`Page 1
`- - -
`- - -
`- - -
`Patent Owner.
`- - -
`Case IPR2015-01979(Patent 8,141,154)
`- - -
`November 30, 2016 - 11:30 a.m.
`- - -
`Administrative Patent Judges
`- - -
`1250 Eye street NW - Suite 350
`Washington, D.C. 20005
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. - Exhibit 1049
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc., IPR2015-01979

`Page 2
`Page 4
`1 Honor. So we received the notice in
`2 this case, and I have back-to-back
`3 hearings, trials and I assumed that
`4 they were both going to be in the
`5 Virginia US PCO office, but now I have
`6 one here. When I say "here," one in
`7 San Jose and one in the East Coast.
`8 And so I just wanted to call and see
`9 what we could do to either have both
`10 of the hearings here in San Jose, that
`11 would be my preference or if there was
`12 some other arrangement. I'm just a
`13 little bit nervous about having two
`14 back-to-back hearings on opposite
`15 coasts for these proceedings.
`16 JUDGE QUINN: Okay.
`17 Petitioner, do you have anything
`18 to add?
`19 MR. ARMON: Yes, Your Honor.
`20 Petitioner's recommendation is that
`21 the Board consolidate the hearing in
`22 this case and in IPR2016-151 which is
`23 also a case concerning the same patent
`24 between the same parties. That
`25 hearing is scheduled for January 24,
`1 A P P E A R A N C E S:
` 3175 Hanover Street
`5 Palo Alto, California 94304-1130
` Representing the Petitioners
`9 990 Marsh Road
` Menlo Park, California 94025
`10 Representing the Patent Owner
`Page 3
`Page 5
`1 JUDGE QUINN: Good Morning.
`2 MR. ARMON: Good morning. This
`3 is Orion Armon of Cooley, lead counsel
`4 for Petitioner along with my colleague
`5 Peter Sauer.
`6 JUDGE QUINN: Okay. Do we have
`7 anyone for Semantic on the call?
`8 Maybe not yet.
`9 So who do we have for Patent
`10 Owner?
`11 MR. HANNAH: Good morning, Your
`12 Honor. This is James Hannah.
`13 JUDGE QUINN: Good morning, Mr.
`14 Hannah.
`15 Is there a court reporter on the
`16 line?
`18 morning. Lisa Sansone.
`19 JUDGE QUINN: Good morning.
`20 Okay. So this is a call regarding
`21 IPR2015-1979. It was requested by
`22 Patent Owner concerning the schedule
`23 of the hearing.
`24 Mr. Hannah, you have the floor.
`25 MR. HANNAH: Good morning, Your
`1 2017, and it would be I think more
`2 efficient for the parties and the
`3 board and would also alleviate the
`4 scheduling conflicts for Mr. Hannah.
`5 JUDGE QUINN: Okay. Well, we
`6 have not -- yes, we sent an order --
`7 we haven't sent an order for 151 yet,
`8 have we?
`9 MR. HANNAH: No, Your Honor.
`10 MR. ARMON: Your Honor, I think
`11 that was based on the scheduling order
`12 the date that I was referring to.
`13 JUDGE QUINN: Okay. So we don't
`14 have a request for hearing and the
`15 order on that case. So we are dealing
`16 with 1979 and what to do.
`17 Mr. Hannah, the way that this
`18 panel is constituted, we cannot change
`19 our hearing setting to San Jose.
`20 There is no judge in this panel that
`21 sits in that location, so we cannot
`22 have that hearing there.
`23 MR. HANNAH: Okay.
`24 JUDGE QUINN: The best we can do
`25 for you at this point is to move our
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830
`2 (Pages 2 - 5)
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. - Exhibit 1049
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc., IPR2015-01979

`Page 6
`Page 8
`1 hearing to an earlier time in the day
`2 so that you have more time to prepare
`3 for whatever arrangements you have to
`4 do. Of course you are also welcome to
`5 contact the panel in the other
`6 proceeding 1892 and request that that
`7 hearing be set in Alexandria. I
`8 believe that they do have a judge
`9 sitting in Alexandria in that panel.
`10 I am not sure what else we could do
`11 for you at this time.
`12 MR. HANNAH: That is fine, Your
`13 Honor. I just was called and hoping
`14 to get some guidance. If we can move
`15 the San Jose hearing to Alexandria,
`16 that would be perfect. I would just
`17 like them both in the same location,
`18 and I was unaware which panel had
`19 flexibility in this instance. So I
`20 will go ahead and e-mail the other
`21 panel immediately this morning and
`22 request a call and see if there's
`23 something that we can do to move the
`24 location.
`25 JUDGE QUINN: Okay. Well, good
`Page 7
`1 luck with that. I can't vouch for
`2 what they might or might not do, but I
`3 hope this gets resolved to everyone's
`4 approval. So that is all we can do
`5 right now.
`6 MR. HANNAH: Okay. Thank you,
`7 Your Honor.
`8 JUDGE QUINN: All right. Is
`9 there anything else that we need to
`10 discuss?
`11 MR. ARMON: Nothing from
`12 Petitioner.
`13 MR. HANNAH: Nothing from Patent
`14 Owner.
`15 JUDGE QUINN: Well, thank you
`16 all for your time, and we'll see you
`17 all December 15th.
`18 MR. HANNAH: Thank you very
`19 much.
`20 MR. ARMON: Thank you. You have
`21 a nice day.
`22 JUDGE QUINN: You too. Bye-bye.
`23 (Time noted: 11:34 a.m.)
`2 3
` I, Lisa Sansone, a Notary Public for
`4 and within the State of New York, do
`5 hereby certify:
`6 That the within transcript of the
`7 foregoing proceedings is a true and
`8 accurate transcription of my stenographic
`9 notes.
`10 I further certify that I am not
`11 related to any of the parties to this
`12 action by blood or marriage, and that I am
`13 in no way interested in the outcome of
`14 this matter.
`15 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto
`16 set my hand this 1st day of December, 2016.
` _____________________
`* *
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830
`3 (Pages 6 - 8)
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. - Exhibit 1049
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc., IPR2015-01979

`[& - lisa]
`& 2:8
`11:30 1:14
`11:34 7:23
`1250 1:24
`151 5:7
`15th 7:17
`1892 6:6
`1979 5:16
`1st 8:16
`20005 1:24
`2016 1:14 8:16
`2017 5:1
`24 4:25
`30 1:14
`3175 2:4
`350 1:24
`8,141,154 1:12
`94025 2:9
`94304-1130 2:5
`990 2:9
`a.m. 1:14 7:23
`accurate 8:8
`action 8:12
`add 4:18
`ahead 6:20
`alexandria 6:7,9
`alleviate 5:3
`alto 1:6 2:5
`appeal 1:4
`approval 7:4
`armon 2:3 3:2,3
`4:19 5:10 7:11,20
`arrangement 4:12
`arrangements 6:3
`assumed 4:3
`atlantic 1:23
`back 4:2,2,14,14
`based 5:11
`believe 6:8
`best 5:24
`bit 4:13
`blood 8:12
`board 1:4 4:21 5:3
`bye 7:22,22
`c 2:1
`california 2:5,9
`call 3:7,20 4:8
`called 6:13
`case 1:12 4:2,22
`4:23 5:15
`certification 8:1
`certify 8:5,10
`change 5:18
`coast 4:7
`coasts 4:15
`colleague 3:4
`concerning 3:22
`conflicts 5:4
`consolidate 4:21
`constituted 5:18
`contact 6:5
`cooley 2:3 3:3
`counsel 3:3
`course 6:4
`court 3:15,17
`d.c. 1:24
`date 5:12
`day 6:1 7:21 8:16
`dealing 5:15
`december 7:17
`discuss 7:10
`e 1:19 2:1,1 6:20
`earlier 6:1
`east 4:7
`efficient 5:2
`either 4:9
`esq 2:3,4,8
`everyone's 7:3
`eye 1:24
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`finjan 1:9
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`foregoing 8:7
`frankel 2:8
`further 8:10
`giannetti 1:18
`go 6:20
`going 4:4
`good 3:1,2,11,13
`3:17,19,25 6:25
`guidance 6:14
`hand 8:16
`hannah 2:8 3:11
`3:12,14,24,25 5:4
`Page 1
`5:9,17,23 6:12 7:6
`hanover 2:4
`hearing 3:23 4:21
`4:25 5:14,19,22
`hearings 4:3,10,14
`hereunto 8:15
`honor 3:12 4:1,19
`5:9,10 6:13 7:7
`hope 7:3
`hoping 6:13
`immediately 6:21
`instance 6:19
`interested 8:13
`ipr2015-1979 3:21
`ipr2016-151 4:22
`james 2:8 3:12
`january 4:25
`jose 4:7,10 5:19
`judge 3:1,6,13,19
`4:16 5:5,13,20,24
`6:8,25 7:8,15,22
`judges 1:20
`kramer 2:8
`l 1:18
`lead 3:3
`legal 1:23
`levin 2:8
`line 3:16
`lisa 3:18 8:3,19
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. - Exhibit 1049
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc., IPR2015-01979

`Page 2
`thank 7:6,15,18,20
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`york 8:4
`[little - york]
`little 4:13
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`luck 7:1
`mail 6:20
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`mid 1:23
`miriam 1:17
`morning 3:1,2,11
`3:13,18,19,25 6:21
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`n 2:1
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`november 1:14
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`okay 3:6,20 4:16
`5:5,13,23 6:25 7:6
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`order 5:6,7,11,15
`orion 2:3 3:3
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`3:10,22 7:14
`p 2:1,1
`palo 1:6 2:5
`panel 5:18,20 6:5
`park 2:9
`parties 4:24 5:2
`patent 1:2,4,10,12
`1:20 2:10 3:9,22
`4:23 7:13
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`4:17 7:12
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`3:13,19 4:16 5:5
`5:13,24 6:25 7:8
`r 2:1
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`s 2:1
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`scheduled 4:25
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`sitting 6:9
`solutions 1:23
`state 8:4
`states 1:2
`stenographic 8:8
`street 1:24 2:4
`suite 1:24
`sure 6:10
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. - Exhibit 1049
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc., IPR2015-01979

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