windows - How does Microsoft Detours work and how do I use it to get a stack trace? - Stack Overflow
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`How does Microsoft Detours work and how do I use it to get a stack trace?
`I am new to Microsoft Detours. I have installed it to trace the system calls a process makes. I run
`the following commands which I got from the web
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`syelogd.exe /q C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\log.txt
`withdll.exe /d:traceapi.dll C:\Program Files\Google\Google Talk\googletalk.exe
`I get the log file. The problem is I don't fully understand what is happening here. How does
`detours work? How does it trace the system calls? Also I don't know how to read the output in
`log.txt. Here is one line in log.txt
`20101221060413329 2912 50.60: traceapi: 001 GetCurrentThreadId()
`Finally I want to get the stack trace of the process. How can I get that?
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`4 Answers
`edited Dec 31 '10 at 3:42
`asked Dec 22 '10 at 9:00
`Detours lets you intercept any function. It places a jmp in the address that you specify creating a
`trampoline to your code. Finally, you call the old function if you want to do it. To use Detours you
`have to inject your code in the process you want to intercept.
`To simplify this process you can use Deviare API Hook which does all the injection staff and you
`can use intercept applications from any programming language that supports COM technology,
`including .NET, Delphi, C++, Python, etc.. After downloading the package you will find some
`examples in it. There is a console named DeviareCSharpConsole that let you intercept any API of
`any process showing full stack trace information.
`This is the way Deviare API Hook works but is what you need to do if you want to create an
`Monitoring certain system calls done by a process
`in Windows
`IE hanging, using 100% of the CPU
`[7/12/2016 4:26:14 PM]

`windows - How does Microsoft Detours work and how do I use it to get a stack trace? - Stack Overflow
`application that hooks another process:
`An agent should be created in the target process to intercept the APIs you want. To intercept
`these APIs you can use Detours but you have to code IPC staff that is not included in that library.
`Is there a way to make windows output ansi
`escape sequences
`Detours: Prevent task kill of my software via
`another software
`Why is OSX getting a bus error on an amd64
`indirect jump?
`Microsoft Detours - DetourUpdateThread?
`Using Microsoft Detours - bunch of undefined's
`How do function detour packages circumvent
`If you need to write code inside the target process using Deviare API Hook you can use Deviare
`Custom Hooks. This feature lets you intercept APIs and handle processed parameters
`Microsoft Detour - Hook Function with an
`assembler “call” instruction
`share improve this answer
`edited Nov 23 '12 at 14:57
`answered Dec 27 '10 at 15:27
`add a comment
`Pablo Yabo
`Instead of detours (which is free for 32-bit only) or easyhook (which is, khm, a little bit messy
`code) you may want to check out mhook 2.4 which is very neat code and BSD-licensed. Works on
`x86 and x64, handles IP-relative code, etc.
`There's also a thorough description on how it works at the site.
`As for the stack backtrace, you can use CaptureStackBackTrace() from kernel32 , or if you want
`to get fancy, use StackWalk64() from dbghelp .
`share improve this answer
`[7/12/2016 4:26:14 PM]
`Having trouble with microsoft detours
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`windows - How does Microsoft Detours work and how do I use it to get a stack trace? - Stack Overflow
`edited Nov 5 '14 at 18:40
`answered Dec 31 '10 at 6:46
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`First of all, I would HIGHLY advise, that if you want to perform API hooking, I would go with
`easyhook: (open source). It is a VERY good and easy api-hooking
`About how to get the stack trace, I don't remember exactly how to do it, but check out
`WinAPIOverride32: (open source). He's doing
`exactly that, and it is open source. Besides, if you need the traces for research, WinAPIOverride32
`is a great application to use in order to study how applications work.
`EDIT: Just adding one more application. is like WinAPIOVerride32, but it
`supports 64bit and it really improved since I wrote this answer. I must point out that it in some
`cases it missed API calls that I found in WinAPIOverride32, but its still pretty good. Unfortunately
`the source is not published.
`About how api-hooking works, Well its a long explanation, I would point you to this article:
` It gives a pretty good explanation of how it is
`done under the hood (there are other methods besides what is written there, but still, it is a very
`good article).
`Hope it helps! :-)
`share improve this answer
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`edited Aug 21 '12 at 14:35
`answered Dec 25 '10 at 10:48
`If you are allowed to use something other than Detours, you could install a debugger like WinDbg
`and attach it to the process to get a callstack.
`You could also try other tools like Process Monitor and Windows Performance Toolkit as explained
`share improve this answer
`edited Dec 27 '10 at 13:10
`answered Dec 26 '10 at 23:05
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`Your Answer
`[7/12/2016 4:26:14 PM]

`windows - How does Microsoft Detours work and how do I use it to get a stack trace? - Stack Overflow
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