United States Patent [19J
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Nov. 9,1999
`Inventor: Shuang Ji, Santa Clara, Calif.
`[73] Assignee: Trend Micro Incorporated, Cupertino,
`[21] Appl. No.: 08/926,619
`Sep. 10, 1997
`Int. Cl.6
`...................................................... G06F 13/00
`U.S. Cl. ............................................... 713/200; 714/38
`Field of Search ............................... 395/186, 187.01,
`395/188.01, 183.14, 183.13, 200.54, 200.55,
`200.32; 380/3, 4, 23, 25; 713/200, 201,
`202; 714/38, 37
`References Cited
`2/1995 Freeman et a!. .......................... 379/15
`4/1997 Ji et a!. .............................. 395/187.01
`...................... 395/200.32
`9/1998 Cohen et a!.
`Primary Examiner-Norman Michael Wright
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm---Skjerven, Morrill MacPherson,
`Franklin & Friel LLP; Norman R. Klivans
`A network scanner for security checking of application
`programs (e.g. Java applets or Active X controls) received
`over the Internet or an Intranet has both static (pre-run time)
`and dynamic (run time) scanning. Static scanning at the
`HTTP proxy server identifies suspicious instructions and
`instruments them e.g. a pre-and-post filter instruction
`sequence or otherwise. The instrumented applet is then
`transferred to the client (web browser) together with security
`monitoring code. During run time at the client, the instru(cid:173)
`mented instructions are thereby monitored for security
`policy violations, and execution of an instruction is pre(cid:173)
`vented in the event of such a violation.
`5,257,381 10/1993 Cook ....................................... 395/700
`5,359,659 10/1994 Rosenthal .................................... 380/4
`34 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets
`Securing Policy
`Verify Signature
`Class files---<
`Class files--<
`PALO ALTO NETWORKS Exhibit 1009 Page 1

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 9,1999
`Sheet 1 of 2
`Server Machine
`20 ;
`HTTP Proxy Server
`Client Machine
`Web Browser
`Local Resources
`FIG. 1
`PALO ALTO NETWORKS Exhibit 1009 Page 2

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 9,1999
`Sheet 2 of 2
`A I t
`pp e
`Securing Policy
`Class files -----<:r--
`Verify Signature
`Class files-----<:-
`FIG. 2
`PALO ALTO NETWORKS Exhibit 1009 Page 3

`This invention pertains to computer networks and spe(cid:173)
`cifically to detecting and preventing operation of computer
`viruses and other types of malicious computer code.
`Finjan, and Cage from Digitivity, Inc. SurfinShield is a
`client-side (user) solution. A copy of SurfinShield must be
`installed on every computer which is running a web browser.
`SurfinShield replaces some of the Java library functions
`included in the browser that may pose security risks with its
`own. This way, it can trap all such calls and block them if
`SurfinShield provides run-time monitoring. It introduces
`almost no performance overhead on applet startup and
`10 execution. It is able to trap all security breach attempts, if a
`correct set of Java library functions is replaced. However, it
`is still difficult to keep track of the states of individual
`applets if a series of actions must be performed by the
`instances before they can be determined dangerous this way,
`15 because the scanner is activated rather passively by the
`Since every computer in an organization needs a copy of
`the SurfinShield software, it is expensive to deploy. Also,
`installing a new release of the product involves updating on
`every computer, imposing a significant administrative bur(cid:173)
`Because SurfinShield replaces library functions of
`browsers, it is also browser-dependent; a minor browser
`upgrade may prevent operation. SufinGate is a server solu(cid:173)
`tion that is installed on an HTTP proxy server. Therefore,
`one copy of the software can protect all the computers
`proxied by that server. Unlike SufinShield, SurfinGate only
`scans the applet code statically. If it detects that one or more
`insecure functions might be called during the execution of
`the applet, it blocks the applet. Its scanning algorithm is
`rather slow. To solve this problem, SurfinGate maintains an
`applet profile database. Each applet is given an ID which is
`its URL. Once an applet is scanned, an entry is added to the
`database with its applet ID and the insecure functions it
`might try to access. When this applet is downloaded again,
`the security profile is taken from the database to determine
`the behavior of the applet. No analysis is redone. This means
`that if a previously safe applet is modified and still has the
`same URL, SurfinGate will fail to rescan it and let it pass
`through. Also, because the size of the database is ever-
`growing, its maintenance becomes a problem over time.
`Cage is also a server solution that is installed on an HTTP
`proxy server, and provides run-time monitoring and yet
`avoids client-side installations or changes. It is similar to X
`Windows. All workstations protected by the server serve as
`X terminals and only provide graphical presentation func(cid:173)
`tionality. When an applet is downloaded to Cage, it stops at
`the Cage server and only a GUI (graphical user interface)
`agent in the form of an applet is passed back to the browser.
`The applet is then run on the Cage server. GUI requests are
`passed to the agent on the client, which draws the presen(cid:173)
`tation for the user. Therefore, it appears to users that the
`applets are actually running locally.
`This approach creates a heavy load on the server, since all
`the applets in the protected domain run on the server and all
`the potentially powerful computers are used as graphical
`terminals only. Also, reasonable requests to access local
`resources (as in Intranet applications) are almost impossible
`to honor because the server does not have direct access to
`resources on individual workstations.
`These products fail to create any balance between static
`scanning and run-time monitoring. SurfinShield employs
`run-time monitoring, SurfinGate uses static scanning, and
`65 Cage utilizes emulated run-time monitoring. Since static
`scanning is usually done on the server and run-time moni(cid:173)
`toring on the client, this imbalance also causes an imbalance
`With the rapid development of the Internet, Intranet, and
`network computing, applications (application programs) are
`distributed more and more via such networks, instead of via
`physical storage media. Many associated distribution tech(cid:173)
`nologies are available, such as Java and Active X. Therefore
`objects with both data and code flow around the network and
`have seamless integration with local computer resources.
`However, this also poses a great security risk to users. Code
`(software) from unknown origin is thereby executed on local
`computers and given access to local resources such as the
`hard disk drive in a user's computer. In a world wide web
`browser environment, such code is often automatically
`executed and the user might not even have a chance to be
`forewarned about any security risks (e.g. presence of com(cid:173)
`puter viruses) he bears. Attempts have been made to reduce
`such risks; see Ji et al., U.S. Pat. No. 5,623,600, incorporated
`by reference in its entirety.
`Active X technology, like Java, distributes code that can
`access local system resources directly. The web browser
`cannot monitor or block such accesses. Such an applet
`(application) can do virtually anything that a conventional 30
`program, for instance, a virus, is capable of doing. Microsoft
`Corp. and others have attempted to address this problem by
`using digital signature technology, whereby a special algo(cid:173)
`rithm generates a digital profile of the applet. The profile is
`attached to the applet. When an applet is downloaded from 35
`the Internet, a verification algorithm is run on the applet and
`the digital profile to ensure that the applet code has not been
`modified after the signing. If an applet is signed by a known
`signature, it is considered safe.
`However, no analysis of the code is done to check the 40
`behavior of the applet. It is not difficult to obtain a signature
`from a reputable source, since the signature can be applied
`for online. It has occurred that a person has created an Active
`X applet that was authenticated by Microsoft but contains
`malicious code. (Malicious code refers to viruses and other 45
`problematic software. A virus is a program intended to
`replicate and damage operation of a computer system with(cid:173)
`out the user's knowledge or permission. In the Internet/Java
`environment, the replication aspect may not be present,
`hence the term "malicious code" broadly referring to such 50
`damaging software even if it does not replicate.)
`Java being an interpreted language, Java code can be
`monitored at run-time. Most web browsers block attempts to
`access local resources by Java applets, which protects the
`local computer to a certain extent. However, as the popu- 55
`larity of Intranets (private Internets) increases, more and
`more applets need to have access to local computers. Such
`restrictions posed by the web browsers are becoming rather
`inconvenient. As a result, web browsers are relaxing their
`security policies. Netscape Communicator is a web browser 60
`that now gives users the ability to selectively run applets
`with known security risks. Again, decisions are made based
`on trust, with no code analysis done.
`Hence scanning programs with the ability to analyze and
`monitor applets are in need to protect users.
`At least three Java applet scanners are currently available
`commercially: SurfinShield and SurfinGate, both from
`PALO ALTO NETWORKS Exhibit 1009 Page 4

`between the load of the server and the client. To distribute
`the load between the client and the server evenly, the present
`inventor has determined that a combination of static scan(cid:173)
`ning and run-time monitoring is needed.
`FIG. 1 shows diagramatically use of a scanner in accor(cid:173)
`dance with this invention.
`FIG. 2 shows detail of the FIG. 1 scanner.
`Several characteristics of the well known Java language
`and applets are pertinent to the present scanning method and
`apparatus. Java is an interpreted, dynamic-linking language.
`This disclosure is directed to an applet scanner that runs
`e.g. as an HTTP proxy server and does not require any
`client-side modification. The scanner combines static scan(cid:173)
`ning and run-time monitoring and does not cause a heavy
`load on the server. It also does not introduce significant
`performance overhead during the execution of applets. The
`scanner provides configurable security policy functionality,
`and can be deployed as a client-side solution with appro(cid:173)
`priate modifications.
`Thereby in accordance with the invention a scanner (for
`a virus or other malicious code) provides both static and
`dynamic scanning for application programs, e.g. Java
`applets or ActiveX controls. The applets or controls
`(hereinafter collectively referred to as applets) are conven(cid:173)
`tionally received from e.g. the Internet or an Intranet at a
`conventional server. At this point the applets are statically
`scanned at the server by the scanner looking for particular
`instructions which may be problematic in a security context.
`The identified problematic instructions are then each
`instrumented, e.g. special code is inserted before and after
`each problematic instruction, where the special code calls
`respectively a prefilter and a post filter. Alternatively, the
`instrumentation involves replacing the problematic instruc(cid:173)
`tion with another instruction which calls a supplied function.
`The instrumented applet is then downloaded from the
`server to the client (local computer), at which time the applet
`code is conventionally interpreted by the client web browser
`and it begins to be executed. As the applet code is executed,
`each instrumented instruction is monitored by the web
`browser using a monitor package which is part of the
`scanner and delivered to the client side. Upon execution,
`each instrumented instruction is subject to a security check.
`If the security policy (which has been pre-established) is
`violated, that particular instruction which violates the secu(cid:173)
`rity policy is not executed, and instead a report is made and
`execution continues, if appropriate, with the next instruc(cid:173)
`More broadly, the present invention is directed to deliv(cid:173)
`ering what is referred to as a "live agent" (e.g., a security
`monitoring package) along with e.g. an applet that contains
`suspicious instructions during a network transfer (e.g. down(cid:173)
`loading to a client), the monitoring package being intended
`to prevent execution of the suspicious instructions. The 50
`suspicious instructions each may (or may not) be instru(cid:173)
`mented as described above; the instrumentation involves
`altering suspicious instructions such as by adding code (such
`as the pre-and post-filter calls) or altering the suspicious
`instructions by replacing any suspicious instructions with 55
`other instructions.
`Only the application modules are distributed, and all the
`standard library functions are provided by the interpreter, for
`instance a web browser. Because Java byte code is platform(cid:173)
`independent, applets have to use some of the standard library
`functions to access operating system resources.
`This creates two opportunities in accordance with the
`invention to detect attempts to use operating system
`resources. First, one can "trick" applets into calling particu(cid:173)
`lar functions supplied by the scanner during the dynamic
`10 linking stage. This is done by replacing the browser Java
`library routines with the scanner's monitoring routines of the
`same name. Second, since invocations of such functions
`have to be resolved at run-time, symbolic names of these
`functions are kept in the Java applet module. The scanner
`15 can detect possible use of these functions by looking at the
`static code itself. The first opportunity provides run-time
`monitoring. It is the most definitive method to determine the
`security risks posed by an applet.
`The second opportunity enables statically scanning an
`20 applet, without running it, to detect possible security risks.
`If a set of insecure functions is properly defined and an
`applet never calls any function in the set, the applet can be
`assumed to be safe. However, this static scanning method is
`not definitive, since an applet might show different behavior
`. g1ven different user input. Under certain conditions, the
`instruction in the applet that makes the function call may
`never be executed. If static scanning is used without run(cid:173)
`time monitoring, many such "false alarms" of security risks
`are produced undesirably.
`After the code of an applet is downloaded, e.g. via the
`Internet to a client platform (local computer), an instance of
`the applet is created in the conventional Java "virtual
`machine" in the web browser (client) running on that local
`computer. Different instances of the same applet might
`produce different results given different inputs. A running
`instance of an applet is conventionally called a session;
`sessions are strictly run-time entities. Static scanning cannot
`analyze sessions because static scanning does not let the
`applet run. Sessions are important because an instance of an
`applet will often perform a series of suspicious tasks before
`it can be determined dangerous (i.e., in violation of the
`security policy). Such state information needs to be associ(cid:173)
`ated with the sessions. The present applet scanner thereby
`stops sessions instead of blocking execution of the entire
`A security policy defines what functions an applet needs
`to perform to be considered a security risk. Examples of
`security policies include preventing(!) applets from any file
`access, or (2) file access in a certain directory, or (3) creating
`certain Java objects. An applet scanner in accordance with
`the invention may allow different security policies for dif-
`ferent clients, for different users, and for applets from
`different origins.
`FIG. 1 is a high level block diagram illustrating the
`present scanner in the context of conventional elements. The
`Internet (or an Intranet) is shown generally at 10. The client
`machine or platform (computer) 14, which is typically a
`personal computer, is connected to the Internet 10 via a
`60 conventional proxy server machine (computer) 20. Client
`machine 14 also includes local resources 30, e.g. files stored
`on a disk drive. A conventional web browser 22 is software
`that is installed on the client machine 14. It is to be
`understood that each of these elements is complex, but
`65 except for the presently disclosed features is conventional.
`Upon receipt of a particular Java applet, the HTTP proxy
`server 32, which is software running on server machine 20
`PALO ALTO NETWORKS Exhibit 1009 Page 5

`output the original instruction;
`Examples of pre- and post-monitor functions are:
`(1) to disallow any directory listing access:
`pre-filter(function_name, parameters)
`if (function_name ~~ "")
`throw new SecurityException();
`post-filter( result)
`(2) To protect files under c: \temp from directory listing
`pre-filter(function_name, parameters)
`(function_name ~~ "")
`extract the name of the file to be read from
`if the directory to be listed is under c:\temp)
`throw new SecurityException();
`and which has associated scanner software 26, then scans the
`applet and instruments it using an instrumenter 28 which is
`part of the scanner software 26. (Downloaded non-applets
`are not scanned.) The instrumented applet is subject to a
`special digital signer which is an (optional) part of the 5
`scanner 26. The scanned (instrumented) applet, which has
`been digitally signed is then downloaded to the web browser
`22 in the client 14. The applet is then conventionally
`interpreted by the web browser 22 and its instructions are
`executed. The execution is monitored by the monitor pack- 10
`age software, also downloaded from scanner 26, in the web
`browser 22 in accordance with this invention for security
`purposes. Thus static scanning is performed by the HTTP
`proxy server 32 and dynamic scanning by the web browser
`The present applet scanner thus uses applet instrumenta(cid:173)
`tion technology, that is, for Java applets it alters the Java
`applet byte code sequence during downloading of the applet
`to the server 32. After the Java applet byte code sequence has
`been downloaded, the static (pre-run time) scanning is 20
`performed on the applet by the scanner 26. If an instruction
`(a suspicious instruction) that calls an insecure function (as
`determined by a predefined set of such functions) is found
`during this static scanning, a first instruction sequence
`(pre-filter) is inserted before that instruction and a second 25
`instruction sequence (post-filter) after that instruction by the
`An example of such a suspicious Java function is "Jav(cid:173)
`a.IO.File.list" which may list the contents of a client (local) 30
`directory 30, e.g. a directory on the client machine 14 hard
`disk drive. The first instruction sequence generates a call to
`a pre-filter function provided by the scanner 26, signaling
`that an insecure (suspicious) function is to be invoked. The
`pre-filter checks the security policy associated with the 35
`scanner 26 and decides whether this particular instruction
`("call") is allowed. The second instruction sequence gener(cid:173)
`ates a call to a post-filter function also provided by the
`scanner. It also reports the result of the call to the post-filter
`function. Both the pre- and post-filter functions update the 40
`session state to be used by the security policy. The static
`scanning and instrumentation are both performed on the
`HTTP proxy server 32.
`The following is pseudo-code for the instrumentation
`The pre and post filter and monitoring package security
`policy functions) are combined with the instrumented applet
`code in a single JAR (Java archive) file format at the server
`32, and downloaded to the web browser 22 in client machine
`14. From this point on, the server 32 is virtually discon(cid:173)
`nected from this server-client session. All the monitoring
`and applet code is executed in the web browser 22 in the
`45 client machine 14. The only time that the server 32 may be
`again involved during this particular session is when the
`applet is determined to be dangerous (i.e. including mali(cid:173)
`cious code that violates the security policy) or the applet has
`completed execution, and a report is sent back to the server
`50 32 by the monitoring code in the scanner 26. A report is
`optional in this second case.
`This approach minimizes the overhead on both server 32
`and browser 14. The only work performed on the server 32
`is to identify suspicious applet instructions and instrument
`55 them, which is usually performed by a one time pass over the
`applet code. To the client web browser 22, the only overhead
`is some occasional calls to the scanner monitoring functions,
`which update session statistics and check security policies.
`This achieves an optimum distribution of scanning and
`60 monitoring between the server 32 and the client web
`browser 22. Also, the server 32 maintains no state informa(cid:173)
`tion about active sessions in the set of host associated with
`the proxy server instead the session state information is
`maintained locally at client machine 14 by the downloaded
`65 monitoring functions.
`This approach may damage the integrity of externally
`digitally signed (authenticated) applets, since the content of
`instrument (JavaClassFile classfile)
`extract constant pool from classfile;
`extract functions from classfile;
`for each function
`for each function
`if( the instruction is a function call
`AND the target of the call is a pre-defined set
`of suspicious functions)
`output an instruction sequence which generates a
`function call to a pre-monitor function, with the
`name of the suspicious function, parameters to the
`suspicious function, and possibly other
`information about his suspicious function
`invocation as the parameters;
`output the original instruction;
`output an instruction sequence which generates a
`function call to a post-monitor function, with the
`result of the suspicious function invocation and
`possibly other related information as parameters;
`PALO ALTO NETWORKS Exhibit 1009 Page 6

`the applets is changed by the instrumentation. However, this
`can also be used as an advantage because using the present
`scanner, a new set of authenticated signatures can be set and
`enforced for the entire domain as further described below.
`Operation of scanner 26 and its various (software) com(cid:173)
`ponents is better understood with reference to FIG. 2,
`showing greater detail than FIG. 1.
`An applet pre-fetcher component 38 fetches from the
`Internet 10 all the dependency files required by a Java class
`file, if they are not already packed into a JAR file. This is
`important because the goal is to attach the scanner monitor
`package to a session only once.
`A Java applet may contain more than one code module, or
`class file. Heretofore this disclosure has assumed that all the
`class files are packed in one JAR file and downloaded once.
`One monitoring package is attached to the JAR file and
`every instantiation of this package on the client web browser
`22 marks a unique session. However, if the class files are not
`packed together and are downloaded on an as-needed basis
`during applet execution, multiple instrumentation will occur
`and multiple instances of the monitoring package for the
`same session are created on the client. This creates a
`problem of how to maintain information on session states.
`To solve this problem, the pre-fetcher 38 pre-fetches the
`dependency class files during the static scanning of the main
`applet code module. The dependency class files are (see
`below) instrumented once, packed together, and delivered to
`the client.
`Upon receiving a (signed) applet, the signal verifier
`component 40 then verifies the signature and its integrity, as 30
`conventional, to decide whether to accept this applet.
`Next, the unpacker 42 component extracts the class files
`from the JAR file. JAR uses ZIP (compression) format.
`Java class parser component 44 then parses each Java
`class file. Parser 44 conventionally extracts the instruction 35
`sequence of the Java functions.
`The Java instrumenter component 48 instruments the Java
`class files, e.g. by inserting monitoring instructions (e.g. pre
`and post filter calls) before and after each suspicious
`instruction, as described above.
`The monitor package contains monitoring functions that
`are delivered from the server 32 to the client web browser 22
`with the instrumental applet and are invoked by the instru(cid:173)
`mentation code in the applet. The monitor package also
`creates a unique session upon instantiation. It also contains 45
`a security policy checker (supplied by security policy gen(cid:173)
`erator component 54) to determine whether the applet being
`scanned violates the security policy, given the monitoring
`The security policy generator component 54 generates the
`security checker code included in the monitor package, from
`a set of predefined security policies. Different clients, users,
`and applets may have different security policies. The secu(cid:173)
`rity policy generator 54 may run on server machine 20 or
`another computer. In addition, security policies can be 55
`configured by an administrator of the system. A simple
`security policy is to assign different weights to monitored
`functions and make sure the security weight of a session
`does not exceed a preset threshold. A more sophisticated
`security policy checks the file or resource the applet is trying 60
`to access at run time and prompts the user whether to allow
`the access. Hence the security policy broadly is a state
`machine to detect security policy violations upon attempted
`instruction execution.
`The security policy generator 54 can operate outside the 65
`run-time instrumenter component 48 when the security
`policy is being created. The instrumenter component 48 can
`then directly use the byte code. Thereby any performance
`limitations of the security policy generator component 54
`become less important.
`Next, packer 50 creates a new JAR file (JAR') from the
`instrumented class files and the monitoring package.
`The digital signer component 58 digitally signs the applet
`(now JAR"), with a digital signature unique to the particular
`scanner 26, for authentication in the local domain. The
`applet JAR" is then transferred to the client machine 14 for
`10 execution. Thus the only signature that a client needs to
`recognize is the digital signature of the signer component 58
`in the scanner 26. This pre-verification simplifies system
`administration and reduces risks to unsophisticated users
`who might otherwise accidentally accept applets with unau-
`15 thorized signatures.
`In one embodiment, the components of scanner 26 are
`each implemented in Java. Some (or all) of the functions
`("components") of the scanner 26 described above may be
`implemented in native (non-Java) code to improve perfor-
`20 mance. The actual scanner code is not given here; it can be
`readily written by one of ordinary skill in the art in light of
`this disclosure.
`This disclosure is illustrative and not limiting, further
`modifications will be apparent to one skilled in the art and
`25 are intended to fall within the scope of the appended claims.
`I claim:
`1. A method of detecting and preventing execution of
`instructions in an application program provided from a
`computer network, comprising:
`providing the application program over the computer
`determining whether the provided application program
`includes any instructions that are members of a par(cid:173)
`ticular set of instructions;
`executing the application program if it is determined that
`no members of the set are included in the application
`if it is determined that an instruction is a member of the
`set, then altering the application program, thereby
`allowing monitoring of execution of the instruction,
`wherein the altering includes inserting a first predefined
`call before the instruction and a second predefined call
`after the instruction; and
`wherein the first or second predefined call changes a
`session state of the application program.
`2. The method of claim 1, further comprising associating
`monitoring code with the application program.
`3. The method of claim 1, wherein the altering includes
`50 replacing the instruction with a predefined second instruc-
`4. The method of claim 1, wherein the application pro(cid:173)
`gram is an applet.
`5. The method of claim 4, wherein the applet is in the Java
`6. The method of claim 1, wherein the computer network
`is an Intranet or the Internet.
`7. The method of claim 1 wherein the first predefined call
`is a call to check a security policy.
`8. The method of claim 7, wherein the security policy is
`a state machine.
`9. The method of claim 1, wherein the inserting is
`repeated for each instruction in the application program that
`is a member of the particular set.
`10. The method of claim 1, wherein the particular set of
`instructions includes instructions that access a predefined set
`of files.
`PALO ALTO NETWORKS Exhibit 1009 Page 7

`11. The method of claim 1, wherein the computer network
`includes a server and a client coupled to the server, and
`wherein the altering takes place at the server, wherein the
`executing the application program takes place at the client.
`12. The method of claim 1, wherein the instructions are 5
`problematic instructions.
`13. The method of claim 1, wherein the application
`program is altered at the point of the instruction.
`14. A method of detecting and preventing execution of
`instructions in an application program provided from a 10
`computer network comprising:
`providing the application program over the computer
`determining whether the provided application program
`includes any instructions that are members of a par- 15
`ticular set of instructions;
`executing the application program if it is determined that
`no members of the set are included in the application
`if it is determined that an instruction is a member of the
`set, then altering the application program, thereby
`allowing monitoring of execution of the instruction;
`determining if the application program includes an
`verifying the authentication; and
`replacing the verified authentication with a second
`15. A method of detecting and preventing execution of
`instructions in an application program provided from a
`computer network, comprising:
`providing the application program over the computer
`determining whether the provided application program
`includes any instructions that are members of a par(cid:173)
`ticular set of instructions;
`executing the application program if it is determined that
`no members of the set are included in the application

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