CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2089 - 1/39

`Lynne S. Garcia, Et'lt!ur (2003)
`11- mg Nachamktn, EdtttJi' tn (.lrrt=.f £2007) L50 J; ,-'-]l§_§Q["[{;ff_’5
`Lrm-,_.{_,,.5m_.. of p(;,;,1_T,_.g1.,,,.,fl gcymgg of
`Bruce A. Hanna, Ed£»‘,m_ (2007)
`New York Urtit.-'er.s't't_l-‘ .S't.‘!tool of
`Joseph B. Dornachowske. Editor (200?)
`Upstate Merliertl UItf1’t‘r'.Sil[l’
`H?}Z§fl.’E‘d1'-'0?’ (Elm?)
`Umt-ersnjtt of [..~f;grtita Healtli .5:t-‘stern
`V 3
`Rafi“ 1--_ MC(i0fVBfl- Etiifflt (-00?)
`Cillidftrfi s Hospnn! of Pltrludplphrrr
`Steven C. Specter. .€dr:oi-
`U;';f1.-g;;5'ff‘\.- fly‘ _5'@BmfiG_.mgRAfiY
`UN-_ ‘h-__-RSI-1-Y OF w13{'_;0N5]N
`.----n 1
`Maria E. Aguero-Rosenfeld (200?)
`Mauro Bendinelli (2006)
`'tl“[il'l J. Blaser (2007)
`Richard Calderone (2006)
`Angela Caliendo (2007)
`Tim L. Cover (2007)
`Robert W. Doms (200?)
`'k L. Eberhard (2005)
`Ornella F lore {"2006}
`Betty A. Forbes (200?)
`Mahmoud Ghannount
`Peter H. Gilligan (_-200'
`David L. Gordon (2001
`Paul S. Holfman (2007
`Ehbing Lautenhach (Bi
`Phillip D. Lister (2006
`Kieren A. Marr (2006)
`J. Glenn Morris (2006
`Anne Moscona (2006)
`James P. Natarn {EUIT
`Jean B. Patel (2007)
`*»''-~'' -’'~--“‘'—'“
`I‘ Erji
`.750 l-lirgh'-;_-r'i(.'
`.'\I';,'_‘_Ijl1";l'J;"l _
`i'IJ"L'i -iii} JIUTJ
`u u unnuu \:_\.n_.- r
`Samuel Kaplan. Chainttert, Pttblirtttfurts Btimd
`Linda M. Illig, Dnecrcit: Jottntois
`Yvonne Finnegan. Prodrrcriorr Editor-
`Clr’nit‘ril Mt.'ei'olJt'r)lo_t{t' Reviews Considetis_fttt’ptrbiiculiott hath .roit':.'itco' rrnri trrtsrilirjrcrl l't'1’f£’li-‘S and rtto:ir)grrrplt.t detrlirtg wt'.=‘!t all tt.rpecr.2:
`or cl'i'.I-ticrtl
`tttr'cr'(:l;-it;lrt_t{t-'. Munttscripts sltottld he strbntitted elet'tt‘0ttt't‘ail_t-' at 1raw.rrtpiciretticw.crmtrltlSM2.’t'mtl'ror.ltn.=tl. Prupo.\:t.=l'.s' anti’
`Cr‘-!'r‘t’.S‘_fl0!1(.i(?.'IC‘(? regttrrlirtg cditoifttl tnartem; .vl'tottlo" be tttirfrcssert to the Etiittir in Cltief,‘ inring Nmclrrmtkrrr. Depatfttttrrtl o,t":"rrrliu:‘o,_g\-’ &
`Ltrhorrrtory Medicine. Unit-'emTr_t-' of Pcnrt.t_t=lI'ni:itr .5'el’tool of l'li"e'r1ft:t}te, 4.5’: Hoar. Gttrot Btttidirig. .?4rm .‘ipmcr'
`:91... Pltilctrltslp.-‘tin. PA IFJIO-$-
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`CFAD V. Anacor, |PR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2089 - 2/39
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2089 - 2/39

`A Publication o_fIh€ Amenfcm-1 .S‘0c‘ir3ej= for Fvficv-0!.)fo!rJgv
`2005 Instructions to Authors .
`. . . . .
`. . .
`I-—] 1
`Safety of the Blood Supply in Latin America.
`and Jose R. Cruz.............
`Gabriel A. Schmunis
`S:m.=rm'.'rj1'.' .--'lppr‘uprfrm' .s'ei':3(.’rim: of drmm-.\-, arm: of .\‘m.s'.‘.'."i 1' _w:.:t'::ru'Hg .'c.\‘rs. mm’ me a,rr,r_:.-’.*'c'm."m:
`Ufa rrrtrirriarrwy tguarffly\'ur'um'.-c .sy.v:L*rr: mr e.9serm'm' In nm:‘mm'n rim .s‘a}‘i'?:}' ofrhc b!ur_.=d' mp,.r)i_-.-'.
`LEI!-1-‘.5. dcc're'L'.\'. rmnm; cirrd,-'01’."reguJ'rmmr.v ('01-'m':'.':g runs! :3)" ra'm'c rrspec‘.r.v o_,f'h.’rmc! :‘r:.*n‘.\'_fi:.\'.Er)H
`<=.u'.w in I (1 of Hu’
`3’ cu1mm'c'.9 in Lsmlrr Arricrriitai Hm: {arc r.-'19 smfijccr of rIu'.s' rzmieu’.
`In I7
`cumrrrie.v, thaw is an :'rr]hnJm:."0.': .\'_‘|.’.\'f€.P‘.—'F
`.*:‘mr. a!.'.":rmgh MEI! :'m‘mnp!c=.'£ (H':m' are im of,I‘Ec:}'.'!
`repm'!.s' on ugh-‘c!.'wa t’I’¢"!l:'.S and i::r;fa’em.s').
`iiifcm-'.s' us In u.\'mb{E.s‘h prug:'c.s'.s'
`.'r1.5.-dc on .'.:':c* .-;mm.s' of
`thc- bloat! su;'.:,m’__-.‘ s:‘uc'e I993.
`."|'f(J'.\'.I' mil-':rm'c.\‘ (Jr.-'gr':mrer! in m<'rea.s'ecJ'
`..¢w‘£*c'r1i.r1,L_,' c‘o1'emgc_f’0i'
`.‘;;,r’L*c:r.‘r;:r_\ :'!:'5m.9e_\' and harm q:rm"iI;.-' ¢Issu:'¢:m:.1:=. Hun-'m'¢':: in ZUKH I0 2003. mmmrf !7a’u(m*‘ array
`ha:-e mused frrji'c‘ricJr1.s' in F2 of fin’ 17 r0mm'f¢r..~‘.' rm uJum':_\‘ rmcI1m' {fie m.*rJr.’7¢=':' of donors‘
`Crux.-.‘:‘derm’ m1'cqtm.rc,
`1'. 9.. 5% of tin’ pupmhtiun. Io avoid bl-'30:.’ shmmgc.=s'. or (Ir.-c.'.I'w.m{ s:',r_.zrz{f"-
`."mm!}-' rhe .!i1£.i'H'bL’." of blood bmrkv. uErh:Jz:__1{h larger I:rJ'rmd banks .rH"r;' more ejficicrr! mm’ min"?
`:m'1-'m:mgr u_p":'c.'ur1mr:z'(.-.9 :3f"5'(.-ale. in r.’:r:.w:'_\'m.='.~'. gmid d:;m_)r.\‘ .~'Ii:’i" e.\.'r'.u':‘m’ in j'iJ:r:'ro:urr.I1'(?.\' um!’
`rep!ace=nm'rI dormrs mrrdr up 357,5’?-E. nfrhc-' blood (i'(!.I':‘('J.i‘.€
`in m:r):."::':‘c'ig:’u' ¢'.'::m.*:!.=':'(.'s. In cirhfifirm,
`('r:i.*m'rie's (fir! not J"(.‘pt'_i."‘! me rmnrber cJ_,r” 1-'r_:!unm:_1' donors 11-'11:": were r:=p:'ur r:"0Hm'.\'.
`.’mu':‘J':Ee.~:r (‘(.'1‘¢1*gr)."_i'. In .vp:'Ic' of ;)rr.1_:3rL'.5.s' n.=m1'e, rmnre iinpml-'enn'nr.v mt’ m'm'c*a'.
`Allergy and Dermatophytes.
`Judith A. Woodfolk .
`.5'rmrmm)‘.' Timzu pcdfs (u':I1!e'r:*'.\'fi.:r.:r_J cmr! m:_\-chr:;r:_wr;.i'i.s' (:'r:_,f'ccr:'c;w ofrJ're !m=m'u'J'.s‘J muxezc’ J'.!_\'
`the n’.r-_'.r'nmm!.-:h_1'n-' fmIgu.\- Tri'c.-’rup)‘:_y':r.m are .-‘-1ig!1!_\= ,.rJrm-'m’e:1! in m'{nZr:.'. Sci-':;'rm’ T:‘ic‘!'I<')p:"!_\-‘ir)H
`:"m1-'1-' hear: idwrrE_ffc=r1 bz.'.x‘vd rm e!:'cimr.-'.rJn ofmum.*.nq:;!o£m:’fH E rmrihurb‘-:aI£u'mI¢'eI'
`iinmediuru’-r‘r_w1(*mwxfrii-'r‘r_1‘ (TH) r€.\‘;.m.!i.5'c_\.
`.’;'1':'dc=m1' o_,r“:m c'ri::!0,;'i(' role _,fiw' T:‘:'::h:':ph_\‘rrm in
`('1 r.'rmim’d rm _J"iJh"r;11'r':ilJ,{ _:1;.r.r.;(.*
`CFAD V. Anacor, |PR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2089 - 3/39
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2089 - 3/39

`(L'otttt'aItea' _ii'om pr:-'c'c"fl'it1H J9“-‘-"-’
`in some sttbjects with iH anti c.'irt'ottic denttatopitytosis is pron-'ia‘c'a'
`n.-at'tiri.'_r to TriL‘itopit__\-‘tort. t'tttpro1't:tm.'ttt of asthma ofitfr sjvstetttic tttittfittigiti tt't’t.tfttlt’t1tt corrob-
`orates this iittk. A aaiqae feature of Tt'it.‘t'Iopitytort ailergeas is the abiiity oftite .samt.' tmtigett to
`aiicit dc'ia_vca'-t_}-'_ae it,\'_eJer3'attsiti1-‘it;-' (DTHJ it:
`it1a.'i1-‘idt.taiS who tack iH t'eactiviry. Deiayeri re-
`spoitscs appear to confer ptUi{.’t.‘fit}tI. witiia IH responses tio not. based on the a_\'sot‘iatiott with
`octtte l-'tI‘."'3£i.5‘ dtrottit‘ sicitt ittfi3t.'tiot1. The amino at.‘ia' seqttt:ttt.‘e itictttity of Tt'i£'iI0[_‘tit_}’i0tt aiietgetts
`with diverse t’tL‘;'j't?1t’fittttiii€S sapports a dual roia for t‘iIt.’St’ proteins in fitrtgai pathogenesis and
`atietgit‘ disease. Citat'actt't'izittg t/tr.’
`ittitmtttoiogic‘ properties of Tricitopitytott at'ietgatt5 and
`dcjfittittg itttmam’. mac.-'tatti.s'ta.s witicit (it‘i'l’é’ a’it‘iIotot?tott.s responses are pivotai to ttttderstattdittg
`titt’ a'ertmttopitytoattetg-' reiationsttip. Recent .s‘tLtdit.’S .-‘tare idettttfiari D7‘H-assoc-titted major
`T-yeti epitogttts which could fitciiitate the a‘eI.-eiopmcat ofp¢‘ptit1'i' vact.'iaes. Characterization of
`addtttonat motecttiar targets t‘);.-' axing new t‘£.*t,‘itttiqtt83 may aid ttot ottly in the eradication of
`ittfectiott but tIi.S‘0 ia the t'€$‘t_‘tittti0tt o,f'ait't'tgic svmptttttts.
`Aspergiiias Infections in Transplant Recipients.
`David L. Paterson .
`. .. .
`Nina Singh and
`itf_it.'C‘tt'OttS are occurring with an iticrettsiag fi‘eqaear_v ia rraaspfant
`Stttttttttit_\'.' Aspetgiit'a.'-‘
`recipients. Notabie t."itt.I‘ttg€S in the &}‘)i(iEtt1iOiGgit;’ citat‘aeteristics oftitis ittfertiott ital-'c tt('t.'ttt't'ea';
`thesis ittciatia a vintage in risk factors and tater ottsat of ittfbctiott. Mattagemeat of itwasive
`'s corttimtes to be citaiiettgittg. am! the ttzortoiitv rate. despite the ase of tteu-‘er
`attttfitttgai agattts,
`t‘t.'tmtttt.§' £ttI(tt‘{?t‘pifli)i_}-' high. Petjtonttittg motecttiat‘ studies to tiist‘t’t‘rt new
`targets for cmafimgat t2('iil'it‘_'.‘. id(‘ttiif|‘it!g sigtzaiiag patim-'a_vs that ma).-' be amettabie to imma-
`aoiogit‘ itttetwtitiotts. assessing (rombittatiot: regimens of aattfimgai agents or combining anti-
`faitgtti agettts with moa'az‘atioa of the host fit€fi.’ttS(’ mecitaaisttts. and devisittg diagttostic' assays
`that can t‘apidi_v and t'£‘:"iat'Jt'_\' diagnose ittfectiotts represent areas for future itll-'t:fSIigtIIi0t!S titat
`ttaty t'eaa' to _titrtt"i¢'t‘ itttprovetttertt ia oatr.'ome.s.
`Preventing Varicella-Zoster Disease.
`A. Gershon .
`Sophie Hamblet-on and Anne
`. . .
`. .
`thr.-' (.‘ttt.t.)'t.’ of"i:i1icket1po.tttati shingles. is a pathogen in
`5'tttmttatjr.' Varicciia-zoster rims ("I-"2'VJ.
`retreat foiiowittg the itIit't.t-.’ii£{.‘ii0tt of mass 1-'at:a:'ittatiott in the United States it: i995. The iivt.‘
`£tI'fe'.'ttttrtft’t'i Oka vactrittt-'_. witicit is so}? and itttotttttogetticr, gives good protection against both
`mt'it‘eiJ'a arm’ zosteritt the short to tt"t£’£iiLtt?l term. it has ttttciottbtediy been hig}ti_1-'eff'ec‘ti1-'9 to dart.‘
`in t't.'tt'acittg aii forms of I-’(tt'iL‘£‘iit.'t', e.9p£ci.aIiy seat-‘rt’ disease. HOWE!-‘c‘.t'. the itagi‘ pool of iateat
`wiid-tyloe virus it: the popttiation represettts a t‘otttittaittg titreat. Both the biotogr and titre
`epidt3tttioiog_\= of V2 I/disease sttggest titat new 1’t1'C‘(‘it‘tt'tiit)t1' strategies wiii be t‘£’(}‘ttit‘t.’ti over time:
`Pathway to Synthesis and Processing of Mycolic Acids in Mycobacterium
`Kuni Takayanla, Cindy Wang. and Gurdyal S.
`Besra .
`Sttmmatjv: M_1-*c’ot‘)ttctet1'tittt ttthettatosis is known to sytttht.'.s't'ze at-, tttctitm)-'-. and iceto-ttiycoiic
`acids. We _ot'oposa a detctiled patimuy to the bio.1'_wttiIe.ri.Y ofait tttyttllic acids in M. tabert'aiosis.
`Fatty acid sjrtitttetase i pttoricies C_ -S-I‘.‘t)IE.'t1Z_}-‘tt1(.':1 to the fittty acid syttthetttsc II system {F515-
`HAJ. Mo¢t'ttt't:s of FAS-ii-1' and FASJIB irttt'oa'ace (‘is tmsataratioa at two locations on a
`growing memaeiof ehaitt to _\-‘ieid titt’.‘,’-‘.’ dijferettt for.-as ofeis,ci.s—o'iattsattmttcd jatt}-' ttcids (ia-
`to o—.
`t?l'8ii‘t0.t}'-_. atta’ i(£‘I(1-t?t£’t't?{ICiCi.Y_}'. Titesa are tttt'ti1_vIittt.’d. am! the mature
`met'oacia'.\' and eat1'7o.1j-'iated C‘3,,—S-a¢‘_w' Cttt?‘i£.’i" protein r3t.=.ter iato titt.’ fiaai Cittisett-t_\;oc trott-
`tiattstttion with poi_vi<etitie .$‘_]’ttfitt‘tS£'—i3 (PA-513) to _viet'a'
`tttyc.oi_}'l-5-Pic3}'5’. We list camiitiate
`genes in iiit‘ genome etteottittg tits proposed cieitydrase and isomerase in titt: FAS-iL4 and FAS-
`HB motittic.s. We propose that tire prtJt:cr.s.sittg t1f'ttt_\*t‘rJiir acids begins by transfer ofatycoiic‘ acids
`from ttt_v:roI_vi-S-Pksi3 to o—matmop_vt'at'tosj-;i—i~pitrtspttotteptttptettoi to _\'i.-zio’ (i—O-m_\‘coi_vt-[3-t;-
`ttttttttttJ1|'.{\-'t'tlttIE)\:\'i-i-ftitofpitDi‘tC]_‘-'ittpt‘t?tt0i and ii1'(.'t‘t to treitatose 6-pitospitate to yield phosphor-
`_'.-'iatea' traizaiose t‘tlt)ttt)t?t}‘(‘Gittit’ tTMM—PJ. Pit0_\pitttit3tS£’ reicases the phosphate group to _\'ic*.id
`TMM. u-'itit‘t’t is inttnutiiatciy trtmspot'tt:ti otttside tire ceii by the ABC trattsportar. .-‘Itttigett 85
`their rcttttim-*t'.¢ the tmttsfer of a t1't_i'(‘Oi}'i grottp fiom TMM to the eeii wait ttrabinogttiitrtatt and
`Cottttrtaed on foiiowiag page
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`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2089 - 4/39

`,I,i-mp; p."t'L‘t‘i'z'il't_£_2 page
`in r_)tit('t' TMMs to praz't'ttre arabntagaiaetan-ntyeaiate and .'t’e‘ittti0St.’ a'itnyeot'ate_. re.spectivetfv.
`fist t.’ttttt;itdttte' genes in the genante that etteutie the Pi‘Oflt.t3{’£i ntyrah-'itt*atts;‘erases I and ti.
`plws_nt' and .-'lBC tratt.sparter. The enzvtnes within this tatat’ ,0rLi‘t’}'l'i1’fl‘_}’ are targets far new
`tirttg tii,s‘C(t'.'t’tj-'.
`Surface Proteins of Streptococcus agaiactiae and Related Proteins in
`Other Bacterial Pathogens.
`Gunnar Lindahl, Margaretha
`Stiilhammar-Carlemalnl, and Thomas Areschoug .
`. ..
`Snntnzary: Stt‘eptt.teot'r:tts ttgaia.-:tt'ae (group B Streptaeaeetts) is the rttajar cause of ittl-‘Elsi!-‘I’
`bacteria! t1i.settse, ineittdittg tneningitis. in the neanatai period. .-1 ititattgit prapit_vhtt?tit' measures
`have eurttt't'bttteti to a sttbstantia! t‘€£it.t(‘iitJt't
`in the ntnnber of ittfi3eti0n.s.
`tie:-'e.-'apmettt of ti’
`t'etnaitt.s an t'nt;nn'tant gaai. Whiie mach work in this fieid has _t"at.'ttsea' on the 5'. ag -
`iactiae po{v.sttc'ritaritie ctnisttie. which is an important 1-'irttiettt.'e factor that eiit'its pt'Ut‘t.-’(.?iiI'f'
`ittttttttttity, sttrftnre proteins have t'ec'ei1-‘ed’ inrrettsittg attetttian as potential ‘L—‘it1th?tt{‘E‘_fi?(‘f0t'S and
`raeeitte t'wttpartent_s. Here. we sttnttnarize ctarent knawietige about 3. agaiat’tiae sttrfi'ttt.‘e pro-
`teins. with etnphasis an prateitts that have been t;harat‘tet'izeti itnntttttaehetnieaih-' andtm‘ eiirit
`pt'oteetii‘e innnttnity in anintai ntutieis. These .stttj‘iat:e pt't)h‘.’itI.T have been inipt'icatc'tt' in inter-
`actions H-'t’th hnntan epithetiai eetts, binding in t'il‘tt’ttt"€iittt'ttt' ntatrix components. antttur evasion
`afhust inntiuntty. Of note. .sei-‘crat’ S. agaiactiae .5'tttj,hftt‘t.’ proteins are reiated to stnface proteins
`ithttttifieti in atiter haeter.-‘at pathogen.s', emphasizing the getterai interest (if the S. agaiaet.-‘ae
`p't'Ou’t’itt.'i‘. Beeanse some 3. nga.-’at'tiae snrfaee pnoteins eiieit protective intnnnn't_v,
`they hath‘
`prr_nnt'se as t.-antponettts in a 1-necine hasea’ on.-‘y an pt‘0i£’.ftt.\' or as eitrriets in ptJh'saceharide
`eunjttgate vaecitte.s.
`Mechanical Transmission of Human Protozoan Parasites by Insects.
`Thaddeus K. Graczyk, Ronald Knight, and Leena Tamang. .
`Stttttntmy: The )‘it'thj' t':reea't'ng habits, feeriittg meehantlsms, and inrh.serintinate tt'avet' between
`fifth anti jbati ntake sante gtvttps af sj.-'ttttt'ttitr0pit‘ ntseets stttah as nanbiting flies and track-
`rattc.'ite.s ejheiettt vecrtutzs afhtttnan enterit: pt‘U:’U.'-.‘Uttt'? parasites. Twentj.-'-one species ofjiith flies
`have been iisted hf.‘ regttiataty agencies (‘Ot'Itf't’t't.'t_’d with .sant'tatt'0n and pnbiic heaith as cattsative
`agents af_gas'ttvitttestitttti diseases based on s_\-'ttatttht'apy, t'ttdapitiiy. (’atttttttttti.:“atit-'e behavior,
`and strattg tttttaetiatt to fifth and human fiaad. Otttbreaks and cases offaad-borne diatrheai
`a’is'ett.s'e.s' in ttrbatt and rttrai aims‘ are t‘t'r)sei}-' t'eiatt.'ti to the seasattai int.‘t‘ease in abatniattce of
`fiitit jiies. and enfttrreti fly rantmi is eioseiy reiateti to rea'ttctiatt.r in the occttrrence of stteh
`ti-iec'itanieai tt'tItt.§'tttt.s‘.Sit3'tt of htnnan p£tt‘tt.§'i!t'3 by nottin‘ting_;‘t'ies anti epidentiaiagieai
`inroivenient 5}‘ ether synanthropie inserts in hntnan face.’-home diseases have not recreived
`atieqttate seienti_,fit’ attentitnt.
`Options for Field Diagnosis of Human African Trypanosomiasis.
`Francois Chappuis, Louis Loutan, Pete Simarro, Veerle Lejon,
`and Philippe Biischer .
`Stttntnatj.': Htnnan .‘{fi"iI:‘t.‘tt‘t (HA T) thte ta Ttypattasonttt btm'‘ or
`in. thudcs-it'ttse netnains htghty piewtient in .se-.-enti nirai areas afsttb-Sahat-att A,fiit'a and is
`iethai i,i'ic'ft ttntt‘eatett'. Titet'efi9re. ttt‘t‘ttt‘ate it.-'tt?i.i' are ai)st'titttt't'}' t‘€qniretifiJt'fieiti diagnosis. Fat"
`T. b. gantbiense i‘L—iT. higiti}-' settsit.-‘re tests are H1-'ttii£tbi(’_fOr serotagit’at st.'t‘Eettit1g bat
`sensitivt'ty ofparttsitttiogtcat eonfit‘.ntatar_y tests rentatns in.sttfiicietrt and needs to be nnprau-tea‘.
`Stsreenittg _,|‘bt' T.
`thudesiettse i!.ifi?L'ii0fl stiii reiies on eiinieai features in the absettee at
`.s‘ertJhJgieat’ tests m'aiiabt’e jar fie.-’n‘ ttse. Ongoing resetnrh is opening perspeetil-’e.s fin‘ it new
`gettenttimt affietti diagnostics. Aisa £’SSr3t1ii(ti_;‘iJt‘ both fianns afH,-I T is accurate tietemtittatiatt
`aftite dtlsmse .stage iJEc’tttt.St’ afthe high toxicity oftneiarsoprai, tire dntg ntost witieiy t.t.sett’ dating
`the t1etrt't:;»iugiettt' stage of the iiiness. Recent stmiies have eonfirtneti the ht'g.-'1 flC{'itt'ti'{'_‘i=' of raised
`itttt?ttttttJg.i0iJttiitt M ieveis in the eet'ebr0spintti}‘ittit! fat" the staging of}". b. gatnbiettse HA T, anti
`a prantising sintpie assay (LA TEXiigMi is being tested in the field. Apart front the urgettt need
`fiat better tools for the fieiti diagnosis afthis ttegieeted disease, itttptvi-'ett' access ta tiiagnosis and
`treatntent far the papttiatiun at risk t1’tJ'tttit'l'.)‘ the greatest eitaiietig: for the (ranting jteatts.
`COiifi.F1i{(’t'i an faitowittg pttgc
`CFAD V. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2089 - 5/39
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2089 - 5/39

`('.'mitiirm'i! _y’i:.iiii pi"("{'['('l'u‘-i!'_I3 pi.=,::i‘
`and Automated
`Enterobacteriaceae and Other Aerobic Gram-Negative Bacilli.
`Caroline M. O’Hara .
`In-' c‘0ii1=eiiri0imi'
`Siiiiiiiriiijw In’w'ir1]it’i:iir3ii qf_gi'iiiii-iieg:iriI't* biicifli. ham [’iif{’I'fL' and iiuiierin'i‘i'C,
`i2ien'ir:id.a' is :10! reiH'i.9Ii¢‘ for cl'i'm'c‘al niirrobioirigv !ah0i'ii.'m'ies ptrijforniirig miiriiie (.'i:Ii‘iiri’s in
`.'oii:i_\-".s- n'oi'i'i'i'. The rm’ of ('wiiineri.“iiii kits. eitim‘ mcmuai or iimoiricircd.
`in icl'emi,fi= .'ht'.ce
`m};ir.r'ii.mis is ii u‘_'iJi'J'l'mUH ppm.-ii'r.‘i-'. The rm“.-‘trrir 0j‘ri2;Ji'd or "spot" !e.~;!iiig hm‘ i=iir:+iimii‘ea' the need
`fill" some c‘rJi7iiii0i1{1-' i.mirm'd mgrmism.-5' in he id'eiir.ffim' with the .S‘_‘i’.S‘ft’i‘?i'.§' approach. Commer-
`cim’i_y-' iimiiiibie sf.-'.w'eiii.s prm=ii."t’ J‘?'I{}‘?'[’ i'ii—a'epiii r'di'ri!i]‘im.'ion to the spi:(.‘ie.s' :'e1'.<:i in mail as detect
`iicir mm’ imii.~riizu' sfriiiiis. The am’:-1-'irr.$ nbIiiiiier.’_f;5'0.m i.’ie.\‘t' .s}'sreim may not nit:-'a_\-ts‘ be £‘w?‘(f(.'£
`um! iHI{.I‘i‘ be iiri(*r;i.ii'crrt=il' with i‘aiia'i'm:. The pi'ir.t’i.*m’ dc:-n0gi‘apJ'ri(‘.r. Iriborrirwjv wor!'(i'iJim' and work
`fltm-'. min’ !e'i‘iiiir)f0gi's.'T.v .s'kii! lei-vzis .vl'mii."a' iIi:':‘ai‘e I.-’ze .s‘_1i-wimi ofiriioii-L‘. Casi‘ r.'mrsiiit'i'aii0ns
`iii!i'o-ciiice ru'ii;iiie'r 1-'ririiib."i'* into the eqiiarirm n[fi't.'1ii:g admire. Each .\'_I.=srem J'm.a' its own .9ri'erIgrIis
`and M-'e:ikiic.s'.se.9_. and mic)‘: Iiiborairiiy iirim‘ dr'i?io'e on dis Jet-‘cf o__F5(;_r)Iiisrimriun I!'1ar_fiiifill's its
`_m:rnri't‘i:Iiii' iicm':.'.
`Pranab K.
`Combination Treatment of Invasive Fungal Infections.
`Mukherjee, Daniel J. Sheehan, Christopher A. Hitchcock. and
`Mahmoud A. Ghannoum
`(i_,-";'iigii ni:Jrl'Jii."iry and J:+mi‘.tnIir_1-'_,v‘i'om .s'}'.m'riii{' fiingui iiiftwioiis
`Siiiiimm}-'.' The pei'.s‘f.\'£{*m‘t'
`despite fire i'i1'iziz’ribi.«’ir_3-' .::fmm-kl‘ iiii.*i}'tiiigzii.s' p(.=iiiI.s to die neon’ for ejfirzcrfl-'.:= rmimmu s.'i'afcgics.
`Tmsimmii t.y"i‘.«:1‘‘:'ia _fimga!' iiifc'i‘!iom‘ is r:g,(ir¢.=ii hmripcred by dmg Ia1.‘i1‘it_v, roierzibiiii}-'. am!
`.s',«Jui‘i'}ic'i'r_v i.':.siim‘. rim! added mm,«)i'ic'tiIii1ii.tufim arise dirt? to the fritrk ofditigiiusriir rests am'.-' to
`.-‘remnmit c0iiipl'c'.\‘iri'es. Con'ibi'nnrir)ii
`.I'hei‘ii_.-.1_'.* iim‘ been siiggiu'r.«:d as ii p03.s'i'b:’e :ip;)mmfh (0
`iiriprovc rm1!iiiei1: rmrt'r:im.‘.
`iiiix ortide, we iiiidwrakir :1 i'1iSi‘uric’iil' rm-’i¢'w of sriiiiies of
`mi:ibim'i.rir.m Hicmpy mic! i2:".\‘u fi‘J(_’tf.$' on I1‘.-'(.'t=.'H.l' smdies i'ii1-'0l'I*r'ng iieu-'.{\' approved onrifiiiigrii
`i:g(4iiis. The Iimimriom .mn‘oiiim’iiig iiirrifiiiigtii t‘rmibiiimi0ri.s iiidiide rioiiiiinjhmi .iriri.*rpr::raIi0r:
`r:'ir:.'riri. imihi!i:'_1'mpri'dic'iIii:-fikdiiiooii of diiiimi .\'iic'i‘t'.s'.s'. sirniri 1'ai'iabili{\‘, imd wiiicirioiis in
`pl:mmricriciwmmi't',r’p.".=rm:ir:i‘m1‘i.=ii'!.=‘ic pi‘:7;.:er'ri'e.s of iii:i‘ifiiiignis' iised in t‘onibii'im'irm. The issiie
`of .-imagoii.-km bi.*i‘w(ri:ir ,r_iiJif1*wic'.-; imd riznirfx is beginning :0 be .'.iz!ci'i'e3'5eo". hm iimo rc'gmIIii'ig
`nrfm‘ a".r'ii__£: comhimuiorix are not aifirigiiiire for us to ifriilv dtffififre ccmciiisioiis. However. recon!
`dim: imve ii.ieiirifim" pcirciiiriirily iiwfii! combinriri0ii.s‘.
`.S'mi:dui'di2'.<iriim of t1.3’.S{J'_!-' ineriiods imd
`o(.lr)prioii ofi‘rJmiiir)ii irirerpi'eri11s' (.'r'irL'n'ri cm’ essei-iriiz.’ to at-via’ discrc_:Joncies bt'f11'een dfljiE’r'eii£
`in I-firo sriiilibs. LflJ'}.,'t.‘.F‘
`i'.'.«'iiii'c‘ii{ rriiiiv rm’ !i.{’('dL‘ti to i2ssc.s‘_s w)'Ic>n’i(-r curnbirrarion .'herii_:;j' im-
`.s'm1'i1-'iil' mid Irwrnic-‘iii ri.:m'e::me iii the mm‘: st=rioiisi_1-' t‘iiei;iiiIared pniierirs iIfii'ic'.'ed H-irii
`J'ifb—riireiircniii_:_: fiirigiii ii1f5'i"rioii.s'.
`Bacterial Contamination of Blood Components.
`and Shauna N. I-lay. .. .
`. ...
`Mark E. Brecher
`.S'iiimi1my.' Sivan’ _f.'9r I.='aii.s‘fiisi'nn is a ponaiiiirii .\‘a:mrr.'i: o_,-"iii__i'eriiiJii by it 1-'m"ic{v of kimwn and
`iinkmm-'n mmi_~'inis.s'ibie iigeiirs. 01'¢.-r the .’ii.s‘! 20_1'e¢ii:9', mromiding i'ei!iicli0i1.\' in fire risk of I-'im.-'
`iii)‘J:'crii.'i:i viii ¢'i!{rJgz'iic*ic’ bibud have bee-‘H iiciiiet-‘mi.
`.—'l.s' ci resiifr rJ_,f'Ii'ii.~‘ .mt’ces's. 1';-iicreriiii con-
`riiriiiniirimi of hIrJwi pmdiicrs {iris (‘nit-‘rgcmf as the gri'ofe.\'r m.s‘idu(ii' source of rrai:sfii3icm-
`Irmi.s'iiiii.'c‘ii iii.vt’(.'si'. This paper 5:'immm'i:e.v rm’ £‘m1'£’."Ie' mi.-‘its of dereiflirm, pit’:-'t=inicm, and
`e:’i'i:iiri.£iriur: ufbiiiwriii in blood pi‘uu'm'!.§fbr ii‘mi.sfii3i0iI.
`Secondary Syphilitic Lesions.
`Robert E. Baughn and Daniel M.
`[’(.’."’z':_\-' }ii.s‘r0ri¢'a( m:‘C0i£m'.§’ is thin in
`.S‘.Iimn1¢irjI-'.' /In iiirporfriiii rifienic rho: t‘.‘i??£‘i'_'_Q'{.'.\‘ fi'r_m.-
`ii¢l'u'i'.'iuir to ri.-i' :'ic’r'rc*ii.\‘m' 1'ii'iiii*m‘i-' of }'}'eprJm*rrii1 piifliiiiim. Hit‘ iiirir2’c'rice i‘{f'si!rniidii.-j_\'.sj.1nhi!'is
`hm‘ ri'e¢'i‘ei.isei! zii'ri.n‘icm"(1-' U1-‘r_’I‘ the past three ceiimries. Even in tin’ eiiify 2().=‘iz ccrzimjv.-'. mos;
`.s}'_m'iiz"rJi'o_;; 11-wt’ q;"!Iie r)pim'tm firm‘ the di.\'{.’rI.5'L’ had iii-idvrgcliir‘ i'}iangr*.s' in its iiinrziife.-;rorii?i'is
`isimi iiiiri rim ll’('."£’ rhrir.-’iiig with an iire‘eiiiiii!c*(I_j'i:nii of this _spiivc’ixe*re. Sm)‘: ripiiiirms It-‘i"l"£’ briwii
`C‘mrrirlinrd on fcifioli-mg piige
`CFAD V. Anacor, |PR2015-‘O1776 ANACOR EX. 2089 - 6/39
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2089 - 6/39

`If 'm::.-mm! [mm prwudirrg pugs
`p.ri.rm:ri{}' on £he'ob.ser1:ario.-1.9 H10! vfoienr cmmreom‘ .-z*ac‘iio:13 arzdfarafiries usscm'ar€d wit,-'1 Ike
`.s‘eL'rmdm_1‘ srage had becorrre citrmrrefy rare. The rare afprrkrrary and .wcomIar_1.’ :1-pltiifs in the
`U:r.-‘red Smrcés frrcrmsm‘ in 2002 _,r‘br the .'i(‘('UHd con3ecm:'1'a:' _1-rm‘. Afinzrr ("J dccm'c—IarIg dc.-dine
`Hm: (ed :0 an m'.'I—.f.fme few in 2000.
`I310 !‘L’|I'L’flI
`tram‘! is miriburabfe. I0 :3 {urge arrem, by an
`increase in n:p0r.'ed s_'.-'p."n'{i.¢ mses mncmg fl"l'{’JI. panicm'ar!_y .’1om0sc{rLraI and bistirurd men
`311:1-mg Sm‘ :1-M: men. The present rm'£c1I.’ z:u':."rc*s$e:.'
`.'."n-3 cfirrirrui and a'iagno.s'£fc‘ criteria for rim
`r:-rc:0g:u‘I:'0r1 af.s':rr;0r.=r!m3' qvpirfiis, the c!:'niL‘rII cmtrzvc and urcrnijtsraiiorrs ofrhc disease rfxiifou-‘ed
`to proceed pus: rite primmjn-' stage c:r_)"a':'se(.'.-.'€
`in mm'm.rcu' irmdilricilrrafic. :1na'r!1u rremmem for rJ'1i.u‘
`fltfgi‘ ufr.-‘re rJ':'_vc¢7.w.
`Update on Human Herpesvirus 6 Biology, Clinical Features, and
`Leen De Bolle, Lieve Naesens. and Erik De Clercq. .
`S'mnmmy.' Hmmm !'rer;nea‘1*fn:s 6 (HHV-6) is 5: bcraIr¢*rp.:m'ir'us rim! is vftismfi-'n*{¢1.'c'd I0 ."mmun
`(.'}-Tomegaiat-‘.".'1is. h was df5't'o1'r:r(.'u" in 1980. rmd HHH6 .-Werarwt’ has -iugaamrlcd c(m.w'd¢'.I‘.5tbly in
`the” pas.’ I U _1'etm. Hi’ here pf‘t'.';‘t'H'.' rm up-to-rt'm‘e and <.”(m:pJ.'r,'.-‘c’ 01-’an':'ew of the recem rJ'e1’e!op-
`mwifs r:rJm‘£!r:2fng HHV-6 bmlogicwlferircws, clirricul r2.s'.mc‘i(t!fom. and £hempeurf::' tii'ppi"r)fl(‘J'1{.’.\‘.
`HHI-"'0' gem‘ e_rpre5.a'iw'1 re‘3j<’¢r4":iri(JrI am! gwrc producu’ hurt‘ bL’L‘J'I s_1'.s'Ic':rr::rictI:’:fi= c'!i(::‘aC.rer:'zerd.
`amt’ the r1:m'rip.-‘rs im.<::'aCri-1J:1s b:"m':':'n HHV-(J and rim.-'10.?! fi'?i!?IIUlt‘ s_1,-‘.\':‘¢’m hm'e been e.r,r)lored.
`Morem-‘er. rim d:'.§-:‘r)1=c-aj.’ of the reHu(':'rr p"L’('(‘pf0l" for HHI-'56. CD-"I6. has died :1 mm-' lighr on
`HHl”—6 £93! n'opf.v.=n. Fm', NH.‘ in 1-‘frro irxrcrmtrions be.r11=¢’eu HH'V~6 and other t’.r'r:.'.ms',
`pc2m'::.'m'ar{}' Immsm immur10u't{ffcie:tLjv vfrm. and rfmii‘ mist-'u::c’c' _,'i9:' Nu’ in 1—':'1-'0 .-;:'rmm'0n any
`discussed. as I-1-‘elf as me n'ar1sm'rft':rIr'ng c‘ap.:tL'£r:'t?.-; of'3e1'L'ra! HH1--'-ri prorems. Tire fm‘igJ':.-‘ mm
`the Minion!’ spcnrrmr of H'HI«"—f1 is s.':'H e‘1'0h.'frrg arni. apcm from being rec0g::.":c*d as R nmjor
`pmhogm in rraixspfcrrtr mc:'p:'e.-:rs (as £t1‘¢'nt;)iffi(?d by the r:'.singJ1u:nI;er of pr‘os,-1m‘:‘i1*€
`srt.rrt':'esJ. its role in ccmrm' m.=n-‘(ms .gvs.'enr di.9ca.\‘t’ has become r'::crmsmg{'.‘ apparem. F."m.u’z’__\-'. we
`present an o1*en'r'eu-' offlserupetrrfr r;pr£on3 for HHI-"-6 !a"rcmp_v (in.=:h:rJ'fng .Inade.s' :Jf'm‘r."m1 arm‘
`r'csisrmn'r.' rncchrmisnrsj.
`CFAD V. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2089 - 7/39
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2089 - 7/39

`l\-1|t'l{:_Jl§lU|_f.It-Y R1-\-H ws. Jun. 2iIIt_-1, p_ |h_'t—iUJ
`U N‘,
`mil3—i~'."~|_.lJ5-'$llH.l|ll+-It Llni:lU.|I35-’Cl\IR.IR.l_lh3—i‘}-i,3lil}5
`jtltri. Amcrimn Society for Micmhiolng_\: All Rights Rcscr~.'ct.l_
`Combination Treatment of Invasive Fungal Infections
`Pranab K. Mukhcrjee.' Daniel J. Shech.'-111.3 Christopher A. Hitchcock?
`and Mahntoucl A. Ghannoun1'“‘
`("(*.utt'r fin‘ .-'l-i(’rt'it‘o1' M_t-'t‘t:Jt'(.{t{\'. Cost’ I'I"::‘.’.§'I(’t'Ii Rt'.\'t.’r1’t3 Uttit-'er'.\'it_t' mm’ Um'1-'cr.\'."t_t-' Hr:.\-,t;irui_s‘ of C':'.'€l‘t(*{.I. Ct'et't’itntt't'.
`()i:in': Pfizer‘ Gt'ohn! Pitt.'mitn.'cmi(:m’.\'. P_fi2e.=' ."m.'.. Nt'u'
`i"or!<. Nun-' }"w'k3: swat’ E,-.'pJ'omto:)' D;"I't*1o_wt:t'i:t.
`.I’_fi:r:'.I' (7i'uImt' Rcsem-cf: cl
`.S'r.'miwict'r Lt.=bor'moi‘i¢‘s. Snim’n'ia::!i. L".=n'.'ed lfiiigrioriii
`IN COMBINATION ..................................................................................
`Fractional inhibitory concentration index..
`Response surface-modeling method
`Time-Kill Method
`Epsilometcr Strip Test
`Dual Combinations in the Practice Guidelines for Candidias .
`Dual Combinations in the Practice Guidelines for Cryptococcosis ...... ..
`Dual Combinations in the Practice Guidelines for Aspergillosis and CoccidioirIom_vcosis
`ANTIFUNGAL COMBINATIONS AGAINST C.-INDIDA SPECIES ........................................ ..
`Establishetl Antifungal Agents in Combination
`Ampbotericin 8 plus fluconazole against cnmIidiasis..
`(ii) In vivo studies ................................................................
`{iii} Clinical
`.................. ..
`Ampltotericin B plus 5-Iluorocytosine: in vitro studies ......
`Amphotericin B plus 5-fluoroc_vtosine plus fluconazole: in vitro studies.........
`Amphotericin B plus Huconazole in sequential combinations against candidIas1s..
`Flnconazole plus 5-fluorocytosine against candidiasis..........................................
`ti") In vitro stuclies....
`(ii) In vim stuclies....
`{iii} Case reports..........................
`Newer Antifungals in Combination...
`Voricnnazole combinations
`{it In vitro studies............ ..
`{iii} Combination with 5-fluorocytosine or amphotericin B against systemic candidiasis in
`intnlunocompetent guinea
`Caspoftlngin cornhinations
`Fluconazole plus terbinafine combination against candidiasis: case reporl......
`Established Antifungal Agents in Combination ...........................................
`Fluconazole plus 5-fluorocytosine against cryptococcosis......
`ii] In vitro studies .......................................................
`(ii) In vivo and clinical studies
`Antpholericin B plus fluconazole against cr_\'[Jtococeosis.... .............
`(ii In vitro
`iii] In vivo studies....................
`...................................................................................................... ......l78
`Newer e\nti|'unga|s in Combination. ......
`Triazoles in combination ..............
`..... “I78
`Ii) In vitro
`l\«1;tiling :Idt.1russ: Center for Mctlical My-
`' \ author.
`Ctlllo '\'. llupartntunt cit" lJcrinalo1og'\-. Cast: Western Rem-.'r\-'c Univer-
`‘itI_\ mt! L.lni\'crsit_v I-Iuspitals of Cleveland. lliilli Euclid Avt-..
`5ll3."-'— CIt:\-'t_‘ii'tIlt'J. CJII -l-lltlfu-‘SIJEH.
`I-‘hone: [Elm H44-R:'18tJI. Fax:
`344 .|l7n. E-mail; maI1nmtn;1.gl1an1ioL1nttocasc.t;tiu.
`CFAD V. Anacor, |PR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2089 - 8/39
`CFAD v. Anacor, IPR2015-01776 ANACOR EX. 2089 - 8/39

`C-t.t.\'. M t('aou1oL. Rex.
`iii] In vivo
`Echinocandins in combination.............
`Established Antifungals in
`Amphotericin B, triazoles. and S-fluurocytosine against .-l.s'pt-rgit't'u.s and Fusa.rt'um:
`in vitro and in vivo
`u.u.-nunnun-n...... .. u... .. u.
`.. u. u. u. . u. u . u u on o u
`illosis: L tnttal studies........

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