02;. United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Us 7,056,906 B2
`*Jun. 6, 2006
`'l‘Rl4IA'[‘MI~1N'l‘S FOR VASCUI.-AR
`John T. Strony, Lebanon. NJ (US)
`(73) Assionee:
`SCl1(‘.'l‘ln" Cor oration, Kenilworlli, NJ
`( * 1 Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`mm by 0
`This patent is subject to 21 lennina] dis—
`(213 APPL N0-1 10*’?-V6035
`Sap. 19. 2002
`Prior Publication Data
`US 200370119796 Al
`Jun. 26, 2003
`Related U.S. Application Data
`o1itinuation—in—part of application No. 107166.942,
`med 0“ hm’ 11= 2002‘
`(60) Provisional application No. 607324.118, filed on Sep.
`21, 2001‘
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`937 7“_‘”“f‘
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`12.-' 988 Kiiiiiinoio
`l.-" 989 '3?uoyer
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`989 Abramson
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`A6IK 31/56
`A6}'K .3},/7028
`AMK .3139?
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`514/210.02: 23125; 231170:
`Field of Classification Search
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