012 marked for
` Q. Dr. Smyth, I've handed you what's been
`marked as Exhibit 1012, which is the copy of your CV
`that was submitted with your declaration. Is this
`version of your CV still accurate, or are there
`updates since it was submitted with your declaration
`back in September 2015?
` A. No doubt there will be updates to the
`CV, yes.
` Q. And not trying to go blow by blow, but
`can you -- in general, can you just tell me what the
`updates will be? Are there additional papers you've
` A. There may be a few additional papers,
`different students advised, different kinds of
`professional activities, some students that
`graduated; yeah, updates to the -- my publications.
`That probably would be the majority of the updates.
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`Page 30
` Q. On page 14 there you have a list of
`published and issued patents. Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Are there any additional patents that
`have been issued since you submitted this
`declaration that are related to aerosol inhalation
` A. Not that I'm aware of or I can remember.
` Q. Any patent applications?
` A. Not that I'm aware of.
` Q. Do you have any publications that are
`not listed here that you've submitted or worked on
`since your declaration was submitted regarding
`aerosol inhalation products?
` MR. MALIK: Objection, form.
` A. Yes, probably several conference
`presentations, maybe some research papers.
` Q. Do you recall any of the conference
` A. Not off the top of my head.
` Q. Do you recall any of the topics more
`specifically those conference presentations related
` A. I remember one presentation we -- I was
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`Page 31
`an author on at a respiratory drug delivery
`conference in Phoenix, Arizona, this year that
`related to dry powder inhaler device design.
` Q. Any other conference presentations you
` A. We would have presented several at the
`American Association of Pharmaceutical Sciences'
`annual me

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