Exhibit 2014
`E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. and
`Acher-Daniels-Midland Co. v. Furanix Technologies BV

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` Description
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`E2‘ .3.
`QCS calibration Acetic Acid (20bar Air)
`130 ‘
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`UPLC method
`Waters Acquity UPLC H53 C18. 2.1x10O mm. 1.8 pm
`0.2% TFA in Water and 50:50; ACN:MeOH
`3.5 p
`Injection volume:
`0.4 mllmin
`16 min
`Run time:
`Saccharine (measured at 250nm)
`lntemal standard:
`0.2"/o TFA in Water
`50:50: ACN:MeOH
`Injection mode: Partial Loop with needle overlill
`Weak Solvent wash
`90/10 Water/MeOH
`Strong Solvent wash
`10/90 Water/MeOH
`Column Temperature:
`UV detector
`Channel 1:
`Channel 2:
`270 nm — Bandwidth 1 2 nm — detection of furanics
`250 nm — Bandwidth 1.2 nm — detection of standard saccharine
`Collect 3D data
`- Range 190 to 400 nm step 1.2 nm
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`Reviewed by
`A 4
`Reviewed by

` Date/Initials
`Experiment '3
` Date/Initials
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`Reviewed by ..
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`Reviewed by

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`Reviewed by
`5030CD2K‘-'1kit: 3.
`CD0. 5'‘<

`Reviewed by
`. Date....
`Reviewed by

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