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`IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. SE-13, No. 2, February 1987 “Cover (wl date
`stamp), publisher information page, and pages 222-232 inclusive of the article “An intrusion -
`detection model,” by D.E. Denning.” (Inclusive w/ certification),
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`The New York Public Library
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`IEEE Transactions on Software-Engineering, February 1987, Volume SE—13, Number 2.
`Cover (w/date stamp), publisher information page & pages 222 — 232, inclusive of the article “An
`intrusion-detection model,” by D.E. Denning.
`1 £22’
`Maurice B. Klapwald‘
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`FEB 3-
`e(‘|SSN 0098-5589)
`Guest Editors’ Note .
`. V. D. Gligor and _D. J. Bailey
`Security Models
`Views for Multilevel Database Security .
`Lunt, M. Morgenstern, P. G. Neumann, and R. R. Schell
`. D. E. Denning, S. G. Akl, M. Heckman, T.
`Extending the Noninterference Version of MLS for SAT .
`. J. T. Haigh and W. D. Young
`Specification and Verification Methods
`Muse—A Computer Assisted Verification System .
`. J. D. Halpern, S. Owre, N. Proctor, and W. F. Wilson
`An Experience Using Two Covert Channel Analysis Techniques on a Real System Design .
`. . .
`. J. T. Haigh, R. A. Kemmerer, J. McHugh, and W. D. Young
`A New Security Testing Method and Its Application to the Secure Xenix Kernel
`. V. D. Gligor, C. S. Chandersekaran, W. D. Jiang, A.__Johri, G. L. Luckenbaugh, and L. E. Reich
`Towards a Formal Basis for the Formal Development Method and the Ina Jo Specification Language .
`. D. M. Nessett
`. D. Estrin 249
`Operating System Security
`. R. Y. Kain and C. E. Landwehr
`On Access Checking in Capability-Based Systems
`. V. D. Gligor, C. S. Chandersekaran,
`. . .
`Design and Implementation of Secure Xenix .
`R. S. Chapman, L. J. Dotterer, M. S. Hecht, W. D. Jiang, A. Johri, G. L. Luckenbaugh, and N. Vasudevan
`An Intrusion—Detection Model
`. D. E. Denning 222
`Network Security
`Factors Affecting Distributed System Security .
`A Controls for Interorganization Networks
`Cryptographic Algorithms and Protocols
`Cycle Structure of the DES for Keys Having Palindromic (or Antipalindromic) Sequences of Round Keys .
`. ..:...............................J.H.MooreandG.J.Simmons 262
`The Interrogator: Protocol Security Analysis
`. J. K. Millen, S. C. Clark, and S. B. Freedman 274
`Matching Secrets in the Absence of a Continuously Available Trusted Authority .
`. Covert Channels in LAN’s .
`. C. G. Girling 292
`. .‘.



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`An Intrusion—Detection Model
`' C
`_ Abstract—A model of a r_ea_l-time intriusion-detection expert system gjng into a System through an unauthorized account and
`capable of detecting break-ins, penetrations, and other forms of com-
`password might have a difierent login time, rocation, or
`- puter abuse is described. The model is based on the hypothesis that
`_. Onnecfo t
`th t
`— t
`security violations ‘can be detected by monitoring a system’s audit rec-
`-n ype mm a 0,
`6 aCc_0un -S
`eg1_t1m_a e us_er‘
`ords -for abnormal patterns of system usage. The model includes pro-
`In addmona the? Penetrator S behaV1.0r may dlffer Consld‘
`files for representing the 'beliavior of subjects with respect to objects
`erably from that Of the legitimat_e user; in particular, he
`in terms of metrics and statistical models, and rules for acquiring might Spend most of his tjmc browsing through directories
`knowledge aboutlthis behavior from audit records and for detecting
`and executing System Status Commands’ I whereas‘ the le_
`-anomalous behavior. Thexmodel is independent of any particular sys-
`- t
`. ht
`d; .
`tem, application environment, system vulnerability, or type" of intru-
`g1tun_a e_ user mlg Concentrate On_e lung or Com?‘ mg
`sion, thereby providing a framework for a general-purpose intrusion-
`and hnkmg Pr0gram5- Many break'1n.S have been d1Sc0V'
`detection expert system.
`ered by security officers or other users on the system who
`have noticed the alleged user behaving strangely.
`0 Penetration by legitimate user: A user attempting to
`penetrate the security mechanisms in the operating system
`might execute different programs or trigger more protec-
`tion violations from attempts to access unauthorized files
`or programs. If his attempt succeeds, he will have access
`to commands and files not normally permitted to-him.
`0 Leakage by legitimate user: A" user trying to leak
`sensitive documents might log into the system at unusual
`times or route-data. to remote printers not "normally used.
`'0 Inference by legitimate user: A_ user attempting to _
`obtain unauthorized data from a database through aggre-
`gation and inference might retrieve more records than
`‘ usual. '
`Index Terms—Abnormal behavior, auditing,
`ing,'profiles, security, statistical measures.
`intrusions, monitor-
`HIS paper describes armodel for a real-time intrusion-
`’ detection. expert system _that aims to detect a wide
`range of security violations ranging from attempted break- -
`ins by outsiders to system penetrations and -abuses by in-
`siders. The development of a real-time intrusion—detec—
`.tiOn system is motivated by four factors: l) most existing
`_systems have security flaws that render- them susceptible
`to intrusions, penetrations, and other forms of abuse;
`finding and fixing all these_deficiencies is not feasible for
`technical and economic reasons; 2) existing systems with
`known flaws are not easily replaced by systems that are
`more secure—mainly because thelsystems have attractive
`features that arexmissing in the more-secure systems, or
`else they canriottbe replaced for economic reasons; 3) de-
`' veloping‘ systems that are absolutely secure is extremely
`diflicult, if not generally impossible; and 4) even the most
`secure systems are vulnerable to abuses by insiders who
`misuse their privileges.
`_ The model is based on the hypothesis that exploitation
`of-a system’svulnerabilities involves abnormal use of the
`system;_ therefore, security violations could be detected
`from_ abnormal patterns of system usage. The following
`examples illustrate:
`° Attempted break-in: Someone attempting to break
`into a system might generate an abnormally high rate of
`password failures with respect to a single-account or the
`system as _a whole.
`0 Masquerading or successful break—in.' Someone log-
`.0 Trojan horse: The behaviorof a Trojan horse planted
`in or substituted for a program may differ from the legit-
`imate program in tenns of its CPU time’ or 1/0 activity.
`0 Virus: A-virus planted in a system might cause an
`‘increase in the frequency of executable files rewritten,
`storage used by executable files, or a particular program
`being executed as the virus spreads.
`0 D.enial—0f-Service: An intruder able to monopolize a
`resource (e.g., network) might have abnormally high ac-
`tivity with respect to the resource, while activity for all
`other users is abnormally low._
`Of course, the above forms of aberrant usage can also I
`be linked with actions unrelated to security. They could I
`be a sign of a user changing work tasks, acquiring new
`skills, or making typing mistakes; software updates; or
`changing workload on the system. An important objective
`of our current research is to determine what activities and
`statistical measures provide the best discriminating power;
`that is, have a high rate of detection and a low ‘rate of
`false alarms.
`, Manuscript received December 20, 1985; revised August 1, 1986. This
`work wastsuppoited by the Space and Naval Warfare Command (SPA-
`WAR) under Contract 83_F830100 and by the National Science Foundation
`under Grant MCS—83l3650.
`i The author is with Sill International, Menlo Park, CA 94025.
`IEEE Log Number 8611562.
`The model is independent of any particular system, ap-
`plication environment, system vulnerability, or type of in-
`trusion, thereby providing a framework for a general—pur—,
`0098-5589/87/0200—0,222$0l.00 © 1987 IEEE.

`pose intrusion—detection expert system,,which we have
`called IDES. A more detailed description of the design
`application of
`IDES is
`report [1].
`The model has six main components:
`0 Subjects: Initiators of activity‘ on a target system—
`normally users.
`0 Objects: Resources managed by the system—files,
`: commands, devices,'etc.
`0 Audit records.‘ Generated by the target system in re-
`’ sponse to actions performed or attempted by subjects on
`’ objects—user login, Command execution, file access, etc.
`-_ Profiles.‘ Structures that “characterize the behavior of
`subjects with respect-to objects in terms of statistical met-
`rics and models of observed activity. Profiles are auto-
`matically generated and initialized from-templates.
`0 Anomaly records: Generated when abnormal behav-
`ior is detected‘.
`ies :
`clude such entities as files, programs, messages, records,
`terminals, printers, and user— or program—created struc-
`tures. When subjects can be recipients of_ actions (e.g.,
`electronic mail), then those subjects are also considered
`to be objects in the model. Objects are grouped into
`classes by type (program, text file, etc.). Additional struc-
`ture may also be imposed, e.g., records may be grouped
`into files or database rel_ations; files may be grouped into
`directories. Different environments may require different
`object granularity; e.g., for rsomedatabase applications,
`granularity at the record level may be desired, whereas
`for most applications, granularity at the file or directory
`level may suflice.
`Audit Records are 6—tuples representing actions per-
`formed by subjects on objects:
`<Subject, Action, Object, Exception-Condition,
`Resource-Usage, Time—stamp>

`'0 Action: Operation performed by thensubject on or
`with the object, e.g., login, logout, read, "execute.
`0 Exception—Condition.' Denotes which, if any, excep-
`tion condition is raised on the return. This should be the
`actual exception condition raised by the system, not just_
`the apparent exception condition returned to the subject.
`0 Resource— Usage.‘ List of quantitative
`where each element gives the amount used of some re-
`source, e. g. , number of lines o.r pages printed, number of
`records read or written, CPU time or 1/0 units used, ses4
`sion elapsed time.
`_ 0 Time—st'amp.' Unique time/date stamp
`when the action took place.
`We assume that each field is self—identifying, either im-
`plicitly or explicitly, e.g., the action field either implies
`the type of the expected object field or else the object field
`itself specifies its type. If audit records are collected for
`multiple systems, then an additional field is needed for a
`system identifier.
`Since each audit record specifies a subject and object,
`it is conceptually associated with some cell in an “audit
`matrix” whose rows correspond to subjects and columns
`to objects. The audit matrix is analogous to the “access—
`matrix” protection model, which specifies the rights of
`: subjects to access objects; that is, the actions that each
`subject is authorized to perform on each object. Our in-
`trusion—detection model differs from the access-matrix
`model by substituting the concept of “action performed”
`A (as evidenced by an audit record associated with a cell in
`the matrix) for “action authorized” (as specified by an
`access right in the matrix cell). Indeed, since activity is
`observed-without regard for authorization, there is an im—,
`plicit assumption that the access controls in the system
`permitted an action to occur. The task of intrusion detec-
`tion is to "determine whether activity is unusual enough to
`suspect an intrusion. Every statistical measure used for
`this ‘purpose is computed from audit records associated
`with one or more cells in the matrix.
`)v— ‘
`an _
`ed j
`it— I
`ld 5
`:w .
`0 Activity rules: Actions taken when some condition is
`. satisfied“, which update profiles, detect abnormal behav~
`ior, relate anomalies to suspected intrusions, and produce
`The model can be regarded "as a rule-based pattern
`matching system. When an audit record is generated, it is
`matched against the profiles. Type information in the
`matching profiles then determines what rules to apply to
`: update the profiles,’ check for abnormal behavior, and re-
`port anomalies detected. The security oflicer assists in es-
`tablishing profile templates for the activities to monitor,
`but the rules and profile structures are largely system—in—
`The basic idea is to monitor the standard operations on
`-a target system: logins, command and program execu-
`tions, file and device accesses, etc., looking only_for de-
`viations in usage. The model does not contain any special
`i ‘features for dealing with ‘complex actions that exploit a
`known or suspected security flaw in the target system; in-
`deed, it has no knowledge of the target system’s security
`mechanisms or its deficiencies. Although a flaw—based de-
`tection mechanism may have some value,
`it would be
`‘considerably more complex and would be unable to cope
`= with intrusions that exploit deficiencies that are not sus-
`vpected or with pers0nnel—related vulnerabilities. By de-
`tecting the intrusion, however, the security oflicer may be
`better able to locate vulnerabilities.
`The remainder of this paper describes the components
`of the model in more detail.
`Subjects are the initiators of actions in the target sys-
`tem. A subject is typically a terminal user, but might also
`be a process acting on behalf of users or groups of users,
`, Or might be the system itself. All activity arises through
`. Commands initiated by subjects. Subjects may be grouped
`into different classes (e.g., user groups) for the purpose
`..of controlling access to objectsin the system. User groups
`‘ may overlap.
`Objects are the receptors of actions and typically in-

`Most operations on a system involve multiple objects.
`For example, file copying involves the copy program, the
`original file, and the copy. Compiling involves the com-
`piler, a source program file, -an object program file,’ and
`possibly intermediate files and additional source files ref-
`erenced through “include” statements Sending an elec-
`' tronic mail message involves the mail program, possibly V
`multiple destinations in the"‘To” and “cc” fields, and
`"possibly “include” files.
`‘Our model decomposes all activity "into single-object.
`actions so that each audit record references only one ob-
`ject. File copying, for example, is decomposed into an
`execute operation on the copy command, a read operation
`on the source file-, and a write operation on the destination
`file". The following illustrates the audit records generated
`in response to a command
`issued by usersmith to copy an executable GAME file
`into the <Library> directory; the copy is aborted be-
`cause Smith does not have write permission to <Li-
`(Smith, execute, <Library>COPY.EXE,
`CPU=OOOO2, 11058521678)
`(Smith, read, <Smith>GAME.EXE, O,
`RECORDS=O, 11058521679)
`(Smith, write, <Library>GAME.EXE, write-viol,
`. RECOHD—S=O, 11058521680)
`Decomposing complex actions has three advantages.
`First, since objects are the protectable entities of a sys-
`tem,-thedecomposition is consistent with the protection
`.mechanisms of systems. -Thus, IDES can potentially dis-
`cover both attempted subversions of the access controls
`(by noting an abnormality in the number of exception ‘con-
`_ ‘ditions returned) and successful subversions: (by noting an
`abnormality ._,i.n"the set of objects accessible to the subject).
`Se‘cond.,_-single-object audit records greatly simplify the‘
`model ‘and its application.~‘Third,- the audit records'pro—
`duced by existing systems generally contain a single ob-
`ject, "although some systems provide away of linking to-
`-getherzthe audit records associated with a “job step”
`(e.g., copy or compile) so that all files accessed during
`execution of a program can be identified.
`The target system is responsible forauditing and for
`transmitting audit records to the intrusion-detection sys-
`tem for‘-analysis (it may-also keep an independent audit '
`trail). The time at which audit records are generated de-
`termines what type of data is available. If the audit record
`for some action is generated at the time an action is re-
`quested, it isapossible to-"measure both successful and un-
`successful.attempts'to perform the activity, evenif the
`_, action should abort (e.g., because of.a protection viola-
`tion) or cause a system crash.f If it is generated when the
`action completes, it is possible to measure the resources
`consumed by the action and exception conditions that may
`cause the action to terminate abnormally ‘(e. g. , because of
`resource overflow). Thus, auditing an ‘activity after it
`jcomplefiééiabhhe advantage of providing more informa-
`V. PRoF1LEs
`An activity profile characterizes the behavior of a given:
`subject (or set of subjects) with respect to a given object
`(or set thereof), thereby serving as a-signature or descrip-
`tion, but the disadvantage of not allowing immediate de-
`tection-of abnormalities, especially those related to break-
`ins and system crashes. Thus, activities such as login, ex‘-
`ecution of high risk commands (e.g., to acquire special
`“superuser” privileges), or access to sensitive data should
`be audited when they are attempted so that penetrations
`can be detected immediately; if resource—usage .data are
`also desired, additional auditing can beperformed on
`. completion as well. For example, access to a database
`containing highly sensitive data_ may be monitored when
`the access is attempted and then again when it completes
`to report the number of records retrieved or updated‘. Most
`existing audit systems monitor session activity at both ini-
`tiation (login), when the time and" location of login are
`recorded, and termination (logout), when the resources
`consumed during the session are recorded. They do not,
`however, monitor both the start and finish of command
`and program. execution or file accesses. IBM’s System a ~ v
`Management Facilities (SMF) [2], for example, audit only ;
`the completion of these activities.
`Although the auditing mechanisms of existing systems
`approximate the model,
`they are typically deficient
`in ii
`terms of the activities monitored and record structures
`generated. For example, Berkeley 4.2 UNIX [3] monitors
`command usage but not file accesses or file protection vi— ,
`olations. Some systems do not record all login failures.
`Programs, including system programs, invoked below the 1
`command level are not explicitly monitored (their activity
`is included in that for the‘ main program). Thelevel at S
`which auditing should take place,- however,
`is unclear,
`since too much auditing could severely degrade perfor-
`mance on the target system or_ overload the intrusion—de-
`tection system.‘
`Deficiencies in the record structures are also present.
`‘Most. SMF audit records, for example, do not contain a —_
`subject field; the subject must be reconstructed by linking in’
`together the records associated with a given job. Protec— _
`tion violations are sometimes provided through separate
`record formats rather than as an exception conditionin a 1
`common record; SVM password failures"-at login, for ex-
`ample, are handled this way (there areseparate. records
`for successful logins and password failures)"
`, Another problem with existing audit records is that they
`contain little or no descriptive inforrnation to identify the
`values contained therein. Every r‘ecord‘typ’e has its own
`structure, and the exact format of each record type must
`be known to interpret the values. A uniformrecord format
`with self-identifying data would be preferable so that the
`intrusion-detection software can be system—independent.
`This" could be achieved either by modifying the software
`that produces the audit records in the target system, or_by
`writing a filter that translates the records into a standard

`a statistical metric and model. A metric is a’ random’ var-
`iable x representing a quantitative measure accumulated
`over a period. The period may be a fixed interval of time
`(minute, hour, day, week, etc.), or the time between two
`audit-relat_ed events (i.e., between login and logout, pro-
`gram initiation and program tennination, file openand file
`close, etc.), Observations (sample points ) x,- ofvx obtained
`from the audit records are used together with a statistical
`‘model to determine whether a new observation is abnor-
`mal. The statistical model makes no assumptions about
`the underlying _distribution of x; all knowledge about x is
`obtained from observations. Before describing the struc-
`ture, generation, and application of profiles, we shall first
`discuss statistical metrics and models._
`A. Metrics
`We define three types of metrics‘:
`0 Event Counter: x is the ‘number of audit records sat-
`isfying some property occurring during a period (each au-
`dit record corresponds to an event). Examples are number
`of logins during an hour, number of times some command
`is executed during a login session, and number of pass-
`word failures during a minute.
`M 0 Interval Timer: x is the length of time between two
`related events;
`i.e. ,
`the difference between the time-'
`stamps in the respective audit records. An exarnpleis the
`length of time between successive logins into an account.
`0 Resource Measure: x is the quantity of resources
`consumed by some action during a period as specified in
`the Resource-Usage field of'theia_udit records. Examples
`are the total number of pages printedby a user per day
`and total -amount of CPU -time consumed by some pro-
`gram during a single execution. Note that a resource mea-
`sure in our intrusion-detection model isimplemented as
`an event counter or interval timer on the target system.
`For example, the number of pages printed during a login
`session is implemented’ on the target system as an event
`counter that counts the number of print events between
`login and logout; CPU time consumed by a program as
`an interval timer that runs between program initiation and
`termination. Thus, whereas event counters and interval-
`timers measures events .at the audit-record level, resource
`measures acquire data from events on the target system
`that occur at a level below theaudit records. The Re-
`source-Usage field of audit records thereby provides a
`means of data reduction so that fewer eventsineedbe ex-
`plicitly recorded in audit records.
`B. Statistical Models
`Given a metric for a random variable x and n observa-
`tions xl‘,
`, x,,, the purpose of a statistical model of ‘x
`is to determine Whether a new observation x,, + leis abnor-
`mal with respect to the previous observations. The fol-
`lowing models may be included in IDES:
`1) Operational Model: This model is based on the op-
`erational assumption that abnormality can be decided by
`presumably, the limitsare detennined from prior obser-
`vations of the same type of va1iable.- The operational
`modelis most applicable to metrics where experience has
`shown that

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