`Symantec 1011
`IPR of U.S. Pat. No. 8,677,494

`Application No. 13/290,708
`Page 2
`cannot because the non-provisional application was filed more than 12 months after the filing
`date of the provisional application. It appears Application No. 08/790,097, filed January 29,
`1997, claims benefit of Application No. 60/030,639, filed November 8, 1996. Please submit
`another amendment that corrects the priority chain.
`37 CFR § l.78(a)(6) requires a statement that the entire delay between the date the claim was due
`under 37 CFR'§ 1.78(a)(5)(ii) and the date the claim was filed was unintentional. Since the
`statementappiearing in the petition varies from the required language, the statement is being
`construed asthe statement required by 37 CFR §1.78(a)(6). If this is not a correct reading of the
`statement appearing in the petition, petitioner should promptlynotify the Office.
`Before the petition under 37 CFR §§ 1.78(a)(3) and l.78(a)(6) can be granted, a renewed petition
`and either an Application Data Sheet or a substitute amendment (complying with the provisions
`of 37 CFR_ 1 E121 and 37 CFR 1.76(b)(5)) to correct the above matters are required.
`Further correspondence with respect to this matter should be addressed as follows:
`By mail:
`‘ " Commissioner for Patents
`By hand:
`Post Office Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Customer Service Window
`Mail Stop Petitions
`Randolph Building
`401 Dulany Street
`Alexandria, VA 22314
`By fax:
`(571) 273-8300
`‘ " ATTN: Office of Petitions
`By intemet: '
`(for help using EFS-Web call the
`Patent Electronic Business Center
`at (866) 217-9197)
`Any questions concerning this matter may be directed to the undersigned at (571) 272-3230.
`Shirene Willis Brantley
`Senior Petitions Attorney
`Office of Petitions.

`In re Application of
`Yigal Mordechai EDERY, et al.
`Group Art Unit: 2431
`Serial No.: 13/290,708
`Examiner: Christopher A. Revak
`Filed: November 7, 2011
`Mail Stop Petition
`Commissioner for Patents
`P. O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Applicant respectfully submits this corrected petition to the petition filed October 23,
`2012 for the acceptance of an unintentionally delayed claim of priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(e)
`and §120 for the benefit of prior-filed applications in the above-referenced patent application. In
`conjunction with this Petition, Applicant submits an Amendment to the Specification, and
`payment of the required fees.
`Applicant understands that a petition for acceptance of a claim for late priority under 37
`CFR §1.78(a)(3) is only applicable to those applications filed on or after November 29, 2000 and
`after the expiration of the period specified in 37 CFR §1.78(a)(2)(ii). Applicant understands that
`the petition under 37 CFR §1.78(a)(3) must be accompanied by (1) the reference required by 35
`U.S.C. §l l9(e), §120 and 37 CFR §1.78(a)(2)(i) of the prior-filed application, unless previously
`submitted; (2) the surcharge set forth in 37 CFR §1.17(t); and (3) a statement that the entire delay
`between the date the claim was due under 37 CFR §1.78(a)(2)(ii) and the date the claim was filed
`was unintentional.

`Serial No. 13/290,708
`Docket No. FIN0001-CON1-CIP1-CON4
`The correction of the priority claim of the present application, filed November 7, 2011, to
`include a reference to prior-filed U.S. Patent Application Nos. 09/539,667, filed March 30, 2000,
`now U.S. Patent No. 6,804,780 and 60/030,639, filed November 8, 1996,
`is made after the
`expiration of the period specified in 37 CFR §1.78(a)(2)(ii).
`In accordance with 35 U.S.C. §119(e), §120, and 37 CFR §1.78(a)(2)(i), an amendment
`to the specification of the present application which adds a reference to prior-filed U.S. Patent
`Application Nos. 09/539,667 and 60/030,639 is submitted in conjunction with this Petition. This
`amendment has been submitted separately as an Amendment to the Specification and includes no
`new matter.
`In accordance with 37 CFR §1.78(a)(2)(i), the amendment identifies the prior filed
`application by application number and indicates the relationship of the applications.
`Applicant submits that the entire delay between the date the claim was due under 37 CFR
`§1.78(a)(2)(ii) and the date the claim was filed was unintentional.
`No additional fees are believed to be necessary since this document corrects the Petition
`originally filed on October 23, 2012, and the payment of the $1,410 fee as required under 37
`CFR §1.17(t) was electronically filed via EFS-Web with that submission. The Commissioner is
`authorized to charge any underpayment of fees, or to credit any overpayment,
`to Deposit
`Account No. 50-4402.
`Applicant respectfully submits that this request and the amendment to the specification
`are diligently made. Granting of this petition is requested.
`Date: October 30, 2012
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Dawn-Marie Bey — 44, 442/
`Dawn-Marie Bey
`Reg. No. 44,442
`King & Spalding LLP
`1700 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
`Suite 200
`Washington, DC 20006
`(202) 626-8978 (Office)
`(202) 626-3737 (Fax)
`Doc. No. 18339398

`In re Application of
`Yigal Mordechai EDERY, et al.
`Group Art Unit: 2431
`Serial No.: 13/290,708
`Examiner: Christopher A. Revak
`Filed: November 7, 2011
`Mail Stop Petition
`Commissioner for Patents
`P. O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Applicant respectfully petitions for the acceptance of an unintentionally delayed claim of
`priority under 35 USC. § 119(e) and §120 for the benefit of prior-filed applications in the
`above-referenced patent application.
`In conjunction with this Petition, Applicant submits an
`Amendment to the Specification, and payment of the required fees.
`Applicant understands that a petition for acceptance of a claim for late priority under 37
`CPR §1.78(a)(3) is only applicable to those applications filed on or after November 29, 2000 and
`after the expiration of the period specified in 37 CPR §1.78(a)(2)(ii). Applicant understands that
`the petition under 37 CPR §l.78(a)(3) must be accompanied by (1) the reference required by 35
`U.S.C. §119(e), §120 and 37 CPR §1.78(a)(2)(i) of the prior-filed application, unless previously
`submitted; (2) the surcharge set forth in 37 CPR §1.17(t); and (3) a statement that the entire delay
`between the date the claim was due under 37 CPR §1.78(a)(2)(ii) and the date the claim was filed
`was unintentional.

`Serial No. 13/290,708
`Docket No. FIN0001—CON1-CIP1-CON4
`The correction of the priority claim of the present application, filed November 7, 2011, to
`include a reference to prior-filed U.S. Patent Application Nos. 09/539,667, filed March 30, 2000,
`now U.S. Patent No. 6,804,780, 08/964,388, filed November 6, 1997, now U.S. Patent No.
`6,092,194, and 60/030,639, filed November 8, 1996, is made after the expiration of the period
`specified in 37 CFR §l .78(a)(2)(ii).
`In accordance with 35 U.S.C. §1l9(e), §120, and 37 CFR §1.78(a)(2)(i), an amendment
`to the specification of the present application which adds a reference to prior—filed U.S. Patent
`Application Nos. 09/539,667, 08/964,388, and 60/030,639 is submitted in conjunction with this
`Petition. This amendment has been submitted separately as an Amendment to the Specification
`and includes no new matter.
`In accordance with 37 CFR §l.78(a)(2)(i),
`the amendment
`identifies the prior filed application by application number and indicates the relationship of the
`Applicant submits that the entire delay between the date the claim was due under 37 CFR
`§1.78(a)(2)(ii) and the date the claim was filed was unintentional.
`Payment of the $1,410 fee as required under 37 CFR §l.l7(t) is provided electronically
`via EFS—Web. The Commissioner is authorized to charge any underpayment of fees, or to credit
`any overpayment, to Deposit Account No. 50-4402.
`Applicant respectfully submits that this request and the amendment to the specification
`are diligently made. Granting of this petition is requested.
`Date: October 23, 2012
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Dawn-Marie Be}; - 44,442/
`Dawn—Marie Bey
`Reg. No. 44,442
`King & Spalding LLP
`1700 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
`Suite 200
`Washington, DC 20006
`(202) 626-8978 (Office)
`(202) 626-3737 (Fax)
`Doc. No. 18339398

`In re Application of
`Yigal Mordechai EDERY, et al.
`Group Art Unit: 243l
`Serial No.: 13/290,708
`Examiner: Christopher A. Revak
`Filed: November 7, 2011
`Commissioner for Patents
`P. O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`In conjunction with a Petition to Accept Unintentionally Delayed Claim of Priority Under
`35 U.S.C. §l l9(e) and § 120 for the Benefit of a Prior-Filed Application Filed Under 37 C.F.R. §
`entry of the amendments and consideration of the remarks submitted herein is
`respectfully requested.
`Amendments to the Specification begin on page 2 of this paper
`Remarks begin on page 4 of this paper

`Serial No. 13/290,708
`Docket No. FIN0001—CON1-CIPI-CON4
`Amendments to the Specification
`Please replace Paragraph [0001] with the following amended paragraph:
`[0001] This application is a continuation of assignee's pending US. patent application serial no.
`12/471,942, filed May 26, 2009 by inventors Yigal Mordechai Edery, et al., now US. Patent No.
`8,079,086, entitled "Malicious Mobile Code Runtime Monitoring System and Methods," which
`is a continuation of assignee's US. patent application serial no. 11/370,114, filed March 7, 2006
`by inventors Yigal Mordechai Edery, et al., now U.S. Patent No. 7,613,926, entitled "Method
`and System for Protecting a Computer and a Network from Hostile Downloadables," which is a
`continuation of assignee's US. patent application serial no. 09/861,229, filed on May 17, 2001
`by inventors Yigal Mordechai Edery, et al., now U.S. Patent No. 7,05 8,822, entitled "Malicious
`Mobile Code Runtime Monitoring System And Methods,” all of which are hereby incorporated
`by reference. US. patent application serial no. 09/861 ,229, now U.S. Patent No. 7,058,822,
`claims benefit of provisional US. patent application serial no. 60/205,591, entitled ”Computer
`Network Malicious Code Run—Time Monitoring," filed on May 17, 2000 by inventors Nimrod
`Itzhak Vered, et al., which is hereby incorporated by reference. US. patent application serial no.
`09/861,229, now US. Patent No. 7,058,822, is also a Continuation—ln—Part of assignee's US.
`patent application serial no. 09/539,667, entitled ”System and Method for Protecting a Computer
`and a Network From Hostile Downloadables,” filed on March 30, 2000 by inventor Shlomo
`Touboul, now U.S. Patent No. 6,804,780, and hereby incorporated by reference, which is a
`continuation of assignee's U.S. patent application serial no. 08/964,388, filed on November 6,
`1997 by inventor Shlomo Touboul, now US. Patent No. 6,092,194, also entitled "System and
`Method for Protecting a Computer and a Network from Hostile Downloadables" and hereby
`incorporated by reference, which application claims the benefit of provisional US. application
`serial no. 60/030,639, filed November 8, 1996 by inventors Shlomo Touboul, entitled “System
`and Method For Protecting a Computer From Hostile Downloadables.” U.S. Serial No.
`09/861 ,229, now US Patent No. 7,058,822, is also a Continuation—In—Part of assignee's US.
`patent application serial no. 09/551,302, entitled "System and Method for Protecting a Client
`During Runtime From Hostile Downloadables,” filed on April 18, 2000 by inventor Shlomo
`Touboul, now U.S. Patent No. 6,480,962, which is hereby incorporated by reference, which

`Serial No. 13/290,708
`Docket No. FIN0001-CONI-CIPI-CON4
`claims the benefit of U.S. provisional application no. 60/030,639, filed on November 8, 1996 by
`inventor Shlomo Touboul, entitled “System and Method For Protecting a Computer From
`Hostile Downloadables,” and is a continuation of U.S. application serial no. 08/790,097, filed
`January 29, 1997 by inventor Shlomo Touboul, now U.S. Patent No. 6,167,520, entitled “System
`and Method For Protecting a Client From Hostile Downloadables.”

`Serial No. 13/290,708
`Docket No. FIN0001—CON1—CIP1—CON4
`Applicant respectfully requests entry of the amendment to the specification of U.S. Patent
`Application No. 13/290,708 in conjunction with the Petition to Accept Unintentionally Delayed
`Claim of Priority Under 35 U.S.C. § 119(6) and § 120 for the Benefit of a Prior—Filed Application
`Filed Under 37 C.F.R. § l.78(a)(3) filed herewith. The amendment introduces no new matter and
`corrects the priority claim of the application. Applicant notes that U.S. Patent Application Nos.
`09/539,667, 08/964,388, and 60/030,639 and the present invention share the inventor Shlomo
`Applicant respectfully notes that this submission is part of the procedural requirements
`involved in petitioning to correct an unintentionally delayed priority claim and is not to be
`construed as Applicant’s response to the Non—Final Office Action mailed July 23, 2012.
`No fees are believed due with this submission. However, in the event fees are due, the
`Commissioner is authorized to charge any underpayment of fees, or to credit any overpayment,
`to Deposit Account No. 50-4402.
`Date: October 23, 2012
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Dawn-Marie Bey - 44,442/
`Dawn—Ma;rie Bey
`Reg. No. 44,442
`King & Spalding LLP
`1700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.
`Suite 200
`Washington, DC 20006
`(202) 626-8978 (Office)
`(202) 626-3737 (Fax)
`Doc. No. 19720357

`Attorney's Docket No.: FINOO01—CON1~CIP1-CON4
`In Re Patent Application of:
`Yigal Mordechai Edery
`Nimrod Itzhak Vered
`David R. Kroll
`Shlomo Touboul
`Application No: 13/290,708
`Examiner: Christopher A. Revak
`Art Unit:
`HOSTILE DOWNLOADABLES‘~../\2\/\/\/\/\/‘»/\/\./‘~../\u/\}‘~—/\)‘§/
`November 7, 2011
`Commissioner for Patents
`P. O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`UNDER 37 C.F.R. §1.111
`In response to the Office Action dated July 23, 2012 and
`pursuant to 37 C.F.R. §1.111 (the “Office Action”), applicants respectfully
`request that the above~identified application be amended as follows.
`Atty. Docket No. FINOO01—CON1—CIP1—CON4
`OOOO1 1

`Please substitute the following claims for the pending
`claims with the same number:
`1. (original)
`A computer—based method, comprising the steps of:
`receiving an incoming Downloadable;
`deriving security profile data for the Downloadable, including a
`list of suspicious computer operations that may be attempted by the
`Downloadable; and
`storing the Downloadable security profile data in a database.
`2. (original)
`The computer—based method of claim 1 further
`comprising storing a date & time when the Downloadable security profile
`data was derived, in the database.
`3. (original)
`The computer—based method of claim 1 wherein the
`Downloadable includes an applet.
`4. (original)
`The computer—based method of claim 1 wherein the
`Downloadable includes an active control.
`5. (original)
`The computer—based method of claim 1 wherein the
`Downloadable includes program script.
`6. (original)
`The computer—based method of claim 1 wherein
`suspicious computer operations include calls made to an operating
`system, a file system, a network system, and to memory.
`Atty. Docket No. FIN0001-CON1-CIP1-CON4

`7. (original)
`The computer-based method of claim 1 wherein the
`Downloadable security profile data includes a URL from where the
`Downloadable originated.
`8. (original)
`The computer-based method of claim 1 wherein the
`Downloadable security profile data includes a digital certificate.
`9. (original)
`The computer-based method of claim 1 wherein said
`deriving Downloadable security profile data comprises disassembling the
`incoming Downloadable.
`10. (original)
`A system for managing Downloadables, comprising:
`a receiver for receiving an incoming Downloadable;
`a Downloadable scanner coupled with said receiver, for deriving
`security profile data for the Downloadable, including a list of suspicious
`computer operations that may be attempted by the Downloadable; and
`a database manager coupled with said Downloadable scanner,
`for storing the Downloadable security profile data in a database.
`11. (original)
`The system of claim 86 wherein said database
`manager also stores a date & time when the Downloadable security
`profile data was derived by said Downloadable scanner, in the database.
`12. (original)
`The system of claim 86 wherein the Downloadable
`includes an applet.
`13. (original)
`The system of claim 86 wherein the Downloadable
`includes an active control.
`Atty. Docket No. FIN0001-CON1—CIP1-CON4

`14. (original)
`The system of claim 86 wherein the Downloadable
`includes program script.
`15. (original)
`The system of claim 86 wherein suspicious computer
`operations include calls made to an operating system, a file system, a
`network system, and to memory.
`16. (original)
`The system of claim 86 wherein the Downloadable
`security profile data includes a URL from where the Downloadable
`17. (original)
`The system of claim 86 wherein the Downloadable
`security profile data includes a digital certificate.
`18. (original)
`The system of claim 86 wherein said Downloadable
`scanner comprises a disassembler for disassembling the incoming
`Atty. Docket NO. FIN0001-CON1—CIP1*CON4

`representative has carefully studied the
`outstanding Office Action. The present amendment is intended to place
`the application in condition for allowance and is believed to overcome all
`of the objections and rejections made by the Office Action. Favorable
`reconsideration and
`At paragraph 2, the Office Action has objected to the
`specification because of a formality. The specification has been requested
`accordance with
`to Accept
`Unintentionally Delayed Claim of Priority and Amendment:
`[0001] This application is a continuation of assignee's pending U.S. patent application serial
`no. 12/471,942, filed May 26, 2009 by inventors Yigal Mordechai Edery, et al., now U.S.
`Patent No. 8,079,086, entitled "Malicious Mobile Code Runtime Monitoring System and
`Methods," which is a continuation of assignee's U.S. patent application serial no. 11/370,114,
`filed March 7, 2006 by inventors Yigal Mordechai Edery, et al., now U.S. Patent No.
`7,613,926, entitled "Method and System for Protecting a Computer and a Network from
`Hostile Downloadables," which is a continuation of assignee's U.S. patent application serial
`no. 09/861,229, filed on May 17, 2001 by inventors Yigal Mordechai Edery, et al., now U.S.
`Patent No. 7,058,822, entitled "Malicious Mobile Code Runtime Monitoring System And
`Methods," all of which are hereby incorporated by reference. U.S. patent application serial
`no. 09/861,229, now U.S. Patent No. 7,058,822, claims benefit of provisional U.S. patent
`application serial no. 60/205,591, entitled "Computer Network Malicious Code Run-Time
`Monitoring," filed on May 17, 2000 by inventors Nimrod Itzhak Vered, et al., which is hereby
`incorporated by reference. U.S. patent application serial no. 09/861,229, now U.S. Patent No.
`7,058,822, is also a Continuation—In—Part of assignee's U.S. patent application serial no.
`09/539,667, entitled "System and Method for Protecting a Computer and a Network From
`Hostile Downloadables," filed on March 30, 2000 by inventor Shlomo Touboul, now U.S.
`Patent No. 6,804,780, and hereby incorporated by reference, which is a continuation of
`assignee's U.S. patent application serial no. 08/964,388, filed on November 6, 1997 by
`inventor Shlomo Touboul, now U.S. Patent No. 6,092,194, also entitled "System and Method
`for Protecting a Computer and a Network from Hostile Downloadables" and hereby
`incorporated by reference, which application claims the benefit of provisional U.S. application
`serial no. 60/030,639, filed November 8, 1996 by inventors Shlomo Touboul, entitled “System
`and Method For Protecting a Computer From Hostile Downloadables.” U.S. Serial No.
`09/861,229, now U.S. Patent No. 7,058,822, is also a Continuation-In-Part of assignee's U.S.
`patent application serial no. 09/551,302, entitled "System and Method for Protecting a Client
`During Runtime From Hostile Downloadables,” filed on April 18, 2000 by inventor Shlomo
`Touboul, now U.S. Patent No. 6,480,962, which is hereby incorporated by reference, which
`Atty. Docket No. FIN0001-CON1~CIP1-CON4

`claims the benefit of US. provisional application no. 60/030,639, filed on November 8, 1996
`by inventor Shlomo Touboul, entitled “System and Method For Protecting a Computer From
`Hostile Downloadables,” and is a continuation of U.S. application serial no. 08/790,097, filed
`January 29, 1997 by inventor Shlomo Touboul, now US. Patent No. 6,167,520, entitled
`“System and Method For Protecting a Client From Hostile Downloadables.”
`Double Patenting
`At paragraphs 3 — 12, the Office Action has rejected the
`claims on the ground of non—statutory obviousness-type double patenting
`in view of nine patents.
`Applicants do not admit that the claims of the subject
`application are obvious over all of the nine patents. However, in order to
`expedite prosecution, applicants are submitting nine respective terminal
`Claim Rejections — 35 USC §102
`At paragraphs 13 and 14, the Office Action has rejected
`claims 1 — 18 under 35 U.S.C. 102(e) as being anticipated by Ji, U.S.
`Patent No. 5,983,348 (“Ji").
`On October 23, 2012, applicants filed a Petition for
`Delayed Claim of Priority to, inter alia, U.S. Provisional Application No.
`is not prior art because Ji has a priority date of
`September 10, 1997, whereas the claimed invention is supported in the
`priority document U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/030,639 of
`November 8, 1996, which pre—dates Ji. Moreover, Ji itself references the
`claimed invention at col. 1, line 64 — col. 2, line 42.
`In Paragraph 2 of the June 2011 Office Action for the
`parent application, U.S. Serial No. 12/471,942, the Examiner requested a
`specific showing of support
`for the claimed invention in the priority
`document, U.S. Provisional Serial No. 60/030,639 filed on November 8,
`Atty. Docket No. FIN0001—CON1-CIP1~CON4

`in order to overcome the prior art of Ji. Applicants provided
`arguments establishing support in the Preliminary Amendment filed for
`the subject application on November 7, 2011. Applicants’ arguments are
`reproduced here for ease of reference.
`Support for the Claimed Invention in Touboul, U.S. Provisional
`Patent Application No. 601030.639 (“Touboul”)
`Claim 1 is supported in Touboul at least by page 8, lines
`14 — 19: “Security database 240 stores Down/oadab/e Security Profiles
`in a third data storage device 230 portion”; by page 15, lines 2
`and 3: “... code scanner 325, which in step 650 decomposes the received
`Downloadable into DSP data
`Claim 3 is supported in Touboul at least by page 2, line
`4: “Examples of Down/oadab/es include applets designed for use in the
`Java” distributing environment produced by Sun Microsystems
`Claim 4 is supported in Touboul at least by page 2, lines
`4 —— 7: “Examples of Down/oadab/es include applets designed for use
`the Active X distributing environment produced by Microsoft Corporation.”
`Claim 6 is supported in Touboul at least by page 9, lines
`9 — 13: “DSP data 310 may include READS, WRITEs, file management
`system management operations, memory management
`operations and CPU allocation operations;” and by page 16, lines 3 -— 8:
`“Code scanner 325 in step 720 decodes and registers the command and
`the command parameters as DSP data. Code scanner 325 in step 720
`registers command and command parameters into a format based on
`command class, e.g., file system class, network system class, memory
`system class and CPU system class.”
`Atty. Docket No. FIN0001-CON1-CIP1-CON4

`Claim 9 is supported in Touboul at least by page 15, line
`15 — page 16, line 4: “FIG. 7 is a flowchart illustrating details of method
`650 for decomposing a Downloadable. Method 650 begins in step 705
`scanner 325 disassembling the machine
`code of
`Code scanner 325 in step 710 resolves a respective
`command in
`the machine code.
`Code scanner 325 in step 715
`determines whether the resolved command is a suspect command
`scanner 325 in step 720 decodes and registers the command and the
`command parameters as DSP data
`Claim 10 is supported in Touboul at least by page 8,
`lines 14 —~ 19: “Security database 240 stores
`Downloadable Security
`Profiles (DSPs)
`in a third data storage device 230 portion"; by page 10,
`lines 16 — 19: “Code scanner 325 receives unknown Down/oadab/es from
`first comparator 320 and uses conventional parsing techniques to
`decompose the byte code of the unknown Downloadable into DSP data;”
`and by page 11, lines 13 — 16: “... if second comparator 330 received the
`non—hostile Downloadable
`scanner 325,
`corresponding DSP data is stored in DSP data 310.”
`Claim 12 is supported in Touboul at least by page 2,
`line 4: “Examples of Down/oadab/es include applets designed for use in
`the Javam distributing environment produced by Sun Microsystems
`Claim 13 is supported in Touboul at least by page 2,
`lines 4 — 7: “Examples of Down/oadab/es include applets designed for use
`in the Active X distributing environment produced by Microsoft
`Claim 15 is supported in Touboul at least by page 9,
`lines 9 —
`13: “DSP data 310
`may include READS, WRITEs,
`management operations,
`system management operations, memory
`Atty. Docket No. FIN0001-CON1-CIP1-CON4

`management operations and CPU allocation operations;” and by page 16,
`lines 3 — 8: “Code scanner 325 in step 720 decodes and registers the
`command and the command parameters as DSP data. Code scanner 325
`in step 720 registers command and command parameters into a format
`based on command class, e.g., file system class, network system class,
`memory system class and CPU system c/ass.”
`Claim 18 is supported in Touboul at least by page 15,
`line 15, lines 2 and 3: “... code scanner 325
`decomposes the received
`Down/oadab/e into DSP data
`For the foregoing reasons, applicants respectfully submit
`that the applicable objections and rejections have been overcome and
`that the claims are in condition for allowance.
`Respectfully submitted,
`Date: October 23, 2012
`[Dawn—Marie Bey - 44,4421
`King & Spalding LLP
`1700 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
`Suite 200
`Dawn-Marie Bey
`Reg. No. 44,442
`Washington, DC 20006
`(202) 626-8978 (Office)
`(202) 626-3737 (Fax)
`Atty. Docket No. FIN0001-CON1-CIP1-CON4

`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450
`Yigal Mordechai Edery
`King and Spa1dingLLP —
`1700 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
`Suite 200
`Washington, DC 20006 “2431
`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
`The time period for reply, if any, is set in the attached communication.
`Notice of the Office communication was sent electronically on aboVe—indicated "Notification Date" to the
`following e—mail address(es):
`dbey @ KSLaw.c0m
`jpaolella-bald @ kslaW.c0m
`Q&QG&QReV. 04/07)

`Office Action Summary
`Application No.
`A“ Unit
`-- The MAILING DA TE of this communication appears on the cover sheet with the correspondence address --
`Period for Reply
`Extensions of time may be available under the provisions of 37 CFR1.136(a).
`In no event, however, may a reply be timely filed
`after SIX (6) MONTHS from the mailing date of this communication.
`If NO period for reply is specified above, the maximum statutory period will apply and will expire SIX (6) MONTHS from the mailing date of this communication.
`— Failure to reply within the set or extended period for reply will, by statute, cause the application to become ABANDONED (35 U.S.C. § 133).
`Any reply received by the Office later than three months after the mailing date of this communication, even if timely filed, may reduce any
`earned patent term adjustment. See 37 CFR 1.704(b).
`1)IXl Responsive to communication(s) filed on 07 November 2011.
`2a)I:I This action is FINAL.
`2b)IXl This action is non—final.
`3)I:l An election was made by the applicant in response to a restriction requirement set forth during the interview on
`; the restriction requirement and election have been incorporated into this action.
`4)I:l Since this application is in condition for allowance except for formal matters, prosecution as to the merits is
`closed in accordance with the practice under Exparte Quayle, 1935 C.D. 11, 453 O.G. 213.
`Disposition of Claims
`5)IZl Claim(s)1-_12is/are pending in the application.
`5a) Of the above claim(s) j is/are withdrawn from consideration.
`6)I:l Claim(s) j is/are allowed.
`7)|Zl Claim(s)1-_12is/are rejected.
`8)I:l Claim(s) j is/are objected to.
`9)I:l Claim(s) j are subject to restriction and/or election requirement.
`Application Papers
`10)IZI The specification is objected to by the Examiner.
`11)|Z| The drawing(s) filed on 11/7/11 is/are: a)IZl accepted or b)I:I objected to by the Examiner.
`Applicant may not request that any objection to the drawing(s) be held in abeyance. See 37 CFR 1.85(a).
`Replacement drawing sheet(s) including the correction is required if the drawing(s) is objected to. See 37 CFR 1.121 (d).
`12)I:I The oath or declaration is objected to by the Examiner. Note the attached Office Action or form PTO-152.
`Priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119
`13)I:| Acknowledgment is made of a claim for foreign priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(a)-(d) or (f).
`a)|:I All
`b)I:l Some * c)I:I None of:
`1.|:I Certified copies of the priority documents have been received.
`2.|:I Certified copies of the priority documents have been received in Application No. _.
`3.|:I Copies of the certified copies of the priority documents have been received in this National Stage
`application from the International Bureau (PCT Rule 17.2(a)).
`* See the attached detailed Office action for a list of the certified copies not received.
`1) IX] Notice of References Cited (PTO-892)
`2) D Notice of Draftsperson‘s Patent Drawing Review (PTO-948)
`3) IX] Information Disclosure Statement(s) (PTO/SB/08)
`Paper No(s)/Mail Date 11/7/11'2/16/12.
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`4) El Interview Summary (PTO-413)
`Paper N°(5)/II/Ia" DaTe- E
`5) I:I Notice of informal Patent Application
`6) D Other:
`PTOL-326 (Rev. 03-11)
`Office Action Summary
`Part of Paper No./Mail Date 20120714

`Application/Control Number: 13/290,708
`Page 2
`Art Unit:

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